Heavenly Father give me a desire to know you more fill me with an allc consuming Longing To Be Blessed by you Lord give me a Divine and holy appetite an appetite that longs for you more than my body needs bread and water help me to hunger and thirst for you intensely Jesus Jesus you are the bread of life and the living water from whom all blessings flow let me always be seeking you walking with you growing in you don't let me settle for anything less than your glory revealed in my life I know you are
capable of great things and Lord I want your power to be displayed in my life not because I deserve it but because I long to have a Divine experience with you I long for the world to see how great you are Lord I know that like Jacob I am powerless in your presence I know that I'm unworthy to stand before a pure and true God such as you I have nothing to bring no chips to bargain with all I have is faith faith that you will bless me faith that you are going to bless my
family Lord I trust and believe that all good things all blessings they come from you they come out of the riches of your grace and the kindness of your character so give me the patience and endurance to wrestle with you in faith when everything in my life is going wrong when I'm in a season of dryness when I'm frustrated with the ways of the world help me to wrestle Lord and continue to seek you your word in Luke 11: 9-10 say and I tell you ask and it will be given to you seek and you
will find knock and it will be open to you for everyone who asks receives and the one who seeks finds and to the one who knocks it will be opened God I pray that I would ask seek and knock with humility recognizing my position before a holy God lord I don't come to you with a list of Demands but I submit to your will in all things let your will be done and I believe just as your word says no eye has seen and no ear has heard nor the heart of man imagined what God
has prepared for those who love him Lord may your will be done in my life have your way King Jesus and touch my life father make your presence known move in a might Mighty way and displace everything Unholy that I'm connected to this includes any friends that don't respect you every habit that doesn't honor you every Idol that threatens to take your place in my life Lord I count these all as loss when compared to the surpassing worth of knowing Jesus Christ God help me to boldly approach your throne confident that you will hear me
because Christ has interceded for me and atoned for my sin it's all because of him that I can come before you now forgive me if I've been impatient I know that I can be so shortsighted at times but Lord help me to persevere help me to see that you're always working and as you do may I pray without ceasing wrestling with you until the day breaks thank you Father for hearing every prayer and for pushing me to become a more patient more obedient more devoted follower of Christ it's in Jesus name that I pray [Music]
amen dear God I thank you for being there I thank you for being present you are Jehovah shama and you have been there lovingly and patiently waiting for me to answer to the knock of Christ Lord I Thank you for being there for me always you have been there during the darkest moments of my life when I thought I was down and out and although I couldn't see it at the time in hindsight I give you praise and I thank you Lord Jesus because you held me together you gave me strength 2 Corinthians 4: 8-9
say we are afflicted in every way but not crushed perplexed but not driven to despair persecuted but not forsaken struck down but not destroyed this is my testimony Lord you've been there you've held me close so that I would not be crushed by life you've held me close so that my mind would not be driven to despair you Lord have been there during my most difficult moments and Lord for that I am grateful I'm grateful because you have never forsaken me Lord I Thank you for always being present for always being there and for loving
me even before I love loved you father you loved me even while I was still lost in sin and for that I'm forever grateful God I thank you and I praise you for being my shield and my defense whenever the enemy tried to attack me thank you for being present King Jesus and for being my refuge and my protection your word says in Jeremiah 2 9:13 you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart Lord this is my heart's desire to find you to have an encounter with you to
feel and be changed by your presence Lord God Almighty you inhabit the Praises of your people and so we praise you we praise you and we invite your presence into our lives fill our home with your glory fill our hearts with your love as our hearts cry and long for your presence may this prayer be like a sweet Aroma a sweet fragrance that reaches your heavenly throne and invites you to move in our lives father God our trust is in your promise the one you made in Isaiah 65:24 where you say before they call I
will answer while they are yet speaking I will hear Lord we believe and hold on to this promise because we know that you are a God who hears and you are a God who answers father help me to understand that your ways are not like my ways your timing is divine your timing is perfect and so Lord in the fullness of your time I really do believe that you will answer my heart's cry I believe that you will show up and I believe you'll make a way in your perfect time I believe you already have
a solution ready made for me you are already in my future with an answer for every single concern that I have and so I praise and honor you in psalm PSM 28:7 it says the Lord is my strength and my shield in him my heart trust and I am helped my heart exalts and with my song I give thanks to him Lord you are indeed my source of strength and an impenetrable shield against the enemy my heart trusts in you King Jesus with un wavering confidence in him it's in you that I find help refuge
and rest it's in you that I find peace and comfort and so father I pray that you would hear our prayer may your presence be with us may it dwell Among Us Lord I bless your holy name and I thank you for hearing this prayer in Jesus name amen Lord you are worthy to be praised and honored Lord we desire your presence we are praying and seeking for your presence I pray that the Holy Spirit would teach us to be diligent in prayer your word in Matthew 26:41 says watch and pray that you may not
enter into temptation the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak teach us to pray holy spirit so that we will not fall into temptation even though our flesh is weak I pray that you would strengthen us Empower us to fight and pray I pray that you would light a fire within my soul light a Fire Within my spirit so that I would be persistent in prayer as I seek the presence of God Lord in your presence there is fullness of joy at your right hand are Pleasures forever more Lord I desire to experience
the fullness of joy that's in your presence as the psalmist said at your right hand are Pleasures forever more this is my desire Lord to experience the pleasures at your right hand and not the fleeting pleasures of this world I understand that to be empowered as a Christian I need your presence Lord to be filled with joy I need your presence to experience peace and rest I need your presence King Jesus and so I pray Lord Jesus may your presence be so evident around me that even unbelievers will be able to see the supernatural Joy
the supernatural peace and protection which is upon my life and it's all because of you I seek your presence Lord because there is safety Psalm 31:2 says in the cover of your presence you hide them from the plots of men you store them in your Shelter From The Strife of tongues your presence protects me from every evil plot that can be set out against me it Shields me from all the negative words spoken against me there is power in your presence almighty God and I desire for that power to be upon my life so my
prayer today Lord is that you would hide me in the secret place of your presence I pray that I would abide in your presence where no evil can approach me but instead I am blessed to fellowship with you day and night I pray that you would create in me a clean heart oh God and renew a steadfast Spirit Within Me Lord I Thank you for the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus which purifies me from all sin and unrighteousness I thank you that through the Holy Spirit I have access to your wonderful presence you
alone Are Holy and worthy to be praised I thank you that through the blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I can now approach your throne with boldness and confidence I thank you that there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus I bless your holy name and I am also grateful that through the Holy Spirit you make your presence available to me anytime and anywhere may your name name be lifted on high and glorified in Jesus name I pray [Music] amen saints of God one of the pillars of faith should be the word of God
forget the praise and worship music put aside the doctrine and Theology and focus on God's word God's word should be the starting point and I really want you to understand the power that is in the word of God Matthew 24:35 says Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away take a moment to understand that heaven and earth as we currently know it will pass away someday they will be no more but God's word God's word will remain and stand forever Hebrews 4:12 for the word of God is living and active
sharper than any two-edged sword piercing to the division of soul and of spirit of joints and of marrow and Discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart I want you to never take the word of God for granted it lives it has power it's sharp it cuts through a person right through to the deepest parts of our nature exposing and judging the very thoughts and intentions of the heart when you pray with God's word you're speaking a word that has life into your prayer it becomes effective so should you be wondering how to make your
prayers more effective use the word of God God is his word and the word is God this means that his word has the power to defeat evil it has the power to defeat Satan the Bible is in a spiritual sense alive this is why the devil will do all that he can to prevent you from spending time in God's word because he knows that it can transform you it can Empower you it can pierce your heart and challenge you concerning the sin in your life the devil will fight you tooth and nail so that you
will never reach a point where you are consistently reading and studying the Bible so be aware of this fight against this the Bible tells us that faith comes through what not prayer not praise and worship but through God's word God's word plants living seeds in your heart and so as you hear me I encourage you to take God's word seriously it has the power to keep you pure according to Psalms 119 verse 99-1 the Bible reads how can a young man keep his way pure by guarding it according to your word with my whole heart
I seek you let me not Wander from your Commandments I have stored up your word in my heart that I might not sin against you God's word has Authority it can teach you correct you and train you because 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says all scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching for reproof for correction and for training in righteousness that the man of God may be complete equipped for every good work now let us pray dear Lord I Thank You For Your Precious word your word saves your word gives life your word s
sanctifies and it protects and I pray that your word would always be hidden in my heart Psalms 23: 1-3 say the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he makes me lie down in Green Pastures he leads me beside Still Waters he restores my soul he leads me in Paths of righteousness for his name's sake I pray father that as my Good Shepherd you will lead me always guide my steps may I be found in the right place at the right time not because I am so smart or talented but because you King Jesus
are my good shepherd because you are leading me you are a Shepherd who leads me beside Still Waters a Shepherd who leads me in the paths of righteousness I pray that you would give me strength Lord may I be found to be walking in alignment with your will and your word give me a Discerning spirit so that I may not walk in the path of sin strengthen me so that I will not be lured by the world and its Pleasures but instead King Jesus I hold on to your word and declare that the Lord is
my shepherd I shall not want I praise you you are all that I want and need I am content so long as you are with me Lord when we experience seasons in life that are discouraging and stressful may your word be the source of Our Hope may your word be the place we run to in search of answers the Bible says in Joshua chapter 1:8 this book of the law shall not depart from your mouth but you you shall meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do according to all
that is written in it for then you will make your way prosperous and then you will have good success May the Holy Spirit help me to meditate on your word day and night May the Holy Spirit help me to be careful to follow the instruction that is in your word oh God your word Lord is what can truly encourage us as your children regardless of what we are going through regardless of the storm in your word we can find strength and courage even in the midst of tumultuous circumstances I pray that your word would continue
to operate as an everpresent reminder in my life that all things are possible with you go help me to fight each and every day so that I may spend time in your word so that I can feed my inner Spirit Romans 15:13 says may the god of Hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope I receive this promise King Jesus fill me with joy and peace so that by the power of the Holy Spirit I may abound in hope I
praise you for being faithful Lord indeed you are a God who is compassionate and your mercies are new every morning thank you for hearing my prayer be glorified always in Jesus name I pray amen Lord Jesus we praise you we put all focus and attention on you we magnify you Lord Jesus Jesus we magnify you above we magnify you above the Troubles of Tomorrow we magnify you and put you above every Health crisis every Financial setback and every problem father God we will not worry about tomorrow because your word says in 2 Corinthians 12:9 my
grace is sufficient for you for my strength is made perfect in weakness therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities that the power of Christ May rest upon me you are with us Lord and we are grateful as your children we're grateful that you're with us and your grace is always available and sufficient for our needs we choose to focus on the Healer instead of the sickness we choose to focus on the provider rather than the lack we choose to focus on the way maker instead of the obstacles ahead we choose to focus
on you King Jesus because we find favor in you we find protection in you and we find Mercy In You Lord father we sincerely ask that you would open your ears to hear our cry give us a mind filled with peace and during those times in which my heart is heavy Lord I pray that you would make my burdens light whenever the attacks of the enemy are many I pray that you would defend me Lord fight for me and for my family God I thank you for fighting my battles though the adversary prows around like
a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour I confess that I will be kept safe by the blood of Jesus Christ God will intervene in my circumstances God will take away the worry and give me peace in my heart heart may you intervene in all my Affairs and show your might David cried in Psalm 35:1 and said plead my cause O Lord with those who strive with me fight against those who fight against me and so today I too will call upon the name of the Lord so that he may plead my cause I will
call on the name of the Lord when I need divine intervention I will ask you my Father in heaven to step in just as you did for Daniel just like you did for Elijah and even the way you did for Elisha we invite you Lord Jesus to move in a mighty way move in a mighty way in our lives Lord clear every trap that the devil has hidden in my path I pray that you would guard my mind against discouraging and depressing thoughts I rebuke all thoughts of worry and anxiety about what tomorrow holds about
what the future may hold instead I choose to have peace because I will have faith in you Lord and when the enemy throws darts of confusion and depression doubt and even despair when he tries to weaken my faith or steal my joy I pray Lord Jesus Jesus that you will protect my mind with the helmet of salvation even in this present moment if I do struggle to live with the uncertainty of this world and all that is going on I pray that you would help me to keep my mind focused on you I bless your
holy name and I thank you for hearing this prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray amen the Bible calls for us to be committed to Jesus Christ First Kings 8: 61 says and may your hearts be fully committed to the Lord Our God to live by his decrees and obey his commands as at this time take a moment to really decipher what this verse is telling us your heart should be fully committed to Jesus Christ your heart should be obligated compelled to follow Jesus Christ your heart should be wholly devoted and completely
loyal to the Lord Psalm 37:5 says commit your way to the Lord trust also in him and he shall bring it to pass have you committed your way to the Lord Saints I want to encourage you to make a decision a decision to commit your ways to Jesus Christ be someone who is loyal never to be found with a Wandering eye don't be found giving anything less than your all to the Lord make a commitment to Christ make a commitment that you will take action regarding the things of the Lord take action today don't wait
until tomorrow don't wait for someone to lay hands on you take action concerning your relationship ship with Jesus Christ this day as for me well I've decided that I will trust I will praise I will pray and I will worship Jesus Christ today and forever I'll give my all I won't hold anything back I will be loyal and wholly devoted to Jesus Christ I'm not waiting for a convention I'm not waiting for the blessing or the miracle I'm trusting the Lord today you see tomorrow is not promised today while I still have breath in my
lungs and strength in my bones I will put my trust in Jesus I'll commit my ways to him as long as I'm living as long as I have a voice I will declare that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior today I boldly declare that I will I will I will put my faith only in Jesus Christ no one else could rescue me no one else could offer me help but Jesus so I'll call on the name of Jesus Christ today I'll call on his name tomorrow and every day after that whether I'm on the
Mountaintop or I am deep in the valley I will call on Jesus Christ he is always faithful now let's pray Lord Jesus your word in Proverbs 16:3 says commit to the Lord whatever you do and He will establish your plans father in obedience to your word I commit everything to you I commit it all Lord the plans I have made they're in your hands father the goals I've written down and all of the things that I want to achieve I commit them into your hands father in agreement with everyone under the sound of my voice
we commit our ways to you we commit Our Lives to you Lord Jesus our families our children our marriages we commit it all to you mighty God take control and have your way let your will be done in our lives God May the Holy Spirit lead and move within our hearts and our homes so that we may do that which is pleasing in your sight father in committing all that I have to you I am saying that I submit to you Lord Jesus I Trust You Lord I believe in you and I believe in your
word Lord Jesus say I commit everything to you as I declare my loyalty and Devotion to you I also submit my thought life into your hands I submit my heart's desires to you reshape my thinking Lord let my thinking be aligned to the word of God let my heart's desire be pure in your sight this world may try to get me to conform to its ways but I pray that you would give me the strength to overcome the Temptation Of The World friends may try to entice me so that I can conform to their sin
ways but Lord I pray that you would give me the strength to overcome every Temptation may I be so committed to following you Lord that nothing in this world would take my focus or Draw my affection Lord I will not fear the unknown because my eyes are continuously fixed on you I pray and declare Psalm 16: 8 and 9 I have set the lord always before me because he is at my right hand I shall not be moved therefore my heart is glad and my glory rejoices My Flesh also will rest in hope I will
not be moved by any situation my heart is filled with gladness and joy because I'm under your care Lord Jesus I may not know what tomorrow has in store for me but I do have faith that whatever the enemy means for evil you Lord will turn it around for my good I may not know what tomorrow has in store for me but I do have faith in you as my provider I trust that you will be my safe place be glorified in my life Lord Jesus I'm at peace because I know who my God is
I'm at peace because I know who my source is I'm at peace because I know who my protector is Lord you have my focus you have my attention I look to you and you alone for direction for strength and for Comfort I Praise You Lord Jesus for all that you've done and I praise you in advance for all that you are doing and that which you are still yet to do I thank you for your grace and mercy and I thank you for hearing my prayer it's in Jesus name that I pray amen we can
hold on to the beautiful and uplifting promises in the bible promises like those found in Isaiah 43:2 when you pass through the waters I will be with you and through the rivers they shall not overflow you when you walk through the fire you shall not be burned nor shall the flame Scorch you for any problem any danger or threat remember God is with you if we can only walk by faith and not by sight we will see the hand of God moving and protecting us from harm he's already declared that no weapon formed against us
shall stand and if he is for us who can be against us so now let's pray God almighty you are powerful and mighty you are the God who made all things you alone stretched out the heavens you alone stretched out the Earth and I bow down and praise you right now dear God there is none who can come against you God and so I trust you with all of my cares I commit all of my ways to you God I give you all of my cares and birth burdens Lord Jesus I give you the throne
to my heart and I ask that you take control Lord take control of my life and Lead Me take control of my emotions and my thoughts I trust in You Lord For You Are My Redeemer and the Lord of hosts you're the first and the last your word in 1 John 5: 4 and 5 it says for whatever is born of God overcomes the world and this is the victory that has overcome the world our faith who is He Who overcomes the world but he who believes that Jesus is the son of God Lord I
Thank you for making me an overcomer I thank you because I'm more than a conqueror Because of You Lord Jesus I thank you because your your word tells me that you have made me the head and not the tail you have put me on top and never on the bottom father I will praise you for this word because when I'm hardpressed on every side I will remember that Jesus Christ has made me an overcomer when I'm pressed down lord I will remember your word that tells me that I can do all things through Christ who
strengthens me you King Jesus have overcome the world you've overcome death the devil and every challenge that I could ever possibly face you are triumphant Lord Jesus because of you the devil is defeated and death has lost its sting Holy Spirit help me to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might help me to put on the whole armor of God so that I may be able to stand against the Ws of the devil Holy Spirit I pray that you would help me to put into practice what the word of God
says in Ephesians 6: 14-18 stand therefore having girded your waist with truth having put on the breastplate of righteousness and having Shaw your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace above all taking the shield of Faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of God praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints Holy Spirit
help me to take up the whole armor of God so that when the day of evil comes I may be able to stand on God's word to stand in faith and to stand on the Lord's promises Lord Jesus I praise your name you're worthy of all my adoration you're the first and the last you're the King of Kings and the Lord of lords you're the Alpha and the Omega and Lord I Thank you for hearing my prayer in the mighty name of Jesus I pray [Music] amen Heavenly Father give me a desire to know you
more fill me with an allc consuming Longing To Be Blessed by you Lord give me a Divine and holy appetite an appetite that longs for you more than my body needs bread and water help me to hunger and thirst for you intensely Jesus you are the bread of life and the living water from whom all blessings flow let me always be seeking you walking with you growing in you don't let me settle for anything less than your glory revealed in my life I know you are capable of great things and Lord I want your power
to be displayed in my life not because I deserve it but because I long to have a Divine experience with you I long for the world to see how great you are Lord I know that like Jacob I am powerless in your presence I know that I'm unworthy to stand before a pure and true God such as you I have nothing to bring no chips to bargain with all I have is faith faith that you will bless me faith that you are going to bless my family Lord I trust and believe that all good things
all blessings they come from you they come out of the riches of your grace and the kindness of your character so give me the patience and endurance to wrestle with you in faith when everything in my life is going wrong when I'm in a season of dryness when I'm frustrated with the ways of the world help me to wrestle Lord and continue to seek you your word in Luke 11: 99-1 say and I tell you ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock and it will be open to you
for everyone who asks receives leaves and the one who seeks finds and to the one who knocks it will be opened God I pray that I would ask seek and knock with humility recognizing my position before a holy God lord I don't come to you with a list of Demands but I submit to your will in all things let your will be done and I believe just as your word says no I has seen and no ear has heard nor the heart of man imagined what God has prepared for those who love him Lord may
your will be done in my life have your way King Jesus and touch my life father make your presence known move in a mighty way and displace everything Unholy that I'm connected to this includes any friends that don't respect you every habit that doesn't honor you every Idol that threatens to take your place in my life Lord I count these all as loss when compared to the surpassing worth of knowing Jesus Christ God help me to boldly approach your throne confident that you will hear me because Christ has interceded for me and atoned for my
sin it's all because of him that I can come before you now forgive me if I've been impatient I know that I can be so shortsighted at times but Lord help me to persevere help me to see that you're always working and as you do may I pray without ceasing wrestling with you until the day breaks thank you Father for hearing every prayer and for pushing me to become a more patient more obedient more devoted follower of Christ it's in Jesus name that I pray [Music] amen Dear God I thank you for being there I
thank you for being present you are Jehovah shama and you have been there lovingly and patiently waiting for me to answer to the knock of Christ Lord I Thank you for being there for me always you have been there during the darkest moments of my life when I thought I was down and out and although I couldn't see it at the time in hindsight I give you praise and I thank you Lord Jesus because you held me together you gave me strength second Corinthians 4: 8-9 say we are afflicted in every way but not crushed
perplexed but not driven to despair persecuted but not forsaken struck down but not destroyed this is my testimony Lord you've been there you've held me close so that I would not be crushed by life you've held me close so that my mind would not be driven to despair you Lord have been there during my most difficult moments and Lord for that I am grateful I'm grateful because you have never forsaken me Lord I Thank you for always being present for always being there and for loving me even before I loved you father you loved me
even while I was still lost in sin and for that I'm forever grateful God I thank you and I praise you for being my shield and my defense whenever the enemy tried to attack me thank you for being present King Jesus and for being my refuge and my protection your word says in Jeremiah 29:13 you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart Lord this is my heart's desire to find you to have an encounter with you to feel and be changed by your presence Lord God Almighty you inhabit
the Praises of your people and so we praise you we praise you and we invite your presence into our lives fill our home with your glory fill our hearts with your love as our hearts cry and long for your presence may this prayer be like a sweet Aroma a sweet fragrance that reaches your heavenly throne and invites you to move in our lives father God our trust is in your promise the one you made in Isaiah 65:24 where you say before they call I will answer while they are yet speaking I will hear Lord we
believe and hold on to this promise because we know that you are a God who hears and you are a God who answers father help me to understand that your ways are not like my ways your timing is divine your timing is is perfect and so Lord in the fullness of your time I really do believe that you will answer my hearts cry I believe that you will show up and I believe you'll make a way in your perfect time I believe you already have a solution ready made for me you are already in my
future with an answer for every single concern that I have and so I praise and honor you you in Psalm 28:7 it says the Lord is my strength and my shield in him my heart trusts and I am helped my heart exalts and with my song I give thanks to him Lord you are indeed my source of strength and an impenetrable shield against the enemy my heart trusts in you King Jesus with unwavering confidence in him it's in you that I find help refuge and rest it's in you that I find peace and comfort and
so father I pray that you would hear our prayer may your presence be with us may it dwell Among Us Lord I bless your holy name and I thank you for hearing this prayer in Jesus name amen Lord you are worthy to be praised and honored Lord we desire your presence we are praying and seeking for your presence I pray that the Holy Spirit would teach us to be diligent in prayer your word in Matthew 26:41 says watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is
weak teach us to pray holy spirit so that we will not fall into temptation even though our flesh is weak I pray that you would strengthen us Empower us to fight and pray I pray that you would light a fire within my soul light a fire within my spirit so that I would be persistent in prayer as I seek the presence of God Lord in your presence there is fullness of joy at your right hand our Pleasures forever more Lord I desire to experience the fullness of joy that's in your presence as the psalmist said
at your right hand are Pleasures forever more this is my desire Lord to experience the pleasures at your right hand and not the fleeting pleasures of this world I understand that to be empowered as a Christian I need your presence Lord to be filled with joy I need your presence to experience peace and rest I need your presence King Jesus and so I pray Lord Jesus may your presence be so evident around me that even unbelievers will be able to see the supernatural Joy the supernatural peace and protection which is upon my life and it's
all because of you I seek your presence Lord because there is safety psalm 31: 20 says in the cover of your presence you hide them from the plots of men you store them in your Shelter From The Strife of tongues your presence protects me from every evil plot that can be set out against me it Shields me from all the negative words spoken against me there is power in your presence almighty God and I Des desire for that power to be upon my life so my prayer today Lord is that you would hide me in
the secret place of your presence I pray that I would abide in your presence where no evil can approach me but instead I am blessed to fellowship with you day and night I pray that you would create in me a clean heart oh God and renew a steadfast Spirit Within Me Lord I Thank you for the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus which purifies me from all sin and unrighteousness I thank you that through the Holy Spirit I have access to your wonderful presence you alone Are Holy and worthy to be praised I thank
you that through the blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I can now approach your throne with boldness and confidence I thank you that there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus I bless your holy name and I am also grateful that through the Holy Spirit you make your presence available to me anytime and anywhere may your name be lifted on high and glorified in Jesus name I pray amen saints of God one of the pillars of faith should be the word of God forget the praise and worship music put aside the doctrine and Theology
and focus on God's word God's word should be the starting point and I really want you to understand the power that is in the word of God Matthew 24:35 says Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away take a moment to understand that heaven and earth as we currently know it will pass away someday they will be no more but God's word God's word word will remain and stand forever Hebrews 4:12 for the word of God is living and active sharper than any two-edged sword piercing to the division of soul
and of spirit of joints and of marrow and Discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart I want you to never take the word of God for granted it lives lives it has power it's sharp it cuts through a person right through to the deepest parts of our nature exposing and judging the very thoughts and intentions of the heart when you pray with God's word you're speaking a word that has life into your prayer it becomes effective so should you be wondering how to make your prayer more effective use the word of God God is
his word and the word is God this means that his word has the power to defeat evil it has the power to defeat Satan the Bible is in a spiritual sense alive this is why the devil will do all that he can to prevent you from spending time in God's word because he knows that it can transform you it can Empower you it can pierce your heart and challenge you concerning the sin in your life the devil will fight you tooth and nail so that you will never reach a point where you are consistently reading
and studying the Bible so be aware of this fight against this the Bible tells us that faith comes through what not prayer not praise and worship but through God's word God's word plants living seeds in your heart and so as you hear me I encourage you to take God's word seriously it has the power to keep you pure according to Psalms 119: 9-11 the Bible reads how can a young man and keep his way pure by guarding it according to your word with my whole heart I seek you let me not Wander from your Commandments
I have stored up your word in my heart that I might not sin against you God's word has Authority it can teach you correct you and train you because 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says says all scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching for reproof for correction and for training in righteousness that the man of God may be complete equipped for every good work now let us pray dear Lord I Thank You For Your Precious word your word saves your word gives life life your word sanctifies and it protects and I pray that your
word would always be hidden in my heart Psalms 23: 1-3 say the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he makes me lie down in Green Pastures he leads me beside Still Waters he restores my soul he leads me in Paths of righteousness for his name's sake I pray father that as my good shepherd you will lead me always guide my steps may I be found in the right place at the right time not because I am so smart or talented but because you King Jesus are my good shepherd because you are leading me
you are a Shepherd who leads me beside Still Waters a Shepherd who leads me in the paths of righteousness I pray that you would give me strength Lord may I be found to be walking in alignment with your will and your word give me a Discerning spirit so that I may not walk in the path of sin strengthen me so that I will not be lured by the world and its Pleasures but instead King Jesus I hold on to your word and declare that the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want I praise you
you are all that I want and need I am content so long as you are with me Lord when we experience seasons in life that are discouraging and stressful may your word be the source of Our Hope may your word be the place we run to in search of answers the Bible says in Joshua 1:8 this book of the law shall not depart from your mouth but you shall meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it for then you will make your
way prosperous and then you will have good success May the Holy Spirit help me to meditate on your word day and night May the Holy Spirit help me to be careful to follow the instruction that is in your word oh God your word Lord is what can truly encourage us as your children regardless of what we are going through regardless of the storm in your word we can find strength and courage even in the midst of tumultuous circumstances I pray that your word would continue to operate as an everpresent reminder in my life that all
things are possible with you God help me to fight each and every day so that I may spend time in your word so that I can feed my inner Spirit Romans 15:3 says may the god of Hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope I receive receive this promise King Jesus fill me with joy and peace so that by the power of the Holy Spirit I may abound in hope I praise you for being faithful Lord indeed you are a
God who is compassionate and your mercies are new every morning thank you for hearing my prayer be glorified always in Jesus name I pray pray amen Lord Jesus we praise you we put all focus and attention on you we magnify you Lord Jesus Jesus we magnify you above we magnify you above the Troubles of Tomorrow we magnify you and put you above every Health crisis every Financial setback and every problem problem father God we will not worry about tomorrow because your word says in 2 Corinthians 12:9 my grace is sufficient for you for my strength
is made perfect in weakness therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities that the power of Christ May rest upon me you are with us Lord and we are grateful as your children we're grateful that you're with us and your grace is always available and sufficient for our needs we choose to focus on the Healer instead of the sickness we choose to focus on the provider rather than the lack we choose to focus on the way maker instead of the obstacles ahead we choose to focus on you King Jesus because we find favor
in you we find protection in you and we find Mercy In You Lord father we sincerely ask that you would open your ears to hear our cry give us a mind filled with peace and during those times in which my heart is heavy Lord I pray that you would make my burdens light whenever the attacks of the enemy are me any I pray that you would defend me Lord fight for me and for my family God I thank you for fighting my battles though the adversary prows around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may
devour I confess that I will be kept safe by the blood of Jesus Christ God will intervene in my circumstances God will take away the worry and give me peace in my heart may you intervene in all my Affairs and show your might David cried in Psalm 35:1 and said plead my cause O Lord with those who strive with me fight against those who fight against me and so today I too will call upon the name of the Lord so that he may plead my cause I will call call on the name of the Lord
when I need divine intervention I will ask you my Father in heaven to step in just as you did for Daniel just like you did for Elijah and even the way you did for Elisha we invite you Lord Jesus to move in a mighty way move in a mighty way in our lives Lord clear every trap that the devil has hidden in my path I pray I pray that you would guard my mind against discouraging and depressing thoughts I rebuke all thoughts of worry and anxiety about what tomorrow holds about what the future may hold
instead I choose to have peace because I will have faith in you Lord and when the enemy throws darts of confusion and depression doubt and even despair when he tries to weaken my faith or steal my joy I pray Lord Jesus that you will protect my mind with the helmet of salvation even in this present moment if I do struggle to live with the uncertainty of this world and all that is going on I pray that you would help me to keep my mind focused on you I bless your holy name and I thank you
for hearing this prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray amen the Bible calls for us to be committed to Jesus Christ First Kings 8: 61 says and may your hearts be fully committed to the Lord Our God to live by his decrees and obey his commands as at this time take a moment to really decipher what this verse is telling us your heart should be fully committed to Jesus Christ Christ your heart should be obligated compelled to follow Jesus Christ your heart should be holy devoted and completely loyal to the Lord Psalm
37:5 says commit your way to the Lord trust also in him and he shall bring it to pass have you committed your way to the Lord Saints I want to encourage you to make a decision a decision to commit your ways to Jesus Christ be someone who is loyal never to be found with a Wandering eye don't be found giving anything less than your all to the Lord make a commitment to Christ make a commitment that you will take action regarding the things of the Lord take action today don't wait until tomorrow don't wait for
someone to lay hands on you take action concerning your relationship with Jesus Christ this day as for me well I've decided that I will trust I will praise I will pray and I will worship Jesus Christ today and forever I'll give my all I won't hold anything back I will be loyal and wholly devoted to to Jesus Christ I'm not waiting for a convention I'm not waiting for the blessing or the miracle I'm trusting the Lord today you see tomorrow is not promised today while I still have breath in my lungs and strength in my
bones I will put my trust in Jesus I'll commit my ways to him as long as I'm living as long as I have a voice I will declare that Jesus Christ is my Lord and savior today I boldly declare that I will I will I will put my faith only in Jesus Christ no one else could rescue me no one else could offer me help but Jesus so I'll call on the name of Jesus Christ today I'll call on his name tomorrow and every day after that whether I'm on the Mountaintop or I am deep
in the valley I will call on Jesus Christ he is always faithful now let's pray Lord Jesus your word in Proverbs 16:3 says commit to the Lord whatever you do and He will establish your plans father in obedience to your word I commit everything to you I commit it all Lord the plans I have made they're in your hands father the goals I've written down and all of the things that I want to achieve I commit them into your hands father in agreement with everyone under the sound of my voice we commit our ways to
you we commit Our Lives to you Lord Jesus our families our children our marriages we commit it all to you mighty God take control and have your way let your will be done in our lives God May the Holy Spirit lead and move within our hearts and our homes so that we may do that which is pleasing in your sight father in committing all that I have to you I am saying that I submit to you Lord Jesus I Trust You Lord I believe in you and I believe in your word Lord Jesus as I
commit everything to you as I declare my loyalty and Devotion to you I ALS also submit my thought life into your hands I submit my heart's desires to you reshape my thinking Lord let my thinking be aligned to the word of God let my heart's desire be pure in your sight this world may try to get me to conform to its ways but I pray that you would give me the strength to overcome the Temptation Of The World friends may try to entice me so that I can conform to their sinful ways but Lord I
pray that you would give me the strength to overcome every Temptation may I be so committed to following you Lord that nothing in this world would take my focus or Draw my affection Lord I will not fear the unknown because my eyes are continuously fixed on you I pray and declare Psalm 16: 8 and 9 I have set the lord always before me because he is at my right hand I shall not be moved therefore my heart is glad and my glory rejoices My Flesh also will rest in hope I will not be moved by
any situation my heart is filled with gladness and joy because I'm under your care Lord Jesus I may not know what tomorrow has in store for me but I do have faith that what whatever the enemy means for evil you Lord will turn it around for my good I may not know what tomorrow has in store for me but I do have faith in you as my provider I trust that you will be my safe place be glorified in my life Lord Jesus I'm at peace because I know who my God is I'm at peace
because I know who my source is I'm at peace because I know who my protector is Lord you have my focus you have my attention I look to you and you alone for direction for strength and for Comfort I Praise You Lord Jesus for all that you've done and I praise you in advance for all that you are doing and that what you are still yet to do I thank you for your grace and mercy and I thank you for hearing my prayer it's in Jesus name that I pray amen we can hold on to
the beautiful and uplifting promises in the bible promises like those found in Isaiah 43:2 when you pass through the waters I will be with you and through the rivers they shall not overflow you when you walk through the fire you shall not be burned nor shall the flame Scorch you for any problem any danger or threat remember God is with you if we can only walk by faith and not by sight we will see the hand of God moving and protecting us from harm he's already declared that no weapon formed against us shall stand and
if he is for us who can be against us so now let's pray God Almighty you are powerful and mighty you are the God who made all things you alone stretched out the heavens you alone stretched out the Earth and I bow down and praise you right now dear God there is none who can come against you God and so I trust you with all of my cares I commit all of my ways to you God I give you all of my cares and burdens Lord Jesus I give you the throne to my heart and
I ask that you take control Lord take control of my life and Lead Me take control of my emotions and my thoughts I trust in You Lord For You Are My Redeemer and the Lord of hosts you're the first and the last your word in 1 John 5 Verses 4 and 5 it says for whatever is born of God overcomes the world and this is the victory that has overcome the world our faith who is He Who overcomes the world but he who believes that Jesus is the son of God Lord I Thank you for
making me an overcomer I thank you because I'm more than a conqueror Because of You Lord Jesus I thank you because your word tells me that you have made me the head and not the tail you have put me on top and never on the bottom father I will praise you for this word because when I'm hard pressed on every side I will remember that Jesus Christ has made me an overcomer when I'm pressed down lord I will remember your word that tells me that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me you
King Jesus have overcome the world you've overcome death the devil and every challenge that I could ever possibly face you are triumphant Lord Jesus because of you the devil is defeated and death has lost its sting Holy Spirit help me to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might help me to put on the whole armor of God so that I may be able to stand against the Ws of the devil Holy Spirit I pray that you would help me to put into practice what the word of God says in Ephesians
6: 14-18 stand therefore having girded your waist with truth having put on the breastplate of righteousness and having Shaw your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace above all all taking the shield of Faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of God praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints Holy Spirit help me
to take up the whole armor of God so that when the day of evil comes I may be able to stand on God's word to stand in faith and to stand on the Lord's promises Lord Jesus I praise your name you're worthy of all my adoration you're the first and the last you're the King of Kings and the Lord of lords you're the Alpha and the Omega and Lord I Thank you for hearing my prayer in the mighty name of Jesus I pray amen Heavenly Father give me a desire to know you more fill me
with an all consuming Longing To Be Blessed by you Lord give me a Divine and holy appetite an appetite that longs for you more than my body needs bread and water help me to hunger and thirst for you intensely Jesus you are the bread of life and the living water from whom all blessings flow let me always be seeking you walking with you growing in you don't let me settle for anything less than your glory revealed in my life I know you are capable of great things and Lord I want your power to be displayed
in my life not because I deserve it but because I long to have a Divine experience with you I long for the world to see how great you are Lord I know that like Jacob I am powerless in your presence I know that I'm unworthy to stand before a pure and true God such as you I have nothing to bring no chips to bargain with all I have is faith faith that you will bless me faith that you are going to bless my family Lord I trust and believe that all good things all blessings they
come from you they come out of the riches of your grace and the kindness of your character so give me the patience and endurance to wrestle with you in faith when everything in my life is going wrong when I'm in a season of dryness when I'm frustrated with the ways of the world help me to wrestle Lord and continue to seek you your word in Luke 11: 9-10 say and I tell you ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock and it will be open to you you for everyone
who asks receives and the one who seeks finds and to the one who knocks it will be opened God I pray that I would ask seek and knock with humility recognizing my position before a holy God lord I don't come to you with a list of Demands but I submit to your will in all things let your will be done and I believe just as your word says no eye has seen and no ear has heard nor the heart of man imagined what God has prepared for those who love him Lord may your will be
done in my life have your way King Jesus and touch my life father make your presence known move in a mighty way and displace everything Unholy that I'm connected to this includes any friends that don't respect you every habit that doesn't honor you every Idol that threatens to take your place in my life Lord I count these all as loss when compared to the surpassing worth of knowing Jesus Christ God help me to boldly approach your throne confident that you will hear me because Christ has interceded for me and atoned for my sin it's all
because of him that I can come before you now forgive me if I've been impatient I know that I can be so shortsighted at times but Lord help me to persevere help me to see that you're always working and as you do may I pray without ceasing wrestling with you until the day breaks thank you Father for hearing every prayer and for pushing me to become a more patient more obedient more devoted follower of Christ it's in Jesus name that I pray amen dear God I thank you for being there I thank you for being
present you are Jehovah shama and you have been there lovingly and patiently waiting for me to answer to the knock of Christ Lord I Thank you for being there for me always you have been there during the darkest moments of my life when I thought I was down and out and although I couldn't see it at the time and hind sight I give you praise and I thank you Lord Jesus because you held me together you gave me strength 2 Corinthians 4: 8-9 say we are afflicted in every way but not crushed perplexed but not
driven to despair persecuted but not forsaken struck down but not destroyed this is my testimony Lord you've been there you've held me close so that I would not be crushed by life you've held me close so that my mind would not be driven to despair you Lord have been there during my most difficult moments and Lord for that I am grateful I'm grateful because you have never forsaken me Lord I Thank you for always being present for all always being there and for loving me even before I loved you father you loved me even while
I was still lost in sin and for that I'm forever grateful God I thank you and I praise you for being my shield and my defense whenever the enemy tried to attack me thank you for being present King Jesus and for being my refuge and my protection your word says in Jeremiah 29:13 you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart Lord this is my heart's desire to find you to have an encounter with you to feel and be changed by your presence Lord God Almighty you inhabit the Praises
of your people and so we praise you we praise you and we invite your presence into our lives fill our home with your glory fill our hearts with your love as our hearts cry and long for your presence may this prayer be like a sweet Aroma a sweet fragrance that reaches your heavenly throne and invites you to move in our lives father God our trust is in your promise the the one you made in Isaiah 65:24 where you say before they called I will answer while they are yet speaking I will hear Lord we believe
and hold on to this promise because we know that you are a God who hears and you are a God who answers father help me to understand that your ways are not like my ways your timing is Divine your timing is perfect and so Lord in the fullness of your time I really do believe that you will answer my heart's cry I believe that you will show up and I believe you'll make a way in your perfect time I believe you already have a solution ready made for me you are already in my future with
an answer for every single concern conern that I have and so I praise and honor you in Psalm 28:7 it says the Lord is my strength and my shield in him my heart trust and I am helped my heart exalts and with my song I give thanks to him Lord you are indeed my source of strength and an impenetrable shield against the enemy my heart trusts in you King Jesus with unwavering confidence in him it's in you that I find help refuge and rest it's in you that I find peace and comfort and so father
I pray that you would hear our prayer may your presence be with us may it dwell Among Us Lord I bless your holy name and I thank you for hearing this prayer in Jesus name amen Lord you are worthy to be praised and honored Lord we desire your presence we are praying and seeking for your presence I pray that the Holy Spirit would teach us to be diligent in prayer your word in Matthew 26 6:41 says watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak
teach us to pray holy spirit so that we will not fall into temptation even though our flesh is weak I pray that you would strengthen us Empower us to fight and pray I I pray that you would light a fire within my soul light a fire within my spirit so that I would be persistent in prayer as I seek the presence of God Lord in your presence there is fullness of joy at your right hand are Pleasures forever more Lord I desire to experience the fullness of joy that's in your presence as the psalmist said
at your right hand are Pleasures forever more this is my desire Lord to experience the pleasures at your right hand and not the fleeting pleasures of this world I understand that to be empowered as a Christian I need your presence Lord to be filled with joy I need your presence to experience peace and rest I need your presence King Jesus and so I pray Lord Jesus may your presence be so evident around me that even unbelievers will be able to see the supernatural Joy the supernatural peace and protection which is upon my life and it's
all because of you I seek your presence Lord because there is safety Psalm 31:2 says in the cover of your presence you hide them from the plots of men you store them in your Shelter From The Strife of tongues your presence protects me from every evil plot that can be set out against me it Shields me from all the negative words spoken against me there is power in your presence almighty God and I desire for that power to be upon my life so my prayer today Lord is that you would hide me in the secret
place of your presence I pray that I would abide in your presence where no evil can approach me but instead I am blessed to fellowship with you day and night I pray that you would create in me a clean heart oh God and renew a steadfast Spirit Within Me Lord I Thank you for the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus which purifies me from all sin and unrighteousness I thank you that through the Holy Spirit I have access to your wonderful presence you alone Are Holy and worthy to be praised I thank you that
through the blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I can now approach your throne with boldness and confidence I thank you that there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus I bless your holy name and I am also grateful that through the Holy Spirit you make your presence available to me anytime and anywhere may your name be lifted on high and glorified in Jesus name I pray amen saints of God one of the pillars of faith should be the word of God forget the praise and worship music put aside the doctrine and Theology and focus
on God's word God's word should be the starting point and I really want you to understand the power that is in the word of God Matthew 24:35 says Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away take a moment to understand that heaven and earth as we currently know it will pass away someday they will be no more but God's word God's word will remain and stand forever Hebrews 4:12 for the word of God is living and active sharper than any two-edged sword piercing to the division of soul and of spirit
of joints and of marrow and Discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart I want you to never take the word of God for granted it lives it has power it's sharp it cuts through a person right through to the deepest parts of our nature exposing and judging the very thoughts and intentions of the [Music] heart when you pray with God's word you're speaking a word that has life into your prayer it becomes effective so should you be wondering how to make your prayers more effective use the word of God God is his word and
the word is God this means that his word has the power to defeat evil it has the power to defeat Satan the Bible is in a spiritual sense alive this is why the devil will do all that he can can to prevent you from spending time in God's word because he knows that it can transform you it can Empower you it can pierce your heart and challenge you concerning the sin in your life the devil will fight you tooth and nail so that you will never reach a point where you are consistently reading and studying
the Bible so be aware of this fight against this the Bible tells us that faith comes through what not prayer not praise and worship but through God's word God's word plants living seeds in your heart and so as you hear me I encourage you to take God's word seriously it has the power to keep you pure according to Psalms 119:9 to1 the Bible reads how can a young man keep his way pure by guarding it according to your word with my whole heart I seek you let me not Wander from your Commandments I have stored
up your word in my heart that I might not sin against you God's word has Authority it can teach you correct you and train you because second Timothy 3:1 16-1 17 says all scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching for reproof for correction and for training in righteousness that the man of God may be complete equipped for every good work now let us pray dear Lorden I thank you for your precious word your word saves your word gives life your word sanctifies and it protects and I pray that your word would always
be hidden in my heart Psalms 23: 1-3 say the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he makes me lie down in Green Pastures he leads me beside Still Waters he restores my soul he leads me in Paths of right for his name's sake I pray father that as my good shepherd You Will Lead Me alwayss Guide my steps may I be found in the right place at the right time not because I am so smart or talented but because you King Jesus are my good shepherd because you are leading me you are a
Shepherd who leads me beside Still Waters a Shepherd who leads me me in the paths of righteousness I pray that you would give me strength Lord may I be found to be walking in alignment with your will and your word give me a Discerning spirit so that I may not walk in the path of sin strengthen me so that I will not be lured by the world and its Pleasures but instead King Jesus I hold on to your word and declare that the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want I praise you you are
all that I want and need I am content so long as you are with me Lord when we experience seasons in life that are discouraging and stressful may your word be the source of Our Hope may your word be the place we run to in search of answers the Bible says in Joshua 1: 8 this book of the law shall not depart from your mouth but you shall meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it for then you will make your way
prosperous and then you will have good success May the Holy Spirit help me to meditate on your word day and night May the Holy Spirit help me to be careful to follow the instruction that is in your word oh God your word Lord is what can truly encourage us as your children regardless of what we are going through regardless of the storm in your word we can find strength and courage even in the midst of tumultuous circumstances I pray that your word would continue to operate as an everpresent reminder in my life that all things
are possible with you God help me to fight each and every day so that I may spend time in your word so that I can feed my inner Spirit Romans 15:13 says may the god of Hope fill you with all joy and peace and believing so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope I receive this promise King Jesus fill me with joy and peace so that by the power of the Holy Spirit I may abound in hope I praise you for being faithful Lord indeed you are a God who
is compassionate and your mercies are new every morning thank you for hearing my prayer be glorified always in Jesus name I pray amen Lord Jesus we praise you we put all focus and attention on you we magnify you Lord Jesus Jesus we magnify you above we magnify you above the Troubles of Tomorrow we magnify you and put you above every Health crisis every Financial setback and every problem father God we will not worry about tomorrow because your word says in 2 Corinthians 12:9 my grace is sufficient for you for my strength is made perfect in
weakness therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities that the power of Christ May rest upon me you are with us Lord and we are grateful as your children we're grateful that you're with us and your grace is always available and sufficient for our needs we choose to focus on the Healer instead of the sickness we choose to focus on the provider rather than the lack we choose to focus on the way maker instead of the obstacles ahead we we choose to focus on you King Jesus because we find favor in you we
find protection in you and we find Mercy In You Lord father we sincerely ask that you would open your ears to hear our cry give us a mind filled with peace and during those times in which my heart is heavy Lord I pray that you would make my burdens light whenever the attacks of the enemy are many I pray that you would defend me Lord fight for me and for my family God I thank you for fighting my battles though the adversary prows around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour I confess that
I will be kept safe by the blood of Jesus Christ God will intervene in my circumstances God will take away the worry and give me peace in my heart may you intervene in all my Affairs and show your might David cried in Psalm 35:1 and said plead my cause O Lord with those who strive with me fight against those who fight against me and so today I too will call upon the name of the Lord so that he may plead my cause I will call on the name of the Lord when I need divine intervention
I will ask you my Father in heaven to step in just as you did for Daniel just like you did for Elijah and even the way you did for Elisha we invite you Lord Jesus to move in a mighty way move in a mighty way in our lives Lord clear every trap that the devil has hidden in my path I pray that you would guard my mind against discouraging and depressing thoughts I rebuke all thoughts of worry and anxiety about what tomorrow holds about what the future may hold instead I choose to have peace because
I will have faith in you Lord and when the enemy throws darts of confusion and depression doubt and even despair when he tries to weaken my faith or steal my joy I pray Lord Jesus that you will protect my mind with the helmet of salvation even in this present moment if I do struggle to live with the uncertainty of this world and all that is going on I pray that you would help me to keep my mind focused on you I bless your holy name and I thank you for hearing this prayer in the in
the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray amen the Bible calls for us to be committed to Jesus Christ First Kings 8: 61 says and may your hearts be fully committed to the Lord Our God to live by his decrees and obey his commands as at this time take a moment to really decipher what this verse is telling us your heart should be fully committed to Jesus Christ your heart should be obligated compelled to follow Jesus Christ your heart should be wholly devoted and completely loyal to the Lord Psalm 37:5 says commit your way to
the Lord trust also in him and he shall bring it to pass have you committed your way to the Lord Saints I want to encourage you to make a decision a decision to commit your ways to Jesus Christ be someone who is loyal never to be found with a Wandering eye don't be found giving anything less than your all to the Lord make a commitment to Christ make a commitment that you will take action regarding the things of the Lord take action today don't wait until tomorrow don't wait for someone to lay hands on you
take action concerning your relationship with Jesus Christ this day as for me well I've decided that I will trust I will praise I will pray and I will worship Jesus Christ today and forever I'll give my all I won't hold anything back I will be loyal and wholly devoted to Jesus Christ I'm not waiting for a convention I'm not waiting for the blessing or the miracle I'm trusting the Lord today you see tomorrow is not promised today while I still have breath in my lungs and strength in my bones I will put my trust in
Jesus I'll commit my ways to him as long as I'm living as long as I have a voice I will declare that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior today I boldly declare that I will I will I will put my faith only in Jesus Christ no one else could rescue me no one else could offer me help but Jesus so I'll call on the name of Jesus Christ today I'll call on his name tomorrow and every day after that whether I'm on the The Mountaintop or I am deep in the valley I will call
on Jesus Christ he is always faithful now let's pray Lord Jesus your word in Proverbs 16:3 says commit to the Lord whatever you do and He will establish your plans father in obedience to your word I commit everything to you I commit it all Lord the plans I have made they're in your hands father the goals I've written down and all of the things that I want to achieve I commit them into your hands father in agreement with everyone under the sound of my voice we commit our ways to you we commit Our Lives to
you Lord Jesus our families our children our marriages we commit it all to you mighty God take control and have your way let your will be done in our lives God May the Holy Spirit lead and move within our hearts and our homes so that we may do that which is pleasing in your sight father in committing all that I have to you I am saying that I submit to you Lord Jesus I Trust You Lord I believe in you and I believe in your word Lord Jesus as I commit everything to you as I
declare my my loyalty and Devotion to you I also submit my thought life into your hands I submit my heart's desires to you reshape my thinking Lord let my thinking be aligned to the word of God let my heart's desire be pure in your sight this world may try to get me to conform to its ways but I pray that you would give me the strength to overcome the Temptation Of The World World friends may try to entice me so that I can conform to their sinful ways but Lord I pray that you would give
me the strength to overcome every Temptation may I be so committed to following you Lord that nothing in this world would take my focus or Draw my affection Lord I will not fear the unknown because my eyes are continuously fixed on you I pray and declare Psalm 16 verses 8 and N I have set the lord always before me because he is at my right hand I shall not be moved therefore my heart is glad and my glory rejoices My Flesh also will rest in hope I will not be moved by any situation my heart
is filled with gladness and joy because I'm under your care Lord Jesus I may not know what tomorrow has in store for me but I do have faith that whatever the enemy means for evil you Lord will turn it around for my good I may not know what tomorrow has in store for me but I do have faith in you as my provider I trust that you will be my safe place be glorified in my life Lord Jesus I'm at peace because I know who my God is I'm at peace because I know who my
soul sources I'm at peace because I know who my protector is Lord you have my focus you have my attention I look to you and you alone for direction for strength and for Comfort I Praise You Lord Jesus for all that you've done and I praise you in advance for all that you are doing and that which you are still yet to do I thank thank you for your grace and mercy and I thank you for hearing my prayer it's in Jesus name that I pray amen we can hold on to the beautiful and uplifting
promises in the bible promises like those found in Isaiah 43:2 when you pass through the waters I will be with you and through the rivers they shall not overflow you when you walk through the fire fire you shall not be burned nor shall the flame Scorch you for any problem any danger or threat remember God is with you if we can only walk by faith and not by sight we will see the hand of God moving and protecting us from harm he's already declared that no weapon formed against us shall stand and if he is
for us who can be against us so now let's pray God Almighty you are powerful and mighty you are the God who made all things you alone stretched out the heavens you alone stretched out the Earth and I bow down and praise you right now dear God there is none who can come against you God and so I trust you with all of my cares I commit all of my ways to you God I give you all of my cares and burdens Lord Jesus I give you the throne to my heart and I ask that
you take control Lord take control of my life and Lead Me take control of my emotions and my thoughts I trust in You Lord For You Are My Redeemer and the Lord of hosts you're the first and the last your word in 1 John 5: 4 and 5 it says for whatever is born of God overcomes the world and this is the victory that has overcome the world our faith who is He Who overcomes the world but he who believes that Jesus is the son of God Lord I Thank you for making me an overcomer
I thank you because I'm more than a conqueror Because of You Lord Jesus I thank you because your word tells me that you have made me the head and not the tail you have put me on top and never on the bottom father I will praise you for this word because when I'm hardpressed on every side I will remember that Jesus Christ has made me an overcomer when I'm pressed down lord I will remember your word that tells me that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me you King Jesus have overcome the
world you've overcome death the devil and every challenge that I could ever possibly face you are triumphant Lord Jesus because of you the devil is defeated and death has lost its sting Holy Spirit help me to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might help me to put on the whole armor of God so that I may be able to stand against the Ws of the devil Holy Spirit I pray that you would help me to put into practice what the word of God says in Ephesians 6: 14-8 stand therefore having
girded your waist with truth having put on the breastplate of righteousness and having Shaw your feet with the prepar ation of the gospel of peace above all taking the shield of Faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of God praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints holy Spirit help me to take up the whole
armor of God so that when the day of evil comes I may be able to stand on God's word to stand in faith and to stand on the Lord's promises Lord Jesus I praise your name you're worthy of all my adoration you're the first and the last you're the King of Kings and the Lord of lords you're the Alpha and the Omega and Lord I Thank thank you for hearing my prayer in the mighty name of Jesus I pray [Music] amen Heavenly Father give me a desire to know you more fill me with an allc
consuming Longing To Be Blessed by you Lord give me a Divine and holy appetite an appetite that longs for you more than my body needs bread and water help me to hunger and thirst for you intensely Jesus you are the bread of life and the living water from whom all blessings flow let me always be seeking you walking with you growing in you don't let me settle for anything less than your glory revealed in my life I know you are capable of great things and Lord I want your power to be displayed in my life
not because I deserve it but because I long to have a Divine experience with you I long for the world to see how great you are Lord I know that like Jacob I am powerless in your presence I know that I'm unworthy to stand before a pure and true God such as you I have nothing to bring no chips to bargain with all I have is faith faith that you will bless me faith that you are going to bless my family Lord I trust and believe that all good things all blessings they come from you
they come out of the riches of your grace and the kindness of your character so give me the patience and endurance to wrestle with you in faith when everything in my life is going wrong when I'm in a season of dryness when I'm frustrated with the ways of the world help me to wrestle Lord and continue to seek you your word in Luke 11: 9-10 say and I tell you ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock and it will be open to you for everyone who asks receives and
the one who seeks finds and to the one who knocks it will be opened God I pray that I would ask seek and knock with humility recognizing my position before a holy God lord I don't come to you with a The List of Demands but I submit to your will in all things let your will be done and I believe just as your word says no eye has seen and no ear has heard nor the heart of man imagined what God has prepared for those who love him Lord may your will be done in my
life have your way King Jesus and touch my life father make your presence known move in a mighty way and displace everything Unholy that I'm connected to this includes any friends that don't respect you every habit that doesn't honor you every Idol that threatens to take your place in my life Lord I count these all as loss when compared to the the surpassing worth of knowing Jesus Christ God help me to boldly approach your throne confident that you will hear me because Christ has interceded for me and atoned for my sin it's all because of
him that I can come before you now forgive me if I've been impatient I know that I can be so shortsighted at times but Lord help me to persevere help me to see that you're always working and as you do may I pray without ceasing wrestling with you until the day breaks thank you Father for hearing every prayer and for pushing me to become a more patient more obedient more devoted follower of Christ it's in Jesus name that I pray amen dear God I thank you for being there I thank you for being present you
are Jehovah shama and you have been there lovingly and patiently waiting for me to answer to the knock of Christ Lord I Thank you for being there for me always you have been there during the darkest moments of my life when I thought I was down and out and although I couldn't see it at the time in hindsight I give you praise and I thank you Lord Jesus because you held me together you gave me strength 2 Corinthians 4: 8-9 say we are afflicted in every way but not crushed perplexed but not driven to despair
persecuted but not forsaken struggling down but not destroyed this is my testimony Lord you've been there you've held me close so that I would not be crushed by life you've held me close so that my mind would not be driven to despair you Lord have been there during my most difficult moments and Lord for that I am grateful I'm grateful because you have never forsaken me Lord I Thank you for always being present for always being there and for loving me even before I loved you father you loved me even while I was still lost
in sin and for that I'm forever grateful God I thank you and I praise you for being my shield and my defense whenever the enemy tried to attack me thank you for being present King Jesus and for being my refuge and my protection your word says in Jeremiah 29:13 you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart Lord this is my heart's desire to find you to have an encounter with you to feel and be changed by your presence Lord God Almighty you inhabit the Praises of your people and
so we praise you we praise you and we invite your presence into our lives fill our home with your glory fill our hearts with your love as our hearts cry and long for your presence may this prayer be like a sweet Aroma a sweet fragrance that reaches your heavenly throne and invites you to move in our lives father God our trust is in your promise the one you made in Isaiah 65:24 where you say before they call I will answer while they are yet speaking I will hear Lord we believe and hold on to this
promise because we know that you are a God who hears and you are a God who answers father help me to understand that your ways are not like my ways your timing is divine your timing is perfect and so Lord in the fullness of your time I really do believe that you will answer my heart's cry I believe that you will show up and I believe you'll make a way in your perfect time I believe you already have a solution ready made for me you are already in my future with an answer for every single
concern that I have and so I praise and honor you in Psalm 28:7 it says the Lord is my strength and my shield in him my heart trusts and I am helped my heart exalts and with my song I give thanks to him Lord you are indeed my source of strength and an impenetrable shield against the enemy my heart trusts in you King Jesus with unwavering confidence in him it's in you that I find help refuge and rest it's in you that I find peace and comfort and so father I pray that you would hear
our prayer may your presence be with us may it dwell Among Us Lord I bless your holy name and I thank you for hearing this prayer in Jesus name amen Lord you are worthy to be praised and honored Lord we desire your presence we are praying and seeking for your presence I pray that the Holy Spirit would teach us to be diligent in prayer your word in Matthew 26:41 says watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak teach us to pray holy spirit so
that we will not fall into temptation even though our flesh is weak I pray that you would strengthen us Empower us to fight and pray I pray that you would light a fire within my soul light a fire within my spirit so that I would be persistent in prayer as I seek the presence of God Lord in your presence there is fullness of joy at your right hand are Pleasures forever more Lord I desire to experience the the fullness of joy that's in your presence as the psalmist said at your right hand are Pleasures forever
more this is my desire Lord to experience the pleasures at your right hand and not the fleeting pleasures of this world I understand that to be empowered as a Christian I need your presence Lord to be filled with joy I need your presence to experience peace and rest I need your presence King Jesus and so I pray Lord Jesus may your presence be so evident around me that even unbelievers will be able to see the supernatural Joy the supernatural peace and protection which is upon my life and it's all because of you I seek your
presence Lord because there is safety Psalm 31:2 says in the cover of your presence you hide them from the plots of men you store them in your Shelter From The Strife of tongues your presence protects me from every evil plot that can be set out against me it Shields me from all the negative words spoken against me there is power in your presence almighty God and I desire for that power to be upon my life so my prayer today Lord is that you would hide me in the secret place of your presence I pray that
I would abide in your presence where no evil can approach me but instead I am blessed to Fellowship ship with you day and night I pray that you would create in me a clean heart oh God and renew a steadfast Spirit Within Me Lord I Thank you for the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus which purifies me from all sin and unrighteousness I thank you that through the Holy Spirit I have access to your wonderful presence you alone Are Holy and worthy to be praised I thank you that through the blood of my Lord
and Savior Jesus Christ I can now approach your throne with boldness and confidence I thank you that there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus I bless your holy name and I am also grateful that through the Holy Spirit you make your presence available to me anytime and anywhere may your name be lifted on high and glorified in jesus' name I pray amen saints of God one of the pillars of faith should be the word of God forget the praise and worship music put aside the do Doctrine and Theology and focus on God's word God's word
should be the starting point and I really want you to understand the power that is in the word of God Matthew 24:35 says Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away take a moment to understand that heaven and earth as we currently know it will pass away someday they will be no more but God's word God's word will remain and stand forever Hebrews 4:12 for the word of God is living and active sharper than any two-edged sword piercing to the division of soul and of spirit of joints and of marrow
and Discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart I want you to never take the word of God for granted it lives it has power it's sharp it cuts through a person right through to the deepest parts of our nature exposing and judging the very thoughts and intentions of the heart when you pray with God's word you're speaking a word that has life in into your prayer it becomes effective so should you be wondering how to make your prayers more effective use the word of God God is his word and the word is God this
means that his word has the power to defeat evil it has the power to defeat Satan the Bible is in a spiritual sense alive this is why the devil will do all that he can to prevent you from spending time in God's word because he knows that it can transform you it can Empower you it can pierce your heart and challenge you concerning the sin in your life the devil will fight you tooth and nail so that you will never reach a point where you are consistently reading and studying the Bible so be aware of
this fight against this the Bible tells us that faith comes through what not prayer not praise and worship but through God's word God's word plants living seeds in your heart and so as you hear me I encourage you to take God's word seriously it has the power to keep you pure cure according to Psalms 119: 9-11 the Bible reads how can a young man keep his way pure by guarding it according to your word with my whole heart I seek you let me not Wander from your Commandments I have stored up your word in my
heart that I might not sin against you God's word has Authority it can teach you correct you and train you because 2 Timothy 3: 16-17 says all scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching for reproof for correction and for training in righteousness that the man of God may be complete equipped for every good work now let us pray dear Lord I thank you for your precious word your word saves your word gives life your word sanctifies and it protects and I pray that your word would always be hidden in my heart Psalms
23: 1-3 say the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he makes me lie down in Green Pastures he leads me beside Still Waters he restores my soul he leads me in Paths of righteousness for his name's sake I pray father that as my good shepherd you will lead me always guide my steps may I be found in the right place at the right time not because I am so smart or talented but because you King Jesus are my good shepherd because you are leading me you are a shepherd who leads me beside Still
Waters a Shepherd who leads me in the paths of righteousness I pray that you would give me strength Lord may I be found to be walking in alignment with your will and your word give me a Discerning spirit so that I may not walk in the path of sin strengthen me so that I will not be lured by the world and its Pleasures but instead King Jesus I hold on to your word and declare that the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want I praise you you are all that I want and need I
am content so long as you are with me Lord when we experience seasons in life that are discouraging and stressful may your word be the source of Our Hope may your word be the place we run to in search of an answers the Bible says in Joshua 1:8 this book of the law shall not depart from your mouth but you shall meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it for then you will make your way prosperous and then you will have good
success May the Holy Spirit help me to meditate on your word day and night May the Holy Spirit help me to be careful to follow the instruction that is in your word oh God your word Lord is what can truly encourage us as your children regardless of what we are going through regardless of the storm in your word we can find strength and courage even in the midst of tumultuous circumstances [Music] I pray that your word would continue to operate as an everpresent reminder in my life that all things are possible with you g help
me to fight each and every day so that I may spend time in your word so that I can feed my inner Spirit Romans 15:13 says may the god of Hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope I receive this promise King Jesus fill me with joy and peace so that by the power of the Holy Spirit I may abound in hope I praise you for being faithful Lord indeed you are a God who is compassionate and your mercies are
new every morning thank you for hearing my prayer be glorified always in Jesus name I pray amen Lord Jesus we praise you we put all focus and attention on you we magnify you Lord Jesus Jesus we magnify you above we magnify you above the Troubles of Tomorrow we magnify you and put you above every Health crisis every Financial setback and every problem father God we will not worry about tomorrow because your word says in 2 Corinthians 12 verse 9 my grace is sufficient for you for my strength is made perfect in weakness therefore most gladly
I will rather boast in my infirmities that the power of Christ Christ May rest upon me you are with us Lord and we are grateful as your children we're grateful that you're with us and your grace is always available and sufficient for our needs we choose to focus on the Healer instead of the sickness we choose to focus on the provider rather than the lack we choose to focus on the way Mak maker instead of the obstacles ahead we choose to focus on you King Jesus because we find favor in you we find protection in
you and we find Mercy In You Lord father we sincerely ask that you would open your ears to hear our cry give us a mind filled with peace and during those times in which my heart is heavy Lord I pray that you would make my burdens light whenever the attacks of the enemy are many I pray that you would defend me Lord fight for me and for my family God I thank you for fighting my battles though the adversary prows around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour I confess that I will be
kept safe by the blood of Jesus Christ Christ God will intervene in my circumstances God will take away the worry and give me peace in my heart may you intervene in all my Affairs and show your might David cried in Psalm 35:1 and said plead my cause O Lord with those who strive with me fight against those who fight against me and so to today I too will call upon the name of the Lord so that he may plead my cause I will call on the name of the Lord when I need divine intervention I
will ask you my Father in heaven to step in just as you did for Daniel just like you did for Elijah and even the way you did for Elisha we invite you Lord Jesus to move in a mighty way move in a mighty way in our Our Lives Lord clear every trap that the devil has hidden in my path I pray that you would guard my mind against discouraging and depressing thoughts I rebuke all thoughts of worry and anxiety about what tomorrow holds about what the future may hold instead I choose to have peace because
I will have faith in you Lord and when the enemy throws darts of confusion and depression doubt and even despair when he tries to weaken my faith or steal my joy I pray Lord Jesus that you will protect my mind with the helmet of salvation even in this present moment if I do struggle to live with the uncertainty of this world and all that is going on I pray that you would help me to keep my mind focused on you I bless your holy name and I thank you for hearing this prayer in the mighty
name of Jesus Christ I pray amen the Bible calls for us to be committed to Jesus Christ First Kings 8 verse 61 says and may your hearts be fully committed to the Lord Our God to live by his decrees and obey his commands as at this time take a moment to really decipher what this verse is telling us your heart should be fully committed to Jesus Christ your heart should be obligated compelled to follow Jesus Christ your heart should be wholly devoted and completely loyal to the Lord Psalm 37:5 says commit your way to the
Lord trust also in him and he shall bring it to pass have you committed your way to the Lord Saints I want to encourage you to make a decision a decision to commit your ways to Jesus Christ be someone who is loyal never to be found with a Wandering eye don't be found giving anything less than your all to the Lord make a commitment to Christ make a commitment that you will take action regarding the things of the Lord take action today don't wait until tomorrow don't wait for someone to lay hands on you take
action concerning your relationship with Jesus Christ this day as for me well I've decided that I will trust I will praise I will pray and I will worship Jesus Christ today and forever I'll give my all I won't hold anything back I will be loyal and wholly devoted to Jesus Christ I'm not waiting for a convention I'm not waiting for the blessing or the miracle I'm trusting the Lord today you see tomorrow is not promised today while I still have breath in my lungs and strength in my bones I will put my trust in Jesus
I'll commit my ways to him as long as I'm living as long as I have a voice I will declare that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior today I boldly declare that I will I will I will put my faith only in Jesus Christ no one else could rescue me no one else could offer me help but Jesus so I'll call on the name of Jesus Christ today I'll call on his name tomorrow and every day after that whether I'm on the Mountaintop or I am deep in the valley I will call on Jesus
Christ he is always faithful now let's pray Lord Jesus your word in Proverbs 16:3 says commit to the Lord whatever you do and He will establish your plans father in obedience to your word I commit everything to you I commit it all Lord the plans I have made they're in your hands father the goals I've written down and all of the things that I want to achieve I commit them into your hands father in agreement with everyone under the sound of my voice we commit our ways to you we commit Our Lives to you Lord
Jesus our families our children our marriages we commit it all to you mighty God take control and have your way let your will be done in our lives God May the Holy Spirit lead and move within our hearts and our homes so that we may do that which is pleasing in your sight father in committing all that I have to you I am saying that I submit to you Lord Jesus I Trust You Lord I believe in you and I believe in your word Lord Jesus as I commit everything to you as I declare my
loyalty and Devotion to you I also submit my thought life into your hands I submit my heart's desires to you reshape my thinking Lord let my thinking be aligned to the word of God let my heart's desire be pure in your sight this world may try to get me to conform to its ways but I pray that you would give me the strength to overcome the Temptation Of The World friends may try to entice me so that I can conform to their sinful ways but Lord I pray that you would give me the strength to
overcome every Temptation may I be so committed to following you Lord that nothing in this world would take my focus or Draw my affection Lord I will not fear the unknown because my eyes are continuously fixed on on you I pray and declare Psalm 16: 8 and 9 I have set the lord always before me because he is at my right hand I shall not be moved therefore my heart is glad and my glory rejoices My Flesh also will rest in [Music] hope I will not be moved by any situation my heart is filled with
gladness and joy because I'm under your care Lord Jesus I may not know what tomorrow has in store for me but I do have faith that whatever the enemy means for evil you Lord will turn it around for my good I may not know what tomorrow has in store for me but I do have faith in you as my provider I trust that you will be my safe place be glorified in my life Lord Jesus I'm at peace because I know who my God is I'm at peace because I know who my source is I'm
at peace because I know who my protector is Lord you have my focus you have my attention I look to you and you alone for direction for strength and for Comfort I Praise You Lord Jesus for all that you've done and I praise you in advance for all that you are doing doing and that which you are still yet to do I thank you for your grace and mercy and I thank you for hearing my prayer it's in Jesus name that I pray amen we can hold on to the beautiful and uplifting promises in the
bible promises like those found in Isaiah 43:2 when you pass through the waters I will be with you and through the rivers they shall not overflow you when you walk through the fire you shall not be burned nor shall the Flames Scorch you for any problem any danger or threat remember God is with you if we can only walk by faith and not by sight we will see the hand of God moving and protecting us from harm he's already declared that no weapon formed against us shall stand and if he is for us who can
be against us so now let's pray God Almighty you are powerful and mighty you are the God who made all things you alone stretched out the heavens you alone stretched out the Earth and I bow down and praise you right now dear God there is none who can come against you God and so I trust you with all of my cares I commit all of my ways to you God I give you all of my cares and burdens Lord Jesus I give you the throne to my heart and I ask that you take control Lord
take control of my life and Lead Me take control of my emotions and my thoughts I trust in You Lord For You Are My Redeemer and the Lord of hosts you're the first and the last your word in 1 John 5: 4 and 5 it says for whatever is born of God overcomes the world and this is the victory that has overcome the world our faith who is He Who overcomes the world but he who believes that Jesus is the son of God Lord I Thank you for making me an overcomer I thank you because
I'm more than a conqueror Because of You Lord Jesus I thank you because your word tells me that you have made me the head and not the tail you have put me on top and never on the bottom father I will praise you for this word because when I'm hardpressed on every side I will remember that Jesus Christ has made me an overcome when I'm pressed down lord I will remember your word that tells me that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me you King Jesus have overcome the world you've overcome death
the devil and every challenge that I could ever possibly face you are triumphant Lord Jesus because of you the devil is defeated and death has lost its sting Holy Spirit help me to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might help me to put on the whole armor of God so that I may be able to stand against the Ws of the devil Holy Spirit I pray that you would help me to put into practice what the word of God says in Ephesians 6: 14-8 stand therefore having girded your waist with
truth having put on the breastplate of of righteousness and having Shaw your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace above all taking the shield of Faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of God praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit being watchful to this end with all perseverance and and supplication for all the saints Holy Spirit help me to take up the whole armor of God
so that when the day of evil comes I may be able to stand on God's word to stand in faith and to stand on the Lord's promises Lord Jesus I praise your name you're worthy of all my adoration you're the first and the last you're the King of Kings and the Lord of lords you're the Alpha and the Omega and Lord I Thank you for hearing my prayer in the mighty name of Jesus I pray amen Heavenly Father give me a desire to know you more fill me with an allc consuming Longing To Be Blessed
by you Lord give me a Divine and holy appetite and appetite that longs for you more than my body needs bread and water help me to hunger and thirst for you intensely Jesus you are the bread of life and the living water from whom all blessings flow let me always be seeking you walking with you growing in you don't let me settle for anything less than your glory revealed in my life I know you are capable of great things and Lord I want your power to be displayed in my life not because I deserve it
but because I long to have a Divine experience with you I long for the world to see how great you are Lord I know that like Jacob I am powerless in your presence I know that I'm unworthy to stand before a pure and true God such as you I have nothing to bring no chips to bargain with all I have is faith faith that you will bless me faith that you are going to bless my family Lord I trust and believe that all good things all blessings they come from you they come out of the
riches of your grace and the kindness of your care so give me the patience and endurance to wrestle with you in faith when everything in my life is going wrong when I'm in a season of dryness when I'm frustrated with the ways of the world help me to wrestle Lord and continue to seek you your word in Luke 11: 9-10 say and I tell you ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock and it will be open to you for everyone who asks receives and the one who seeks finds
and to the one who knocks it will be opened God I pray that I would ask seek and knock with humility recognizing my position before a holy God lord I don't come to you with a list of Demands but I submit to your will in all things let your will be done and I believe just as your word says no I has seen and no ear has heard nor the heart of man imagined what God has prepared for those who love him Lord may your will be done in my life life have your way King
Jesus and touch my life father make your presence known move in a mighty way and displace everything Unholy that I'm connected to this includes any friends that don't respect you every habit that doesn't honor you every Idol that threatens to take your place in my life Lord I count these all as loss when compared to the surpassing worth of knowing Jesus Christ God help me to boldly approach your throne confident that you will hear me because Christ has interceded for me and atoned for my sin it's all because of him that I can come before
you now forgive me if I've been impatient I know that I can be so shortsighted at times but Lord help help me to persevere help me to see that you're always working and as you do may I pray without ceasing wrestling with you until the day breaks thank you Father for hearing every prayer and for pushing me to become a more patient more obedient more devoted follower of Christ it's in Jesus name that I pray [Music] amen dear God I thank you for being there I thank you for being present you are Jehovah shama and
you have been there lovingly and patiently waiting for me to answer to the knock of Christ Lord I Thank you for being there for me always you have been there during the darkest moments of my life when I thought I was down and out and although I couldn't see it at the time in hindsight I give you praise and I thank you Lord Jesus because you held me together you gave me strength 2 Corinthians 4: 8-9 say we are afflicted in every way but not crushed perplexed but not driven to despair persecuted but not forsaken
struck down but not destroyed this is my testimony Lord you've been there you've held me close so that I would not be crushed by life you've held me close so that my mind would not be driven to despair you Lord have been there during my most difficult moments and Lord for that I am grateful I'm grateful because you have never forsaken me Lord I Thank you for always being present for always being there and for loving me even before I loved you father you loved me even while I was still lost in sin and for
that I'm forever grateful God I thank you and I praise you for being my shield and my defense whenever the enemy tried to attack me thank you for being present King Jesus and for being my refuge and my protection your word says in Jeremiah 29:13 you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart Lord this is my heart's desire to find you to have an encounter with you to feel and be changed by your presence Lord God Almighty you inhabit the Praises of your people and so we praise you
we praise you and we invite your presence into our lives fill our home with your glory fill our hearts with your love as our hearts cry and long for your presence may this prayer be like a sweet Aroma a sweet fragrance that reaches your heavenly throne and invites you to move in our lives Liv father God our trust is in your promise the one you made in Isaiah 65:24 where you say before they call I will answer while they are yet speaking I will hear Lord we believe and hold on to this promise because we
know that you are a God who hears and you are a God who answers father help me to understand that your ways are not like my ways your timing is divine your timing is perfect and so Lord in the fullness of your time I really do believe that you will answer my heart's cry I believe that you will show up and I believe you'll make a way in your perfect time I believe you already have a solution Ready Made For Me You Are are already in my future with an answer for every single concern that
I have and so I praise and honor you in Psalm 28:7 it says the Lord is my strength and my shield in him my heart trusts and I am helped my heart exalts and with my song I give thanks to him Lord you are indeed my source of strength and an impenetrable shield against the enemy my heart trusts in you King Jesus with unwavering confidence in him it's in you that I find help refuge and rest it's in you that I find peace and comfort and so father I pray that you would hear our prayer
may your presence be with us may it dwell Among Us us Lord I bless your holy name and I thank you for hearing this prayer in Jesus name amen Lord you are worthy to be praised and honored Lord we desire your presence we are praying and seeking for your presence I pray that the Holy Spirit would teach us to be diligent in prayer your word in Matthew 26:41 says watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak teach us to pray holy spirit so that
we will not fall into temptation even though our flesh is weak I pray that you would strengthen us Empower us to fight and pray I pray that you would light a fire within my soul light a fire within my spirit so that I would be persistent in prayer as I seek the presence of God Lord in your presence there is fullness of joy at your right hand our Pleasures forever more Lord I desire to experience experience the fullness of joy that's in your presence as the psalmist said at your right hand are Pleasures forever more
this is my desire Lord to experience the pleasures at your right hand and not the fleeting pleasures of this world I understand that to be empowered as a Christian I need your presence Lord to be filled with Joy I need your presence to experience peace and rest I need your presence King Jesus and so I pray Lord Jesus may your presence be so evident around me that even unbelievers will be able to see the supernatural Joy the supernatural peace and protection which is upon my life and it's all because of you I seek your presence
Lord because there is safety Psalm 31:2 says in the cover of your presence you hide them from the plots of men you store them in your Shelter From The Strife of tongues your presence protects me from every evil plot that can be set out against me it Shields me from all the negative words spoken against me there is power in your presence almighty God and I desire for that power to be upon my life so my prayer today Lord is that you would hide me in the secret place of your presence I pray that I
would abide in your presence where no evil can approach me but instead I am blessed to fellowship with you day and night I pray that you would create in me a clean heart oh God and renew a steadfast Spirit Within Me Lord I Thank you for the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus which purifies me from all sin and unrighteousness I thank you that through the Holy Spirit I have access to your wonderful presence you alone Are Holy and worthy to be praised I thank you that through the blood of my Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ I can now approach your throne with boldness and confidence I thank you that there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus I bless your holy name and I am also grateful that through the holy Holy Spirit you make your presence available to me anytime and anywhere may your name be lifted on high and glorified in Jesus name I pray amen saints of God one of the pillars of faith should be the word of God forget the praise and worship music put aside the Doctrine and Theology and focus on God's word God's word should be
the starting point and I really want you to understand the power that is in the word of God Matthew 24:35 says Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away take a moment to understand that heaven and earth as we currently know it will pass away someday they will be no more but God's word God's word will remain and stand forever Hebrews 4:12 for the word of God is living and active sharper than any two-edged sword piercing to the division of soul and of spirit of joints and of marrow and Discerning
the thoughts and intentions of the heart I want you to never take the word of God for granted it lives it has power it's sharp it cuts through a person right through to the deepest parts of our nature exposing and judging the very thoughts and intentions of the heart when you pray with God's word you're speaking a word that has life into your prayer it becomes effective so should you be wondering how to make your prayers more effective use the word of God God is his word and the word is God this means that his
word has the power to defeat evil it has the power to defeat Satan the Bible is in a spiritual sense alive this is why the devil will do all that he can to prevent you from spending time in God's word because he knows that it can transform you it can Empower you it can pierce your heart and challenge you concerning the sin in your life the devil will fight you tooth and nail so that you will never reach a point where you are consistently reading and studying the Bible so be aware of this fight against
this the Bible tells us that faith comes through what not prayer not praise and worship but through God's word God's word plants living seeds in your heart and so as you hear me I encourage you to take God's word seriously it has the power to keep you pure according to Psalms 119: 9-11 the Bible reads how can a young man keep his way pure by guarding it according to your word with my whole heart I seek you let me not Wander from your Commandments I have stored up your word in my heart that I might
not sin against you God's word has Authority it can teach you correct you and train you because 2 Timothy 3:1 16-1 17 says all scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching for reproof for correction and for training in righteousness that the man of God may be complete equipped for every good work now let us pray dear luren I thank you for your precious word your word saves your word gives life your word sanctifies and it protects and I pray that your word would always be hidden in my heart Psalms 23: 1-3 say
the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he makes me lie down in Green Pastures he leads me beside still water he restores my soul he leads me in Paths of righteousness for his name's sake I pray father that as my good shepherd you will lead me always guide my steps may I be found in the right place at the right time not because I am so smart or talented but because you King Jesus are my good shepherd because you are leading me you are a Shepherd who leads me beside Still Waters a Shepherd
who leads me in the paths of righteousness I pray that you would give me strength Lord may I be found to be walking in alignment with your will and your word give me a Discerning spirit so that I may not walk in the path of sin strengthen me so that I will not be lured by the world and its Pleasures but instead King Jesus I hold on to your word and declare that the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want I praise you you are all that I want and need I am content so
long as you are with me Lord when we experience seasons in life that are discouraging and stressful may your word be the source of Our Hope may your word be the place we run to and search of answers the Bible says in Joshua 1:8 this book of the law shall not depart from your mouth but you shall meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it for then you will make your way prosperous and then you will have good success May the Holy
Spirit help me to meditate on your word day and night May the Holy Spirit help me to be careful to follow the instruction that is in your word oh God your word Lord is what can truly encourage us as your children regardless of what we are going through regardless of the storm in your word we can find strength and courage even in the midst of tumultuous circumstances I pray that your word would continue to operate as an everpresent reminder in my life that all things are possible with you g help me to fight each and
every day so that I may spend time in your word so that I can feed my inner Spirit Romans 15:13 says may the god of Hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope I receive this promise King Jesus fill me with joy and peace so that by the power of the Holy Spirit I may abound in hope I praise you for being faithful Lord indeed you are a God who is compassionate and your mercies are new every morning thank thank
you for hearing my prayer be glorified always in jesus' name I pray amen Lord Jesus we praise you we put all focus and attention on you we magnify you Lord Jesus Jesus we magnify you above we magnify you above the Troubles of tomorrow we magnify you and put you above every Health crisis every Financial setback and every problem father God we will not worry about tomorrow because your word says in 2 Corinthians chapter 12:9 my grace is sufficient for you for my strength is made perfect in weakness therefore most gladly I will rather boast in
my infirmities that the power of Christ May rest upon me you are with us Lord and we are grateful as your children we're grateful that you're with us and your grace is always available and sufficient for our needs we choose to focus on the Healer instead of the sickness we choose to focus on the provider rather than the lack we choose to focus on the way maker instead of the obstacles ahead we choose to focus on you King Jesus because we find favor in you we find protection in you and we find Mercy In You
Lord father we sincerely ask that you would open your ears to hear our cry give us a mind filled with peace and during those times in which my heart is heavy Lord I pray that you would make my burdens light whenever the attacks of the enemy are many I pray that you would defend me Lord fight for me and for my family God I thank you for fighting my battles though the adversary prows around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour I confess that I will be kept safe by the blood of Jes
Jesus Christ God will intervene in my circumstances God will take away the worry and give me peace in my heart may you intervene in all my Affairs and show your might David cried in Psalm 35:1 and said plead my cause O Lord with those who strive with me fight against those who fight against me and and so today I too will call upon the name of the Lord so that he may plead my cause I will call on the name of the Lord when I need divine intervention I will ask you my Father in heaven
to step in just as you did for Daniel just like you did for Elijah and even the way you did for Elisha we invite you Lord Jesus to move in a mighty way move in a mighty way in our lives Lord clear every trap that the devil has hidden in my path I pray that you would guard my mind against discouraging and depressing thoughts I rebuke all thoughts of worry and anxiety about what tomorrow holds about what the future may hold instead I choose to have peace because I will have faith in you Lord and
when the enemy throws darts of confusion and depression doubt and even despair when he tries to weaken my faith or steal my joy I pray Lord Jesus that you will protect my mind with the helmet of salvation even in this present moment if I do struggle to live with the uncertainty of this world and all that is going on I pray that you would help me to keep my mind focused on you I bless your holy name and I thank you for hearing this prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray amen the
Bible calls for us to be committed to Jesus Christ First Kings 8 verse 61 says and may your hearts be fully committed to the Lord Our God to live by his decrees and obey his commands as at this time take a moment to really decipher what this verse is telling us your heart should be fully committed to Jesus Christ your heart should be obligated compelled to follow Jesus Christ your heart should be holy devoted and completely loyal to the Lord Psalm 37:5 says commit your way to the Lord trust also in him and he shall
bring it to pass have you committed your way to the Lord Saints I want to encourage you to make a decision a decision to commit your ways to Jesus Christ be someone who is loyal never to be found with a Wandering eye don't be found giving anything less than your all to the Lord make a commitment to Christ make a commitment that you will take action regarding the things of the Lord take action today don't wait until tomorrow don't wait for someone to lay hands on you take action concerning your relationship with Jesus Christ this
day as for me well I've decided that I will trust I will praise I will pray and I will worship Jesus Christ today and forever I'll give my all I won't hold anything back I will be loyal and wholly devoted to Jesus Christ I'm not waiting for a convention I'm not waiting for the blessing or the miracle I'm trusting the Lord today you see tomorrow is not promised today while I still have breath in my lungs and strength in my bones I will put my trust in Jesus I'll commit my ways to him as long
as I'm living as long as I have a voice I will declare that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior today I boldly declare that I will I will I will put my faith only in Jesus Christ no one else could rescue me no one else could offer me help but Jesus so I'll call on the name of Jesus Christ today I'll call on his name tomorrow and every day after that whether I'm on the Mountaintop or I am deep in the valley I will call on Jesus Christ he is always faithful now let's pray
Lord Jesus your word in Proverbs 16:3 says commit to the Lord whatever you do and He will establish your plans father in obedience to your word I commit everything to you I commit it all Lord the plans I have made they're in your hands father the goals I've written down and all of the things that I want to achieve I commit them into your hands father in agreement with everyone under the sound of my voice we commit our ways to you we commit Our Lives to you Lord Jesus our families our children our marriages we
commit it all to you mighty God God take control and have your way let your will be done in our lives God May the Holy Spirit lead and move within our hearts and our homes so that we may do that which is pleasing in your sight father in committing all that I have to you I am saying that I submit to you Lord Jesus I Trust You Lord I believe in you and I believe in your word Lord Jesus as I commit everything to you as I declare my loyalty and Devotion to you I also
submit my thought life into your hands I submit my heart's desires to you reshape my thinking Lord let my thinking be aligned to the word of God let my heart's desire be pure in your sight this world may try to get me to conform to its ways but I I pray that you would give me the strength to overcome the Temptation Of The World friends may try to entice me so that I can conform to their sinful ways but Lord I pray that you would give me the strength to overcome every Temptation may I be
so committed to following you Lord that nothing in this world would take my focus or Draw my affection Lord I will not fear the unknown because my eyes are continuous ly fixed on you I pray and declare Psalm 16: 8 and 9 I have set the lord always before me because he is at my right hand I shall not be moved therefore my heart is glad and my glory rejoices My Flesh also will rest in hope I will not be moved by any situation my heart is filled with gladness and joy because I'm under your
care Lord Jesus I may not know what tomorrow has in store for me but I do have faith that whatever the enemy means for evil you Lord will turn it around for my good I may not know what tomorrow has in store for me but I do have faith in you as my provider I trust that you will be my safe place be glorified in my life Lord Jesus I'm at peace because I know who my God is I'm at peace because I know who my source is I'm at peace because I know who my
protector is Lord you have my focus you have my attention I look to you and you alone for direction for strength and for Comfort I Praise You Lord Jesus for all that you've done and I praise you in advance for all that you you are doing and that which you are still yet to do I thank you for your grace and mercy and I thank you for hearing my prayer it's in Jesus name that I pray amen we can hold on to the beautiful and uplifting promises in the bible promises like those found in Isaiah
43:2 when you pass through the waters I will be with you and through the Rivers they shall not overflow you when you walk through the fire you shall not be burned nor shall the flame Scorch you for any problem any danger or threat remember God is with you if we can only walk by faith and not by sight we will see the hand of God moving and protecting us from harm he's already declared that no weapon formed against us shall stand and if he is for us who can be against us so now let's pray
God Almighty you are powerful and mighty you are the God who made all things you alone stretched out the heavens you alone stretched out the Earth and I bow down and praise you right now dear God there is none who can come against you God and so I trust you with all of my cares I commit all of my ways to you God I give you all of my cares and burdens Lord Jesus I give you the throne to my heart and I ask that you take control Lord take control of my life and Lead
Me take control of my emotions and my thoughts I trust in You Lord For You Are My Redeemer and the Lord of hosts you're the first and the last your word in 1 John 5: 4 and 5 it says for whatever is born of God overcomes the world and this is the victory that has overcome the world our faith who is He Who overcomes the world but he who believes that Jesus is the son of God lord I than thank you for making me an overcomer I thank you because I'm more than a conqueror Because
of You Lord Jesus I thank you because your word tells me that you have made me the head and not the tail you have put me on top and never on the bottom father I will praise you for this word because when I'm hardpressed on every side I will remember that Jesus Christ has made me an overcomer when I'm pressed down lord I will remember your word that tells me that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me you King Jesus have overcome the world you've overcome death the devil and every challenge that
I could ever possibly face you are triumphant Lord Jesus because of you the devil is defeated and death has lost its s Holy Spirit help me to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might help me to put on the whole armor of God so that I may be able to stand against the Ws of the devil Holy Spirit I pray that you would help me to put into practice what the word of God says in Ephesians 6: 14-18 stand therefore having girded your waist with truth having put on the breastplate
of righteousness and having Shaw your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace above all taking the shield of Faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one and take the helment of Salvation And The Sword of the spirit which is the word of God praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints Holy Spirit help me to take up the whole armor of God so that when the day of evil comes
I may be able to stand on God's word to stand in faith and to stand on the Lord's promises Lord Jesus I praise your name you're worthy of all my adoration you're the first and the last you're the King of Kings and the Lord of lords you're the Alpha and the Omega and Lord I Thank you for hearing my prayer in the mighty name of Jesus I pray amen