How to Create an eBook FAST and Sell it Online (And Make $10k/mo)

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Sean Dollwet
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Video Transcript:
so I've made over $1.6 million selling simple eBooks online and in my opinion selling eBooks is one of the best business models to get started right now because with the rise of AI you can create these ebooks very easily and with the right strategy it can be very profitable I've helped over 1,400 students make money with this strategy and in this video I'm going to show you how you can follow it to to make $10,000 a month before we start I want to invite you to check out my free 7-Day book challenge that'll walk you
through step-by-step how to brainstorm write and public a book all in just 7 days it is an amazing Challenge and everyone who've gone through it is absolutely loving it and at the time of this recording it is completely free now we will be charging for this very soon in the future so if you want to grab this while it's free then make sure to check out the link in the description below all right so let me show you the strategy that in my opinion is the best way to make $10,000 a month or more selling
eBooks now I'm sure you've watched plenty of other videos on this topic because there are a lot of it on YouTube however you'll quickly see that my Approach is very different from all these other videos and in my humble opinion it is much better because of the results that I've got but also the results that I'm getting for my students because I'm actually doing this myself I've been doing this for many years and I became a self-made millionaire from doing this business not from teaching it like all these other side hustle channels right so I
do think this is the best way so these are the four simple steps number one we're going to research the topic number two create the book number three upload it and number four Market the book so let's start with step number one researching the topic so first you want to brain dump whatever topic that comes to your mind it could be your passion interest Hobbies do you play any sports do you play any musical instruments I actually got a friend who makes like 50k a month you know uh teaching people how to play guitar so
really whatever ideas that are flowing in your mind right now you want to take out a pen and paper and start writing it down you can also use chpd to get more ideas so I'm on chpd right now and I asked a very simple prompt right here I want to create an ebook to sell please give me 50 topic ideas and these are 50 topic ideas we got so we got some self-help topics mindfulness overcoming procrastination self- Lov and confidence mental resilience from negative to positive thinking right we got productivity Niche um maximizing your time
declutter your life I like decluttering as a topic so I'll probably do this we got goal setting and much much more so we got 50 ideas just like that you can keep talking to Ai and keep getting more ideas or you can also look at you know bookstores like Barnes & Noble see what kind of books you're selling you can also look at Amazon see what kind of books you're selling and get ideas as well now this is where my Approach is completely different than all these other channels that are teaching this is that most
people will tell you to write on whatever topic that you're passionate about most people just tell you to start writing the book on you know whatever topic that you're most passionate in but this is completely wrong and by skipping this step that I'm about to show you you could waste so much time creating a book that no one wants so what is the step well that is validating your idea checking if it's actually profitable so most people write a book on whatever topic that they're passionate about first and then they try to find people who
want to buy it so they they write the book first and they're like okay you know where can I find people who want to buy my book and that is literally the most opposite thing that you can do okay instead what you want to do is to identify what books people are buying first right what are the topics that people want people are interested in and then make a book on that okay so this way you know that your book will sell before you even make it because you know that it's profitable okay so the
ideal Niche is a topic that is profitable it has shown demand but also something that you're interested in something that you're passionate in if you can have both that is the ideal combination but honestly if you have to choose between a topic that is profitable but you're not interested in or a topic that you're passionate about but nobody's interested in nobody wants to buy a book on this you honestly should go for profitability if you're doing this for business right if you're doing this for a passion project this doesn't matter just go with whatever topic
you want to write about but if you want to make money if you're here to make money and make over 10K per month you should pick a topic that is profitable over your passion but once again ideally if you can find a topic that has both that's the best so how do we validate our ideas right so we have a lot of ideas as an example let's say like we got a bunch of ideas right now we want to find books on this topic that are selling so like I said earlier I'm going to go
with decluttering so all I'm going to do is go to Amazon I'm going to switch to the bookstore here and then I'm going to type in my topic or my keyword so in my case it's going to be decluttering if you're doing like a minimalism book put minimalism if you're doing like a Atkins die book put Atkins die whatever keyword right and you will get here to the search results now what I want you guys to do is to go to the Google Chrome Store and download a tool called DS Amazon quick viw this one
right here this is a completely free plugin that will show you this number right here you see this 3,700 that is called the best sellers rank now what's cool about Amazon is Amazon literally tells you how well the book is selling based on the best sellers rank we call it BSR okay so when it comes to this number the lower the better because if it says number one in the bookstore that means it is the number one bestselling book in the entire bookstore so this book on the cluttering right here is 376th bestselling book in
the entire bookstore so what you want to find are books below 80,000 so 80,000 minimum if not lower the better okay now if you guys want to invest a little bit of money there is another Tool uh it's not free though called book beam so it's this green one right here I'll leave a link in the description if you guys want to check it out but book beam is cool because it tells you not only the BSR but also how much the book is actually making every single day in royalties right how much you actually
get paid in your bank account so this book is making $277 every single day over $88,000 a month just from one format and we're going to talk about this later as well but you can sell your book not just as an ebook format you can sell it as a paperback audiobook so many ways right which I'm going to show you so it's very cool but basically you want to find other books on your topic that is below 880,000 BSR because if it's around 880,000 BSR most likely that book is doing about $500 a month if
it's much lower than $80,000 it's doing much more than $500 a month as you saw just now and this is a pretty good Benchmark to aim like for each book that you publish if you're making $500 a month that is a pretty good place to be at so now that we confirmed that the topic of decluttering is profitable now we can go and create the book so never create a book before you validate if your topic is profitable okay this is where everyone messes up so that brings us to step two which is creating the
book so there are two ways of doing this number one you can write the book yourself number two you can hire a ghost writer it really depends on what your situation is right so if you are a busy professional and you have the money to just hire a ghost writer and you don't have the time to write the book yourself you can definitely do this this is the route that I prefer because for me time is more important than money but if you're just getting started you have a lot of time but you don't have
a lot of money to invest then you can definitely write the book yourself and nowadays with AI that process is getting easier and easier so in terms of writing the book yourself you want to brain dump everything that you know about the topic into a Google doc right so as an example my topic is decluttering so I'm going to brain dump all the tips strategies everything I know about decluttering in my Google doc I'm going to start doing that the best tip I can give you in terms of writing is especially for how-to books right
how-to non-fiction books which are the best books to publish you know especially for this business right you want to publish books that teaches people something solves the reader problems okay so for how-to books you want to imagine taking the reader from point A to point B point a is they are currently struggling with the problem right and point B is where they overcome the problem and they're happy okay so what are the four to eight steps the reader should take to get from point A to point B those are going to be your chapters so
let me give you an example so I'm back in chat GPT and this is what I told them okay so I'm runting a book on decluttering and I need your help in creating a detailed book outline the goal of this book is to take the reader from point A struggling with stress and unproductivity due to the clutter in their home okay so that is my point a for my reader in the decluttering niche is they're buying books on decluttering because they're struggling with stress overwhelm and you know they're not productive because their home is a
mess right so that's what I identify that's what I put here to point B feeling stressfree and productive as they know the decluttering strategies right point B is when they overcome that initial problem in point a so what are the eight steps the reader should take from point A to point B please create a chapter for each step and add subsections for each chapter and just like that chadid came up with a great outline for my book chapter one understanding the impact of clutter and then it goes into subsections that I can cover as well
chapter 2 setting goals and your vision for your space chapter three mindset shifts with decluttering success chapter four preparing for decluttering session chapter five declaring by categories six organizing and storing with intention and couple more the best thing you can do is to not copy paste from chat PD you want to get ideas but obviously add your own input as well because you're writing the book you're not letting AI write the book right you're just using AI for help you know not as a replacement and now that you have a skeleton of the book basically
the outline you want to start filling it out you want to start writing it okay and you you can use chaj obviously for help but when you're writing your book this is really the one thing that you have to keep in mind and that is that people buy books to solve a problem so as I said earlier people don't buy books for the sake of buying books they buy books because they have an underlying problem that they're trying to solve when people buy Fiction it's kind of like when people go to Netflix to watch something
they are bored and they want to be entertained right so being bored is the problem so fiction books you know solves You by entertaining you right with non-fiction though it's a little different people have a specific problem and they want to learn how to fix that problem so as I showed you earlier when people buy a book on decluttering it's because their house is a mess and they're stressed out and they want to fix it right that is the problem when people buy a weight loss book it's because they have a problem of losing weight
and they want to fix it I highly doubt a skinny person will buy a book on weight loss because they don't have the problem so every single chapter in your book should be focused on solving whatever problem you identified any section in your book book that does not directly help with solving the problem is fluff it's useless information so as an example if your book is about losing weight with the ketogenic diet obviously people buy that book because they want to lose weight with the keto diet so if you start talking about the history of
the keto diet and who invented it and you know how it became popular do you think that's going to help the person lose weight no right like knowing the history is not going to help me lose weight it's just completely useless information and you should not add it because it becomes fluff so that is the biggest tip when it comes to writing but that's if you want to write the book yourself if you don't want to do it if you want to use a ghost riter hiring a ghost riter is actually a lot cheaper than
you think it is also a very very common practice in terms of the publishing space most influencers athletes uh celebrities politicians they all use ghost writers very rarely they write books themselves okay so it is great if you have no time and there are actually high quality options to do so at a very affordable cost so what I'm going to do is if you guys are interested in this option I filmed a whole video on the best ghost writing company how to order it so I'll just leave a link to that video in the description
below so next we want to create our book title so this once again we can use chat gbd because it is a great way to generate title ideas you want to choose titles that are easy to understand and also a title that clearly explains the value and the transformation the book will give the reader okay and avoid being too fancy if your title is too fancy to the point where people do not understand what your book is about in one second after reading the title then your title is bad okay especially for non-fiction people need
to know instantly what this book is about and if you can try and include specific numbers uh because that makes the title sound a lot better like you know 5 minute meals so going back to the chat example I've asked it to give me 10 title ideas for this book make sure the title is easy to understand and explains the value transformation it provides add numbers if applicable so we got 10 titles obviously you can ask for more you can you know kind of ask to tweak it it's up to you right but we got
from chaos to Cal declutter your life in 30 days I do like that one The Ultimate Guide to decluttering go from overwhelmed organized in 30 days and we got a bunch more ideas as always do not just rely on AI do not just copy paste you can tweak it from here but this is a great starting point so once you have your book written completely you got your title the next thing is to format the book so that the interior looks nice okay so in terms of the structure it is very simple first you got
the cover page then you have the introduction then you go into the main chapters and the conclusion okay so instead of showing you step-by step how to do it because this video is going to be super long I did film a video on step-by-step how to format your book in Microsoft Word so I'll leave a link in the description below now some people will tell you that you can format your book on canva using templates and different images canva provides which you can if you're trying to sell your books on your own website like you
know gumroad stand store maybe your WordPress site uh those kind of places but later in this video I'm going to show you why that is literally the worst place to sell your ebook on okay so if you're trying to make money do not do that at least that is my recommendation and I've made a lot of money from this business but before we get into that let's first design our book cover so in terms of creating your book cover you have two ways once again you can do it yourself or you can hire a designer
and Outsource I personally always Outsource because your book cover is the most important thing when it comes to selling your book if you have a crappy book cover no matter how good your book is the actual content is no one's going to give it a chance right so people do judge a book by its cover so you want to have a really good book cover but if you want to design it yourself as a starting point I am okay with it and once you start making money from this business you can reinvest back into the
business by hiring a professional designer so that they can make a better book cover later on so for the DIY option CA is a great place to start so you do need to practice in the beginning it's not like you whip up a cover and you're done right you got to practice practice but there are a lot of you know tutorials online I also have a tutorial video on this uh basically showing you how to create a book cover for free with canva so once again I'll leave a link in the description below if you
do want to Outsource this process I'll leave a link to some of the designers that are very affordable uh while being high quality so I filmed another video on the best budget Fiverr gigs for Designing stunning book covers so once again I'll leave a link in the description now this is a great starting point because they're 20 bucks or less but as always you know once your business grows you want to reinvest back into the business consider you know paying a little more for your book cover because you know it really is that important but
as an example this is one of the designer that I show in the the video that I link to but for just $10 you can get a book cover like this so these are the samples that you know she has and these are some real life samples from real customers that are coming in so for 10 bucks I would say these covers are pretty damn good and it's probably better than what you can create yourself on canva right so this is what I mean but you don't want to cheap out when you're trying to build
a business you know to 10K a month right because you know by spending 10 bucks just 10 bucks right if you make an extra five sales by having a nicer book cover you're breaking even on this $10 right and I'm very very confident that you will make more than five sales by having a more attractive book cover so now that you wrote the book you have the book cover you formatted the book it is time to go to step three which is to upload the book so now let's talk about where should you sell your
books on okay so most people most other channels will tell you to sell your eBooks on your own website like gumroad stand store you know those kind of platforms this is once again the worst place to sell your ebooks because you have to do all the work including getting traffic to your website you have to create the website you got to pay for the site right you have to even get people into the site and then from there you got to do customer service refunds you know a lot of work guys it's a lot of
work okay but what if you can sell your eBooks on the world's biggest online retail store where millions of customers are already buying books in right what if you can tap into the millions of people every single day looking for a book to buy wouldn't that be nice right if you can show up in front of those millions of people well this is possible with Amazon so Amazon is the biggest online retail store and Amazon literally dominates the book market like more than 70% of all book sales are on Amazon and the rest of the
26% or s isn't even covered by one store it's like a bunch of different stores so like if you're trying to sell your ebook Okay so obviously if you're smart you would go where the customers are hanging out right where the customers are actively going to look for a book to buy now some people will reason that oh well if you list it on Amazon Amazon takes a cut compared to if you sell it on gumroad as an example you keep all the fees yes that's true but who cares about fees when you're not even
selling any copies on your gumroad store right if if you're making millions of sales every day yeah like those little fees adds up but most people watching this most of you guys will not be making any sales because there's zero traffic going to your own website compared to that I rather sell where millions of people are going right Amazon sells my books for me and then I just give them a little cut now some people will tell you to sell on Etsy which Etsy is kind of similar to Amazon there are existing traffic existing customers
going to Etsy but the thing is Etsy is 20 times smaller in terms of overall traffic than Amazon another thing is people don't go to Etsy to buy books people go to Amazon to buy books so why are we selling on Etsy when you could sell on Amazon you got to understand that if you want to make money you want to go where the money is so this is the best analogy I can give you if you're trying to sell lemonade would you rather set up your lemonade stand in a very quiet neighborhood very quiet
street no one's walking by and you have to put up a bunch of signs everywhere you know run some ads online and try and get people to come to your street right that is like selling your ebook on your own website or set up your lemonade stand right inside Disneyland where there are hundreds of people just walking by every second and everyone's you know tired from walking around the sun's you know scorching down so people want some fresh lemonade right so that is essentially like selling on Amazon sure at Disneyland you have to pay some
fees and you know follow their rules but in exchange you're getting millions of customers ready to buy you know they have their credit card right by and you can tap into that and on top of the fact that we get access to a ton of customer is looking to buy Amazon also does a lot for you by selling on it like it's crazy how little work we have to do as a business owner just by selling on Amazon so normally as a business owner you have to figure out shipping and handling inventory building your own
website like you know on gumroad you got to bring customers in to that website and then you have to do customer service right after you sold the product you still got to deal with customer service there's more work then you got to do marketing and promotions you know these sites like gumro stand store different you know websites uh the they do have some fees listing fees right and there are a lot of upfront risk because you're investing a lot of time and money but by selling on Amazon Amazon literally do all of this for you
once you list on Amazon Amazon is the one that's going to do Payment Processing normally you have to do this right you got to do Payment Processing but Amazon would just take the payment deliver the product once the customer wants to refund or you know some kind of question customer service Amazon is the one doing it not you Amazon is right and so a lot of work that you have to do by yourself you don't have to do it and that is why I think it's much smarter to be on Amazon and as I mentioned
earlier you can sell a lot more than just ebooks okay ebooks are just the start ebooks are actually the least profitable format you can actually sell your books and also paperbacks hard covers audiobooks you can even translate it and it's not that you have to choose one or the other you can do all of it okay so you can make money with ebooks but also paperback and it is very easy to convert your book to another format and it sells very well so I have this video on how I've made hundreds of thousands of dollars
just from selling audiobooks not counting other formats so if you guys want to check it out I'll leave a link in the description and the best part is that it is free right it's free to sign up there's no monthly fees nothing anyone can sell their books on Amazon and you just pay a small cut once you make a sale in exchange for Amazon doing everything for you so I think it's a pretty good deal and this is called Amazon KDP so it stands for Amazon Kindle Direct publishing so hopefully you see that this is
a much better way of doing so so now let's get into the steps so first you want to sign up to KDP so just look up kp. Amazon .c create an account enter your bank and tax details so you can get paid and in terms of uploading your book step by step I do have a step-by-step tutorial so once again I'll just link to that video in the description because this video will be way too long if I show you here so once your book is uploaded that takes us to step four which is marketing
the book so yes as I said you will get organic sales being on Amazon you're going to start making some sales literally doing nothing because Amazon just is that big like that is going to happen but Amazon only wants to recommend books that people want which means you want to show Amazon that people want your book your book is in demand and you do that by getting sales and reviews first right so the more sales you can get yourself initially the more Amazon will see that and they're going to be like oh so people are
interested in this book it's selling without us pushing it what if we push it right what if we as Amazon push this book to more people then it's going to sell even more so this is why you do want to Market your book in the beginning because more sales you can get first Amazon will then push your book to more people and give you even more free sales when it comes to marketing you have two options number one do social media marketing if you already have an existing audience that's amazing right plug your book everywhere
you know Instagram YouTube wherever your audience hangs out you can do that if you don't have an existing audience there are ways to build that up on social media I'm going to show you how to do it the great thing about social media is that it is free okay it just takes time so once again it goes back to the question of which is more valuable to you do you want to spend more time to save money or spend money to save time you have to choose though you cannot build a business not willing to
sacrifice time or sacrifice money right the great thing is you can choose which one you want to do you know but you have to choose one okay number two is running Amazon ads and this is a paid method but you know it'll save you a lot of time so let's start with social media so you want to start mentioning your book everywhere and link to your product if you don't have a platform then you can start building a platform you want to start with Tik Tok and Instagram that's the best way because right now Tik
Tok and Instagram they have the book talk and bookstagram Community where there are a lot of readers that you can tap into so let me show you some examples this is a Tik Tok Channel or a Tik Tok account where they have this uh shadoww work Journal right it's a very popular book maybe you've heard of it but they essentially blew up with Tik Tok and all they do is they just order a copy of their book and they just flip through the pages and that that's one video right and it got 29 million views
this one is literally just reading one page like it's not even going through the exercise no fancy editing nothing literally just reading one page 35 million views this one once again same just reading the text on the the page 69 million views so can you order your book open a page and just put a camera and read that page you know to potentially get 70 million views anyone can do that right it just takes a little bit of time once again so not every single video will go viral but with social media marketing you have
to be consistent see each video only gets 1, 2,000 views and that's fine because sometimes you will go viral and that will make you a lot of money so the other option is running ads and when it comes to ads do not do Google ads don't do Facebook ads don't do YouTube ads you know people who hang out on those platforms aren't book buyers specifically plus it's very expensive okay so Amazon as is by far the most effective because only Amazon Shoppers hang out on Amazon and you can Target people who are specifically looking for
Books Okay so obviously it's the most targeted but also it's the cheapest as well so you can start with as low as $3 a day okay and you want to only increase the budget if you're making money okay so don't get scared when people tell you like oh we're spending a hundred bucks a day $200 a day they didn't start spending 200 bucks a day they gradually increase your budget to $200 a day because obviously they're making more sales right they're making more money than how much they're spending so if you're spending three bucks a
day and you're getting let's say $6 a day back you're making a profit if you're making double your money you double how much you invest then why would you not increase your daily budget right you're going to spend as much as you can because the more you spend the more you make back you know it's not as simple as that but you get the concept okay so that is why you start slow increase later on okay once you learn it it's simpler than you think if you want a step-by-step tutorial I do have this video
on uh Amazon ad so you can check it out in the description so as you get more sales whether through social media or Amazon ads your book will achieve a lower BSR okay and your book will start ranking higher and higher on page one because Amazon is starting to push your book higher in the ranking which means more customer will be able to find your book okay which means you get more organic sales which are basically passive income because you're not doing any work for this book Amazon's doing the work pushing your book and uh
you're making sales and soon you'll be making multiple sales while you sleep so you wake up you look at your dashboard and you got multiple sales and in terms of how you check that sales that you're making uh you just go to the reports tab here okay and you'll see the royalties estimator uh you will see how much sales that you are making if you have sales it'll show up here so this is for my second account uh that I just started recently and you can see that I have close to $300,000 uh that I've
made from this account that I will actually get paid in terms of roties and this is not counting all the other places you can sell your books so I probably made over $370,000 uh from this new account but that brings me to a bonus step and that is scaling so you now know how to publish your first book but now how can we scale that so we can make $110,000 a month well this business this publishing business is actually a lot simpler than you think it's just repeating the few steps over and over and over
right essentially what you just did publishing the first book you just repeat it over and over and over okay so you want to just just publish more books that's one of the best ways to scale number two is make the paperback and audiobook versions because like I said you actually make more money from the paperback and audio compared to ebooks you can also turn that one book that you created into seven plus income streams uh that nobody ever talks about but you can actually make money in so many ways from just one book doing the
work once getting paid seven different ways so you can actually translate this book into Spanish German Italian French whatever it actually sells pretty well right you bundle the book which means once you have two books you can compile it and publish a collection or a compilation book like a two books in one that is a free book that you can publish and you know make extra money right you can also build your audience obviously the bigger your audience the more sales you can get and there are many many more strategies you can do one of
the biggest ones is you can actually sell your books so you can sell your portfolio of books uh which is kind of crazy right I always compare this business to real estate investing because while the books are on Amazon I am collecting rent checks every single month you know semi- passively these books are generating roties but if I want to flip these books right so I'll be saying goodbye to those monthly you know royy checks but I'm going to get a lot of cash up front Okay so you can actually do that this is my
first account so I just showed you my second account how much I made from that but this is my first account that I sold for $820,000 so as you can see it was a very nice payday and this is what helped me become a self-made millionaire at age 26 I was building this business I sold it got a bunch of cash and became a millionaire that way so it is possible so that's my results but I want to show you what's actually possible with Amazon KDP by showing you other people's results because my results is
cool but you know I'm a YouTube fake Guru so you know people are more skeptical right so I just want to show you some of my actual students results so the first link in the description is a link to my Amazon KDP mentorship program right so this is for those people who are serious about building this business they want to scale this and they want coaching so I do coach people because I enjoy you know helping people scale so if you click on that it'll take you to this page and if you scroll down here
you will see a lot of our testimonials these are not even all of it right so these are like some of the best ones obviously but we have a lot more so we have this one student doing $93,000 in a single month we have another one doing 9k in a single month 33,000 we have this student doing 2K in a day right we got a lot of students becoming bests sellers very low BSR we have a student doing 50 $8,000 um in a month we have a student doing $1,000 in his first month 10K 5K
right we have $4500 1K living in I think Pakistan or something you know 10K so essentially I'm not going to keep going but it's a lot so you can check it out if you want to uh it's in the first link in the description and if you're interested in working with us then you can apply here and book a free Discovery call to see if we are a fit but if you want to just start with something easy something to dip your toes in once again we do have the 7-Day challenge at I think that
is a great way to learn about the business and practice the steps once I get it is completely free but I cannot guarantee how long it'll be free and trust me guys I am not lying about this this will be a paid program very soon so while it's free make sure to take advantage of it it is the second link in the description all right guys so that is a step-by-step process on how you can actually make money selling eBooks online once again guys as I said earlier in this video selling eBooks is I think
one of the best digital product ideas I think out of all the digital product ideas ebooks is the best has the biggest Market way easier to sell if you go through Amazon right it has a huge Market a lot of ways to differentiate and stand out from your competition but the thing is most people teaching this is doing it wrong I don't think they're actually doing this business themselves as well right because they're just teaching you know a lot of different side hustle ideas so I truly believe that if you want to get into the
business using Amazon is the best way uh so that it's the most passive most profitable and if you still want to expand into selling it on your own website later then you definitely can do that hope you learned something in this video if you enjoy the video leave a like subscribe if you haven't yet and uh thank you so much for watching I'll see you guys in the next one
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What Is Going On At Etsy
Sustainable Jungle
The ONLY 8 Faceless Niches That Will Make You Rich in 2025
The ONLY 8 Faceless Niches That Will Make ...
InVideo For Content Creators
I Published Over 400 books on Amazon KDP - BIGGEST Lessons I've Learned
I Published Over 400 books on Amazon KDP -...
Sean Dollwet
Artificial Intelligence Explained: How to Make Money with AI & Use It to Improve Your Life ft X Eyeé
Artificial Intelligence Explained: How to ...
Earn Your Leisure
I've read 613 business books - these 16 will make you RICH
I've read 613 business books - these 16 wi...
Anthony Vicino
How to Build a $1000+/Month Affiliate Marketing Website (Make Passive Income Online)
How to Build a $1000+/Month Affiliate Mark...
Hogan Chua
Stephanie - Self-Published Author
The ULTIMATE Amazon KDP $0 to $100k Guide (Might Delete)
The ULTIMATE Amazon KDP $0 to $100k Guide ...
Sean Dollwet
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