A Genius Strategy to Witness to a Jehovah's Witness.

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Melissa Dougherty
The New World Translation made by the Jehovah's Witness religion is one of the most distorted transl...
Video Transcript:
so we're going to stay in the in the New World Translation right here on their website and I'm going to ask if you can go to Acts chapter 4. I want to thank the jw.org for allowing us to so quickly and easily access right right yeah I don't know they might change they might see this and go now you need a password you know to be able to get on their website we hope to show you in this video how using the Jehovah's Witness Bible the New World Translation is one of the best things that
you can use to witness to them in particular in this video I brought on my friend Veda hedgeman to talk about how he uses the New World Translation to show that Jesus is God if you don't know the Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe that Jesus is God they believe that this is a damnable hearsay in fact they Pride themselves in not believing that Jesus is God there are many things and doctrines that they believe that are very different from Orthodox Christianity that they want nothing to do with this is one of them however if a
Jehovah's Witness or to read and study their Bible they would and could indeed see that Jesus is in fact God and that's what we're going to set out today to do just a forewarning this video is probably long it's kind of extensive we had a blast going through this information this is something that I am very passionate about as as a Christian as well I have a lot of love for the Jehovah's Witness people and I like to effectively reach out to them I think this is a very effective thing to do to use their
Publications to talk to them and reach them and get them to think and question their religion Veda and I get into how him and I became friends at the beginning of this interview but he knows his stuff with this he's also been uncultish with our friends Jerry and Andrew talking about this very topic so I will leave a link in the description for you to check that out as well because he goes over in both videos different content with both of us I really enjoyed veda's energy his love for God his love for truth his
love for the scriptures his personality is very contagious so I really have a good feeling that you guys are going to learn a lot from this video it's I find this stuff to be very fascinating I hope you enjoy [Music] I am particularly excited for this interview today because this is my first love in Ministry which is witnessing to Jehovah's Witnesses this is the beginning of it all about I don't know 10 11 years ago maybe more uh it began with the Jehovah's Witnesses and it's something that's near and dear to my heart so I'm
really excited for today's guest uh Veda hedgeman Veda thank you so much for coming on today and speaking with me thank you so much for having me I am excited to a have a conversation about uh you know about the false doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses but I'm also excited to talk to you you know I remember hanging out with you in Texas with Frank Turek and um and many other apologists so I'm great to finally actually collaborate with you in some way um and I hope it's first of many what's happening yeah this uh me
and beta kind of go back um uh we first met at CIA you guys have heard me mention CIA many times on my channel and if you don't know what it is it's cross-examine instructor Academy and they do it every year they just did another one like last week last week at least at the time we recorded this they'll go and they'll do this every year and it's just so much fun it's a lot of work because he presents uh you go and you get to meet a lot of the other students but you also
get to meet the presenters and uh that's where me and Veda met and it was in 2020 and we've kind of kept in touch a little bit since then and it was when you went on cultish and this is actually the topic that you talked about on cultish and I I thought it was brilliant and thought it would be great to get you on my channel and just kind of geek out about this you know get get your input on this stuff how did you get into this ministry what is it about this that um
you found interesting well it's interesting that as you were you know wrapping up your thought you mentioned knowing the real thing so that you can identify or more easily identify you know the fake thing and that's how I got interested in uh you know in in groups like this the Jehovah's Witnesses so in in really quick summary you know I'm a former agnostic that was sort of leaning towards atheism for most of my life uh when the Holy Spirit you know grabbed hold on me and I fell in love with God I just started doing
my best to to just uh to just eat up the scriptures I just loved the word of God and when it comes to these heretical groups you know the Hebrew Israelites of the world Jehovah's Witnesses of the world Mormons of the world all of these groups that use similar language of of of Orthodox Christianity of true Christianity you know they use similar language you know they might say most high you know that you know they might say you know things about God that sounds like what we say in church researcher that what we or that
sound like what we say in community and I just remember you know just being just so grieved because I would think about how influenced I could have been when I was just curious about God you know uh when when the Holy Spirit you know grabbed hold of me you know it started with me being curious about God and you know if I was talking to certain Jehovah's Witnesses or Hebrew Israelites you know I mean I know the you know I'm part of God's elect clearly because you know God is uh you know because God has
chosen um to allow me to be saved praise the Lord but you know just just the mere fact that I know that I could have been influenced you know because they it sounds right you know if you if you don't know what is right it can sound right if you don't know anything about uh fixing cars and I just say something about yeah you know your alternator you know is you know is connected unconfident you know your alternator is connected to the brakes you know and once you do that that's why your car is going
to move over to the right so that's why I I need three thousand dollars to fix your windshield if you don't know anything about cars you might go okay right yeah but someone who knows anything is going to be like none of that makes sense so just knowing that I I just really have a a desire to help information be more available you know if there are someone who might be struggling with false Doctrine like Jehovah's Witnesses or someone who may know someone and they want to witness to Jehovah's Witnesses or maybe their Jehovah's Witness
that's getting you know that's getting curious you know you know they're sick of their medical rules changing you know they're sick of not being able to talk to certain family members and they're just curious you know I just pray that I can speak the truth with love and help people um know the truth about what God has revealed about himself through his holy scriptures amen you know golly preach it yes I loved how you put that with the the the car I I love using metaphors and using examples like that from everyday life that was
a good one because that's really what it's like is that if you don't know right like maybe you're curious and you're like man I really want to know more about this God and here come to you Jehovah's Witnesses they are confident they will answer every question it's wrong but they will answer every question very confidently the alternator is attached to the brakes man you know Jesus is Michael the Archangel you know they will they'll show you scriptures all this stuff and if you're not familiar with the scriptures this sounds very convincing uh very very good
I'm glad you explained it that way all right now uh there are so many topics about the Jehovah's Witnesses and in fact I made a series many years ago about the Jehovah's Witnesses that you guys can check out I'll leave a description a link to it in the description my favorite is mind control because it explains a lot about the locks on their heads why they're hard to get through to but today I'm I brought you on to talk about something that we're both very passionate about which is how to witness to a Jehovah's Witness
using their own material this is one of my favorite things to do um and yeah we're going to do this with the New World Translation tell me a little bit about that how did you get into using their material to witness to them well it's a that's a great question you know so for one you know when I got into uh theology I was just curious you know if the truth was what Jehovah's Witnesses teach I would be a Jehovah's Witness I wasn't like hey I want to uh be a Christian and also uh living
life uh as a Christian is not easy it's actually the hardest thing I've ever done in my life in my flesh because my flesh wants to do all the stuff I was doing for 23 24 years before I got saved so I wasn't like yeah I want to be a Christian one day absolutely not but the thing is it's it's evidentially true and not only do I know it intellectually but the Holy Spirit has uh has convicted me and corrected so many things that are Unholy about me even still to this day so the I
say that to say that um you know I would just be curious about people who would say that they're coming from the Bible the way that I am and there have been this completely different interpretation I know we're focusing on Jehovah's Witnesses but even with Mormons and Hebrew Israelites it's you know my understanding when I would see them I'm like you got a Bible like me and you know Mormon would say yeah we can all be gods and all this stuff we can all get there so it's like what like how like what are you
reading to where you get that you know when Hebrew Israelites say yeah uh only uh Jews can be saved Gentile doesn't mean actual Gentiles it's like what like what are you talking about like the Bible and I would just be curious and I would just try to read what it is that they're reading and with Jehovah's Witnesses in particular you know uh the Lord has allowed me to have some familiarity with the triunity of God uh in the sacred text so I would just get curious and just look at how although they have a corrupted
Bible when they change the Bible in so many places you know what does their Bible actually say in as it relates to the triunity of God and the thing is God God Is So Sovereign and he is uh so omnipresent that even in a corrupted version human beings cannot change everything I don't care how smart you are I don't care how big the council is we cannot outsmart God so the fact that God has chosen to leave 66 different love letters that reveal him I don't care how much you change there's going to be some
strong elements of the truth of God that's in there so you know I was just uh using some of the familiarity that I do have with the scriptures and just seeing what their translation said and I was like aha look at this yeah yeah yeah I couldn't change this one look at this guy got to be quicker than that we gotta be quicker than that so so that's sort of how I got into it and I'm quite sure there are things that I have not seen in the New World Translation yet but there are there
are a lot that can show that that can show the the triunity of God and even responding to some of their objections when they say well the Holy Spirit can't be a person because it gets filled you know you I can disprove that uh by the grace of God using their own translation you know so it was just really curiosity and just being wowed at how Sovereign God is even in a corrupted translation yeah and not cool whenever you get into that and you you go down to like that research rabbit hole and you start
realizing things about this religion that just blow your mind right um so for people watching maybe you're they're not familiar with Jehovah's Witnesses or why we're even right because why we're even trying to to witness to a Jehovah's Witness and the thing is is that it's really important to emphasize that Jehovah's Witnesses are considered a cult and it's really uh important to emphasize what that even means and this is why I made that the series and go over mind control Jehovah's Witnesses guys are completely different beasts uh they will call themselves Christians uh they will
say that they are the one true religion uh the pattern of the religion is very interesting because usually with with a cult or a high control religious group you're gonna have a leader above you and that leader is basically who you have to go through to get to God and that is the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses they make their own materials they have made their own Bible you're not allowed to ask open-ended thought provoking questions there are they say that you can ask questions but you have to be allowed to ask certain questions like
even in their Watchtower Study at the Kingdom Hall there are questions on the bottom that you're allowed to ask you're I mean you can't just have uh it's very discouraged you can't just ask like you know hey well I I don't know if that works what about this that no you don't do that there's a very rigid structure to Jehovah's Witness religion and all of many many of their beliefs would be considered completely unorthodox to like a Bible that you would find right like you would read about got Jesus Calling himself uh you know I
am right John 1 1 is changed in their Bible all these things yeah even salvation you you have to come to Jehovah's organization to be safe there is no religion that Jehovah gave to us to be saved through uh these are things that yeah like so um we're we're not talking about just some innocent casual religion we're talking about bad theology that has killed and hurt people and dance people all right so um there's a lot more to know about this religion but I want everybody to understand uh what me and Veda are doing is
helping the average Christian understand why a the Jehovah's Witness needs to be witness to uh B they are in pain these people don't have joy or the sense they will tell you all day that Jehovah's people are the happiest on Earth that's actually something they will say at their conventions very cultish when they do that like no no you're happy smile because Jehovah's people are are happy be grateful the organization equals Jehovah so whatever you do to uh to the organization you're doing to Jehovah so you've left Jehovah you are to be shunned I could
go on about this but I really want people to understand that they're there is a very huge difference between the freedom and Grace and love that we have as children of God compared to a Jehovah's Witness who never knows if they're saved who does not know that love of God there's all kinds of things so just making sure that everybody understands that and I mentioned the beginning so the New World Translation it is a completely different translation than what you would find on your shelf this is made by Jehovah's Witnesses and four Jehovah's Witnesses okay
I'm an apologist you're an apologist and when you're into apologetics it's really wise in my opinion and in my experience to really understand the the position that you're talking to you know like if I'm talking to a Jehovah's Witness I read their stuff if I'm talking to a Mormon I read their stuff yeah so what would you say to the viewers uh who consider reading the newer translation The Book of Mormon the Quran or other religious texts to be dangerous well well a couple things you know uh so for one you know your point about
uh accurately understanding and representing who it is you're disagreeing with is so important because even when it just comes to Christendom you know uh you know I imagine we'll talk more about this uh at some point but even when it comes to professing believers who who have uh Orthodox beliefs they believe in a Triune God and only saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ and a virgin birth is none of that stuff but even then you know you know when we have these other disagreements you hear it so commonly just misrepresented and it's like
what's the point of even talking like we're not even like there's no point in me even clarifying what I meant because my clarification doesn't matter all that matters is what you're ultimately uh trying to argue so it's important that even if we are saying the truth that we are not doing that not just because you know logically that makes sense but it's also loving to get to understand somebody we are to love our neighbors we are to love our enemies and a way to love someone is to understand them now does that mean there's always
going to be reciprocated no but that doesn't mean that we should then reciprocate their lack of understanding and it just turns into an argument with a bunch of unreasonable people we don't want to be unreasonable we want to speak the truth with love but you also said something else when you were uh um when you were talking about the dangers of Jehovah's Witnesses and why stuff like this is important in addition to everything that you stated about and how wrong it is and how wrong their theology is and how it is a cult this man
what you said is so important because this is why I show Grace to people who are currently in the Jehovah's Witnesses because I understand that I don't even unders I understand that I don't understand how hard it is to leave you know I I I I get it and because I get it I show Grace and I pray for them and and I understand that they are trained to think that when I say some of the stuff that I'm gonna tell you in a few minutes Melissa that they're trained to think that I'm the devil
that this that Satan is using me to turn people away from the true God they honestly believe that and I get that and I get that so you know I do the conversing the Holy Spirit does the converting so as evangelists you know it's just important that we just do our job which is just do our part share the gospel however that looks whether it's just sharing the gospel doing some apologetic presentation or however the situation may call for we do the conversing the Holy Spirit does the converting and the last thing I'll say as
it relates to that is it's also important for us to evangelize in general because they do evangelizing the proactive witnessing when you see folks standing out on a college campus or Community College campus or or they're sitting out next to the bus stop and you see the whole stand set up everyone even if they aren't religious at all they know that those are Jehovah's Witnesses they are out there doing that and not just them Mormons do it when you see them on their bikes and you see them with their Ties on and they're short sleeve
button-ups you know that's them when you see the Hebrew Israelites with their you know with their power ranger outfits on I couldn't help it I couldn't help it you know but when you but when you see them you know and they're doing evangelism trying to damn people to hell but they are out there evangelizing making sure people see what it is that they're teaching so you know we we want to come we want to combat that with truth and trust that the Holy Spirit you know will do his thing with our work exactly I agree
with all of that all of that there's a that seek stand then be understood and that seek first to understand I think is uh something we got we could all work on I think that we uh can be very humbled when we understand what a Jehovah's Witness has to go through every month for me it was absolutely humbling and it it made me love them did it make me compromise no no it helps me understand that what they have to deal with helps me understand the gospel better because it puts it in light the the
whole legalism you know the whole the the religious aspect of it they they work and work and work and work and work and they never know if it's enough so what you're saying is so beautiful and that is the gospel because what you're saying is you see image bearers yeah you know they may not be Brother and Sisters in Christ we would love for them to become that we would love for them to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and savior of their life but what you see whether they do that or not is fellow brothers
and sisters in humanity people who God created in His image the sun is too bright for us to look at but the sun isn't made in the image of God we are and you're saying that you see image bearers and that is so important it is so important that when we are talking to an atheist and agnostic someone who is in heresy that we are combating their false ideologies their boss theology their false teachings but understanding that that is still an image Bearer it is even if we don't like them yes the image barriers that
we don't like are made in the image of God and God loves them and God loves them that is so important and this also what we're discussing right now Melissa is also important to uh you know to how we live our lives in general you know uh you know if anyone is struggling with porn and you just love watching pornography you know you love prostitutes you know you love doing these things that people will never admit out loud at the end of the day that is an image Bearer that person I don't know the age
group of your audience so I apologize if I just you know threw that out there like that but my point is these are all image bearers and I think that when when our lifestyle reflects that we understand that that everyone is an image barrier if we're married our spouse is an image Bearer if we have beef with somebody and we can't stand them that's still an image Bearer and if that informs how we treat the person who we're offended by we will behave more christ-like more often especially when it comes to folks who are actually
Brothers and Sisters in Christ because I see people who are Brothers and Sisters in Christ treating each other like is World War III you know so yeah yeah this could probably be a whole other video too okay the New World Translation let's get into this this is this is so cool and this is one of my favorite things to do and I I hope that a lot of people understand that this is really smart to do because a Jehovah's Witness is not allowed to look at or research critical information against their religion because it's against
Jehovah and so if you can find this in their own Publications if you can see this if they can see this in their own stuff is really hard for them to unsee and it puts a really great Stone in their shoe for them to think about so all right let's get into the New World Translation uh I would love for you to show us some of your favorite scripture scriptures on how Jesus Is God he's not Jehovah God and if they do say that he is so so that's so that's the thing too you mentioned
John 1 1 earlier because John won one in their translation say in the beginning was the word the word was with God and the Word was a God so then that begs the question how many guys is it yeah right so so first of all that's a problem even if we just go there like how many guys is it but but even in that case depending on how they answer because I've heard different responses to the question I just asked but what they will say is he is not Jehovah God you know he is not
God Almighty and yet we absolutely can demonstrate through their corrupted translation that Jesus is God Almighty because remember scripture already existed before the Jehovah's Witnesses existed and it was human beings yeah before the translation existed so when human beings came and said we're going to have this practice and we're going to use the Bible to say it and we're going to change the Bible to support what it is that we're saying those human beings are not smarter than God so because the truth of God is that Jesus is Jehovah God it still seeps through in
their corrupted translation so yes I would love to be able to go to their website jw.org pull up their Study Bible and walk through some texts oh yeah that was that was easy okay there we go all right okay so where are you taking us where are we going this is fun I'm here for it all right so the first thing I'm going to ask you to do is to go to what they call the Hebrew scriptures and go to Psalm number 102. all right so here we go let's go to number 102 and we're
going to read uh the first two verses because this is the beginning of the song and I would like for you to read if you don't mind verses one and two and tell me who you believe the psalmist is talking to okay oh Jehovah hear my prayer Let My Cry for Help reach you do not hide your face from me in my time of distress incline your ear to me uh do answer me quickly when I call who's he talking to yeah who is the psalmist talking to Jehovah right he's talking to Jehovah because he
said his name if I say hey Melissa can you go do this clearly beta is talking to Melissa the psalmist is saying oh Jehovah hear my prayer sounds like something we should say to Jehovah that's totally fine let my Griefer help reach you got it sounds like something we say to Jehovah right do not hide my face uh in my time of distress absolutely can we please go to verses 25 through 27 so that we can see what the psalmist is still saying to Jehovah so the psalmist is going to continue to say things to
Jehovah God that it totally makes sense for a human being to say to Jehovah god so let's see what the psalmist says to Jehovah God in verses 25-27 okay okay uh long ago you lay the foundations of the earth and the heavens are the work of your hands they will perish but you remain just like a garment they will all wear out just like clothing you will replace them and they will pass away but you are the same and your years will never end okay so as I said about verses one and two clearly the
psalmist is talking to Jehovah because he said he's talking to Jehovah but the things that he's saying to Jehovah sounds like something we would say to Jehovah okay long ago you laid the foundations of the earth sounds like Jehovah God to me in the heavens are the work of your hands sounds like Jehovah God to me the things that you created will perish but guess what you Jehovah God will remain in like a garment they will all wear out just like clothing you will replace them and they will pass away but you are the same
and your years will never end man where this is from a corrupted translation but gosh golly that sounds like the gospel but let's go to Hebrews chapter one in their own Bible we are still on their own website and we're about to go to Hebrews the first chapter and we want to keep in mind with the psalmist in the New World Translation said to Jehovah God so now that we're in Hebrews the first chapter I'm going to ask that you go to verse 8. okay let's see what verse 8 says uh about the sun he
says God is your throne forever and ever and the scepter of your kingdom is the scepter of a right uprightness of uprightness yes my point here is because the Hebrew writer who I believe the Jehovah's Witnesses will say is Paul I go hey if you're talking to them don't even argue that point it's cool you can attribute it to par whatever but we see here in in Hebrews chapter 1 that the Hebrew writer is saying that God does not say XYZ about the angels and then in verse 8 he says about the son here is
what Jehovah God says so Jehovah God does not say XYZ about the angels we see that in the first few verses so then in verse 8 he says but about the son he says quote so the there are several quotes from verses 8 to 12. that the Hebrew writer is saying this is what Jehovah God says to the son Melissa who is the son Jesus okay Jesus is the son great so can we go to verses 10 and 12 because these are going to be more quotes where Jehovah God is talking about the sun AKA
Jesus Christ keep in mind what we read the psalmist said to Jehovah God and Psalm number 102 but in these verses they Melissa's about to read ladies and gentlemen this is what Jehovah God is saying to the son AKA Jesus Christ what does Jehovah God say to Jesus Christ starting at verse 10 yeah 10-12 and at the beginning oh Lord you laid the foundations of the earth and the heavens are your works of your hands they will perish but you will remain and just like a garment they will all wear out and you will wrap
them up just as a cloak as a garment they will be changed but you are the same and your years will never come to an end whoa it sounds to me that Jehovah God thinks that Jesus is Jehovah God when the psalmist was talking to Jehovah God he said all this stuff to Jehovah God and now Jehovah God is saying it to Jesus now this could sound confusing but guess what this is why we use words like Trinity because that is a much easier way to describe one God that exists in three co-equal co-eternal persons
or all who are all powerful who were all-knowing so hallelujah praise the Lord according to the New World Translation God the father thinks that Jesus is Jehovah God according to their own translation Hallelujah yeah in verse 8 too it's worth to point out that God is your throne is not how that should read either they changed that your throne oh God is how it nor It should read in the Greek but they changed that so that because that's directly calling Jesus God Hebrews 1 8 and so they changed it uh the words around you know
what I'ma just flow with the Holy Spirit this is not in my notes but since you mentioned that you're absolutely right you're absolutely right that they changed verse 8 uh to say about the son that says God is your throne forever and ever and the scepter of your kingdom is the subject of a rightness but still even that said we can still demonstrate that this is saying that Jesus is God though so let's let's read this again I'm gonna read this one more time so this is Hebrews chapter one uh verse 8 and it says
but about the son God the father says God is your throne forever and ever and the scepter of your kingdom is the scepter of uprightness okay that's what God the Father supposedly says to Jesus Christ in the New World Translation so can you please go to Psalm number 45 Psalm 45 let's say the abbreviations are we've got to watch them and let's go to verses six and seven because because in this oh yeah yeah so in this the psalmist is talking about a song right uh the song is just talking about a king and look
at what he says in verses six and seven when he starts to talk about God it's on forever and ever the scepter of your kingdom is a scepter of a bright uprightness you loved righteousness and you hated Wicked wit oh my word wickedness that is why God your God has anointed you with the oil of exaltation more than your companions right so in a real Bible this is even more powerful but even here we see in verse seven you say this is why God your God has anointed you with the oil of exaltation more than
your companions the psalmist is talking to to God Almighty and he's talking to him as if he is God Almighty and he says your throne is forever and ever the scepter of your kingdom is a scepter of uprightness so actually in Hebrews chapter 1 verse 8 it's it's a direct quote but of course it's it um it's a direct quote and you see how they still changed it to God is your throne forever and ever but it's from the Old Testament perspective the psalmist is talking to a deity figure still even though they changed it
the psalmist is talking to someone of An Almighty stature and in Hebrews chapter 1 verse 8 the Hebrew writer says that God the father says the same thing about the son why because the son is Jehovah God hallelujah praise the Lord amen amen so feel like I'm like at a at a sermon hey I can't help it I get happy I can't help it reach it Pastor all right what's next all right so let's do this let's go to that was kind of cool that it wasn't even in your notes that you just knew that
that's really cool okay may the Lord be praised amen Lord be praised let's go to Isaiah chapter 60. all right Isaiah 60 yes okay Isaiah chapter 60 and I'm going to ask you to read verses 19 and 20 when the prophet Isaiah is talking again we're going to read the prophet Isaiah talk about Jehovah God and it's going to sound very jehovah-e like this sounds like Jehovah like this sounds like we something that we would all expect the Creator excuse me it sounds like something we will all expect the creator of the universe to have
the capacity to do but watch how it relates to Jesus though so let's read verses 19 and 20 and let's see what it says all right uh for you the sun will no longer be a light by day nor the will The Shining of the moon give you light for Jehovah will come to you in eternal light and your God will be your beauty no more will your sun set nor will your moon Wane for Jehovah will become for you an eternal light and the days of your morning will have ended all right so again
that fatal what's the big deal this sounds like something we would say to say to God I mean for Jehovah will become to you and eternal light yes I mean I would love for Jehovah the creator of the universe to be an eternal light for me that sounds like something Jehovah will do God will be my beauty verse number 20 says for Jehovah will become for you and eternal light all right let's go to second Samuel I just want us to remember that the New World Translation says that Jehovah God will be an eternal life
Jehovah God okay Jehovah God will be an eternal light in second Samuel chapter 22 Jehovah will become for you and eternal life second Samuel chapter 22 uh can you read verses one and two real quick so people know I'm not lying when I say that he's talking to Jehovah God I'm with you um and David spoke to Jehovah the words of this song David spoke to who Jehovah okay so David is speaking to Jehovah the words of this song okay so what we're about to read is David speaking to Jehovah I'm not making this up
this is in what the what the Jehovah's Witnesses believe is the accurate word of God David says this to Jehovah all right um can you go to verse number 29 please uh for you are the land or my lamp o Jehovah it is Jehovah who lights up my darkness all right Jehovah you are my lamp you Jehovah or my lamp no one else is my lamp but you because you are Jehovah and Jehovah you light up my darkness I have darkness and now my darkness is light thanks to you ja Jehovah and that also sounds
a lot like what we read in Isaiah the 60th chapter okay does that you got any questions or comments for me I'm with you all right let's go to Revelation chapter 21. and let's see what John says keep in mind that the Revelation chapter 21 keep in mind that the Jews of the first century they basically knew the Old Testament by heart and many of these letters went to a Jewish audience who also knew the Old Testament by heart so when we see them connecting things to the Old Testament in these letters is going to
an audience who knows exactly the connections so let's see what John a Jew said to other Jews in verses 23 and 24 23 24. and the city has no need of the sun nor the moon to shine on it for the glory of God illuminated it and its lamp was the lamb okay hold up can you stop real quick hold up hold up one second yeah I said and the city has no need for the sun nor the moon of the sun shine on it for the glory of God illuminates the city and then it
says and his lamp was the who the lamb wait a minute the lamb was the lamp you mean to tell me the lamb gave the City Light you mean to tell me that it was I am I'm telling you that that's interesting because I just read that Jehovah did it and Jehovah did it well it must mean that Jesus says Jehovah it must mean that that's that's the only explanation which again is why we use words like uh Triune or Trinity because things that only Jehovah can do Jesus does because Jesus is Jehovah so yes
Jehovah God lights the darkness but guess what guess what according to the Jehovah's Witnesses Bible it says the city's lamp was the lamb Hallelujah amen city was dark and it's no longer dark thanks to who the lamb the lamb the lamb the oh come on now [Laughter] let's read uh verse 24 though verse 24 and the Nations will walk by means of its light and the kings of the earth will bring their Glory into it and the Nations will walk by means of the Lamb's light of its light let's read this in context and it
says for the glory of God illuminated it and its lamp was the lamb and the Nations will walk by means of its light the Nations will now walk by the means of the light that is provided by the lamb and the kings of the earth will bring their Glory into it the lamb is the light of the city Jehovah God is the light second Samuel and in Isaiah and we see here that God uh that that the lamb is the light that only Jehovah is now I actually have something extra since we are right here
all right all right can you go to can you read uh verse 22 for me 22. I did not see a temple in it for Jehovah God the almighty is its Temple also the lammas all right so you might read that remember you asked me to demonstrate that Jesus is Jehovah God verse 22 says I did not see a temple in it for Jehovah God the almighty is its Temple also the lamb is so this is saying that Jehovah God is the temple for that City Jehovah God himself but also the lamb is first of
all before I even go to another scripture this is clearly saying that Jehovah God is something and Jesus is something too so I think that alone is demonstrating that Jesus is Jehovah God because Jehovah God is something but also Jesus is but check this out check this out let's go to Ezekiel chapter 37 and let's remember what we just read it says I did not see a temple in the city for Jehovah God the almighty is the temple for the the city but also the lamb is also Jesus is and when you go to Ezekiel
chapter 37 37 I don't know why I thought 11 37. okay all right Ezekiel chapter 37 verses 26 through 28 where we're going to read the words of Jehovah God what does Jehovah God say and I will make a covenant of peace with them it will be an eternal Covenant with them I will establish them and make them many and place My Sanctuary among them forever my tents will be with them and I will be their God and they will be my people and the Nations will have to know that I Jehovah and am sanctifying
Israel When My Sanctuary is in their midst Forever Wait a minute hold up I want to make sure we understand what we're reading so clearly we're reading Jehovah God speaking these are the words of Jehovah God and he is saying my he is saying I will make a covenant of peace with them okay he says that I will establish and make them many and then he says My Sanctuary will be among them Forever My Sanctuary I Jehovah God have a sanctuary it ain't nobody with me if it was somebody with me I would say the
little homie Jesus okay that he doesn't say the little homie Jesus or my little nephew or he that ain't what he says he says me Jehovah My Sanctuary will be among them forever verse 27 says my teams will be with them and I will be their God and they will be my people and the Nations will have to know that I Jehovah and sanctifying Israel When My Sanctuary is in their midst he is speaking in the singular because there is only one Jehovah yet when we were just reading a Revelation chapter 21 verse 22. John
said I did not see a temple in it for Jehovah got the almighty is its Temple also the lamb is so he is saying hey you know that singular um you know when Jehovah was speaking in the singular about there only being a temple and that Temple is Jehovah yeah Jehovah God is that but guess who else is the Lamb because the lamb is Jehovah and John was clearly saying that the lamb is Jehovah God Jesus is Jehovah God hey Jews in the first century I a Jew I'm telling you that Jesus is God Almighty
even in the Jehovah's Witnesses Bible that makes sense yes Hallelujah preach it pastor let's go to uh Jeremiah chapter you know what no let's go to Colossians in Colossians chapter one all right we are in Colossians chapter one when we're using a real translation this is one of the most beautiful scriptures that talks about the deity of Jesus Christ but look at how their translation ultimately says it so can you please read verses 15 through 17. sure he is the image of the invisible God the firstborn of all creation because by means of him all
other things were created in the heavens and on the earth the things visible and things invisible whether they are Thrones or Lordships or governments or authorities all other things have been created through him and for him through 17 you said right yes okay also he is before all other things and by means of him all other things were made to exist now Melissa I'm not I don't want to quiz you but do you happen to know what they changed here oh yeah yeah I'm very familiar with this uh all other things they added other I
want to disprove their definition of firstborn using their translation too after I make this point yes so so yeah let's make sure we we do that but you're absolutely right it says all other things so here's the image of the invisible God et cetera et cetera et cetera and it's talking about the all the things that are created real translation says that all things were created in the heavens and on the earth the things visible and invisible but this has all other things saying that Jesus is one thing but everything else that was created outside
of Jesus uh where the visible or invisible you know uh Jesus created okay where the Thrones Lordships governments or authorities it says all other things have been created through Jesus and for Jesus right also he is before all other things of course a real translation will say all things but their translation says all other things by means of him we see four times it says all other things I'm going to ask you to go to their Greek Interlinear here on their website in their Greek Interlinear they call themselves holding themselves more accountable so you're going
to see English words and right beneath it you're going to see what appears to be Greek I'm not a Greek reader so I can't speak how accurate that is but I do know that uh or I presume that it's an attempt to say hey um the English is going to sound a little broken because we're not going to change it this is really the Greek translation when we look at their Greek Interlinear so some of the stuff doesn't sound like complete English sentences it's just English words that are broken up you're going to go to
Colossians the first chapter again keep in mind what I just said um it's to the to my right I don't know if it's to your right as well I just saw it too so so keep in mind what I just said you see uh what appears to be Greek beneath it and then English above it because again this is an attempt to say hey we have a real translation we're just translating degree we ain't changing nothing those Christians they do podcasts and YouTube shows talking about we changed the Bible this here proves that we don't
Vape is a liar well let's go to verses 15 through 17 in their Greek into linear and let's see what it says it's going to sound a little funny so it might be hard for you to read because you're a great English speaker but let's still read and let's see what we see here great okay uh 15 who is image of the god the invisible firstborn of all creation uh because in him it was created the all things in quotations in Brackets invisible whether Thrones or Lordships or governments or no I skipped online all things
in the heavens and upon the Earth the things visible and the things invisible whether Thrones or Lordships or governments or authorities the all things through him and into him it has been created and he is before all things and all things in him it has to together now I have a question before I pointed out I don't know do you catch what I'm trying to show other is not in there other is not in there yeah it's not in there I always wondered why they did it in a linear man because I'm like why why
would you do this like it's basically the cheat sheet of what you changed in your Bible the most damning thing in a linear I don't get it but I'm here for it right right on their on their own Bible yeah so so you tell me Mr or Mrs Jehovah's Witnesses Jehovah's Witness person why is all other in the other translation if it ain't right here they added it right they added it according to your own Greek notes you changing stuff yup yup they do this throughout their entire Bible that's the thing like adding Jehovah in
the New Testament in the New World Translation and they're like oh Jehovah was taken out of the New Testament it was never there right never in the Greek and exactly I believe it's because I think it's John 18. uh Jesus was given the name of Jehovah right it's beautiful Jehovah's never once mentioned if there's a Jehovah's Witness out there watching you're not supposed to be watching but I'm glad you're here I'm here for it never once is Jehovah added or even mentioned by any of the New Testament writers in the New Testament in the Greek
ever not even once it's been added by the organization I think that's this is a really good thing to do if you're gonna try to spot this stuff is look at the inner linear and and when you make the point about yeah well you know jovis and in the New Testament and all this stuff I know I made this point already but I just want to stress it when you say well Jehovah isn't in the New Testament they added it they'll go well you know um our translators they they knew languages they had reason to
do it et cetera et cetera so when we go to the Greek and the linear and we go to Colossians 15 through 17 and we see that this is saying all things or the all things however is written it's not saying all other things so when they hold themselves accountable they don't pass the test because all things anything that was created was created through and for Jesus Christ the son of God he isn't one thing that was created and everything else that was created was created through and for him no even their Greek into linear
says that so Hallelujah this is how you can be reading a Bible next to a Jehovah's Witness or a Mormon or a Hebrew Israelite or whatever and how you can come up with different interpretations right because this is what people throw in the face of the Christian a lot right well that's just your interpretation oh this is nuanced this is very different how does that happen when you can make somebody believe that you hear from God right so you just said a Jehovah's Witness will say well our our translators felt it necessary how do they
think that way because they hear from God they know more than me they know more than you they know more than all these little these Scholars out there they don't know what they're saying they just study the text for a living who cares what they think but you have this mindset a Mormon does the same thing with their prophets a Jehovah's Witness does the same thing with their organization uh with the governing body they hear from God they're the authority that is what happens so in the mind of the witness it doesn't matter what you
think even if they see it and it's not like this doesn't work don't get me wrong it's like once they see it in their own uh scriptures because you have to understand it was God led to write it in there and you can show them in the past it kind of it can really be a good Stone in their shoe this is worth looking into with them but uh Veda you made a really good point with that and I want to stress and emphasize that that's how that happens if you can make somebody believe that
you have authority and God gave it to you it doesn't matter sometimes what you see and this is why it's so hard to get through to them or show them the inconsistencies and their beliefs and their Scriptures it would be great also by the way to get you on to talk about this but uh to dismantle the organization like the the governing body if right I always think of it have you ever seen Independence Day I have okay I love this example because you use the car I love using movies um there's a scene in
the movie where uh there's a ship in the sky right and they're throwing everything they can at it right everything they're throwing bombs they're throwing things and what happens do you remember what happened when they did that I'm trying to I'm trying to remember the movie I know man it's so long ago uh Independence Day uh there was a shield around it a thick thick Shield nothing they threw yeah so yeah give the ship as the mind of the Jehovah's Witness that's their brain right that's good field is like the governing body EV it protects
what goes into their brain and except there's a weakness right like if you can the guy you remember he went in through the middle and he exploded the the thing and um you have to take down the shield and The Shield is like that's the core man that's that's the House of Cards if you can get the the witness to doubt the information they're getting from the organization uh that I believe is a really good way too good oh yeah to get through to them I love this stuff okay okay it's just on that point
that's such a good point and that is so true with all with almost any cult you know there's just this gigantic force field that has been built uh with deep roots that feels impossible to break through you know even when it's not just something you know I don't only deal with apologetics you know I come from a neighborhood uh you know before I got saved or it was a lot of pimps and prostitution and stuff like that and pimps would do the same thing uh with prostitutes that would escort 4 for them it's just this
you meet me what I am telling you is of the most essential truth in your life and it is radically hard to get out of that if someone's in an abusive relationship people wonder why why is this person in an abusive relationship this doesn't make sense being the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses is like being in a toxic abusive relationship that's what it reminds me of absolutely and from the outside looking in we can go yo just leave this ain't good for you but we're not the ones hypnotized exactly yes oh you get yes all of
that and the way that yes and so the structure of Mormonism there was a uh a really popular video a while ago about a Mormon it was a Mormon who researched the Jehovah's Witness religion because it was safer right it wasn't as close to home he was starting to have doubt he's like something isn't right um but he built his beloved religion his beloved family within the religion he's like it's it's sacred but um when he started researching the Jehovah's Witnesses he's like man there's a lot of parallels right uh the way that they do
things exactly how we do things here here here tick tick tick tick tick and he noticed these patterns that were uncanny and it was researching the Jehovah's Witness religion realizing they were a cult and then he's like I'm an occult right he's like I'm not I'm not allowed to do the same things they do uh Jesus isn't God we both hate the cross we both have an like an organizational system that we're not allowed to question like all these things we have our own scriptures the Bible is not really the word of God they've just
gone ahead and changed it we just say that it's not you know that's been tampered with like all these things they all have in common and the devil guys he's just not that crazy creative these things are all these patterns they're not connected these people made these real like made these religions uh founded these religions separate from each other why are they the same like it's it's like almost like a demonic pattern it's very interesting but yeah okay so we're in the in a linear what else you got for us where else do you want
to go all right well I promise to do the firstborn thing so oh yeah real quick so so you you you accurately said that first born uh doesn't mean the first created and it actually uh can very easily mean preeminent um or it can mean the Supreme uh version of something it means the standard right the Supreme Being so when Jesus is the firstborn of our creation he is the Supreme Being he is the standard and I would like to demonstrate using their own Bible um that firstborn doesn't have to mean that it is the
first created of something can you go uh yeah back to online Bible and then are you gonna go to Psalm I'm gonna go to Psalm number 89. let's go let's go to verses 19 and 20. okay at that time you spoke in a vision to your loyal ones and said I have granted strength to a mighty one I have exalted a chosen one from among people I have found David my servant and with holy oil I have anointed him all right so with David I have anointed so he's talking about David all right so David
is going to be a mighty one you know he's going to be exalted and chosen all of that's really dope stuff okay many people who are familiar with the Bible is going to say that sounds like David but let's read verses 26 and 27. he will call out to me you are my father my God and my rock of my salvation and I will place him as first born the highest of the kings of the Earth what so you mean to tell me that David who is not the first king is about to be placed
as first born in the Jehovah's Witnesses Bible and he's going to be the highest of the kings of the earth well maybe because he's going to be the standard maybe because he's going to be the most Supreme one maybe because he is going to be that dude maybe that's what firstborn means even in the New World Translation so don't try to tell me that firstborn means that Jesus is the first created in Colossians chapter one Hallelujah the sons of Jesse David is the youngest not the oldest so he was the last created so if if
yeah if they're going to say okay firstborn means first created then why is David called the firstborn of Jesse's Sons in the Psalms like oh man it's good that's good do you guys see like I hope my audience sees this like how you will know your Bible by like researching this stuff it's so good and we're killing multiple Birds uh you know with this Stone here because we're going through the New World Translation and dismantling their false Doctrine but this is still teaching the Trinity you know just looking through these texts in a real whatever
translation you like King James ESV Etc you're you're gonna learn the triunity of God in such in a a deeper fashion and I would love to show some things on the Holy Spirit as well yeah let's go for it I'm here for it all right great so I'm going to ask if you can go to let's see let's do um Isaiah chapter six let's do that you see this is this is my personal favorite it's a couple for the Holy Spirit but this is my personal favorite so let's say you know someone's listening and they're
like all right beta you did that stuff about Jesus I think that's cool but what about the Holy Spirit the holy spirit is still it the holy spirit is still a force the holy spirit is not a person you know so what is going on with the Holy Spirit Well let's see in Isaiah chapter six will you please sister Melissa read verses eight through ten eight through ten then I heard the voice of Jehovah saying whom shall I send and for and who will go for us and I said here I am send me and
he replied go and say to this people you will hear again and again but you will not understand you will see again and again but you will not get any knowledge make the heart of this people unreceptive make their ears unresponsive and Pace their eyes together so that they may not see with their eyes and hear with their ears so that their head may not understand and they may not turn back to be healed now that's good it's a couple things I want to highlight there's a couple things I want to highlight we're in the
Old Testament we're in the Hebrew scriptures and in the sixth chapter of Isaiah's book he says I heard the voice of Jehovah say and then we have quotes So Isaiah says I heard Jehovah talking to me okay and what did Jehovah say when he spoke to me he said Whom Shall I sin and then Isaiah responded to Jehovah and said I am here send me hey Jehovah you're talking and then I'm responding saying hey me I can do it and Jehovah God responded and said go and say this to the people you will hear again
and again but you will not respond you will see again and again but you will not get any knowledge so Jehovah God is still talking then Jehovah God says make the heart of this people unreceptive make their ears unresponsive verse 10 closes by saying so that their heart may not understand and they may not turn back and be healed that's what Jehovah God said to Isaiah Hallelujah can we please go to Acts chapter 28 Acts 28. we're going to go to verses 25-27 where Luke is so acts is similar to the gospels in that it
is a writer giving a historical account of things that have actually occurred it's not about Jesus's life and Ministry and proving that Jesus is God but it is an account of the Apostles and the things that they did it's not so much saying hey reader that's reading this I'm teaching you theology is hey reader that's reading this I'm telling you what happened so in Acts chapter 28 verses 25 through 27 will you please read what Luke is writing so because they disagreed with one another they began to leave and Paul made this one comment the
holy wait I'm gonna ask you to stop real quick because I want to make sure we're all following each other so Luke is writing and then he says Paul made this one comment so we're about to read a quote this quote is from whom Paul correct this quote we're about to read is from Paul so what does Paul say the Holy Spirit aptly spoke through Isaiah the prophet to your forefathers saying go to wait hold up real real quick I'm gonna ask you to stop yeah real quick because Paul is speaking and Paul is speaking
to Jews and Paul says according to the Jehovah's Witnesses Bible that the Holy Spirit aptly spoke through Isaiah the prophet to your forefathers so according to the Jehovah's Witnesses Bible Paul who knew the Old Testament by heart and talking to other Jews who know the Old Testament by heart he's telling them that the Holy Spirit spoke through Isaiah the prophet to your forefathers saying and then quote so in verses 26 and 27 this is a quote from the Holy Spirit according to Paul according to Luke according to the Jehovah's Witnesses Bible does that make sense
oh yeah yeah all right so what does the Holy Spirit say uh what does Paul say that the holy spirit said in verses 26 and 27. go to this people and say you will indeed hear but by no means understand and you will indeed look but by no means see for the heart of this people has grown unreceptive and their ears have heard without response and they have shut their eyes so that they may never see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with her heart and turn back and I heal them
um so did you catch that mm-hmm in Isaiah chapter six yeah Isaiah said Jehovah said this to me and nearly verbatim Paul says that the holy spirit said it because you can say the Holy Spirit you can say Jehovah God because it's interchangeable because the holy spirit is Jehovah God Isaiah heard from the Holy Spirit and he said hey Jehovah is speaking and then Paul said hey you know who was talking to Isaiah the Holy Spirit was and I'm saying it was the Holy Spirit Isaiah said it was Jehovah God so clearly when Isaiah heard
from the Holy Spirit he thinks that the holy spirit is Jehovah God because he said hey y'all I'm telling y'all that I'm talking to Jehovah God and Paul says he was talking to the holy spirit because the holy spirit is Jehovah God even in the New World Translation this is jw.org we're on yeah come on I get a lot of comments about how Jesus isn't God and I think it's really interesting um how people even come to that conclusion because you realize that you're citing and green more with a religion that's the Jehovah's Witness religion
when it comes to certain beliefs like pagan holidays um Jesus isn't God like you're actually being having more in common with a cult than you are with yeah with like an Orthodox Christian position I think that's really interesting um then hopefully that puts a stone in some people's shoe because this stuff matters and you mentioned the darkness and that reminds me of the scriptures that we looked at earlier because all of us were in darkness at some point and if we get light it's because of the lamb in the Old Testament even in the Jehovah's
Witnesses Bible that says that Jehovah is the light that cleans up the darkness oh my goodness guys that's the light of the world come on yeah dude you and me if we ever went to church together it would be a blast it yeah moving forward Veda there are some objections that you get for this what do you think about this what do you got to say well so as it relates to the Holy Spirit we already responded to one objection actually with the whole firstborn thing so I'm glad you mentioned that but with the Holy
Spirit you know uh you will hear different groups not just not just Jehovah's Witnesses but they'll say things like well we know that the holy spirit is not a person because the Holy Spirit fills people you know the Holy Spirit fills people like you see these language that says the holy spirit is filling people a person can't feel something you know a water is an object and it can fill a cup you know these headphones can feel a headphone case uh you know because it is a thing it is an object but beta has been
can't feel something I'm a person so clearly the holy spirit is not a person so we're going to stay in the in the New World Translation right here on their website and I'm gonna ask if you can go to Acts chapter 4. yeah I want to thank the jw.org for allowing us to so quickly and easily access right right yeah I don't know they might change they might see this and go now you need a password you know to be able to get on their website you got to get baptized in order to have access
to their website all right um in Acts chapter four I just want to respond to this with a couple of passages and let's go to verse number eight eight okay all right so this is just demonstrating that yes you know um people get filled with the holy spirit so can you go to Acts chapter four verse 8 what does this say about Peter then Peter filled with Holy Spirit said to them rulers of the people and Elders right so he says a lot of stuff but that's not the point this is just showing that Peter
was filled with the Holy Spirit okay so we use that language even still today you know I'm just filled with the spirit and we see it here in the book of Acts but now I'm going to ask you to go to Ephesians chapter one Melissa Ephesians chapter one there you go Ephesians chapter one and let's read verses 22 and 23. he also subjected all things is under his feet and maybe about Jesus all things under his feet he's talking about Jesus and made him head over all things with regard to the congregation which is his
body the fullness of him who fills up all things and all right so they might argue hopefully if they watch this video they're convinced that Jesus is Jehovah God but they will argue that Jesus is not Jehovah God but Jesus is a person they don't argue that he isn't a person but here we see language in their own Bible that Jesus is filling up one thing no he fills up all things Jesus is filling up all things so Jesus feels according to the Jehovah's Witnesses Bible so that's one way to debunk that objection but we
can stay in the book of Ephesians and go to chapter three let's see what else we can find there it's funny if they just freely read their Bible yeah their own Bible they'd be like wait a minute man so discouraged from independent reading of the scriptures you're absolutely not a Watchtower magazine yeah or uh reasoning from the scriptures what verse was it uh verse 19 19. and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge so that you may be filled with all the fullness that God gives yeah you're gonna so that you may be
filled with all the fullness that God gives so God feels okay God feels Jehovah God feels so when the Holy Spirit feels you cannot use that as a you know just a reason ago what clearly the holy spirit is not a person because that's not what that means you know you can say it could mean that but it doesn't necessarily mean that so don't tell me that the holy spirit is not a person uh just because the Holy Spirit feels um I could go to Ephesians 40 short Jesus filling more things um but matter of
fact since you already started let's just go yeah for what uh whatever seven through ten seven through ten here we go correct okay now undeserved kind oh this is undeserved kindness so that's supposed to read Grace but they call it undeserved kindness very interesting that they do that in their Bible uh now undeserved kindness was given to each one of us according to how the Christ measured out the free gift uh for it says when he ascended on high he carried away captives he gave gifts and men now what does the expression he ascended mean
but that he also descended into the lower regions that is the Earth the very one who descended is also the one who ascended far above the heaven so that he might give fullness to All Things yeah so that he might give fullness to All Things Jesus fills all things and gives fullness to all things so again we could go on and on I don't I don't I'm I'm confident that if I were to keep reading and keep looking through stuff I would find even more you know because we've already been talking for a long time
and we didn't go through everything oh my goodness we could do this all day like there's so many things um but there is one more I want to show this one actually um I've used a few times in the past I actually saw a video of this from a former Jehovah's Witness years ago like 10 plus years ago I I wish I knew who it was I want to give them credit though because this is not my original idea and if I find that video it was so old I will add it in the description
I will actually search for it he was talking about this how he had to struggle with the Trinity like Jesus being God and it was just one of the last things that he accepted and he said that if somebody showed him this at the door right if he knocked on the door and they were having a conversation about the Trinity and he's like uh and somebody gave this to him like told told him this he wouldn't have shown it to the person at the door but he would have really wrestled with it and that got
my attention so I listened and I remembered this Trail through revelation so first um let's go to Revelation 1 8. so I already have this all pulled up so go ahead and read that yeah I am Alpha in the Omega says Jehovah God the one who is and who was and who is coming the almighty amen right now again they add Jehovah in there it's not actually in there so I would ask the witness then who is Veda who is the Alpha and the Omega that's God that's Jehovah God yeah God is Jehovah God yeah
and they're and they're saying it as well because it says yes that's Jehovah Jehovah God undeniable that is the Alpha and the Omega the second is uh Revelation 21 verses 6 through 7. all right so go ahead and read verses six through seven six through seven says and he said to me they have come to pass I am the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end to anyone thirsting I will give from the spring of the Water of Life free anyone conquering will inherit these things and I will be his God and he
will be my son yes and so for people who are familiar with Revelation like in the verse first scripture we went over uh verse 8. we all know that's Jesus talking there just let them have it just keep going don't even worry about parsing that out because uh our Bibles say that's clearly Jesus talking but don't even go there yet I would say so after this verse who is the Alpha and the Omega who's the beginning and the end according to this verse Jehovah God yeah so this is the Jehovah God speaking okay let's go
to a few more uh revelation 22 verses 12-13 okay so go ahead and read 12 and 13. look I am coming quickly and the reward I give is with me to repay each one according to his work I am the Alpha and the Omega the first and the last the beginning and the end happy wait keep going nah just 13. okay so according to the pattern that we've seen before who's the beginning and the end who's the outfit still Jehovah God it's still Jehovah God all right he's saying Jehovah goddess stuff too you know we're
paying each one according to his work sound like some Jehovah that sound like Jehovah's like Jehovah to me and this one I actually kind of found on my own it wasn't in the original uh video that I saw but I thought it was just for because it just drives it home a little bit more and that's an Isaiah 48 12. because it I mean obviously these are patterns that we see throughout scripture what does verse 12 say it says listen to me o Jacob in Israel whom I have called I am the same one I
am the first I am also the last and then you can see you know my own Hanley the foundation of the Earth the one that you were reading earlier Jehovah has loved them talking about Jehovah God same thing first and the last Jehovah God last one Revelation 1 verses 17 through 18. all right go ahead and read verses 17 through 18. when I saw him I fell as dead I felt as dead at his feet and he laid his right hand on me and said do not be afraid I am the first and the last
okay so hold on it's just the first and the last Jehovah God is the first who's the beginning and the end God Almighty is getting an alpha and the Omega Jehovah God God Almighty the one true creator read verse 18. Verse 18 says and the living one and I became dead but look I am living forever and I have the keys of death and of the Grave yes so at this point you would ask the witness when did Jehovah God die hmm right I am the living one I became dead I became dead that only
makes sense if Jehovah God became flesh and died as human and then Rose from the grave probably look at the gospel because this is the gospel right just explaining this verse you can't help them but preach the gospel because that is what John is reporting here yes absolutely he says and I became this so so Jehovah God is speaking the first and the last is speaking the beginning in the end is speaking and he says I became dead but look I am living forever and ever and I have the keys of death and of the
Grave all in their Bible all in their Bible I can actually woman elaborate on it please do yes okay can you go back to uh can you go back to Revelation uh 22. the same verse uh that you had uh asked me to read matter of fact but before you go there before you go there let's go to Matthew 16 real quick then I'll show you uh Revelation 22. so Matthew 16 verse 27 this is so much fun isn't it [Laughter] the Matthew 16 verse 27 27 okay so what does verse 27 say Matthew 16
verse 27 it says well that's good for the son of man has come in the glory of his father with his angels then he will repay each one according to his behavior so you I think you know where I'm going because yeah you read Revelation but you you see that and we're gonna get there we're gonna highlight this even more the son of man is the coming Glory of his father with his angels and then who's going to repay each one according to his best son of man the son of man is going to do
it okay great can you also go to John real quick John chapter five John five John chapter five and go to verse 22. for the father judges no one at all but he has entrusted all the judging to the son so the father is going to judge some people no no the Sun is going to do all the judging okay so let's go back to Revelation chapter 22. as you're going to Revelation chapter 22 verse 12 I want to remind everyone that Matthew 16 says that the son of man will repay each one according to
his feet that the father judges no one at all but he has entrusted all the judging to the son he has entrusted all the judging to Jesus so when we go to Revelation chapter 22 again and we read verses 12 and 13. yeah it says let's read this again yeah look I am coming quickly and the reward I give is with me to repay each one according to his work I am the Alpha and the Omega the first and the last the beginning and the end yeah so this must be Jesus because we already read
that the father will not be repaying each one according to his work Jesus is going to be repaying each one according to his work in fact revelation 22 and 12 is nearly a Verbatim uh translation from Matthew 16 27 where he says that Jesus will repay each one according to his behavior revelation 22 verse 12 says that um that he's going to repay each one according to his work but guess what there's more can you go down to verse 20. this is great okay the one who Bears witness of these things says yes I am
coming coming quickly yes and come Lord Jesus amen come Lord Jesus further so we already know it's Jesus for because of what you said Melissa and because of what I uh added and addendum to but right here it says the one who Bears witness of these things says yes I am coming quickly and then the response is amen come God the Father no come Lord Jesus yeah that is awesome Yes man I could totally see you running with us adding to it like you see the pattern you can see how going through these scriptures they
just scripture feeds into scripture scripture interprets other scriptures this is how it's done and I even love following their little references right here I'm like those references aren't bad actually pretty good you guys should do a good Bible study just with the Bible and those references and you will see all three of these patterns golly man we could do that there's so many there's even like a few going through my head maybe we should do a part two at some point and just collab again on this because there's so many and I I really hope
that you all get a lot out of this this stuff is fun let me go ahead and stop sharing here real quick what else you got for us is there anything else that you want to share anything else that you want to tell my audience this has been a blast I love this this is good yeah yeah this this was good uh you know uh this was a lot of fun and I I'd love to do it again um um you know so on my channel on it's here ruin radio you'll see you'll see a
lot of videos like this some are longer than others some are live streams might go an hour two hours some are shorter videos um you know five minutes long some are 15 minutes long and some of them are just like this you know uh demonstrating that Jesus is God or the holy spirit is God or that God is Triune using the Jehovah's Witnesses Bible uh I also have videos showing the trinity in the Old Testament only not touching the New Testament just parking in the Old Testament and showing that God is Triune in the 39
books of the Old Testament because remember you know before the New Testament was written Paul and them was spreading the gospel so if the Trinity is true and they were using scripture they would have been using the 39 books and what we call the Old Testament you know so you know it's not as uh obvious uh as it is in the New Testament but it's certainly there and once you see it you can't unsee it yeah you know it's like wow why didn't I notice this so I encourage you to check it out I have
multiple series uh on there I engage other quotes like Hebrew Israelites uh sometimes you know I walk up to them and I engage them then I'll do a review they don't change the Bible they just they just obliterate the meaning of every verse in the Bible you know so I you know I do reviews of what they're talking about using their verses to demonstrate that Jesus is God and whatnot I'm interviewing Scholars uh you know the most recent interviews I did was uh Tom Schreiner who's a complimentary and I interviewed him on women in Ministry
and I also interviewed uh Dr Sandy Richter and Dr Craig Keener who hold to a more egalitarian view when it comes to women in Ministry you know so I did a series on that uh I facilitate debates I just encourage you to check out the channel and I pray that it blesses you you know regardless of what your position is on various different topics I would love uh to be part of your uh of your studying life I would be honored to do so and I invite you to check out is he a real one
radio uh and and give me that opportunity great yeah that's on YouTube right yep it's on YouTube but I'm also on Spotify I'm on iHeartRadio if you type in issue your ruined radio it is going to come up and it's like the question is he a real one because I was wondering if Jesus was a real one can we find out he is he's so real that you can see that he's God in the corrupted Bible so yeah Jesus is very real yeah amen yeah I'll leave all of that in the description of this video
Yeah guys um this is really unique I think uh Veda this has been great I think that you have a real great uh way of approaching these topics I'm really glad that we finally connected um yeah I know almost nothing about Hebrew Israelites it would be great to get you on just to cover basics of what they believe who are they but I would love to learn more about that and I've been asked about this a few times guys thank you for hanging with us this was so much fun thank you Veda for coming on
thank you for spending all this time breaking all this down and guys remember we could have done a lot more yeah man you know we gotta we gotta debunk this heresy Melissa yes yeah man I will link arms with you I will we will go out and and and the war like fight battles man let's do this um yeah right this is a blast total blast thank you thank you again so much for coming on ah it's my pleasure God bless you
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