George's Mischievous Adventure! 🦖 | Peppa Pig Tales Full Episodes

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George has built a secret room to play in, so Peppa decides to make one of her own! 🌈 Watch MORE T...
Video Transcript:
and now for the amazing ballet circus magic show today Peppa is putting on a show for her teddies and George and now the big magical finish George Where Are You Going H George is being very sneaky Today George what are you up to Peppa is following George into the garden to find out what he's up to hello kiddo I mean Hello [Music] sunflower h a secret room can I play George no fine I'll make my own secret room and it's going to be even better and and more secret M Now Peppa is making her own
secret room Peppa under the garden table no I'm not here you can't see me in my new secret room pH I'm not sure this is the best place for you to play you're right this isn't secret enough Peppa's new secret room is under her bed now I can play any games I like like practicing my amazing ballet circus magic show O oof this isn't big enough there the most secret secret room ever Peppa this is already a room oh what's wrong darling George made a secret room and he won't let me play so I'm going
to make one too and George won't be allowed to play play with me do you think you might be a bit upset that George is playing without you no nuh-uh no way maybe George is getting older so he might want to play on his own sometimes but you'll always be his big sister don't you worry yeah always right so how about a tidy up sorry Mommy I have to tell George something [Music] George it's okay if you want to play secret rooms without me because you'll always be my big sister wait no I'll be your
big sister George I was actually being a really nice big sister and the secret room is for you and me I love it Peppa and George love secret room rooms and they still love playing together today Peppa is dancing along to her favorite music video Shake Shake and turn around and clap every George I'm dancing you can watch Dinosaurs later no dinosaur George no my song no dinosaur oh iy well if you two can't agree on what to watch you won't watch anything now come on it's time for lunch I'm going to have lunch it
is lunchtime and now Pepper and George are arguing over the last carrot I saw it first whoa no need to bicker you can each have half of the George's half is bigger than mine mommy and daddy pig are thinking up a secret plan Peppa is playing tea party would you like some more tea ooh yes please miss bear and George is playing Dinosaur George dinosaurs don't drink tea can you play with George he's ruining my game Sorry Peppa but we are a bit busy we're making a den ooh can we play In Your Den play
Sorry Peppa I'm afraid this Den is just for grown-ups mommy pig and daddy pig have made a den that's just for grownups oh I know we can make an even bigger Den just for peppers and Georges dinosaur and dinosaurs and teddies now Pepper and George are building a den of their own yay it's working H let's make it even bigger there Den is very big it has a place for dinosaurs and a place to dance and lots of carrots to share that was a lovely tea party momy oh oh my what a wonderful Den me
and George made it together what amazing teamwork can we have a tour sorry it's just for peppers and Georges and dinosaurs and teddies oh dear I guess you two can have have all the fun together told you it would work Peppa and George love playing together they make a very good team today everyone is at the Town fate Peppa is running a three-legged race with Danny dog but Danny is very excited about the prize a yummy toffee Apple Get Down Danny I can't keep up what ow ow Peppa yay [Music] uhoh my knee oh Peppa
sweetheart let's get you over to the first aid tent Peppa up you get sorry Peppa I didn't mean to it's okay don't worry Danny accidents happen Peppa has come to the first aid tent where Miss Rabbit can check her knee oh no what's happened here then I fell and hurt my knee oh that must have given you a fright and I didn't win a toffee Apple H oh thanks George that's very kind George well let's have a look in my first aid kit pit it's where I keep everything I need to make knees like yours
all better ah first we need to make sure your knee is clean so I need to give it a little spray okay this might sting a bit but I promise it'll be over in a gif okay let's count to three and take a big breath 1 2 2 three big breath all done oh that's it yep you're being very brave Peppa and now we just need to find a plaster to put on it which one would you like I've got lots ooh uhoh never mind George accidents happen can I have this one please yep and
all done your knee should feel good as new wow it feels as good as new thank you Miss Rabbit oh no sorry George it's okay pepper accidents happen I think we'd better go and find another toffee apple or two y yay Peppa is very happy her knee is feeling better everyone is happy Peppa is feeling better there's too much rain today Peppa and her family are driving through a very loud storm just a bit stormy nothing to worry about much better the rain has stopped but ah now there's too much mud I think we need
to use the C little muddy puddle Miss up was it no worries our new car wash the dirt Blaster will soon clear this mess up it's magnific ooh George thinks the dirt Blaster looks a little scary it will be okay George we can hold hands [Music] again we've got this the dirt Blaster is spraying the car with lots of soapy bubbles oh wow oh wow it's like a rainbow George uh mommy pig yes your window H your windows open the bubbles are getting oopsies now the bubbles are being blasted off the car with the water
hoses it's okay George look the hose is here now now it's there where's it going next George oh there that what who knew a car wash could be so much fun um what's that the Big Brush dries the car but Peppa and George both think it's a bit scary we've got this George so they decide to help each other be brave we did it George Well Done you to the family car is now very clean indeed [Applause] [Music] hooray so what did you think of the dirt Blaster we love and our car's never been so
clean lovely well come back soon ah Mommy I think we need to go back and use the dirt Blaster woo I didn't expect you back this soon neither did we everyone loves the dirt Blaster byy Miss Rabbit watch out for those potholes next time right who's next today Peppa George and Mummy Pig are visiting the garage our car is broken Mr Bull can we have a new one please or perhaps you could try and fix it sure take a seat in the waiting room I'll have it fixed in now time there are lots of toys
in the waiting room wow look George this looks just like Grandad dog's garage something's behind the blue door it's a blue car park over there please be with you in a jiffy uh-oh oh there's a yellow truck behind the yellow door and a red motorbike Behind The Red Door B up I'll be right with you ooh a green sports car [Music] wow the toy garage is getting very busy and so is the real garage this your truck needs fixing this motor bik needs a wash let's park the red car at the top be oh dear
the red car is trapped between the other cars H it's like a car puzzle let's move the cars to make some [Music] space now we can move the red car to the top yay M your car is all fixed oh already hooray here we are good as new thank you but how do we get it out the family car is trapped between the other cars a that is a bit of a puzzle it's just like the toy garage let's move the green car and the blue car H good idea Peppa Peppa and George are telling
Mr Bull and Granddad dog which cars to move just like their toy garage move the tractor forward and the motorbike backwards now mommy pig can move the car yay hooray we hit another pothole but the party bus has broken down and the car is blocked again oh dear now how will we get out a tow truck good idea George but let's use an even bigger one thank you you're welcome weet now how do we get back inside pepp and Jordan love solving car puzzles aha there's one ho today Peppa and her family have come to
the shopping center oh perhaps we'll get out here I'll park up and find you soon if I could find a space they've come to the toy shop to find a gift for Baby Alexander there's so many toys now what do we think Baby Alexander will like H maybe this basketball or this blast pop pop all this karaoke machine car key these are very fun but I'm not sure they're right for a baby then we'll have to keep looking [Music] [Laughter] H wee Daddy Pig has finally found a space in the car park oh dear but
the parking space is so small he can't get out of the car I'll just have to go around again what have you found George it's like the car park we were in car park George loves the toy car park up Up Up Baby Alexander does like cars but I think he is too young for this toy oh what about this ball George NOP up up up or maybe this cuddly teddy no George doesn't think any of these toys are right for Baby Alexander what about this noisy rattle no boom boom George only likes the toy
carp H look at this George [Music] no for you what a perfect gift for Baby Alexander we'll take it please Miss Rabbit I wonder where daddy pig parked we hello everyone everyone loves going toy shopping but Daddy and George really love the car [Music] park today Peppa and her family have come to the Opticians who Daddy Pig needs some new glasses daddy pig coming oops this way daddy Dr Pony is an optician which means he looks after people's eyes so Daddy Pig what happened to your old glasses ah well there was a bit of a
mishap in the kitchen with the soap oh and a ball and uh blender [Music] yep that'll do it we'll just do a few tests to check your eyes are healthy and then we can see about getting you some new glasses thank you oh right pop your chin just here and keep your eyes wide open please like this like the watch now you'll just feel a little puff of air okay 3 2 1 3 2 1 done now just blink clots For Me 3 2 1 when did you have onions George now we'll take a picture
of your eye pop your head here please okie dokie we can take pictures of our eyes too George hold nice and still I can see [Music] you and all done your eyes look very healthy daddy pig so now we'll see how good your eyesight is it's not so bad oh okay now focus on this picture of a hot air balloon and tell me if it's better or worse Dr Pony is checking how well daddy pig can see by using a picture um better and now better or worse uh no worse uh look George we can
see a hot air balloon too ah you two must have very good eyesight to see that it is nice isn't it well you still need glasses daddy pig but the good news is we have lots of options for you to pick from o I see what about these we also have these if you'd like they're just like your old ones oh sold I'll take them a would you like an extra pair in case you have any other accidents in the kitchen with the blender Daddy Pig loves his old glasses thank you Dr Pony but Peppa
and George love his new spare glasses ready to race George run today grandpa pig is looking after Peppa and George are you sure you don't want to play sleeping Piggies instead whoever stays asleep the longest wins no thank you righto then get ready 3 2 1 Go Peppa and George's cars are going very fast careful now not too quick or you might crash but Peppa and George are very good at racing very fast oh perhaps I'm worrying over nothing here comes the bridge fast uhoh or perhaps not oops ah hello mommy pig you'll be home
in 5 minutes you say okay okay no rush take six if you want 20 even bye-bye oh dear Mommy and Daddy Pig are nearly home uh Grandpa we've made a bit of a mess yes I can see that it was an accident I promise it's okay Peppa we just need to make sure we tidy it all up and we've only got 5 minutes we will do it super fast like race car drivers won't we George wait you don't need to rush Pepper and George are trying to clean very fast watch out careful now oh dear
but they're making more mess oh dear looks like you were going too fast and crashed yes George you were going too fast you both were we just need to do one thing at a time as a team we can do that you're getting the hang of it make the room tidy clean away the mess tidy up tidy up do it as a team 2 3 4 h 2 3 4 2 3 4 everyone has cleaned up the living room and just in time hooray we're home hello welcome back to your very very tidy house wow
very tidy which is perfect because we found this the lady in the shop said it was a messy good time shall we oh um Peppa and George love playing games maybe we can play sleeping Piggies instead but sometimes they like to rest too where is my toy ducky Mrs ducky isn't there [Music] I let her out of the box and you must find her before she gets lost today Mummy Pig is pretending to be a baddy Mommy why are you wearing that it's a game Peppa my old spy toys will help you be the best
secret agents ever oh Peppa and George are now secret a agents too agents your mission is to find Mrs ducky before she gets lost us us yes sir we will find Mrs ducky won't we agent G not if I have anything to do with it let's look in here I can't see anything use these spy goggles Agent P thanks agent Daddy the Spy goggles help Agent P and agent G to see in the dark Mrs ducky are you in here but Mrs ducky isn't there maybe she's outside George duckies love to be outside yes look
outside if you can find your way there Peppa and George must crawl through the tunnels to get outside here I'll guide you through the tunnels with this ultrasonic communication apparatus it's a walkie-talkie oh thanks agent daddy take a left other left now right almost there we made it oh she's not outside either H perhaps upstairs the secret agents have reached Peppa's bedroom there she is but she's trapped yes trapped behind my web of lasers gosh be careful Agents come on agent G we have to go slow instead I suppose that's an option too Agent P
and agent G have rescued Mrs ducky you win this round secret agent but I'll be back oh gosh what happened here looks like you outsmarted a very cool baddy Peppa and George love being secret agents Mommy Mommy there was a baddy and she took Mrs ducky but we found her and we used Googles and tunnels and there were lasers tonight mommy and daddy pig are going out for a Valentine's Day meal mommy pig has ordered a taxi it's almost here hooray wa your ride a Waits Madam oh um Mummy Pig has accidentally ordered a special
taxi called a limousine a limo how romantic and tickly [Music] where are we off to sir and madams Granny and Grandpa Pig's house if you please miss rabbit Peppa and George are going there for dinner dinner okay calm down you two this music reminds me of Venice what a wonderful trip that was now it's a disco limo oh we didn't have this in Venice care for a chocolate mommy pig oh don't mind if I can can we have some daddy chocolate um okay but not too many Peppa and George love [Music] chocolate maybe a little
too much I guess I'll have this one then can we have the disco music again just until granny and grandpa's house [Music] please yeah oh yes a happy disco Valentine's Day [Music] everyonee come on we're having a Valentine's Day Disco [Music] [Music] it's just like that time in Paris Grandpa Pig everyone loves celebrating Valentine's Day but mommy and daddy pig love their disco limo ride most of all
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