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Absolute Motivation
☝️In this video, we're thrilled to present our unique motivational compilation featuring the best of...
Video Transcript:
if you wake up in the morning you start having negative thoughts man this ain't my day i woke up on wrong side of bed i'm tripping i just don't feel myself in the middle of the day if you feel yourself doing that stop just stop for a second and start going over in your mind everything you have to be grateful for not everything you want everything you already have because what you have is substantial [Music] life is not easy it is not don't try to make it that way life's not fair it never was it
isn't now and it won't ever be do not fall into the trap the entitlement trap of feeling like you're a victim you are not get over it get on with it and yes most things are more rewarding when you break a sweat to get them you should never have to question something that's real all right you go through it to grow from it you go through it to learn from it you don't go through it just to go back to it that's like putting your hand on a hot stone that you know it's hot and
expecting it not to burn wake up stop teaching yourself the same lessons that you should have learned from you will never move forward with your life living your life through the real dream mirror and we've all had experiences where we were working on something and we knew it was possible and we did those things that were necessary to bring it into reality we took the responsibility to make it happen other people couldn't see it a lot of people didn't believe it you were attacked you were criticized people were opposing you but you kept on doing
it it was hard it was rough it was difficult but to you it was worth it and eventually you got to a level you know can nothing stop me not i don't care where you come from i don't care where you were raised plus one is always going to equal two ten years of [ __ ] work when everybody else is partying making excuses doing the cool thing on the weekend is gonna pay off you can do this small minds discuss other people gossip good minds discuss events great minds discuss ideas fear of failure fear
of failure can keep you from taking risk it can leave you sitting there paralyzed into not taking action and that is obviously bad [Music] but i don't want you to overcome fear of failure i want you to be afraid of failure fear of failure is good fear of failure will keep you up at night planning rehearsing going over contingencies fear of failure will keep you training fear of failure will stop you from cutting corners fear of failure will keep you working thinking striving and relentlessly trying to be more prepared for battle your mind has to
be stronger than your feelings think about every poor decision you've made in your life there was more emotion that was involved in it than there was mine every single one of them think about it your feelings keep you in bed your mind tells you get up [Music] practice and practice and practice practice makes work practice makes improvement you can always better your best you can always go beyond anything that you have ever done you never hit a state of perfection you're always bigger than what you do and so all you're looking for new breakthroughs through
practice and practice and practice you'll get better and better and better first thing to do is to forsake what's in front of you because the attitude that you bring to what's in front of you will color your entire experience it will change your character into that of negativity and you'll never ascend you'll never get more you'll never expand you'll stay stuck you can think about it you can wish for it you can hope for it you can think all about it all as long as you want but unless you get out every single [ __
] day and put in the work inch by inch by [ __ ] inch you will never get there [Applause] empty your mind be formless shapeless like water now you put water into a cup it becomes the cup you put water into a bottle it becomes the bottle you put in a teapot it [Music] be water my friend [Music] do you have the guts to fail if you don't fail you're not even trying to get something you never had you have to do something you never did imagine you're on your deathbed and standing around your
deathbed are the ghosts representing your unfulfilled potential the ghost of the ideas you never acted on the ghost of the talents you didn't use and they're standing around your bed angry disappointed and upset they say we came to you because you could have brought us to life they say and now we have to go to the grave together so i ask you today how many ghosts are going to be around your bed when your time comes we got to be excited about the future we're going to do things that make us want to live it
cannot always be about problems every day i mean do you want to wake up every morning everything is just a problem well what did what inspires you and what makes you excited about the future there's got to be some things like that [Music] you need to make it a habit to start every [ __ ] day validating yourself [Music] cheering for yourself because life is a marathon and this might be a challenging leg where you're like i'm just going to throw in the towel i'm not going to do that thing hell no if you're standing
in front of that mirror [Music] you deserve to feel the support and empowerment and encouragement that you need you are doing so much every single day that you don't give yourself credit for [Music] i don't care how good you are on anything you don't have discipline you ain't nobody you're nothing no discipline because you give up on the slightest struggle without discipline discipline to do what you hate to do but do it like you love it a gym cannot be polished without friction nor man perfected without trials a plan is better than no plan that's
a really useful thing to know especially if you're kind of drifting it's like well i'm going to find myself it's like no just pick something and and move towards it and as you move towards it you're going to succeed and fail specifically and then you're going to learn something about success specifically and you're going to learn something about failure specifically and then you can learn what you use to fix your plan and have your successes and failures along the way and learn from them and then you can break you can reject the goal you can
move the target we got people out there wrong just can't get open [Music] [Applause] [Music] arises and the sun sets and you're the same thing spot stay home what do you do when a thousand other people want exactly what you want what if you're not the only one that wants what you want what if there are thousands of other people who want what you want you have to outwork them you got to apply them you got to get up earlier you got to stay up later you've got to execute and you've got to go from
70 to 120. [Music] stay focused don't listen to nobody what's on your mind just do it cause what's destined for you you're gonna get it so i say as you look into the future while the people are giving up feeling like victims feeling powerless becoming negative turning on each other rather than to each other feeling that they can't make it be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind with the mindset of that it's possible it's possible that i can find a new profession a new job it's possible
i can create a new life and it's necessary that i become actively involved in becoming a positive force in my life and it's going to be hard easy it's not an option but if it's hard we will do it hard whatever is required to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat and it's worth it yes it's worth whatever we have to do and once we know that it is done your biggest enemy is you people don't understand is you against you the only person that gets in your way is you nobody else it's you i
need you to confront you because you're the one holding you up i need you to confront you i need you to look in the mirror and tell you you are not gonna do me like this no more you're not gonna continue to sabotage me you're not you're not gonna keep procrastinating i need you you're not i am one decision away from a totally different marriage a totally different life a totally different job a totally different income your life comes down to your decisions and if you change your decisions you will change everything where you want
to be in life and listen to me at some point in life you just you have to tell yourself because you don't make the adjustment you don't make the shift in life until you get to the point where you say enough is enough and listen to me you deserve better [Applause] here's what you should know about winning before you chase it when he's not loyal to you it doesn't care about you winning doesn't care how sore you are when he doesn't care how much sleep you get when he doesn't care how hard you work at
times winning requires all of you and then more and it promises you nothing it's a mastermind of creating fear and doubt your mind it causes setback after setback so the question is about winning are you willing to sprint when the distance is unknown and why chase this thing called winning because the only thing that's guaranteed in life if you don't chase it is losing [Music] it's one thing to be hungry it's another thing when you're starving for greatness and starving for success i know what it's like to operate every single day regardless of the success
that i've been a lucky son of a [ __ ] to achieve i operate every day as if i'm starving self-confidence is really someone who keeps promises of themselves because self-confidence is really like your reputation with yourself if you've got a great reputation with yourself you know you can trust you you're not so concerned about your reputation what other people think about it [Music] but more importantly i want you to be horrified terrified of sitting on the sidelines and doing nothing that is what i want you to be afraid of waking up in six days
or six weeks or six years or 60 years and being no closer to your goal you've made no progress that is the horror [Music] that is the nightmare that is what you really need to be afraid of being stagnant so get up and go take the risk take the gamble take the first step take action and don't let another day slip by no no you want to take responsibility for your life i got me here i can get me out of this and i'm getting out i'm not going to be a volunteer victim [Music] we
all live in this bubble what you got to do to get the life that god wants you to have you got to put more air in your bubble [Music] you got to blow your bubble up expand yourself take yourself out your comfort zone do not live in your bubble put some more air in your bubble if you stay in your comfort zone that's where you will fail you will fail in your comfort zone success is not a comfortable procedure it is a very uncomfortable thing to attempt so you got to get comfortable being uncomfortable if
you ever want to be successful and what that shows is that if you turn around and you confront the suffering voluntarily you find out that you are way tougher than you think it's not that life is better than you think life is as harsh as you think it might even be worse but you are way tougher than you think if you turn around and confront it [Music] easy choices hard life hard choices easy life the hard choices what we most fear doing asking saying these are very often exactly what we most need to do [Music]
you see people who do big things and you automatically say that guy's so lucky she's so lucky you don't know that you're assuming that going to work every day for 20 years and grinding your ass off and then becoming a multi-millionaire that's not luck that's action and reaction quit using the word luck quit believing in luck and start believing in work start believing in results that come from your actions stop telling your visions to other people because they're not going to see it why you think you keep imagining opening a business why you keep imagining
graduating getting a better job why do you keep imagining buying a house why do you keep imagining getting rich one day why do you keep imagining that because god is talking to you he's showing you something that he has for you it's okay to be unbalanced for a while it's okay don't be all this some people say you got to be balanced to be the best in the world and what you do you have to be unbalanced to find every bit of [ __ ] energy and strength that you have to pull it off then
you get balanced once you become great and it takes being getting obsessed where people think you're crazy let's go let's go you got money but you got that dog yeah you got money you got private do you got that dog you have to lose your fear of failure failure is part of the process people who never fail never try you have to fail you got to get it wrong to get it right [Music] [Music] when god gives you a dream and i believe that we all have a dream that god has given each one of
us something that's beyond us and hope and aspiration that makes us look beyond sometimes the dream is so big it scares us but it should inspire us to believe that we can only do it with god's help the dream is your dream sometimes we make a mistake of wanting to share our dreams with everybody dreams can get you in trouble you have dream busters there's people who don't have a dream and they will try and help bring down your dream god gave your dream to you and everything that god gives you god intends for you
to achieve and accomplish don't have time to regret we move on because we are acceptable for what we are not who we think we should be i'm accepted in myself by what i am but not as i think i should be because that's a lie i'm a sinner i'm an old sinner i've done some bad things i've done some good things so you know you just forgive yourself and move on these people that you're comparing yourself to you don't really know you see they're shiny outside but you don't see the reality of their life people
have hard lives and the ideal that you're observing that makes you jealous and resentful is in large part an illusion that's created by your own mind don't give up don't let the world get you down when it does get you down get up and write what you want out of your life and don't [ __ ] stop you know what i'm saying there ain't no vacation you get up every [ __ ] day you look in the mirror you tell that mirror i'm a bad [ __ ] and one way or another i'm gonna make
it could happen today and guess what if you keep writing it down after a while the power will pay you and believe it if you don't have what you want stop telling yourself the story because you don't have the money over time that's bullsh it's because you haven't committed yourself where you would burn your boats if you want to take the [ __ ] island burn your [ __ ] boats and you will take the island because people when they're gonna either die or succeed tend to succeed here's the truth this is the reality nobody's
going to believe in you until you've already done it nobody's going to come and celebrate with you until you've already done it just stand you keep standing you keep no matter how rough the seat you keep standing and i'm not talking about just water you keep standing no matter what you don't give up don't allow the difficult and challenging times to demoralize you he said in life you will always be faced with a series of guard ordained opportunities brilliantly disguised as problems and challenges and i'm saying in your hands you have ideas you have been
given something to bring to the universe that was not here before you showed up do a little bit more work and a little bit more work the results are going to come more more people are going to believe nobody [ __ ] believes in you because you haven't done anything yet that's the reality today is the day that you let go of that hurt and release that pain forever your tears have served the ground for far too long it's time for you to practice that smile daily it's time for that smile to no longer be
a stranger and it's time for you to let go of the things that are stripping your heart of his happiness you can't heal by going back to the hurt you can't receive your future by holding on to your past so stop pressing replay on the things that need to be deleted from your life [Music] he had this beautiful quote and it read rest at the end not in the middle and i took that to heart i believe there's time for resting at the end that time is not now to have a dream sacrifice for it
and never ever rest in the middle when people can't get up in the morning i'm going to tell you why because they can predict the feeling of everything that's going to happen in their life and their bodies resigned to the familiar this is another mundane day but remember when you were a kid and you were going on a field trip what happened then you were up and dressed and ready to go before your parents were up because you knew something unexpected was going to happen that's how we should live our lives waking up with the
understanding to expect the unexpected and something unusual should happen in our life as a result of our efforts [Music] it doesn't matter what is your level of intelligence what is your level of capability introvert extrovert this that doesn't matter do you have the courage and commitment to make the possibility into your reality life is an echo what you send out comes back what you show you reap what you give you get what you see in others exist in you do not judge so you will not be judged radiate and give love and love comes back
to you [Music] i will try 100 times to get up and if i fail 100 times if i fail and i give up do you think that i'm ever going to get up no but if i fail i try again and again and again for as long as i try there's always that chance of getting up and it's not the end until you've given up you have to start living your life in expectation you have got to start expecting great things to happen for you in order for it to happen if you live your life
in expectations that's what happens to you if you live your life in despair that's what happens to you disengage your sense of self your sense of self worth from achievement once you are wholly focused on sincere pursuit everything changes i'll never be rich you won't you won't the moment you change the frequency that your tower emits different things come back to you if you change your attitude you change your altitude most of us go through life pretending pretending that we're satisfied where we are pretending that everything is okay pretending that that we don't have any
special goals or ambitions or desires when really deep down inside we do really want more because you have to judge a tree by the fruit it bears not the fruit that it talks about see a lot of people pretend that they want more out of life but all you have to do is watch their actions [Music] so you really have to work hard for a set of skills that matter to you a fool never learns a smart man learns from his mistakes a wise man learns from the mistakes of others so you've got to completely
divorce yourself from this notion of outcome and become completely obsessed with the idea of sincere pursuit [Music] and so when you look at the night sky and that sense of awe grips you and calls something out of you right to respond to your encounter with the infant even your encounter with mortality your encounter with finitude and limitation all of that in relationship to the internet that sense of awe is also the calling forth of something out of you that can respond to the challenge of that infinite well that's the microcosm within no it's a reflection
of the structure of the cosmos itself that's the divine ideal only thing that's going to make you happy my friend and this year or any other is to step up it's to raise the standard it's to discover what you're capable of and feel that incredible power pushing through whatever's holding you back and get to the other side of more of your true self that's what this game is all about so life is real short so you have all your traveling and of all your sleeping and up all your school out of all your entertainment you
probably been half your life doing nothing so out of 30 years i might have about 16 years to be productive so it's how we can all break individual lives now you've got to completely divorce yourself from this notion of outcome and become completely obsessed with the idea of sincere pursuit now why sincere pursuit the reason to tie your sense of self your self-esteem your pride your ego your identity all of that the reason to tie that to sincere pursuit is it's the only part you can control i cannot promise you that you'll ever be successful
you cannot promise you that you will be successful but you can promise and know if you actually did it to show up every day and really pursue it but what do we say but but there always be tomorrow oh no there's no guarantees you're going to show up tomorrow there are a lot of people who were here yesterday that they're not here today there are a lot of opportunities that were around yesterday they're not here today [Music] i'm talking about real commitment not that cheap stuff right not that counterfeit stuff not that if i get
what i want stuff not that little boy stuff i'm talking concrete commitment the commitment that says can i stay true to what i said i would do long after the mood that i've said it has left it's easy to say what you're gonna do when you send in these plush seats and it's ac and you got the words on the wall there's people out there that don't want to see you do good as you know there's people out there that don't want to see you happy don't want to see you accomplish anything don't want to
see you bro so you got to go start your journey and the journey starts with you finding why the hell am i here on this planet earth why am i here if you don't know that you will live the rest of your life searching always asking the question why i'm saying answer your call the universe is calling you hear something about life you can't get out of it alive hello you can't get out of life alive live now like maria said live your dream now there's people out there that are threatened by your greatness they
can't handle you they know they can't compete with you they know they can't beat you so their goal their plan is to make you beat you all the great ones in life one thing they had was composure no matter what people do with them hate negativity gossip drama rumors no matter what they do with them they stay focused on where they were trying to go no matter what's going on in your life is not permanent everything is going to change so there's two things you can do with change you can react to it or you
can participate in it it's going to change anyway so if you keep waiting around you're going to have to react to the change and now you're behind but if you participate in the change if you know the job you have is not gonna last forever when you go to work at every day that's gonna change so what you gotta start doing is you got to start anticipating that it's going to change and just start living your life with the preparation for change at the beginning of the year a lot of you had goals a lot
of drive a lot of motivation was easter it's the middle of april to make sure i get too far worth my goals my dreams a lot of you are proud of who you are you're like the person you created do nothing start from scratch create somebody that you're proud of stay hard you can learn all the techniques in the world if you don't believe in yourself it won't happen for you i learned all of it [Music] focus on the seller you've got to focus on you and as you convince you as you sell yourself every
day every day every day you will begin to see a difference in the things that you're doing selling yourself on your ability to perform a job to achieve a certain objective telling yourself every day here i go again and i got what it takes this is my day and nothing out here is going to stop me so why was greater than defeat his why was greater than his trial and his tribulation and i'm telling you if you don't know what your why is and your why isn't strong you're gonna get knocked out every single day
and say in spite of this i'm in control here motivation has nothing to do with it see most people are waiting for motivation when motivation is just a spark to get things moving but it's your commitment that gets you to the gym every single time you don't go because you're motivated you see you don't do the things you know you need to do to reach your goals because you're motivated to do those things you do it because you you got the mindset of a machine you just say every tuesday thursday this is what i do
every tuesday thursday that's what i do every tuesday thursday that's what i do you just can do it because that's what you set out to do success and failure are not giant events they don't just show up you don't just suddenly become successful or suddenly have this cataclysmic event that makes you fail and they look that way but failure comes from all the little things it's failure to make the call it's failure to check the books it's failure to say i'm sorry it's failure to push yourself to do things physically that you don't want to
do and all those little failures day after day come together until one day some cataclysmic event happens you blame that that event happened because you missed all the little stuff i'm not gonna let this get me down i'm not gonna let this destroy me i'm coming back and i'll be stronger and better because of it you have got to make a declaration that this is what you stand for you're standing up for your dreams you're standing up for peace of mind you're standing up for health you want it and you're going to go all out
to have it it's not going to be easy when you want to change it's not easy if we're in fact easy everybody will do it but if you're serious you'll go all out [Music] [Music] [Music] and i want to i want i want you to be aware of this like most human beings we don't really understand the value of time because we've always had time we say we value time but do we really value time like some of us we're holding grudges with people that we love if you really value tom you would let go
of that grudge we don't think that at some point this is gonna end at some point your parents might not be here so the more you future think and think that this is gonna come to an end at some point we think that we have forever and i want to tell you forever comes with an expiration date [Music] make today count every day [Music] go forward get aggressive and attack whether it's on the battlefield or on the bee or in the factory or on the farm or on the construction site or on the website [Music]
in the garage or in the firehouse don't hesitate step step forward and get after it it's gonna be hard either way okay being broke is hard [ __ ] be successful is hardest all you get to do is choose which hard you're gonna can be and you don't get to opt out of it being hard that's the thing when people [ __ ] up they think they can opt out of life being hard no life is going to be hard but you get to choose the result that it's going to produce because of it it
is not the darkest moment that's the problem you the problem and your perspective is the problem you thought you was just going to have a dream and a goal and you were just going to wake up and just walk into the sunset you have a dream and then life life punks you you gonna lose friends do you really want this do you really want this and so i'm telling y'all you have come too far to quit now you have invested too much to quit now you have lost too much to quit now you're gonna get
a reward for your pain this is the only life that i have and i'm going to take the leap of faith i'm going to jump in it i know the universe will never give me anything i don't have a capacity to handle [Music] you know too many times we allow yesterday's troubles to turn into today's struggles we allow [Music] yesterday's worries [Music] to turn into today's stress too many of us are good too good at carrying the things from our past into our present [Music] and we live our whole entire life and stress our whole
entire life in worry and we don't use our one superpower that we have [Music] which is appreciation when you get in your own way that's what self-doubt is the the fastest band-aid ripped off remedy to fixing this terrible situation is to do the thing you're afraid to do do it it's not about feeling confident about going into the situation it's not about knowing that it's going to work out it's not about having the most detailed plan for how this thing will happen it's about doing it courage you get encourages what you will experience and what
you will grow when the doubt is there but you do it anyway so your problem isn't doubt your problem is courage doubt is going to be there but doubt gets out of the way when you express courage if you can't be a pine on the top of the hill be a scrub in the valley but be the best little scrub on the side of the reel be a bush if you can't be a tree if you can't be a highway just be a trail if you can't be the sun be a star for it isn't
my size that you win or you fail be the best of whatever you are [Music] also to remind you like everything you're going through is preparing you i want to remind you of that like everything that you're going through is preparing you for something greater right everything that you went through you made it through because you're here you made it through and the things that you made it through is preparing you for what's meant for you everything that you went through it made it through i'm sure you can think right now all the times you
feel like me and my life is over my story is done but you made it through it everything that you went through and made it through is preparing you was preparing you for what it's meant for you what's your why you need a why why do you need a why because some days you're gonna look at that alarm clock you're gonna look at that alarm clock and it's gonna say six and six is the time you wake up and you're gonna look again it's gonna say 605 and you're going to say i don't want to
get up but that y is going to say i push yourself get up your mama needs you your daddy needs you your children need you you don't commit get up [Music] your why's gonna push you when you can't push yourself when you want to quit and give up your why is going to give you that edge you need that advantage you need that that lift that you need to get to the next level you're why do the thing and you will have the power we're waiting waiting waiting waiting for the power we're waiting not to
self-doubt any longer right whatever it is that you're deciding that you want to do with yourself that you're doubting your ability on just do it great ideas are never going to interrupt you they have to be pursued and you if you don't pursue them you're going to get what everybody else has which is all this fear all this uncertainty all this stuff won't work because everybody's focused on what won't work what can't happen why because they're afraid they're afraid to fail they're afraid to try and feel like they're not enough so you've got to stay
in guard of that mind by feeding your mind you know jim rohn used to say to me success leaves clues if you want thing to get better you got to get better if you want things to change you got to change but you got to do it deliberately and consciously [Music] and so what happens is we very often reinforce things when we put things in the negative right i can't get apart i can't get apart i can't get apart or i can't do this versus i'm going to keep doing this it's the same thing for
you if you focus on the obstacles all you will see is obstacles it's your choice how you choose to perceive your own career it's literally perspective if you watch a great movie if you read a great book you know the size and the power of the hero how much you become as a hero is defined by how tough an obstacle you face how difficult is the villain the opponent the things you know you're supposed to do do them and be as strong as you can mentally physically and emotionally for yourself for your team for your
family hold the line and be strong listen to me many of you right now life's got you up against the rope and you got to do me a favor like you can't give up you can't give in life listen to me if it was easy everybody would do it and if life's got you backed up i need you to do what buster douglas did buster douglas start fighting back he said i know you knocked out 30 other people before me but i won't be the 31st you gotta tell life i don't know who you've been
dealing with but you ain't dealt with me you gotta tell bankruptcy you gotta tell divorce you gotta tell sickness i don't know i don't know who you've been dealing with but you come up against the wrong one this time uh courage is the most important important of all the virtues because without courage you can't practice any other virtue consistently you see you can't be consistently kind or fair or humane or generous not without courage because if you don't have it sooner or later you'll stop and say the threat is too much the the difficulties to
to hide the challenges is too great there was someone before me someone found the path someone made the road before me and i have the responsibility of making the road for someone who is yet to come [Music] so tonight the question i ask you is what things in your life are you going to give a funeral to what things in your life have to die what things in your life have been keeping you from seeing the greatest version of yourself have been keeping you from knowing your worth have been keeping you from seeing how special
you are have been keeping you to live in depression have been keeping you to live in pain what things are you allowing to live in your life that need to be dead because the truth of the matter is and i'm not trying to put fear in your heart but i'm putting reality on your mind the truth of the matter is we're all going to die [Music] but the truth of that is not all of us are going to live [Music] it might be april where you are and you were expecting nice brothers plus 20 degrees
so you might be somewhere where it's too hot so you have sore legs sore backs or shoulder so the struggle is real it never gets any easier you got to get harder no one cares what you did yesterday the only match is doing today i'm a cheerleader for those who want to be better not for those who want to stay the same but we're so stuck in this comfort zone and the comfort zone is a beautiful place but nothing ever grows there we're so stuck where it's convenient we're so stuck in this ritual where it
feels good and so when god tries to shake us up a little bit the problem always happens before the miracle [Music] the lessons always come before the blessings how bad do you want your goal right now i think there's a lot of people in the world today because it's a really niche thing to talk about i want this this is my outcome this is my goal like how bad do you want do you want as bad as breathing do you want it as bad as anything you've ever wanted in your life and if you calibrate
it at the highest enough levels what i found is the people that are the hungriest they find a way you choose to stay comfortable you choose comfort you choose to stay comfortable you choose to stay in a place that you know your life shouldn't be anymore some of us we've been living in the same place for the last decade for the last 15 years for the last five years and we've been keeping ourselves in a place that has done no good for our life some of us need to give that funeral to the environments in
our life as you know what you surround your life around is what you'll become and when you go through something you won't learn some lessons but it's not always easy to extract lessons from a bad situation to me every day is a beginning a new day a new week a new shot at life an opportunity to come out of the gate like a man possessed and attack the day without mercy today i'm taking scalps i'm putting the pressure on i'm the aggressor i'm on the attack and of course i will get tired i will get
beat up i'll get knocked down and drained and i will have some bad days but i will not stop when you know why you want something when it's desperation the power of being desperate is something that most people avoid they think desperation is a weakness and i'm here to tell you desperation is one of the most powerful emotions you could possibly possess because when you're desperate you find reserves and reservoirs of ideas talents and a straight that you don't know you have when you find yourself in a desperate situation [Music] so the number one thing
we need more than anything to win is hunger which comes from a state of desperation yet we're constantly trying to comfort ourselves in the real world to avoid the state of being desperate and so i love the process i love it i love working for what i want i love the sacrifice i love the dedication i love the commitment i love that everybody wants the prize nobody wants to process everybody wants to be a diamond nobody is willing to get cut everybody wants to go to heaven nobody wants to die i'm saying to you whatever
you got to do do it because if you don't life is going to whoop you until you surrender [Music] so if it's hard then do it hard these are not tears of sorrow these are tears of joy because the thing i understand the only thing i need you to do is deal with it in the right way and watch what god not only does in your life watch what god does in everybody's life that's connected to you [Music] and the thing about every storm every storm has an expiration date so when i don't see the
point and i feel like my life is being dismantled could it be that god's preparation comes packaged as pain and maybe if you could see it that way it wouldn't take the pain away but it would give the pain a purpose if you could see what you've been calling a failure really wasn't a failure it was a foundation you're 25 you could be an idiot it's no problem okay well now you're the same person at 30. it's like people aren't so thrilled about you at that point it's like what the hell have you been doing
for the last 10 years well i'm just as clueless as i was when i was 22. yeah but you're not 22. you're an old infant right and that's an ugly thing an old infant so the reason part of the reason you choose your damn sacrifice because the sacrifice is inevitable but at least you get to choose it part of the proper path of development in the last half of life was to rediscover the child that you left behind as you were apprenticing and so then you get to be something and regain that potential at the
same time [Music] make a decision because if you don't decide well you know life decides for you indecision is still a decision you
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