How to White-Label Any AI Agent | ChatDash Beginners Tutorial

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Tommy Chryst | AI Agency
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hey guys welcome back to another video in today's video I'm going to be giving an in-depth tutorial on chat dash one of the leading white label platforms for AI agents and a lot of their really unique features that I haven't seen in any other software such as custom strip billing um topic templates which I'll go over with you as well as full chatbot breakdowns and Analysis but before I get into that I just quickly want to go on for about 30 seconds about what white Laing really is and why it's so valuable so white labeling is simply just taking whatever chatbot or AI agent you have created maybe on retail AI vapy or on voice flow and branding it with your own company's branding um to show the analytics conversations and all the other data that your client might find useful now the value in this is that you're able to come across much more reputable your brand seems a lot more um believable especially if it's just you creating them and especially if it's your first chatbot that you're selling and ultimately this leads to a lot more trust from the client in you which allows you to deliver better results to them as well as you're able to charge more to them because you don't come across like a freelancer and you come across more like a real business that is professional which you are if you're watching my videos so let's get into it and so my goal for this video and how I'm formatting it is to go alongside with you um through all these features and a lot of the new or unique ones that I personally haven't even used um out in the wild yet and you'll be able to hear my thoughts and more of a raw uncut fashion and see how someone like myself who actually builds these for companies and helps others build them for companies um views all these features their potential benefits and use case where I think one feature might be more useful than the other um and how a platform like this might compare to another white label platform like tixa agents were actually previously worked so um I've been in this space for for a bit now uh I've seen both behind the scenes from someone working at them as well as um now building these as an AI agency and um I feel like I have a lot of insights I can give you guys so looking here at um sort of just when you sign up for account now I have made a client but most of the other stuff is empty in here um you'll see a couple of these tabs and you'll see um well up here you'll see what however many agencies you have and then you'll have clients which is what we're on right now chat Bots topic templates which I mentioned on the intro settings and then stripe billing which is seriously the coolest feature um and we'll go over that at the very end because it's amazing and so um first off we'll start by clients and from what you might expect uh there's sort of a hierarchy to things you have clients at the top and then chatbots and then projects I'll go into the difference between chatbots and projects once we get to the chatbots um but first we're starting up at clients and a client would be you're an agency and you sign an e-commerce company and then you build a chat bot for them that e-commerce company would be your client and so to create client you just come here you click new client and then an organization would be okay so I messed up the hierarchy it's organization client and then um chatbots and projects and so organization would be if there's perhaps multiple departments for example you might sign the e-commerce company but then they have a sales and a customer support department and then you could create different clients for um both of those departments but under the same organization and so if you were to create an organization you just make the name and the language um pretty simple but most of you will not get into anything that complex um unless you're working with uh much larger businesses and so basically how a client works is you just make their name so I'll actually make one right now such as demo client um their login ID which is sort of their um like their username I would think of it as so like the client's name is what you'll see on the screen over here then their login ID is what the client would log in as um so example I'm just going to go client 1 2 3 4 um their email is optional however if you want to enable two Factor authentication you do need their email um and then it'll just send them a onetime code every time they want to log in um and so just for security reasons I would recommend doing that since this is just a demo I'm not going to then their password um you just enter here and um you'll see there it has to meet all the typical password requirements such as capital letter um a number and a non uh number letter character and then just type in the password again and then their language and then you can create that client oh messed up the there we go that one is not been used before um if you're working with actual companies it's pretty rare that the company's name will be taken um and so you now have this demo client and now let's get into um connecting chatbots and how that looks on the client side and so here we are in the chatbots tab and once you're in here you just want to go over to add chatbot um get myself out of the way there and you'll see chat Dash actually supports a bunch of different AI agent creators um including all the ones you see on screen as well as if you have um anything custom coded you can use this custom Tab and for this tutorial I'm going to be using um retail Ai and one thing to note is that they actually started with voice flow and open AI so if you're building chat Bots um like text based AI agents um V voice flow and open AI have a lot more like unique features um and little features will have more of them in chat Dash because those have just been Legacy on here um and it's also good to note that um like on website chatbots um we'll have different customization that you can do such as how the widget looks um and everything like that and where you can deploy it such as if you have like a voice phot I believe you can deploy it on WhatsApp and Instagram and maybe Facebook Messenger at least all the um meta platforms um you can deploy uh voice FL Bots or open AI in there and then um obviously voice agents since they're a different medium they're through phone numbers they're um over voice as you know um we have different customization options but for sake of this tutorial and because my history is with voice agents um I'm going to be using um Reta a and um so how you would add one of these AI agents is um you just have to fill out all these fields and so um this external widget I wouldn't worry about this uh really at all um if you run into problems so basically if you click this it wouldn't use um chat Dash's interface it would use retail ai's interface and then import all that data over into chat dash for your client to see and while that sounds like it's pretty much the same thing um there's additional hiccups and um other errors you can run into when using either option so um I that's just so on a case-by casee basis that I can't give like a broad overview of whether you should uh check that box or not um however if you start writing the errors with um your analysis or certain calls or conversations not coming through I would contact the chat-up support and their Discord which is very um very responsive and uh their Founders in there haben and then um I actually created there's little ask AI section I'll show you right now in their Discord um we're actually I was the one who created the chat bot for that um and so that's train on all their docs and um and so if you go to this ass AI section um you can type a message in here and you can um based on whatever your situation is it'll help you out again I did actually make that um so little Shameless plug right there but um yeah so that's it for the external widget but this chapot name is basically what your client will see so I'm just going to say um personal trainer and if you saw my retail AI function calling video I'm using that same exact um uh AI agent I made there um to White Label in here and then it'll ask for um your API key and your agent ID and this is pretty standard across um whether you're importing a voice agent and it really doesn't matter what software you're using um there'll always be an API key and agent ID and I'll show you how to get those within retail right now so if you want your API Keys you'll go this field named API keys and then um you'll just copy this um and paste it in here and then your agent ID you will find if you go up here to agents um go to whatever agent you want and then just copy that right there then um and then if you have a knowledge base how you would integrate this is you go over here go to knowledge base I don't even have a knowledge base okay so I do have knowledge bases in here so you go to your knowledge base you just copy this knowledge base ID um and so this isn't the right knowledge base for the agent but doesn't really matter um and then you name that knowledge base so um personal trainer KB and then um you can have multip if you need to um but I don't so I'm just going to create that and then you don't want to save that and then boom you have a chat bot and now um you have a couple of options within here you can edit it so you can always go back to those fields you just had um you can edit its default settings which is where um this would be if you were to deploy it on a website and then obviously if um you had like a text based chat bot made on voice flow or open AI um there's different like customizability and this is a lot um bigger of a field that you would use because it's what would actually show up on websites whereas um since my chatbot is just on a phone number I really don't have to worry about anything about what it looks like um but you can change the prompt in here um you can change the theme and the color and everything um any different settings um and you can go through these on your own they're all pretty self-explanatory um if I see anything that I want to note um I'll go over it in more depth then they have um this AI analysis so as you know if you create um an agent in something like retail um you have these post call analysis fields that it generates for you um and you can sort of control all of those however um those might not always be uh or at least the custom ones might not always Port into a custom white label dashboard like chat Dash so that's why you would um enable things like summary uh evaluation and you can prompt how you want it to be written for example um if if you just want a quick bullet point in summary um write a custom bullet point summary of the main topics covered in the call and um now I don't need any evaluation um you can save that and then now uh every time someone calls that agent um that summary the custom bullet point summary will then be ported over into the conversations tab for the client and you can actually add custom ones um and their descriptions and these descriptions are simply if you were to prompt anything else like chbt or to compare it to retail um they're sort of the same as this description here and so um going back over into part um and I'll go over credits um more towards the end um but yeah I'll just cover those at the end because I don't want to confuse you guys right now um and parsing basically is if you were to upload or client to upload a knowledge based document such as um you know you just had new um gym rules installed or or let's say Gym hours and regulations so say um the hours are now 700 a. m. to 10: p.
m. um and all these regulations about can have anyone under 16 stuff like that um the client or you you yourself as a AI agency will upload that and basically what this parsing doeses is um it takes that knowledge-based document instead of um if you were to normally upload something like that it throwing away all the extra contexts like if they were images in that document or if there were headings and bullet points what parsing does is it sort of breaks down that knowledge base so that um it identifies uh unique stuff like the images and bullet points and headings so that it can better identify and read that knowledge base and and end up actually using it and you can write parsing instructions and this is a pretty in-depth feature and also in beta so if you guys want me to make a full video on parsing I can um however basically just know if you were to um turn on parsing it just makes the knowledge base a lot more accurate and then um you can change these settings to fast accurate and premium and those just um consume a different amount of credits every time a knowledge based document is uploaded and parse it to a different degree and so you can see two credits um all the way way up to 10 credits for the premium parsing and that's per parse so I recommend having at least fast on um two credits isn't a lot I believe it costs like $3 for 1,000 credits so um when you see these credits don't worry about their cost um it's pretty negligible even if you're just starting out and not making money and so yeah these are the project settings and again if you were have like a tech based chat bot um these would be a lot more in depth and and um you would control a lot more over how it actually looks and so going back to chatbots um you can delete the chatbot however um my final thing for chat Bots is if you want to um add a chatbot to a client you just go up here you go to the client details and you go to um edit client information oh not that and you go to project assign um then you just click on whatever chat bot you want um and you can change the project name and you will assign it and basically the difference between a chatbot and a project is that a chatbot is whatever you upload in here um however a project or a chatbot becomes a project once it's assigned to a client and the reason there are two different things is because you can assign multiple chat Bots to multiple clients for example if I wanted to have this exact same chatbot also assigned to this other client I can do that um I can assign it and whenever um a call comes through for this client it won't show up in the transcripts or conversations for the other client um because they're two different projects and it sorts that out but you don't have to duplicate these chat Bots and have a bunch of the same chat Bots just to upload them to different clients for example this would be really useful if you're making um sort of a productized chatbot or AI agent um and you really just have the same thing you're selling it over and over and assigning it to different clients um this would be very useful there because you don't have to clog everything up with um a bunch of the pretty much pretty much the exact same thing um in your chatbots tab and if you were to ever edit a chatbot it would edit it for every project um and every client and now that we've actually imported that project to a client or assigned it rather um you can go in here and you can check out project settings which are pretty much the exact same for chatbot settings um one thing I do want to know if you change something like like the prompt in here and say this is Kelly from Iron core that will actually change it in other projects so that sort of affects the chatbot um globally and then however these are generally the same and then one thing I actually don't know if I change um something like the color here to Green I don't like that color to like red save that and then go to this project this one's still blue so stuff like the prompt it seems like um if you change the prompt it will change it in the other project however if you change stuff like the theme or anything I believe that is hosted within chat Dash so um stuff like this and again these widgets aren't super useful for an AI voice agent but you can imagine how um uploading different logos would be very important if you're making multiple of the same website widgets um and sort of productizing that and then so all this is pretty much the same except for stripe billing um and I'll go over that in the end and so if we come back here and we look at client access within this menu you're able to um completely control um what the client can access um so stuff like analytics what they're able to see um stuff like conversations um whether they're able to delete conversation export conversations and stuff like knowledge base they're able to interact and edit that so if you don't want them to interact with the knowledge base at all you can just turn that off and save that um and one thing I do want to note is that um this is very useful because what I found with a bunch of different clients is that a lot of them will have um a different philosophy on how handson or hands off they want to be with the actual creation um and maintenance of these AI uh agents for example I've had clients who literally just want to give me a set directions they never want to see the prompting they don't want to see any code they don't care how it works as as long as it works um that's what they want and for people like that you really only need the analytics and conversations tab um however I've also had clients who want to be super in depth and literally change the prompt if they wanted to and edit it on the Fly and teach some of their employees how to edit it for example um uh I worked with a company who had um a receptionist and I created an AI receptionist to replace that person um but instead of that person getting fired um they just took out another job however they still monitored all the conversations um as well as um I taught them how to actually edit the prompt and some prompt engineering skills so that that person was able to if they noticed um an error able to go in and edit it right away instead of them having to email or contact me so that's where this client access is very useful and then um this project report delete projects obviously deletes it and project reports a really neat feature because this basically allows you to generate um an entire report for uh the project or the chat bot and the specific conversations it's had um with that client and their um in their business and you can generate it um over however long you want let's say um you just want uh this past week you can generate a report which will show all the interactions and token uses as well as if you want to um have frequently asked questions then you can put those there too for example if someone's always calling this personal trainer asking when the Gym's hours are then you'll see that under the frequently asked questions and maybe based on that data you or the business owner can be like hey maybe we have to have more signs up that show our hours maybe we should send an email blast or post our Instagram showing our hours because obviously that's something people are super curious about um so if you were to generate something like this creates a PDF report and obviously this project doesn't have any data to use um however you can see it would show however incoming calls or messages there are um all the token usage and you can actually change uh this wording I'll show you how to do that later um as well as a graph and then under here if there were any frequently asked questions you would see the most common questions as well as how the AI actually responded to those so you would also be able to see if those questions were um not being answered correctly by the agent and then you could be like man this last week we were really whiffing on um what our hours were we have to update the agent and then you could always export this as a PDF um if you wanted to send this to maybe your team at your AI agency um if you want to send it into my community and we could give a report um or help you out on how to best fix all of that and um Shameless plug my community will be linked down below however if you want to check out my community um there's a bunch of us in here who like to help each other I respond to literally every post so if you're looking for feedback you would just post in here um you can see I have conversations with anyone um and help them out and that way uh if you're not sure what to do um you're curious on how to best improve your AI agent um you can get more input there however these PDFs um you can also send to the client even though they'll have the dashboard they might not check that every day so it's good to email them and those repetitive emails as an agency really justify what they're paying you for um and it sounds little because it really doesn't take much effort on the agency's side or your side to generate something like this you literally click like two buttons and send an email but um for someone who's paying you perhaps monthly or paid you a big upfront fee for this service um they really want to see how it's doing see reports and see that you're really putting in the work and the effort to deliver them a world class service and so that's the um reporting feature which is super super cool and really helpful and now um let's get into topic templates so what topic templates allow you to do is allow you to organize um conversations that an AI agent has um into different categories or topics and so if you go over into this field you can see um uh they have a sample template and you can create any template um with uh whatever Fields you want want but stuff like account issues billing inquiries um complaints is a big one um and you can always create a new template um it's not [Music] typing oh wait it's messed up with uh Loom anyways uh if I wasn't filming right now I'd be able to do it um it's just messing it up because there's multiple things in my browser um but you can see um all of the and how you actually Implement those is you would go to the client you go to the project project settings um and then you go to AI analysis and you go to um either you can add an individual topic um if you don't have a template that you want to use um or you can use a template and we have this sample template that you just saw apply that and all of these are in here you can even add subtopics um if you want to further um go into account issues um for example um this is actually a real world uh use case that I actually had to work around using make.
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