When Client Says, "Your Price Is Too High" - How To Respond Sales Role Play

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Dan Lok
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Video Transcript:
first of all how are you today you've lost yourself okay is it still a right time for you to speak you've lost a cell again because you start with a lower status is it the best time for you who cares about your time my time purpose of the call today then is to first of all really understand where you're at where you want to be and by asking you a few questions to see if there's a good fit working too hard reverse let me do it closer so savior I saw that you filled a form
on our website you want to learn a little bit about stock trading things like that tell me a little bit more about what you're looking for so I've tried a bunch of stuff I've tried trading or I've had those I have also a financial advisor but I don't receive any advice and it cost me a lot and I don't really understand what I invest in I'm looking for something that I could be as professional as with the advisor but that I could control myself without more complexity or more time involved okay pause see how much
in closing you ask questions to gather information right if you don't mind me asking like do you make good income is it why you want you're looking into investing yes so I've been working for 10 years now I'm starting to have more and more money I've had bad experiences with my financial advisor or it's not that it's hot pot right problem right done a bunch of learning already but uh as I told you it's more about validation and but I want to make sure I'm doing the right thing so it goes through learning as well
okay um let's pretend our program can help you do that because see our program from A to Z we we show busy professionals like yourself how to get into the stock market and how you can monitor your trades right without spending a lot of high right and one of the things that differentiates us from everybody else is we don't talk to you once a year we have an ongoing weekly call with our clients and students so you get the support that you need it when you need it does that sound like something you would be
interested in sounds uh it sounds something interesting I would love to know what are the steps what was the structure we're gonna what are we gonna do together I'll be happy to share the structure with you if you don't want to share with me what kind of budget have you set aside to invest in a program like this roughly speaking so a few thousand bucks like five thousand eight thousand ten thousand two three thousand okay what am I doing tension not oh great two thousand let's go my program's exactly two thousand bucks right you're making
the greatest decision in your life it's gonna be great right tension hmm do you mind if I talk about money for a second please when you talk about money ask for permission remember I'll not talk about money up front I'm not going to talk about the program I'm going to talk about money up front so do you mind if I talk about money for a second it's good yeah I'll uh our program right we have actually three programs right we have three programs our highest level program is twenty five thousand dollars which then you get
you get a coach you use our program and then you have all these modules blah blah blah whatever it might be right it's 25 000 yeah and then we have another program which is ten thousand dollars which you don't get the one-on-one coach but you get our weekly coaching right which is a group coaching that helps you to kind of look at look at your portfolio to a valid day remember that what he used to validate your decisions which is 10K and we have a payment plan on that we can talk about that and then
we have a program that's kind of like this is just a training and you can read it and you can watch you can do it yourself which is only two thousand dollars out of those three which do you think you would be most interested in based on what they want what you explain be interested in the middle one I think it's uh it's high price yeah because because your budget's about two three thousand dollars right exactly yeah it's 10K how can I solve this problem I think it's uh I think it's too much for me
I think it's too much for you too maybe we should start with the the just the two thousand dollar program why don't we start with that guess could be something but what I want is the support I know suppose we could like the ten thousand dollars suppose we could break it down into like a thousand bucks a month I can Finance is over 12 months for you that wouldn't make a difference with it and tell me no if you're not comfortable I mean then it's really stretching me for some teachings and now you're telling me
ten thousand boxes it's a lot higher it's a lot of money it's a lot of money should we start with the 2000 maybe just start with that get that going first right I'm not going to get the support that you need I guess maybe we should do this Xavier I'm just curious with the 75 000 you have in the bank and let's say using our system you'll be able to and of course I cannot promise any kind of return that would be illegal for me to do so but let's use our system and you better
select some good stocks and monitor and get a certain amount of return for whatever it's a thousand bucks a month right for 12 months is it really a question of price or is it question of value it's question of value and it's like I can learn to other sources like like I can I already have some advice from the advisor I read I learn podcasts and everything so but is that what you want though what's important for you then you say you want someone to validate your decision I need someone to validate my decisions and
how much would it cost you if you make a wrong decision I've lost 15K last year wow as your tuition I guess so isn't it true that whether you buy or not you pay and let me drink my tea I didn't expect something as big as this and now I'm someone that doesn't take decision like right away I'll respect that especially with investment tell you what why don't we start with the two thousand dollars right I want you to get started and just to give you a taste you know the two thousand dollars I'm gonna
include two months of the group coaching just for you to get started to see what it's like so if after two months or just 2009 investment you don't like it 2000 we're done afterwards if you're hey this is great it's so useful for you we just do a thousand a month afterwards does that sound fair sound fair it seems to me I'm gonna learn everything before maybe because I know when you're in a group coaching you will get what you're looking for I believe in what we do and you'll get the help that you need
to validate the different investment in stocks that you make and yeah let's try it let's go we're doing it I'm sorry what we're doing it let's go I'm sorry I just dropped my headset what what let's go then let's go let's go oh you want to go okay great final Plus get to a point where I can't say anything like it's true I want this and I have nothing else to say to you it's just excuses yeah that's how I felt up there at one point yeah great mother what if you could close like that
by the way do you see I used a script to have anything in front of me do I know about the industry have I rehearse ahead of the time I don't need any of that stuff Mastery right forget closing at this level you can get like 10 of that like you can close your team can get 10 of that you can close
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