Ultimate Skincare Routine for 40s, 50s, 60s, and Beyond!

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DOWNLOAD THE ROUTINE: https://www.doctorlyderm.com/matureskin Dr. Shah's New Skincare Brand: https:/...
Video Transcript:
what's up everyone we're back I'm Dr Shaw Dr Maxfield and welcome back to our Channel where we talk about all things skin care and dermatology this topic came highly requested from the comments so if you look at several of our videos the top comment or the most liked comment on those videos was can you talk about mature skin and what to do as we age we're all maturing we're all getting a little older and that's okay we have different skincare concerns different changes so we're going to be talking about some of those changes that are
occurring we'll build a routine out so you can take some of these products take some of these steps make some of those changes and incorporate it into your lifestyle we also have been putting these little handouts at the end which includes that mature skincare routine so make sure to check the links below all things related to mature skincare here we go here we go so as we age there are a few physiological things that are happening to our skin one of those is a decrease in cell turnover which can make your skin look more dull
the next thing is a decrease in oil production which can make your skin look more dry right and there are also changes where you get decreased nutrient exchange from the top layer to the deeper layers in the skin you lose your collagen you lose your elastin and then of course there are hormonal changes that affect all of this as well so when it comes to hormones as you age you may become estrogen deficient if you're going through menopause and that can actually make significant changes to your skin so all of these changes that are happening
in your body are going to affect the quality and the appearance of your skin and on top of that there's things are happening in the much deeper like deeper than the skin subcutaneous layer so your fat pads are migrating downward your bone is getting absorbed with time so you're losing some of the structure to the face and so there are a lot of things that are happening with the aging face we actually took this picture of Dr Maxfield and we aged it over time so you can see how everything is just moving in the direction
of gravity and so all those things are happening to your skin but we're going to focus on those top layers of the skin the dermis and the epidermis and what things we can be doing to improve those and so just like any routine that we put together we're going to talk about CLE ing the treating active ingredient portion active steps and then how you can protect your skin with moisturizers and of course sunscreen so the first step is the cleanser which is really like the most basic step and it still continues to be you can
get a cleanser with exfoliating ingredients in it like glycolic polyhydroxy acids but honestly at this point I think you're going to need a dedicated step for that so just go with a cleanser you love it can be a little bit more hydrating to offset some of the flection for dry skin um but that might be as far as you want to with your cleanser it's a simple hydrating cleanser something like the C hydrating cleanser something like the cedil hydrating gentle skin cleanser all of these are just going to bring hydration into the skin and main
things is just now strip away some of your natural oils which like we said have decreased with time we're going to sound like a broken record but the next step at night would be to apply a retinoid retinoids increase collagen production they increase elastin production they increase hyaluronic a production and they also thicken the skin which has become thin with time and they also help with that stratum cordium that looks thicker and more dark cell because of decreased cell turnover so it's answering a lot of the questions that are happening with aging so it's going
to be the one of the best things that you can do for your skin and obviously has the clinical data to support it so troan is one of those long-term things it's actually one of the few ingredients that you would or could be using most of your life and reasonably so and it's meant to be used that way and it gets better with continued use so definitely red noids live there now one I think that I'm particularly passionate about especially when it comes to maturing skin is exfoliation so we talk about the balance between this
and retinoids all the time you can do your retinoids Monday through Friday exfoliate on the weekends or just some mix and match as far as your skin tolerates but exfoliation becomes more important as you get older I said that multiple videos but it only makes sense because if your skin cells are turning over less quickly they get built up you get a disheveled stratum corium this is not the case necessarily when you're young which as you're older this problem gets worse exfoliating makes a lot more sense to do it regularly consistently and not only can
It help with the texture and the turnover but it also can help with some of the dis pigmentation the collagen growth and so this is a very important step for maturing skin absolutely so what are you going to use as far as an exfoliant there are a lot of options out there we've done an entire video on how to exfoliate so if you want to know how to pick an exfoliate that can be really helpful like we said one of the major things that happens when you're aging is that your skin becomes more dry so
looking for moisturizers or exfoliant that are moisturizers at the same time is going to be more and more important so what we like for the face is lactic acid lactic acid is both moisturizing and exfoliating you can get the one from the ordinary which is going to be relatively affordable you can also get ones that are more expensive like the one from drunk elephant which I like a lot but it's actually very very strong if you use it too frequently you will notice that you get like almost like a really chemical appeal type effect with
it you can look for combo products that have both retinol and lactic acid in it yeah those are great there's one I've actually really really love but it's the biocant 10% lactic acid and squalling squalling is a perfect foil for lactic acid adds hydration the quality of this product is outstanding so it's one I've really really loved recently it does have a little bit of an essential oil in it which can be irritating for some people I find that this one doesn't irritate my skin it was the first lack of acid that I personally used
and used for a really really long time with a lot of benefits that was like my original skincare routine when I got on social media so big fan of that product as well so he's saying it's not new he's like not new but it's so good I it's new to me I love it now how are you going to use an exfoliant and a retinoid in your routine we've talked about this before but a lot of times you're not going to want to use them on the same night because they can be irritating together so
I'm a big fan of 3 days on a retinoid one day on of exfoliant 3 days on a retinoid one day on of exfoliant when I say day I really mean night so you're going to be using these products at night and that is really how I like to introduce them in my routine again skin better science has a great product we'll of course link it below which is going to have a retinol plus the alpha hydroxy in them so that you can have that combo therapy so you can just use them continuously and those
are stable together so if you wanted to simplified skincare routine you could do that but that product is very expensive or you could just cycle your retinol and your exfoliant whichever one is best for your skin now I think another thing that's appropriate for anti-aging would definitely be talk about peptides science on peptides is tough to follow but we'll try to do our best to give you kind of the highlevel peptides to look for for that anti-aging routine yeah peptides are a great complimenting ingredient because there are lots of different types but collectively they can
pretty much cover most photoaging skin aging concerns plus they are extremely gentle plus they play well with other ingredients so they're really easy to add to your routine so when it comes to peptides there's multiple that have anti-aging benefits one of those that probably is the best known peptide complex would be Matrix L 3000 Matrix L 3000 is a combination of tetrapeptide 1 and tetrapeptide 7 and these both have come together to be effective and they've done clinical studies that have shown decrease in wrinkles increase in collagen increase in skin thickness so they've actually had
real benefits in the studies on this specific ingredient combination and you can find this ingredient in many different products out there one that's probably the most affordable out there is the inky list has a matrix cell product that has hyaluronic acid in it you can also look at the Dermatology needl serum which also has additional benefits the needle serum love that been using that a long time on and off it's outstanding another good option here for peptides is acetal hexapeptide 8 or argireline as it's more commonly known this one can work to mimic some of
botox's properties certainly not to the same extent and then it may have some benefits of its own that one you can find as a solo ingredient there are some fairly affordable products with that the ordinary ha or jaline product or even better yet you can find it in an all-encompassing product has helped simplify steps chir has a really good serum it's an amazing serum the problem I have with it is often sold out so get it when you see it but this is their allinone serum and it has retinol biku all which is an awesome
Dynamic complimenting ingredient amazing antioxidants and then it has urine ethos corbic acid one of the vitamin C's I'm particularly fond of so it can really help simplify and consolidate steps argine is an amazing ingredient this product again is always sold out from cure so good luck trying to find it if ever there we'll try to link it below the next thing is that you can look at some of the more trademarked or patented peptides that exist out there the data is now widely available on these they have some like outward facing studies that you can
find on some of these products number seven just came out with a patented peptide that has a lot of benefits when you look at the studies and of course Estee Lauder has their Advanced Night Repair which is like a hero product over the last like 20 years and again they have a patented peptide in there which is driving a lot of the results you're seeing with those products we believe in peptides the science is just harder to track down than something like retinol where it's more ubiquitous I would say pick one of these if you
want to add these to your night routine and that can be an additional peptide on top of your retinol and on top of the exfoliant that you're using in that night routine to really have that Improvement in the mature skin that you want to have next step is actually moisturizers so this is the protect stage for the night moisturizing this becomes incredibly incredibly important the older we get like I can't emphasize this enough because this is a conversation I have with patients multiple times every single day their skin is dry it's flaky and they'll tell
me every always this hasn't been a problem for me before I've never had dry skin I don't know what's going on and I'm like well you know and then we talk about what we talk about the skin cells turn over less frug we don't make natural OES all of this contributes to this new dry flaky skin and so people will find themselves having to moisturize when they never had before it's just a part of adapting to life moisturizing becomes very important at this point in life and we're getting decrease in those lipids those camide content
all those things are changing with age and so replenishing those become really important so look for moisturizers that do have those ceramides in them L Ro p is one of my favorite moisturizers for dry skin their lipar line is phenomenal the Taran line is phenomenal as well so trying any of those products is going to be awesome for your night routine and another one for the face which I just happened to bring with me today because I've kind of been obsessed with it is the first aid Beauty Ultra repair firming collagen cream this has some
nice things like colloidal oatmeal it's incredibly moisturizing uh I it's hard to describe texture like somehow they a a whipped body full moisturizer but this is outstanding this is one of my favorite products that I never talk about um this is not their original Ultra Repair Cream it's their fering collagen cream I think they use collagen cuz it's a buzzword it's not going to penetrate your skin it could be a good moisturizer for you but it also has other things it's got peptides it's an awesome product definitely super underrated great for that more mature or
even for more of that drier skin and then this one was surfaced from my comments was the Olay regeneris Ultra Rich cream they have a fragrance free option but people swear by it they swear that it's like a laam mer dupe or something like this and then for the body you can add in something like the user in advanced Repair Cream this is super nice super friendly budget friendly and it also has natural moisturizing factors and ceramides which would play exactly how you would want with maturing skin and then for the morning again you can
just use that same gentle cleanser that you've been using and then you want to move on to things that are antioxidants and again you can introduce some peptides here so of course if you want to be building collagen vitamin C of questionable efficacy again like this is going to have your antioxidant properties but at the same time is a building block for collagen production and so adding a vitamin C into your skincare routine as you age there really no age that that would be inappropriate for of course we're going to do a whole video on
vitamin C product name one vitamin C product you like oo the Tula 30 ethyl ascorbic acid vitamin C I've been obsessed with that lately okay all right I didn't see that one coming for sure there's a lot of good options out there uh we'll link some of those below and then of course instead of using vitamin C you could use copper peptides copper peptides are awesome I think the ordinary or niod makes them it's so same ordinary umbrella they have a really good one like ghk peptides copper peptides and also bioson like I think we've
done a video on the bioson copper peptid product is like a little like tinga light blue phenomenal product like it's a hyaluronic acid plus copper peptide it's just oh it makes me angry that it's so good to be honest but would be great for that maturing skin because it brings the hydration of ionic acid plus those antioxidant collagen building effects of copper peptides to it and just pick one or the other copper peptides and vitamin C May interact with each other so it's just your choice your preference pick one or the other for that morning
routine last in the morning sunscreen got to wear sunscreen what sunscreen are you going to wear you can watch our video on the best sunscreens that will guide you along the way to look for a sunscreen for your skin type I am using the anelos 400 UV mune um the one from L it's not available in the United States I got it in French Pharmacy it's got a little bit of a tint to it which I like it it's nice and additionally it spreads super well that's the one I'm using you can pick one anyone
you like wear it every single day and you'll be much better off than if you don't all right so that ties everything together again we'll have a print out here kind of outlining this for you so can you can incorporate this adopt it change it play with it just make it your own but thank you so much for being a part of this journey thank you for the comments and putting this on our radar we knew it was there but thank you for pushing us to make this content right so again whatever the top comment
is we'll make videos on so if you see something in the comments that you like or you want us to talk about make sure that you upvote that hit that with the like button because that way we can see it and we can make a video about it thank you all so much for your support and for your feedback and for joining our Facebook Community where we get a lot of feedback from you as well you all really make the Dr Le Channel what it is so please like comment and subscribe we'll see you in
the next one and see you next time
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