How To Manifest Your Higher Self | Your Multidimensionality Explained

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Aaron Abke
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so let's talk today about manifesting the higher self and our multi-dimensionality as Eternal Spiritual Beings we are multi-dimensional yes we have many dimensions of our being and the spiritual path could almost be summarized as transcending the linear perception of self and integrating the multi-dimensional perception of self because we incarnate here as these multi-dimensional beings Souls Eternal spirits and go through this forgetting process right and we believe we're now only a finite being with one dimension physical and that's it there's nothing else to us and we're locked in time and space and subject to both underneath
both so I want to share with you a way another way I've come to learn is a very helpful way of gauging your spiritual progress and it has to do with time and the awareness of multi-dimensionality so let's look at the higher self first what is the higher self if you've been here for a while then you know the law one teaches us that the higher self is our mid to late sixth density version of our self or dimension of our self it is your complete six density self which has sort of finished all the
requirements of time space Incarnation right all the learning that the soul must undergo in time space the higher self has completed all of it so it's also the type of being in that sense that we sometimes refer to as archangels archangels in kind of religious mythology are beings that are very very close to God close to Spirit but not completely one with yet right still have one foot in time space or Duality we might say so we're talking about sixth and seventh density beings these are archangels in religious mythology because they're really just one small
step removed from the absolute Consciousness pure being with no differentiation so they are still experiencing some sense of individuality although it's a very loose sense because they are are aware of Oneness and all of that so archangels have a kind of individuality still in that there's still uniqueness to all of them to their expression you know the archangels the higher selves six seventh density beings they all have still unique characteristics personalities things that set them apart but they have the same awareness of self and universe which is Oneness but we can't say this about God
can we we can't say that God has unique aspects or unique expressions of Personality no God is all things at all times right so because of this even archangels or the higher self within all of us is still part of Duality however subtly they may be now in the urania papers it's interesting because it describes Jesus Jesus the man the physical body human was the Incarnation of Archangel Michael and I hadn't noticed this idea until I came across the urania papers and I thought oh that's interesting that's seems very plausible and I came to find
out through my recent studies that even some of the gnostics the early gnostics from the third and fourth centuries also believed that Jesus was the Incarnation of Michael Archangel Michael and that Michael had to be very careful and selective in choosing the parents of Jesus Mary and Joseph which is why we get the biblical Tales of Gabriel Archangel Gabriel coming to Mary and Joseph separately and announcing to them that the Messiah will be born you know there may be some real truth to that in that through a vision or a dream or something these archangels
may have been communicating hey you're about to get a very very high frequency Soul so take good care of this child raise them right give them the best chance at realizing their spiritual Destiny because you're getting a very advanced soul I can definitely see that being a message that Mary Andor Joseph received at some point because you know when you think about what it must be like for an archangel extremely Advanced being sixth or seventh density being to choose an Incarnation a human body right this happens all the time where higher density beings will incarnate
into third density here with us to help us out of our struggles right and so this is apparently what may have been the case for Jesus and when you think about it from the archangel's perspective what better impact could you make on a planet than to Incarnate as a long awaited long prophesied Messiah yeah you can use that archetype or belief in the collective Consciousness to do a lot of good if you're Advanced positive being and so this is one example of our multi-dimensionality the fact that we experience ourselves here and now as a human
flesh and blood as a soul in a body and there's higher density versions of us completed versions of us no longer in time space all happening now and there's a communication going on at all times that's one example right so this kind of Prophecy if we want to put it that way um you know that there will be one day a messiah a savior character who will liberate us you know it's not unique to Judaism although Judaism is the most probably notable religion that has prophesied Messiahs and there's been many Messiahs right Elijah Moses Abraham
and so forth but the prophecy quickly becomes a strong Collective belief doesn't it when enough people believe yes the Messiah the Messiah is coming the messiah's coming we are creating a archetype in the collective consciousness of belief system in Messiah that must actually be made manifest because everything humans believe with conviction as we said couple of weeks ago when you when you think about something with true belief and conviction such that you even will act upon it and it demonstrates itself in your life that thing has to manifest and Jesus even said whatever you ask
in prayer believe you've already received it and it will be yours 100% of the time so it's like imagine how many millions of Jews over the thousands of years of awaiting the Messiah we're pro we're praying each and every day to God asking for the Messiah and living their life in such a way that they believe the emminent appearance of the Messiah could happen at any moment you know we see this all throughout the New Testament that there was this expectation of the Messiah the aans had a very strong expectation of the Messiah or a
new teacher of righteousness who would Liberate the Jews from their Pagan uh cont contamination animal sacrifices and all of that so like humans create these Collective beliefs in Messiah characters and imagine being a sixth seventh density being looking to Incarnate and choosing your time space Incarnation being like hey there's a big golden opportunity here if I can incarnate and become that Messiah character everybody was waiting for I can I can sort of use this Collective belief to do incredible good in the collective Consciousness and so you would see it that higher density beings would find
these prophetic characters and Messiahs and saviors to be very tempting uh Incarnation opportunities for them to do significant good because usually a sixth or seventh density being is only coming to Earth for one trip you know like they're up in their own density doing lots of advanced work but maybe they need a little balancing they want to be of service to really struggling planets and so they choose to spend one Incarnation a quick blip on the map for them in a third density body helping a struggling Planet like ours so they see all the positive
ways they can use this role to be of service by kind of turning the consensus human belief on its head and becoming an altogether different kind of Messiah right not the militaristic Conquering type which the Jews a lot of the Jews expected but the spiritual type who brings the knowledge of God to humanity and by delivering the True Light the true knowledge of God can then rescue help rescue Humanity from their darkness and bondage because really everybody has to rescue themselves right you can't really rescue anybody you can just offer them a life raft you
can throw them a rope and hope that they grab on to it and this is clearly what Jesus was doing by being out in the streets of Palestine and Juda and Galilee preaching the Good News of the Kingdom of Heaven he said I'm like a farmer sewing seeds right I just scatter seeds everywhere I go some seed falls on good soil some seed falls on bad soil makes no difference to me I'm just here to sew seeds that is absolutely the perfect attitude of a higher density being but this is where the Collective Agreement comes
in right the Savior the Messiah Jesus Christ for example only has the power to save anybody who believes in his life and teachings the the the gospel he preaches right and does what he says this is the only way they can be saved there's no Outsourcing in in reality there's no Outsourcing in true spirituality everything has to be embodied in yourself you can't claim somebody else's embodiment for yourself right well I believe that Jesus died for my sins and he was a perfect Liv to sinless life and was died and resurrected and borned on the
third day and ascended to heaven now I'm saved because I've I've verbally confessed in someone else's embodiment sorry not how it works that's called a spiritual copout or a spiritual bypass Jesus did not come to tell everyone to confess him as Lord and believe he was resurrected imagine the absurdity that Jesus would actually care more that you believed he was resurrected than that you followed his teachings I mean it's hilarious right imagine going to the Pearly Gates you know in the classic analogy seeing Jesus in heaven and he's like all right my son my daughter
tell me why you deserve to enter the kingdom of heaven and you're like well I believed you were resurrected on the third day I didn't do so well at the following your teachings part sorry but you know I believe brother Lord Lord and Jesus is like oh great you're in you got the secret passcode open open the doors lets you in slams the door shut next person shows up hello my son or daughter why do you deserve to come to the kingdom of heaven because Jesus I followed all of your teachings with my whole heart
I loved God with all my heart I loved my neighbor as myself I forgave everybody who harmed me and I always served those who were needy as best I could Jesus says great that's awesome I'm so glad but did you get the confession part in there oh well no J I didn't think that that was I never saw you telling me in the Bible to confess you was Lord or believe you were resurrected so I didn't think I needed to do that oh bad news sorry that actually was the whole purpose of why I came
see how far away we've gotten Jesus came to deliver the knowledge of God and anyone who resonated with it was allowed to apprehend it and therefore apprehend the kingdom he didn't come to bring a spiritual bypassing tool to humanity he came to help Humanity embody the truth of Oneness and he said this over and over and over and we're going to look at a verse here in Luke chapter 6 and a second that we'll drill this point home but to close this last part out many many sages not just Jesus right Jesus is the most
notable one the most famous One probably but you know Hindus for example have the belief that every so often their archangels you know higher density beings uh from their tradition such as Shiva or Vishnu will incarnate into a human body every few hundred or thousand years and you know to help the planet and whatnot and I believe that Krishna is said to be the eighth incarnation of Vishnu so there's like seven other avatars in the Hindu tradition that they've recorded Ed that they said oh that was definitely you know an advanced being Vishnu incarnating into
a human body ran Mahari was said to be the Incarnation of Shiva by all of his devotees maharaji was said to be the Incarnation of Hanuman and so it doesn't you know doesn't surprise me if Jesus was the Incarnation of Archangel Michael my point is that there are always old souls who are very advanced in the kingdom of God that incarnate to help us and and uh all we can really do is take full advantage of their teachings while while they're here right and that's why I'm so passionate about helping to reform Christianity back to
the true original teachings of the master Yeshua who came to teach the Oneness of God the unity of all things we can't afford to distort the teachings of a real ascended Master because we receive so few of them right we've got to treat them like the most precious thing in the universe and that means we hold their words and their teaching teachings Above All Else and everything else we hold to the standard of their teachings not the other way around in the way that Jesus's teachings have been held and measured against Paul's teachings right who
wasn't a disciple of Jesus or an apostle you know Humanity has shot itself in the foot in doing this and so when we get a true old soul who incarnates how does Humanity respond will determine how that soul is able to manifest their Destiny so so this this sort of begs the question right what exactly do we mean when we say old soul and old soul is not a reference to linear time or you know quantity of incarnations old soul is a reference to the experience of that soul and we've said before right that every
soul advances at different speeds different rates some souls are like a rocket ship to the Moon right they incarnate very few times and they squeeze all the juice out of their incarnations and so maybe they only need to live 10 human lifetimes and you have to live a 100 let's say before you graduate third density they're an older Soul even though you have more incarnations than they do they're older than you are from the spiritual plane why is that because they've learned more yes so this is what I want to say today about time and
our multi-dimensionality is that time is just a measurement of learning or growth of the Soul it's not a linear progression of one moment to the next to the next forever there is no such thing as linear time as we conceive of it it's an absolute illusion created by the dualistic mind and so how is it created well it's created when you think and believe that you're just a body you're there's nothing about you beyond this physical body which is silly but if you believe that you will see seem to experience linear time as an objective
fact and you know we create other Illusions around time like watches and clocks which help us map the rotation of the earth and stuff and we call that time it's totally arbitrary you know time on another planet would be totally different there maybe 50 hours in a day or something or 100 hours in a day uh it's all subjective right so if you knew with 100% certainty that you are one with God that you are an eternal divine being then you would have no experience of linear time it wouldn't be an experience you have here
because the more that you experience yourself as a finite entity that is locked in time the less and less you know you have manifested the higher self so this is that kind of barometer I mentioned at the opening of our talk today that this is a really helpful way to gauge your spiritual progress is how much do you experience yourself as a Time bound your being right a finite self Locked In Time subject to time that's a great way of measuring your spiritual advancement because when time is seen as something real and objective something that
you know you're bound to and stands above you then you have limited your awareness of your Divinity and so you notice that when we experience things that we label as negative painful time appears to move very slow doesn't it but when we experience things that we label as positive good happy loving joyful time seems to accelerate significantly doesn't it time flies when you're having fun I wonder why that is maybe because time is an illusion that you give meaning to and so the more negative and separate and fearful and hateful and resisting you perceive reality
the slow it appears to you feels real because you're more separate in your mind from eternity doesn't that make sense you think you're separate from Source God life eternity timelessness Oneness and so the more you believe you really are separate and you feel separate and you act separate then time slows down because suffering increases likewise when you transcend the experience of time through Joy and love and happiness and service to others time appears to go very quickly because you're what piercing through the illusion of time you're coming closer to reality which is eternal so you
less and less experience yourself as being bound in time somebody just had an epiphany I hope please tell me in the chat if somebody just got that because that's huge if you can see the evidence of that that the the experience the subjective experience of time being slow versus Fast pain or pleasure that right there is proof it's an illusion you guys right what is real and what is actual does not change we know this we know that what is real does not change cannot be altered so why is our experience of time constantly being
altered how about this the older you get in the body the faster time appears to go the younger you are in the body the slower time goes remember how long summer break felt when you were in elementary school felt like an entire lifetime you came back you know amly 3 months later feeling like you had you know you see all your friends from last year and you're like hey Johnny Tommy Billy Bobby whatever and they're three inches taller you know they look different you're like oh you've aged so well and you hug each other it's
like you're doing a family reunion after 10 years and it's been 3 months like 3 months to me today goes by like that why because more experience we have more experience accumulated and so our perception of time speeds up it's an illusion you guys so the more you experience the illusion of time me oh man I got a emails by tomorrow and the job interview on Friday I'm so stressed what am I going to do tomorrow I got to go to the grocery store and oh yesterday I messed up I'm so guilty you're you're stuck
in time past future past future past future that is a great way of measuring how awake and aware you are of reality because the more aware you are of Oneness and your Divinity the less you experience linear time and you just know hey I can't do anything the divine power does it all I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow but I know it's going to be for my highest good whether I learn through a challenge or I learn through a joy and a pleasurable experience doesn't really matter everything happens for my good I can't
worry about the future anymore I can't worry about the past anymore CU I love it and and I forgive it you know you only experience yourself in the now moment the more actualized you become so again the deeper we're Bound in time the stronger the illusion appears and vice versa eventually by integrating aspects all the aspects of the higher self into our human Avatar the illusion of time can be penetrated all together this is why Jesus called it eternal life right whoever believes in me will have eternal life what does it mean to believe in
me in Jesus well we know Jesus wasn't speaking as a physical body a human because he said if you want to be my disciple the very first thing you have to do is deny yourself and another passage you said take up your cross and then follow me meaning crucify that thing kill that ego kill that separate self and then you can start to be my disciple so if Jesus made ego death the requirement to be his discip iple I can't imagine Jesus was asking his followers to do something that he himself hadn't done yet so
whenever Jesus speaks me or I first personal pronouns he's referring to his realization of his divinity the Christ the higher self the true self inside the form that men are unaware of yeah and when they try to worship His form his body his personhood he said whoa whoa whoa why do you call me good why do you worship me nobody's good but God because he was direct in them to how they were seeing him you're not seeing my real self you're you're mistaking me to be this body this person Jesus did this all the time
right and so this is another way we see Jesus being aware of his multi-dimensionality of myself I can do nothing I can only do what I see the father doing that's multi-dimensionality so you know there are many dimensions of your true self which are outside of time and don't experience things like aging or beginning or ending uh creation dissolution there's many dimensions of yourself that don't experience any of those changefulness uh phenomenons of changefulness and one such Dimension is love easy example right contrary to what most people believe that love is just a fleeting temporary
emotion that you only feel on occasion when good things happen we know better than that here don't we we know here that love is a quality of your Consciousness it's a quality of your being that you experience to the degree you've brought it forth right you experience love to the degree that you have given it and extended it through yourself and you absolutely can get to a place where love is a permanent experience love can be integrated as a permanent awareness something you always feel in every moment the same could be said for peace or
happiness right these are fundamental aspects non-physical dimensions of yourself your higher self that you are now working on manifesting through the Avatar the human Avatar this is kind of like the game that our higher selves are all playing or our souls are playing it's like how much of my higher self can I manifest in a human Incarnation let's go find out and then you know you live a whole lifetime you come back hey I had 65% higher self Incarnation that's pretty good that's 5% better than my previous one you can almost see it like that
a little bit of it's a challenge that the soul is up for how much of my Divinity can I realize in a human lifetime it's the greatest game being played in the universe it's the greatest show on Turf right your awareness of yourself your Divinity is the game you're playing how aware of yourself are you and of course your awareness of self is I am I exist I know that I exist this is also a Timeless dimension of your being yeah this is the Christ the Christ nature within everyone which Jesus realized in himself you
can also bring this aspect of yourself through during an Incarnation this is what Jesus did yeah his physical form always was the same didn't change but he spoke from a different place he didn't speak from personhood separation individuality he spoke from the Christ nature from the higher self nature right he spoke from the awareness of his perfect Oneness with God and thus demonstrated what level of awareness is available to all of us this is why Jesus didn't make himself exclusive or special in some way but he told everybody the Kingdom of Heaven is within you
it's not within me and you have to confess me and believe in me and then you can get into the kingdom no it's in you right now how can you be locked away from a kingdom that lives inside of you it's literally Your Kingdom right you can only be aware of it or not Jesus said the same power that's been given to me has been given to you and that you'll do even Greater Works than me Jesus said so one of the way ways in which we can see our true power is through our multi-dimensionality
through understanding ourselves as multi-dimensional beings this is how we begin to pierce the illusion of time wake up from the dream of separateness and manifest the higher self through our human Avatar we have to become more and more aware of how multi-dimensional we really are because the belief in being a person an ego ego Consciousness is the belief that you're a singular Di dimensional being you're just physical that's it there's no other aspect of you so you're you're limited to physicality to time space Pleasure and Pain will always be your lot and all these other
beliefs right but when you begin to pierce that illusion by being aware of your multi-dimensionality it loses impact on your mind right to believe you're just a person becomes silly you're like how could I be just a person I don't even know how I'm doing anything I don't even know how I open and close my freaking hands I don't know how I breathe oxygen I don't know how my heart goes on beating while I have no conscious thought for it there's no way I can be this body this body is right now performing billions of
chemical processes which I can't even begin to understand science today can barely begin to understand how can I arrogantly claim that I am the body clearly the body is a temporary housing device for the Consciousness the awareness the aliveness the life force energy that I'm experiencing I need a body to manifest it so the body is just an instrument yeah and really the body is a learning device is what the A Course in Miracles teaches us that through the body you gain experience yes and by gaining experience and here's the important part making good use
of the experience you accumulate cuz hey a lot of souls out there accumulating a lot of experience lifetime after lifetime over and over sex drugs rock and roll separateness sex drugs rock and roll over and over and over again so they have way more experience than a higher density soul may who only needed 10 incarnations and they're on their 105th Incarnation shouldn't they be considered an older Soul they have more experience accumulated in a human body than you the other person does well the other Soul made much better use of learning from those 10 incarnations
than the other person did and so they are an older soul and the person with 105 human incarnations is a younger Soul why because they're learning slower and there's nothing wrong with that it's just the pace at which Every Soul learns but the point I'm making is that time is a measurement of our learning of our Evolution and that's why we call them old souls in looking at this aspect of being multi-dimensional let's look at a practical example so you can begin to see that this is absolutely the case that you can experience your multi-dimensionality
right now one of the ways we can see this is the fact that we are often in two places at once and we do this so often in fact that we don't even realize we're doing it but as an ego we carry this notion that you can only be in one place at once right right uh I can't be in two locations at once says the ego mind and from the physical body level that's true the physical body can't be in two places at once but again you're not the physical body you're the Consciousness and
Consciousness absolutely can be in two places at once and actually almost always is because you're always thinking about something while part of your Consciousness is present in the the room that you're in in the moment that you're in right now part of your Consciousness knows who's entering the room exiting you know danger happens you'll be aware of that uh you're sitting in a place maybe you're drinking coffee and you know you're doing all these things in this physical Dimension talking on the phone texting computer and yet your thoughts are somewhere else you're thinking about what
happened yesterday or you're you're predicting the future you're wondering about what will happen tomorrow so this is consciousness experiencing multiple Energies at once the energy of the now moment and the energies of the past and this is why we have the faculty of memory is that memory allows us to revisit the energy of the past from the now energy that we are from who and what we are now as we've learned and evolved and grown into this particular expression we are in this moment goes back into the past and encounters the energy of the past
in a new way and can begin changing its perception of the past and in doing so changes the past interesting right you don't change the physical events that happened but the physical events don't really have meaning outside of you it's that in the past you gave them one specific meaning victimization whatever it was and that became your story and that became a distortion a blockage in you based on the distorted perceptions of that past experience so now with new wisdom new awareness new illumination you think about that past memory and you bring a new perception
to it of non-judgment and forgiveness and God's will being played out and you say ah actually it was all perfect and it's healed it's transmuted from you the blockage is released that's called changing the past and we can change the future in the same way by visualizing the experiences we wish to have with belief and conviction we force those experiences to come into our near future so in this way there isn't past and future there's just what you perceive right now and perception is creation whether past future or present yeah the way you perceive is
always how you create so practical example you're having a conversation with a friend and you say something that you had no intention of being offensive or critical or anything like that but this person's living from a victim identity and they they take your comment personally and they get a offended and they kind of scold you for it and chastise you for it you know easy for you to say you don't know what it's like to go through this and I wish you'd have some sensitivity to my past because you don't understand how I've been hurt
and they storm off and you're left there shocked and confused and kind of angry and feeling self-righteous and defensive and so you kind of just move on and go about your day oh it was weird I wonder what got into them and then the next day you know you're going to uh let's say you live in the area like I used to and you got to take public transit everywhere you go so you're waiting in line or uh at the bench at the subway station you're just sitting there waiting you know for your Subway to
come and you start thinking about what happened yesterday with your friend and you're thinking about it and you remember what they said and how they reacted so defensively and you remember a part of their past you know abuse or something uh from childhood that you kind of temporarily forgot when you made that comment and you realize oh maybe I should have uh worded that more carefully and it's not that you hurt them of course you can't hurt anybody and nobody can hurt you but you can remind them of their own hurt and you can kind
of encourage them to face up to their own inner pain and if they don't want to face it it'll be painful for them so you can encourage people to experience their own pain in a new way but you can't give them something they didn't have before you came along unless they agree to it right Free Will number one so you didn't hurt them but nevertheless you realize I could have been more Mindful and you realize yeah I mean if I was abused like that I'd probably get defensive and it would hurt if someone said that
to me I didn't mean it to be hurtful but that's just what happened and so you have this new perception given to that moment you say ah they're just where they are they're just doing the best they can and they must be in a lot of pain to get angry at a close friend like that so you know I forgive them I understand why they why they were hurting and then you feel this weight is lifted and you feel love for your friend return to your heart and then the subway comes and you get on
the subway and go about your day okay you just experienced bilocation multi-dimensionality you changed the past and continued on in the present all at the same time your body was physically present at the subway station you know maybe saying hi to people next to you and like being aware of the trains passing but you were somewhere else in your mind at the same time thinking about the past and reex experiencing the energy of it this is your Divinity you guys this is why you are Consciousness not a body you can and do always experience this
but usually we do it to the opposite don't we we experience multi-dimensionality in a negative way by ruminating over the past and I can't believe he said that to me what a jerk I'm going to tell him what's what next time I see him and you're broing over your grievances well you're just turning up the distortions in your past right you are changing the past by going back in your mind and making it worse than it actually was you know the more people the more time goes forward for certain people that have been hurt the
more angry they get the bigger the deal is and it's like yo when that thing happened it really wasn't that big a deal but you made it into this big victim story and carried it for the rest of your life it's like some people are literally stuck in the past right now how can you say that's not multi-dimensionality how many of you have a family member or friend or somebody in your life who they're literally still so stuck in the past they don't even realize how they're always bringing it up and re reenacting it and
recreating it and referring to it and judging everything based upon it and you're like man you got to get over that and heal and and get to the present moment like you're you're wasting your whole life living in the past so how we interact with the illusions of past and future will determine everything about our now moment experience won't it because it is all happening now that altercation with your friend that happened yesterday it's happening now you can revisit it you can alter it you can heal it and so each time a blockage is released
from the past more of the higher self is made manifest every time you heal right healing is literally the the gradual process of higher self Incarnation that is what healing is you guys and so this begs the final question and we'll close with this how do we use time then in the best possible way as this instrument of learning what's the best way to make use of a human Incarnation so that we learn the most we possibly can so that we manifest as much of the higher self as we possibly can and I'm going to
tell you guys it's two things both of which were the Pinnacle pillars of Jesus's gospel it's forgiveness and service to others these are the two most polarizing means available to the human in a human lifetime meaning nothing will polarize your Consciousness faster towards the positive polarity than practicing forgiveness non-judgment and service to others and so why is that that well let's look at what Jesus said about it this is Luke 6 37 and 38 one of my favorite passages from Jesus Jesus said do not judge and you will not be judged what wait a second
Jesus is contradicting Christian theology Jesus the heretic is Jesus says don't judge and you won't be judged wait a minute I thought everybody was going to face the Judgment of God of the final day and only those who confess Jesus don't go to hell Jesus says no just don't judge don't condemn you won't be condemned what surely this can't be true Jesus Oh yes Jesus goes on to say pardon and you will be pardoned give and it will be given to you they will pour into your lap a good measure pressed down shaken together and
running over for by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return so here we have Jesus almost verbatim quoting acim saying give and it will be given to you giving is increasing is what uh the course teaches us it doesn't quite put it like that but that's my summary of it is that what you give is given back it's the law of giving and receiving yes so if Jesus clearly taught the law of giving and receiving or sowing and reaping then this must be one way Jesus would have us spend our
human Incarnation right to be of the best possible service is to be of the best possible learning and growth in a human lifetime why well because if we work in the spirit of love and we know that God is love if we do the works of love which is to serve others then we must have God present in our Consciousness yeah this is why I say you're not saved by your works as if you earn salvation do doing enough Good Deeds it's not a legal transaction good works is the only way to know for sure
that you are saved is that you will manifest and demonstrate the faith you have the belief you have the love you have it will always out picture itself because Faith love these things are verbs not nouns and so this is why we know service to others is the fastest way to polarize spiritually because of the law giving and receiving which Jesus so often taught it means giving is increasing and whatever you give you increase within yourself right the non-physical quality that you give to somebody else love kindness patience forgiveness compassion joy happiness service when you
give these non-physical qualities away you activate them within yourself to higher degrees and you polarize you learn you evolve you become an older Soul because you've learned more about the nature of Oneness and likewise for forgiveness yeah Jesus said if you don't forgive others you can't be forgiven what you judge in someone else is what you get judged by this is a self-empowered gospel right there's no Outsourcing in Jesus's gospel Jesus puts 100% responsibility for your own salvation upon you hey you want to be saved from suffering you you want to be saved from your
sinful habits forgive others Jesus said hey you want to be free from the pain of the past stop judging people oh interesting not so much a message we hear in traditional Christianity but undoubtedly the message of Jesus in multiple passages and Jesus literally says it's not that God you know C folds his arms and says well if you don't forgive my other child I won't forgive you that's not what Jesus said Jesus says hey if you don't forgive your heavenly father can't forgive you God always wants to forgive you but because God is in you
as well when you use the god energy to judge condemn separate divide you're using God's power in a negative way which means you can't receive it in a positive way you can't use or give the god energy in a negative way and receive it in a positive way if you use it in a negative way if you give it to another person in a negative way you will receive it in a negative way you will be judged in other words is this is not clear metaphysics clear spirituality 101 and so we have all the power
to manifest the higher self present within us right now by changing the past with you know by bringing the new enlightened perception to it we heal the distortions we we accumulated in the past and we unblock the flow of energy to move higher and higher into our upper chakras where more aspects of the higher self can be manifested through us there's no higher way than these two ways forgiveness and service to others this is the hack this is the cheat code if there is one it's a third density graduation strive to forgive everybody which again
doesn't mean excusing bad behavior and blah no it means seeing the Divinity in someone and not mistaking them to be their outward Behavior forgiveness just means you forgot who you are you're behaving insanely you're behaving in an evil way because you don't know who you are forgiveness says but I know who you are and I'll see you as that and judge you as that I'll judge you as only the Christ which is perfect and holy and by seeing you as the Christ I help you awaken to the Christ there's a metaph physical correlate from my
mind to your mind when I forgive you we're we're helping heal people by forgiving them we're not excusing bad behavior or evil Deeds or any of that we're saying I won't commit an evil deed in My Heart by hating you for what you've done by judging you for what you've done as I offer freedom I am made free I polarize and then whatever I give based on the law of giving and receiving the law of sewing and reaping whatever I give must and always has to come Come Back to Me Jesus said press down shaken
together and running over what does that mean that's an ancient world way of saying exponentially meaning it always comes back to you whatever you give out always comes back to you with accumulated energy doesn't it so if we want spiritual progress let's give it away to others let's bless other people yeah and we know based on the laws of the universe which are infinitely benevolent and work always on our behalf that we can use the laws of God the laws of the universe to our greatest Advantage by staying in alignment with them the law of
one the law of Love which says Do no harm but love thy neighbor as thyself there's a reason that the most advanced spiritual teacher who ever lived in my opinion Jesus taught this so much it's because it is the highest way that we've been given
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