[Music] our journey of faith we talked last week about him being the god of a little bit we talked about the nebulous in the script item called faith pastor Wayne Crozier I just look back and remember would you stand I want to recognize him from Charleston West Virginia good to see you the service of the Lord pastor frozen we were talking about how God will take a little thing like faith and move mountains in our lives and how our promises are not proportional that God can do something that's really big from something that's really small
and we're beginning to understand the value of the intrinsic of the invisible of spiritual things you come here to get spiritual things she'll come here to be fortified in your faith because if your faith is built up and your spirit is built up it will affect your life come on talk to me somebody that's a very important principle so I want to build on it I've been teaching on this text all weekend and I want to share it here with you I want you to go to the book of Acts chapter 12 verse 4 through
5 and then we're going to read down through 10 through 16 and this message is entitled the door prayer won't open the door prayer won't open we've heard a lot about the doors that prayer will open but this is the door that prayer won't have an open Acts chapter 12 verse four and five I'm going to be reading out of the NIV for clarity and then verse 10 through 16 in the same chapter when you have it's a man after arresting him he put him in prison handing him over to be guarded by four squads
of four soldiers well this is one of the reasons I used a and IV here because the King James Version says quaternions is not a term that we would be familiar with but I want you to envision this to be guarded by four squads of four soldiers each Herod intended to bring him out for public trial after the Passover so Peter was kept in prison but the church was earnestly praying to God for him now I want you to see that because that's that's that's where everything starts to split in the split screen a one
hand Peter wasn't kept in prison and on the other hand the church was earnestly praying for him these are happening in two different locations you don't have to be there [Music] to effect what's there are you with me they passed so so we're going down into it about verse 10 where the Angels have come into the prison while the church was praying and had brought Peter out and I want to jump down to verse 10 and talk about how they brought him out they passed the first and second guards okay sixteen in each place they
passed the first at second guards and came to the iron gate leading to the city it opened for them by itself I got to stop right there for just one minute I want that to sink in real good it opened for them by itself and they went through it and they went through it when they had walked the length of one Street suddenly the angel left him then Peter came to himself lord have mercy and said now I know without a doubt that the Lord has sent his angel and rescued me from Herod's clutches from
Herod's clutches and from everything the Jewish people were hoping would happen when this had dawned on him he went to the house of Mary the mother of John also called mark where many people had gathered and were praying Peter knocked at the outer entrance and a servant named Rhoda came to answer the door you remember that when she recognized Peters voice she was so excited she was overjoyed she was so happy she did her a happy bear she clap she shouted she ran back what without opening it and explained Peter is that the door you're
out of your mind they told her when she kept insisting that it was so they said well it must be his angel but Peter kept on locking oh my god I might have to make a series out of this because I know there's some folk in this world who are so relentless that you just keep on knocking the devil thought he had a lock that had locked you out but you two kept or knock it and with it and when they open and when they open the door and saw him they were astonished my God
my God my God so in the reading of the word of God the door their prayer won't open let lets let's pray before we talk about this thank you Lord for what you've given me to share with your house this morning and with people all around the world streaming online I pray that the word would be relevant that it would be revelatory that it would be life-changing that it would be thirst-quenching then it would be mine renewing that it would be hard fixing that it would do more than titillate our emotions but it would alter
our situation then it would reframe and refuel us and invigorate us in such a profound and that acting way that we would never be the same again I thank you for the God that gives us increase in Jesus name we pray someone shout Amen you may be seated you can take the shoes off if you are if if you're free to cling I want to put the text in context I want you to understand a little bit about this I want you to recognize that ax is actually the book of Acts is actually a continuation
of the synoptic Gospels that the synoptic Gospels being Matthew Mark and Luke Matthew Mark and Luke that the same Luke that wrote the Gospel according to st. Luke is said to have written the book of Acts so the book of Acts could have been Luke - it starts out the former treatise the former treatise have I made or Theophilus with all that Jesus began both to do and to teach as acts one and one he's referring to what he has already written I wrote you before I'm writing you again this is a continuation of the
conversation Luke 24 it shuts down with the death of Jesus Christ and then the resurrection of the death burial and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by the time we get over into Acts we are now looking at the empowering of the church now when you start talking about the church and I'm always doing interviews of the president asking me about the church or they're asking me about the Church of the megachurches or their black churches they have all these names for the church but the church when you really start talking about the
church the church is a spiritual thing it is an organism it's more than an organization it is more than a cultural expression it is a living thing that is brought out of the side of Jesus Christ himself in the early days the church was quite small and quite controversial the bigger religion in the area would have been Orthodox Judaism but even it had many offshoots and offsprings and Pharisees and sadducees and some who embraces various gods of which Christianity was so new it was years before it was even called Christianity at first they called it
the way and then they were called believers and at Antioch they were first called Christians am I in the Word of God so you have this nebulous and descript group of people who have been eye witnesses some of them to the resurrection of Jesus Christ others of them have had a powerful experience of the day of Pentecost and they are meeting in houses rejected in synagogues they are meeting in houses trying to hold on to what has been handed to them from those meager media toker beginnings has emerged a movement that has swept all over
the world for the last 2,000 years it has been unrelenting in the preaching of the power of the of the gospel of Jesus Christ but it started out a small thing it is important that you understand when you read this that you're reading about a small group of people who have this ideology that is despised by the synagogues rejected by religious Judaism ostracized and really really ostracized outside of the faith that were more popular at its time and so the people were meeting in houses are you following me now put that to the side of
understand this Israel as a whole has been overtaken by the Roman Empire as has many other parts of the world and the Roman Empire is spreading all over the world much like Great Britain tried to spread all over the world and extend itself to America and did for a while owned and controlled the Bahamas and other areas and the instituted colonialism that that kind of power the roman empower is much bigger than wrong Herod who is a leader in the Roman Empire has been espoused over this group this area this these Jews these who are
another culture another kind another creed and he's come out on an outpost some trying to prove himself in the hopes that he would get a better position so were closer to Rome and he's having problems with these strange people these Jews he doesn't understand their custom he doesn't understand their background he doesn't understand their head and it's just trial and error try to figure out I almost had a huge rowboat through this guy called Jesus and he's walking through a minefield because on one hand he wants to report back to Caesar I can handle this
on the other hand he's got all kinds of people coming in his ear telling them do this do that do the other and he's trying to figure out how to handle it this particular Herod in this text now has come down to a point that he has Jesus has been crucified and rose from the dead on the third day and there are rumors that he has showed himself alive for forty days with many infallible proofs and many of these Christians believe this stuff they actually believe it they're willing to die for he has just killed
one of them to try it out to see how how it brought equilibrium back into the sociological atmosphere of his regime and He healed one of the Christians and the Jews seem to like it so he said let me get another one and I'm gonna kill him too and I'm gonna kill him in an open way in front of a trial because I want to get political brownie points for controlling this situation he is not killing Peter over his preaching this is a political maneuver to empower him so that he can look good and the
Jews seem to like it and if they like there are people who will kill you to reposition themselves and it doesn't have anything to do with you but if it makes him look good they will destroy you to get in goodness you see what I'm saying now you have to understand that once you got in the hands of Herod it was almost unsure a certain death he had the power he had the authority it was worse than being turned over to the Pharisees or the Sadducees they had some power but they are under Roman control
the Romans didn't believe in Jehovah or Jesus the Romans had a polytheistic religion as far as religion with and all they believed in many gods and none of them were the gods of the of the Hebrews and they were not even loyal to their own friend so this is politics to him for the Jews killing these this remnant this residue that Jesus has left behind is advantageous because they're afraid that they're going to gain momentum and overthrow their position now that the Jews had a different reason for wanting to see Peter dead because when people
see you growing it's the most amazing thing as long as you don't grow but when people see you grow it and they get intimidated and they think you're going to open up another office and they think you're going to open up another business and they think you're going to buy a new house and they think you're going to go back to school that's when the haters come out of everywhere they come not because you're not going well misery enjoys company they come because you are doing well and they're threatened by your success I'm just setting
a little groundwork up here so for the Jews it is an opportunity to snuff this little churchy stuff out before he gets out of control they haven't started building churches yet they're still meeting in houses and going from house to house and breaking bread and having house meetings so when it says that Peter was in jail and the church was praying again and they were in a house that gives you some kind of idea of how big the church was in that city the very fact that they could meet in a house so he's a
bunch of folks big enough to fill a house praying against a government that has taken over the world they're outnumbered they're out class they are under finance and yet when they got down on their knees to pray they begin to shake things up not because they had political might not because they had financial might but because they understood spiritual warfare and they knew how to pray until demons Trimble and Hell got nervous my god now you must realize what it says that they put Peter in jail but the church was praying it's like when you
turn on your laptop and you're in Windows and you open up two windows now we got a split screen that one sentence split the screen into two dimensions where I can see in the house and I can see in the prison at the same time because I am reading the text and not in the story I can see things that the people who were in the story couldn't see for example the people who were praying couldn't see what was going on in the prison and the person in the prison couldn't see the people praying why
is that important sometimes when you pray you can't see what's happening in the other room but you gotta be able to pray anyway somebody say anyway don't you never say I'm gonna pray anyway I don't see the movement but I'm gonna pray anyway I don't know if it's working or not but I'm gonna pray anyway I haven't got a breakthrough but I'm gonna pray anyway cuz only God knows what's happening in the other room test three people say pray pray pray I put something on the internet about praying for El Paso it and and and
you know when you put stuff out there people say everything is okay I don't even think that they've meant to be evil they were saying I'm tired of praying I want to see something done it and you know the parts and prayers y'all not be there which is dumb to say to somebody who's a pastor I can see saying that to a politician but to a pastor that's what we do is rocks and prayers politicians do policy we do prayer but they you know once stuff gets out people just start shooting everybody and so what
am I supposed to do change the policy I'm supposed to pray touching even say pray this [ __ ] this thing called prayer much like it has no power and I thought to myself you can say later for prayer because it's not your loved one up there in critical condition but if it was your loved one on life support you would want everybody to stop legislation and get down on their knees and pray for my mama [Applause] traximus I pray prayer has power prayer has relevant prayer moves mountains prayer changes situation prayer will break the
yoke of the enemy that's got you tied down if you stop fussing and pray [Applause] this kind of prayer law this is not textbook prayer this is not the kind of prayer you pray just because you read seven steps to powerful praying or you got a little book in your pocketbook the prayer Jamis this is not that dutiful sunday morning oh god I have any father now who rule its time and me eternity and his role time up into a scroll and collapsed it up into eternity I do embark upon the mission of power God
but I might be bad with such grace that you might touch this humble lump of clay and exude from his hospice this kind of know this is not something that you deliver in an address at Harvard this is a kind of desperate frantic prayer that's only brought about when you've been through something does anybody know what is glad to pray when you're in trouble [Applause] they're shutout in the house in a way they are as much in jail as he nears Peter is shut up in the prison and the tracks is shut up in the
house and one of them is a prisoner and the other one is a prayer if the other girl drew something then incarcerated you and made you pray made you cut off your music and go to work pray and drive and down the road made you cut off the TV set and get down on your knees and say god I swear I'm a priest for leave here several priests for leave here so I was reading about it and I got curious and I started looking up separation and anxiety disorder I know this sounds like it has
nothing to do with the text but if you give me a minute separation anxiety disorder is a psychological disorder that happens mostly among children but can affect adults as well where a child feels vulnerable because its parent or loved one leaves and it develops separation anxiety disorder and you give a bottle and they keep crying in there and you try to walk the floor with them and they keep crying you don't understand the anxiety is coming from separation it is dominantly predominantly amongst children but it can affect adults too where you're only happy if I'm
there separation anxiety disorder this kind of prayer reminded me of separation anxiety disorder it didn't seem like it had anything to do with the text until I realize I'm dealing with the baby church I'm dealing with the baby church a church that has come out of the bleeding side of Jesus Christ only to have him say I'm leaving you I'm leaving you imagine your mama birthing you and say I'm leaving you I'm leaving you I'm going away on a cloud I don't know when I'm coming back I'm out of here do the best you can
and they survived that in part because he had left on the day of Pentecost which was the birth of the church he had left Peter who he said was the rock in charge who delivered the inaugural address on the day of Pentecost and Peter became a billion for where Jesus left off because he was covering them but now Peter are you doing it in here I'm trying to tell you it's happening again every time I did somebody believe me every time I take two steps forward I get knocked three steps back every time it looks
like I got love in my life it falls apart every time I'm about to get things under control with my finances something breaks down and I buy I want to talk to some people who have anxiety because it's happening again that your neighbors say it's happening again don't think I'm a whip because I'm reacting this way I'm reacting this way because it's happening again I survived the trauma of the first time but here it comes again and I don't know I don't know if I can I don't know if I could go through what I
went through last year I don't know if I could go through what I went through three years ago and here it is you don't have to tell anybody what it is but touch three people dressed happening again it's happening again it's happening again I'm almost rucking marriage and it's happening again I'm on my third job and it's happening again every time I get on a job they hate me on the job it's happening again this kind of prayer doesn't come because you're rare because you have a prayer journal this kind of prayer comes because you
have anxiety and because you're afraid and because the enemy has brought your greatest fear down on your head and you said God if you don't get me out of this I'm gonna lose my mind cuz here is happening again I need a hundred people who know what it's like to see themself [Applause] somebody holidays happening again he's happy to do this happening together and it's happening before I can get up on my feet and it's happening before I can know who I am and it's happening before I got a maid or a building or a
place or a benefit in the midst of my vulnerability here it is happening again no wonder this shut up in the house to lose Peter Peter the one who Jesus said is the rock and upon this rock I will build my church and Peter's in jail and don't tell me that he's gonna get out and everything's gonna go well cuz you remember what happened to Jesus suppose they kill him if he's the rock suppose they killed the rock if he was the first voice I heard when I got saved and three thousand people were added
to the church that day and he is my mentor and he is my teacher I have nursed at the breast of the milk of His Word and if they kill him where will I get the milk a separation anxiety disorder has set in and the church is gone into fervent prayer sometimes God will allow things to happen in your life to wake you up from being a spore brat and remind you that you got a devil the fight and put you on your knees so you can call on him with power and we clearly let
me talk to somebody over here sometimes God will allow you to be threatened in an area of your life because you've gotten too comfortable you've gotten too relaxed you've got to lay back you think you can do it by yourself you think you got enough money you got enough education you got enough power but then all hell breaks loose to drive you to your knees because God wants to wake you up then if you call on Jesus [Applause] [Applause] yeah yeah yeah that's how we used to do it then have used to do [Applause] [Applause]
[Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [ __ ] an old church that's how we used to do we tweak grab a tambourine and go to beatin it up against a elbow call it column card [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so you had to grow up with mom on them now understand what I just did right there something y'all don't understand cuz you grew up with Tupac but if you go out with big momma [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] nah this is what lead you to touch seven people and tell them it's working it's working it's
working it's working it's working it's working it's working it's working it's working you might not see it you might not feel it you might not understand it [Applause] but it's whatever [Applause] [Music] [Music] I got two screens over in the house they over there singing if you call on Jesus he'll answer prayer and over in the prison what's his over in the prison behind three doors and sixteen soldiers with shackles around his feet and shackles around his hands and a guard on his left side and a flyer on his right side Wow they over there
singing and shouting and praying Peter you sleep how do you sleep in prison with the guard on your right and on your left one of the first signs of faith is when you go through something that should have kept you up all night but you've got some sleep anyway you what you don't realize is the only reason you sleep is because somebody is praying for you in fact I promise out everyone that's been possibly turning and walking the floor all night you won't get some sleep tonight you're gonna rest you're gonna rest knowing that he
that have began a good work in you sure performance unto the day of Jesus oh I'm not preaching [Applause] the church folk is over in the house jumping around hollered and praying and singing and clapping their hands and and and and Peter is in the prison sleep and in the middle of his sleeping let me first prove that sleeping his faith they're sleeping is an act of faith you remember when Jesus was in the storm on the boat and everybody else was hysterical and the Bible says Jesus will sleep on a pillow God would take
you through trouble and you'll be sleep while other people are going crazy because you believe that God has already got that things worked out who am I talking to the very fact that you can sleep is a sign of faith so the Bible says that the angel appeared in the prison let me know that Hell can't make a prison God can't break into even yours your prison hell can't make a prison that God can't break into even yours the angel appeared and the sixteen soldiers didn't do nothing about it because the angel just broke all
the rules broke all the protocol and appeared slap people upside their head say get up get up before you get comfortable being down [Music] I don't think they heard me I'm gonna tell you all over here get up before you get comfortable being down get up Who am I forget - you get up before you get comfortable being down get your clothes on you get ready to move that's the Word of God for somebody in this room get up get your clothes on you get ready to move into another dimension and God says I'm gonna
walk you past every i cain't that ever stood up in your life God said I'm gonna walk you right past the threshold of everything that says that that's not for people like you [Applause] come on I'm going to show you how to go through it an Angels running through while the guard slept this is a quiet deliverance this is not an earthquake and the foundations of the prison are shaken and the guard coming in ready to kill himself this is a quiet deliverance have you ever come through something and don't even know how or when
you came through it you just looked around and God had brought you to it he brought him through the first door like that and he brought him through the second door like that and and then when they got to the gate the Bible said that when they got to the gate everything else they went through but when they got to the game it just opened take this word if it's yours you had to go through a lot of stuff to get where you are right now but you have gone through your last go through in
this next dimension something that you've been praying for a long time is just gonna slap your neighbors and just hope it's open it just hoping it does happen how did you get that job how did you get that house how did you start that ministry how did you have that baby God is about to give you a blessing get the mass human imagination is just gonna open behold I set before you I need Patti sucking the praise for open God [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] I wish I had the right kind of church because if you really
understood the word you would reach up and grab that word for your situation [Applause] why are you looking at me I'm climbing open doors open [Music] [Music] my car [Applause] if you [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah I feel great builders I feel great building in the room I feel [Music] all of this is happening while the church is free but all of this is happening without them knowing wonder what God is doing that you don't even know wonder what God is moving that you don't even know wonder what
God is fixing that you don't even know looky here when the angel got him back out free and loosed Bank of disappeared Peter didn't go home he went to where the prayer walls see some of y'all get your blessing and now you so bless you gotta be at home [Music] you need to go to where the prize is now watch this the screens about to collide the prison screen and the press raheem about to collide every door that was closed prayer opened it except this last one when you bring the supernatural into the natural Peter
gets to the door the door is closed they all know the sides singing and praying if you call on Jesus he'll answer prayer watches having church has become such a routine that they're so busy having church they have stopped expecting answers they are happy to pray about it and shout about it but not willing to have the faith to receive it when the opportunity comes here comes this nameless woman no title no position no credentials but she could hear [Applause] sometimes the person who makes the most noise don't have the best here she comes to
the door and she is not only somebody's at the door I'd recognize his voice that's Peters voice this woman is so familiar with what she's praying for that she don't have to see it to recognize it she can hear it and be sure that's him have you familiarized yourself with what you're expecting God to do would you recognize it if it not because I see people pray for better all the time and reject better when it comes now I'm almost done this is important for you to get this until you believe what you have been
praying for enough to bring your actions into alignment with your prayer life you you will believe in but you won't be able to receive it because prayer will bring it to you but you have to open up the door some people pray for better but they're used to lesser so when better comes they have no appetite for the children of Israel prayed that they would get out of the out from under Pharaoh's hand but when they got in the wilderness they didn't like the food because all of their historical data was hooked on leeks and
onions slavery food so freedom food tastes funny to people who grew up on slavery food watch us I'm almost done you can dance about it and shout about it and pray about it and then when it comes to the door you won't open the door and you're waiting on God to do it this is the only door in the story that prayer didn't open this is the door that the church does not talk to you about we tell you about prayer we tell you about faith we tell you about believing we tell you about trusting
we do not tell you that you have a responsibility that when you hear the knocking you have to stop praying because prayer will not finish it it brought it to you but you have to let's practice this stick your hand out twist the doorknob open the door [Music] [Applause] you have to get the hang of this thing stick your hand out twist the doorknob open the door yo you you you back together you live together you about to get it that thing that you've been believing God for and you've been praying about and you went
through hell about and you went to jail and you went through loneliness about this time we go open up the door you ready stick your hand out twisted or now open up the door [Applause] [Music] everybody's standing I've done with this Peter says it was like a dream it was like a dream it was like a dream he came to it he knocked on the door Rhoda shouted about it she got excited about it she hollered about it she testified about it but she didn't open it that's where the church is that we have become
more proficient about celebrating about it then we have it receiving until you give yourself permission to open that door until you give yourself the permission and the courage to open that door you will continue to get more bitter and people who do and hate them because they went in and got what you should have had long time ago watch this I don't know if you can receive this or not it might be somebody watching online that is for you I don't know it may be somebody in the balcony the enemy thought you to get here
this morning I know I believe the storm came to keep you from getting here the enemy will do anything he can to discourage it the Lord told me to tell you that what you have been praying about and what you have been up under attack about and what you have gone through such warfare about and had shackles on your situation about that which was far off is wrong now and your blessing is at the door [Applause] I don't blame you our prese too everybody who's know there's blisters we know the tooth left you are appraising
just like that [Applause] there's a visitor that's in this place right now you came all the way down here to get this one word you came all the way down here to get this one word this is a prophetic word for you let me tell you your blessing is talking right at the door stop making excuses stick your hand out turn and open that door Chloe it seems like something's happening over here I don't I don't understand y'all I get it but it's up about this section over here that seemed like may have gone through
the door has kept it to another dimension Oh [Music] what job will gobble watch their sad Oh [Music] [Music] join hands with another believer leave no one untouched we're all standing in agreement we didn't just come to church because this Sunday morning we didn't come to church so we can see that cute dress you got on we came to church to open up some stuff [Music] [Music] I have been working but it look like what nothing working but action we'll have to open up this last storm this is your week to take action this is
your week to take action don't just stand somebody don't just shout about it oh this hall about it this is your week to get a good grip on the doorknob and pull that paint open squeeze that hand the anointing of the Holy Ghost is in this room if you knew what was in here I'll tell you your whole body will get a breakthrough the Spirit of God is in this room right now now your blessing is closer than it's ever been before his back is knocking at the door you need to know what steps you
need to take to twist that knob and open that door squeeze inhale I rebuke fear I reveal doubt I rebuke uncertainty and if you compromise I rebuke that spirit of celebration they keep the shaft about something rather than going after what we sound about squeeze her hand fifth week and opportunity is going to be set before you [Music] some of you already know what it is cuz you you can hear you can hear the sound of it already you you hear it's already in process but this week some things are gonna come together that are
gonna cause me to shift in your life and this message is directional get rid of your separation anxiety citroën you're worried about the thing that don't matter God's already got it covered he's going to restore to you that the cake aware of the parlor and the locust ADA the thing that you're afraid you lost God's going to give it back to you it's coming down the road headed for your house right now you gotta have the capacity to open up the door the anointing of God is in this room the Spirit of God is here
the Word of God has been declared and the people of God are rejoicing but if we don't take action the rejoicing is not enough if we don't change rejoicing it's not enough holy music sit a man backs ladder I want to spend my last minute talking to you I spent most of the sermon talking to the believers I want to talk to the person who backs lien drifted away or has never come to Jesus circumstances are coming together in your life to let you know that something is missing out of your life there's something that
is missing out of your life is Jesus Christ 2000 years ago he died on the cross and rose from the dead that you might have the right to the Tree of Life what you need is Jesus you got all kinds of problems but what you need is Jesus you got all kinds of situations but what you need is Jesus hear me good jesus said behold I stand at the door and I love if any man hear my voice and open up the door I will come in and sup with him and I shall be his
God and he shall be my people I speak to every sinner every backslider in this room you are not so far away that you cannot hear his voice you hear him knocking through your situations he is trying to get your attention he said Behold that's me knocking at the door if you hear my voice and open up the door I will come in I will sup with you I will be your God and you shall be my people while every head is bowed and every eye is closed let your neighbors hand go so that they
are free to move hold the music no clapping I don't need none of that I want to test your hearing if you are in this room and you are not currently walking with God in his fullness and you hear him knocking and you have just enough spirituality to know that it is him nothing right now I want you to step into the nearest aisle and come to this altar and give your life to Christ without fear without wavering I don't want anybody to clap this is not a performance this is a decision I want you
to step into the nearest aisle come straight down here come through the door Jesus said I am the door I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the father save me come by me this is the gateway to the healing of your history and the birthing of your destiny this is the place where yokes are broken the chains that are on your ankles in on your feet and on your life and on your heart and of your love life are about to break if you come through the door keep praying
church this pray with me just a moment I just want prayer I don't need music I don't need anything I just need prayer there is somebody in this room the enemy has to battle it maybe on substance abuse it maybe depression it maybe fear it maybe anxiety the enemy has you bound his shackles cannot oh you give yourself to Jesus there's somebody in this room abused traumatize disorders and dysfunctions in your life you need Jesus you have tried everybody and everything and still know better what you need is Jesus I don't care if you're in
the middle of the aisle I don't care if you the top of the balcony if the Lord is calling you you need to come right now keep praying church behold I stand at the door and I'm lucky if any man hear my voice had opened the door I will come in and sup with him I want to be your God I want you to be my people I want to give you your dignity back I want to give you your name back I want to show you who I created you to be I want to
reveal your purpose I want you to know that you're bigger than your past and greater than your circumstance the door the door the door the door you've got to go through this door you've got to go through this door you got to go through this door you got to go through this door keep praying church I'm gonna ride until I break it I ain't scared of nobody in here keep praying Church how did I saw Collin Illya keep praying Church the master is knocking at the door the master is knocking at the door you had
all kinds of other people running in and out of your door none of a fixture all of them left you're worse off than you were before the master is knocking at the door will you come this morning ministers everywhere there's a soul I want to minister already ministering to them right now pouring in the oil and the wine the glory of the Lord is in this place you need not depart there's a whole section of people over here you need not depart the Spirit of God is in this room right now glory to God we
prayed about it when shouted about it we thought about it we thanked God about it we promised him about it but we haven't taken action on it take action on it now give yourself to Jesus prayers all over this room prayers all over this room I know I couldn't spent the last hour teaching on prayer and you just standing around looking I know you're smarter than that prayer is all over this room prayers at the balcony prayer is in the back row prayer is going on all over the world wherever this is being seen prayer
is breaking out now yokes are being broken bondages are being destroyed chains are falling to the ground prison doors are moving out of our way breakthroughs are in this place deliverance is here Healing is in this place it is in this place right now that's right stay right there - you get everything you came forward stay right there - you get everything you're changing for stay right there till every yoke is broken and the devil knows that change has come the yokes are destroyed the bondage is over and you're free from the crown of your
head to the sole of your feet stay right there stay right there stay right there stay right there stay right there in the name of Jesus every is broken and everybody just destroyed enough is enough this is serious for you this is serious for you hallelujah hallelujah the Lord told me to come down here and lay hands on you today in the name of Jesus the baggage is broken over your life never be the same again in Jesus name from the crown of your head to the sole of your feet I declare deliverance over your
life the yoke is destroyed the bondage is defeated he who the Sun have set free it's free indeed you are free right now you are free right now your bondage the yoke is destroyed enough is enough it's over the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood prevail the blood prevail the blood pressure the blood the blood prevails hallelujah thank you Jesus never the same again never the same never the same lift your hands upside never the same you come too far not to get everything you came for hallelujah never the same again never
the same again never the same again never the same again delivered delivered free in your mind in your spirit in your body as I lay hands on you today hallelujah glory to God God restore him refill him we invigorate him set him free in the name of Jesus open your mouth then begin to praise him right now as the Spirit of God comes into your heart that's right come on come on open your mouth to him right now open your mouth turn that's right open your mouth hallelujah open your mouth to him right now in
the name of Jesus that's right thank him for your deliverance thank him for your breakthrough take him right now somebody help him praise the Lord hallelujah yes Lord yes Lord yes yes Lord yes Lord yes what it's done in his name it's done in his name it's done in his name it's done in his name that's had happens it happens in the name of Jesus it happens in the name of Jesus it happens in the name of Jesus it happens in the name of Jesus that's how it happens it happens in the name of Jesus
that's how it happens it happens in the name of it happens in the name of Jesus that's how it happens it happens in the name of Jesus lift your hands up that's how it happens it happens in the name of Jesus it happens in the name of Jesus it happens in the name of Jesus they hand on your free right now three for a new beginning free for a breakthrough right now right now right now right now I curse the darkness hallelujah that is round up your life and I declare liberty right now in the
name of Jesus in the name of Jesus it's not too late it's not too bad it's not too far God is still caught God is still caught you can't give up hope you can't wither up and die you can't let the enemy win right now in the name of Jesus on the handle in Jesus name yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah put those hands together and give God praise put those pants together give God praise let the Holy Ghost come all the way in and fill you let him fill your life
let him feel your spirit the eternal Chandon in a little shaker sandal Oh hallelujah the Holy Ghost you need the Holy Ghost you need the Holy brows you need the holy golf you need the holy cows you need the holy cows you need the holy cows you need the holy cows you need the Holocaust you need the Holocaust sweet Hollis spirit just before we close everyone looking this way if you need a church where the power of God is still falling where black folks and white folks and brown folks clap hands together worship together and
pray together if you need a church where the Spirit of God is still Lord / affliction and pain and bondage I want to open up the doors of this church for membership I am NOT saying with only church but I'm proud to be one of them where you can come and get the Word of God and be set free by the power of God if you're happy to be a part of the potter's house clap your hands if you need a good church home if your soul is hungry if you felt fed here if you
felt liberated here come to my left the doors of this church are open for membership come right now come right now come down out of the left come out it's worth the walk it's worth the walk let's seal the deal let's stop gazing at each other let's stop flirtin with each other come on let's seal the deal come on let's close it come on let's close this thing up before the enemy gets a place come on down from the professional to the pulper from the judge to the streetwalker we all here in The Potter's House
in some way God is working on us come on down I don't care what language you speak I don't care what country you came from I don't care the color of your skin I don't care your ethnicity your background the Bible said who favored will let them come if you're willing you can come come on everybody's standing let's think God fall of these souls that came in crisis [Applause] let's take off all of these that are joining the church this morning hundreds and hundreds of people joining the potter's house this morning if the devil thought
the rain was going to stop us from having Church he's a liar how many people are glad you came to church this morning [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah halleluyah halleluyah halleluyah you got to believe him you don't have to beg him you don't have to doubt him you don't have to worry you don't have to stress this is done by faith this is not a feeling this is not an emotion this is done by faith you have to just believe you have to just believe just be the knees it's already paid for you don't have to
call for it you don't have to beg for it you don't have to walk in guilt about it all you have to do is wrath is receive it right now Christ the hope of glory he's yours for the taking right now hurry up now let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus just let the mind of Christ come into you let them I let go of yours receive his receive his he's making a new creature out of you all old things are passed away all things become all things become new the
miracle of salvation is coming to you right now in the name of Jesus no more torment no more struggle no more wrestling no more flashbacks no more memories loosen let it go you're never gonna be the same again you're never gonna be the same you're never gonna be the same you're never gonna be the same step up uh-huh yeah yeah how you never gonna be the same you never don't be the same you've never taught me to say you're never gonna be the same you know what God's going to lift your hands up Gus gonna
give you the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness the garment of praise the garment of praise you don't have to drink it you don't have to smoke it God's gonna give you a joy then look this world cannot give you hallelujah [Applause] [Music] here comes the joy here comes the joy the Lord told me to tell you you're not alone you're not alone anymore you don't have to figure it out by yourself anymore you've been trying to make it the best way you can a piece of this and a piece of that no
real guidance no real direction no real understanding how to come out but today all of that changes all of that changes all of that changes all of that changes all of that change all of that changes all of that chain to let the joy of the Lord come in let it come into your heart into your spirit somebody help this boy praise the Lord somebody busted [Applause] five [Music] the glory of the Lord is in this place the Spirit of God is here hundreds of people have given the last to Jesus hundreds have connected with
this church thousands and thousands of people got a word from God this morning [Applause] this is real [Music] this is what our country needs this right deal I know it's old timing and those are the style popular [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't you give up hope don't you give up hope don't you give up hope everything's what God's gonna fix it [Music] I want to pray if I don't blessing on you because many of you many of you many of you this message is going to grow into you you heard it but you're gonna have
to hear it again and hear it again to really get the fullness of it there are some of you you knew when you heard it exactly what it was talking to you about where are you you know exactly you know exactly what is Tommy [Music] I want to pray this blessing over you as you prepare to leave and I'm praying I'm praying that you will never know know I'm praying that we will never be the same again I don't want to leave me out of it I'm praying that we will never be the same again
I'm praying that we will be decisive I'm praying that we will [Applause] [Music] yeah we don't be doing that all week the devil won't even know what we talked about [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes lower floor yes Lillian yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord yes yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord ah [Music] join hands I'm gonna pray this blessing on you I pray it over your weak I pray it over your mind I pray it over your emotions I pray it over
your decisions I praying over your associates I pray if there's any wickedness in your association that God would reveal it I'm praying that all of your enemies would be exposed I pray that the players and the tactics of the enemy would be imported in your life I pray that you would be the head and not the tail above and not beneath I pray that the shackles that hold your life would fall off for you in the middle of the night I pray that you'd walk out of stuff that was led to be traps meant to
be ambushment I pray that you get the doors and they would just flower but in your face I pray that a special anointing would rest on your weak Tresh down shaken together and running over I pray that your joy would be full I pray that your body would be well I pray that you'd have more energy this week not even understand where it came from I pray that you to have strength enough to step into the harvest and receive everything that God has for you I prayed to find favor over your life I pray that
God would cause people to like you and bless you and overshadow you and receive you now unto him that is able to keep us from calling and present us faultless before the coming of the Lord be glory Dominion and power in Jesus name shout a man I love you brother [Music]