you know one thing that we got to understand family we got to understand that we the only ones that could really change our lives you know it doesn't even matter who can uplift you or support you even me it it it all goes back to you a lot of y'all want to give me credit and say man thank you for dropping the video every single day thank you for inspiring me thank you for uplifting me but you still had to put the work in take the information and apply it into your daily life so I
want to let you know that I'm proud of you and I also want to let you know that that's the only way that your life can actually get better that's the only way you are the one that has to change your life nobody else can change your life because the truth is you're the one that knows what you need to work on and a lot of people they try to get that responsibility to everybody else right it's like okay that's the reason why my life is bad they try to point fingers it's because of this
person it's because of what they did to me you know there was a comment that I had right and um I think about it from time to time and it was when I made a video and I said your life is 100% your responsibility you have to be accountable for it right a lot of you guys would agree with that statement right because you probably been here for a while you know who I am you know I don't mean no harm by that I just want to empower you so you can actually understand that you
have to put the work in to change your life right stop giving people the power take the power back stop giving other people the power over your life take the power back of your life but this guy you know he had commented and he was like is the doctor that par paralyzed me from the bottom down is is he not responsible for the fact that my quality of life is worse and you know how I responded I said brother your life is your responsibility you are still alive you're still here God woke you up for
another day and you still have a chance to be the best version of yourself a lot of people don't even have life you still have a heartbeat and that might have sounded insensitive y'all let me know but even if he unsubscribed even if he didn't like my comment and this was weeks ago at least I empowered him or I tried to empower him to say you know what bro you can change your life it doesn't matter what happened to you you still have life you can still make your life better this is what I'm talking
about y'all we have to stop pointing fingers and saying yo this person ruined my life and that's the same way we got to stop pointing fingers and say Hey you saved my life you know as much as I appreciate comments like that and I love that I was able to impact your life nobody can hurt or save at the end of the day you had to put the work in you have to make the difference in your life you have to be the one to become a better person you have to be the one to
make those changes you have to be the one to go to the gym you have to be the one to be consistent you have to be the one to understand this message and apply it into your daily life nobody else could do that work for you not me nobody else so you get the credit and God gets the credit for waking you up and allowing you to be the best version of yourself you see what I'm saying so man it's really what y'all wanted it to be man like what type of Life do you want
to live that's up to you nobody else could do the work for you nobody else could amplify your life for you nobody else can make your life better for you cuz the truth is a lot of people think that oh people don't care about me that's not necessarily true a lot of people really just focus on their own life and we got to extend Grace for that situation where people are just focused on them they making moves for them they doing the things that they got to do right so I want you to start thinking
and I want you to start understanding it's not that they don't care about you it's that they focus on their own life okay you have to be focused on your own life and how you want to change your life right you have to change your life it's you nobody else is going to do the work for you everybody else is focused on the things that they got to do everybody else is focused on the work that they got to do everybody else is putting their first so why you keep putting yourself last why you not
focused on the things that you need to be focused on it's not selfish to lock in that's what we think we think it's selfish to lock in we have to lock in that's how we able to see the results that we actually want in this world it it's by locking in we know locking in is the only way out we know locking in and doing the things that we need to do is going to get us to where we want to go but we have to take that step nobody else nobody else could take that
step for us nobody else can walk the mountain for us it could be a group of us Purpose Driven Brothers purpose-driven family our Purpose Driven sisters watching and we all climbing this mountain of life right we all evolving and getting 1% better right and we can all agree that we want to change our lives but I have to be the one to take the individual step to to climb and go to the next level nobody else could take my steps for me my steps are my responsibility you see what I'm saying I have to be
accountable for my steps and guess what yo guess what if somebody tripped me by mistake it's still up to me to get back up I hope I hope y'all heard what I said man if somebody tripped me by mistake or on purpose because we thought they were purpose-driven family but they're really haters it's still my responsibility to get back up and if people could help me up man I'm grateful for that but it's nobody's responsibility to help me back up that might be the right thing to do that might be the righteous thing to do
that might be the Godly thing to do but that doesn't mean that people are obligated to do it everybody still has to take their individual steps to reach the top of the mountain and that's what I'm talking about in this life we have to reach that top of the mountain no matter what of course we're supposed to help people along the way lift people up along the way but I'm still responsible for getting myself up I can ask for help and people can help me but they're not obligated to help me I would like if
they help me but they're not obligated to check up on me I got to check in on myself I got to make sure that I'm doing good you see what I'm saying I'm responsible for my life if nobody helped me up while we're climbing this mountain you think I'mma blame y'all you think I'mma curse y'all out nah no I understand you're Focus you probably didn't even know that I fa come on man you probably didn't even know that I fa my life is my responsibility once you start to think like that you start to have
a better life you start to live a better life you start to live a life where you're not depending on everybody else to do the work for you you know that you have to do the work whether it's fair or unfair life is not truly going to be perfect life is not going to be equal for everybody some people have to put in more work because you have to understand though you put in more work because you came from more struggle you came from more pain but that means that you're destined for more greatness than
you know you're destined for more greatness than you think stop comparing your life to everybody that get it all figured out together you see what I'm saying you got to figure it out you got to go through the struggle you got to go through the pain and it's not going to be easy it's not going to be fair but it's going to be life at the end of the day it's going to be life that's what Life Is Life is Hard bro sometimes life is going to suck bro but you have to keep pressing forward
you got to keep going and I'm trying to let y'all know man like it's nobody's obligation to help you nobody is obligated to help you you you you you you come on this Earth bro you're born and from there you have to run with the Baton bro you have to understand nobody can help you so I live in America let's talk about a racial issue and I don't like to talk about racial issues or nothing like that really because at the end of the day it's about God self-improving community and unity but I'm obviously you
know black right and one way that the country tried to help the black community is by creating something called affirmative action which a compasses a whole lot I'm not even that well versed on it I'm not going to talk about it for a long time but affirmative action essentially helped those students that might have been overlooked it helped them to get into colleges and universities right and a lot of them were qualif to be in anyways they just were overlooked and didn't not have the opportunity right so it made sure that there were a certain
percentage in demographic of people from different races to be in however I always thought that affirmative action was a Band-Aid to a bigger solution the bigger solution is that you have to go into the communities and make sure that people are having the proper resources to succeed and we always put Band-Aids on things so when they got overturned the first thing I said with my platforms whether it's on social media or whatever I'm like we're going to be okay we just have to keep putting in the work we got to study hard we got to
do what we got to do at the end of the day nobody is Ed nothing nobody is owed nothing and and that's the truth and I didn't mean to bring up like a you know certain people got different thoughts on it and stuff like that all I'm saying is you're going to start seeing in society in the world nobody will have special advantages no more it's going to be if you put the work in that's what you get whether people deserve special advantages or not that's another question like I said though you're owed nothing life
can change tomorrow for you and you still have to figure out how to win and how to succeed and that was just one real life example cuz I'm having a real conversation with y'all you see what I'm saying so we got to keep it real over here you know that's something that you probably heard of okay another thing you probably heard of which is a even better example is people who come from nothing people who grew up in poverty people who grew up in the hood who grew up in the streets people who came from
tough environments right I I was raised by a single mother she did everything she could she did a phenomenal job by the way right but she had to work two three jobs just to keep a roof over over over our head it takes a lot of hard work and what I want you to understand is I still Rose above Higher Grounds than what people thought I was going to rise above one thing about me is I believe in personal accountability and responsibility if it's times harder for me to win I'm still going to go out
there and win I'm still going to put in the work I'm not going to make excuses I'm just going to go out there and do what I got to do if I wasn't dealt the better cards in life that's okay I'm still going to play with the cards that I have I'mma play more strategically I'mma play more smart it might take me longer to win but I'm still going to win and that's the mindset that we have to have it doesn't matter the color that you are it doesn't matter how you identify it doesn't matter
where you start from in life the point that I'm saying is you have the power to change your life life and you have the power to win we can't blame nobody we can't point fingers at nobody we can't think that the government is going to automatically fix our life no at the end of the day we have to fix our life we can't think that policies are going to fix everything no we have to create the right policies in our own life and that's why self-development is so important you could give somebody all the tools
that they need to succeed but if they don't want to succeed themselves then they're not going to win they got to be disciplined they got to be consistent they got to want it they got to want to win and I want to win so bad I'm already winning you're winning as long as you're alive you have an opportunity to change your life so you know I'm you know over here we keep stuff very real man and I had to break it down smooth for that I had to break it down smooth for y'all just like
that just so we can understand that life is a privilege life is a privilege man and at the end of the day the fact that you're here is all you need you don't have to have everything you don't have to have any advantage you just have to you have to be here you got to be alive you got to keep it pushing your advantage is the fact that you have a heartbeat your advantage is the fact that you're alive that's it that's that's all you need to succeed you don't need people's approval you don't need
nothing all you need is life right so no matter what you think the world should be or whatever should still be here or whatever you think right at the end of the day we have to be the ones to save our elv and help ourselves of course with the help of God hopefully with the help of content like this but we have to keep it real y'all and I got to keep it real with y'all you are old nothing life is tough life is hard and I do pray that things get better I do hope
that we can reach a point where people are able to have the opportunity to succeed I do pray that we can recognize how harsh we've been as a Humanity to each other how we have a crab and a barrel mentality and it's hard for people to communicate with people to uplift people because people want to be jealous and envious right we have serious problems in our in our society we have to get better we got to take care of the homeless we we have things that we need to do in this world to progress don't
think that I don't believe in that I believe in that but at the end of the day the most powerful thing that we can do is making sure that we're making the right choices that we're doing the right things and that we're remaining focused locked in disciplined and consistent on the things that matter in our life despite how the world is we still got to lock in and do the things that we got to do and I'll tell you one last thing most people most people they would hate everything I just said because it means
that they're forced to look in the mirror and change their own life but is that such a bad thing to have the power to know that you got to depend on yourself if you told me that my life depends on me and my work [Music] ethic I will take that as an opportunity to win every single day that I can but people don't want to empower you and that's why Society tries to keep you down and let you know that oh you can't change your life you need this to happen you need that to happen
you need this person no you can change your life today if you want a better life you can have a better life as long as you have a relationship with the most high as long as you're disciplined as long as you're consistent as long as you're putting out positive energy yo positive energy is going to come right back to you it ain't hard to win what's hard is the the habits that we have to do on a consistent basis that's what's hard to do the things that we know we need to do even when we
don't feel like it that's what's hard but the discipline is going to carry us through and the consistency is going to carry us through and the fact that we're locked in is going to carry us through and the the power that we have to change our lives is going to carry us through you can't forget that a lot of people they forget that again they don't know that they got the power to make their life better they don't want to look in the mirror and they don't want to face themselves and realize that they've been
doing a lot of negative things that's been hurting their chances of evolving and being the best version of themselves people hate accountability accountability a lot of people's cryptonite oh I have to be accountable I have to be responsible oh this is not my fault we're so quick to point fingers oh this is why this is happening this is not my fault this is somebody else's fault and it's like okay see what you can do about it what can you do about about it the reason why our life is our responsibility and we have to be
accountable for it is because nobody else can do the work for us remember that we have to be accountable for our life we have to be responsible for our life because we're the ones that are living this life this is your life you live this life nobody else is living your life you see how powerful that is nobody else is living your life with your name with your fingerprint with your identity with your thoughts with your beliefs you it's you you come into this world alone you will leave alone it is you how you want
to live this life is on you if you want to lock in that's on you right I don't want you to be a victim I want you to be a Victor I said I don't want you to be a victim I want you to be a Victor and I know that we go through a lot man I know it's not easy we got to heal our trauma we got to focus on healing our inner child I have videos on that you can type in for Purpose Driven men healing trauma for Purpose Driven Man how to
heal your inner child we have videos about that but this video is keeping it real with you and I'm just saying man the world ain't going to be perfect for you it's not going to be on a silver platter things aren't going to be perfect things are not always going to be the way that you wanted to be life is going to be life that's what life does you got to lock in and you got to you got to win you got to win as much as you can now is the time to shine now
is the time to grind now is the time to go out in the world and go and get yours cuz I'm going go and get mine you see what I'm saying and when you fall short or you get out of line you get right back in cuz it's time for us to win right and when you sin you look up to God and you say forgive me for my sins Help Me Guide Me show me the Stars show me the light even God man you got to build a relationship with him you got to reach
your hand out to him he can't even do everything for you you see what I'm saying you want to talk to him you got to pray you got to be the first one to reach out you have to save yourself bro you have to lock in you have to put the work in God can't save you if you don't reach out to him if you don't build a relationship with him so that means you have to take the first step in everything that you do if you have to take the first step to build a
relationship with God don't you think you have to take the first step to have Financial Freedom to have your goals and dreams come true to be the best version of yourself of course you got to take the first step but that's the problem people don't want to take the first step how do you think your life is going to change if you're not taking the first step nobody could take that first step for you a lot of yall know what y'all need to do a lot of y'all want to start a business or you want
to start going after your goals and dreams those are things that you want to start you know what you got to do bro you got to lock in you got to just start you got to begin what's up with the procrastination man why we keep procrastinating why we keep doing things that we know we not supposed to be doing why we not evolving why we not leveling up why we not having faith in the process why are we not beginning what are we waiting for are we waiting for a perfect day again a perfect day
is not going to come because the perfect day is the perfect moment that you're living right now today is the day to change your life it's today there's no other day today is all you have man I'm grateful for today I'm grateful for my family I'm grateful for my loved ones I'm grateful for my mother I'm grateful for my brother I'm grateful for my wife I'm grateful for my supporters I'm grateful for the purpose-driven family man I have a lot to be grateful for so I'm not going to waste it I'm not going to waste
this time that I have I'm not going to waste the opportunity that I have to win there's no way I can waste it you know I got to lock in I got to do the best that I can I got to be the best version of myself you see what I'm saying and a lot of people man they don't want to lock in bro they don't want to really do the work man and like I can't even talk to people who can't be accountable and responsible for their own life nothing's going to change you keep
complaining but the more you complain your life will remain stagnant now in order for your life to look different you have to stop complaining you have to actually do something about it I know that's hard to do I know that's not an easy thing to do but in order for you to change your life you have to stop complaining and you got to find a way to win you know and it's not going to be easy to win life is difficult it's supposed to be difficult though but in order for your life to get better
you have to put the work in in order for your life to get better you have to do the things that you need to do in order for your life to get better you have to be the one to lock in nobody else can lock in for you nobody else can do the work for you and I know you want your life to get better I know you're not happy with how your life is looking right now so why are we procrastinating why are we wasting time why are we not locking in why don't we
understand the importance of the present moment why are we just watching self-improvement videos but not applying it why are we watching self-development videos but not applying it had a consultation today one of our brothers is going through a serious heartbreak but I told him it's not a it's not a breakup it's a breakthrough gave him some advice but I told him this one thing I said I'm I'm proud of you for investing in yourself right y'all don't have to book a consultation with me but that's on the table for right now I don't know if
I'll be doing it forever but for right now y'all can talk to me man my my calendar is open click the link in the description let's talk it's time to take your life serious man I'm I'm here to help and some of y'all y y y y'all buying y'all buying uh you know shoes that you don't need clothes over spending on things that that don't matter how about you in in yourself and again it don't have to be me buy a book right start reading start developing your mind why is this important because you have
to help yourself if you want the information to win you got to go out there and get it you got to go out there and win I'm working on the book right now I'm working on the book right now for y'all to read so y'all could be the best version of yourselves I'm not playing man I'm here to help and I'm applying this information in my own life but all I'm saying Brothers is sometimes you got to put your money where your mouth is you want to win where your money going you want to win
where's your time going where's your attention going you want to win where's your consistency at what are you consistent in are you consistent in slacking off are you consistent in skipping workouts hey man we got to be disciplined man we we want a better life but you got to understand bro in order to have a better life you got to do the things you don't want to do over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again until it becomes the norm y'all think
I was you thought it was fun for me to record in public when I first started off no everybody looking at you bro they like what what is he doing I'm I'm doing I'm doing my job this is what I do I work for the people and over time I became comfortable cuz I know what I'm doing over time you'll love the gym bro over time but you have to start start that business bro you'll love it over time you'll start to see the results it's time for you to invest in yourself it's time for
you to help yourself it's time for you to understand that you are the only one that can do the work you're the only one that can change your life you're the only one that can change your life you're the only one that can change your life you're the only one that can change your life you are the only one that can change your life and for those making the the changes that you need to make in your life I want to know I want you to know that I'm proud of you that I love you
and um that this is just a beginning let's keep being Purpose Driven I'll see you in the next one peace [Music] how you turn this off