Arriving early at the divorce court, the nurse overheard a conversation between her husband and...

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Emotional Storyteller
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arriving at the divorce court early the nurse overheard her husband and mother-in-law talking just as the judge was about to give her the floor Vanessa bitterly removed her wedding ring from her fourth finger trying to focus on what was ahead divorce a word that not long ago had felt like a terrible nightmare was now cold real and threatened to destroy everything she once considered hers today finally she would be free Vanessa took a deep breath trying to calm herself the ache in her chest still stung but not as sharply as before she had learned to
live with the pain to find strength within herself to move forward she worked as a nurse at a children's Sports school and the kids with their genuine joy and desire to win filled her life with meaning the court session was scheduled for 1:00 Vanessa arrived 15 minutes early to gather her thoughts the hall was about half full she found a the free Corner sat down across from a window and immersed herself in her thoughts suddenly her attention was drawn to a quiet conversation coming from behind a partition it sounded very nervous and secretive as if
the people speaking were afraid of being overheard Vanessa tined involuntarily glancing toward the source of the sound two voices a man's and a woman's they seemed oddly familiar behind the partition was the buffet area Vanessa held her breath trying to make out the words there was no mistaking her mother-in-law Ellen Anderson's voice is everything as we agreed Richard's mother sounded malicious as if savoring each word yes Mom everything will be as you said I've already memorized it all Richard replied calmly Vanessa felt uneasy what were they plotting and why the secrecy she didn't understand why
they were speaking this way but her inition told her it was something bad you know that if anyone finds out it will be very bad Ellen Anderson hissed her voice growing more menacing you must be very careful Richard nodded his shoulders slumping Vanessa couldn't see her Unfaithful husband's face but she felt his fear and dejection in her heart What About That Fool Ellen Anderson continued she shouldn't know anything either don't worry mom she won't find out anything Richard quickly replied as if afraid of being interrupted and also you must be very careful with her lawyer
Ellen Anderson went on he might try to extract some information from you I understand Mom Richard mumbled as if he were upset about having to follow her instructions again the buffet area was filled with a relaxed atmosphere people were chatting laughing and drinking coffee but Vanessa could think only of that pair the bell for the afternoon break rang and the court session resumed Richard nervously adjusted his tie trying to hide the Tremor in his hands a tense silence filled the room broken only by the rustle of papers and the soft cough of the secretary Vanessa
sat opposite Richard their eyes never meeting an elusive wall of distrust and pain separated the couple Vanessa felt anger Building inside her like a volcano ready to erupt at moment judge Brent Nelson a man in his 50s with a weary gaze and graying temples looked up surveying those present the case of Richard and Vanessa Fletcher regarding the dissolution of marriage and the division of jointly acquired property is now in session he announced his voice instantly filling the room Richard was wearing the suit that Vanessa had gifted him for his birthday but today it looked too
loose on him as if he had lost a significant amount of weight in the past few weeks Vanessa on the other hand remained composed her light dress accentuated her slender figure and the delicate pearls around her neck added Elegance to her appearance she sat upright not lowering her gaze according to the Court's decision a property appraisal has been ordered to assess the party's assets the judge continued flipping through the case File the results are attached to the case your honor said Richard's lawyer an older man with perpetual darting eyes we have an addition to the
case with that Kevin Hills handed over a folder labeled additional documents very well please attach the documents to the case said Mr Brent not taking his eyes off the papers on the table Richard's lawyer sauntered over to the table opened the folder and proudly presented a document this document is certified by Dr Morgan regarding the health condition of his mother the lawyer began Kevin emphas ized this with a particular intonation as if he wanted to highlight the importance of the document it states that Richard Fletcher's mother is suffering from a severe illness making it impossible
for him to divide the property particularly the Suburban house which is his legal estate silence hung in the air and a faint whisper rippled through the rows of attendees Vanessa stole a glance at her lawyer a young woman with large eyes and an uncertain demeanor honestly the woman didn't understand the purpose of this move or what Richard meant by presenting this document to the court yet her intuition whispered that something was definitely a Miss what do you have to say about this Vanessa Fletcher the judge finally asked Vanessa's cheeks flushed with nervous color me I
don't agree with my husband's demands he wants to deprive me of everything we built together over the years I asked the court to divide the property fairly 50/50 haha 50/50 dream on you'll get a hole in a bagel dear and that's in the best case hissed Ellen Anderson behind Vanessa ensuring the judge wouldn't hear Vanessa turned and met her mother-in-law's gaze but there was no time to escalate the conflict the judge stepped in just in time so the court has made a decision said Brent Nelson diving back into the documents the court session is adjourned
until next week during this time the plaintiff will have the opportunity to review the documents and present their objections your honor said Vanessa's lawyer Carrie miles daring to express her position we request a further examination of Dr Morgan's document to verify its authenticity and legality the examination will be conducted within the time prescribed by law concluded the judge and with visible fatigue announced a break when the courtroom emptied Vanessa remained seated alone she couldn't understand what was happening why was Richard acting this way why was he trying to evade the division of property she couldn't
believe he could stoop so low Vanessa said her lawyer Carrie miles I understand this is hard for you right now but we can't give up I've already contacted the experts they can conduct the examination of the document in no time Vanessa nodded knowing she had to fight she couldn't just give up and let Richard take everything they had built during their marriage especially since her father Paul had provided half the money for the house compensation he received from the mines management for lost Health after an accident well whether you want to or not you have
to go to work Vanessa thought to herself as she left the courthouse this year Autumn was unusually hot it was mid-september and she was in a summer dress Vanessa walked down the street past bustling people rushing about their business feeling out of place like a stranger in this world finally the bulky outline of the children's Youth Sports School came into view the two-story building with a swimming pool playgrounds and its own stadium was a source of Pride for all the town's residents sunlight filtered through the leaves of the old poppers casting Stripes of light on
the paths of the sports School the asphalt still cool to the touch smelled fresh and of pine resin it was a scent familiar to anyone who had ever set foot in this Temple of sports inside there was an atmosphere of anticipation and excitement loud laughter intertwined with the murmers of coaches echoed from the changing rooms somewhere in the gym basketball studded against the floor and that sound resonated in her soul with a pleasant pulse the children's Youth Sports school was not just a training place it was where strength and endurance grew where Champions were born
a place where it was so easy to breathe in the air of sports oh Vanessa you're back already how did it go tell me asked the substitute nurse Liza anxiously meeting her at the door her friend always had a very optimistic attitude with an unwavering smile on her face well you know I read online that courts don't always postpone cases in some situations it might be a tactic to give the defendant time to soften the negative consequences Vanessa sided sadly oh I don't know Liza it feels like my husband and mother-in-law are up to something
nasty did you talk to your lawyer maybe she'll have some advice she's not just earning her bread for nothing Liza pressed on of course I talk to her Carrie advises me not to stress out but how can I not when I'm overwhelmed with anger and hurt I feel like I'm being torn apart she said I need to be prepared for anything well that's good advice Liza said and hugging Vanessa she pressed her sympathetically you always feel things so deeply but you're strong you can handle this and remember I'm always here for you Vanessa smiled through
her tears and inhaled the aroma of warm patience Ries wafting from the school cafeteria yes Liza you're right thank you so much I'll manage and no matter what life goes on saying this Vanessa finally entered the school where she immediately plunged into the bustling life the sporty Lively kids were running down the hall laughing loudly and making noise there were real support for her the training drowned out the internal chill that pressed on her after the court session the gym was bustling with activity teenagers dressed in bright uniforms were running jumping and throwing balls each
of them seemed charged with energy the smell of sweat Pine risen and sports equipment hung in the air creating its unique Aroma Vanessa look at my leg Oscar a red-haired boy and one of her favorite students ran up to her I think I sprained my ligament throwing a ball let me see Vanessa carefully examined his wrist feeling the injured area well it's not too bad here apply some ice and rest as much as you can come back tomorrow for a checkup thanks Vanessa Oscar smiled at her and for a moment she forgot about her troubles
she loved these kids their liveliness spontaneity and endless thirst for Life In Their Eyes the young nurse saw a reflection of her own dreams of Happiness inner peace and a calm meaningful future Vanessa are you coming with us to the cafeteria called Mary a slender girl with a neat ponytail at the back of her head we have something delicious today sorry Mary but I have to decline I have a lot of work but maybe I'll join you tomorrow replied Vanessa what's so tasty today bacon sandwiches Mary smiled like a ray of sunshine on a rainy
day and apple juice Vanessa looked at the children at their bright faces and genuine joy and felt a sense of relief in this noisy cheerful little world she found Refuge comfort and a sense of Happiness maybe things will really change for the better Vanessa thought as she walked down the corridor she opened the door to her office filled with shiny instruments and inhaled The Familiar comforting smell of iodine and alcohol in her office were only she and her loyal assistants a red first aid kit with gleaming medical tools and a perpetually fresh sheet of notes
ready to receive new entries well then Vanessa said to herself life goes on she turned on her computer and opened all the necessary programs electronic medical records a pharmaceutical guide and first aid reminders then she immersed herself back into the world of medicine at that moment Amanda the physical education teacher peaked into the the office the woman had a stern look and a confident stride Vanessa I have a disaster Betty Price Twisted her ankle and can't put weight on it okay Amanda I'll be right there Vanessa replied readily hastily getting up is she in the
training room yes she's sitting on the bench there the teacher replied already turning toward the door when she suddenly stopped and added in a low voice Vanessa how are you doing I heard you were in court today how did it go can I congratulate you before the session Amanda had shared her experience of her divorce with Vanessa and for some time now they had been a real support for each other it's complicated Vanessa's side but I'll manage of course you will you're so capable Amanda smiled and walked into the training room Vanessa followed her and
once again she was enveloped by familiar sounds the noise of balls the thud of feet on the hardwood floor and the excited shouts of the kids all of this created a unique atmosphere that involuntarily filled her with energy Betty dear what happened asked the nurse sitting down next to the girl on the bench try to put some weight on your leg but not too much just a little load for the muscles oh Vanessa Betty cried it hurts so much I can't put weight on it well don't cry sweetie said Vanessa gently stroking her head we'll
fix this it looks like you've twisted your ankle but I can't say how serious it is right away I hope it's not too bad oh not too much I won't be able to compete now exclaimed Betty we have the regional championships in two weeks her eyes filled with Tears Don't worry my dear Vanessa said soothingly placing her hand on Betty's shoulder everything will be fine we'll do our best to get you healthy and ready for the competition at that moment Vanessa recalled her father Paul's words kids are our everything we need to do everything possible
to keep them healthy and happy all right I'm going to send you for an x-ray Vanessa said and then we'll see what to do next and where do we go Betty sniffed asking I don't want to go to the hospital it's scary there don't worry Vanessa reassured her we'll go to the nearest clinic everything will be fine you won't even have time to be scared okay I believe you only you Betty wiped her tears and smiled for the first time in several minutes don't worry Vanessa Amanda added with relief we'll make sure Betty gets better
as soon as possible thank you Vanessa replied as she stood up let's go to the clinic and then I'll call hearing this Amanda left calmed by the nurse's determination a little later Vanessa called for an ambulance and soon Betty was lying on a stretcher waiting for the Medics to arrive Vanessa sat beside her holding her hand feeling like a true protector a guardian of this little one's Health about 15 minutes later they were at the clinic Vanessa filled out all the necessary paperwork while Betty lay on the stretcher preparing for the X-ray Vanessa stayed close
reassuring her and telling her everything would be all right don't worry an x-ray is really nothing to be scared of it's just a picture and it will show if everything is okay with your leg it's no scarier than a camera Betty nodded and looked up at Vanessa with her gray eyes in that gaze Vanessa saw a reflection of her own fear of the unknown and the feeling of hopelessness that had taken hold of her you know Betty suddenly said I want to be a nurse like you wow you can do anything Vanessa replied you're smart
and kind I believe you can do it unfortunately the X-ray confirmed the worst fears a fracture and it seemed to be a complicated one sitting on the stretcher Betty bit her lip to hold back tears Vanessa crouched beside her placing her hand on her shoulder Betty we need to put a cast on Vanessa whispered trying to make her voice sound soothing but you're a strong girl you can handle this you know it's just a temporary inconvenience Betty nodded but her lips were still trembling when can I start training again she asked quietly looking at her
bandaged leg don't worry we'll do everything we can to get you back to training as soon as possible you know I love sports to and once dreamed of being an athlete but I had a serious injury as well I spent 6 months in a wheelchair I had to give up on Sports so I decided to dedicate my life to helping others you can handle this too you don't want to give up do you I don't want to miss the regional championships the girl whispered tears glistening in her eyes Again Vanessa squeezed her hand tighter I
believe in you but you need to understand health is more important than any Metals right now just listen to the doctor and everything will be fine at that moment a young orthopedic surgeon Steven Jones peaked into the room so how are we doing everything's fine Vanessa replied but Betty is a bit upset that she won't be able to compete don't be upset the doctor said nodding understandingly you have everything ahead of you trust me you'll win more than one competition when can I start training again Betty asked hopefully that depends on how your Rehabilitation goes
Steven answered but I promise you everything will be fine you'll be running and jumping again and no Champion will catch up with you Betty smiled feeling pleased to hear such words from the kind doctor thank you I'll do everything you say the surgeon smiled and began applying the cast Vanessa watched him feeling somewhat helpless at the same time she knew she was there for more than just keeping Betty company she was there to support the girl to give her strength and hope all right you need to avoid putting weight on your leg Steven said as
he finished the procedure you'll need to stay home for a month or so and then you're welcome to come back for a checkup if everything looks good we'll start rehabil ation Vanessa took Betty's hand and helped her to the exit of the office Betty walked slowly relying on crutches and holding on to the nurse's hand how are we going to get you home Vanessa thought as she guided the girl to the bus stop maybe we should call a taxi Wow Let's Do It the girl responded happily all right Betty hang on Vanessa encouraged helping her
reach the bus stop there was the usual hustle and bustle for this time of day school children rushing home after classes parents picking up their kids from activities and elderly people strolling leisurely through the park but Vanessa's attention was focused solely on Betty Vanessa the girl suddenly exclaimed pointing to a car with distinctive checkerboard markings approaching Vanessa looked in the direction Betty was pointing an old pale green car seemingly Faded by time stopped near the bus stop is that for us the girl asked peering into the vehicle most likely Vanessa replied let's go but be
careful using her crutches and holding on to the nurse's hand Betty slowly approached the car hello Vanessa greeted the driver as she carefully helped Betty into the back seat hello the elderly man nodded in response sounding as if he didn't want to engage at all Vanessa noticed that the driver's face looked pale and drawn he was also coughing repeatedly covering his mouth with his hand excuse me are you feeling unwell Vanessa asked looking at his face with concern no I'm fine he croaked just a bit stuffy in here at that moment the elderly man reached
for the window control handle to open it but he didn't have the chance suddenly with a painful groan he slumped over the steering wheel his body going limp oh it hurts he whispered clutching his chest do you need help Vanessa asked as she rushed to the driver's door probably the man exhaled with difficulty I can't breathe Vanessa didn't hesitate for a second with a quick motion she opened the door and maneuvered the driver across the seats using both the driver and passenger seats then following her training she placed her hands on his chest and began
performing chest compressions Betty sat in the back seat terrified her eyes wide with horror at the unfolding scene breathe do you hear me just breathe Vanessa shouted keeping her hands on the driver's chest but he could no longer hear anything Vanessa felt despair Rising within her she knew from experience that in situations like this every second counted Betty she whispered call an ambulance sweetie you know the number Betty trembling with fear managed to dial the numbers on the phone hello ambulance please come quickly someone is unwell he's not breathing please she gasped struggling to get
the words out address demanded the dispatcher Weir it Betty looked at the nurse in panic trying to remember where they were at the stop near the Hill Cinema not far from the first city Hospital Vanessa prompted please hold the crew is on the way the woman on the other end replied curtly and ended the call Vanessa continued performing chest compressions her hands were slick with sweat but she wouldn't give up she was determined to do everything possible to save this driver breathe breathe darling Vanessa shouted keeping her hands on his chest come on take a
breath you can do it but the driver wasn't breathing a Grimace of pain was frozen on his face his skin was pale as a leaf Vanessa felt his pulse weakening and her heart sank with despair just when she was about to lose hope she noticed the man's chest slightly Rising finally he took a breath then another and another Vanessa felt the beat of his heart and away of Joy washed over her body it seemed he was alive a few minutes later the ambulance arrived the paramedics quickly assessed the driver and one of them the oldest
looking delivered his verdict the patient is likely having a heart attack were taking him to Cardiology at his age he shouldn't be driving a taxi and who issued him the medical examination form that's a crime did the doctor who signed those documents not see he had tachicardia Complicated by asthma Vanessa Shrugged how could she know as a healthcare worker she had deep respect for her colleagues and could hardly think poorly of them after everything that had happened she trembled like a leaf still trying to compose herself oh how are we going to get home now
Betty asked looking bewilderedly at the departing ambulance don't worry we'll take another taxi Vanessa replied I'll call one now on the way she tried to calm the girl who had gone through so much in the past few hours Betty behaved calmly occasionally glancing out the window to see how far they were from home to distract herself from sad thoughts the girl started telling Vanessa and the taxi driver about her dad Carl he's the best Betty exclaimed passionately her eyes sparkling with excitement he works as a plumber can you believe it he fixed all all the
Taps and pipes in our yard everything dad can do anything he's a jack of all trades Vanessa smiled and exchanged an knowing glance with the taxi driver and also Betty continued lowering her eyes dad makes amazing things out of all sorts of junk once he made me a horse out of an old tin canned and wooden sticks and he made a homemade arcade machine for marbles but Jenny our neighbor said it wasn't safe until took it away what does your dad love most of all Vanessa asked with a smile feeling her heart filled with concern
for this little girl deprived of a mother's love she remembered that Anna had died of menitis when her daughter was five dad loves music Betty whispered in awe he plays the guitar and sings He has such a beautiful voice sometimes he even sings me lullab when I go to sleep Vanessa smiled and her mind she imagined a strong rugged Man with calloused hands tenderly singing a lullabi to his child it was something unimaginable what does your dad do when you're feeling sad Vanessa asked he hugs me and tells me everything will be all right Betty
replied her eyes filling with tears dad says that Mom is always with us just up in heaven now but she'll never leave us yes your dad is very wise and kind Vanessa said I'm sure he'll protect you from any trouble yes that's true Betty nodded but there was still a sadness in her voice and dad makes the most delicious potato and onion pie really he didn't know how before but Grandma Jenny taught him before that Dad accidentally burned three frying pans just like that and recently he saved a puppy from the basement there was a
pipe burst and the water was almost up to his waist but Dad wasn't afraid he heard someone whimpering and ran to save it Vanessa and the taxi driver listened and silence they felt that Betty was about to share something very important it was so awful the girl sobbed gripping the handle of her crutch the basement was flooded and the water was freezing dad said we had to do something quickly because the basement could be completely flooded he also said we needed to get the puppy out of there how did Dad know there was a puppy
in there Vanessa asked leaning closer to the girl he heard the crying like a little baby whimpering dad said someone was calling for help so he went to see who it was were you scared the taxi driver asked unable to hold back I sat at home crying Betty said her eyes shining I thought Dad wouldn't come back he's a plumber not a diver but he did come back Vanessa guessed and he brought a puppy with him right yes that's exactly what happened Betty nodded and a smile immediately appeared on her face dad brought a tiny
gray puppy he said the puppy would live with us now the boys in the yard said the puppy's mom was hid by a car and he hid in the basement out of fear Vanessa shook her head imagining that horrifying scene dad named him normally the girl added a little later he's so small and fluffy like a ball dad is never afraid he always helps everyone like a hero yes he really is a hero Vanessa confirmed and you're very brave the journey passed quickly soon the driver stopped in front of the apartment building where Betty lived
Vanessa paid the driver and then helped the girl out of the car Carl Vanessa knocked on the door hes to enter may I come in it's open she heard a somewhat rough but also gentle voice in response Vanessa sighed sadly and opened the door hello she said awkwardly smiling I'm Vanessa the nurse from the sports school I took Betty to the hospital hello Carl replied yes I'm already aware I just got home from work when the director called and explained what happened come in I just made some tea Carl turned out to be a tall
sturdy man with rough calloused hands just as Vanessa had imagined his gray penetrating eyes shown with kindness and innate intelligence thank you for taking care of my daughter Carl said gratefully looking at Vanessa she always speaks highly of you oh no not at all Vanessa replied feeling a bit shy actually Betty is a good girl my favorite unfortunately I don't have any children of my own I just look after the younger group yes my daughter is the best Carl brightened noticeably I love her very much yes I can see that Betty told me a lot
about you and Norman Vanessa replied studying Carl's face in that moment she felt that Betty's dad was indeed a real man strong and tender at the same time after a brief pause she explained the regimen prescribed for Betty and how she should behave with this kind of injury you should come by our school sometime Vanessa suggested getting up from the table we have a really good team right now and I'd be very happy to see you thank you Carl replied escorting her to the door I'll definitely stop by Vanessa smiled and left the apartment yes
a good man she thought inhaling the fresh air he lost his wife wife but didn't give up and Betty is a true lucky girl Vanessa walked slowly to the bus stop looking at the evening City turning around she smiled as Betty waved from the second floor window having placed her little fluffy friend on the window sill the lights of the advertising Billboards flickered in the Twilight seemingly coming to life and attracting the attention of passers by Vanessa felt tired but at the same time happy the day had gone relatively well perhaps this was her calling
to care for children help them recover and enjoy life Vanessa reached the bus stop while waiting for the bus she absent-mindedly looked around at that moment she felt a sharp desire to dream about the future Vanessa wanted to have her own family children a home but for now these were just dreams she knew she still had a lot to do to make all of that happen with Richard nothing worked out 5 years had gone to waste and now shamefully they couldn't even separate without going to court soon the bus arrived Vanessa got on and settled
into a window seat she admired the night's city where the lights of cars the headlights of trolley buses and the illuminated Windows of buildings flickered Vanessa smiled remembering her childhood oh how Carefree those times were she loved running around the yard with her friends but playing hide and seek climbing trees and then rushing home to boast to her mom about her new adventures the kindergarten with its bright toys songs and fairy tales was a place of joy and carefree fun Vanessa loved going to kindergarten where her favorite teachers awaited her spending the whole day playing
learning and listening to interesting stories she was a good student in school and loved studying she participated in clubs and activities even acted in play and was lucky with her teachers some of them became true friends offering support and inspiring her to achieve new successes Vanessa had dreamed of becoming a doctor even then she wanted to help people relieve them of their ailments and give them Health after school without hesitation she enrolled in nursing school the years of study flew by quickly her dreams of a future profession became more defined she enjoyed the classes and
quickly absorbed new information practicing in the clinic became a special experience for her Vanessa learned to provide first aid give injections set up four drips and care for patients she made friends among her classmates spending time together steuding relaxing and dreaming about the future the bus picked up speed Vanessa flinching slightly pressed against the back of her seat the night lights flickered outside and ominous premonition crept into her mind the fresh air entering the cabin was filled with the scent of asphalt and gasoline not the freshness of a Pine Forest like during summer vacation Vanessa
recalled the day her father the mountain Master saved his crew from a rockslide 5 minutes before the tragedy Paul had sensed with some inexplicable sixth sense that the roof of the tunnel was starting to collapse run everyone get upstairs he shouted pushing his colleagues toward the exit but he didn't make it in time in a matter of seconds he was buried Vanessa vividly remembered how her mother held her hand tightly gazing pleadingly at the sky Lord let him survive Julia whispered Crossing herself repeatedly after the Mountain Rescue Team dug Paul out from under the rubble
doctors said he would be permanently disabled after being discharged from the hospital his mother brought him home and from that point on their fames days turned into an endless series of complicated procedures medical checkups and exhausting Rehabilitation Vanessa helped care for her dad but all her childhood dreams of the future vanished the moment their world collapsed under the weight of Misfortune ultimately it was the compensation money Paul received for his injury that allowed Vanessa and her husband Richard to make the down payment for a house covering half its cost and now Richard along with his
mother had set their sights on this property which was supposed to be shared between them unbeknownst to herself Vanessa recalled how she had met her future husband it was Winter during her College years she was studying in nursing school and Richard had just graduated from University and was working as a manager in a construction company one winter evening while returning from classes Vanessa noticed a freezing young man at the bus stop he was dressed in a thin tracksuit that clearly didn't match the outdoor temperature excuse me are you all right Vanessa asked approaching to assess
the boy's condition there was no response The Stranger shivered and swaying from side to side looked at the Young nurse from his cloudy dazed eyes and the strong smell of alcohol Vanessa immediately guessed that he had likely overindulged at a party getting home in that state would be impossible where do you live can you walk Vanessa asked the boy shook his head trying to focus his gaze it's cold he croaked mumbling something incomprehensible about not being able to make it and freezing Vanessa understood that he wouldn't manage alone and that without her help the situation
could end badly come on I'll walk you home she said firmly offering him her arm the boy obediently followed her like a child Vanessa guided him like a puppet thinking about about how ridiculous her new acquaintance looked he was tall with thick dark hair but at that moment he resembled a huge clumsy bear that had woken from hibernation too early Vanessa helped him sit on a bench took off her jacket and unbuttoned it to wrap him up you need to warm up she said taking several deep breaths to warm his Frozen hands with her breath
I'm Richard he mumbled peering into the face of his new acquaintance Vanessa she replied Hing hoping he would hear her and added I'm a nurse you need to warm up otherwise you'll get sick Richard felt a bit better and tried to remember how he ended up at the bus stop at least he could explain that he had been hanging out with his friends from University celebrating one of their birthdays I don't remember how I got here he said awkwardly rubbing his cheek that's not important the main thing is that you're safe now Vanessa replied she
glanced at her watch it's getting late Vanessa said I need to head home Richard flinched realizing he was holding her up where do you have to go the guy asked I Live 5 minutes from here Vanessa answered and you me the other side of the city he said I don't even know how I'll get there well then just follow me Vanessa suggested I'll walk you to the metro and from there you can get home Richard nodded gratefully and slowly got up from the bench Vanessa took his arm to help him maintain his balance thank you
for helping me Richard said looking at her I think I would have Frozen without you oh it's nothing Vanessa replied smiling it happens you're really nice the guy said and beautiful thank you Vanessa replied blushing they walked in silence listening to the sounds of the night City Vanessa looked at her companion and felt as if she had known him forever I would offer to take you to a cafe but I'm afraid I barely have enough left for the trip Richard said shyly no worries Vanessa replied with irony I'm just grateful you didn't drag me into
some alley you Brave Richard said smiling I would never believe it was so safe with such a delicate girl and they fell silent again each lost in their thoughts after a few minutes they finally arrived at the entrance to the Metro well here we are Vanessa said let me help you by a ticket thanks Richard mumbled no problem it was nice to meet you with that they parted ways Richard went home and Vanessa walked thinking that their meeting was not just a coincidence to her surprise Vanessa felt that she wanted to see this guy again
and see where it would lead at the same time she had no idea that this acquaintance would change her life forever Richard for his part also didn't know he would meet his fate at a cold bus stop while suffering from a severe hangover and facing the threat of frostbite back then Vanessa was still naive and romantic believing in love at first sight in Destiny and in Miracles at their first meeting she saw sadness in Richard's eyes not melancholy but a kind of mystery she wanted to unravel he reminded her of a literary character from her
school curriculum with his sad eyes and thoughts about life and death a week after the bus stop incident Vanessa and Richard met again and spent the evening in a cafe talking about everything under the sun this time however the guy seemed like a true romantic although he initially tried to hide it Vanessa couldn't help but noticed the spark of affection in his eyes that he tried to conceal from everyone that day she realized she had fallen in love with Richard practically at First Sight their relationship developed passionately and they met almost every day they went
to the movies to the theater strolled through parks and sat by the river and each day felt like a fairy tale for Vanessa she felt like the happiest person in the world and loved everything about Richard His Kind nature sense of humor and even the sadness that she diligently tried to understand you know Vanessa the guy said one day while they were sitting on a bench in the park watching the sunset I've always dreamed of a family a big and Clos nit one so what's the problem you'll have a family someday you're still young Vanessa
replied with irony taking his hand a big and happy one we'll live together happily until the end of our days I really hope so he said sincerely and kissed her their relationship quickly blossomed into love Richard proposed to Vanessa on her birthday giving her a ring with a stone and whispering in her ear Vanessa I love you so much will you marry me of course she exclaimed tears of joy Welling in her eyes yes I agree they were young full of plans for the future and dreamed of a big happy family soon they chose a
wedding date and began preparing for that important day but their happiness had a dark side Richard's mother Ellen Anderson disliked Vanessa at First Sight she saw her only as a girl from a simple family who was clearly not suitable for her son therefore she did everything possible to keep them apart Richard she would say this Vanessa isn't one of us her values aren't the same her habits are different her lifestyle is not what we expect but I love her Richard replied and she loves me that's what matters oh love comes and goes Ellen Anderson scoffed
but life goes on you'll be disappointed you hardly know her you only see what you want to see I know her and I don't want to lose her but Ellen Anderson was relentless she tried to influence her son and persuade him otherwise she spoke of Vanessa's lack of a proper education ation her poor family and her lack of ambition she also tried to instill doubt about whether Vanessa would be a good wife and mother mom I understand everything Richard said but I have my own opinion and I don't want to change it Vanessa is a
wonderful girl I'm sure she'll be a great mother to our children Ellen Anderson didn't back down she attempted to influence Vanessa trying to convince her to give up on Richard claiming that she was too young for marriage that she didn't deserve Richard and that she wouldn't be able to make him happy but I love him Vanessa replied and I don't want to give up my happiness Ellen Anderson didn't believe her stubbornly continuing to view Vanessa as just a girl hunting for a desirable Suitor I want my son to be happy Ellen would tell her friends
and I won't let her ruin him oh you're expecting too much from her her friends would respond Ellen Anderson was convinced she was doing the right thing protecting her son from bad influences she also didn't want him to repeat her mistake after all Ellen had once fallen in love with someone who didn't match her social status and she knew that had led to trouble in the first few years of Vanessa and Richard's marriage Ellen continued to throw obstacles in their way she caused scandals spun intrigues and tried to blame her daughter-in-law for all sorts of
sins in short she did everything impossible to break the family apart as quickly as she could people say that water wears a away Stone and so the mother-in-law's complaints tip their toll ultimately Ellen's stubbornness led to a deterioration in Vanessa's relationship with Richard their son distanced himself from his wife and stopped communicating with her perhaps if the couple had children they might have been able to save their marriage but the doctors ordered dozens of tests and the desired pregnancy never happened Vanessa cried through whole nights unsure of what to do feeling lonely and abandoned soon
Richard took a mistress and then another naturally there was no talk of children what heirs could there be when husband and wife hated each other after a series of Affairs when Richard met Kate he decided it was time to change his life the result was a divorce where Richard chose to leave Vanessa with nothing pocketing money from her disabled father oh where is his conscience assuming he has won getting off at the right stop Vanessa watched the bus leave and trudged home the key turned in the door with a creek and Vanessa tired after a
long workday entered her rented apartment she quickly removed her outer clothing and overwhelmed with Indescribable Joy fell onto the bed that evening she didn't want to do anything she just wanted to sink into sleep she closed her eyes and slipped into darkness but sleep wouldn't come Vanessa tried to distract herself with various thoughts but it was all in vain am I really not tired she whispered to herself thoughts swirled in Vanessa's mind about today's events the worried father of Betty her own situation her mother-in-law and the bitterness of the breakup that had so unexpectedly intruded
into their lives she just wanted to forget to sleep to sleep and only sleep she closed her eyes and finally sank Into Darkness suddenly amidst everything Vanessa saw an elderly woman the site was Vaguely Familiar where had she seen her before Oh my God yes it was her late grandmother Linda so vivid with a smile on her lips wearing her favorite blue dress with a white apron Vanessa sat up in bed and gasped but Grandma smiled and waved at her don't be afraid Vanessa she said I've come to visit you Grandma Vanessa whispered I've missed
you so much I've missed you too dear Grandma replied but I didn't come just for that I have a request look Vanessa at this document the one your husband presented to the court I see that Richard is giving false information so don't take it at face value check it thoroughly Grandma how can I check this document I'm not a lawyer Vanessa asked in Her Dream Vanessa you need to try grandma said otherwise you'll end up with nothing all right Vanessa whispered I will always be with you grandma replied at that moment Linda disappeared and Vanessa
woke from her dream in a cold sweat she couldn't tell if it had been a dream or reality but she felt a heaviness in her soul and uncertainty about the future all she wanted at that moment was to return to her Carefree childhood with her beloved grandmother who always knew how to help and what to say the next morning the woman Vanessa had hired as a lawyer called Vanessa is it too early car's voice though calm carried a hint of anxiety I have news good news my colleagues and I conducted an independent examination of the
health certificate for Richard's mother it turns out it's fake Vanessa froze unable to say a word her heart pounding in her chest like a wild dove in a cage I understand this is difficult for you the lawyer continued but we need to react very quickly Richard and his mother committed forgery and they need to face the law Vanessa felt a chill run down her spine deep down she still couldn't believe what was happening to her a prophetic dream a scheme by Richard and his mother what awaited her next at the subsequent hearing the atmosphere was
tense Vanessa sat across from the judge her eyes filled with determination Richard Fletcher the judge began you presented a forge document to the court your mother is in collusion with you and your actions constitute a crime Richard sat pale his face covered in sweat he tried to say something but the words caught in his throat I didn't know the certificate was fake he whispered you intended to deprive your wife of her property you could have taken everything from her the judge said but in this courtroom only justice prevails Vanessa locked eyes with Richard in her
ex-husband's gaze she saw fear remorse and perhaps even regret but she didn't see Richard as a victim as she knew he had acted with intention I asked the court to divide the property equally Vanessa said loudly when she was finally given the floor the cour cour grants you a request the judge said the property will be divided 50/50 Richard Fletcher and Ellen Anderson will be held accountable Vanessa let out a sigh of relief she had won she managed to protect herself and her honor it was over she was free Vanessa Carrie exclaimed coming over to
her I'm so happy for you Vanessa smiled she truly felt happy she she looked back at the courthouse and realized she needed to continue her life but this time starting a new but how to begin it was simple she would visit Betty and her father Carl prepare them a delicious dinner and sit down at a festive Table after all it was indeed a significant celebration the day of her divorce and the freedom that Vanessa had longed for over the past few years 7 months after that memorable trial Carl and Vanessa had a modest wedding where
Betty was already free of her cast and could dance as much as she wanted everyone at the wedding was confident that big victories awaited Betty in the future in the World of Sports how could it be otherwise when your mom is a nurse at a children's Sports school always ready to help at a moment's notice a year after the celebration Carl and Vanessa welcomed their daughter Alice
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