instant manifestation is possible and I don't just mean in imagination you can instantly manifest things in this physical world everything is happening now and I'm going to explain how you do this and how it really is possible okay so I had originally planned to break this up into smaller videos but I think what I'm going to do is just explain all of this on one video and then I will make future videos more specifically on each part of this video so that it can be more helpful to you guys but I just thought it would
be easier if I explained everything sort of in one place and then later on we can go more into detail on Parts where maybe you guys have some questions so leave your questions below let me know if any of this is confusing to you and we will figure that out in a later video and also if you are interested I do offer coaching now it's email coaching I do give very detailed replies that are quite long and I will either reply by email or by a video just like this okay so step one is to
clear and calm the mind and I know you've probably heard of meditation before you've probably heard of this topic before but let me explain how important this is and from my point of view because once again in all my videos I try to make it really clear of why something is so important and not just tell you to do it so clearing and calming the mind you can think of your mind as as basically the thing that all of your unmanifested desires have to pass through to get to the physical world to get to your
manifested reality so I like to think of it as like if you want to feel it right now all of your desires are sort of behind your head they're behind you in the background and then all the manifested the physical is right in front of you here that's the things you're seeing so to get those desires that you really want into this reality they have to pass through you so if you're thinking about something passing through something else you want it to be very well clear you want the pathway to be clear you want it
to be open you want to remove any blockages possible right because you want things to move smoothly through so I like to think of it as sort of like a top in your bathroom a faucet if you'd like to think of like the tubes running down and sometimes we get a blockage right like we get a hair building up in there or something and so normally the faucet the water is supposed to just come out clear it's supposed to come out quickly easily and that's just the way it is it's the way it's meant to
work but sometimes like I said we get a blockage or something and when this happens in regards to manifestation this can be seen as a buildup of thoughts in your mind your thoughts are like the hairs in your sink okay the more you have of them the more that you put in there all at once the harder it's going to be for the water to just easily pass through so what you need to do when you really want to manifest something specific is keep that pathway as clear as possible at all times to do this
you calm the mind because if you think about not having a lot of thoughts going on it's when you're calming your mind so meditation first off is one that you can definitely use but I also want to talk about how you can do this just throughout your day because you're not going to be meditating 24/7 and also some people don't even like meditation I mean I used to love it but nowadays I don't do as much of it as I used to and that's totally okay because there are other ways to clear your mind and
it's actually better to create a way that you can maintain all the time right so to clear and calm your mind first off the number one thing I always say to do is to observe your thoughts and I'm again sure you've heard this before but what you want to do is detach yourself from all the thoughts coming in cuz you're always going to have kind of like this stream of thoughts and it is possible to get to a silent mind but it is not necessary to have a silent mind to manifest the things you want
and to have a clear mind so you can still have thoughts running through but as long as you're not attaching to them then you're still keeping this pathway open okay it's only when you attach to thoughts that it creates this sort of blockage right because you can have hair go down the drain but as long as it keeps going down and it doesn't get stuck somewhere you know I mean you're still going to be fine so to observe your thoughts the best way that I started doing this was to ask myself who is the one
speaking right now I ask myself in my mind who is the one speaking right now and then I wait for a response and the one who will answer is usually just your own mind your ego your thoughts it's the same thing it'll pop up like it'll say something you'll hear something whatever but at that point you realize that you can be the Observer of these thoughts like you aren't the thoughts themselves you can actually listen to your thoughts but not get attached to them think of it like you are this person sort of in the
background watching as your mind just thinks all these different things I kind of like to think of it as like a little kid that just keeps saying all this stuff and then I'm just there with my arms crossed just listening but you're not really judging though at the same time you don't judge you don't really do anything you just observe that's all you do you just observe but the thoughts can still come in some people talk about it like clouds floating in through a window and then out the other window you can think of it
however you want however works for you but this is the first way to clearing your mind and this works because you realize that you don't have to have a perfectly clear silent mind like everyone makes you think you just need to detach yourself from all the thinking going on and a book I would recommend everyone to read if this is something you want to do and you want to get really good at read the book book The Power of Now by eart this is like my life-changing book it's one of my life-changing books this as
well as everything by Neville Gard were two things that just completely changed my life so if you're confused at all on this topic read that book it will tell you everything you need to do now another way that you can calm the mind as well if you don't really like the idea OBS serving your thoughts or you find it a little difficult right now and you still want to try this you can also find ways to essentially distract yourself in the physical world but again you have to realize your mind is very smart it's going
to know if you're trying to distract it so you really have to immerse yourself in something that brings you into this present moment and this kind of leads into my step two as well to instant manifestation is being in the present moment this is the next step to manifesting anything instantly so first off you want to clear calm your mind but also immerse yourself in the present moment this this is the next step to it immersing yourself in the present moment sort of correlates with clearing your mind it's almost like the same thing so you
could do one or the other whatever works for you you could start off with first observing your thoughts you know getting into kind of like a calm relaxed State then you go about trying to really bring yourself into the present moment or you can start off with just bring yourself in the present moment if that works better for you so like for me my number one thing I recommend to everyone if you're just starting out is to go around your house and clean clean your house and while you're cleaning be very present just you know
like w watch your hands doing whatever they're doing look down at the sink as you're running water just be as present as you can in that moment as you're doing all the cleaning you can play music whatever you want to do because that's still bringing you into the present moment I recommend doing this because this is a great way to sort of be very involved in the moment and you just sort of have to be because you got to watch what you're doing right so anything that involves you really having to pay attention even driving
can be good for this as well if you got to pay attention where you're going something that really brings your mind into the present moment is very helpful for this if you find it difficult but you can do this at any time of the day doing whatever you're doing just bring yourself into the present moment start looking around you start paying attention to what you're actually doing get out of your head get into the physical world just pay attention just start observing things and this doesn't mean start thinking about everything you're seeing and naming it
this means simply just look around look around observe just like you would observe your thoughts just observe what you see out here okay and if ever you find it difficult to bring yourself back into the present moment this is just a little tip that I do you may have heard of this but EFT tapping is very common and the reason that that works with manifestation is because you were just reminding yourself that you are here you're in the present moment so if ever you feel it hard to get out of your mind start doing something
the makes you feel something physical so like tap your leg you know tap your head even pinch yourself if you need to just whatever it is to bring yourself back here feel your feet on the ground anything like this can bring you back into the present moment the reason being in the present moment is so powerful is because when you are in the present moment you are not Desiring for anything you are not wanting for anything you were saying I'm perfectly okay exactly where I am right now and this makes it very powerful to manifest
whatever it is you want to manifest because you are basically we're going back to that metaphor of the tube this tube is now completely clear like the pathway is completely open between the unmanifested and the manifested when you were in the present moment because there's no thoughts there's no things clogging it up that means that anything from the unmanifested side can move through to the manifested way way faster when you aren't you know thinking a million things Desiring a million things this is why being in the present moment is so powerful and it's also the
state of knowing that you have everything whether you know it or not being the present moment is saying I have everything because you are opening that portal between the unmanifested and manifested and it's literally becoming one hopefully this is making sense once again I will make future videos on each of these topics in particular so let me know your questions below but we'll move on so after you are in the present moment you're very relaxed you're doing whatever you're doing then at this time this is when you want to bring up your affirmation or your
little visualization that you have affirmation may be easier for some of you visualization can be easy too and when I say visualize don't make it difficult visualization is not meant to be hard people over complicate it all the time you only need like a flash image of whatever it is that you want it can be a 5-second thing a 2C thing it does not have to be a long thing cuz your mind is going to know your mind is you your higher self is you your subconscious is you I know someone in the last video
said that was confusing when I'm mentioned subconscious or higher self it's the same thing either way right but it knows it's you so it's going to know what you're thinking about it knows what you're thinking about it knows what you mean so don't worry about trying to make it super super clear for it it knows what you mean okay bring it up in this present moment awareness so as you are going about doing something in the present moment you're cleaning or you're just looking at something in the present moment sometimes I like to just sit
and look at my hand or something I will like hold up my hand if you're laying on the couch you know hold up your hand and look at it it's just be in the present moment when you bring up your desire okay because what you're doing is you are first feeling the feeling of being in the Present Moment by being in the present moment you're feeling what it's like to be in the present moment however you feel right now is how you want to feel about the thing that you desire okay you want to match
the feeling of right now to your desire because what this tells your higher self is that you already have this thing because you feel the same way about it as everything else you have right now this is where people talk about matching frequency right you want to be on the same frequency the only frequency you have to match is to right now so when people say feeling is the secret you got to feel a certain way and I know there was one teacher that did say something about how am I supposed to feel something that
I've never felt before it doesn't make any sense it's a dumb technique but it's not that you're feeling something entirely new you're just feeling exactly how you feel right now but with your desire so you're desire just has to match exactly what you're feeling right now because if you had it you wouldn't be feeling that much different than you feel right now because how do you feel the everything you have right now you usually feel pretty much the same right like every day you feel pretty neutral about everything you have no matter what it is
because things don't make us happier things don't change us right we can only do that so when you have something new it's not going to make you feel entirely different all you have to do is bring it into your current feeling and match it to that another thing too when it comes to saying that you know how are you're supposed to feel this I've never felt this before you already have felt what it's like to have your desire because you've always had everything all the time you're manifesting from this unmanifested world of everything all the
time you always have everything you already know how it feels to have everything and how it feels is how you feel right now but you just have to select to the thing you want that's all it is it's not really about some magical feeling it's really just about where you put your focus in the present moment you bring up this thing that you are Desiring you say your affirmation for it as you are in the present moment and when you bring this up you bring it up so casually it's like just a small little flicker
of a thought that's why I say when you visualize or something don't make it a big deal just do it whatever feels right bring it up very casually and keep doing what you're doing it's just like a little thought because how do you manifest anything else in your reality you don't think a ton about it a coffee would be nice tomorrow but you don't continue to think I want a coffee a coffee would be nice I really want a coffee a coffee a coffee I'm pouring coffee like you don't do that you just have a
flicker of a thought and that's it and that's all that's needed to manifest is one little thought and the reason it's so powerful and that it works when you're just not seeming to care that much is because you're just in the present moment you're acting as if it's already yours because it just feels like everything else all you're doing is making your desire feel neutral the same way you feel about everything else so another way you can do this too in the present moment if you're just sitting somewhere you know you want to be present
and you want to make sure you're matching that feeling to your current reality just look at an object in your current reality stare at an object you can stare at your hand you can stare at a cup you can stare at whatever you want and then just quick bring up your desire in your mind and continue staring at whatever this is like that is the feeling it's just matching the frequency to your current reality that is all that it is and it's so simple yet people make it so difficult you don't have to feel anything
special and the cool thing about this too is that there's no exact neutral feeling you have to be in because all you're doing is matching your desire to your current frequency to your current state so if you are in an angry State a sad State and you want to do this you can still do it you can still match it to that state just be continuously in the current state that you're in bring up your desire in your mind continue to be however you're being right now it's basically about consistency too as long as you
are consistent with a certain State then it's going to be very easy for you to manifest that's why I talk about being neutral as being the easiest way to manifest because we're neutral most of the time um so bringing it into a very neutral state is the best way because like that's going to be your state 90% of the time versus someone who wants to bring it up in a very happy elated State then the only way you're ever going to bring that into reality is if you are consistently you know in a happy elated
State all the time right but that doesn't mean you can't affirm when you're in a happy and a or elated State because sometimes you can bring it in right away if you were in that state essentially you're doing is just matching your desire to whatever you're currently feeling at that time if you want to manifest as fast as possible and I promise you instant manifestation is very real if you are very much focused in the moment because the stronger you're focus on something the stronger you are very present very much in a consistent state or
consistent sort of feeling the easier it is to bring something in because it's almost like you think of um kind of like a bridge or something two parts that need to line up with each other and as long as you are very consistent consistent then they will line up perfectly and whatever it is will just smoothly pass right through but as soon as you start being up and down in your States and your thoughts and your feelings and you're just all over the place then now it's got to go up and down up and down
up and down on this like bumpy road and it just makes it way more difficult to manifest but when you are in this consistent sort of calmer State you just bring up a thought every now and then you know in your current moment whatever then it's just going to pass right through and I have seen this in my own reality manifesting things like notifications on my phone like certain messages or a sale on my store I am so present in the moment that I can just bring it in instantly I've seen it happen so I
know it is very real it's very real and one other way I just want to describe this to you guys is how I did I think in my last video or one of the last videos this concept was from a book I forget what it's called the seven laws of spirituality or something like that I'll put it below both the books that I've mentioned in this video but this book was by deepo shopra and he talks about when you are in the state it's kind of like being in a calm ocean like a calm body
of water or a lake or something when you drve drop something like drop a stone in a calm body of water you see all the ripples going out and going out and getting bigger and bigger and bigger that's like your one thought in your Calm Mind that's the effect that it has it's very powerful it's one small thought but it gets bigger and bigger and bigger and it makes such a huge difference on the water you can see it but then if you have all these thoughts moving around your mind you have so much going
on it's almost like an ocean with waves that are just crashing you know everything's crazy you the water is moving everywhere it's a huge storm and then you try and drop that same Rock in you're not going to even notice it you're not going to even see it like you won't even see the ripple effect it won't go out the way you want it to it will just get washed away in the waves just like everything else so this is why having a calm mind is so important because it makes your affirmation a thousand times
more powerful so technically with all this being said you could also affirm all day right like a robotic affirm this is why it works for some people because you're in a very neutral State when you're robotic affirming you're not in any specific feeling State and so often times you can easily match your desire frequency to your current reality frequency you're not really knowing what you're doing so much but you are doing that but half the affirmations you're saying like 90% of them are not doing anything and they're actually very unnecessary and additional so I'm going
to explain why and I'm also going to tell you how to stay in this state that I've just talked about this state of your desire fulfilled without having to firm all day long so this leads us to basically step four remaining in your desired state or also remaining in the present moment to do this first off remain in the present moment this is kind of self-explanatory try your best to always be in the present moment at all times stay out of your mind as often as you can stay in the present moment as much as
you can be present doing whatever you're doing because I promise you this reality was not built for us to be in our minds all the time we are not here to be in our minds we are here to live you're not meant to be affirming all day long you're not meant to be in your mind all day long you're meant to live your life you're meant to experience things so why would they make this sort of way of manifestation so difficult if that was the truth so in reality all you have to do to stay
in your state that you desire is to go about your day be in the present moment all the time because once again being in the present moment keeps things open keeps things moving and if you do this even if a desire a new desire comes up you will see it pass through so quickly it is like instantly fulfilled so if you're in the present moment often your desires can be almost instantly fulfilled all of the time you don't even have to do much for them you can affirm once if you want but they just pass
right through it's so easy because you're always keeping that tunnel clear and open what happens though is sometimes we may get in our head throughout the day you know we may think some thoughts that are the opposite and so this is where we're like well obviously I'm going to have to affirm all day because I'm going to be thinking the negative and what I say to that is yes this might happen but it is so easy to get yourself back in the state you want to be in you don't have to to worry so much
about it all you have to do to get back in the state you want to be in is just to affirm again once or visualize once in the present moment like I've said before the same way that's all you have to do and it's as simple as say you are doing some work on your laptop and you start to think some negative thoughts affirm once visualize once as you're in the present moment as you're looking at your laptop screen doing whatever you're doing do not make it a big deal make it as neutral as possible
don't change your feelings just continue to look at your screen doing whatever you're doing bring the affirmation up once and then go back to what you're doing be in the present moment and you can affirm as many times as you want that makes you feel good I'm not saying you can't affirm trust me you can affirm as many times as you want as you feel you need to but it is really unnecessary because every time you come back to the present moment you are in that state that you've affirmed for immediately you are immediately in
the state you've Affirmed for and you will stay in that state until you start to think the opposite but even if you think the opposite if you have a belief that thinking the opposite doesn't take you out of the state then you'll still be in the state it is so easy to stay in the state that you want to be in if you just trust that all things happening in your reality are a part of the state that are meant for you so this is why I've said in another videos to just assume everything is
perfect everything is working out for you because if if you assume that then you don't even have to try to stay in the state you just know that everything is part of it that everything means you're in the state you really can't mess up this way if you just assume that all things happening are perfect that every single thing you do is perfect every thought you have is perfect that's one way you can do it but again if you just want to affirm whenever you feel like you've kind of slipped out of it a little
bit if you've got a negative thought affirm in the present moment and continue doing what you're doing think of it like in a video game like I've said in my video about reality is a video game or something like that is the title of that video but think of it like your character like I've said before you're selecting what they want to experience they're like okay I'm going to go to this experience right now and then you come back to your body and you live in the experience you are selecting and then coming back to
your body and living in what you've just selected and this is how it works all the time so you're not magically out of a state ever you're only out of a state if you assume you're out of the state you are always in the right state if you assume you are that's all you have to do all the time that's all you have to do so what I do personally throughout the day is I just go about my day do my things and If Ever I feel I need to I'll affirm for my desire whatever
it is and I make it very casual once again like I will be doing what I'm doing and I will just bring it up really quickly in my mind and I will continue doing whatever I'm doing that's that's all that's needed that's it the key to everything is just living in the present moment because our lives are not meant to be lived in our mind we are meant to select our experiences in our mind and then live them you don't have to doubt yourself you don't have to have fear because anytime you selected something you
are in that reality immediately that is the reality you're living in right now so you could say something as you're watching this video and know that you are now in that reality everything happening in front of you is perfect it is part of the experience in that reality everything's working out for you and going back to my Netflix reference before if you're in your mind and you select a certain show to watch on Netflix you're watching that show immediately right you're watching the show and the only way you can stop watching that show is if
you go in your mind and you select something different if you continue to select that show if you continue to just choose that show and that's the one you're always going to be watching but you don't need to keep selecting the show to watch it right you're not going to turn on a TV show and then go back to the screen again and select it go back to the screen select it go back to the screen select it no you're just going to watch the show that's why life is so simple really is that we're
only meant to select once and then just live The Experience that's really how it's supposed to be but many of us have just gotten so in the mind we think that we have to live in the mind we think that we have to do all the these different techniques but it's so simple that it makes it almost complicated for us to understand you just pick and live it select and live it select and live it that's it that's all you do and if ever you feel like you selected something you don't want go in your
mind select something different and now live it that's it that's all you do and like I said remaining in the present moment is the key to all of this because that's what the universe wants you to do is to live your life and enjoy it because you're not meant to be in your mind all the time because you're never going to actually live your life you're never going to actually enjoy the experiences that you're manifesting if you're in your mind so the universe wants to bring in things when you're in the present moment when you
can actually enjoy them that's why we always say that things manifest when we're not really thinking about them right it's because we're in the present moment and the universe is only going to ever bring things in for you when you are doing that because it wants you to actually live your life wants you to actually experience your higher self wants you to experience things that's why it gets annoyed with you when you're in your mind all the time you're blocking it they're like okay we're trying to give you this experience and you keep going in
your mind we're never going to give it to you unless you actually get back in the present moment so you can enjoy it because there's no point if you're not out here enjoying things why would we give it to you cuz you're not going to be grateful for it they want you to have the best experience possible so be in the present moment live your life in the present actually live start living again stop thinking and start living and don't try to understand either don't try to understand your reality don't try to understand why certain
things happen everything is perfect like I said in my last video it's happening for a reason for you if you've affirm for something everything that's happening from that point on is perfect and it's exactly what's meant to happen for your desire you not meant to figure it out that's the point of living is to enjoy who experience okay anyway I hope this video is helpful this was a really long one and once again I said I'm going to make videos on each of these topics so you guys can have it in more detail but I
wanted to put it all in one place just so I could sort of explain the entire concept and then go more into detail on each thing later on in videos so thank you guys I hope all of this was understandable for you like I said again leave a comment if you have question questions and I'll try and include that in my future videos but also if you would like coaching I do email coaching it's down below in the description box and I do give very detailed replies I'll either do it by message or by a
video definitely check it out if you have more specific questions like I said I'll always do my best to give you the best possible answer for your money so yes thank you so much to those who have purchased it I really appreciate it and I appreciate all the support on this channel and I will see you guys in the next one right bye by