The REAL REASON Behind Your High Blood Pressure (Dr. Barbara O'Neill's SHOCKING Discovery)

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Horizons Health
Dr. Barbara O'Neill: "We’ve all been told that cutting salt is the key to lowering blood pressure, b...
Video Transcript:
high blood pressure can be caused by dehydration in dehydration little capillary networks shut down to try and conserve full blood volume that builds up pressure high blood pressure can be caused by no salt high blood pressure can be caused by table salt high blood pressure can be caused by no greens no greens no magnesium water can't get in high blood pressure can be caused by no sun but when someone's not eating enough fruits and vegetables and that's where you get most of your potassium and they're putting table salt on everything far too much what happens
now is sodium levels rise and potassium levels drop so now sodium levels inside the cell are rising which they should not and the cell swells what's that called high blood pressure mure and because magnesium is a water hungry molecule it can be used to help the water get into the cell so when someone's on a fat-free diet have you noticed they eat all day long they're hungry all day long so they're eating too many carbohydrates CU isn't that your quick food there's your quick food all the carbohydrates so they're wearing out their pancreas now the
pancreas isn't releasing insulin and the glucose can't get into the cell see this that's why I call this the CBD the central business district of the human body haon Berry strength strengthens the heart in fact if the blood pressure is low it'll bring it up if it's high it'll bring it down whatever your heart needs to do it will work with that we have all been told to cut back on salt to manage high blood pressure but what if I told you that salt isn't the Real Enemy Barbara O'Neal's mindblowing discoveries about high blood pressure
and its triggers will leave you questioning everything you know about blood pressure watch this video Until the End to uncover Barbara O'Neal's groundbreaking facts about high blood pressure and how to control it naturally risks of high blood pressure high blood pressure or hypertension if left untreated can cause a lot of serious health conditions like heart attack kidney disease or stroke having almost no symptoms high blood pressure can silently attack your heart and leave you defenseless according to the CDC about 45% of us adults have hypertension but many are unaware of it until they experience severe
Health consequences while many doctors claim that high blood pressure is caused by high salt intake this is not entirely true today salt is highly industrialized and processed making it a poor choice for a healthy lifestyle the processing and industrialization rob it of essential nutrients and minerals leaving it with only sodium and chloride instead using natural sea salt Celtic salt or Himalayan salt is necessary to maintain your blood pressure according to Barbara O'Neal's discoveries but but that's not the only reason there are a variety of factors that contribute to high blood pressure table salt has two
minerals yes it is true that table salt will help the blood pressure to go up because it causes a mineral imbalance in and out of the cell Barbara O'Neal has made a shocking discovery about the real reason behind high blood pressure that even doctors don't know of or don't want to share with the public but Barbara O'Neal didn't hold back from unveiling these secrets to help you live a healthy and risk-free life ACC according to her high blood pressure can be caused by dehydration mineral imbalance vitamin D deficiency lack of natural salt and exercise a
lowfat diet and Insulin issues so the body looks at this the water can't get in the minerals can't get in the glucose can't get in and so now the body says looks like we're going to have to do our last resort let's just force it into the cell what's that called high blood pressure this is all thanks to Barb O'Neal Who not only revealed these secrets about high blood pressure but also discussed how we can cure it naturally before we dive deep into the natural cures let's explore the reasons behind high blood pressure in detail
when your body doesn't get enough water or according to its requirements your blood thickens resulting in fluctuations in blood pressure it also leads to vasopressin secretion vasopressin is a hormone that is released when there is an excessive amount of sodium in the blood if there is a high amount of vasopressin your blood vessels can get compressed resulting in high blood pressure this occurs only when you don't drink enough water Barbara O'Neal says when you lose too much fluid and don't drink water to compensate for it your body starts drawing out water from the cells causing
them to shrink this condition can lead to Chronic conditions like high blood pressure and insulin resistance she says maintaining cellular hydration is important to prevent high blood pressure you should drink at least eight glasses of water daily to ensure stable blood pressure and Dodge any risks associated with it the second reason you might experience high blood pressure is mineral imbalance O'Neal says minerals are inorganic nutrients and are as important as vitamins for various body functions you can obtain minerals by eating a healthy diet some minerals like magnesium potassium and calcium are vital for maintaining good
heart health and blood pressure magnesium controls many body functions and help helps in the production of nitric oxide which relaxes blood vessel pressure potassium on the other hand helps in muscle work including the cardiac muscle of the heart similar to magnesium it can also help relax your blood vessels as per NIH low levels of potassium in the body can cause high blood pressure moreover in the presence of high sodium levels the impact of low potassium on blood pressure becomes stronger in this case you can add magnesium and potassium rich foods to your diet like dark
green leafy vegetables potatoes yams carrots bananas apples avocados and legumes where do they get their minerals for their bones from dark green leafy vegetables we should eat dark green leafy vegetables every day and you do not lose your minerals when you cook your vegetables you will only lose your minerals if you cook your vegetables in water and throw the water away there's all your minerals while you might think that calcium's benefit are limited to bone health they go beyond that calcium has important tasks to execute within your body it helps regulate blood pressure by supporting
the constriction and relaxation of blood vessels calcium can be taken through calcium rich foods in your diet such as leafy greens almonds winter squash canned sardines and others another related reason according to Barbara O'Neal is the lack of vitamin D in the body vitamin D helps in the absorption and assimilation of key nutrients like calcium magnesium and others without vitamin D calcium and other minerals can't effectively enter into the cells Barbara O'Neal says anyone can take vitamin D easily through sunlight exposure many people avoid sunlight exposure sometimes out of laziness and other times on their
doctor's advice which can be harmful to their bodies ensure that you spend some time in the Sun and your body will be thankful for the Vitamin D cause of high blood pressure can be a vitamin D deficiency how so well calcium is a very important mineral and calcium cannot get into the cell by itself calcium needs vitamin D and when vitamin D is present calcium is pulled into the cell and when calcium is pulled into the cell all the other minerals piggy back on the back of calcium and this is why calci is called the
king people suffering from blood pressure conditions are often advised to adopt a lowfat diet by their doctors but Barbara O'Neal says choosing a low-fat diet is the worst thing you could do to your body when you exclude fats from your diet you start to feel more hungry resulting in more carbohydrate intake which in turn stresses out your pancreas and negatively affects your insulin resistance the claim that cutting out fats and cholesterol can save you from heart attack and high blood pressure is a Barbara O'Neal says both fats and cholesterol are vital for brain and heart
health improper glucose metabolism or metabolic syndrome is a condition where excessive carbohydrate intake harms cellular function resulting in high blood pressure when we consume carbohydrates our body breaks them down into glucose in the gastrointestinal tract which then enters your bloodstream and then to the liver finally it enters the cells for energy metabolism but glucose only enters the cells in the presence of insulin insulin in the case of a high carbohydrate diet our body cells stop responding to the insulin and thus glucose Transportation into the cells stops this results in high blood sugar levels which can
give rise to type 2 diabetes over time but the worst part is that your blood pressure can reach dangerously high levels leading to a heart attack or stroke Barbara O'Neal says it can be prevented easily through lifestyle changes she recommends excluding wheat and sugar from your diet as both can trigger your blood pressure levels by influencing glucose levels and insulin production plus she advises cooking your vegetables like dark green leafy vegetables with minimal water to retain the minerals to sum it up a lack of proper hydration and essential minerals can lead to high blood pressure
if you're not drinking enough water and eating a diet rich in calcium magnesium and potassium your body will begin to struggle with fluid balance and blood pressure vitamin D deficiency on the other hand hinders the absorption of calcium and other minerals further aggravating these issues by making your diet healthy and mineral Rich excluding excess carbohydrates and keeping your body hydrated while getting enough sunlight exposure you can ensure that your blood pressure is controlled we're lacking insulin we're lacking magnesium we're lacking vitamin D the body says I know will just force it in what's that blood
pressure so can you see high blood pressure has many causes many causes wheat and sugar are a contributing factor to high blood pressure but because of the hybridization of the wheat and the high intolerance of it heart arhythmia happens whenever the bodies take something in that it has an allergy to it changes the heartbeat salt is an important mineral whether it comes from the far reaches of Himalayan Rock Mountain mountains or the depths of the ocean it is a vital mineral used to balance the proper minerals in the body each cell in our body requires
salt to function properly whether you're a blood pressure patient or suffering from a heart condition you can't turn down the importance of salt in your body our bodies naturally rely on salt for maintaining good bone density proper blood circulation and controlled blood sugar levels salt will get the blood pressure up and so will no salt because your cells need that little bit of salt so my suggestion is to take the Celtic salt however salt can become a poison for you if it only contains sodium and chloride especially if you have a blood pressure condition Barbara
O'Neal says the only salt that is composed of sodium and chloride is table salt commonly used in cooking she says it can be worse for your overall health besides just raising your blood pressure table salt is made by taking natural salt or crude oil flakes leftovers and heating them at 1200° F once this natural salt is heated up to this temperature it begins to lose most of its approximately 80 vital elements including magnesium potassium calcium and others in the end table salt is only left with sodium and chloride and the doctor's right table salt can
contribute to high blood pressure table salt only has two minerals Barbara O'Neal says that when we consume sodium chloride the amount of sodium in the blood increases this leads to water retention from the cells to balance out sodium causing high blood volume and high blood pressure this extra pressure creates tightness around the blood vessel walls and heart which can result in hypertension or high blood pressure table salts have harmful chemicals including additives like sodium silicoaluminate fluoride anti-caking agents and aluminum derivatives additionally many other salts contain highly processed sugar and toxic MSG monosodium glutamate but what's
up with the color of this table salt did you know that naturally occurring salts don't usually have a white color table salts are made white through bleaching that's exactly why Barbara O'Neal has discouraged the use of table salt even if you aren't a high blood pressure patient on the other hand naturally occurring salts like Celtic salt Himalayan salt or other sea salts can be beneficial for your overall health Barbara O'Neal recommends switching to Celtic Sea salt for better mineral intake Celtic Sea salt contains up to 82 minerals including magnesium potassium and Trace Amounts of iodine
additionally Celtic salt contains three types of magnesium magnesium chloride magnesium bromide and magnesium sulfate making it the best choice for cellular hydration as magnesium is a water hungry molecule and helps in the absorption of water into the cells but the beauty of the Celtic salt is that it contain contains three magnesiums it contains magnesium bromide it contains magnesium sulfate and it contains magnesium magnesium chloride O'Neal says these minerals are vital for keeping the correct balance of electrolytes in the body moreover Celtic salt has a perfect balance of sodium and potassium potassium prevents the harmful effects
of sodium in the body by triggering the excretion of sodium through urine this balance is important to maintain normal blood pressure levels Dr lilangry he's a French doctor he's written a whole book on salt he said we have no problems with salt in France because he said in France we have handh harvested sea salt it's called Celtic salt and Celtic salt has 82 minerals he said when I get someone with high blood pressure I put them on Celtic salt because it brings the proper mineral balance in if someone's used to no salt they should start
slowly exercise specifically high-intensity interval training a Hiatt is another effective way to keep your blood pressure at normal levels such exercises help you with enhanced circulation strengthening the heart and lowering your blood pressure levels Barbara O'Neal says if you don't want to engage yourself in HIIT you can go for Alternatives like walking or using rebounders other than that Barbara O'Neal has come up with the safest ways to treat your high blood pressure naturally she recommends using Hawthorne Berry and cayenne pepper to thin your blood and Aid in normal blood pressure levels Hawthorne Berry can naturally
lower your blood pressure as per one study people with type 2 diabetes took Hawthorne extract for 4 months and saw a difference in their blood pressure you can also eat Hawthorne fruit as a whole or have products like jam and drinks infused with Hawthorne berries the other herb is hawthorn berry Hawthorne Berry strengthens the heart in fact if the blood pressure is low it'll bring it up if it's high it'll bring it down Ken Pepper powder can also serve as a remarkable way to thin out your blood dilate the blood vessels and strengthen the arterial
walls capsacin present in the cayenne pepper is the main ingredient that reduces hypertension by relaxing the blood vessels according to lab research you can have one teaspoon of cayenne pepper powder mixed in a glass of water C pepper also um dilates the blood vessels so with dilating the blood vessels you get a more effective and efficient flow of blood through the whole body Barbara O'Neal says normalizing blood pressure takes months but keeping up with a consistent healthy routine including exercise sunlight exposure hydration use of natural salts natural remedies and healthy diets including healthy fats will
pay off and help you in the long run
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