Is it Time to Move On? How to Know What’s Next

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Marie Forleo
If you feel exhausted, burnt out, or uninspired, your body is trying to tell you something! But how ...
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for most of us there becomes this moment of transition it's like a different season is arriving we're not who we were in the past but we're still not who we know we're becoming and so there's this Gap yep and the gap for most of us is freaking terrifying hey what's up it's Marie forleo and welcome to another episode of the Marie forleo podcast and marietv the very best place to be if you want to create a business in life you love which I think you do this is q a Tuesday and our question today comes
from Kay I've been having these feelings for a few years now but it's getting stronger and stronger as the years roll on um it's becoming somewhat of a drain sometimes to go to work um and I do a lot of things um mother wife do a nine to five the list goes on children's book author sometimes I wonder if it's time how do you keep going when everything seems to be falling apart around you including the course itself that you thought you were so committed to perhaps a few months prior or a few years before
you felt so committed to it and sometimes you just want to lie down in bed and just not move so that's that that's the first part and I suppose the next part you could do it as a two-part would be when you know it's perhaps time to move on and even if you decide to move on move on to what how do you know you're not making a grave mistake for example yeah yes yes I love this question K and I'm so excited to talk to you about this because I think that you know myself
included I'm someone who can talk a lot about the power of consistency and going for it and not giving up on your dreams and that is appropriate for some stages of life and there's also another side that we don't get a chance to talk about enough but I get a chance to talk about it with you today so a couple of clues that you gave me in your question when you're starting to feel super exhausted and it's like you just want to stay in bed and you can almost feel everything is like oh good like
not another day here's something that I've learned in my life and I'm curious if this resonates as Truth for you so I had so much conditioning in my own life from society probably from things that I've read things that I've absorbed things that I've witnessed where it was like you can't ever stop you can't ever take a break and if you stop or take a break you're weak you're given up on your dreams you're not going for it right you're not strong and that's like the thing that I've always wanted to be was strong yeah
and to be that person and here's something really cool that I learned um that has actually made a huge difference for me was that when I'm really really tired and exhausted it is a clue that I need to rest and that there is incredible power in a pause a longer pause than my egoic mind wants to think I need yep and sometimes we're at a stage in our life okay where who we've been who's been amazing reaching for those dreams the family the kids having the job doing children's book all the things right like those
were genuine expressions of your heart and things that you wanted to bring to life because you did that's how we know you have them and then for most of us there becomes this moment of transition it's like a different season is arriving we're not who we were in the past but we're still not who we know we're becoming and so there's this Gap yep and the gap for most of us is freaking terrifying right and they're freaking tired and we don't have the energy that we used to and some of us are afraid that if
we slow down or make a big change right now like we're gonna f everything up and be like oh my gosh I blew up like what the hell was I thinking so there's a few things one it's very possible and I want you to think about this and chew on this and sleep on it a little bit you may be maybe so exhausted from pushing yourself for so long that you're either on the edge of burnout or you've tipped over and you really do need a reset like you need to give yourself permission to just
stop like doing the bare minimum I'm talking about eating healthy food getting more sleep probably than you've ever slept in your life because you just freaking need it not pushing yourself to do seven thousand things other than the basics recruiting your family to help out and do a lot more and just say mama needs a break you all need to step up a little bit or like it's just not going to get cleaned and you don't beat yourself up that there's dust bunnies in the corner or this one's crying for this you go you're an
adult now you can figure it out does that make sense makes perfect sense yes so and for most of us ambitious creative driven beings again holding my hand up for this type a right this is the hardest thing for us because our egos are like no like you're gonna ruin everything but if you've noticed your body is like I can't do it right now I can't do it right now so that's that's level one and I want to just invite you to consider like how would that feel not your head I'm talking about your heart
and your soul and Your Vessel if you actually gave yourself permission to rest how would that be okay would it be like it would feel great yeah so my first homework is see how much joy comes out I felt that way too I was like is that even allowed yeah no like someone gonna know that I'm resting that's what I'm saying I was like is the ambition police going to come and take me away because do you know because I'm like you know she gave up or something so that's my first piece of homework for
you is just to really take a look hardcore at the things that you have set up that you can unset up the things that you can either delegate you can let go of that you can stop working on just for a little bit even if it's like two months or three months you're like this is just on pause I'm not giving it up forever yes you got to have your nine to five all of us you know we make that living that's great but it's it's like you don't have to do that right now and
the reason I'm saying I want you to do this and take this rest first is because here's another big lesson I learned never ever if you can help it make huge life decisions when you are exhausted burned out or upset and lost yeah just just don't do it because we're not grounded right most of us don't we can't see clearly it's almost like we're in a fog or you know we've been through a storm and there's like mud on our windshield there's just so much crud and we're not we're not seeing clearly but if you
just give yourself a little bit of time and space to rest it's all going to come back to you and you're going to know exactly whether it's like oh wait this nine to five job wait there's actually things that I can do to make this thing a beautiful expression or I'm complete here and I feel absolutely certain about that you're not going to be afraid that you're making the biggest mistake in your life where something else is going to come along because you had the wisdom to listen to your soul and your higher self not
your ego does that make sense makes sense perfect sense so that that was part one I that that was the thing that I really wanted to say to you because your next chapter is coming but it's not here yet and I always like to use this analogy because it's a beautiful analogy and it's very very true so it's like when you've had a big burst which you've had for the past couple years it's like do you know when flowers especially here in spring in New York City like my tulips like they're like they had their
moment the daffodils had their moment and now they're like okay we're done and so they fall to the ground and then they have this moment these months where they have to then be still because they're not going to rise again they're not going to have another Bloom for a bit but for us as humans that be still and that re-fertilization and that kind of going back in so that we can create something new for people like us this is the hardest but your question and your energy tells me that's where you are right now so
I just need you to honor that and not fight it because it'll make it take longer and it'll be more painful and then the second thing I want to say to you just as a human that one of the things I had to discover ReDiscover during um when this started happening for me I had it to take a closer look at my health so I don't know if you've done this recently or if you have access to this but getting any type of like blood work done or even just in all honesty being real simple
with yourself like what's the nutrition I'm putting in my body is it working for me am I moving this physical body enough do you know am I doing things that really will help this vessel give birth to my next chapter in a way that is really clear and Powerful for me because at least in my case I didn't realize that there were things that were cool for me in my like you know childhood teens and early 20s that then it's like oh hit the 40s like nope no good for you anymore mama okay okay am
I right but it's like we're we're habitual creatures by Nature so we want to keep doing the same that we've done for the other decades and it's like no no girl you did a whole new game plan for this one for what's coming up next so if any of that resonates for you that's another great area to look at in this period of rest where you're like what does my body crave now what's going to be really nutritious and powerful and nourishing for me now what's going to set me up to win and to have
all of my incredible energy and Clarity in my mind and my body and my soul for who I am now does that resonate it makes perfect sense I I was forced four years ago to look at my health not because I said oh let's go look at the health I was I was hospitalized so I had to look at my own and a lot of what you've said it really does resonate because that's what I've been doing but I just felt like I was doing the wrong thing I'm supposed to be up I'm supposed to
be about I'm supposed to be doing this I'm supposed to be doing that I'm not supposed to be trying to get no rest so I'm very glad you've said it because I feel better and I feel like I'm just not letting the days go by like time is of the essence like I that's pretty much like as you said it is burnout it is absolute burnout that is exactly what yes and you have so much more creativity in you and so much more life in you and so many more things that are coming it's like
think about these little seeds that are in your soul right now right and they want to be nourished and for them the form of sunlight and the form of water is probably coming in the form of some rest and some peace whereas again I'm speaking for myself too when I'm the stress ball looking for like well what do I gotta create next and I have to do with the pace episode it's like that's a shitty environment for any seed to grow right it's like I'm destroying that seed it's not gonna grow there yeah so same
thing it's like oh what does that need and it could be about asking and getting quiet and getting still or in meditation or in prayer asking like oh what do I really need right now not listening to this thing listening to this thing yeah because that's the strongest part of UK so let me can I ask how do you keep still like I've been still for a day like okay it's been a day do I need to keep still for a day more like no no no you don't so it's not even about Stillness per
se but I think let me ask you this question do you know the difference between when you're doing like something restful and enjoying versus when you're stressing yourself out trying to push yourself to a limit yeah like for example yeah right but my body literally shuts itself though when I'm doing something stressful and pushing myself to the Limit it literally is correct and what do you do what's interesting to you right now that's really fun and that you could do joyfully um spend time with unfortunately my family um not unfortunately I was gonna say sometimes
it can be a large part of the stress but spending time with my family moving dancing um just even just creating sometimes um even writing so there's there's a long list I have but sometimes I don't know sometimes I'm like okay literally yeah okay yes pay attention to that track that let yourself do the things that are really joyful for you and fun so if it's being with your family great if you need to break from them great we all do every once in a while please um the dancing all that stuff and the writing
and creating not for any purpose and then I think it would be helpful too for you in all honesty take this or leave it but just tracking what's happening when you feel those times of like oh my God I'm exhausted you know what did you eat the last couple days what were you doing who are you interacting with because I found that sometimes for me tracking some of those things really gives me some insight like oh I was doing this is not good for me anymore but I didn't realize it so and we don't know
the time limit I know part of us like well how long do I need to it's not necessarily about being still it's giving yourself permission to just be a lot easier on you than you have been before getting in top Health full shape yes what that means for you now and then praying and working on okay what's my next chapter you're not going to be able to push this it's not going to happen in a week girl you're gonna have to give it a little bit more but trust me when I say when you honor
the calling of your soul even when it needs to be quiet and still a little bit what's going to come forth from that is going to be way better than what your ego mind is trying to push forth right now because that's old that's old you yeah you don't need that anymore yeah well thank you cool thank you so much Marie oh keep me posted I'm with you there are many of us with you by the way and this is a beautiful period I was saying to Greg who's uh my hair magic guy I was
like you know change is awesome in life and transitions suck they're really uncomfortable it could be really you know what I mean they're like frightening they're Panic stricken when we're when we're in between chapters it's really really hard but some of the most beautiful things come out of it and being gentle with yourself during that transition time it's key thank you yeah it's a transition time and I I think that that's that's I like how you say it it's a transition time and I just need to be patient with the process I know that it's
a transition time and just right ride the course right right the course baby you can't brush Clarity but it'll come to you I promise when you're gentle with you thank you so much Kay you're fantastic I appreciate your questions so much thank you Marie come on wasn't K amazing saying that was honestly one of my favorite conversations in a while so I'm curious what Insight or aha was really meaningful for you out of that conversation and the most important thing you know it how are you going to put that insight into action starting right now
I want you to tell me in the comments below it's really important and by the way if you enjoyed this episode hit that like button hit the Subscribe button go do it right now it is so meaningful and so important not only will you not miss out on any episodes coming up but it really helps us reach more of our beautiful community so thank you so much for that and until next time stay on your game and keep going for your dreams because the world really does need that very special gift that only you have
thank you so much for being here love you so much and I'll see you soon doing stuff non-stop is pretty much in my DNA I mean I've been working consistently since I was 10 years old yes I've taken vacations but this idea of completely closing down your entire company for an extended period of time that's pretty radical at least for me
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