The trending POD Product that makes $150 profit per sale (Print on Demand tutorial)

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The trending POD Product that makes $150 profit per sale (Print on Demand tutorial) Guess what? I'v...
Video Transcript:
when a lot of people think of print on demand they think low profit and while yes some print on demand products can make lower profit there are some out there that have huge profit margins and I just found a bestselling product on Etsy which can be done through print on demand which is also able to make over $150 per sale so in today's video we're going to go over what this product is where to Source it what niches are doing well and stay to the end where we'll even be making our own design using Ai
and I'll show you exactly how to do that in minutes when I was doing research for blankets I was starting to notice that there's a lot of the ones like this one which are woven blankets that have the bestseller icon scrolling down we have another one here looks very similar another one here and at first I thought these were things that would have to be done at home it does not look like a print on demand product at all until I found where they Source them from well for print of demand I do use printify
they are my favorite print on demand supplier guten does have some different products available that I couldn't exactly get on printify and that includes this woven blanket in guten they actually have a collection of woven items including this woven blanket and if we take a look at this this looks exactly like those best sellers on Etsy it has the same Fringe on the end and the sizing is the same that they sell as well and if we take a look here the smallest size which is 52x 37 in which is still pretty big is 2640
and the 60x 80 is $54.90 and for how big of a product this is to ship within the US starts at $8.99 for the standard shipping which is a very very good shipping price for print on demand and coming back to Etsy I've looked up woven blankets and we're going to see how well these are doing using everb so I'm going to use my product analytics and I'm going to sort by monthly sales and find the ones that match this type of print on demand product and this one looks exactly like that product here it's
a customized version and this is selling 75 times per month and when we open this up we can see the sizes match the guten sizes 57x 52 37x 52 50x 60 and 60x 80 but take a look at how much they are selling these for the smallest size is going for $159 with the largest size being 209 us and they're charging $23 for shipping doing some quick math with that adding the selling price with what they're charging minus how much guten is charging for both the product and shipping these smallest size is making them 146
in profit with the largest size making them $168 in straight profit and that seriously has to be one of the biggest markups I've seen doing really really well with a print on demand product so let's study what's doing well in this Niche and make our own studying the best sellers we have that personalized letter one that we saw we have one where someone's able to put their own photo on the blanket we have this one here which is a mama bear it's kind of a cute little cottage Core bear with a bunch of florals around
it we have another dinosaur pattern one here a book one we have this kind of butterfly floral one here I'm seeing a lot that I would describe as cottage core cuz I definitely pictured these types of woven blankets being at a cottage or somewhere more foresty and if we scroll down we're going to see more florals we have more be Woodland Cottage core again this one here so the direction that I'm probably going to try taking these is to a cotage core Vibe so first coming back to guten we need to grab the print size
that we're going to need for each of these so if you're planning to sell every single size you would select all these select your type of design if you're going to be using a graphic or you're going to be using a photo you can pick based on whatever you're planning to sell or you can select both for now and I'm going to continue and then from here at the side here we're able to see for the 37x 52 the print size that we need is 3552 by 4992 for the larger sizes we have 900 by
12,000 pixels so we need to make sure that our files are big enough to get a good quality print still to this day I still really like to use mid journey to help out with a lot of print on demand designs so if you want to use AI to help you create these you're going to need to go to Mid Journey sign up you need to make sure you have Discord and then you can click add mid journey to Discord which is then going to open up your Discord app and then you're going to have
the mid Journey Boton there or if you prefer to start from Discord this is Discord and what you can do is you can hit add a server we're going to join a server and then you can just type in mid Journey which is going to create this mid Journey server for you and then you can go to one of the newcomer rooms and in the chat box type Dash subscribe and if we hit Dash subscribe we're now going to get the link so that we're able to actually sign up for Mid Journey so it's going
to give you this link right here to manage your account so you can click on this and log in and sign up now once you've actually subscribed and you are now paying for Mid Journey which you need to do if you want to use these for commercial use and if you want to set up a private Channel with mid Journey so you're not sharing a room with thousands of people what you're going to want to do what you need to do first to be able to create that private server so we can start making prompts
is under your Discord you're going to hit the plus add a server and you're going to create your own you can name it whatever you'd like and then it's going to pop up on on the side you can see I have a few different ones here and then you're going to find the mid Journey bot and you're going to click on the name here and we're going to hit add app and now we're going to add it to that new server that we just created once that's done you are going to have a private Channel
you're going to see you online along with the mid Journey bot there's going to be no one else in here and now you're able to actually start putting in prompts and to do that what we're going to do is in the message we're going to type slash imagine and then I'm going to hit enter and now we're able to put in our prompt and since I'm going for cottage core I'm going to type in something like create a cottage core pattern with mushrooms frogs and bears and then what I'm going to do is I'm going
to be putting in D- AR and then you're going to put in your aspect ratio which is the the size of your file that we got from the guten page so the aspect ratio was 9,000 to 12,000 it might not allow for that big we're going to give a try but if you condense that down that's really an aspect ratio of 3: 4 let's see what it gives us with this and it actually condensed that down to 3: 4 anyway and now these are four options that this mid Journey bot created for us and I
think some of them look fantastic some of them the animals I don't know what it created there are some messed up bears in here but if you don't like any of them you're able to roll and create four new options if you kind of liked one you're able to hit V1 V2 V3 V4 V1 means variations so I'm going to create different variations of number one or different variations of number two and I think I actually like number three so I'm going to try creating variations of V3 but I'm also going to roll as well
and see what other options I get because I'm not really sold yet on any of these and I didn't quite like the results I got so I just played with a prompt a little bit and I tried two different ones which is create a Cottage Car background with mushrooms and bears and then I changed the background and I also tried a version with the mushrooms and frogs with a natural green background and this is giving me results that I like a whole lot more and if I take a look at this one here I'm really
really liking this top one and this bottom one think right now I'm going to go with this V3 version so what I'm going to do is go to u3 which means upscale three which means it's going to give us a bigger version of this file and then we're going to want to make this even bigger and I'm going to upscale this again now once I'm happy with this I'm going to save this and I do like to do this from browser just in case the file slightly bigger from there and then once it opens I'm
going to rightclick this save image as and save it to my downloads Now using canva I just want to make sure that this file is good enough quality that when it's blown up it's going to print well and unfortunately we couldn't open a 9,000 by 12,000 pixel file in canva it's a little too large so I cut it in half and the max I was able to do but while still keeping a 3: four ratio was 3,000 pixels x 4,000 and I opened our file here and zooming in it still looks pretty good but when
I'm actually saving it this is where I want to pay attention I'm going to increase the file size until we get to our 9,000 by 12,000 I'm going to save this as a JPEG so the file isn't as large and then I'm going to download this and then I'm just going to open that file on my computer zoom in make sure it doesn't look pixelated if it does I'm actually going to go back into canva and use the canva image resizer to make this better quality so if you're back in canva and you're finding your
file is not looking too crisp what I would do is go back to your file click edit image and just at the bottom here we're going to use the image upscaler here to make this a Sharper Image so we can blow it up a little bit more and it'll still look crisp so now coming back to guten we're going to upload our file if we plan to sell it exactly like this and you're going to hit bulk upload artwork and now you're able to see how this looks and because I did bulk apply this is
actually going to rescale for the other sizes and it might cut it off a bit so if you did want to scale your image before you can create a few different file sizes and you can hit replace artwork on the different sizes but honestly this looks pretty good on all of these so I'm going to hit continue and now we're able to see what this looks like on all the different sizes of blanket that we're offering so here's the biggest one we have one that's slightly larger here this is the 50x 60 so it's a
little bit fatter but I'm just going to make sure that all of these look good before publishing to my store and once you have your Etsy store store connected to guten your Etsy store is going to show up as a sales Channel and you're going to be able to publish to Etsy so this shows up on your Etsy account and then when you get a sale guten is automatically going to print and ship this product for you so you don't ever have to actually weave these yourself print these yourself ship these yourself it is all
handled by guten and you are still getting an insane profit margin and extra tip to create some added value on top of these but add personalization options lately in 2024 we seeing personalization just take over everything whether that's letting someone put a custom date on the blanket adding in a custom photo adding in a custom name just like that note one where someone could actually change the text there was a mama bear one that looked pretty close to the design that we made except they could put the name of their mom on it so people
would do that using canva they would still sell on Etsy but you would just have to change the file every time you get a sale and upload it to that listing or that sale within guten so if you're someone who doesn't want to sell what everyone else is selling with print on demand consider selling woven blankets make sure to add value differentiate yourself from what other people are doing I highly recommend getting your own samples as well just to make sure the quality is up to par but taking a look at these I've seen whoever
selling these has five stars across the board but maybe you want one for yourself anyway if this was helpful please drop a like And subscribe it would help me so much thank you guys and I'll see you next week
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