before we pray I'd like to share a short message and then we'll pray together I want to encourage you today to praise God in advance regardless of what you're going through whatever it is you're praying for whether it's healing from an illness a breakthrough in your life or a change in your circumstances thank the Lord for the miracle that's already in motion praise him for the Breakthrough that is already on its way even though you can't see it yet even when what's right in front of you might suggest otherwise choose to give God the glory
and honor he deserves knowing that he is already working things out for your good here's the powerful truth that will change the way you approach life's challenges when you praise God in advance you are shifting your Focus you're taking your attention away from the problems the pain the frustration and all the things that are trying to weigh you down and you're placing it on Jesus Christ the one who is greater than all of your struggles this act of Praise isn't about ignoring the difficulties you face it's about acknowledging that no matter how overwhelming things might
seem right now Jesus is bigger than it all his power his grace and his love far exceed any obstacle that's the beauty of praising God in advance when you praise him in the midst of your struggle you are saying to the challenges before you you do not have the power to steal my praise yes the situation might be uncomfortable yes the pain might be great yes you might feel overwhelmed by the circumstances in your life but when you lift your eyes toward God and your voice in Praise You are boldly declaring Jesus is still bigger
than all of this no matter how tough it gets he is always greater and he is worthy of all the praise when you praise God in advance you're acknowledging that he is bigger than all the worries and challenges you face he is bigger than the difficult conversations with your supervisor at work he is bigger than the financial struggles that seem overwhelming he is bigger than the Betrayal of someone you trusted you're saying Lord even though my car is breaking down my relationships are falling apart and I don't know how I'm going to make ends meet
I trust that you are bigger than in all of this your praise in advance declares that no situation no hardship no circumstance is greater than the power and faithfulness of our God there is so much power in praising God in advance even when it's not easy it's an act of faith that frees you from the weight of worry and fear you're saying Lord I don't have all the answers but I trust that you do and I trust that you are already at work on my behalf as Believers we are called to praise God not just
for the blessings we can see or for what we hope to receive but for who he is we praise him for his amazing sacrifice for his unconditional love which is so vast that he sent his only son to die for us so that we could have eternal life with him that love alone is reason enough to praise him even before we see the answers to our prayers so today I encourage you to take a stand whatever you're facing right now remember that it is not bigger than Jesus Christ whatever you're going through whether it's a
difficult season an impossible situation or a moment of doubt it can never be bigger than the Lord he is Almighty the all powerful one who holds your life In His Hands he knows your struggles he sees your pain and he is bigger than anything you could ever face consider the story of Paul and Silas in Acts 16 acts 16: 25 and 26 it says about midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God and the other prisoners were listening to them suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison
were shaken at once all the prison doors flew open and everyone's chains came loose despite being beaten imprisoned and Shackled they didn't focus on their chains or the dark prison cell they didn't focus on the gods or the uncomfortable situation they found themselves in instead they chose to focus on God at midnight they began to pray and sing hymns to God lifting their voices in Praise despite their suffering they trusted God in the most difficult of circumstances and their praise led to a miraculous breakthrough it wasn't their complaints or their doubts that moved God it
was their praise in the same way when you praise God in advance you're inviting him to move in your life in ways you may not even expect your praise has the power to shake the very foundations of your struggles break the chains that are holding you and open doors that you thought were permanently closed now let us come before the Lord in prayer dear God Almighty ruler of the universe creator of all things you are Divine in all your ways today I lift my heart in praise and adoration to you Lord for all that you
have already done are doing right now and will continue to do in my life I thank you in advance for your Miracles and blessings that are on the way I pray for every person under the sound of my voice and in agreement we say thank you Jesus for the healing that you are bringing into our lives we believe that because of your stripes we are healed physically emotionally and spiritually we are made whole in you and we give you all the glory for the work you are doing in US Lord I thank you in advance
for the breakthroughs that are already set in motion thank you for opening doors of opportunity that only you can open thank you for pouring out your most wonderful and divine blessings from the windows of Heaven I praise you in advance because I know that my cup will overflow with favor and blessings that flow from your abundant grace far beyond anything I could ask or think you are the almighty and I praise you in advance for restoring marriages for mending broken relationships and for healing broken homes thank you for bringing peace to the hearts of those
who are hurting I trust you to put back together what the enemy tried to tear apart I praise you for reconciling families for rebuilding trust and for heing feeling hearts that have been Shattered by pain and disappointment your word in Deuteronomy 28:12 promises the Lord will open the heavens the storehouse of his bounty to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none this promise fills me with hope knowing that you are the God who provides for every
need I Praise You Lord and I thank you for this promise of abundant provision I open my heart to receive your blessings I thank you for blessing the work of my hands for making me a lender to many nations and not a borrower though my eyes may see situations that make me feel upset or discouraged my faith sees a God who is bigger than all of it I trust in you Lord and I pray praise you in advance for Lifting me out of any pit of despair and placing my feet on Solid Ground you are
the one who raises us up from the depths and sets us on a high and steady place you are bigger than my financial struggles you are bigger than the debts that weigh me down even bigger than the silver and gold of this world my eyes may see lack but my faith sees you as the provider my my eyes may see sickness but my faith sees you as the Healer my eyes may see danger but my faith sees you Jesus as my protector you are my shield and my Fortress and in you I find Refuge I
praise you today Lord because your word tells us that you are able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think Psalm 150:2 says praise him for his mighty Acts Praise Him according to his excellent greatness I praise you Lord for your greatness you are greater than anything I could ever face may you always be the center of my desires and the focus of my praise may I never lose sight of your goodness your greatness and your constant presence in my life I will bless the Lord with all my soul and I will
not forget any of your benefits you have forgiven all my iniquities you have healed all my diseases and you have redeemed my life from the pit you have taken me from darkness and crowned me with your steadfast love and mercy you have been faithful Lord even when I was faithless you have been my anchor in the storms my strength when I was weak and my comfort in times of trouble you are worthy of all our thanks and worship Lord because you have made us a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation thank you for
calling us out of the darkness and into your Marvelous Light father I am strengthened by your peace and refueled by your joy above all I stand in faith expecting and anticipating a mighty move of your hand over my life I trust you completely knowing that you are already at work and that your plans for me are always good I praise you in advance for what you are about to do in my life and I watch with anticipation for your divine intervention in advance I praise you and I trust you completely believing that you will move
in ways I cannot yet see but will surely come to pass you are faithful and you will always make a way where there seems to be no way in the mighty name of Jesus I pray amen if this prayer has touched your heart please type amen as a sign of faith I pray that every blessing in this prayer is now upon you in the name of Jesus and if you need a special prayer feel free to let us know in the comments we would be honored to pray for you May the grace and peace of
of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always