BASHAR: This is ALL YOU NEED for Survival! | Darryl Anka

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Darryl Anka is a notable figure in the world of metaphysical and spiritual exploration, renowned for...
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Bashar has defined seven basic needs that we need in life that will actually fulfill us and these are based on the idea of what it takes to thrive in physical reality in other words without these you would actually die either quickly or slowly uh or you would feel depressed and start to go downhill so number one of course is air you need to breathe you'll be dead within minutes without it now I understand there are exceptions to this throughout the legends of humanity where people don't eat for a long time or don't drink water for
a long time and and they're doing fine but these are the exceptions what I'm talking about is the average for everyone so you need air you need water you need to sleep you need to reconnect to Spirit you need to dream more specifically they've done studies that show that if you sleep but are deprived of dreaming you actually can go psychotic in about 11 to 12 days and therefore you can go spiraling downward from that of course then physically you need food to thrive uh because you'll die without food in a matter of weeks and
then it shifts into a little bit more broad idea of what you need in terms of shelter shelter doesn't necessarily mean you need a house it means you need an environment that is conducive to physically thriving so sometimes there are areas on the planet like certain tropical environments where people can live outside very comfortably without necessarily needing a physical shelter a physical house so the idea is the environment needs to be conducive to thriving physically as well the next thing the sixth thing is you need connection or relationship to something again doesn't have to be
a human being can be with an animal can be with a tree can be with the cosmos as long as you feel a sense of connection belonging relationship then you will thrive in physical reality the final thing is what we might call self-expression or acting on your passion and this is what dovetails into the formula that Bashar talks about all the time is you have to be yourself and express yourself and not be suppressed in doing so you have to really be you and not be something that you're not the most difficult thing in the
reality is to try and be someone you're not so being yourself expressing yourself creatively lovingly artistically whatever that means to you is something that's vital for us to thrive in physical reality and therefore these seven things will be the things that will fulfill your life sometimes sometimes your wants may coincide with your needs but very often the ego gets lost and confused and about what it is that it wants and what you want may not actually be what you need at that moment there are a lot of people that have certain things they've said they
wanted but they're still not happy in their life so what you need will fulfill you what you want May sometimes but not always so if you're going to want I would would suggest you want what you need because that will fulfill you hello darel and welcome to B Freedom show how are you today I'm good thank you so much for having me today I appreciate it thank you sir thank you for accepting my invitation now I'd like to ask you a question right away about the parallel realities I know there is a many many parallel
lives and parallel reality is going on in the same time well I think one of the best analogies that Bashar often uses is our television so if you are watching a program you know that there are hundreds of other television programs playing at the same time but they're separated from the one you're watching by a slight difference in their frequency or the channel that they're on in other words so if you change the channel you get a different program but they're all still playing the same time and the one you were just watching could still
be playing even after you changed the channel so he's basically saying that reality is structured like that all the realities are like the programs all playing simultaneously and they're only separated by a difference in their frequency so it's all about resonance it's all about vibration it's all about frequency that keeps all those different realities all those different timelines from interacting with each other however because our Consciousness is now expanding because we are starting to understand the concept of parallel realities sometimes our bandwidth can now get bigger and people can start picking up on more than
one reality at the same time and this causes things like sometimes like what we call Deja Vu it sometimes causes what we call the Mandela effect and other kinds of psychic phenomena where we're tapping into parallel realities that may be operating uh a little bit ahead of ours or a little bit behind ours not in sync and picking up on information and bringing it through so I think there's actually a lot of bleed through now from different parallel realities because our own Consciousness bandwidth has gotten a little bit broader so it be like suddenly on
your television seeing two or three shows overlapping at the same time on your TV screen yeah so this is true that right now we are kind of moving it's a big shift in Consciousness around the world but I would say around our Collective Consciousness well five density is non-physical so the idea is that we are third density beings tapping into fifth density energy which is our soul and creating a fourth density physical I reality in the middle so that's how we're raising our vibration uh to become more evolved okay that's interesting so we can create
our own realities if we tune to a correct frequency right well we're creating our realities anyway so yes you can create the reality you prefer by turning tuning into a different frequency that's more in alignment with who you really are as a spirit as a soul so it's about what you're tuning into we're already creating our reality experience we can't help but do that that's that's how we're made so this is all about positive thinking or negative thinking affirmations to yourself that you are doing well and gratitude what affirmations to yourself that you feel terrible
so you basically tuning into different realities every time you think thoughts yes but it's also deeper than that because it's not just about what you think it's about what you believe to be true so beliefs generate emotions and thoughts and behaviors and then that creates an experience that reinforces that belief and makes it seem like a fact but it starts with your belief system or you know whatever definition about yourself compared to what you're experiencing that you buy into as being the most true definition for you so positive negative neutral yeah so when this big
she and Consciousness started well yeah I mean there are markers there are different moments where things accelerate things upgrade things shift a little bit I mean it's a constant progression but we know that we've had some major shifts in 2012 we know that we've had some major shifts in 2020 like you said but I think what we're experiencing right now according to uh what bashara said and a lot of other psychics have said is we're going through a 30-year reset for Humanity so from 2020 to 2050 it's like we're entering a completely new phase where
at the end of that shift we're going to be doing things that are very different than the way we're doing them now so we're in the middle of it and there are markers along the way but it is a progression and it's been going on yes for quite some time so we'll be creating more without Minds versus with our hands even right now with the internet even social media right now we're doing creating everything with our minds sure yes and of course that'll keep going but we're not going to give up the idea of physical
reality it still requires physical actions that create things like the internet you still have to build things create things physically in order to represent the shifts in our Consciousness you have to do both because action is the language of physical reality thoughts and energy you know and language on that level that's good for our cre creative side but we have to do something with that if we're going to remain a physical being for a while so you have to do both um darel can you explain the sentence end of simulation um the simulation is our
simulation it's not coming from outside we are creating it we create physical reality as a simulation as a reflection so we're going through an evolution we're going through changes and shifts it's not ending as a simulation we are still going to be experiencing physical reality just on a higher level so we're ending a lower vibration of of the simulation and shifting it to a higher vibration of the simulation so that it's more in alignment with the frequency of our soul so we will start seeing through the simulation we are starting to understand it is a
simulation but it's our simulation and and that's I think what he might mean by the end of the simulation it's the end of the illusion that it's something happening outside of us and the understanding that we're the ones creating it therefore we can manipulate the simulation more consciously because now we are aware that it's our projection it's our creation Now I heard that if we have a traumatic experience let's say in childhood or in the past we can fix the past we can change the past with our thoughts if you change yourself in the present
you automatically change the past now if you feel like there is still something going on from the past you have to remember you're recreating that in the present every moment so in other words I'll put it this way we are experiencing physical reality it's a linear SpaceTime idea that contains the concepts of past present and future future so when we change ourselves enough in the present and we become a different person in the present in order for it to make sense in linear physical reality in SpaceTime reality you have to have had a different past
in order to have become the different person you are in the present so anytime you change yourself you change everything all the way up and down the timeline because it has to make sense linearly for what has happened to make you who you are today but if you are still looking at things that you say come from the past all you're doing is saying I haven't learned a lesson in this yet I'm recreating it over and over until I learn I don't need this anymore and then it will dissolve it will disappear you will no
longer be affected by it and the truth is when you change yourself and become different enough it's not that you're no longer affected by it you never were affected by it because you've completely changed the past to make sense out of the present person who doesn't have those issues at all and never has had those issues this kind of thing can be uh demonstrated and often is demonstrated sometimes in those examples we hear about where people have what used to be called multiple personality disorder now I think it's called dissociative identity disorder but the same
idea is that it has been recorded that people who have one personality expressing itself that personality may actually have a physical condition like a tumor or an allergy or something like that but when the personality shifts into a different person that literal physical issue is gone they don't have the allergy they don't have the tumor but when they shift back to the original personality they have it again so I think this is a perfect demonstration of the idea that we're talking about that when you truly become a different person in your belief system structure Everything
Changes including the past because how could a tumor just disappear it doesn't so much disappear it's that the new person has never had the tumor the new person has never had the allergy and it can change in an instant when you understand how to make that shift be something totally engaged with your Consciousness you can't just do it halfway you have to really know you are a different person you have to know that every change is a total change not a partial change you are a different person literally moment to moment to moment billions of
times per second as you're constantly creating your physical reality experience so whatever it is the definition you have of yourself is is what you will experience and it doesn't matter if you think you still look like the same person you're not the same person moment to moment so it's up to us to choose who we are every single moment let's say you look at the pictures of the past black and white photos when you were a child and you had a terrible childhood and you see those pictures and you relieving again those bad memories are
you coming back to the same person you used to be is it dangerous to to do that no but remember when you look at a photograph the photograph is being recreated by you in the present it's not actually a photo of the past it may represent the idea you're calling the past but the physical photo you're holding and looking at you are recreating it in the present because you're creating a simulation and for some reason you're saying I need to keep seeing this I need to keep relating to this this has to stay in my
presence again and again and again because usually there is something you can do to use that information to move forward to become different to move on but if you're not learning the lesson if you keep thinking for some reason in your belief system you have to keep recreating it reconnecting to that then yeah you keep recreating it but you're creating it in the present it's not actually of from the past it's actually from the present and you just haven't learned why it is you keep recreating this yet you have to get in touch with yourself
deeply to understand what lesson can you learn from this so you can let it go so that you can you know forgive and move on and and Free Yourself to be who you actually prefer to be instead of having a belief that says I'm stuck here I'm always going to be in trauma I'm always going to be a victim you're always constantly recreating that for a reason and the reason is you have a belief that it's necessary to hold on to that because you haven't learned some lesson that helps you move forward so when you
finally realize you can use those experiences as negative as they may have been in a positive way to move forward then you can begin to stop recreating that connection in the present and you can move on darel you mentioned de can you give us a little bit of explanation of deu people who don't know everybody heard the the term but not everybody understands it yeah Deja Vu is typically described as the experience of suddenly knowing what is about to happen because it feels like it's already happened before like you've already seen this and that you're
seeing it again there can be different mechanical reasons for that but one of them involves the possibility of tapping into a parallel reality so let's say again let's go back to the analogy of the television let's say you're watching a particular program and then you change channels and the other channel is also playing that program but maybe it's playing it out of sync so maybe the program on channel 2 is farther ahead than the program on the first channel so if there are different parallel realities they're not always in sync one reality may be very
similar to ours but it might already be let's say a year ahead in the future so you might pick up on that parallel reality and some incident that is happening in that reality in what to you is a year ahead in the future but now you're in your own timeline you picked that up unconsciously you're not aware that you've done that but then your reality catches up and it's a year later and suddenly you go wait a minute this feels so familiar it's like I've seen this before I've I've experienced this before why is that
because you've caught up to the parallel reality that you unconsciously perceive d a year before so that can be one reason for Deja Vu another reason can be Spirits basically plan their physical lives before they incarnate there are certain things you lay out I mean you have free will there's some give and take there's some leeway but certain events are laid out because they're important for your Soul's growth it's the agreement you made to experience certain challenges so that you can expand and grow so when the spirit lays out let's say the blueprint for that
physical life and then it incarnates and then there are times when there might be bleed through from that blueprint that you pick up on before you actually experience the manifestation physically so when you then finally experience the manifestation physically in your unconscious mind you realize that you've picked up on the fact that this was created in the spiritual blueprint of your life and now it feels like well wait a minute I've experienced this before but it's that you experienced it on the spirit level and now you're experiencing it on the physical level so yes I've
seen this before on another level and now it's happening in physical reality that can be another reason for Deja yeah you said that we plan our lives before we come back here now most people can't believe that they planned their own life the way it is because they're miserable a lot of people are miserable they say I could not do that so why they plan this particular life it's not that they planned to be miserable it's that they planned the challenge how they face the challenge is up to their Free Will as a physical person
so if they have been taught to have negative definitions and they're defining something in a negative way then yes they could experience that challenge as being miserable but if they say wait a minute I don't have to look at it this way this challenge can be experienced with curiosity and creativity and wonder and I can explore it in a positive way and I know that this can help me grow then it won't necessarily cause them to feel miserable so the challenge is just a neutral challenge how people relate to it and how people experience it
is up to the Free Will of the physical person who buys into either positive or negative beliefs and has a positive or negative relationship to the challenge that is in their lives that they planned to have for their own soul growth so it's about overcoming those negative definitions and assigning more positive definitions to things knowing that we did choose to experience the challenge for a purpose that can serve us instead of just assuming that there is something going wrong in our lives because this challenge came up so again it's all about how you define the
experience as Bashar often says it's not so much what happens that matters it's what you do with what happens that makes the difference in your life so you have to exercise your free will about how you approach The Challenge and that determines exactly how you're going to experience the challenge so that's up to you and that's totally in your control so basically is how we react to the situation it's not the situation itself it's our reaction to the situation yeah I mean it it sounds really odd for me to say this and I know that
it it doesn't translate well in our language at first but the truth is that life is meaningless and I don't mean that in a negative sense I just mean it doesn't have builtin meaning it's kind of like a set of neutral props and you are designed to give it meaning that's what we're doing yeah we're the co-creators we Infuse a situation with oh this is this means something good or this means something bad those are assumptions that we're making because of the way we've been taught and all this kind of stuff and we have to
overcome the idea of having a knee-jerk reaction and automatically defining something so quickly that it feels like there's no other way to look at it people say well that if that's bad and everyone would think that's bad and everyone knows that's bad no they don't and you really have to stop and pause and go how would I prefer to Define this now it doesn't mean that you start calling negative things positive things what I'm saying is if you stay in a positive State even if something was generated negatively you can still get a positive benefit
out of it by learning the lesson of why it's there what it was created for how it was created and transforming that experience into something positive so I'm not saying that you start looking at negative things and saying oh yeah that's positive no you can still recognize the energy that created it but you can also transform it in your experience of why it's in your life it doesn't have to lead to a negative experience just because it may have been created in a negative way so negative things can be used in a positive way positive
things can be used in a negative way again our Free Will and our definitions of what meaning we assign to things things determines exactly how we experience these things yes I heard the definition before that life doesn't have a meaning which is painful for us to accept how we we have a meaning we have a goal we have a mission here it makes a lot of sense what you said that we give it a meaning we create our own mission we create every second of Our Lives all the time yes I mean our purpose is
to be ourselves as fully as possible what we TR truly are and to discover new things about ourselves through this process we call physical reality because in space and time when you create the illusion of space and time then you create the ability to experience the process of change to discover something new A New Perspective a new understanding about yourself and your relationship to existence whereas in a Timeless State there's nothing new you know everything there's no change so we create this experience within our soul called physical reality as a projection as an illusion as
a simulation in order to forget who we are so we can remember who we are from a new point of view and that's how creation expands and grows the structure of existence never changes it's our relationship to it our perspective of it and our experience of it that's what changes and that's how creation expands and grows but how do people find out who they are because most people that I know have no idea who they are they are searching all the time and they don't know the idea is as Bashar explains it to understand what
it is that you are passionate about what it is that excites you in life what it is that attracts you in life and why that attracts you why you're curious about that why you're excited why you're passionate about it what he's explained is the soul communicates to the physical mind with energy messages the physical mind translates those energy messages from the soul saying this is who you are as the sensation we call passion excitement love curiosity creativity that's our translation of a message from the soul saying this is who you are this is your path
if you are willing to act on what it is you're passionate about then you are listening to the guidance of your soul and if you don't then the Soul is not going to send you more messages and more opportunities to act on your passion until you act on what it's already sent you because it would be pointless so you have to actually respond and you actually have to take the action because action as I said is the language of physical reality physical action once you do that and you're willing to act on that passion that
excitement to the best you can you are responding to your Soul's message saying yeah I heard you you're guiding me this is the next step I need to take and once you do that then the Soul can go okay the physical mind heard me it is willing to respond to me now we have a dialogue now I can send you more opportunities through synchronicity to exercise your passion your excitement your truth and that can keep going and it can roll and keep rolling and keep expanding but if you don't believe it if you refuse to
do it if you are not willing to move forward because you're afraid that something might go wrong then you're stopping the whole dialogue between you in your soul and you're not going to necessarily be the person that is in alignment with the path that you have chosen you can't really be off your path so even when you refuse to listen there's still a lesson possibility there you are still accepting that your soul is going to learn something from that whether it learns it in this life or after this life is not important you will learn
the lesson whether you have a positive or A negative response somewhere you'll learn the lesson but by having chosen to experience physical reality it is let's say more efficient while you're physical to accept what your soul is saying to you and experience the joy and love and creativity of being in alignment with those messages instead of waiting till you die and going oh yeah I get guess I could have paid attention to that but I didn't you still learn a lesson but now it's like well now maybe I want to create another Incarnation because maybe
this time I'll pay more attention to the soul and now you're kind of doing it all over again but that's up to you you know you have free will on every level and you can decide to do it now or do it later it doesn't really matter in the ultimate sense but if you're here you chose to be here you might as well have a good time while you're here you might as well express your self-empowerment and your creativity in service to humanity while you're here because being yourself lets you act like a living example
to others of what they could also choose for themselves so why not follow your path why not follow your passion in this life to the best you can at the very least you're going to have a much better time yeah I agree sir completely with you same page here but you see a lot of people have excuses I had a child I had a child to raise I had to take care of my old parents I had to had a job I had to had a four jobs I didn't have time for creativity I didn't
have time for music I didn't have time to do that I had to had obligations yeah well I'm not saying you avoid your obligations if they're really important in your life but the thing of it is is sometimes what people are defining as obligations could actually be part of their excitement if they would go about it in a different way and they when you are in alignment with your passion one of the things that starts amplifying in your life is synchronicity and synchronicity is the organizing principle it's the thing that tells you everything is connected
and everything happens in perfect timing there are no accidents so when you start aligning with synchronicity the things sometimes you thought you needed to do in a certain way you might realize can either be done in a different way that takes less time or don't need to be done at all or you can hire someone else to do them which can be part of your excitement as well if it's not part of yours to do it yourself but you have to be honest with yourself about whether you're the one coloring and dampening the excitement that
could be there or whether something is truly not vibrationally compatible with who you are so it takes a lot of honest self-investigation and a lot of willingness to not be afraid to move forward because when you do your life does organize itself and synchronicity will bring you what you need to do in the course of any particular day and at the end of the day when you are excited about resting going to sleep whatever didn't get done that day didn't need to be done that day you have to really trust the organizing principle of the
way synchronicity works that your day is filled exactly with what you needed to do and other things will be done tomorrow or the day after not meaning that you're putting them off or procrastinating it's just that it truly does organize your day so that what needs to be done in any given day gets done but again you have to really be willing to open up move forward not be afraid not think something bad's going to happen not use the excuses of I don't have time of course you do it's just what your priorities are all
about and if your priorities are to be yourself things start organizing themselves in a way that allows you to experience being yourself and that includes raising a child or having certain obligations that are part of your life part of why you're here but can be done in a more exciting way there's always a way that you can do things in a way that works better for you you don't have to do them the way other people do them everyone is unique everyone has their own way of doing things all you have to do is be
imaginative and creative enough to find them so basically if you follow your passion the doors open just keep keep going yeah yes just keep going don't be afraid that something bad's going to happen because passion can never make something bad happen it's when you step out of your passion that things kind of go sideways so you can't associate the idea of oh I'm following my passion and all these horrible things happen no you may have started acting on your passion but then for some reason you jumped out of it and went into an negative vibration
and that's why all these things are starting to feel more like blockages you have to look at your definitions of what you're calling a blockage and understand that it might just be your fear of moving forward that is creating your blockage so you have to examine why am I afraid what do I think is going to happen you know and realize that that's not necessarily a fact it's just a story that you're telling yourself or a story that's coming from the negative belief that's saying oh yeah if you move forward then this horrible stuff is
is going to happen and you're going to be destitute you're not going to have friends you won't be able to do this you won't be able to do that these are stories that we've been trained to tell ourselves to buy into the negative stories coming from the negative belief system which is trying to perpetuate itself and make sure you don't let it go this is how belief systems work remember you don't have a belief then you don't have a physical experience you have to believe something to be true to have this physical experience so positive
beliefs will perpetuate themselves and negative beliefs will perpetuate M El we don't care when the positive beliefs perpetuate themselves because that feels good but the negative beliefs can only use the tools that go along with negative beliefs so negative beliefs will amp up the fear that something bad will happen to make sure you never let it go if you can see through that as not a fact but just a story the negative belief is telling you in order to perpetuate itself and make sure you don't let it go then you can say this is just
a story I don't have to buy into do it I can let that go and I can understand that if I now choose a positive belief the universe will reinforce that unconditionally in the same way that it reinforces anything I decide is true because it is unconditional so if you say I'm going to buy into this negative belief creation says okay I will support you in buying into that negative belief totally unconditionally if you say I'm going to buy into this positive idea the universe also says I'm going to support you unconditionally in that you're
the one that has the power to choose that's our greatest gift so whatever you choose the universe is going to reinforce it because the universe is unconditional beautiful beautiful I completely agree with that now darel I would like to bring an example here that we can both relate I had two friends in Hollywood when I worked there I was there for about 10 years and one of the friends I don't want to drop names here but they wanted to be actors and one of them was Reading literature back then there was no internet it was
books about everything it was he was reading about everything that can go wrong in hollyw yeah the second guy didn't read anything he was just going partying and he was working as a waiter and he was just all the time happy and say I don't care I'm going to make it or not I he was just happy and he made it he's a big name in Hollywood right now and that guy just came back to to Ohio you know and nothing wrong with that maybe she just built a beautiful life over there when we came
back but this is an example that what happened yeah it's like you know what you buy into is what you experience you know it's what you feed so if you're constantly looking at how things can go wrong then you know things will feel like you're walking uphill or you're trying to swim upstream all the time if you simply trust that things can work out to your benefit even if it's not what you expect it's a lot smoother ride it's just a lot more effortless and things can magically happen when you're open to it happening in
any way shape or form because you don't all always know what the ideal outcome actually needs to look like we have to let go of our ego's thought that we always know what the best outcome should look like we honestly don't have a clue sometimes what the best outcome really needs to look like but if we're willing to trust our higher mind to bring it to us and learn our lessons then we get these amazing ing outcomes in the most unexpected ways through synchronicity so yeah it depends on how you approach life as to what
you experience yes so there is no right outcome we create the outcome ourselves yes we create the way that we experience the outcome but the outcome that will come to us is what we need we have to look at the idea that what we need will fulfill us more than the idea of often what we want because what we want some times comes from the ego what we need is what reality is showing us we need to grow based on our life path okay so what we need you mean that's what we planned before we
incarnate here what what we need is what is needed for our Evolution it's what was needed for our Evolution what is needed for our Soul's growth what is needed for us to experience our path in the most positive way so in other words Bashar has listed Seven basic needs now these are based on the idea of what we need to thrive in physical reality and without them we would either literally die or our spirit would feel like it's dying so number one of course is air you need to breathe you'll be dead within minutes without
it now I understand there are exceptions to this throughout the legends of humanity where people don't eat for a long time or don't drink water for a long time and and they're doing fine but these are the exceptions what I'm talking about is average for everyone so you need air you need water you need to sleep you need to reconnect to Spirit you need to dream more specifically they've done studies that show that if you sleep but are deprived of dreaming you actually can go psychotic in about 11 to 12 days and therefore you can
go spiraling downward from that of course then physically you need food to thrive uh because you'll die without food in a matter of weeks and then it shifts into a little bit more broad idea of what you need in terms of shelter shelter doesn't necessarily mean you need a house it means you need an environment that is conducive to physically thriving so sometimes there are areas on the planet like certain tropical environments where people can live outside very comfortably without necessarily needing a physical shelter a physical house so the idea is the environment needs to
be conducive to thriving physically as well the next thing the sixth thing is you need connect ction or relationship to something again doesn't have to be a human being can be with an animal can be with a tree can be with the cosmos as long as you feel a sense of connection belonging relationship then you will thrive in physical reality the final thing is what we might call self-expression or acting on your passion and this is what dovetails into the formula that Bashar talks about all the time is you have to be yourself and express
yourself and not be suppressed in doing so you have to be you and not be something that you're not the most difficult thing in the reality is to try and be someone you're not so being yourself expressing yourself creatively lovingly artistically whatever that means to you is something that's vital for us to thrive in physical reality and therefore these seven things will be the things that will fulfill your life sometimes sometimes your wants may coincide with your needs but very often the ego gets lost and confused and about what it is that it wants and
what you want may not actually be what you need at that moment there are a lot of people that have certain things they've said they wanted but they're still not happy in their life so what you need will fulfill you what you want May sometimes but not always so if you're going to want I would suggest you want what you need because that will fulfill you uh number six uh you said that uh connection so it doesn't have to be a physical connection with another person necessarily because most people think that yeah you got to
have a couple you have to be married you have to have a a couple to be happy so that's not true you can be happy just meditating or praying or doing what you love yes as long as you have a connection or feel the connection to the cosmos to all that is to one you can have a relationship with a rock but you have to feel the connection you have to feel a relationship that reflects something to you that allows you to discover more of who you are and and and to be of service in
a way that allows you to give to the other in the relationship whatever that may be in a way that also serves them so I mean you can have a relationship with Humanity in general by being of service to humanity it doesn't have to necessarily be with one person now very often it might be because different people will come into your life and you have relationships with people but it doesn't have to follow what Society thinks has to be the structure it can be friends it can be acquaintances it can be an animal it can
be anything as long as you're willing to be OBS service and receive what you are being served by in that relationship or again exploring the cosmos and having a relationship with all that is and giving back by being of service in some way shape or form as long as you feel connected you're fulfilling that need also about dreams because we believed that when you sleep and you don't have any dreams that's a great sleep and when you have a lot of Dreams it's a bad sleeping yeah no it it depends on the dream depends on
the dreams and whether you're at peace with yourself but you know the thing of it is is when we're asleep a lot of times we're having Adventures out of our body astral form and all that the spirit doesn't sleep only the physical body sleeps so the spirit is very busy while you're asleep very often what you remember as a dream can be a variety of different things and sometimes it can be literally memories of having had an adventure in another reality in another dimension but we have to have that spiritual connection because remember physical reality
isn't real and we have to maintain it that's one of the ways you know that physical reality isn't real is because it falls apart it it decays it dissolves over time and you have to maintain it so in order to maintain the idea of our simulation we have to reconnect to Spirit and we have to recharge our battery so to speak so that we can come back again and go okay here's another day I'm I have enough battery energy to maintain this physical simulation for another day but then I'm going to go to sleep I'm
going to reconnect I'm going to recharge reorient what's going on check in with myself check in with my Spirit guides my soul family whatever and then I'm going to come back and I'm going to wake up again in physical reality which is actually in a sense ironically going to sleep and then you are having this physical dream because remember you never leave Spirit that's your natural state you're there right now you're just pretending that you're not or a part of you is pretending that it's not and that's what we call physical reality so you have
to maintain that illusion you have to maintain that projection and reconnecting to your soul and reconnecting to your to your non-physical self is what gives you the energy to charge your battery to maintain this illusion again for another day or two or three or whatever your normal sleep cycle is so it's very important to do that otherwise again we break down we go psychotic we can't maintain continuity in this physical reality we lose it and we might take ourselves out you know yeah yeah that's what paramahansa was saying all the time about sleep he said
we connect into the cosmos we charge in our battery this is when we alive back to yeah when we sleep we're actually more awake and when we wake up actually more asle yeah that's interesting about dreams because I remember one dream I don't even remember I was a kid I believe or youngster I had a dream of flying over this big yellow like a meadow but it was a huge one it was like a city and I was flying I see that dream in a row for I don't know a week or two the same
dream and I was flying beautiful the feeling was so amazing and I saw in the distance very very far away some kind of forest in the distance blue sky and I'm just flying peacefully I remember that that dream until now well you know when we have astral projection in a sense we are flying and that can translate into that kind of a dream where we're seeing another reality we're on another plane in another parallel world or or the spirit realm because you know whatever it is in physical reality exists in non-physical As Above So Below
it's not as below so above it's As Above So Below things start in non-physical reality first that's where the template is that's where those realities are and then it manifests into physical reality so we can have Adventures and experience worlds realities all sorts of things in the astral form and then we go back to sleep and just focus it in this particular physical dream so that we can accomplish certain things that we wanted to accomplish here I remember I I heard you in podcast about Bashar predicting 2001 and 11 and then also big changes big
changes in 2016 we we know that Trump came to power does Bashar have any predictions for like near future 24 25 well he's recently talked about the idea of open contact starting uh being introduced to ETS that ETS exist and his uh prediction is somewhere around the end of 2026 or the beginning of 27 something is going to happen that will allow us to know we're not alone now he's not saying what that is he's not saying ships are going to land everywhere and ETS are going to step out and say hi he's just saying
there will be some event that will allow us to know we're not alone in the universe and that that is more likely to happen in the next couple of years sometime between 26 and 27 thereabout that we will be introduced to the idea that ETS do exist but he's not saying exactly what that event is now I'm pretty sure people know how to find you just by dialing D Anka Bashar but if you can say that again you know of course they can find anything out about bashar's information by going to B if
they want to know what I'm doing in terms of following my passion they can go to Daryl d a r y l n or they can go to the website of the escape room that I and my wife own which is one of my passions uh and come and have a good time by playing one of our adventures and they can go to boggled escaper B Ole D boggled escaper to see all the different things that I'm doing uh which is you know that writing books all sorts of stuff so they
can find out everything with those three websites okay the last question what is your definition of freedom being your true self you are free to choose that's our greatest power use the freedom to choose what really works for you what you really prefer a lot of times we can discover that by being of service to others and realize who we are what our path really is in this life but freedom is being yourself your true self not trying to be something you're not yeah um I agree 100% with that well thank you very much sir
thank you very much for your time and for patience with me because I don't know zoom and I'm in the middle of Philippines here thank so nice to meet you thank you very much thank you so much for doing this I appreciate that you have this uh Outlet as an opportunity to share this information and I wish everyone and you uh a wonderful rest of your day thanks same to you bye-bye [Music]
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