how to ruin your reality destroying the entirety of your reality is actually easier than you could ever imagine and what people don't realize about manifestation is that there's offense and there's defense and more often than not you're lacking D pause and in this particular video I'm going to show you six steps on how you can actually destroy the entirety of all the progress that you've been making because more often than not it's likely that you're watching videos taking notes make sure you leave them in the comments as usual and putting all of this stuff into
practice but unfortunately what you don't realize is my definition of manifestation is manifestation is internally shifting to a degree to which you're no longer emotionally dependent upon seeing reality change that process can be disrupted by six things that you do without even realizing that quite literally throw everything in vain so as you can see our boy right here is on his knees paes and heartbreak broken Earth this is your world destroyed and that's an explosion you can't tell me I'm not getting better at Jan we spent 30 minutes on this right so let's get into
it how often do you change that spray every week you know I like it what bro me too bro me too yo one of the before you start yeah consult someone make sense of this hi to you and AJ full stop looking like Daddy what hi to you and AJ looking like Daddy yes is she saying me or you or us I have no clue I'm going to assume it's you though you're going to assume it's me yeah I think that's just the cop heart to be honest with the big ass shoulders my shoulders aren't
that big bro they're literally not that big oh oh I seen what the guys put in the chat a screen recording of um when I said all I want this year is shoulders like n okay uh for real Okay cool so guys as I said destroying the entirety of your reality simply comes from you scrambling your frequency what you have to understand about the nature of reality is that the frequency that you output corresponds to a particular reality and unfortunately more often not there's not a particular level of clarity in the frequency that you're outputting
you have to understand if you send mixed signals to the universe you unfortunately confuse the universe and the universe having you established at a pre- energetic level that is somewhat what it's used to it will drop you back to that level even if you do make an attempt to change that frequency so as I said your frequency in order for you to materialize your reality it needs to be clear and it needs to be strong these six things that people don't realize that they do destroy your frequency each and every time it confuses it and
scrambles it and unfortunately a confused frequency will only lead to a reality of equivalent confusion because before anything can exist physically it first must exist vibrationally so we have to make sure that yes you're doing everything that you need to be doing but you also need to be protecting your frequency because if you do not protect your frequency then the world will calibrate your frequency and if the world can calibrate your frequency it can put you into a reality that it wants you to be in and best believe it will if you do not brainwash
yourself you'll be brainwashed if you do not program yourself you will be programmed if you do not calibrate and tune your own frequency the world will calibrate and tune your frequency for you so it's important that I get you guys to understand how first this process materializes because really and truly reality is nothing more than a materialization of Consciousness Consciousness being interchangeable with frequency also being interchangeable with imagination or mind it's all the same it's all the same thing it really doesn't matter how want to conceptualize it all that matters that you understand the prerequisite
to materialization of your reality because what people don't realize is that they play the game of reality backwards due to the fact that we are conditioned to associate action with result not understanding the multi-dimensional explanation of how reality is materialize we end up working ourselves into a trap which is actually one of the steps but the first thing if you want to ruin your reality just do this one thing in fact do all of these things but just do this one thing you know I know how that CL can't even handle me right now man
I would have done crazy drugs back then if I was allowed to go to clubs in those time periods honestly the worst thing you can actually do is complain now let me explain why if you want to ruin your reality please complain about your reality please just keep doing why not do it and here's why complaining ruins your reality and please extrapolate this to whatever particular condition that you're going through if you extra if you complain about your finances if you complain about relationships if you complain about how you're treated in the world if you
complain about your workplace if you complain about how um your world looks like all of these things complaining is a confession these are my confessions it's a confession of your state of consciousness what do I mean by that when you complain what you're doing without realizing is giving reality strength you're giving reality strength because you're acknowledging it and you're saying this is real this is so real that this is a problem for me and this is so much of a problem for me that whatever you're complaining about you allow it to alter your internal you
allow the external to alter the internal ironically when the internal is altered the external is altered and what you have to understand is besides what these spiritual [ __ ] will tell you none of this information I guys I've read over 400 books I've been studying this stuff for years I still go through [ __ ] just like the rest of you [ __ ] and what you have to come to an understanding of is that this particular spiritual archetype that they present that everything is going to be perfect and you're never going to have
issues is actually in direct opposition to the nature of the universe the nature of the universe is polarity and Rhythm you'll be Swang back and forth the pendulum swings back and forth there'll be highs and there's lows it's inoc escapable you're always going to go through [ __ ] in reality but how you navigate that particular level of adversity is what makes all the difference and one thing that we often do without realizing is complaining about the very circumstances that we're going through we'll complain that oh they don't want to hire me at my job
oh business has been slow oh men are trash women are hoes so on and so forth we'll complain about all these particular experiences that we go through without realizing that that particular degree of complain complaining is a confession of our state of consciousness our state of Consciousness will always be materialized into reality because Consciousness and reality are one and when you complain about a circumstance what you're not realizing is that you're admitting that this particular circumstance possesses the capability to alter your internal and if your internal is altered as within as without listen to that
order as within as without on Earth as it is in heaven what you're essentially saying is that whatever particular form of adversity has the capability of altering your internal and your internal ultimately reflecting to your external you can see how the chain of events go on and play and it gets even worse because what you don't realize about complaining is that complaining comes with a particular degree of frustration it comes with irritation it comes with annoyance anger sadness Despair and what you don't realize is that more often than not you have to understand emotion is
the most powerful energy source in this entire universe they say your thoughts create reality not all thoughts are made equal that's so borrow that down and the thoughts that possess the most power are the thoughts that have emotion behind it because the vibration is completely altered due to the frequency of emotions themselves because emotion is the energy emotion energy emotion is an energetic signature which we call a vibration that vibration eventually gains momentum becomes a frequency that frequency becomes a reality if I can control your emotions I can control your energy emotion if I can
control your energy emotion I can control your vibration if I can control your vibration I can control your frequency and if I can control your frequency I can control your reality so more often than not when you're complaining what you realizing is that you're not only admitting your State of Consciousness but you're combining that State of Consciousness with emotion now you have mental and emotional energy combining now you have the basis of reality you don't even realize it because when you're complaining you're so annoyed you're like [ __ ] it's not working or or whatever
it may be and what your what are you smiling at the noises are a bit weird bro what are you smiling at keep doing you though what you have to understand is that also within complaints is a particular degree of conviction conviction is what true faith is if you go to the eological origins of the word faith it comes from a Latin word fedas fedas meant confidence close to conviction so when you have a particular thing that you're complaining about you're not only admitting that this reality is temporarily stronger than you it Alters your internal
Alters your external because it's stronger than you you submit to it and go below it but you're also admitting your particular state of consciousness and what you're experiencing and then you're combining that State of Consciousness with emotions which what you don't realize is that these emotions are actually a form of glue that sticks to whatever you're complaining about making it even stronger complaining is no buo it is not good at all and so long as you keep complaining about a particular circumstance that you're going through you're not only strengthening that circumstance you're not only you're
not only admitting that there is power in that circumstance you're also combining two particular forms of energy mental and emotional mental and emotional leads to creation and you have to come to the understanding that so long as you complain about whatever particular circumstance you're going through you're actually reinforcing it and strengthening it into your reality I repeat whatever reality you complain about you are reinforcing it and giving it more strength the first thing you need to stop doing is stop complaining about whatever particular circumstances you're going through because you have to understand you can't control
what's outside of you but indirectly you can because you can control your internal World your internal World being a reflection of your external world the more that you're able to exercise a particular degree of discipline and come to the understanding that whatever you're complaining about is in a form is a form of an emotional reaction and understand whatever you're reacting to you are creating I repeat whatever you are reacting to you are creating so when you start complaining about how this and this and this and that and this and that understand that you're putting yourself
on a path to Creation because you're temporarily submitting after to the frequency of whatever particular form of adversity that you're going through by the way someone said the solo leveling is [ __ ] add ignored if you want to scream let me know and I'll take you there get you going baby baby if I could time travel honestly if I could time travel I'd go back to that 2010 period imagine being in the club hearing oh don't you know don't you know beautiful don't you know then the Beat Drops Chris Brown is him no he
is is him he is it's always the weekend the weekend is really like that I didn't know the weekend was really like that until I didn't know he was like that either until like I think it probably even last year how did you realize my girl was like oh the weekend I'm like oh girls and this weekend stuff then I listen girls love the weekend yeah bit too much though ask me if I do this every day list his spit no he's like that St what color next see guys we had to upgrade the equipment
you know what I'm saying bro's got so many colors too many it's actually terrible like it's I don't even know what colors to use all right cool uh let's go with green blue the second thing to do if you want to continue ruining your reality my [ __ ] of course is upon a hill across a Blue Lake that's where I have my first heartbreak please moralize the universe if you want to ruin your reality moralize the universe do it do it do it the reason why this ruins your reality more often than not is
due to the way that we have been how do I say conditioned or wired as human beings we've been wired as human beings especially from a religious context and a societal context with this kind of fake notion that if you're a good person it should equate to a good reality but more often than not it is not the case ask anybody who's ever been in the ghetto because trust me there's a lot of nice people there some of the nicest people ever but you have to come to the understanding that like I said due to
the societal Convention of morality which is nothing more than societal we need morality in order for things to work but you've been sold a liar whether you realize this consciously or unconsciously and that is that morality equates to your desired reality and that's just not the truth it's not the truth at all and you actually need to come to this understanding and yes it's very upsetting and it's very depressing trust me um there was a period of my life where you know through studying this stuff I carried a lot of pain because I could it
hurt me to the fact that you know there's amazing people out here angels that will continue to struggle you know watching my mom and my auntie go through the Absolute Angels and we could never conceptualize why things wouldn't work and if you're religious this is another notion right except religious people tend to Gaslight themselves by saying don't worry God God's Got You yada y y but deep down we all know this particular notion that if we're a good person it should equate to a good reality but this is not the truth at all and the
reason we do that is because we see the universe through our lens and until you're able to see the universe outside of your particular human lens you will continue to suffer that's I'll borrow that down because the deeper issue here is what we don't realize is that we're attempting to moralize the universe we're attempting to moralize the universe but the universe does not care for Morality and yes I know is a very painful concept for you to come to a recognition of but so so long as you can actually be honest with yourself it is
the true name nature of it all because if we take the impersonal energies such as electricity electricity doesn't do a credit check or a criminal background check before it before it zaps somebody if you mes if you misuse the energy of electricity you're going to suffer and it's the same thing with the consciousness of God if you misuse the consciousness of God you will suffer that's why borrow that down and that's what Isaiah 457 was talking about I create the peace I create the evil I create the calm I create the Calamity I create the
light I create the dark I the Lord I the law of Consciousness do all of these things the same way as gravity gravity doesn't also do a criminal background check mate you know as your falling says huh what's this guy no no no he's a good guy let's stop let's stop no it is impersonal and that's the thing about all of these laws they're impersonal and it was said in the Bible that the rain that the rain falls on the just and the unjust the nature of reality is the same to everybody acts 1034 God
is no respector of persons there's a particular understanding that you need to come to that the universe is impers and because it's impersonal when you attempt to moralize it and either you think to yourself why is things not working I'm such a good person I'm a good person I'm a good person it's not about that because here's the thing and I heard this from Reverend Ike and it's absolutely amazing you can be morally right but mentally wrong and if you're morally right but mentally wrong huh best believe your reality is going to be wrong and
this is what you need to come to an understanding of and is that the Universe only cares about your frequency the universe only cares about your frequency the frequency that you output to reality is going to be given the equivalent of whatever particular condition of reality that you experience is a mental emotional equivalent period that's it there's nothing more there's nothing less it's not necessarily about you helping that old lady cross the road it's not about the amount of times that you've been selfless and you know other people have put themselves before you and you
put other people first you need to get outside of that thinking you need to stop thinking like a human and start thinking like the universe the universe is nothing more than a blind intelligence it doesn't hate you it doesn't it doesn't love you it is simply impersonal and I see spiritual people attempt to moralize the universe all the time and that it wants your good and it wants this no niggaer it wants whatever you want because it is you you are quite literally a walking universe so best believe if you want bad it will give
you bad but see you think because you think you want good that's what you really want no what you want on a humanistic level and what the universe interprets as wanting is two completely different things you're wanting based upon the universe's interpretation and best believe that's the only interpretation that matters when it comes to reality so take yourself out the way stop thinking think like a human start thinking like the universe the universe's interpretation of wanting is whatever particular frequency that you're emanating at that particular moment in time so if your frequency is calibrated to
Poverty but because you're a good person and you help people and you do all of this you think you deserve prosperity it's not going to give you that hence why bad things happen to good people and good things can happen to bad people because if you study the consciousness of bad people they believe that they deserve it they're entitled to it they see themselves as capable they see themselves as powerful they don't particularly care what other people think these things unfortunately create a stronger frequency than good people and this is the true nature of reality
and you need to attempt to stop moralizing it people will often be like yeah but you know what about somebody who's born here and they go through this you can do that all you want please go ahead and do it because nothing is going to make a difference it's unfortunate on a humanistic level is very unfortunate and it's very painful but as you transcend your perception beyond your human perception because the human perception is nothing more than attached to this third dimensional realm which is inherently a realm of Illusion whether you want to look at
it as polarity time space constraint we are tra within this third dimensional realm which means our perception of this realm which we can only see 0.035% due to the fact that the visible light spectrum is a tiny fraction of the entire electromagnetic spectrum were inherently trapped just by nature of being here so our level of perception is very low level and in order for you to materialize your desired reality you need to transcend and start paralyzing the universe the only thing you should seek to do to enter your desired reality is to become the mental
emotional equivalent because in doing so that will create a particular frequency that will be equivalent with that desired reality and if you maintain that frequency it will lead to the creation and materialization of your desired reality currently replacing your current reality so please stop moralizing the universe this man will forever be my savior somebody coming to that y I'm nobody's savior I'm nobody's savior I'm nobody's I'm nobody's savior I'm nobody's teacher nor do I desire to be guys just take the information that's quite literally it because the moment you start to see me as separate
from you you you've entirely missed the point of anything that I'm saying here nothing I'm saying here you know is greater than anything you possess really and truly like I keep telling you guys this I could be the worst [ __ ] you know you could meet me I could kidnap you put you in my basement it's long it's actually long he's right I'm in his basement right now exactly and you're never you're never going out of here so just keep playing that piano I'm trying to learn new songs no you're not allowed to learn
new songs songs you can play a new song next year you know who a recent discover called as well Justin Timber Justin Timber has been like that bro can't wait I get you all right cool next one H which one should I go with here why not I start rapping and re offended you know when the trap needs mending too much mixing and brizy you know when the pat needs Blended buy cop it tell me sh The Gangs I'm spending too much cap I'm hearing too much swag they're wearing all right cool so next thing
that will surely ruin your reality and we only what are we three ones in three in yeah there's a lot of things that ruin your reality seek the approval of those around you this will what's I thought he was only two this is the third one okay yeah complaining moralizing the universe and this is number three you're right this guy doesn't pay attention he doesn't pay attention right he doesn't pay attention he's just scrolling on his phone I'm locked in the basement read me alone I'm not going to give you I'm not feeding you later
pause now seek the approval of those around you because if you want to destroy your desired reality before it even began please do this please do this please because what you don't realize is that there's an energetic entity that I call social contracts your social contract is what you sign for so first we have to look at this from a point of evolutionary psychology and I recommend reading a book called Primal brain I love evolutionary psychology it's a study of the Primal brain or the lower self or the devil or the Beast or The Reptilian
Brain and and let me not say reptilian because I know I still get those allegations but we were wired as human beings from a point of evolutionary psychology to evolve in groups right conform and in order to be in a group there's a particular degree of Conformity which means approval is something that's a necessity to the point where a punishment centuries ago was Exile and that's due to the fact that when them [ __ ] kicked you out your brain basically said I'm dead I'm cooked it's over for me that's why Exile was such a
punishment because it signaled Death to Your Primal brain now approval in of itself is something that the moment that you materialize down into this physical plane you sign a contract with those around you for their approval you desire approval and what you don't realize is that the materialization of your desired reality is probably nothing normal there probably nothing normal at all it's probably very different from those around you and key word right there different when you begin to be different what you don't realize you're doing is that you're starting to disconnect and break the social
contract that you signed up for in order for you to materialize your reality you must transcend the status quo the status quo is an energetic entity think about it like a hive mind that says everybody needs to stay in line and if everybody's in line then everything's good but the moment somebody wants to poke their head up n n n that's when that entity will then quite literally possess and I don't mean possess literally I just mean it due to the fact that this entity is somewhat existing within all of our consciousnesses to one degree
or another and it's kind of the agent Smith effect right when you begin to be different that's when people start to say ah you went Hollywood oh you changed you changed I swear in the ends that's the worst thing anybody can say to you in the G that's the worst thing anybody can say to you you changed you're almost like no and it's due to the fact that we want approval and we understand that our approval is essentially attached to a particular degree of Conformity so what you don't realize is that so long as you
seek the approval of those around you you seek to conform so long as you seek to conform you remain Within The Entity of the status quo The Entity of the status quo is nothing more than an entity a frequency and every frequency must turn into a reality and what that ends up looking like is you being in the same position as everybody else which clearly you don't want or you still wouldn't be here and here's the irony of it all and this can be extrapolated to anything that we ever desire in reality if you desire
the approval of those around you what you don't realize is that you lack your own that's so bite that down but wait it gets deeper pause and due to the fact that you seek the approval of those around you it's indication that you lack your own approval and if you lack approval internally it will be reflected externally so you'll be in a cycle of chasing people's approval without realizing that you're not creating their approval and you're not getting it due to the fact that you lack it internally and because you lack it internally you lack
it externally so what's the [ __ ] point anyways have you worked that hard to stay the same and it gets even worse because if the approval of those around you and let's say love and approval because they're very much intertwined unfortunately if the love and approval of those around you is conditional on you staying like them are not evolving why would you even want that for yourself to begin with how true is it how authentic is it if your elevation is a type of disrespect to those around you then why even be there why
even be there and this is the easiest way to ruin your life because energetically you enter the hive mind of the status quo the status quo is a frequency that frequency has one purpose and that's to keep you in line when it keeps you in line because it's a frequency eventually has to materialize as a reality and when it materializes as a reality you feel like you just can't break out of this you can't just break out of it but then if we also look at it mentally you're lacking a sense of internal approval and
ironically the moment that you begin to approve yourself you force the world to approve of you whether they like it or not how could it not you in reality are one the moment you give it to yourself the reality has no choice but to give it to you pause on that it is the quickest way to destroy your desired reality because it's it's unfortunate because it's like a decision has to be made do I want the love and approval of those around me but then is it love and approval if it's conditional on me staying
like everybody else and think about it this is even psychologically because let's say in school when you done a test with somebody if you done a test and you know you absolutely [ __ ] that test you knew it was terrible and your friend comes out and they're like y [ __ ] up on that test there's a part of you that feels comfortable in there it kind of feels like okay it's not that bad but if you [ __ ] up on a test and your friend comes out and they're like yo that was
easy you're thinking it doesn't feel the same and reverse when you come out and you do a test and your friend tells you how they absolutely it was terrible you feel guilty because there's an aspect of you Psych logically that wants to relate it wants to conform it wants to approve it wants to be like everybody else but unfortunately in order to enter your desired reality you need to become unapologetically different and that's how borrow that down because what you don't realize is that so long as you have that particular aspect of guilt associated with
your desired reality the frequency that guilt emits will negatively alter your desired reality and it will negatively alter it so your desired reality never materializes and this how people begin self-sabotaging why would you not self-sabotage you've associated with your success with disapproval with hate with not being able to relate so I you want to get into you need to come aware of these things so let me ask you a question that is a very very deep but unfortunate question what or who would you lose if you gain your desired reality and in that answer you'll
come to find out the very things that you're afraid of because more often than not we think to ourselves I want my desired reality but we haven't taken into consideration what it would mean for us to enter that reality on a social level and that social level is very tied to our psychological level and that approval so on and so forth if you know that if you made it and you completely changed that you'd never be able to be like those around you why would you want that psychologically so if you want to ruin your
reality keep seeking the approval of those around you and lau the author of a book called da Ching highly recommended that is amazing philosophy he says those who care about what others think become their Prisma and the prison that they trap you in is Whatever frequency that they outputting and that frequency that their outputting is a box which means you will be in a box in reality don't me girl please stay with me to baby baby y this is sick how can someone say this video is tough because if you and I make six figures
a month all I had to do was surrender to he makees six figures a month hey [ __ ] can I borrow some money I hear that still n that's cool man congratulations that's a pleasure and honor you said you was talking to that guy who's um been watching the videos and he manifested working the European Space Station yeah yeah he he was on TV he sent me a story the story is gone now I should I probably should have screen recorded should have screen recorded put that nigga's face on blast in this video well
done again bro now we love to hear it man we love to hear it for real and to all the podcasters and other YouTube channels that wish to collab with me please stop messaging me and what I mean by I mean that respectfully unfortunately why are you laughing said don't message me no no no no let me land let me land let me land unfortunately I don't have a thirst or a desire that bad to collaborate with people I don't know to me most of these [ __ ] are weird and because of that a
lot of people end up collaborating with other channels and other creators just for exposure I don't give a [ __ ] about that I'm more than happy with my community I believe I have the best community on YouTube like where else you going to find funny spiritual intellectual [ __ ] like you're just not going to find that anywhere um so I have no desire to do it I have no desire to collaborate with people I don't know the only people that you guys will ever see me collaborate with are people that are my friends
I've been invited on podcast with over a million I've been invited on podcast with 500k channels that are way bigger than me by influencers that are way bigger than me but because I don't know these [ __ ] in real life I can't bring myself to go and create something with them because when I do this stuff yeah I make jokes but this stuff really matters to me and you guys matter to me I don't want exposure that bad you you'll see me collaborate with a [ __ ] who's a friend of mine who's got
100 or 20 or 30 or 00 subscribers before you see me collaborate with somebody with over a million that I don't know you understand what I'm saying I hear you twin Nero approves this message give me everything tonight for all we know we might not this is the fourth one we might not get tomorrow let's tonight let's do it tonight grab somebody sexy tell them ignore reality number four ignore reality now a mistake that I often see a lot of other people in the manifestation space tell people is to ignore reality but you don't understand
how that energetically is interpreted by the universe you have to understand that the entirity of this universe is alive everything has a particular vibration this is one of the Hermetic laws the Hermetic law of vibration nothing rests everything vibrates because it vibrates it gives off an energetic signature because it gives an energetic signature it is quite literally alive you have to understand that the nature of reality whether it's your old frequency whether it's reality it is alive and any time that you experience a particular form of adversity in your reality and you don't want to
confront it in fact let's say ignore or avoid because they're the same thing right what you don't realize is that this is a confession that it's been a long time since I've been on my knees pause this is a confession that whatever you're trying to avoid is stronger than you you have to understand how it works so the moment that you begin to be afraid of a particular condition and the most common example especially with my clients by the way I had a client um called Ricky he was doing 100K a month then for whatever
reason his business fell all the way down to making like 10K a month and stuff like that and in two months he hit 110k so Ricky I'm proud of you and if you're an entrepreneur who stuck at a revenue ceiling and you've been stuck there for some months can break you out there without making any changes to your business just to your mind Link in the description but my point is typically when it comes to bank accounts and this could be whatever right this could be a person it could be a condition circumstance event extrapolate
this to whatever your particular reality entails in the instance where clients will come to me and they'll say oh my bank account is like this I don't want to look at my bank account I haven't checked my bank account and we do this all the time minute especially if you know like you've been spending money you shouldn't be spending you only want to look at your account you go on a night out you're there getting in a section getting botles long get a holiday over listen you don't want to look at your account there's an
aspect of you that seeks to avoid it an aspect of you that seeks to ignore it and what you don't realize energetically is that that particular form of adversity is interpreting that as this individual doesn't realize their power to a degree so they're avoiding me and because they're avoiding me I must be more powerful your avoidance and your desire to ignore a condition of reality that is a form of adversity is a confession that that particular circumstance is more powerful than you at that particular moment in time and due to the fact that there are
no truths in reality other than what the subconscious mind accepts as true that becomes a truth and that circumstance begins to overpower you without you realizing that the power in that circumstance is coming from you that's a borrow that down whatever hard time that you're going through pause and you feel like you're being overpowered and things are just absolutely terrible you have to come to the understanding that that chaos is fued by you because it's a creation of you whether UNC conscious or unconscious it's a creation of you nonetheless which means that the power that
it has over you actually your power you've just projected that power onto it as opposed to you when you come to that mental recognition you can redirect the power and say no it's me the power is mine in that particular circumstance and this begins to be the case when you're seeking to ignore reality so if you're seeking to ignore reality reality essentially says all Cool Reality says Cal say less I'll make you my [ __ ] cuz clearly you don't have the power to clearly you don't have the power to to deal with me and
we do this all the time in multiple ways that we don't even realize because the whole totality of you entering your desired reality has to be you embodying that frequency you must internally shift to a degree to which you're no longer emotionally dependent upon seeing reality change you need to become the vibrational alignment of whatever it is that you're trying to materialize you need to stop trying to manifest and become a vibrationally aligned to that particular circumstance or that desired reality that you want so my question to you is whatever adversity that you're experiencing instead
of ignoring it think to yourself how would I move if I was in my desired reality with this if I was in my desired reality it wouldn't be an issue because I know that the money in my account is going to come there soon so it's not even that deep that mentality is completely different because you have to understand everything you do indicates something everything you do indicates something consciously or unconsciously and you need to be aware of what you're unconsciously indicating if you're like N I can't even look at this I can't even look
at this I can't even look at this think about what it is that you're indicating to the universe you're indic that there's something within that particular circumstance that has the potentiality to alter you internally and if it can alter you internally it will then eventually alter you externally and if it possesses the power to do that then that means it possesses power over you and if it possesses power over you then you will be under it so you need to come to understanding that the whole point of you experiencing adversity you need to use the
adversity that you experience or the counter reality as an opportunity to re enforce your desired reality you can reinforce your old reality or reinforce your desired reality and the only way you're going to do that is by beginning to step in light of what you would do in your desired reality and whether you believe this or not you wouldn't move like that if you was in your desired reality so why the [ __ ] are you moving like that now and if you're moving like that now then how could you expect to be anywhere else
except your old reality why transmutation and I'll give it I'll give it quickly right here my three steps on transmutation I call it the three T's I toach all my clients this first one transcend second one transmute third transform and please make sure you're paying very close attention here in your writing this down because this three-step process will give you the potentiality on how to properly confront and deal with reality so transmute whatever it is that you're experiencing the first T transcend you have to understand that your adversity or your old frequency knows that if
I give this person hell there's a default response that default response is going to be mental and emotional that mental and emotional is a particular form of energy that your old frequency sustains itself of it's expecting you to act one way so if it's expecting you to act one way and you act that one way you're feeding it and if you're feeding it you're strengthening and if you're strengthening it then it ends up going from a frequency to a reality frequency to a reality remember all realities are first frequencies so transcending is first getting to
a point of neutrality and the one thing that you need to do anytime that you're experiencing adversity is not to run away not to turn away and this could be a person it could be a circumstance it could be a condition it could be an event it could be a bank account the first thing you need to do is quite literally stare into it no [ __ ] I say to all my clients who are uncomfortable with their bank accounts when they come to me stare at your bank account whether it takes you 20 30
40 minutes because all those negative thoughts and emotions that you've been avoiding at the back of your head waiting to come out and best believe when you stare at it and you confront it it will and what you're waiting for is for that energy to dissipate because the illusion that the old frequency presents is that these negative thoughts and emotions are going to be with you forever no that energy will dissipate the more that it comes to surface but what you resist persists and when you put it to the back of your mind what you
don't realize is that you're actually cultivating it to go stronger because it's persisting so you actually need to confront it with a particular degree of neutrality and once you get to that point of neutrality that energy eventually dissipates then you can move on to transmute then you need to begin to look for the positivity in whatever the condition is that you're trying to avoid so in a condition where you're let's say and please extrapolate this to whatever in a condition where you're trying to avoid your bank account because it's low the positive thing is to
actually focus on the fact that you've had money come into your account very simplistic but nonetheless more powerful because the most obvious reaction will take you to your old reality but the most unobvious reaction will take you to your desired reality default instead of design and that's the issue you focus on the default instead of the design as opposed to the design the third is trying transform after you shifted from neutrality to positivity transform then it's about maintaining that frequency and doing this process again and again and again instead of trying to run away from
reality because reality will say C Cal I'm this n my [ __ ] say less you don't want that you don't want to be your old frequencies [ __ ] I promise you we've all been that for too long we're being walked around here on leashes like dogs no kinky [ __ ] someone said went to church today to show face came to Sunday school to show frequency that's real that's real we should promote that [ __ ] how can we promote people here bro two things we need to start doing we need to start
Banning [ __ ] and exiling [ __ ] and promoting them we need to do that I said promoting them that's real that's real spill that is real spill bro I just came back from Italy how was it it was amazing beautiful I was in the dolomites the mountains absolutely amazing even better company but the hotel was too nice there was no pizzas H there was no no no pasta I didn't have I didn't have pizza I didn't have pasta bro no pasta nope no pasta no pizza in Italy's wild can you imagine can you
imagine [ __ ] was serving me dark duck pafa thinking I don't even know what parfait is brother I wanted some oxtail well the know Uber Eats no cuz we was in the mountains 1,500 ft above sea level so I literally high up in the mountains checked Uber Eats said nothing checked the this Italian app said nothing we don't delivered there that's some rich [ __ ] [ __ ] can't deny the frequency man oh and guys I'm writing a book y That's sound yeah yeah I'm writing a book um the that right now I'm
thinking this how to Smart the game of reality and I'm a quarter of the way through a quarter of the way okay yeah yeah books are long to write you know Reon it's finished this year cuz it has to be timeless yeah it'll be finished it'll be finished in the next two three months by may my birthday oh no the spiritual [ __ ] are going to get me now I no they're probably reading my astrological signs right now you know a [ __ ] messaged my boy saying when's Nero's birthday my boy was like
why he was like Tommy's birthday my boy was like why why do you want his birthday tell me bir like why tell me his birthday I was like you crazy blocked him that is scary bro I had someone ask for my blood TI yeah that's the Ang to be honest I don't even know my blood side watch out for the vampires bro the next thing I don't know what number we are at now if I'm being honest guys but the next thing you need to do if you want to ruin your reality is attempt to
outwork your frequency if you want to ruin your reality outwork your frequency because this is what 90% of the world do and 90% of the world simply operate reality from the physical plane there's three planes of existence successful manifestation requires alignment across all three planes of existence mental physical spiritual most people operate from the physical plane solely without realizing that the physical plane only allows you to see 0.35% of what actually exists and because that's how what you see that means that what you see is eventually going to be directly reliant on your action which
means the action being from a fraction of reality means that action is the lowest level of Consciousness and because action is the lowest level of Consciousness the lowest levels of change can be made from action now that's not te that action is useless please don't conflict me with those spiritual [ __ ] that say action isn't something you should do because you very much should there's three planes of existence but to outwork your frequency is nonsensical because your frequency is causality not your action I repeat your fre frequency is causality not your action your frequency
is ultimately what creates your reality your frequency can be interchangeable with your Consciousness your state of mind your beliefs your emotionally charged thoughts your identity the placement of your focus your moods your attitudes so on and so forth and due to the fact that your frequency is causality most people are attempting to outwork their frequency you can't be mentally broke but then try to take the physical action of trying to be rich because if you do so what you don't realize is that that frequency of being broke essentially traps you into a box where you
can only experience that particular degree of whatever it is mentally you can't out work your frequency you can't I promise you you can't and there's so many examples of this all over our lives I always give my most obvious basic example somebody who is mentally unfit but attempts to take physical action of Being Fit will eventually even if they go to the gym for some time they'll fall up they'll fall off the diet will stop they'll stop going to the gym It Will Rain they'll be like it's raining it'll be 5 they'll be like the
gym's going to be packed if it's a Friday they'll be like I've been good this week H let me let me let me get a burger this week and it's due to the fact that you're mentally unfit and if you're mentally unfit you can't outw that frequency cuz your attempt to outwork that frequency is an attempt to outwork causality but the physical playing is a realm of effect and because it's the realm of effect in order for you to change your reality you need to First change the C but when you just try to focus
on the physical plane you're trying to change an effect by changing effect that is a big no no that all make sense that don't make sense no you like that one you can't work your frequency not at all your focus actually needs to be entirely on your frequency because then when you're actually in the right frequency and you've done everything that you need to do to get into the right frequency when you begin to take physical action everything will fall in line there won't be that particular degree of struggle now bear in mind physical action
will require effort effort isn't a bad thing struggle is the issue when you're struggling to do something that shows that you're out of alignment with yourself mentally effort and struggle aren't the same struggle is effort combined with a form of negative energy that's a bar write that down and I say that to say that that negative energy will only be a direct reflection on if you're attempting to take action out of a frequency that you're not in if you're attempting to become rich physically but mentally you're broke becoming rich will feel like a struggle but
I was with people that just feel like making money is just effortless and they're talking hundreds of K millions and they're just talking about it like a standard thing normal and it's because they're already in that particular state so physically it's easy to achieve if you ever meet somebody goes to the gym them [ __ ] love going to the gym it's like calm down bro like calm down you seen that davidor video where the guy's like davidor oh he's like calm down calm down fan love calm down calm down calm down calm down calm
down [ __ ] serious down F love love but quite literally you have to come to the understanding that you can't outwork your frequency unfortunately your frequency is the box that you live in no physical action can take you out of that box the only thing that can take you out of that box is a shift in frequency and a shif in frequency is a shifting State of Mind Consciousness your beliefs your emotionally charged thoughts the placement of your focus your identity and your Bas moods and attitudes you can't outwork your frequency I repeat this
guys please because every once in a while no matter how many times I say this every once in a while because we're so conditioned to associating action with result we're so conditioned to taking action with the result if I want to put something on this board I must take the physical action our minds our ego is always associating action with result but result is not based upon action result is based upon mind action is the midpoint it's the Midwife of that particular energy into reality that's a bar that down that was serious but quite literally
yeah kind of work your frequency frequency's priority though I struggle to to to be broke okay I don't struggle to be rich what you when you going to get up here on the board bro you want to put me on the board I don't know why that feels like that needs a pause but I'm just going to say it no I'm just saying it just didn't feel right though when you said it it just didn't feel right that's why I repeated it to you so you can yeah it doesn't taking what you just said I'm
not taking in anything that P Morgan Cliff is too funny too funny this the last one so last one I don't know maybe [ __ ] find out mate we will find out anytime I talk to Americans they always attempt to do a British accent and they always speak about t every time their accent actually a v it's actually so terrible Americans please stop sending me your English accents please in fact anybody stop that please how can I actually be in Italy and these [ __ ] don't serve no pizza or pasta you know I
was in disbelief like I couldn't believe it bro I could not believe it I thought they were trolling me they were like no but we have lamb rump [ __ ] now the word rump don't sit right sit right with me still yeah it doesn't does it rump nah Americans are funny you know how Tik Tok went down and everyone thought it wasn't going to come back or some [ __ ] yeah how comes all these Americans were exposing their deepest darkest Secrets oh swe down I'm talking influencers talking about H she's a gym influencer
and she basically said I lie to you guys I got a BBL this wasn't cuz of the gym she's manifest and then when it came back all of them were like we were just joking it was just a joke nah hey man manifesting it one way or another you know what I mean you know what I mean cool I think this is the final thing how do I say this uh yes I think I have a good illustration for this too you were now looking at one smart black boy mama ain't rais no fool put
me anywhere on God's green earth a trip of my worth I will not lose emotionally reacting this is the final thing if you really want to ruin your reality this is the nail and the cofin right here mate this is it mate this will do it to you qu Lally emotionally reacting now now the reason why this is one of the worst things you can do is due to the fact of what emotion is emotion is one of the most if not the most powerful energy source in reality hence why everything wants your energy whether
it's people whether it's Spirits whether it's entities everybody wants energy that's all anybody wants that's what anybody wants anybody will just want your energy and your emotion being your most powerful energy source your old frequency will actually seek to Target an emotional reaction Out of You by purposely making things go wrong things go left which those in of itself isn't illusion things can never go left things can never go wrong um due to the fact that it will Target things by creating a particular degree of adversity in your reality it knows that if I push
their buttons I'm going to get a particular reaction and if I push their buttons and I get a reaction I get an emotional reaction if I get an emotional reaction I get the most powerful energy that they have if I get that energy I can feed off that energy if I can feed off that energy I can get fter stronger quite literally though it will be stronger because you have to understand your old frequency is almost like a parasitic entity it feeds off you and it feeds off you by ironically creating issues in your life
to create an emotional reaction off you so it can feed off your energy now if you emotionally react let's say everything's going good and you're doing everything you're going to your desired reality right here you're going straight to the D pause and you emotionally react to something going terribly wrong that emotional reaction is more is powerful enough to quite literally change the direction that you're energetically moving towards at that particular time and send you down a path to emotional reaction now based upon what that emotional reaction is calibrated to which more often than not is
irritation annoyance frustration despair sadness depression so on and so forth you then end end end up entering a reality that reflects that particular degree of emotions that you was experiencing because now you're like [ __ ] went wrong maybe you're frustrated maybe you're irritated maybe you're annoyed maybe you're in a state of despair whatever it is those particular emotions then SE to curate your reality and quick easiest examples of this is let's say you start your day and everything's going good you're going to work and then somebody's driving slow in front of you thinking I'm
going to be late this [ __ ] needs to hurry up then red light goes you're like [ __ ] and then somebody pulls out in front of you beats their horn instantly the direction that you had began with your day has completely shifted now it shifted now due to the fact that your emotions have changed your emotion is the largest sharehold of your frequency stop thinking and listening to these [ __ ] that tell you your thoughts that create reality not all thoughts are made equal the only thoughts that have the potentiality of materializing
in reality is your most emotionally charged repeated thoughts the biggest energetic charge your emotion creates an energetic charge that's what enters your subconscious mind emotion is the only language of the subconscious mind that's essentially what we're going for but if you experience a particular degree of intense emotions and negatively react it changes the direction that you go and if you change the direction you go you end up entering a reality that now is molded around the emotion that you experienc so now you're day [ __ ] are just pissing you off the way somebody breathes
you just look at something you're thinking so [ __ ] annoying this is terrible quite literally so you need to stop emotionally reacting to reality and actually shift to a particular degree of emotionally responding to reality but let's not say emotionally responding let's just say responding without emotion and the only way you're going to respond is to ask yourself this one question what would my desired reality version do what would the version of me my desired reality do how would they move right now how they deal with this person how they deal with this going
wrong how they deal with this how would they deal with this how would they deal with that if you can ask yourself that question you then frame reality through the lens of your desired reality and ironically the way that you look at the world is the way the world looks back at you and if you begin to look at the world through the lens of your desired reality guess who the world is going to see you as your desired reality self because your perception equates to your projection but you need to make sure that your
perception isn't being used against you by your old frequency to frame things that's absolutely terrible and things are going bad and this person pissed me off and this is so bad why do they keep doing this why they're so annoying no what would the version of me and my desired reality do once you put on those lenses begin to see reality through those lenses and you don't realize you see reality through a lens already so guys if you want to keep ruining your reality please go ahead and do those things it's been a pleasure as
always oh [ __ ] wasn't recording here my man