this is Billy Billy walks into a room full of people or more like he scurries into the room looking up and down and then stands there awkwardly not knowing what to do and nobody in the room cares no one knows he exists and no one wants to Billy then looks toward the door and he sees Arthur when Arthur walks into the room he looks strong confident and masculine it's almost like everyone sensed his presence people are turning around to see him some people in the room talk about him and some want to talk to him
despite all of this Arthur looks like he's barely trying the difference body language is one of those things that requires minimum effort but has magnificent rewards so for this video I've gathered the most crucial secrets and I guarantee that if you follow along everything mentioned you will feel the difference yourself let's start with how you stand most people would stand with their feet close with their hands either in a neutral position or in their pockets here's what you should do instead stand with your feet shoulder width apart then take a normal step forward now you
want to take half a step back that is the most masculine and attractive standing position according to studies it's a similar stance to fighting and it makes you look immovable make sure your chest is out shoulders are back and head is in neutral position or slightly down either way make sure you're always looking straight ahead and not towards the ground now we start walking most of the rules of standing apply to walking as well chest out head neutral or lowered eyes looking ahead and shoulders back but here's the secret the difference between a strong confident
walk and a weak submissive walk is the swagging or swaying of shoulders Studies have shown that a slight swaying of shoulders is deemed more attractive and confident it's part of our natural masculine Instinct now you don't want to overdo it keep it short and simple let's go ahead and take a seat most people would want to sit like this with their legs kind of closed and back straight hands close to the body this signals weakness and insecurity kind of how a squirrel would sit instead you're going to move your legs apart to where you feel
comfortable then recline with your back relaxed and place your arms on the outside of your torso not on the inside think of every seating place as your own couch but don't get too carried away the most important thing is to remain stable and limit moving and fidgeting this shows weakness and hesitation this is seen in the animal kingdom as well where the more dominant animal remains calm and relaxed and barely moves while the submissive animals fidget around now for your hands you could spread them on a table if present or you could use the steeple
hands method where you connect your hands in a manner like such this is used to portray calmness and control next we're going to start a conversation remember to use hand movements and gestures as 55% of communication is nonverbal you want to use your hands to Signal things like the size or shape of something or you could use them to Signal when people should listen carefully remember to remain calm and collected while you talk try not to rush your sentences and don't be too loud nor too quiet you have to find the perfect balance keeping all
of these in mind now I'm going to tell you something which no other video or article is going to tell you the main thing you always want to remember is that you're portraying self-respect and honor with these methods and not arrogance and pride you don't do these to that you're better than everyone it's just to show your standards because the one thing that beats most body language tricks is good character people naturally gravitate towards someone with personality and character no matter what they do it always seems to suit them everyone loves a guy who meets
and greets everyone with the same amount of energy and enthusiasm regardless of their rank or position with that being said I hope you enjoyed today's video if you found it useful make sure to like And subscribe and leave a comment as this help these tricks reach more people till next time