Your Calling Is Here | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message | God Say

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God's Message Now
Your Calling Is Here | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message | God Say ▬▬▬...
Video Transcript:
my beloved child I have called you to a unique and magnificent purpose in recent months I have shown myself to you in profound and transformative ways you've begun to see the depths of my nature and my love for you I have been at work within you aligning my Divine timing with your life's calling setting the stage for you to step into your destiny reflect on what truly brings you Joy the passions that ignite your heart and the topics you love to delve into these are not coincidental they are the desires I've planted deep within your
soul now I am shining a light on them giving you a clearer vision than ever before as I renew this world I start with you I've established a solid foundation in your life now it's time to elevate you to prepare you for the most glorious days ahead finding your purpose need not be a source of confusion or worry Embrace what you love whether it involves nurturing children serving your community or uplifting others just as I am lifting you now in walking with me in becoming one with my spirit you will effortlessly fulfill the desires I've
set in your heart my spirit will endow you with with supernatural abilities gracing you with everything necessary for your journey just as I equipped my disciples and apostles with my spirit's power and sent them forth so too am I refining and readying you for your own mission though the journey has been challenging my presence has constantly guided you commit your ways to me trust in my path and I will prosper you smoothing out your roads you are on the brink of your breakthrough far removed from the Desolation you once faced every time you praise me
think of me or pray continuously I draw closer to you like the father in the story of The Prodigal Son I see you from a distance and hasten to meet you wrapping you in my righteousness and multiplying blessings favor and glory in your life Venture forth and perform acts of kindness in my name it is my goodness that leads you to repentance drawing you away from worldly paths and nearer to My Embrace arise and shine for my glory has risen upon you and through you my story will illuminate the Earth my kingdom resides within you
surrounds you and extends to the community I am sending you to having healed you you are now now dispatched with Precision to penetrate the darkness your very presence will drive away demons and your words will resurrect what was once lifeless just as Ezekiel spoke life to the dry bones I call you as Lazarus to cast off your grave clothes and let me revive you a new step out and radiate for the scent of death no longer clings to you you are resplendant and triumphant prevailing through me in all things every good and perfect gift in
your life is from me your heavenly father I have raised you to Heavenly places granting you a Divine perspective advance in the spiritual realm for your existence is no longer limited to the Earthly you are destined to walk in Supernatural abundance healing and the fervent power of my presence making all who witness you glorify my name remember to relish life for laughter heals your soul as you celebrate I am assembling a faithful Remnant who have not succumbed to worldly ways or kingdoms join me abide with me as I Elevate you to the Pinnacle of your
calling Destiny is calling you forth and I am orchestrating Divine connections and supporters to position you precisely where where you are meant to be congratulations my child for you have grown and are now prepared to spread my word across the globe bringing my truth to all nations raise your voice and lift your head high for I Am with You leading the way and protecting you on all sides no weapon forged against you will succeed and you will refute every accusation spoken against you my dear one as you step into this new face of your life
be assured of my constant presence your commitment and your Pursuit Of Me have not gone un noce said I am truly pleased the desaires within you are not arbitrary they mirror the specific purpose I've designed uniquely for you from the beginning of time embrace the Pursuits that fill you with joy and fulfillment for these are often the very tasks I called you to whether it's aiding those in need guiding the Next Generation or uplifting others through your talents believe that I have provided all you need to create an impact in this world as you Faithfully
follow my will you'll find doors opening that you never imagined possible opportunities will emerge that align seamlessly with the passions I've embedded in your spirit there may be times when the path ahead is obscured and you feel a drift but in those moments rely on my guidance know that I am continually leading you towards your ultimate calling even when the road is unseen as you diligently seek me and prioritize our relationship you will discover my presence growing more palpable in your life you will enter a deeper intimacy with me than you've ever experienced my love
for you is boundless and it is my deepest wish for you to experience the entirety of what I have in store for you by walking in obedience and surrendering to my will you'll witness my power moving mightily in your life Miracles will become your new normal and you will see the impossible made possible right before your eyes your faith will continue to strengthen day by day remember you are never alone I am with you always and I have blessed you with the gift of my Holy Spirit this Divine guide Will Comfort you Empower you and
help you live a life that glorifies my name as you Journey forward know that I'm proud of the person you're evolving into you are a beacon of my love and grace and your life holds the potential to touch countless Souls eternally keep advancing keep seeking my presence and rest assured that I am orchestrating the details of your life according to my Perfect Design I have called you by name you belong to me you are cherished in my eyes and I have grand designs for you plans for prosperity and not for harm to provide you with
hope and a bright future trust in my goodness and my faithfulness knowing I will never abandon you reflect on the moments in your life when opportunities were presented but perhaps due to limited understanding you chose not to pursue them these instances were shaped by a partial perspective yet do not fear for as I unfold New Revelations new possibilities emerge granting you clearer vision you may encounter familiar situations a new but this time you will perceive them with a transformed understanding suddenly the pieces will come together Illuminating the path I have been guiding you along this
newfound Insight comes directly from the revelations I provide reshaping your views on relationships finances and health and fundamentally altering your life's trajectory when Revelation strikes it's like a sudden long awaited Epiphany what previously eluded you now becomes evident enabling you to achieve more with with less effort tasks that once felt burdensome will align seamlessly with your new way of life becoming effortlessly manageable once you've ascended to this higher level there's no desire to return your old ways will seem distant and unappealing Akin to dwelling in a desolate place my Revelations not only Enlighten but also
Empower you to live distinctively embracing the enriched existence I have unveiled before you this is the path of living at a higher level where every day is infused with deeper meaning and purpose once I reveal something to you it empowers you to see life a new your perspective shifts allowing you to view the world through a fresh lens treasure these Revelations for they are not merely insights but invitations to deeper understanding entrusted to you by the Holy Spirit the bearer of all truth with each Revelation you adopt a new outlook approaching life with renewed Vision
understand that Revelation is more than intellectual knowledge it is a Divine transformation of your heart reshaping your reality you may meet others who do not share this deep understanding who have not yet received the spirit's revelation they might struggle to grasp this truth but do not be disheartened continue to walk in the light of the truth revealed to you trusting in my guidance at every step Revelation is my gift to you intended to enable you to live in ways that surpass Earthly understanding as you seek me and follow my spirit I will reveal truths uniquely
suited to your path these Revelations will guide your thoughts actions and choices ensuring they align with my Divine Purpose for your life Embrace this process of Revelation as a continuous dialogue between us remember my child that Revelation is not a prize to flaunt but a sacred responsibility it is divine wisdom bestowed upon you for growth transformation and to fulfill the destiny I have planned for you handle these Revelations with humility and gratitude allowing them to shape you into the person I designed you to be as you step into the light of Revelation you will discover
a profound transformation in your life imbuing it with new meaning and purpose you will Foster a deeper bond with me and gain a clearer understanding of your role in my eternal design the revelation I impart are not just scholarly ideas they are profound truths that resonate deeply within your heart and soul redefining your life from the core so my cherished one welcome the revelations I send your way let them envelop you like a revitalizing shower washing away outdated mindsets and limitations allow these insights to illuminate your journey steering you toward Wards the Abundant Life I
have laid out for you trust in this process of Revelation confident that I am ceaselessly at work in your life unveiling The Riches of my heart this path of Discovery is not merely a fleeting episode but a lifelong Voyage of exploration and personal growth I have bestowed upon you a unique gift the capacity to view the world through entirely new eyes a gift born of my spirit within you unveiling truths that remain concealed to many from the moment you welcomed me into your heart a veil was lifted enhancing your ability to see beyond the mundane
no longer are you confined to what your physical eyes can perceive you now possess a spiritual vision that surpasses the ordinary deeply integrated into your identity and influencing your daily daily life suddenly things that once seemed ambiguous or puzzling will become clear and you will realize living any other way than in alignment with my will and purpose for your existence is unimaginable like my disciples who grew an understanding through their Earthly Journey with me so will you initially they could not fully comprehend the extent of my Authority or their own as believers they faced challenges
but as they continued in my presence and witnessed my wonders their faith and insight deepened they received Revelations that radically altered their Outlook a promise also extended to you my child when the Holy Spirit descends upon you you will be endowed with power power to lead a transformed life and boldly testify on my behalf this power power is inherently linked to my spirit's presence within you and as the spirit discloses the truth your perspective will transform what once seemed crucial will diminish and the priorities of my kingdom will become Paramount your life will increasingly Center
on fulfilling the mission I have for you this is the essence of Revelation it is not merely about acquiring know knowledge it is about a heart change that reconstructs your reality when I reveal something to you it's akin to igniting a torch in a dim room suddenly everything becomes clearer and the thought of returning to the previous obscurity is Unthinkable as you immerse yourself in my presence and delve into my word Your Capacity to comprehend and receive from me will expand challenges that once seemed insurmountable will become achievable as my spirit activates within you revelation
will Elevate you to a higher plane of existence and as you live in this enlightened State you will notice a stark contrast between your life and those around you your priorities perspectives and purposes will all be molded by the truths I reveal to you while Others May pursue fleeting Pleasures you will be devoted to constructing my Everlasting Kingdom this is the life I Envision for you A life enriched by continual Revelation and deep intimacy with me where my spirit constantly teaches guides and empowers you your life will be a beacon of light in a darkened
World leading others to the Hope found only in me I have bestowed my spirit upon you like a revitalizing spring of Living Water this outpouring is a special anointing that enhances Revelation and deepens understanding as Kings and Priests were once Anointed with oil in ancient rituals I have anointed you with the oil of my spirit when my spirit descends upon you it illuminates what was previously concealed uncovering Mysteries that were once beyond your grasp this anointing is reserved for those ready to embrace its significance and responsibility it is akin to the anointing granted to prophets
Apostles and those who walked closely with me as Moses received my Commandments on the mountain now I inscribe my will directly onto your heart as Paul once a foe of my church was transformed and spread the gospel to the Gentiles so you are transformed to disseminate my message of love and grace this anointing will manifest in moments of sudden Insight where all things align perfectly you will view the world through a renewed lens and tasks that once seemed arduous will flow effortlessly for instance if you've struggled with maintaining your health this anointing will illuminate the
significance of caring for the body I have bestowed upon you what was once a chore will transform into a a joyful Act of devotion similarly if you've faced Financial hurdles this anointing will endow you with the wisdom to manage the resources I have entrusted to you money will no longer be seen as an end but as a means to further my kingdom and bless others in your relationships this anointing will Foster healing and unity where Discord and misunderstandings once prevailed you will learn to love others with the same patience kindness and forgiveness with which I
have loved you as you Embrace this anointing your life will undergo a profound transformation challenges that once seemed insurmountable will become achievable through the power of my spirit within you you will overcome generational bonds and patterns that have constrained your family for Generations this anointing serves Not Your Glory but mine so Ascend higher my beloved and draw near to my presence wait upon me and I will grant you the revelations and insight necessary to fulfill the purpose I have set for you just as I called Moses to the mountain to receive my laws I now
call you to rise to Heavenly Realms through prayer and worship where I will unveil truths previously concealed enabling you to grasp the mysteries of my kingdom this revelation will not only alter your life but will also extend through you to touch the lives of others do not shy away from the responsibilities this anointing entails I have prepared you and I will continue to equip you most importantly remember that I am perpetually with you I will never abandon you as you proceed in faith and obedience I will direct every step and Empower you to execute the
tasks I have designed for you Embrace this anointing my child let it permeate every aspect of your existence catalyzing transformation and Enlightenment walk in the illumination of my truth and let your life be a testament to the influence of my spirit within you my love for you is eternal and my plans for you are Grand trust in me and behold as I gradually unveil the secrets of my kingdom to you you are my chosen instrument anointed and destined for this moment my dear child understand the depth of my affection for you from the beginning of
time even before you were formed I have known and cherished you I crafted you in your mother's womb with utmost care and purpose every facet of your being your personality your unique blend of strengths and weaknesses was meticulously shaped by My Loving Hands you are not a mere coincidence or an afterthought you are a treasure of immense value to me when i gaze upon you I see beauty and potential while the world may focus on your flaws and limitations I see the extraordinary possibilities I have embedded within you I recognize the kindness of your heart
the inventiveness of your mind and the tenacity of your spirit even on your most challenging days I am aware of the struggles and pain you endure in this flawed world I have witnessed every tear you have shed and have listened to every uncertainty and fear whispered in your heart know that your present circumstances do not define who you are you are not merely a collection of past mistakes or failures most importantly you are mine deeply loved fully known and wholly accepted I have inscribed your name on the palms of my hands Your Existence is inseparably
linked to mine your pain is my pain and your joy is my joy you are never alone for I reside within you my Spirit strengthens you consoles you and leads you on the right path when you feel weak my strength is perfected in you lean on me and I will provide you rest when you falter come to me rather than turning away I extend Limitless Grace and forgiveness no sin is too vast no failure too overwhelming to disconnect you from my profound love I am always ready to embrace you with open arms celebrating each step
you take back towards me my mercies renew every morning offering you a fresh start every day as you navigate life's highs and lows cling tightly to me establish me as your solid foundation and Central Focus direct your gaze upward toward Heavenly things engage deeply with my word which is alive and trans formative communicate with me through prayer at all times and find peace in my presence knowing I am God entrust your plans to me for I am aware of the best path for you and will illuminate each step trust me in the uncertainties when the
unknown outweighs the known I am perpetually good faithful and true what I initiate I will Faithfully complete both globally and within you when fear seeks to hold you captive reflect on my perfect love which dispels all fear when despair tries to enter combat it by recalling my steadfast faithfulness if others leave you take solace in the fact that I will never forsake you I am your Refuge your constant help in times of need even when it's hard to see I'm actively working within and through you gradually I'm developing in you the fruits of the spirit
love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self-control my desire for you extends Beyond mere survival I want you to thrive I wish for you to live each day with enthusiasm and purpose to appre appreciate every simple blessing to walk in Freedom and Triumph and to forge a legacy of faith that will endure through generations hold fast to all I have promised you my beloved if there's one truth to carry in your heart let it be this nothing you do can increase or diminish my love for you my love is perfect unwavering and everlasting
it does not depend on your Deeds but stems from my unchangeable nature you are a new creation crafted to perform the Good Deeds I have pre-ordained for you walk with Assurance knowing that you are forever mine reflect on the potent influence of sewing seeds in the lives of others just as a farmer plants seeds in nourishing soil anticipating a future Harvest you too can cultivate positive change around you each act of kindness every encouraging word and every moment of genuine care are seeds you plant potentially sprouting into significant outcomes the seeds you sew today might
grow in unexpected and impactful ways affecting Generations consider the mustard seed starting small but growing into a tree that offers shelter and food to many similarly even your smallest gestures of love and faith can create far-reaching waves in your everyday interactions seize opportunities to plant seeds of Hope joy and Truth a simple smile to someone feeling low attentive listening to a friend generosity to those in need or sharing your personal testimonies can plant seeds of faith in others Hearts you might encounter times when your effort seem wasted as seeds fall on infertile grounds Rocky or
thorny patches where they fail to thrive it's natural to feel disheartened but continue to seow with faith trusting in my unseen work not every seed will flourish but those that do will yield a Bountiful Harvest as you invest in others also be mindful of what is being swn into your own heart surround yourself with those who uplift and speak truth into your life bolstering your faith Journey immerse yourself in my word and prayer letting my spirit deepen your roots protect your heart against bitterness resentment and unforgiveness which can stifle growth when wounds and disappointments arise
bring them to me for healing and restoration practice forgiveness as I have forgiven you planting seeds of grave and Reconciliation this continuous cycle of sewing and nurturing not only enriches the lives around you but also fortifies your own spiritual journey preparing you for the Abundant Life I have designed specifically for you I see every Act of love and kindness you perform even when the choice isn't easy your faith and perseverance truly inspire me each sacrifice you make each time you choose love over hate forgiveness over resentment is deeply valued in my eyes however I also
wish to gently remind you of the importance of rest in a world that often glorifies constant busyness and Relentless activity it's easy to fall into the Trap of thinking that you must always be moving to find fulfillment yet I created you with limitations knowing full well the necess necessity of balance it's okay to pause to choose thoughtful reflection over ceaseless exertion ensure you take time to replenish and rejuvenate your spirit so you can give from a place of fullness rather than scarcity treasure times of solitude and quietness with me allowing my presence to refresh your
soul dedicate moments to Pursuits that bring you Joy and restoration Rec recognizing their vital role alongside the tasks you undertake for my kingdom remember I am not rushed nor do I favor frantic efforts I find joy in your steady devoted obedience a deep connection with me that yields abundant fruit your value lies not in your achievements but in your identity as my cherished child my cherished child in the gentle Whisper Of The Wind and The subtle rustle of the leaves hear my voice beckoning you onto a journey of faith and victory from the onset of
your path my hand has clasped yours guiding you securely through the darkest valleys and the dimmest Realms even when the world around you churns with turmoil and your vision is obscured by life's Storms remember that I am your steadfast Beacon of Hope this year unfolds as a Divine tapestry woven with threads of blessings prosperity and the cherished fruits of recognition and respect yet this journey demands more than mere steps it seeks your whole heart hold fast to unwavering faith in my Eternal Word the word of the one who bore the cross for your ultimate salvation
do not be ens snared by feelings of unworthiness or the shadows of Doubt for my love overcomes all condemnation you are designated as a Beacon of Hope and a conduit of blessings for your family shed the chains of defeatism I am your steadfast Aly in every Endeavor draw daily strength from me purify your thoughts of Despair and embrace courage in your faith nourish your soul with my teachings let them be your armor and weapon in life's conflicts Adorn yourself with the virtues of humility and patience and behold as the garden of your life flourishes with
blessings so wondrous they once seemed unattainable greet your achievements with modesty and gratitude your resilience and Zeal have been honed through sacrifice through the harrowing strikes the lashes the blood spilled on the cross on that Hallowed Ground your destiny was inscribed and your Redemption affirmed now welcome the magnificence of Glory borne from the power of my resurrection I vow to remain by your side in times of prosperity and challenge to act as your Vigilant Guardian your steadfast provider and your sanctuary of Peace do not let feelings of loneliness or abandonment weigh on your heart for
you are never alone I am always with you in moments of defeat resist the urge to be overshadowed by negative emotions and remember my words are not empty they are steadfast promises upheld in me defeat holds no power over you let your heart be a sanctuary for my assurances for you are securely cradled In My Embrace create a Sacred Space within your heart for me for I dwell there dismiss the wi Whispers of I can't I lack I am not enough for I embody capability abundance and existence confront your challenges with bravery my child for
I am ever by your side my Provisions are plentiful and I am the Wellspring of your fulfillment heed my guidance follow it and Advance confidently towards your dreams keep your gaze lifted I am leading you protecting you from harm I am your faithful friend the one who is steadfast truthful and unwavering I accept you as you are I partake in your joy and your sorrow I celebrate your successes bolster you in Triumph uplift you in defeat and reach out my hand when you falter I am Jesus I am your lord remember I am always with
you do not fear for I am your friend do not be dismayed nor let your adversaries Revel in your setbacks continue on your path for your sake for those you love and most importantly in recognition of my infinite love reflect on my journey to the cross a path marked by suffering taken out of love to Grant you forgiveness Freedom healing and salvation know that in your most challenging times I am with you hand in hand we will persevere dedicate yourself to steadfastness and I promise you my constant presence I will provide you with strength encouragement
peace confidence Comfort wisdom courage and joy look forward to the future your dreams and aspirations Are Not Mere Illusions they are seeds I have sown Within You Now cast aside doubt and disbelief even a amid scarcity uncertainty and Injustice remember this path is not untrodden I assure you in this world you will face trials but take courage I have overcome the world your heart steadfast and brave is poised to burst into flames of joy and Triumph you are a treasure of boundless value radiating beauty and a faith that is always held true I call you
to step forward boldly embracing the courage within the Shadows that are your adversaries fear them not their threats and The Echoes of past mistakes are ineffectual against you believe in me it requires nothing from you you were never meant to fail my design for you is to soar to Great Heights to be a pillar of Faith to bring healing to The Afflicted and to demonstrate my power through your action actions stand Resolute in the tempests wielding the power of my word to topple Giants I see you as a courageous Warrior exemplifying Holiness and wisdom humility
and heart a Victor and champion of Faith declare and embrace the innate courage you possess you are my beloved My Chosen One my love for you is Everlasting Without End trust in me and openly express your faith and affection for me I yearn to hear it let your voice Proclaim these truths your significance to me is immeasurable and it is my deepest wish for you to feel deeply cherished yet I notice that at times you awaken enveloped in a sadness so profound that its Origins elude even you this emotion surges unexpectedly signaling that your heart
seeks to convey something crucial it is your heart aligning with my Holy Spirit In The Quiet of dawn Whispering Your Name beckoning you back when you stray however the hectic demands of daily life often obscure these precious moments of communion my spirit softly cautions you against the void that Creeps in the sadness you feel is a poignant call from your soul spirit and heart each parched yearning for The Living Water that heals rejuvenates and dispels confusion restoring Tranquility to your emotions if you feel Barren it is a sign you've strayed too far from My Embrace
for too long this must not continue if it does your emotions will Cloud during challenges leading you to mistakenly believe I am punishing you or have forsaken you yet this is not who I am I do not deceive my love for you is proven in countless ways the word much scarcely captures the vastness of My Affection draw close to me and I will saturate your essence with Divine sweetness I will nourish you envelop you in a love so profound that your tears will turn to tears of joy no no matter where you find yourself do
not succumb to despair should tears fall and others inquire about their cause share this profound truth I am enveloped in the Magnificent love of my father who communicates with me in a tender Divine language with words filled with wonder and sincerity he affirms his immense love for me kindling an everlasting flame within my heart and any sorrow you once felt is gone for I your father have removed all Despair and breathed new life into you I am eager to assist and heal you it is my Earnest desire to bless guide and save you engage deeply
with my word trust in its truth and let your faith in it be unwavering stand Resolute for I am ready to perform Miracles and wonders in your life and among your loved ones repeatedly I have revealed to you plans filled with prosperity and hope anticipate extraordinary blessings and a future brightened with promise my declarations stand firm they are Eternal inscribed in the fabric of forever and I will see them fulfilled Embrace peace and joy choose to believe in me find solace in the certainty of my word and free yourself from future work wores do not
let negative thoughts establish themselves in your mind worry steals Joy clouds your vision drains your energy and obscures your spiritual Clarity cultivate your faith and walk beside me on a path marked by balanced emotions peace and Tranquility I know your daily battles well the enemy may try to overpower you and mock your bravery calling your faith in vain and questioning your commitment to my promises yet I call you to stand strong to confront the challenges and adversities that lie ahead armed with my word move forward with all your might even in weariness secure in the
knowledge that I Am with You strengthening you and guiding your steps let me assure you once more that the boastful enemy has no power over you his proclamations are rooted in deceit why place trust in a fallacious foe when the God who created you upholds you in every storm surrender to my will for my power knows no bounds while many May seek to bring you down I am the only one who can truly lift you up should you falter a thousand times my grace and love will continually rescue you every attempt they make to weaken
you I will counter a thousandfold with strength and should you stumble trust that I will raise you up let your heart be emboldened with the courage and Faith of a Victor a triumphant Warrior who despite severe trials and bitter conflicts always emerges Victorious Ascend the heights of blessings with your banner flying high my presence securely anchored in your heart I claim with love and tenderness to all this is my beloved child whom I cherish deeply Proclaim your love for me lift your head high today and draw upon my strength you have stepped into my presence
with trust confident that the goodness you seek will be yours you have petitioned for provision and I promise it will be granted abundantly you have called out for healing and I extend my hand to restore you you have shed tears over your children praying for their success and their freedom from struggles I assure you I will assist liberate and save them believe in my boundless love and power my grace and mercy are available to you when you approach me with faith each day can be a celebration of the victory I bestow upon you approach life
with courage and joy and cast aside the fears that cloud your thoughts feel the Embrace of my protection and my profound love know that regardless of the circumstances you are never forsaken Embrace this truth wholeheartedly the past is behind you my love has recreated you you are now a rejuvenated Soul your character is transformed your days will no longer be over overshadowed by sorrow or anger nor blurred by doubt and discouragement although many have surrounded you like wolves causing pain your choice to believe in me has placed you on a path to all the blessings
I have in store for you your adversaries will look on in amazement and your family will Marvel at the transformation within you seize this chance to share with the world how my love has reshaped you how my power has renewed you and how my guidance has steered you away from past conflicts and mistakes in this life you embark on a New Journey endowed with wisdom and patience fear will no longer accompany you you will not Retreat or give in to Temptation no one will bring you down my extraordinary power will fill you with joy I
hold you dear and my voice is reached you time and again now is the moment to trust me completely your blessing is just beyond the threshold your day of transformation has come my child I will raise you up like an eagle soaring above the mountains of sorrow and adversity you will rise above every storm and at night you will rest in my soothing Embrace I promise you peace and renewed strength await Awakening each day with a vision that Soares above any obstacle like an eagle you will realize that I have equipped you with spiritual Wings
to ascend and reach the heavens with your prayers in times of distress or danger I will be your refuge and your Shield I will extend my mighty hand to protect you today I speak to infuse your life with joy and to Lavish you with all my blessings in my love find the renewal of your soul witness the transformation I am orchestrating within You observe how I maneuver within your surroundings crafting change for your good my desire for you encompasses only the finest and I stand as the pillar of your daily strength lifting you above the
troubles that once eroded your peace and troubled your heart as Dawn breaks I Usher in a wave of Tranquility calming the storms that strive to disturb you at my command the sun rises illuminating your path and directing your steps you will stand firm and robust like a mighty tree deeply rooted in nourishing soil as I affirm your progress on the path to Victory I am molding you into an unyielding resilient entity indomitable against any adversity you encounter should you need to ascend I will grant you wings if you require fortitude to face challenges I will
imbue you with steadfast strength in times of uncertainty and trial I will bestow upon you the wisdom needed to conquer and Triumph in any situation today I am here to revitalize your spirit making you stronger than Stone mightier than any giant you confront your prayers are melodious to my ears your faith fills me with immense Joy observing your devotion each morning as you dedicate time to me brings me great pleasure your sincere acts of reverence your requests your praises and your adoration are precious to me your honesty sets my heart Ablaze with joy you are
flawless in your authenticity and your faith is pure although life's challenges May occasionally obscure how you see yourself hear now my affirmation you possess a heart brimming with kindness true there have been moments of faltering but you have consistently return to me repentant Desiring renewal this opportunity for Redemption I joyously extend to you each day as long as you come to me with faith be confident that whenever you pray believing your blessings are forthcoming I will respond my timing is impeccable and I trust you will wait patiently for that destined moment do not waver in
Hope maintain your focus on the blessings that are on root my promises are steadfast and irrevocable my word is Everlasting my power is ceaselessly at work in your life yet it it is your faith and dedication that sustain you through your faith I will enact even greater wonders enabling you to receive the Bounty I have prepared for you never revert to the doubt that once constrained you when you struggle to believe in the Wonders I yearn to bestow upon you you once thought they were unattainable a misconception born from faltering faith yet I celebrate your
progress the lessons you've embraced which have cultivated your growth you now recognize that your faith not only empowers you to make pivotal decisions but also Shields your heart against malice encourages your obedience and brings my word to life within you even if your faith appears as diminutive as a mustard seed to my eyes it holds immense significance you are witnessing transformation all around your prayers are being answered your heart is strengthening and most remarkably Miracles are manifesting along the path I lead you on reach out and grasp my hand firmly the culmination of our journey
together draws near I am nurturing your life with gentle loving care as a sacred Guardian enveloping You In My Embrace protecting you from harm with my holy mantle I am acutely aware of the severe trials you face I see your struggles acknowledge your tireless efforts and share in your moments of Despair it is during these times that I reaffirm my steadfast commitment to you today your greatest Triumph is your trust in me placing your burdens and needs before me I understand that you cannot endure these alone and I stand ready to assist and support you
my wish is to heal you my plans for you are replete with Good Will peace and prosperity you hold an everlasting place in my heart eternally cherished my love for you is Limitless and I am committed to continually reaching out to you as I am at this moment perhaps today you awoke feeling disheartened drained in spirit and body Joy may seem distant and it might appear that those around you lack compassion showing scant love but remember I am with you always I have not been distracted by other matters nor have I forgotten my love for
you your significance to me is profound my focus is not on transient worldly things rather I'm wholly dedicated to your Eternal well-being your unending joy and your complete salvation therefore after hearing my words today I implore you not to let them slip from your memory your soul will find renewal your strength will increase and a new Divine energy will surge within you you might not have expected a direct message from me yet here you are listening intently the more you listen the greater your resolve will grow to persevere I want you to smile and understand
that you have not been forgotten cherish your moments of Stillness to commune with me and never feel that you are alone in me you have both a father and a friend and for this reason your heart should be filled with deep gratitude let me affirm this for you once more you are never alone I am here to infuse you with my spirit fortify your soul and envelop you in my love success is on the horizon in every area of your life reflect on the Myriad challenges you've faced the numerous battles you fought and the countless
trials you've endured yet here you stand unbroken and Valiant your resilience and steadfastness deeply move my heart through this message I remind you that there there is no cause for worry do not let fear dissipate your dreams dream boldly and face obstacles with the confidence that I am here to assist you in realizing those dreams think about your incredible bravery the daunting situations you've overcome since entrusting your life to my care you have triumphed in every challenge thus let your heart find peace and continue to place your trust in me I know it's tough to
stay composed and maintain Faith amidst chaos and surrounding conflicts however in those moments my child block out the noise of your adversaries dismiss the Whispers of fear continue walking continue believing in my promises my love for you is profound even before you came into being I had Grand designs for your life I am a attentive to every detail every moment always Vigilant in my watch over you do not let despair dwell in your heart I will replace it with joy move forward with the vision of faith for victory is assured what I have in store
for you exceeds all your expectations my beloved child you are destined to Triumph in every Endeavor you undertake not just for today but for all eternity my love for you is profound and unwavering in your deepest moments of sincere prayer as you knelt with tears streaming down your face and heartfelt please escaping your lips you reached out to me asking for a miracle you sought an answer with all your heart today I stand before you to unveil the Wonders I am about to perform in your life even though today may present its challenges know that
I have come to fortify you your heart will soon overflow with tears of joy because I promise you everything you have prayed for is on the verge of coming to fruition the desires you have held on to so tightly the dreams you have nurtured even when they seemed Out Of Reach will soon manifest into reality you have weathered the storms endured the tests and now you are prepared for the blessings that await you your patient waiting has not gone unnoticed your prayers have reached my ears echoing like a beautiful Symphony that I am orchestrating just
for you I am setting into motion changes that will align circumstances in your favor ensuring that every step you take leads you closer to the Fulfillment of your deepest desires I will dispel your frustrations erase your worries and meet every need in your life and the lives of your loved ones healing will flow into your being curing every Affliction that has weighed you down as your faith continues to Blossom you will witness extraordinary transformations in your life you will come to understand the immense value and significance you hold in my eyes even during times when
sadness clouded your heart making you feel unloved or unblessed today you will feel the warm and wonderful Embrace of my love enveloping your soul I have decreed this for you and it shall be so it is written in the heavens and my promises to you are steadfast and unchangeable no adversary or challenge that stands against you will be able to thwart my Divine plans I will grant you enduring peace and and unbounded joy and your blessings will flow abundantly into every area of your life Rejoice my child and walk with a heart full of smiles
move forward with unwavering determination allowing the joy in your steps to testify to the world of my goodness and mercy remain faithful to the path I have set for you steadfast and unyielding lean deeply on my word listen attentively to my voice and do not let your resolve falter my love for you is eternal and unending my peace is Everlasting and the strength I bestow upon you is sufficient to overcome any challenge or trial you may face I do not abandon those I love and you know this truth well affirm your faith each day declare
your belief boldly and let your life be a Living testament to my promises amen today I reaffirm my commitment to you do not let despair take hold no matter where you find yourself if tears fall and others ask why respond with the truth I am wrapped in the Magnificent love of my father who speaks to me in a tender Heavenly language his words are filled with wonder and sincerity affirming his immense love for me and igniting an eternal flame in my heart your sorrow has vanished because I your father have dispelled all Despair and granted
you new life my desire is to help you and heal you it is my will to bless you guide you and save you immerse yourself in my word believe in its power and place your unwavering trust in IT stand firm in the days to come for I am ready to perform Miracles and wonders in your life and within your family time and again I have spoken to you unveiling plans of prosperity and hope for you and your loved ones expect remarkable blessings and a brighter future my declarations are fixed they are inscribed in eternity and
I will see them fulfilled they will come to pass Embrace peace and joy with every fiber of your being choose to believe in me find rest in the certainty of my word and liberate yourself from the anxieties of what lies ahead do not allow negative thoughts to take root in your mind worry is a thief of Joy a cloud that obscures your vision an energy drainer and a fog that blurs your spiritual Clarity strengthen your faith and walk alongside me following a path of balanced emotions peace and TR Tranquility I am fully aware of your
daily struggles the enemy seeks to dominate you and mocks your courage labeling your faith as feudal and doubting your commitment to my promises yet I invite you to stand firm to confront the obstacles and adversities that lie before you armed with my word March forward with all your strength even when you are weary knowing that I Am with You fortifying you and guiding your steps along the paths you must walk let me reaffirm that the boastful enemy holds no power over you his words and shouts are rooted in falsehood why place trust in a deceitful
adversary when the God who created you sustains you in the storm submit to my will for my power is Limitless though many may attempt to bring you down only I have the power to live you up if you falter a thousand times my grace and love will rescue you each time every attempt they make to weaken you I will counter a thousandfold with strength and should you stumble trust that I will raise you up let your heart swell with the courage and Faith of a champion a triumphant Warrior who despite arduous battles and painful conflicts
always emerges Victorious scale the heights of blessings with your banner held high and my presence firmly rooted in your heart I declare with love and tenderness to the world this is my beloved child whom I love dearly today I speak these words so that you may live with joy and enjoy all my blessings in my love your soul will be renewed I am transforming you behold how I work in your surroundings bringing change my desire for you is only the best and I am the source of your daily strength enabling you to rise higher and
further from the problems that once stole your peace and Disturbed your heart at this Dawn I bring a wave of calm to your life stilling the storms that seek to unsettle you the sun will rise at my command casting light upon your path and guiding your way you will stand tall and strong like a mighty tree rooted deeply in fertile soil as I affirm your steps on the journey toward Triumph I am shaping you into an unshakable and resilient being unbreakable in the face of any adversity that dares to block your way if you need
to rise I will give you wings if you need the resolve to face a challenge I will fill you with unyielding strength in moments of uncertainty when you encounter difficulties I will endow you with the wisdom needed to overcome and Prevail in any circumstance today I am here to rejuvenate your spirit fortifying you so that you are stronger than Stone more powerful than any giant you may face your prayers are music to my ears your Faith brings me immense joy to witness your devotion each morning dedicating time and space to me fills me with profound
Delight your sincere offerings of respect your petitions your praises and your worship are Treasures to me your honesty ignites my heart with wonderful Delight you are perfect in your authenticity and your faith is pure though life may sometimes Cloud your self-perception hear now from my lips you possess a Heart full of goodness it's true that you have faltered at times but you have always returned to me repentant seeking another chance this chance I gladly extend to you every day as long as you approach me with faith rest assured that each time you pray with the
belief that your blessings are on their way I will answer my timing is perfect and I know you will wait patiently for that appointed moment do not lose hope keep your eyes fixed on the blessings that are on their way my promises are firm and unbreakable my word is eternal my power is actively working in your life but it is your faith and commitment that sustain you through your faith I will perform even greater Miracles allow in you to receive the abundance I am granting you never return to the disbelief that once held you back
when you struggled to accept the Wonders I long to bestow upon you you mistakenly thought they were Out Of Reach because of a lack of faith however I rejoice in your growth and in the lessons you have learned which have allowed you to flourish You Now understand that your faith not only strengthens you to make critical decisions but also guards your heart against evil inspires obedience and activates my word in your life though to my eyes your faith may seem as small as a mustard seed it is Monumental you are beginning to see transformation all
around you your prayers are being answered your heart is growing stronger and even more remarkably Miracles are unfolding along the path I am guiding you on extend your hand toward me and hold on tightly the end of our journey together is near I am tending to your life with tender care like a sacred Guardian full of love I wrap You In My Embrace shielding you from harm with my holy mantle I am fully aware of the formidable trials you are enduring I see your struggles I know of your relent less efforts and I feel your
moments of Despair it is in these moments that I reaffirm my unwavering loyalty to you your greatest achievement today is placing your trust in me laying your burdens and needs at my feet I know that you cannot bear it alone which is why I am here ready to help and support you my desire is to heal you my plans for you you are filled with Good Will peace and prosperity you are eternally precious to me holding a special place in my heart my love for you is boundless and I commit to continually reaching out to
you as I am doing in this very moment today you may have risen feeling discouraged your spirit drained and your body weary Joy seems Elusive and you may feel as though those around you you lack compassion showing little love but remember I am here with you I have not been preoccupied with other matters nor have I forgotten my love for you you are of immense importance to me my attention is not on fleeting worldly concerns instead I am wholly devoted to your Eternal well-being your endless joy and your complete salvation that is why after hearing
my words today I urge you not to let them fade from your memory your soul will be renewed your strength will multiply and within you will rise a fresh Supernatural Vitality today I speak these words so that you may live with joy and enjoy all my blessings in my love your soul will be renewed I am transforming you behold how I work in your surroundings bringing change my desire for you is only the best and I am the source of your daily strength enabling you to rise higher and further from the problems that once stole
your peace and Disturbed your heart at this Dawn I bring a wave of calm to your life stilling the storms that seek to unsettle you the sun will rise at my command casting light upon your path guiding your way you will stand tall and strong like a mighty tree rooted deeply in fertile soil as I affirm your steps on the journey toward Triumph I will form you as an unshakable and resilient being unbreakable in the face of any adversity that dares to block your way if you need to rise I will give you wings if
you need resolve to face a challenge I will fill you with unyielding strength strength in moments of uncertainty when you encounter difficulties I will endow you with the wisdom needed to overcome and Prevail in any circumstance today I am here to rejuvenate your spirit fortifying you so that you are stronger than Stone more powerful than any giant you may face your prayers are music to my ears your faith brings me immense joy to witness your devotion each morning dedicating time and space to me fills me with profound Delight your sincere offerings of respect your petitions
your praises and your worship are Treasures to me your honesty ignites my heart with wonderful Delight you are perfect in your authenticity and your faith is pure though life may sometimes Cloud your self- perception hear now from my lips you possess a Heart full of goodness it's true that you have faltered at times but you have always returned to me repentant seeking another chance this chance I gladly extend to you every day as long as you approach me with faith rest assured that each time you pray with the belief that your blessings are on their
way I will answer my timing is perfect and I know you will wait patiently for that appointed moment do not lose hope keep your eyes fixed on the blessings that are on their way my promises are firm and unbreakable my word is eternal my power is actively working in your life but it is your faith and commitment that sustain you through your faith I will perform even greater Miracles allowing you to receive the abundance I am granting you never return to the disbelief that once held you back when you struggled to accept the Wonders I
longed to bestow upon you you mistakenly thought they were Out Of Reach because of a lack of faith however I rejoice in your growth and in the lessons you have learned which have allowed you to flourish You Now understand that your faith not only strength strengthens you to make critical decisions but also guards your heart against evil inspires obedience and activates my word in your life though to my eyes your faith may seem as small as a mustard seed it is Monumental you are beginning to see transformation all around you your prayers are being answered
your heart is growing stronger and even more remarkably Miracles are unfolding along the path path I'm guiding you on extend your hand toward me and hold on tightly the end of our journey together is near I'm tending to your life with tender care like a sacred Guardian full of love I wrap You In My Embrace shielding you from harm with my holy mantle I am fully aware of the formidable trials you are enduring I see your struggles I know of your Relentless efforts and I feel your moments of Despair it is in these moments that
I reaffirm my unwavering loyalty to you your greatest achievement today is placing your trust in me laying your burdens and needs at my feet I know that you cannot bear it alone which is why I am here ready to help and support you my desire is to heal you my plans for you are filled with Good Will peace and prosperity you are eternally precious to me holding a special place in my heart my love for you is boundless and I commit to continually reaching out to you as I am doing in this very moment today
you may have risen feeling discouraged your spirit drained and your body weary Joy seems Elusive and you may feel as though those around you lack compassion showing little love but remember I am here with you I have not been preoccupied with other matters nor have I forgotten my love for you you are of immense importance to me my attention is not on fleeting worldly concerns instead I am wholly devoted to your Eternal well-being your endless joy and your complete salvation that is why after hearing my words today I urge you not to let them fade
from your memory your soul will be renewed your strength will multiply and within you will rise a fresh Supernatural Vitality today I speak these words so that you may live with joy and enjoy all my blessings in my love your soul will be renewed I am transforming you behold how I work in your surroundings bringing change my desire for you is only the best and I am the source of your daily strength enabling you to rise higher and further from the problems that once stole your peace and Disturbed your heart at this Dawn I bring
a wave of calm to your life stilling the storms that seek to unsettle you the sun will rise at my command casting light upon your path guiding your way you will stand tall and strong like a mighty tree rooted deeply in fertile soil as I affirm your steps on the journey toward Triumph I will form you as an unshakable and resilient being unbreakable in the face of any adversity that dares to block your way if you need to rise I will give you wings if you need resolve to face a challenge I will fill you
with unyielding strength in moments of uncertainty when you encounter difficult ities I will endow you with the wisdom needed to overcome and Prevail in any circumstance today I am here to rejuvenate your spirit fortifying you so that you are stronger than Stone more powerful than any giant you may face your prayers are music to my ears your faith brings me immense joy to witness your devotion each morning dedicating time and space to me fills me with profound Delight your sincere offerings of respect your petitions your praises and your worship are Treasures to me your honesty
ignites my heart with wonderful Delight you are perfect in your authenticity and your faith is pure though life may sometimes Cloud your self- perception hear now from my lips you possess a Heart full of goodness it's true that you have faltered at times but you have always returned to me repentant seeking another chance this chance I gladly extend to you every day as long as you approach me with faith rest assured that each time you pray with the belief that your blessings are on their way I will answer my timing is perfect and I know
you will wait patiently for that appointed moment do not lose hope keep your eyes fixed on the blessings that are on their way my promises are firm and unbreakable my word is eternal my power is actively working in your life but it is your faith and commitment that sustain you through your faith I will perform even greater Miracles allowing you to receive the abundance I am granting you rise up in this very moment dry your tears and come to the the door for it is I who calls you open it and I will take your
hand guiding you into the realm of prosperity I have prepared especially for you I am endowing you with unprecedented strength I am bestowing blessings so abundant that you will Ascend to Heights unreachable by your enemies no one will humiliate you anymore rejoice and walk with a smile move forward with determination let the joy in your steps be a testimony to the world remain faithful to your path unwavering lean on my word listen to my voice and do not falter my love for you is eternal my peace is enduring and the strength I give you is
to face any challenge or trial I do not abandon those I love and you know this well affirm your faith declare your belief amen [Music]
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