How I Got Rich Quick With Dopamine Detox

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Charlie Morgan
I hate case study funnels and being pitched just as much as you do, but if you're curious about how ...
Video Transcript:
I became a millionaire at 21 I started at 18 and I got rich quick and I think the reason that happened is because I figured out how to stay motivated and to be able to create motivation whenever I wanted by the click of my fingers what I'm going to do in this video is show you how to do the same thing because you have this thing probably right now where you go through waves of motivation where one minute you're on top of the world you're really motivated everything seems easy to do and the hard things
seem easy and you just love doing the hard things and you're just you're just so motivated but then a couple of days or a week or a couple of weeks later you you fall into a rut and you become demotivated and you stop doing what you need to do and you just shove off and you you live through this cycle and you you never make any progress because you're just you just start and stop and start and stop according to your motivation level so what I'm going to do in this video is share with you
something called dopamine detoxing which I've been doing now every single month for nearly eight years or just over8 years and it's made me nearly $30 million and if you learn to do it the way that I do it you will have the same result so let me explain so the first thing you need to understand in order to achieve endless Limitless motivation is something called a baseline every human in their brain we have what is called a dopamine Baseline and this is basically a unit measurement of the amount of dopamine in your brain or the
amount of dopamine that's released that makes you feel happy and makes you feel motivated remember dopamine is the chemical responsible for motivation the problem that most people have is their Baseline is way too high and so let me explain how this works so what we could do is we could map this out on a graph from 0 to 100 and this is measuring Baseline 100 is like your Baseline is really high and zero is your Baseline is basically non-existent which is never going to be the case but you get what I mean now let me
let me let me give you a little thought experiment to explain this take a el elderly person that you know so my grandmother is 96 so maybe you've got a grandparent or maybe you know someone that's over the age of 70 or 80 imagine that person watching a Mr Beast video they would probably shut down and and wither away imagine if you gave them a an energy drink and then you had them scroll through Instagram reels for an hour whilst they were also listening to loud music that that they just they would just perish under
the level of stimulation and this is because older people elderly people who grew up before hyper stimulating food and Hyper stimulating music and Hyper stimulating content these people they have very so dopam energic baselines and what this means is it requires very little stimulation for them to feel motivated or happy or in any sense just stimulated in general the problem that our generation has people in their teens people in their 20s people in their early 30s maybe even a little bit older is we have or they have incredibly high baselines and what this means is
it requires a lot of stimulation for them to become successful if you want to see how this has evolved over the last over the last really 15 years go and look at the best and most popular YouTube video from when YouTube started which is just a dude talking to a camera and now if you watch the the most popular YouTube videos they're so stimulating it's it's insane if you if you actually look at the difference between like old like old YouTube videos and new YouTube videos in terms of what was popular the difference is night
and day in terms of stimulation levels the same thing is also true with music and movies and all sorts of you know stimulation like food you know in in in 19 50 a stimulating meal was like you know potato and steaks with maybe some butter and some sauce like you know whatever the hell but now you get these crazy meals that are like so over stimulating and and basically this is a huge problem because if you're trying to create and produce endless motivation a lot of people in order for them to produce endless motivation they
have to have so much stimulation and their brain becomes used to this now here's the thing let me explain something to you in your life you have something called stimulants and a stimulant is basic basically an external environmental pressure or force that comes into your immediate sensory awareness that creates motivation that registers on a dopaminergic level and so these are things like um junk food porn music uh we got social media big one big big big one content you've got all all sorts of things that you know you got drugs you got alcohol the thing
is is stimulants can typically be broken down into one of two categories well we've got hyper stimulants and we've got standard stimulants so we we have categories right so for example a category could be food and inside of food we've got hyper stimulating food and standard stimulating food and so for example a hyper stimulating food would be like a a cheeseburger from McDonald's or like some chicken like breaded thing covered in like sauce that just makes you feel like amazing the thing is is we in addition to hyper stimulation we have standard stimulation and so
for example like in hyper stimulated State we have junk food but in standard stimulated State we could just have like some chicken or some broccoli or some rice or you know maybe it's just like a steak or maybe maybe it's just some sweet potato or something basically raw food single ingredient foods that aren't covered in sugar and sauce and E numbers and stuff to make them palatable and amazing to eat and you know same thing sort of goes here with with um with your relationship with um sex okay so one thing that could be hyper
stimulating could be pornography where you know you're online and you're watching porn and like you can watch anything you want and you get into some weird stuff because you're just so it's like you just want more and more stimulation you know another thing that could just be like you know a normal like a date or like you know just just just normal sex you know where you're just sleeping with someone that you've known for a while and it's just normal right and it's not this weird fantasy that you've created because you've become so numb to
everything same thing with music in this day and age we've got hyper stimulating music like with really loud drums and it's just you play it as loud as you can and it's just like you know insane or we could have like classical music or we could have ambient music or we could just have have like whatever the hell same thing with social media like all these things like are broken down as two categories now the exception to this is drugs and alcohol because there's not really any drug or alcohol that is just standard in terms
of the level of stimulation maybe it is if you do less of it but ultimately it's kind of binary but the point here is that what you'll notice when it comes to stimulants is the stuff that you want to do and that you know you should do falls into the standard category this is where you know like for example in the S category you've got exercise you've got you've got cold exposure you've got meditation like these are things that are still rewarding dopaminergically that the reward that you receive dop energic for doing these things is
so little in contrast to the hyper categories that you don't want to do them and so this is why people fail and this is why people's motivation levels completely fall apart so most people they exist in this state of hypers stimulation over stimulation where they've just they've got every social media app on their phone they're addicted to porn they listen to loud music all the time they're scrolling through social media all the time they eat whatever the hell they want they're smoking they're drinking like they're just doing all these bad things right and so what
this means is their dopamine Baseline is extremely high because in order for them to feel something and feel motivated they have to receive so much stimulation because that's what they used to and the problem is is that when they get these weird when you probably you get this right when you get this weird spark of motivation to do something you start changing your behavior towards standard stimulant okay so you know you you it's like new year new me like you you suddenly I'm going to fix my diet and I'm going to be in the gym
and I'm going to start doing these things and what happens is it's like it's kind of like these are like two different types of fuel for your brain so over here we've just got standard petrol and then over here we could have like you know hyper petrol you know hyper petrol is like you know this this this crazy you know fuel that burns really fast and feels really good to use and it makes you go really fast but then it runs out really quickly okay and that's that's what that's how this thing works is you
most people they run on hyper petrol and their brain runs on hyper petrol where the the the the petrol it burns real quick and it feels amazing and the car goes really fast but the problem is is it runs out really quickly and you've got to constantly go and top it back up whereas standard petrol or diesel it just gets the job done it's slow and steady it has these little spikes where you can accelerate and burn a lot but it's it does it last a lot longer right so when people try and start behaving
properly and they try and switch their know sort of fuel they naturally start bringing themselves down where this is this is basically another level okay this little dotted line and this represents something called the operating level and this is the level of dopamine Baseline that they're trying to operate at because when you're used to this hyper stimulation and you cut all the stimul stimulant out what happens is you know you operate a new level so when you switch out your diet when you start get behaving properly when you start doing work instead of like just
being a degenerate watching YouTube videos you bring your dopaminergic level down and what this means is that you know if this is a 100 here and this is zero here and this is this is the measurement of dopamine Baseline is you're used to being here but now that you're behaving properly you're operating at a lower level of stimulation and what happens is we create this Chasm that is called and I will write this down here it's called a dopamine deficit State this is incredibly painful and this is incredibly hard because this is where we start
to this is where the room for anxiety happens it's where Depression start to kick in you start feeling sad um my one of my friends um used to do a lot of cocaine and he doesn't anymore I've never touched cocaine personally but he used to do a lot of cocaine and he described um the coming when he when he do like cocaine for like a couple of days or whatever um he and he he would come off of it and he would have what is called a cown and a cown in in the drug world
is basically where you know you have overshot your stimulation levels significantly all the way up here and as soon as you stop doing the thing that overshot them you just you just come down like you're it's it's like you you you were so you had so much dopamine and you releasing so much dopamine that when you come back to a healthy normal level it's almost like it was worse than it's way worse than it was before you started and so this is called a dopamine deficit State and what this is is this is where you're
you is really painful it it really really registers on a really painful level to be in a dopamine deficit State because well this is where like you start feeling demotivated and this is this is literally how the brain works is is you you feel motivated you feel this spark of motivation to start doing the right stuff to to operate out of standard stimulant and to start working on petrol not hyper petrol and by doing this you you lower the level of dopamine in your brain but it's it's not like you're getting less dopamine and less
motivation but all it means is is there there's a massive cont contrast between what registers is rewarding and what register is motivating because you're so used to this that now you now you've got this it feels way worse the thing is is after a while of being at this state you will you know you'll stabilize and you'll re-register because what we want to try and do and the whole point of this dopamine detox thing that I'll explain in just a second is you need to learn how to lower your Baseline and be happy and rewarded
and comfortable with the the most minimal amount of stimulation required possible and so this is what I've been able to do you know sort of with my brain here is I've been able to put myself in heavy heavy heavy dopamine deficit states without switching back to hyper stimulation and so you know my Baseline for for dopamin for dopaminergic release and stimulation and and therefore motivation is probably like here because you know I went to a place in Dubai I live in Dubai and I went to a place in Dubai the day called Top Golf and
top golf um is a golf course I went my family and it's like a it's like a it's like a golf shooting range right um driving range and I went I walked into Top Golf and it was like my it was like my brain started to hurt like you know there was this really loud music there's flashing lights everywhere like the food is like covered in like sugar and and I had some barbecu WIS with some sauce and I was like oh my God what the hell is this and everyone's shouting and it's just chaos
like there's and it's like for me like for for a normal person at my age that's just like a good night out but for me I was like what the hell is going on here like I'm I'm about to have some sort of aneurysm it was so over stimulating and the same thing is true if I I I really struggle nowadays to watch Mr Beast videos or you know any of these new age YouTubers where it's it's like it's It's Tricky and the same thing applies now where if I try to eat like a massive
junk meal like I'll enjoy it but like the really sweet stuff and the Really hor like the really stuff the stuff that's been covered in SCE I I don't enjoy it it's like it doesn't it doesn't feel it doesn't feel good right and that's because I've spent so long in such a low dopamine deficit state that when I try to engage in in in behaviors or stimulants that would normally stimulate a person up here it's kind of like there's just it's too much of a contrast between what I'm used to and it just makes me
feel anxious and it makes me feel weird and so what I'm going to do now is sort of explain the process of of dopamine um detox what I did did is basically once a week and I would I would do this on Sunday and this is what you want to do at the beginning every single week you want to do something called a dopamine fast now a dopamine fast is basically where you eliminate all stimulation from your from your life basically for 24 hours and what this does is if you do this every single week
for a month or two what it does is it it starts to create this experience in this contrast where you can you can become used to very little stimulation and so what I would do is basically remove everything so I'm talking everything I mean no food so you just fast 24 hours and all you drink is water or you know you can have water and you maybe want to have um coffee I don't drink coffee anymore but it's up to you but you remove everything so you remove all socializing you remove you remove your phone
you remove your computer like everything goes so you and I'm talking everything here you don't talk to anyone you kind of behave like a cat where you just literally you know just stare out of a window that makes sense and what you can do you know on this dopam mean fast is you know after you've removed everything what you can do is you can walk so you can go for a walk right because also what we're doing here is we're removing exercise we're removing music um removing social media obviously the phone goes away removing any
drinking any smoking removing any like drugs anything you do on a day day basis um that you would find in any way shapable form rewarding is eliminated and there's really two things that you can do walk and read and you know you can drink water okay and so what I would do and I still do this I did I do this protocol pretty much every month once a month but at the beginning because your brain is so fried just do it once a week and so every Sunday what I would do is I would remove
every stimulation from my life with the exception of being able to walk with no music just by myself being able to read so I could read a book if I wanted to um and then um just drinking water and so what this does is it trains you you know to start to get used to being in a dopamine deficit State and what will start to happen over time after doing this for a couple of weeks is you're going to start to Crave the the state that you're in when you're when you're less stimulated because the
brain wants to optimize for as little stimulation as possible because it's in it's incredibly taxing for the brain to have to deal with all this stimulation so it naturally wants to be you know in the Lower State of in Lower State of dopamine um and the cool thing about this the really cool thing about this is what starts to happen is when you do this on I would recommend Sunday when you do this on Sunday what happens is the the thing that you start the next day become it becomes incredibly heavily associated with reward and
this is how you can really hack it so you spend the whole of Sunday where you know you wake wake up and you know it's it's 9:00 a.m. and all you do is you walk and you read and you drink water and that's it you don't talk to anyone you don't do anything you're not like listening to music you're not going to a shopping mall and you're just doing nothing and I know that sounds scary but what happens is you do that on Sunday and then you wake up on Monday and the things that you
do on Monday you they they are they it's it's like being it's like crack is like they're the most stimulating things and so what you do what you do on Monday or the day after you've done the fast is you know the first thing you do is you eat clean because now what's going to happen because you've lowered your dopaminergic state and you've removed everything is the standard motivators the standard stimulants that I talked about like the clean food like the exercise like the work like even reading these things become incredibly rewarding because because you
put yourself in such a state of deficit suddenly things that aren't that rewarding become very rewarding because when you put your brain in state it becomes more sensitive to stimulation and so on Monday what you want to look to do is you want to look to eat clean so where you're not eating any junk food and you also want to look to you know work properly and and do the work properly go need to do do get what you need to do done and exercise and start trying to introduce these standard stimulants where we're not
cutting out food completely and we're not maybe you don't want to cut out social media completely but I would to be honest and what's going to start to happen is you're going to start having this cycle where you know on Sunday you're really bored but then on Monday you do things and what's going to start to happen is these things you're going to heavily associate with dopaminergic release because you put yourself in this state of deficit and the more often you do this the more rewarding these things become and the more you will want to
do them because dopamine is an association between happiness and and stimulant or motivation and stimulant what will happen is I guarantee this for the first couple of weeks is Monday will be topnotch Monday will be fantastic for you Tuesday will be good Wednesday will be okay and then by Thursday Friday Saturday you're going to you're going to be you know over stimulated back on short form content but that's fine because if you just do this every week for you know a month or two it you're going to start to rewire your brain nice and slowly
we don't want to just do it this extreme thing where you try and cut everything out seven days a week because you're just not strong enough to do that yet right but if you do it every week just at the end of every week for for for a month for the first month or two months then you can start to come off so the cool thing that I do now is I do this typically once every one to two months and the some sometimes once even every 3 months because I no longer my dopamine deficits
my my dopamine magic Baseline is so low that I can read a book for 4 hours and receive the same level of satisfaction and stimulation that a person would have there playing video games oh that's another one by the way is gaming hyper stimulating right but for me now reading a book for four hours is the equivalent to playing four hours of video games because because on Mondays I would if I was didn't have anything to do I would read and it it registers as is way more stimulating and so I will now do this
probably every 3 months is a stretch but like every one to two months for example right now um I am just it's January the 5th and I'm coming off of a Christmas break and over Christmas I engaged in a lot of hyper stimulation I ate lots of chocolate and I ate lots of junk food and I spent loads of time I went out drinking and stuff on like on on New Year's Eve and and during Christmas and like it was in and know I spent a lot of time watching like YouTube and Netflix like in
very very stimulating things that are very very rewarding in terms of dop dop release and now as of me recording this I am now um about 60 hours into a fast and into a moderate dopamine fast as well um I'm not doing a full dopamine fast because I'm working and you know work is quite stimulating for me um but for the first 24 hours um of this dopamine fast I was traveling and so I had to I had to fly to Budapest and I flew to Dubai and you know it's like 16 hours of travel
and for pretty much the entire time the only thing I allowed myself to do was listen to ambient music and read a book and I'm reading a book and because of that like my my dopamine reward system I I bring the Baseline down and now you know now it's you know the weekend it's today and what am I doing after this I'm working because I don't want to engage in these things things and you know bring myself back up so here's how you want to structure this okay so basically for the for you and your
chaotic brain State I would do this once a week for two months okay and see how you feel once a week for two months and don't do anything else just this and then after this you know what you want to do is you want to do it once every um two weeks and then once you've done that then you just want to do it once a month and then after this you can pretty much just do it like whenever you feel necessary because if you this is this is 6 months of dopamine management if you
can do this for 6 months what starts to happen is you you're able to manipulate your your you become very self-aware and you become very cognizant of your levels and where you're at and where your stimulation levels are like for example for me I know that my dopamine I've let my dopamine Baseline get way too high when I can watch a Mr Beast video without get my brain hurting if that makes sense right and this this is incredible for Focus discipline motivation happiness everything Etc so if you follow this six-month protocol it's very simple where
just you know in these time frames at the beginning once a week we cut it out um in the middle we cut it out once every two weeks and then once a month what will happen is you become this person who can just basically do this whenever you want and it then no long no longer becomes this binary rule where you do this fast thing every every month or whatever but you it's you can use it at your own will and when you feel like you've overshot it and you're way too over stimulated and you
need to bring that that back and you're struggling to be motivated now you're in control and it is so simple all you do is you abstain from hypers stimulation for a day and it's not a lot to ask for because it's just a day most people they try and they try and achieve this where you know like this this is why most people fail for the new year new me thing the January like Paradox where everyone suddenly becomes motivated is because they're so used to such high stimulation and you know then they try and engage
in you know um they have this new operating level where they try and engage in less stimulating lifestyle is that the deficit is just way too big it's just so big but and then this is they get depressed they get anxious and then they just go back to their old life but what you want to do is by just doing this once one day a week we just do it on Sundays to begin with what you're doing is you're just bringing it down here right and every time you do it oh just SM my mic
every time you do it your Baseline just reduces slightly and then you know the next Sunday you're going to try and bring it down to here and it like here because you got to remember your brain doesn't work in in in dayong time Horizons right your brain neurochemistry can be mapped over weeks and months and you know it's kind of like a it's like trying to be in a calorie Surplus or a calorie deficit where you're eating a lot or you're not like people track their calories in the day but it's way better if you
track them in the week because then you get a better representation of you know your behavior and so you know what we're looking to do is we're just looking to slowly bring it down and and this takes years right so my dopaminergic um Baseline is super low and it's taken me like it took me really probably like three four years to bring this thing down to the point where reading for 6 hours was as fun as playing video games but it's possible you just need to stick to it and if you do then you're going
to basically have this endless source of motivation because you know when you remove hypers stimulants you want to you don't want to do them anymore so let me give you a quick window into everything that I've removed to to reduce my dopamine Baseline so I've removed all food except red meat so I only eat steak I don't eat carbs I don't eat sauces I don't eat anything and what this means is like the idea of eating like an apple for me is like it's like crack like that would be insane that would be like eating
like a McDonald's for like a normal person or like even the idea of I was thinking the other I was craving pepper corn sauce and I was like God that would be so amazing like how you feel when you think about a pizza or a burger is how I feel when I think about an orange or a piece of fruit and that's because I've removed so much that my you know my what what is required to stimulate me is so little um I've removed all video games so I don't play any video games I've removed
any pornography um even like casual dating or just like boring like like dating apps or like casual relationships I've removed as well um what else have I removed I've removed all social media so i i b basically all of that um loud music I Still listen to a lot of music but like it I moderate it and I regulate it because otherwise it kind of gets a bit insane I still listen to loud music like every day but like if I'm reading or if I'm working or like if I'm on a walk I like to
listen to ambient music which I know sounds a bit weird but it works really well what else have I removed I've removed video games pornography social media loud music um those are the main ones now the other thing is like smoking I've never done well I used to smoke but not anymore a lot of people I know who are incredibly successful and incredi Rich they just have really low do energic things and all of their reward and happiness comes from really basic things like work and reading and the boring stuff that actually makes you successful
and helps you grow and if you can learn to regulate this and manage this then you're going to become incredibly incredibly motivated so yeah that's dopamine detoxing 101 I hope you like it and I will look forward to seeing you in the next video subscribe
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