3 Disturbing TRUE Beach Horror Stories

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Mr. Nightmare
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Video Transcript:
as a summer themed video today's stories focus on a beach theme before getting into these I would like to talk about today's sponsor fume we all have bad habits and sometimes breaking these habits can be tough like when you're out with friends and they're all reaching for their bad habits you may feel that urge to not be the odd one out fume is here to help you kick those bad habits in an enjoyable way with something that you could take out with you flavored air device is quickly becoming the leading alternative to vaping and smoking
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me to shake out a pair of shoes and not have some amount of sandall out my two best friends let's call them Arman and Chuck were extroverted outgoing and charismatic we were all 18 and very much obsessed with girls it was a Saturday night in late may just a few weeks before school let out senioritis had long since set in and at this point my friends and I regularly pushed the limits of how much we could get away with without getting in trouble we already had our coed college acceptances so we didn't really care much
about high school anymore armont and I had plans to meet up with two girls from our high school that we'd been getting along with really well at school the plan was to pick the two of them up in the evening and enjoy a cool Breezy night on the beach we had blankets and a few bottles of wine the perfect combinations for stargazing on the beach I don't cond drinking and driving to any capacity but I was just a stupid kid I arrived at Sophia's House just after 9:00 her and fr sort of walk danc to
the car it was clear that they had a little something to drink beforehand Arman and I exchanged some excited grins it was going to be a fun night I took a scenic route to a Scenic Beach it was about a 30-minute Drive the whole time the four of us were having a great time in the car cracking jokes and talking about some mutual friends at one point for and and I were having a very deep philosophical conversation about the nature of time and death and such we were all very much enjoying each other's company the
specific Beach I had chosen had a dirt path that you could drive a car up from there there was a more narrow sand path that we would walk the path was actually pretty steep but I had picked it because we were less likely to encounter any other people at such a secluded spot furthermore this beach was further away from the main Boardwalk so the sky would be clearer for stargazing I thought of everything I parked my car as far up the dirt road as possible and the four of us hopped out Arman and I carried
the blankets and wine I'll fast forward through the boring stuff after a few hours in an empty bottle Arman and I found ourselves separating he and Fran walked up the beach and Sophia and I walked in the opposite direction after being separated by a decent amount of distance and darkness I threw my blanket down and we drunkenly fell asleep on top of it before anything happened Sophia tensed up at first I thought it was something that I had done but then she whispered something do you hear that I focused my attention and strained my ears
trying to hear something other than the gentle crashing of ocean waves I assumed she was just drunk but then to my surprise I did hear something it sounded almost like a worring like the sound a small engine would make the sound seemed to be moving around I couldn't pin down where it was even coming from then it seemed to fade away into nothingness it's nothing I assured her eager to resume what we had been doing and that's what we did soon after I fished my shirt from the sand and shook it out before throwing it
over my head just then Sophia who was still lying on the blanket shrieked I whipped around to look at her and saw she was pointing up at something I looked up but couldn't see anything besides the Blackness of the sky I sat down next to her to get a better angle and I was horrified from her point of view the mo moon was perfectly aligned with what appeared to be a drone floating directly overhead it hovered a little while longer before zipping up into the dark sky and disappearing out of sight it all made sense
that noise that we had heard before was 100% the Drone I got angry at myself for not realizing at the time I then got sick at the thought of being watched that entire time I glanced over at Sophia and could tell she had the same exact feeling she put her head in her hands and started crying I consoled her as best I could before suggesting we walk back to the car the two of us made it to the car to find Arman and Fran already there I quickly explain the situation the two of them were
dumbfounded and I could feel the joy in the air literally being sucked out I began driving in silence in the direction of Sophia's House eventually trying to lighten the mood with some conversation it didn't work though the girls agreed that they didn't feel safe going home just yet it was a Saturday night so I didn't mind staying out late late I asked if we could hang out at either of their houses they both shook their heads saying their parents wouldn't allow it my house was off the table for the same reason as was arman's I
decided to ask Arman to call up Chuck which he did Chuck's house was massive and his parents were super chill it was honestly the perfect spot to our Delight Chuck was free I pulled into Chuck's driveway and parked the car Arman and the two girls began making their way towards Chuck's front door and I told them my catch up to them in a second I needed a second to think about everything that had just happened I was more shaken up than I was letting on so I leaned my forehead against the steering wheel and closed
my eyes in an attempt to calm down a bit honestly those few seconds with my eyes closed really helped instinctively I pulled out my phone which I hadn't even touched since the incident the screen lit up and I stared at the single notification that sat on the display I had to Blink a few times to make sure I wasn't imagining it my entire body froze as I stared in horror at the lone notification air tag found moving with you every emotion that I had just expelled from my body Came Crashing back we were literally being
tracked I snapped out of my paralysis and jumped out of the car examining every inch of the vehicle nothing on the front bumper nothing in the grill and nothing on the back I started getting desperate checking the seats and flipping floor mats still nothing by now sweat was pouring down my neck and I could feel the hairs on my arms and legs clamping up I got on my hands and knees and began examining the underside of my car I got to the tire on the driver's side and began feeling around the tire well and there
it was it was literally taped to the UND side of the well impossible to find if you didn't know what you were looking for I held the tag in my hand for a few seconds before throwing it to the ground and smashing it to Pieces whoever had watched us on the beach with that drone knew where we were I didn't feel safe in Chuck's driveway all alone I picked up one of the broken air tag pieces and ran over to Chuck's front door I told everyone what I had discovered showing them the air tag pieces
to prove it they were even more horrified than I was especially the girls they checked their phones and saw the same notification Chuck was particularly pissed off because we had been potentially tracked back to his house after the Panic subsided we spent the rest of the night in Chuck's basement and ended up sleeping over a couple weeks and nothing happened honestly my friends and I were glad to forget about the whole thing assuming it was entirely in the past now the only way we could rationalize it was that some creep wanted to watch some young
adults hook up on the beach and track their car to scare them it was chilling to think about but we were relieved that the situation hadn't escalated one Sunday morning about 3 weeks after the incident I got a call from Chuck he screamed through the phone for me to drive to his house as soon as possible which I did when I got there he was standing in his driveway with a concerned look on his face and some paper in his hand I was confused until I realized what he was holding they weren't papers but rather
pictures I examined them more closely pictures of me from that night on the beach they were grainy and dimly lit but you could clearly see Sophia and I in revealing fashion I was disgusted I could only imagine how Sophia would feel upon finding out not knowing what to do we called the police and explained the situation they told us that there was essentially nothing they could do but we insisted that they at least scan the photos for Prince they eventually got back to us saying the photos turned up nothing Sophia was terrified that whoever sent
them would try and blackmail her and I fear the same the experience was downright traumatizing luckily nothing ever happened after that probably because we had gotten the police involved Sophia was never quite the same around me after what happens and I can't blame her I can only hope those pictures don't turn up later in my [Music] life my best friend Ricardo and I were 19 at the risk of sounding pretentious the Two of Us come from well off North Jersey families and get to enjoy our summers down the Jersey Shore my house is in belmare
New Jersey and his is in Lavalette it was a random summer night during the week and Ricardo was driving the two of us from my house in Belmar down to Lavalette about an hour drive to be completely honest I preferred hanging out in Ricardo's house not only because it was a little nicer but because the general Vibe of Lavalette is more geared towards kids our age if we weren't scouring the area for a party we can enjoy some drinks on one of the many private beaches we technically weren't supposed to be on I could go
on and on about things to do down the shore but for the sake of brevity I'll try my best to get to the point as we were driving down we agreed that we'd opt for a quieter night no partying links or anything that we might normally do the two of us agreed to snag a few beers roll a joint and chill on one of the private beaches Under the Stars honestly it sounded great the two of us had been going pretty hard with some of our other friends a break from partying was much needed to
anyone unfamiliar with the layout of Lavalette there's a Beachside and a Bayside most of the beaches feature a really high Dune and a steep drop off as you approach the ocean if you were to stand at the Ocean Edge and look back you'd see a pretty sizable Hill of sand after drinking a few drinks at Ricardo's Place we snagged some bikes from his garage and made our way toward the beach of our choice for whatever reason Ricardo insisted on journeying further than I'd ever been which I didn't quite understand since all the beaches were basically
the same I really didn't mind a longer bike ride though so I just went with it eventually Ricardo decided on a desolate looking beach at the end of the road with no cars parked on it every house on the street had its lights off I actually preferred this this was back when wee was illegal in New Jersey and we weren't too keen on getting caught plus we did have some drinks with us despite the fact that we were only 19 we hid our bikes under some shrubs then we made our way toward the beach the
two of us lit our Jay and smoked under the stars the only sound being the light waves of the ocean and the accompanying wind the beach stretched on endlessly in both directions and the sand felt cool underneath our feet the two of us got progressively drunker while we filled the air with laughter and conversation eventually we just laid back in the sand watching A Sky Full of Stars in hopes of witnessing a shooting star that's when we heard it I heard it first it was almost undetectable the sound was like a metallic buzzing sort of
like the sound you'd hear in a massive gymnasium with large overhead lights I really can't describe the sound any better it was a faint metallic Buzz that couldn't possibly be anything caused by at the beach I sat up and stared at Ricardo and I could tell the moment he started to hear it too the two of us whipped our heads in every direction looking into the darkness for the source of the Drone strangely it was difficult to pin down exactly where the sound was coming from it was just too faint to tell we were beginning
to get freaked out but we too terrified to move we assumed that whatever was making that noise would go away and we wouldn't have to worry about it there was literally no way we could be seen from our spot on that Beach it was way too dark and the sound of the ocean definitely drowned out any sounds we had been making I know it doesn't exactly sound scary but I'd be lying if I said my heart wasn't pounding out of my chest the Drone continued on and after another few minutes Ricardo gestured for me to
follow him I nodded my head in agreement leaving was definitely the best option just like a scene from a movie the exact second the two of us stood up the droning went from a 1 to a five it took every ounce of self-control I had to resist the urge to yell in fear it wasn't a gradual shift the sound literally increased in a split second and it was definitely coming from our right I felt the hairs on my neck stand up and a wave of fear washed over me tensing my body from head to toe
we stared into the darkness and still didn't see anything but now the Drone sounded so close to us that we instinctively started running toward the sand dun I didn't even know what we were running from all I knew was that something was seriously wrong and there was someone or something after us us as we were about halfway to the Dune I felt Ricardo place a firm hand on my shoulder abruptly stopping me from continuing to run at first I was confused but then I saw what his gaze was fixated on I glanced up toward the
Dune and saw it there was a dark figure standing motionlessly at the peak of the Dune its arms were freakishly long almost reaching its knees it was ridiculously tall and I was shocked at how it managed to stand so still it was truly terrifying Ricardo shouted at me breaking my gaze from the figure and we continued running this time parallel to the beach we ran to the next Dune entrance and sprinted up the slope as we made our way to the peak we looked back at where we had just came from I can still remember
the terrifying sight that followed Not only was the dark figure still on the Doom but there were maybe three or four more standing motionless on the slope each one looked like they were facing us we didn't have time to go back for our bikes instead opting to run the entire way home the next morning we retraced our steps but couldn't for the lives of us find those bikes maybe they had been stolen or maybe whoever or whatever was stalking us the night before had something to do with it either way I've never experienced anything scarier
on a beach and still have trouble explaining most of these events the weirdest thing for me is I was never able to determine what the buzzing drone was and to this day have not heard anything even remotely close to it [Music] beaches have always terrified me well not always my fear is a direct result of what I'm about to tell you as a kid I used to love the shore I remember spending many summers in eager anticipation of the weekend when my family and I would hang out at our beach house or if I was
lucky they'd let me spend it at my friend Charles beach house which was even more fun I was 6 and this was one of those special summer weekends me Charles and our third friend Riley were going to spend a few unsupervised days at Charles beach house in LBI Riley was a year older than Charles and I and had recently gotten his license so we'd be driving down in his car the drive down was fantastic Riley was a pretty uncoordinated driver at the time so most of the ride was spent laughing at him swerving and cursing
the road it was great we got down to LBI in good time and immediately moved all of our stuff from the car to the rooms we'd be staying in the layout of the house is important to the story so I'll briefly mention it there's a front door a garage door which connects the back to the front yard a back sliding door and a back upstairs deck that connects the upstairs bedrooms there's also a spiral staircase that allows you to go directly from the back deck to the ground so you can enter and exit the house
from upstairs the house sits along a lagoon meaning the back end of the house faces a narrow channel of water with houses on the opposite side we were at that ripe age where chasing girls was a priority and a nice beach house all to ourselves was the perfect occasion we spent a few hours figuring out which girls were down the shore at the time and talked to them on Snapchat finally we found a group of three cute girls that said they'd be down to come kick back at Charles house I had more than enough weed
to last us the weekend and we had stagged a few bottles of our parents' alcohol before leaving it was perfect things were going very well the three girls Rosie Alexa and Sophie were fun and flirty and the three of us could tell where the night would probably end up at one point the six of us decided to smoke in Charles backyard pool it was small but it was perfect for six drunk kids I remember the sight vividly the gentle bab Breeze blowing through my hair the steam from the heated Water Rising slowly with the puffs
of smoke from the joints at our age this was Bliss but then suddenly Charles turned the music all the way down and stared over my shoulder into the darkness of the Lagoon confused I turned around peering into the darkness I could roughly make out the houses on the other side of the Lagoon but I wasn't quite sure what Charles was looking at one of the girls asked Charles why he turned the music down and he whispered that he saw someone standing on the dock opposite the house I figured he was messing with us so I
started laughing who cares bro people literally live here I said Charles shook his head I know that family personally my parents said they're in Florida for the week in all honesty I still thought thought it wasn't a big deal or he was just messing around so I kept chuckling the girls were a little freaked out though and said they wanted to go back inside I wasn't going to argue so the six of us started making our way out of the pool as we were drying off in the yard Riley jumped and cursed looking towards the
Lagoon the rest of us turned and even though the light was dim I could definitely see what looked like movement coming from the opposite dock the six of us Frozen place trying to get a better glimpse of what we were looking at just then a passing car on the road across from us lit up the scene ever so slightly and the sight was horrifying there were four tall Silhouettes standing at the edge of the dock facing us it was impossible to tell what they were wearing or what they looked like but there was no doubt
they were facing our Direction go inside now said Charles with a shaky voice motioning us toward the sliding door as we rushed inside I heard a distinct sound that remains the most terrifying noise I'd ever heard four consecutive splashes rang out from behind us those guys were swimming across the Lagoon we were in full-on panic mode at that point the girl screamed while Riley slammed the sliding door shut and locked it Charles quickly ran to the front to lock that door too and the six of us ran to the room that wasn't visible from the
outside we waited in silence horrified at what we might hear next a few minutes passed still nothing out of nowhere Riley cursed revealing to us that he had forgotten to lock the sliding door on the deck Charles started to panic knowing that this house was about to be broken into just then we heard soft quieted footsteps above us and that was the last straw none of us had any weapons on hand and we were all intoxicated so running was really our only option the six of us sprinted for the front door and bolted to the
car which Riley started up in a Flash the chaos of it all was too much for Riley to handle and he destroyed Charles's mailbox on the way out of the driveway Once We Were Far Enough away we called the police the ordeal was a nightmare we went back to the house once police had searched it but the news was shattering all the valuables on the top floor were missing but that wasn't the worst part Charles family owned a medium-sized Boston Whaler Boat which was also stolen most likely as the getaway vehicle Charles father tended to
keep a spare set of keys inside a small hatch below the steering wheel which the police concluded was how the culprits got away so quickly how they knew where the key was hidden is something I still wonder the police were never able to arrest the perpetrators and likely never will Charles Riley and I think whoever robbed the house might have been someone who knew Charles family and they knew where the key was and the house was supposed to be vacant that weekend as well it's been a long time since this chilling event took place but
I haven't let one day pass without locking every door and window in my home do yourself a favor and lock your doors at night [Music]
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