Did Jesus Worship Yahweh? This Information Is Key! Finally We Can Understand! Paul Wallis Q & A

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The 5th Kind
Join Paul Wallis in this captivating Q&A session as he addresses intriguing questions from subscribe...
Video Transcript:
[Music] Paul I really enjoy the videos and documentaries recently the question that came to me is Jesus always spoke of his father in the original languages did Jesus ever use the name of the Old Testament God Yahweh did Jesus read the Old Testament as a story of paleo contact ah George that's a great question and it's a $64,000 Question so the first part uh no Jesus never used the word Yahweh anywhere in his teachings when Jesus talked about God he used the Greek word Theos which people understood to mean the Creator the source of the
cosmos and everything in it and in fact the Apostle Paul gives that as the Christian definition of Theos in the book of Acts so Jesus refers to God as Theos he also refers to him as the father and in his famous prayer he says p hmon h andto urano father the one in the skies the one in the heavens just to distinguish from any other potential father so we've got Theos pate and then he addresses Pate as Abba which is a word that that could mean Daddy or dad or could mean sir that's the language
that Jesus uses now some might say well he quotes yahwist texts and yes he does but almost every time he does that he does it to find a uh prophetic meaning or an esoteric meaning he almost never goes to the yah's text with their plain meanings and he distances himself from yist law all the gospel writers present Jesus as a successor to Moses and a replacement of Moses and Jesus's laws as a replacement of the yahwist laws so Jesus says you've heard it said but I say this he also distances himself from some of the
yahwist stories and I go into this in in some of my videos on the fifth kind and the Paul Wallace channel so he doesn't use the word Yahweh he uses other language he doesn't endorse the Yahweh stories and this was clear to the Primitive Church in Acts 15 they make a decision that Christianity is not going to be built on the yahwist stories or the yahwist laws in Colossians 2:14 it talks about the cancellation of those written laws so the early Christians were very clear that Jesus had moved on from Yahweh and Jesus also said
uh you do not know me nor my father if you love my father you would also love me he says this in the Gospel of John so he's separating himself and his father from the Jewish stories of their father ywe so the second part is interesting if Jesus didn't regard um Theseus Divine stories how did he regard them um in the early church we had Church fathers who sought to teach the church to read the scriptures the way Jesus read them and key figures would be origin and Clement of Alexandria and so when they went
to the Yahweh stories and the Elohim stories they didn't regard them as God's stories and they said if we read these as God's stories we would have to believe of God such things as we would not believe of the most Savage and unjust of men they also identified that there was some other kind of entity washing around in those texts which they call the Craftsman or the demiurge and this is language from Greek culture and they never quite say what they think this being is except it's very powerful powerful enough to do terraforming it's not
human it's not Divine it's something else now we might have other language for that kind of being being we have the language of alien or extraterrestrial or interdimensional they didn't have that language they talked about the the Demi uros the Craftsman and when they gave that teaching they believed they were being true to Jesus's handling of those texts now Paul knew Plato knew Greek thought like the back of his hand and again origin Clement of Alexandria believed they were continuing in Paul's tradition origin encouraged people not to read the plain meaning because that would be
monstrous Clem of Alexandria did the same and the school of interpretation that resulted from that is often called the alexandrian school and it's the mainstream approach to interpretation to hermeneutics in the Eastern Orthodox church and it's built on the idea that you can't take those stories at face value as God stor so did Jesus regard the Elohim and Yahweh stories as stories of extraterrestrials well that might be adding two and two together and getting four and a half but it's not far beyond if like Paul he understood that these texts had to be handled differently
and that's why he always handled them differently we have to ask them what did he think these beings were not human not divine something else our language is extraterrestrial but I think it's safe to say Jesus regarded certainly that those entities were something else otherwise he would have handled those scriptures entirely differently is it true that Plato taught that we live in a holographic Universe if so where is that in Plato's writings Kyle thank you for that this is a fascinating question I get asked this quite often and the the idea of a holographic Universe
has of course become much more popular since the Matrix movies which have put forward the idea that what we experience as reality isn't really the prime reality it's the projection of something happening in an abstract realm of maths or of codes and that everything we experience is really the download of coding and yes Plato did teach something along those lines he wasn't the first person to come up with that idea you can find it in Buddhism Buddhism teaches the idea of Maya the idea that what we experience is reality is really an illusion and that
at some point we have to wake up from that illusion if we're to be enlightened and this is something that blae Pascal uh took and ran with as well but the way Plato approaches it there are a couple of things that he does in his teaching that relate to this idea of holographic universe and the first is in Plato's teaching about forms and he says that everything we see is really the download of something from an abstract realm of ideas and so every dog for instance that we see is the download of the idea of
a dog and because we were from that realm of forms before became material beings we have enough subconscious memory of what a dog should be that we can assess all the dogs in the world and decide which are the better downloads which are the more perfect downloads so Plato had that language where everything really exists as an idea or a form before it's downloaded and so the the real causation of everything we see here is in some unimaginable realm where everything is mathematics or ideas or codes so we could look to his language there and
say well that's kind of similar to the idea of a a projected universe or a holographic universe and we could go and find nuts and bolts versions of Plato's thinking in the real world today and if we wanted to do that I would suggest going to paleobiology ology going to DNA research because if I give you an example the the conventional theory is that today's whales are the descendants of either some kind of a bear or some kind of a cow uh but the problem with the darwinian model is that you have to get from
a bear to a whale or a cow to a whale in stages each one of which gives a survival advantage and so at some point you have to have a functional blow hole on the top of your head and prior to that another functional blow hole somewhere else you have to have a functional fish-shaped tail that emerges before it gives you a survival Advantage you have to have skin that can survive underwater before you've got a survival advantage and so it seems that there are these leaps that have to be made in order to get
from bear to whale or cow to whale and I got into to come ation with some paleobiologists about this problem in evolutionary theory and U one person in particular I was talking to who was deeply into this topic had phds coming out of his ears on the topic said actually it's more interesting even than that because many of these changes have to happen Allin one go so you have to have the the blo hole move at the same time time that the type of skin changes and the type of eye changes and the uh respiratory
system changes and the fish shaped tail emerges they all sort of have to happen together well how does that work I said and he said well what it is is that there is a group of codes that belong together that will generate a tail and there's a group of codes that belong together that will generate that kind of eye and those groups of groups of codes all belong together so that what will happen is that those codes will get downloaded and hey Presto you have this kind of whale this group of groups of codes will
get downloaded hey Presto you've got an orer and I realized that he was putting into nuts and bolts terms again the idea that Plato had put out there that the that the coherent whale exists in code form before it's downloaded so when you read Plato it might sound all very abstract but you get into biology and you realize well no actually he's talking about something that's very close to what is spoken today as nuts and bolts reality but another place you can go to if you want to find the idea of holographic universe is Plato's
language of the cave where he quite literally uses the language of projection and says that everything we perceive is a projection of the real thing we're seeing shadows and because of the rules of our engagement in this life we can't actually see the real causation we're only seeing projections and shadows but at some point Enlightenment must mean that we escape the cave we can walk into the daylight and we can see the real things for themselves and when we do that at first it's very disorienting and then it's very upsetting to realize how limited our
view as being and then we're upset for the people still trapped in the cave who have this tiny understanding of reality and we realize we have to go back in and rescue people but we can't tell them everything all at once otherwise they'll think we're crazy and Plato is obviously describing himself slash Socrates in that moment and so he's suggesting that getting Beyond uh the reality that we see getting beyond the causalities we understand is something that does actually happen to people in this life that the enlightenment experience or The Awakening experience is something real
and that he would be one such person who had this Awakening experience and is now trying to teach people and help people without telling them everything all at once so they'll think he's crazy so for him I think the idea of holographic Universe was something very very very real and something that he wanted to wake people up to hey Paul loved your interview with amelo Ortiz a thought crossed my mind when you were talking about the Tower of Babel incident did we lose our telepathic ability there got confused and needed all those languages is it
a metaphoric story that was used to convey the message thank you Ben well telepathic abilities uh in the past the idea that our ancestors had more of those than we do is an idea that you can find in narratives around the world I was at a gathering just recently of Aboriginal Australian elders and it's deep in their cultures uh this idea that telepathic connection is something we should all be capable of and something that our ancestors were better at and that somehow to a degree we've lost you can find it also in the mind story
of human origins in the popul Vu it isn't something I find in the story of Babel to be honest so I'm not dissing the idea because I'm saying it's got legs in other Traditions but I haven't found it in the story of the Tower of Babel the conventional reading of that story is that we go from a world where everybody speaks the same language to one where there's a multiplicity of languages and this is done as a A disruption of coherent civilization that's that's the surface level of the story except that the story doesn't say
that we went from all speaking Esperanto or whatever it was and it was multiplied into English and French and German and Mandarin Dutch so on and so forth it doesn't talk about a multiplying of language it talks about a destruction of language a loss of language the people in Genesis 11 go from being a very developed and technological Society to being people who no longer could communicate with one another so that's a loss of speech uh that's that's the real horror of that story that something has been done the neurological interference at such a level
that Society is going to have to re-evolve it's the brutality of that story that really clued me that this might not be a god story and when I drilled into the root meanings of the key words I found oh this is another Elohim story this is a story of ancient contact so that's how I would read it not not a loss of telepathy though I think that is in our human story but a loss of language do you believe ETS are visiting our planet in order to harvest Souls have you found any evidence for this
in World mythology that's a great question Rachel I I have been asked this question quite a few times and it clearly is an anxiety for some people who study these topics what is the alien agenda I think there are many in fact I don't think there's a single agenda behind the contact experiences that we're having today and that we've had throughout history harvesting Souls I think may be a a distortion of what's really going on I have come to believe that our neighbors are interested in The Human Experience I think there's something unique about the
way human beings experience and process Consciousness now I think that all biological life in the cosmos hosts and experiences Consciousness but we do it in slightly different ways and I think there's some something unique about our cocktail of animal strength and mammal emotion and higher intelligence that means that we have a very colorful experience of uh being conscious and that we have a unique facility in Emotion for instance and Imagination and creativity and compassion and that this is what interests our neighbors they want an experience of Consciousness that is more colorful which which ours is
it can be very painful but it can be very stimulating and enjoyable as well and I think it's it's that that's being studied by some of our neighbors and some of the experiences that contact te's report and that have led some people to think are they trying to harvest our souls I think no they're actually trying to study our souls they're trying to study our Consciousness they test us and provoke Us in ways to observe our emotions observe our reactions observe our bonds as groups because there is actually something very beautiful about the human experience
and I think it's that that's going on I understand that around the 7th Century BC some Hebrew Scholars edited ancient texts and rearranged them into a form that promoted a monotheistic worldview I also understand that the word Elohim should be interpreted by its root meaning of plural term that designates the powerful ones however since this new text was written in Hebrew for a Hebrew audience how could there be any ambiguity regarding the fact that Elohim was a plural form thanks janino for that question how could there be any ambiguity that's a very good question because
it isn't hard to see that the word Elohim is a plural word it's a masculine plural form and it's often followed by plural verbs and plural Behavior as the Elohim argue with each other they have discussions among each other they disagree they go to war against each other how could it be missed and I think the answer is that in communities of Faith uh people tend to put a lot of weight on their teachers and less weight on their individual perceptions when they study the scriptures and it would certainly be a stretch to say for
instance that every Christian has read the whole Bible and deeply studied it but even if a person has and they say hang on there are some anomalies here if you take those to your youth pastor or your pastor or your Vicor or your priest very often you'll be given an answer that simply points to the mainstream view of God angels demons the devil human animal vegetable mineral and nothing else and uh the answer may not satisfy you but unless you're a particularly bullish kind of person you're probably not going to get into a two and
fro debate with your pastor as to whether he or she has actually got that right you're more likely to come away and feel slightly dissatisfied with the answer and you know preachers are as time starved as as anyone else and often they don't probe into some of these anomalies and some of these questions I was just very lucky that I suffered this Ultimate Frisbee injury that I talk about in escaping from Eden that gave me a time of convalescence where I could drill down into some of these questions and so I think people in churches
and synagogues are time staffed as well and they might not have the time to follow their curiosity or or to probe the texts when an answer hasn't satisfied them or to read the text sufficiently for themselves and so the default is that we just carry on with the narrative that gets rehearsed from week to week in our communities of faith and we never get back to our questions so I think that's that's the how that it happens I forgotten the first half of the uh question but I I think the fundamental point is that Elohim
really is a masculine plural form it represents a plurality of beings whose interactions we can read in the texts and when we read it that way it becomes clear that the Elohim stories are a summary form of the Mesopotamian stories of the anunaki and it's that correlation that really confirms we're reading it the right way I am fascinated by your work Paul my question pertains to your mention of Pope Benedict the 16th spokesperson Dr Guy Consul Magno and his statement that the Bible is full of aliens you you note that this was the impetus to
your renewed inquiry into the Old Testament do you know where I could find his statement I'd very much appreciate it Michael that is a great question I found when I was researching the first in the Eden series escaping from Eden that there were many papers available and statements available from Reverend Dr gulman Who was the senior astronomer at the Vatican Observatory from father Jose Gabriel funes the director of the Vatican Observatory and from monor kado balduchi who was the Vatican senior advisor in paranormal Ministry they had done lots of press briefings in anticipation of the
2009 colloquium where they discussed the theological implications of contact with other civilizations lots of prep and lots of briefing after it so there were lots of statements out there that were easy to find and so I quote some of those in escaping from Eden and in the second in the series the scars of Eden and I'm very glad I did because it's now very hard to find them indeed H and I don't know if that's just the way the internet works that we've moved on other things are being looked at but it is now very
difficult to find those quotes So so you'll find them in my books and I don't have any links to hand but I will uh I'll go digging uh I'll find what links I have that still lead to something and I'll put them up on the fifth kind. TV website [Music]
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