T.D. Jakes: God Responds When We Share Our Needs | Praise on TBN

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Praise on TBN
T.D. Jakes shares a powerful word on presenting our needs to God so that He can pour out His grace a...
Video Transcript:
if you don't want anything you won't get anything if you don't need anything you won't receive anything do you not know that the real star of the story with the two fish and the five loaves of bread is not the little boy and it's not the lunch it was the hunger that moved the Lord when the when they came to Jesus and they said the people that are with you are hungry he said oh good that's capacity wherever I see capacity I will really Supply [Applause] I'm gonna I'm gonna read more passage than I normally
do I want you to go to Philippians 4 15 through 19. and I'm also going to consider First Kings 17 13 through 17. the Lord has me on an unusual course tonight but I feel a prophetic undertone to the direction that the Lord has brought me in I don't promise you a shout because that's not the objective of my preaching not at this stage I do promise you a word from God and I have the feeling that the message God gave me is in response to where you are at in life and something you have
been asking him for yeah yeah it is it is almost as if I feel like I'm responding to something that I didn't even hear but something you said to him he will respond now through me he that had an ear let him hear what the spirit of the Lord is saying to the church you don't come this far to get your dance in you could have got your dance in at home when you come this far you come for a shift going into a whole different orbit and a completely different dimension are you ready you
don't have time to worry about whether you about this Methodist Presbyterian Church of God Church of God in Christ Church of God and prophecy Church of God got it going on in Jesus name by faith Incorporated saints of God and friends you don't have time to worry about whether you're democrat or republican you don't have time to worry about whether you're white or black or Hispanic or African or Australia we don't have time to worry about any of that because where God wants to put something is so deep down in your spirit that you you
you want to leave this meeting carrying more baggage than what you can check in at the counter you want to go home load it down with keys that are going to open up things that have been shut down in you for years are you getting what I'm saying leap up on your feet and let's go into the word of God we stand for the reading of the word of God in here in First Kings I want you to know this verse 17. through 13-17 I'm going to start their first demand then I'll go to back
I'll backtrack and go Philippians I'm going to lay my early foundation in uh First Kings 17 13 through 17 then we're going to go to Philippians and Elijah said unto her fear not go and do as thou has said but make me thereof a little cake first and bring it unto me and after make for thee and for thy son for thus saith the Lord God of Israel the barrel of meal shall not waste neither shall the crews of oil fail until the day that the Lord sinneth Reign upon the Earth It Won't Stop until
it rains again and she went and did according to the saying of Elijah and she and he and her house did eat many days watch this and the barrel of meal wasted not neither did the crews of oil fail according to the word of the Lord which he spake by Elijah and it came to pass after these things that the son of the woman the Mistress of the house fell sick and his sickness was so sore that there was no breath left in him now leave a little notepad a card or finger if you still
using Bibles I know most y'all got uh iPads now but leave some kind of notation there and we're going we're going we're going to the New Testament to hear a very unique phrase from the Apostle Paul in Philippians chapter 4 verse 15 through 9. now you Philippians no also that in the beginning of the Gospel when I departed from Macedonia no church communicated with me as concerning giving and receiving but ye only you're the only ones who communicated or ministered unto me for even in thessalonica ye sit once and again unto my necessity somebody say
necessity not because I desire a gift you didn't send it because I desire it but I desire fruit that may abound to your accounts hmm but I have all and abound I am full having received of apropoditis the things which were sent from you and odor of a sweet smell a sacrifice acceptable well pleasing to God but my God shall supply [Applause] all of your needs what will he Supply all of your according to his riches in Glory by Christ Jesus now that's that's where I'm gonna really expand my God shall supply all of your
needs according to it yeah you heard it didn't you oh don't you get ahead of me like that my God shall supply all of your uh-huh they ministered to his necessity my God justify all of your need according to his riches in Glory by Christ Jesus now this scripture in its context is in reference to giving and needs being met for the Apostle Paul in the middle of his ministry for the purpose of our understanding tonight let us not just compartmentalize need to money [Applause] because it is possible to have needs in other areas and
sometimes money gets such a center stage as it relates to need because we have come through such struggle historically that it is almost a given that there is a financial need and if you do have a need my God shall supply [Applause] but the reality is some of the things that that is slowing you down hindering you are needs in other area the need for support the need for validation the need for love the need for companionship the need for connectivity the need for Staffing for your business the need for a building for your vision
that that needs see see is it it wasn't that they were just handing out decades all the time if you're hungry the need might be bred if you're thirsty it might be water if you're lonely it might be help but whatever your need is you have to fill that in because the Lord told me to tell you he is the master of your needs he is the master of your need your need has not shocked him it has not embarrassed him it has not intimidated him in fact he is in control [Applause] not only of
what he supplies but he is control of of your need touch your neighbor and say he's a master of my need now let's pray over the word sanctify it down in our hearts and in our spirits and cause us to understand more abundantly Lord uh what you would speak tonight I know what you've downloaded into me let it be released in this place in a coherent effective way that it that it gives illumination and light and understanding I feel as though that I'm about to feed a feeder I'm about to feed a feeder as I
release what is in my spirit tonight somebody's going to take it and do like the body does with food they're going to convert it into so many nutritious elements that are going to minister to them it's going to go in a sermon it's going to come out a building it's going to go in a sermon it's going to come out a husband it's going to go in y'all are not ready for this it's going to go in a sermon that's going to come out a degree it's going to go in a sermon it's going to
come out properly it's going to go in the word that I speak to you right now your spirit is going to take it just like your body does food and it's going to convert it into the thing you need for what is about to happen next in your life if you can understand what I just said praise him on credit just pound it you may be seated you may be seated [Applause] I was having lunch with some close friends and people I've known for a number of years and we were reminiscent about years ago when
we were in a little storefront back in Montgomery West Virginia and uh Bishop Watkins was uh coming down to minister and and uh and I needed he had so many members he brought four or five bus loads about 20 cars down I had about 30 members and um I ended up going to the high school I think there in Montgomery and renting the auditorium at the high school to hold the crowd because my church which would seat about 120 people wouldn't hold the crowd [Music] and I thought to myself how that aligned with a conversation
I had had with God I said God I am the same man and the same preacher with the same anointing that I had back then why didn't you give me American Airlines back then I'm the same guy I was younger I was Stronger I was hungry why why do you take us through stages of development why why do you let us exercise in the gymnasium of Small Beginnings and go from 30 to 60 to 100 fold because sometimes we can get stuck at a stage and never evolve to the capacity that we need to evolve
to receive what we need to receive and as I begin to talk to the Lord about it he said you see I Supply need it did amazing how you can come to church with somebody and you can really get blessed and the person you brought with you got nothing [Applause] have you ever rode Homewood from church with somebody who got nothing and you were really really blessed and they got in the car talking about who was cute and who was fine and who would gain weight and why did she wear those shoes with that dress
and and you're going crazy because you're having a spiritual moment with the Lord and they seemingly got nothing how could there be so much supply of glory and they be oblivious to it have you ever recognized that everybody doesn't have the same capacity that they could be exposed to great things and not have an appetite for them that's why you you don't need you need to evolve from needing to do a census before you evolve that is to say you don't need everybody on your road to line up with you for you to receive what
you need from God you don't need a reaction from other people to validate what you need from God because there can come a release on such a level that if you don't have the capacity to receive it you might not even know it happened my God in our text Paul says I I needed something and you came and ministered unto my necessity when other churches didn't unto my necessity when other churches did it I thought this is the Apostle Paul this is The Impossible this is the guy let me explain to you this is the
guy who was the Saddam Hussein of the early church who killed Christians for a living and yet God has such a plan for his life in spite of all the slaughtered and murdered and destroyed and some suggested he even held the code early on in his life while people stoned Stefan he has a history of being a Christian killer and yet God touches him and converts him for the Master's use how could God use somebody so filthy so nasty so hateful he basically called the terrorists and put him on a street called straight and delivered
him and turned him around and filled him up with the Holy Spirit and sent him out to do amazing things not because he was pure not because he was holy not because he was righteous not because he had a wonderful past not because he had not made horrendous mistakes but but even in his past life he was a big guy who did big things in a big way when he hated Christians he wasn't Too Faced about it he said I'm going to kill him as soon as I get down to Jerusalem I'm going to destroy
him he was born and God chose boldness over righteousness [Applause] over purity because he he had the ability to function on a certain level and God used it now you must understand that much of our new testament theology is the result of the Apostle Paul there will be no understanding yes Jesus died and shed the blood shed his blood rose from the dead and birthed the church but the church that Jesus birth was an organism with no organization there was no structure there was no order there were no Apostles prophets pastors teachers and evangelists Paul
gives us all of that Paul begins to teach us and make us understand there's therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus who are no longer after the flesh but after the spirit Paul begins to tell us that if this Earthly house or Tabernacle should be dissolved we have another building Eternal in the heavens which is made of God Paul teaches us it is him that we live in him that we move in him that we have our bill it is the Apostle Paul that makes us understand therefore having peace with God
that we are reconciled with him we understand peace of God peace with God peace in God all because of the Apostle Paul without the Apostle Paul we will not have a clear understanding that the door to the Gentiles had been opened that they might be saved and set free Paul preached with so much power that a man died while he was preaching Paul ran down the steps raised him from the dead and kept right on peaches Paul was so awesome that they tried to kill him they couldn't kill him they tried to beat him to
death they left him from there he got up and shook himself and walked away he was in shipwrecks but he survived he was snake bit but he shook it off or y'all don't hear what I'm saying that Paul that raised people from the dead restood shipwrecks and shook off snakes why are you needing anything if you can raise people from the dead you can pay your water bill [Applause] Paul says the truth of the matter is I am full lacking nothing but so that you might have credit to your account God created a need to
test you to minister to that need this is weird in other words Paul saying I needed something but I didn't I was in trouble but I wasn't it's kind of strange this is the same guy that said I have learned how to abase and abound both to be full into being one he said he said even when you're in trouble you're not in trouble now I need to preach this to somebody who's got some faith in them even when you're in trouble you are not in trouble that God allows certain Necessities to come either to
create a backdrop for you to experience another dimension of his glory or for the people around you to have an opportunity to flow into another dimension of his grace now back in the early days Dr Jazz when I was preaching I would I would I would say something real hot and Jazzy uh as a subject I would do something like tell you to touch your neighbor and say it's a setup so touch your neighbor and tell them it's a setup [Applause] they don't understand exactly what I'm saying yet because I'm not totally through unloading it
yet and when I unload it everybody's not even gonna get it because some people are so shocked by the situation and they've been praying so hard about the situation they've been so focused on the circumstance they've been so distracted by what they're going through that they don't understand that everything you have been going through and every area you've been up under attack and every area that you have a necessity your necessity is not a necessity it is in fact a opportunity for you to experience another dimension of God's glory took the ten people who understand
it touched him people say it's a setup it's training wheels for your faith is training wheels for your faith it is the passage of entry into the next Dimension it is the bar mitzvah for the Son of God to have matured enough to carry the weight why didn't you give me this back then I couldn't handle it back then and why would he give me all of these thousands of seats when I didn't need them why would God give me something that I didn't need so it's the embryo of My Success the supply or the
need the only thing that makes an answer important is the question [Applause] the profundity of the question is built the profundity of the answer is built on the profundity and the power of the question why would I answer what you didn't ask [Applause] if God says the trigger point of my Supply is your need no wonder he hates a proud look because a proud look will never admit need I know I knocked out about 10 rows with that I killed about 10 people with that why why does God hate a proud look above everything else
above I mean murderers and lions and backbiting everything God said he hey not only does he hate Pride he hates a proud look you don't even have to be proud he said if you sit there and act like you're important I hate the fact that you have got your legs crossed acting like you're important because proud people will never admit need why would you have a savior if you won't admit that you're drowning why would you have a miracle worker if you won't admit that you have a need no wonder some people get anointed while
some people are just tired if God responds to need if you don't need anything you won't all if needed people clap your hands God says let me see I got I got fish I got Stars I got water I got sunshine I got oak trees I got pineapple trees I got all of this stuff that I want to give but I cannot give it until there's a need so he forms the Earth when he forms it it creates a void void is capacity and he responds to the capacity of what is formed he said I
I create capacity in the ocean so I can put fish in it I created capacity in the Earth so I could so see them to it created capacity in the heavens so I could throw stars at it and birds at it now you got something to fly in I couldn't release the answer until I thought [Applause] all right all right all right he formed the Earth and fills it he forms the ocean and fills It with Fish he forms the air and fills it with birds everything God forms he feels he formed the Tabernacle and
filled it with furniture he formed the holies of holies and filled it with glory in fact he formed man and fill him with him which came first the man or the breath God had the breath but until there was capacity he couldn't feel anything until you admit oh y'all don't hear it he responds to capacity Ezekiel go down and show me what you see in the valley I see dry bones in the valley he said Can least mostly live again Lord thou Lord speak to the bones that they may live so I prophesied as I
was commanded suddenly there was a noise there was a shake and the bone came together bone to its bone and they came together bone to his bone and sinews Came Upon them and then he said prophesy to the wind because now I can feel what I form because God responds to capacity if you don't want anything you won't get anything if you don't need anything you won't receive anything do you not know that the real star of the story with the two fish and the five loaves of bread is not the little boy and it's
not the lunch it was the hunger that moved the Lord when the when they came to Jesus and they said the people that are with you are hungry he said oh good that's capacity wherever I see capacity I will release supplies oh I want all the people that's got capacity to hollow right now they said Lord you got 5 000 hungry people what do you have he said we don't have nothing but the little boy's lunch he said I can work with anything if they're hungry I can work with anything if there's a need I
can work with anything if they're thirsty I can work with anything just give me the little bit you got it I know it's not much because the star is not what's in the bag the star is the aching in the belly of the people God restricts the hunger the Bible said that when Jesus after John the Baptist was beheaded it said when Jesus saw the people and they were hurt he was moved with compassion and healed them what I'm trying to tell you your need to act like you don't need anything is stopping the flow
of the miracle working power of God in your life if you would shake your little cute dress style and say Lord I'm hungry [Applause] shall be sealed
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