A Beautiful Prayer To Start Your Day | God Will Strengthen You | Guide You, Bless You & Protect You

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Grace For Purpose Prayers
Be blessed as you meditate on God's word and listen to this inspirational morning devotional prayer....
Video Transcript:
every now and then something comes along in our lives that reminds us of the fact that we are not in charge no matter what your status is no matter what you have or what you own there will come a time when life reminds you that you're not in control you're actually not as strong as you thought you were you're not as prepared as you thought you were and in fact life tends to come and remind us that we are far more vulnerable than we had ever dreamed and I believe this is why 1 Corinthians 10:
12 it says therefore let the one who thinks he stands firm immune to Temptation being overconfident and self-righteous take care that he does not fall into sin and and condemnation and so we need to have some humility in our lives if things are well with you then praise be to God but don't look down at others who are struggling no one is immune to the Troubles of Life the most prayerful Christian you know has their own personal battles the nicest person you've met that person who always has a smile on their face that person also
has their own challenges but dear listener let me tell you this regardless of the burden you're facing regardless of the struggle you're in the Lord has you on his heart God has promised to be with you no matter what happens to you the Lord has said I will never leave you nor will I forsake you so if you're timid or afraid then take heart the Lord has said he will never leave you if you're ashamed of your sin if you find yourself feeling bad or remorseful repent and take heart God will never leave you if
you feel unqualified take heart God will never leave you listen you can rest in this this promise is true today and tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and all the days after that you and I cannot outlive God's mercy we cannot outlive the promises of God they will always outlive us because his word it stands true forever I want you to understand that the Lord is merciful indeed he's faithful and he's righteous and he's always good he he understands our pain and he really wants to lift our burdens the Lord gives us the strength to
carry on through those moments when we think we can't so right here in this moment raise your faith reach out to Jesus trust him Embrace him hold on to his word cast your cares on him because he loves you ever so deeply the Bible says in Lamentations 3: 22 and 23 the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases his mercies never come to an end they are new every morning great is your faithfulness now life can be Bittersweet at times it's a combination of enjoying the good and pressing through the bad it's a balance between
working hard and enjoying the fruits of your labor there's a duality to life smiles and tears defeats and victories love and heartbreak and the thing is all of us go through tough times all of us go through Seasons where it seems as though the odds are stacked against us and pain well pain becomes a feeling we're all too acquainted with in psalm 119:71 David said it is good for me that I have been Afflicted that I may learn your statutes you see the Lord is concerned more about our character than our comfort level he cares
more about our growth as Believers than the number of blessings we receive I would even say that God is more concerned with the state of our hearts than our happiness I believe that as we go through life and face different trials should we remain in the Lord should we continue trusting in the mighty name of Jesus Christ should we stand firm and believe God's promises to be true then we will experience what the Bible talks about in James 1: 2: 4 as the Bible says consider it nothing but joy my brothers and sisters whenever you
fall into various trials be assured that the testing of your faith through experience produces endurance leading to spiritual maturity and inner peace and let endurance have its perfect result and do a thorough work so that you may be perfect and completely developed in your faith lacking in nothing and so with all this fresh on our hearts and in our minds let us go to the Lord in prayer Lord Jesus thank you for your grace and for your protection God I thank you because your grace surrounds us each and every day and Lord I pray that
in those moments where we're weak I pray that you'd strengthen our faith reinforce our faith help us holy spirit so that we would not have hearts that are hardened by sin remove all all unbelief from within us help us to believe fully and without reservation in all the promises of God help me to fearlessly believe Exodus 14:14 it says the Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace help us to boldly embrace your word help us to boldly embrace it without doubt help us to declare and to hold on to Isaiah 40:
29-31 he gives power to the weak and to those who have no might he increases strength even the youth shall faint and be weary and the young men shall utterly fall but those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength they shall Mount up with wings like eagles they shall shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint I pray for strong faith so that I may stand up for Jesus Christ and testify how he turned my mourning into dancing give me strong faith Lord so that I may stand on your
word in a world that's lost in a world that aims to discourage and to drain hope I pray for the faith that will enable me to live live in the authority that I have been given in Luke 10: 19 it says I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy nothing will harm you give us the Faith Lord Jesus to Walk In This Authority as an ambassador of the most high with you by my side I can stand up to the lies of the enemy
with the truth of the Gospel I think thank you Lord for your unending love you King Jesus are the Wellspring of our hope so even when life disappoints even when friends abandon I'm grateful that I can always count on you to be my rock and my refuge John 7:38 says whoever believes in me as scripture has said rivers of Living Water will flow from within them father May the rivers of living water flow from every part of my life may your living water flow over my heart and soul and fill me with Faith Lord Jesus
so long as you are for me I know that nothing can stand against me I will continue to place my faith in you because you're a God who has held me up every time I didn't have the strength to stand on my own you're a God who has calmed the storms in my life and you've Lifted Me Up High even when I thought I was at Rock Bottom in this world which is like sinking sand you King Jesus are my rock continue to be with me continue to give me the faith to stand firm day
by day now I don't know what I'll face tomorrow but I do know that your word tells me to submit to you for you will make my paths straight I know that your word in the book of Isaiah tells me that when I pass through the waters you will be with me and when I pass through the rivers you will not allow them to sweep over me when I walk through the fire I will not be burned because of you and the Flames will not set me Ablaze in your word I place my confidence for
tomorrow in your word I place My Hope and my faith for tomorrow you are the God who knows the number of hairs on my head and you said in your word that I am not to fear because I'm more valuable to you than many sparrows I stand on that word I rest in that word you will never leave me nor forsake me your plans for me are good father I thank you and I bless your name it's in Jesus name that I pray amen therefore let the one who thinks he stands firm immune to Temptation
being overconfident and self-righteous take care that he does not fall into sin and condemnation he gives power to the weak and to those who have no might he increases strength even the youth shall faint and be weary and the young men shall utterly fall but those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength they shall Mount up with wings like eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy nothing will
harm [Music] you consider it nothing but joy my brothers and sisters whenever you fall into various trials be assured that the testing of your faith through experience produces endurance leading to spiritual maturity and inner peace and let endurance have its perfect result and do a thorough work so that you may be perfect and completely developed in your faith lacking in nothing [Music]
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