The Peace Of God Covers You Even When Life Is Uncertain | A Blessed Daily Prayer

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Grace For Purpose Prayers
Be blessed as you meditate on God's word and listen to this inspirational morning devotional prayer....
Video Transcript:
[Music] when you draw closer to Jesus Christ you will find him to be a wonderful counselor a mighty God an eternal father and the Prince of Peace according to Isaiah chapter 9:6 and so May the peace of the Lord be upon your heart May the peace offered by Jesus Christ cover your life may your eyes remain fixed on the perfect work that was done on the [Music] cross may your faith stand on the solid rock that is Jesus Christ may you find joy and Triumph Vic Victory and gladness as you chase the presence of God
may you find him to be a certain God in the midst of an uncertain world as Believers when we are planted anchored and immersed in Godly things we then have access to the gift of peace that comes only through Jesus Christ so should you open your heart and receive this gift you will find that it's a peace with a cause God's peace has an aim and it brings about a result or an effect because you may see trouble but the Peace of the Lord will cause you not to be afraid you will see the storm
but the Lord's peace will cause you not to be moved although you may walk through the valley of the shadow of death the peace of God will cause you not to fear the peace that we are given by Jesus Christ will undoubtedly have a positive effect on us and on our lives therefore we should desire to know Jesus Christ more intimately because only then will we know what true and Lasting peace is Lord Jesus in John 14: 27 you say peace I leave with you my peace I give to you not as the world gives
do I give to you let not your heart be troubled neither Let It Be Afraid give me peace Lord even when chaos and trouble surrounds me let my heart not be afraid for my God is a consuming fire let my heart not be afraid because greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world when life is turbulent my soul will not be shaken my soul will not be moved because my God is a way maker let your peace soothe my heart and spirit even as I pray if I come against
any anything that is not of God if I come against anxiety worry stress and fear you have given me a spirit of power and of love and of a sound mind I pray that your heavenly spirit will infiltrate my mind my home and my heart your promise God is for peace that surpasses all human understanding I received that promise I pray that your gentle and loving hand will open up my heart and give me an unshakable peace I pray that your spirit will calm my heart when my heart feels heavy I pray that the holy
spirit will be my comfort when my life appears to be broken your word and your presence restores me me I declare that there is a peace in my life because I have laid my burdens down before you I declare that there is a peace in my life because I am in your hands and I am in your care I praise you for your abundant mercy and Grace that Reigns over my entire life I find peace in you God because when I am worn out you renew my strength father bring peace to my soul I am
seeking you because in your presence there is a peace that can guard my heart and my mind I do not lean on my own understanding because you are an all knowing god so my trust is in you heal and remove everything that unsettles me when the enemy tries to steal my joy calm my spirit and ease my troubled heart let your peace rule in My Heart Lord Jesus I declare and claim all of your promises and blessings of peace and strength over my life I thank you for hearing this prayer amen I once heard a
story told about a man who witnessed a major accident on a highway there were multiple cars involved and this man witnessed the accident happening in real time one car going into the back of another now all the while as this was happening the driver was no longer paying attention to where he was going his Focus was on the disaster happening and not on navigating his way away from the disaster and as he was distracted with all that was going on he too went into the back of a car because he wasn't paying attention now many
Christians are in this world but they're distracted with what's going on around them they are distracted by this world the Bible says in Matthew 26 verse 41 keep actively watching and praying that you may not come into temptation the spirit is willing but the body is weak the word of God tells us to watch to focus and pay attention to what's going on yes but it also says keep praying continue praying so that you would not lose your focus as Christians we are not to focus on the sickness in this world we shouldn't be focusing
on the different strains and diseases out there no our focus should be on the Healer we should focus on the chief physician the one who healed anyone and everyone who had a Measure of Faith as Christians we're not to focus on the violence taking place in the world don't focus on the tragedies and disasters that are happening all around the world instead focus on the ultimate protect protector ensure that you abide under the shadow of the almighty in short what I'm telling you to do is focus on Jesus focus on the Prince of Peace rather
than focusing on the dread and the fear that's offered to you by the world focus on the deliverer Jesus Christ rather than the sin because ultimately focusing on the sin will not set you free what will s set you free is focusing on Jesus listen if you choose to focus on the addiction that you have if you focus on that stronghold that you have or the bondage that you're under what do you think will get bigger what you focus on you magnify and what you focus on will get bigger when Peter was walking on water
do you know what made him sink he took his eye he took his Focus away from God Matthew 14: 28-30 says and Peter answered him and said Lord if it is you command me to come to you on the water so he said come and when Peter had come down out of the boat he walked on the water to go to Jesus but when he saw that the wind was boisterous he was afraid and beginning to sink he cried out saying Lord save me the Bible says when he saw that the wind was boisterous he
was afraid when you begin to focus on everything happening around you when you begin to look at everything going on around the world you will be left in fear but should you focus on Jesus should you focus on the Prince of Peace then you will be be blessed you will remain joyful and hopeful even in the midst of trouble now let us go to the Lord together in prayer dear Lord help us to keep our focus on you father help us to remain fixated on your word so that we would not drift and end up
going in the same direction as the world holy spirit would you help us to devote ourselves to doing God God's work holy spirit stir us up so that we can focus on that which is eternal and pleasing to the Lord help us to meditate on God's word every day I pray that you would give us scripture to feed on a verse to focus on and to dwell on so that our faith and focus would remain firmly on Christ I pray for everyone under the sound of my voice may they be drawn to seek your facei
face Lord Jesus may they be drawn to your secret place I pray that every man and woman of God who is listening right now will be covered protected secured defended shielded and hidden by your Shadow father I pray in the name of Jesus that we would be hidden from the sight of evil the devil will not be able to lay a hand on us or our families because we are protected by God Almighty may we find you Lord Jesus to be our safe place our peaceful Sanctuary God may your presence reside in our homes in
our hearts and our minds I pray for every son and daughter of God who is in agreement with me right now when the storm seems endless in our lives may you grant us Supernatural strength even if the enemy tries to steal our joy may he fail and be crushed by the angel of the Lord which encamps all around those who fear you I pray for an overwhelming peace and divine joy to sit right at the center of our hearts for anyone who is uneasy may the Lord calm your spirit I decree and declare that it
is well with your soul it is well in your home and in your life it is well with you child of God May the Holy Spirit Grant you boldness and courage may you stand strong and firm in faith I pray that you will not be found to be fearful in any area of your life you won't be found to have any worry or anxiety in your life in Jesus name father we claim your word word and we say surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life I have victory in the
name of Jesus I have victory over any mountains over any Giants over any obstacles that have been set by the enemy I want to thank you for the power that I can access through your blood it's the power that allows me to overcome daily to be blessed daily to wake up in your your grace and in your mercies each day Lord we choose to trust in you each day each hour each moment of Our Lives we trust in you you gave your life on the cross to set me free Psalm 91:2 says I will say
of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust Lord I confess this to be true in our lives as Believers in Jesus Christ God you are our refuge indeed you are our Hiding Place Lord we bless your name we give you the honor the glory and the praise in Jesus name we pray this prayer and give you thanks amen there are times when you simply need to read and immerse yourself in the word of God and I'm talking about the times when a sermon won't do a word of
encouragement won't do it but you simply need to hear from God himself through his word and so today I pray that as I read these scriptures God's spirit would begin to move in your heart your mind and soul and stir up your faith I pray that these scriptures would find you where wherever you may be in whatever situation you're in and they would remind you that the Lord still cares the Lord still loves you and his promises still stand true 2 Corinthians 1: 3 to 4 praise be to the God and father of our Lord
Jesus Christ the father of compassion and the God of All Comfort who comforts Us in all our troubles so that we we can comfort those in any trouble with the Comfort we ourselves receive from God I want you to take away a few things from this passage our God is a God who has and shows compassion he is a God who has given us the wonderful Holy Spirit to comfort Us in all our trials and troubles so what you face may be painful yes it may be unpleasant but one thing remains true according to the
word of God and that is the fact that we serve a compassionate and loving God one who comforts Us in all our troubles further scriptures worth meditating are on Romans 1513 now may the god of Hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that you may abound in Hope by the power of the Holy Spirit Psalm 23:4 even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me I like how the psalmist here says even though even though I
walk through the darkest Valley he might as well have said it doesn't matter where I walk even even though it looks bad I will fear no evil because you are with me even though it seems like there's no hope I will fear no evil because you are with me even though it appears to be over I will fear no evil because you are with me we need to be people who have this kind of Faith people that have even though kind of Faith because when all is said and done Jesus Christ is with us and
if God be with us who who can be against us furthermore Romans 8:28 says and we know that all things work together for good to those who love God to those who are the called according to his purpose you see all of these scriptures there are many more in the Bible but all of these scriptures tell you in different ways that God cares for you God cares about you God is looking out for you God is working things out in your favor God will order your steps and I pray that the Lord would open the
ears of someone who needs to hear this someone who perhaps has a heavy heart or a broken heart to that person I want to say look to Jesus have faith in Jesus hold on to Jesus Christ of Nazareth and he will surely see you through now let us pray Lord God Almighty this world can be a dark place but we look to you Jesus to be the bright lamp that guides our feet I pray oh Lord that every past hurt every every past mistake or past loss that weighs heavy on the heart of whoever is
listening may be removed by your Everlasting power Philippians 4: 6 to8 do not be anxious about anything but in every situation by prayer and petition with Thanksgiving present your requests to God and the peace of God which transcends all all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus finally brothers and sisters whatever is true whatever is Noble whatever is right whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is admirable if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such things Our Hope For Tomorrow Is Anchored in you because you never fail our faith is
in you because you are faithful even when we are faithless we choose to come to you we choose to set our minds on your word we make the choice to trust you no matter the pain or the circumstance we even choose to pray today despite all that we face and in line with your word we choose not to be anxious not to worry we choose to believe that you're always with us and in control our healing Is Anchored In You Because by your stripes we are healed I pray for everyone listening right now and declare
that broken hearts are mended today in the name of Jesus troubled minds are given peace I ask you Holy Spirit to be so close to us that we can feel your presence in our hearts and in our homes we cast all our burdens to you Lord we lean on you where else can we run to but to you you have delivered and healed in the past and you will do it again in every season of Our Lives May you lead us God thank you that you reminded us throughout your word we do not face the
storms alone but you are always with us Whispering calm speaking peace bringing rest to our souls and God we believe you just as your word says in the book of second Corinthians we may be afflicted in every way but we are not crushed we may be perplexed but we are not driven to despair we may be persecuted but we are not forsaken struck down but not destroyed I thank you for caring for us I thank you that the Peace of your loving and strong presence guards and protects the hearts and minds of each person listening
father I thank you for listening to this prayer only the peace that comes from you will calm our hearts and sustain us through the Troubles of life I pray that you will help us to not let our hearts be troubled because that's not your will for us be blessed now and forever more Lord Jesus [Music] [Music] amen [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music]
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