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Grace For Purpose
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as you end your day I would like to share with you the word of God Psalm 103 reads bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me bless His holy name bless the Lord oh my soul and forget not all his benefits who forgives all your iniquity who heal heals all your diseases who redeems your life from the pit who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy who satisfies you with good so that your youth is renewed like the eagles I find this PSAL to be very powerful because David is almost speaking
to himself and encouraging himself to praise and worship the Lord with all that is within him David has come to realize that praising the Lord halfhearted isn't enough praising the Lord while distracted is not good enough David has realized that he needs to he has to he must praise God with everything David here knows that he needs to worship with every ounce of energy and emotion and passion he has he needs to give God his heart his mind his body and soul to truly worship Him Saints let me ask you this are you praising the
Lord with all that is within you are you worshiping him with all the energy faith and passion you have let me go a step further and ask is he not worthy to be praised is he not worthy to be given your all is God not worthy of your complete Adoration of all your commitment and time and energy David called on his soul to praise the Lord with all he has he called on his soul to do more should we not be doing the same and so I would like to encourage you today and tell you
that you should be praising the Lord daily you should worship Him daily we often praise and thank God halfheartedly and that is not acceptable God deserves our all he deserves our complete total and outright adoration and you'll never fail to find a reason to praise as you are listening right now you have a reason to praise him by virtue of being alive and able to hear this message you have life breath in you that's reason enough to thank the Lord you have ears that can hear that's something to be thankful for sure you might have
problems but are your problems that big that you can't find a reason to lift High the name of Jesus Christ don't withhold that which is due to our Lord Jesus Christ and that is your praise and adoration so let psalm 103 be your Anthem today bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me bless His holy name bless the Lord oh my soul and forget not all his benefits and now let us pray dear Lord Jesus I praise your Holy Name today with all that is in me you are a God who
is infinitely great you are greater than anything that can be found here on Earth and for that we praise you We Praise You Lord because you are a God who forgives all our iniquities your mercies are new every morning and you offer us the opportunity to repent and be cleansed by your blood We Praise You Lord because you are a God who who heals you heal us physically you heal us emotionally and even in our spirits and for that you deserve all the glory We Praise You Lord because you are a God who redeems our
life from destruction you saved us God and through your son Jesus Christ we are able to choose a life of Victory and Triumph in you thank you for your loving kindness and Tender Mercies thank you Lord even for the small things for strength in our bodies for sight in our eyes and for breath in our lungs father your word says in Psalm 1031 to13 for as high as the heavens are above the Earth so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear Him as far as the East is from the West so far does
he remove our transgressions from us as a father shows compassion to his children so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear Him I do not deserve such love and compassion but you still offer it to me and although I cannot repay you in any way I can and I will offer my praise my thanks and adoration only to you King Jesus I will bless the Lord with all my soul and everything within me I will lean on you Jesus and not on my own understanding I will sing praises only to your holy name I
pray for your Mighty hand of protection to lead me to guide me and to be over me and my family I speak the blood of Jesus upon each and every member of my family for protection for safety for preservation of life and even for restoration I decree and declare that the Gates of Hell shall not Prevail against me and my loved ones Lord I commit myself into your Loving Hands Lord Jesus only in your arms can I find Comfort peace and hope for tomorrow I apply the blood of Jesus each and every doorpost upon each
and every window post of my home for protection in the name of Jesus Christ may your Pillar of Fire be seen where my family and I sleep every night father I pray that my soul's Focus my soul's desire would be to praise and worship you keep me from being distracted or discouraged by the devil keep me from being affected or impacted by any naysayers or negative people let my heart's Focus be you Lord Jesus father keep me even from my own carnal wants desires and thoughts that don't bring you glory your word word in John
4:24 says God is spirit and those who worship Him must Worship in spirit and Truth May the Holy Spirit Teach Me How To Worship You in spirit and in truth may the Holy Spirit Teach Me How To Worship you in such a way that I would experience the fullness of your presence let nothing separate me from you father lead me closer to you help me walk in line and in obedience to your word and not my feelings be glorified and praised forever more thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus' name I pray amen now
I don't know about you but there have been times where it looked as though though I wouldn't overcome what was in front of me there have been times where the mountain was high and the sea that was before me was daunting but God is faithful God made a way for me he provided and helped me and so I want to encourage you to do as Psalm 105 verse 2 says and sing to him sing Psalms to him talk talk of all his wondrous works if God has done something for you and for each of us
the Lord has certainly done something for us we ought to worship him we ought to talk about his wondrous works as children of God there are certain things that we need daily from the Lord we need his Mercy each and every day we need his grace and favor and we definitely need his protection no matter how skilled you are no matter how wealthy you are you can never protect yourself from the attacks of the devil that's why Psalm 34:1 19 says many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them
all many will be the challenges that you face over the course of your life many will be the obstacles that you come up against as you grow older however here is the key thing that we need to remember the Lord delivers us out of them all and it's not your ability it's not your wealthy friends or your Ingenuity it is the Lord God Almighty who can deliver you from every Affliction it's only Jesus Christ who can effectively block every arrow sent by the enemy it's only Jesus who can disturb the devil's plans over your life
it's only Jesus who can expose the traps set before you so our attitude as we wake up go to sleep leave our homes and go about our business it must be an attitude of Thanksgiving and praise we ought to Rejoice that we are under the watchful eye of God Almighty we ought to Rejoice because as God's children we are covered by a heavenly host of angels friends I'd like to give you a few things to think about today when was the last time you walked into a doctor's office and demanded to see their credentials before
they could treat you have you ever inquired about your doctor's education their training how many years of experience they have no you walk in and you begin to tell them what's wrong without so much as questioning whether they were at the top of their class or they barely had the grades and scrap through medical school or how about your car whether you've purchased a brand new car or a used vehicle have you ever questioned the mechanic have you ever asked for a demonstration of their skill and asked to see their credentials or better yet after
you've had some work done on your car have you ever inspected it have you ever opened up the hood of your car to see whether everything was done correctly and all parts used were authentic well I'll guess that you've never done that well how about your son or daughter's teacher or university professor have you ever asked to see their credentials have you ever questioned their expertise I sure haven't if they sound like they know what they're talking about then I tend to believe them and you see that's the point we often trust people without question
we often trust things without question but dear friends the best doctors in the world make mistakes they get things wrong they misdiagnose they make errors of judgment and they sometimes come to a place where there's absolutely nothing they can do a car can be assembled by the most skilled mechanics in the world and still it will break down that car will have problems it will at some point have a flat tire or a warning light will come on to tell you that it needs to be fixed equal the greatest Minds on Earth the best teachers
in the world don't know everything they can't explain everything that you need to know in this life even after devoting large parts of their lives to studying their knowledge is still limited however Saints there is one who makes no mistakes there is one whose hands are so skilled that whatever he touches is made perfect there is one who is all knowing one who has unmatched wisdom god Jehovah our trust should be placed in him and him alone Jeremiah 32:17 says a sovereign Lord you have made the heavens and the Earth by your great power and
outstretched arm nothing is too hard for you indeed nothing is too difficult for our God nothing is out of his reach there is nothing that is beyond him you see our god holds time in his hands he's Eternal and righteous and there is none like him and so I encourage you not to lean on your own understanding but submit all your ways to the Lord because God is bigger he's bigger than every complication you can face he's bigger than every mountain in front of you and so with this understanding with this in mind let's go
to the one in whom there is no failure let's go to the one who is omniscient omnipresent and omnipotent dear God in your word you say in Jeremiah 32:27 behold I am the Lord the God of All Flesh is there anything too hard for me no nothing is too hard for you Lord and that is why we praise you we give you all of the glory and honor because you're the ruler of all the universe Lord You're creator of all you are Divine in all your ways Lord the battles we face in our lives are
not too difficult for you we know that you're more than able to restore to heal to comfort and to strengthen You're The God Who is bigger than what our eyes can see on this Earth our eyes may see things that make us feel upset or discouraged but our faith our faith can see a God who can lift us up from a pit of despair and place us on high in steady ground Lord in your word you say is there anything too hard for me you say that with man it's impossible but With God all things
are possible you King Jesus you're bigger than any obstacles you're bigger than money and the riches of silver and gold on this Earth there are times when with my natural eyes I see lack but my faith it sees you my provider God there are times when my natural eyes may see disease but my faith my faith sees the Healer there have been times in my life when my natural eyes saw the danger but my faith reminded me that you are my protector Jesus Christ so Lord today I praise you because the Bible says you are
a God who is able to do exceedingly above all all things that I could ever ask or think and Lord you are worthy to be praised even while I stand in faith expecting believing hoping in you to work miracles in my life I'd like to praise you Lord I Want To Praise You for just being filled with love and mercy God your grace is amazing you are indeed an awesome wonder and in Psalm 150 verse two it says praise him for his mighty acts Praise Him according to his excellent greatness God you are great and
greatly to be praised father we pray that you will forever be the affection of our hearts may you be the Center focus of all our desires indeed I will bless the Lord with all of my soul and I will forget not all your benefits because you have forgiven all of my iniquity you have healed all my diseases I will praise you because you Jesus have redeemed my life from the pit Lord you taken me from such a dark place you lifted me up and you crowned me with your steadfast love and mercy God when nothing
else would help it was your love that Lifted Me God you're worthy of all our thanks you're worthy of all our worship because you Lord have made us you've made us a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation A peculiar people God I thank you for calling us out of the darkness and into your marvelous glorious light father I'm strengthened by your peace and I am refueled by your joy above all I stand in faith and I stand in anticipation for a mighty move of your hand over my life God I thank you for
listening to this prayer it's in Jesus name I pray amen Romans 5:8 says but God demonstrates his own love for us in this while we were still sinners Christ died for us think of that while we were sinners Christ died for us while you and I rejected him he loved us while you and I turned our backs on the Lord he loved us in fact the Bible says in John 15: 11-13 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete my command is this love
each other as I have loved you greater love has no one than this to lay down one's life for one's friends and so dear listener you may have been abandoned by someone who you thought loved you but let me tell you that Jesus Christ will never abandon you you may have been portrayed by someone who once said they loved you but Jesus Christ will never portray your trust friend you may have been rejected by someone who you expected to love you but let me tell you Jesus Christ will never reject you the Lord knows you
he knows your name he knows the number of hairs on your head and he cares for you now with all that I have told you I want you to take my message with the correct context the love that God has for you is great indeed however this is no excuse to continue living in sin of course God loves you and it's because of this great love that he wants you to repent God loves you and it's because of this love that he wants you to lean on him for the strength and the grace to live
righteously and so with this understanding let us pray you are our savior Lord Jesus and out of love you came to this Earth You Were crucified on a cross so that we can be saved I praise you for such a deep Supernatural love that I could never repay How Great Is Your Love God Almighty that you gave your only begotten son son so that I should not perish but have everlasting life I did nothing to deserve this but yet you freely gave your son so that I should not perish your word that tells me in
Jeremiah 1 verse 5 says before I formed you in the womb I knew you before you were born I set you apart may your name always be praised for such love I thank you for meeting my greatest need which is to be loved unconditionally you are a God who knows all all that is done in the light and all deeds and thoughts in the darkness and regardless of knowing my most shameful secrets you still decided to offer me a perfect sacrificial everlasting love you decided to offer me grace and mercy in spite of my faults
you decided to show me a powerful love though you know me inside out and I know where I fall short just as the Apostle Paul said in Romans 8: 38-39 I declare that I am convinced that neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Jesus Christ Our Lord I Thank you Lord for holding me together each and every day whenever I have needed you
you have been there for me whenever I have called on your name you have heard my cry I am grateful for all of the love mercy and Grace that has been in and that is shown to me though I did not deserve it thank you for your faithfulness even through the tough times of life to you alone Be The Glory in your presence is the safest place that we can be in and so together with everyone listening right now our prayer Lord is that your presence would cover us may you walk with us every day
May the holy SP Spirit help us to realize and understand the magnitude of your love and may we never take it for granted may we be convicted to live lives that honor you lives that hate sin and love righteousness thank you Lord Jesus you have loved us with an everlasting love you have proven yourself to be always faithful God we trust and hold on to your word it says in Zephaniah 3:1 17 the Lord your God is with you the mighty warrior who saves he will take great Delight in you in his love he will
no longer rebuke you but will rejoice over you with singing you are worthy to be exalted and I uplift your name on high father thank you for hearing this prayer all the glory unto you in jesus' name I pray amen Lord Jesus we are looking to you today we look to you for strength and direction we look to you for protection and preservation we look to you for provision for mercy and Direction dear Lord we are limited I have looked Within Myself for strength but I am not strong enough I have looked Within Myself for
Direction but I am not wise enough I've tried to look Within Myself for motivation and happiness but Lord true Joy can only be found when we look to you our true purpose can only be found in you Psalm 119 verse 36-38 says incline my heart to your testimonies and not to dishonest gain and envy turn my eyes away from vanity all those worldly meaningless things that distract let your priorities be mine and restore me with Renewed Energy in your ways establish your word and confirm your promise to your servant as that which produces all inspired
reverence for you turn my eyes away from worldly things Lord turn my eyes away from worthless things God and help me to have a mind fixed on Christ and eyes fixed on Jesus because when we look to you when we focus on you master you will turn our lives around and demonstrate that you can take us from the lowest of the low and use us For Your Glory help us Master to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus because if we stray and wander we will begin to look at what's around us instead of Jesus Christ
this leads us to distractions and leads us to become preoccupied with things situations and events that don't matter things that are of this world instead of those things that are Eternal Father we are limited whereas you are Limitless we cannot look ahead into the future with our natural eyes so we look to the one who holds the past present and the future the Bible in 2 Corinthians CH 4 verse 18 says so we look not at the things which are seen But at the things things which are unseen for the things which are visible are
temporal just brief and fleeting but the things which are invisible are Everlasting and imperishable Lord we are choosing to focus on you not on what's around us but on you King Jesus the author and finisher of our faith I thank you Lord Jesus for all that you do for the goodness and mercy you have shown us as your children we thank you for being so merciful and kind you are a God who is so good and so caring your word tells us that you have numbered the hairs on our heads because of your great love
for us great is your mercy Great Is Your Love love thank you for hearing this prayer amen I may not know who you are or what your exact situation is but one thing I do know is that the Bible in Hebrews 10: 23-2 says let us seize and hold tightly the confession of Our Hope without wavering for he who promised is reliable and trustworth worth Y and faithful to his word and let us consider thoughtfully how we may encourage one another to love and to do good deeds not forsaking our meeting together as Believers for
worship and instruction as is the habit of some but encouraging one another and all the more Faithfully as you see the day of Christ's return approaching the Bible tells us to encourage one another and that's what I would like to do today whatever it is you are going through leave it in God's hands the Lord has the final say over your life and you need to hold on don't give up Don't Let Go don't give in and don't be discouraged I pray that the holy spirit will block you from looking to the left and to
the right so that your eyes can only look up to Jesus Christ Romans 8:37 says yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us you are more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ so keep believing that God will see you through keep believing that God will strengthen you don't be discouraged don't be defeated but stand stand on God's word and on God's promise because he has said I will never leave you nor forsake you there are times when we simply need to remind ourselves about the promises that are found
in the word of God now I'd like to share with you some of the promises in God's word that I have found to be encouraging Psalm 34:6 this poor man cried and the Lord heard him and saved him out of all his troubles the Bible says the Lord heard him and saved him I want you to know that the Lord hears prayers he can hear your cries he can hear the petitions of your heart he can hear your voice when you're in distress listen God still hears and answers prayers don't you allow the enemy to
whisper lies to you and tell you that God is too busy for you you our God neither sleeps nor Slumbers and he will hear your prayers according to his word the Amplified translation for Proverbs 3: 5-6 trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own Insight or understanding in all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize him and he will make your paths straight and smooth removing obstacles that block your way I want you to trust that the Lord will guide you and I especially want
to speak to the person who has a calling on their life you may not see how God can use you you might be thinking that there is no way forward for you well I want to tell you that God has promised in his word to make your paths straight and smooth he will remove all of the obstacles that block your path Saints trust and believe that God will make a way for you he'll make a way for your family for your marriage for your heal God Will Make A Way he will make a way for
you now Psalm 9:9 says the Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed a refuge in times of trouble a refuge can be defined as a shelter or protection from danger or distress so in other words God has promised to be your shelter when all hell breaks loose in this world God will be your shelter when there's widespread chaos and fear in this world God will be your shelter when the enemy comes in like a flood the spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him trust and believe that God will shelter
you now let us pray Lord I Thank you for the wonderful promises in your word you are a God who hears and answers prayers you're a God who is a refuge for the oppressed you're a refuge in times of trouble you are a refuge when there is danger you Lord are compassionate you're a God who offers unspeakable joy and peace Beyond understanding you're a God who never fails you are Mighty in battle and so Lord with my whole heart I safely trust in you I thank you for your love Lord Jesus I pray for each
and every person under the sound of my voice may they come to the realization that they are loved by Jesus Christ may they come to the understanding that nothing can separate us from your love according to Romans 8: 35-39 in that passage your word says who shall separate us from the love of Christ shall tribulation or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword as it is written for your sake we Face death all day long we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered no in all these things we are more than
conquerors through him who loved us for I am convinced that neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our lord words fail me as I try to express my joy and gratitude at your love in this life Lord my loved ones may betray me my loved ones may let me down they may even forsake me and and leave me however I thank
you because Lord I know that I can always rely on you I can count on you to be there for me I can count on you to be my cornerstone I can count on you to block the fiery darts that may be thrown by my enemy It's Only You Jesus who can keep me truly safe and secure you alone can preserve my life my health my peace of mind even only my Lord my Defender can destroy every plan that the devil has plotted you King Jesus expose the traps that are set before me so I
place my faith in you I place my trust in you I know that if I abide in you if I dwell in your house then your presence will cover me from head to toe and if God be for me who can stand against me build my faith Lord so that I may be a strong believer one who is bold and courageous one who walks in the authority of a child of God your word Lord says in 2 Corinthians 1: 3 and 4 blessed gratefully praised and adored be the God and father of our Lord Jesus
Christ the father of mercies and the God of All Comfort who comforts and encourages Us in every trouble so that we will be able to comfort and encourage those who are in any kind of trouble with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God I Look to You for encouragement I Look to You For Comfort I trust and rely on you the God who hears My Cries The God Who answers the petitions of my heart The God Who listens to my voice when I am in distress the promises in your word strengthen me
and offer me hope Lord I Thank you for promising never to leave me or to forsake me I thank you for promising to be my refuge and Lord I Thank you for hearing this prayer it's in the mighty name of Jesus Christ that I pray and I give you thanks amen as you end your day I would like to share with you the word of God Psalm 103 reads bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me bless His holy name bless the Lord oh my soul and forget not all his benefits
who forgives all your iniquity who heals all your diseases who redeems your life from the pit who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy who satisfies you with good so that your youth is renewed like the Eagles I find this Psalm to be very powerful because David is almost speaking to himself and encouraging himself to praise and worship the Lord with all that is within him David has come to realize that praising the Lord halfhearted isn't enough praising the Lord while distracted is not good enough David has realized that he needs to he has has
to he must praise God with everything David here knows that he needs to worship with every ounce of energy and emotion and passion he has he needs to give God his heart his mind his body and soul to truly worship Him Saints let me ask you this are you praising the Lord with all that is within you are you worshiping him him with all the energy faith and passion you have let me go a step further and ask is he not worthy to be praised is he not worthy to be given your all is God
not worthy of your complete Adoration of all your commitment and time and energy David called on his soul to praise the Lord with all he has he called on his soul to do more should we not be doing the same and so I would like to encourage you today and tell you that you should be praising the Lord daily you should worship Him daily we often praise and thank God halfheartedly and that is not acceptable God deserves our all he deserves our complete total and outright adoration and you'll never fail to find a reason to
praise as you are listening right now you have a reason to praise him by virtue of being alive and able to hear this message you have life breath in you that's reason enough to thank the Lord you have ears that can hear that's something to be thankful for sure you might have problems but are your problems that big that you can't find a reason to Lift High the name of Jesus Christ don't withhold that which is due to our Lord Jesus Christ and that is your praise and adoration so let Psalm 103 be your Anthem
today bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me bless His holy name bless the Lord oh my soul and forget not all his benefits and now let us pray dear Lord Jesus I praise your Holy Name today with all that is in me you are a God who is infinitely great you are greater than anything that can be found here on Earth and for that we praise you We Praise You Lord because you are a God who forgives all our iniquities your mercies are new every morning and you offer us the
opportunity to repent and be cleansed by your blood We Praise You Lord because you are a God who heals you heal us physically you heal us emotionally and even in our spirits and for that you deserve all the glory We Praise You Lord because you are a God who redeemed our life from destruction you saved us God and through your son Jesus Christ we are able to choose a life of Victory and Triumph in you thank you for your loving kindness and Tender Mercies thank you Lord even for the small things for strength in our
bodies for sight in our eyes and for breath in our lungs father your word say says in Psalm 1031 to13 for as high as the heavens are above the Earth so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear Him as far as the East is from the West so far does he remove our transgressions from us as a father shows compassion to his children so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear Him I do not deserve such love and compassion but you still offer it to me and although I cannot repay you in
any way I can and I will offer my praise my thanks and adoration only to you King Jesus I will bless the Lord with all my soul and everything within me I will lean on you Jesus and not on my own understanding I will sing praises only to your holy name I pray for your Mighty hand of protection to lead me to guide me and to be over me and my family I speak the blood of Jesus upon each and every member of my family for protection for safety for preservation of life and even for
restoration I decree and declare that the Gates of Hell shall not Prevail against me and my loved ones Lord I commit myself into your Loving Hands Lord Jesus only in your arms can I find Comfort peace and hope for tomorrow I apply the blood of Jesus each and every doorpost upon each and every window post of my home for protection in the name of Jes Jesus Christ may your Pillar of Fire be seen where my family and I sleep every night father I pray that my soul's Focus my soul's desire would be to praise and
worship you keep me from being distracted or discouraged by the devil keep me from being affected or impacted by any naysayers or negative people let my heart's Focus be you Lord Jesus father keep me even from my own carnal wants desires and thoughts that don't bring you glory your word in John 424 says God is spirit and those who worship Him must Worship in spirit and Truth May the Holy Spirit Teach Me How To Worship You you in spirit and in truth may the Holy Spirit Teach Me How To Worship you in such a way
that I would experience the fullness of your presence let nothing separate me from you father lead me closer to you help me walk in line and in obedience to your word and not my feelings be glorified and praised forever more thank you for hearing my prayer in Jesus name I pray amen now I don't know about you but there have been times where it looked as though I wouldn't overcome what was in front of me there have been times where the mountain was high and the sea that was before me was daunting but God is
faithful God made a way for me he provided and helped me and so I want to encourage you to do as Psalm 105 verse 2 says and sing to him sing Psalms to him talk of all his wondrous works if God has done something for you and for each of us the Lord has certainly done something for us we ought to worship him we ought to talk about his wondrous works as children of God there are certain things that we need daily from the Lord we need his Mercy each and every day we need his
grace and favor and we definitely need his protection no matter how skilled you are no matter how wealthy you are you can never protect yourself from the attacks of the devil that's why Psalm 34:1 19 says say many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all many will be the challenges that you face over the course of your life many will be the obstacles that you come up against as you grow older however here is the key thing that we need to remember the Lord delivers us out of
them all and it's not your ability it's not your wealthy friends or your Ingenuity it is the Lord God Almighty who can deliver you from every Affliction it's only Jesus Christ who can effectively block every arrow sent by the enemy it's only Jesus who can disturb the devil's plans over your life it's only Jesus who can expose the traps set before you so our attitude as we wake up go to sleep leave our homes and go about our business it must be an attitude of Thanksgiving and praise we ought to Rejoice that we are under
the watchful eye of God Almighty we ought to Rejoice because as God's children we are covered by a heavenly host of angels friends I'd like to give you a few things to think about today when was the last time you walked into a doctor's office and demanded to see their credentials before they could treat you have you ever inquired about your doctor's education their training how many years of experience they have no you walk in and you begin to tell them what's wrong without so much as questioning whether they were at the top of their
class or they barely had the grades and scrap through medical school or how about your car whether you've purchased a brand new car or a used vehicle have you ever questioned the mechanic have you ever asked for a demonstration of their skill and ask to see their credentials or better yet after you've had some work done on your car have you ever inspected it have you ever opened up the hood of your car to see whether everything was done correctly and all parts used were authentic well I'll guess that you've never done that well how
about your son or daughter's teacher or university Professor have you ever asked to see their credentials have you ever questioned their expertise I sure haven't if they sound like they know what they're talking about then I tend to believe them and you see that's the point we often trust people without question we often trust things without question but dear friends the best doctors in the world make mistakes they get things wrong they misdiagnose they make errors of judgment and they sometimes come to a place where there's absolutely nothing they can do a car can be
assembled by the most skilled mechanics in the world and still it will break down that car will have problems it will at some point have a flat tire or a warning light will come on to tell you that it needs to be fixed equally the greatest Minds on Earth the best teachers in the world don't know everything they can't explain everything that you need to know in this life even after devoting large parts of their lives to studying their knowledge is still limited however Saints there is one who makes no mistakes there is one whose
hands are so skilled that whatever he touches is made perfect there is one who is all knowing one who has unmatched wisdom god Jehovah our trust should be be placed in him and him alone Jeremiah 32:17 says a sovereign Lord you have made the heavens and the Earth by your great power and outstretched arm nothing is too hard for you indeed nothing is too difficult for our God nothing is out of his reach there is nothing that is beyond him you see our God holds time in his hands he's Eternal and righteous and there is
none like him and so I encourage you not to lean on your own understanding but submit all your ways to the Lord because God Is Bigger he's bigger than every complication you can face he's bigger than every mountain in front of you and so with this understanding with this in mind let's go to the one in whom there is no failure here let's go to the one who is omniscient omnipresent and omnipotent dear God in your word you say in Jeremiah 32:27 behold I am the Lord the God of All Flesh is there anything too
hard for me no nothing is too hard for you Lord and that is why we pray praise you we give you all of the glory and honor because you're the ruler of all the universe Lord You're creator of all you are Divine in all your ways Lord the battles we face in our lives are not too difficult for you we know that you're more than able to restore to heal to comfort and to strengthen You're The God Who is bigger than what our eyes can see on this Earth our eyes may see things that make
us feel upset or discouraged but our faith our faith can see a God who can lift us up from a pit of despair and place us on high and steady ground Lord in your word you say is there anything too hard for me you say that with man it's impossible but With God all things are possible you King Jesus you're bigger than any obstacles you're bigger than money and the riches of silver and gold on this Earth there are times when with my natural eyes I see lack but my faith it sees you my provider
God there are times when my natural eyes may see disease but my faith my faith sees the Healer there have been times in my life when my natural eyes saw saw the danger but my faith reminded me that you are my protector Jesus Christ so Lord today I praise you because the Bible says you are a God who is able to do exceedingly above all things that I could ever ask or think and Lord you are worthy to be praised even while I stand in faith expecting believing hoping in you to work miracles in my
life I'd like to praise you Lord I Want To Praise You for just being filled with love and mercy God your grace is amazing you are indeed an awesome wonder and in Psalm 150:2 it says praise him for his mighty acts Praise Him according to his excellent greatness God you are great and greatly to be praised father we pray that you will forever be the affection of our heart may you be the Center focus of all our desires indeed I will bless the Lord with all of my soul and I will forget not all your
benefits because you have forgiven all of my iniquity you have healed all my diseases I will praise you because you Jesus have redeemed my life from the pit Lord you taken me from such a a dark place you lifted me up and you crowned me with your steadfast love and mercy God when nothing else would help it was your love that Lifted Me God you're worthy of all our thanks you're worthy of all our worship because you Lord have made us you've made us a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation A peculiar people
God I thank you for calling us out of the darkness and into your marvelous glorious light father I'm strengthened by your peace and I am refueled by your joy above all I stand in faith and I stand in anticipation for a mighty move of your hand over my life God I thank you for listening to this prayer it's in Jesus name I pray amen Romans 5:8 says but God demonstrates his own love for us in this while we were still sinners Christ died for us think of that while we were sinners Christ died for us
while you and I rejected him he loved us while you and I turned our backs on the Lord he loved us in fact the Bible says in John 15: 11-13 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete my command is this love each other as I have loved you greater love has no one than this to lay down one's life for one's friends and so dear listener you may have been abandoned by someone who you thought loved you but let me tell you that
Jesus Christ will never abandon you you may have been portrayed by someone who once said they loved you but Jesus Christ will never portray your trust friend you may have been rejected by someone who you expected to love you but let me tell you Jesus J Christ will never reject you the Lord knows you he knows your name he knows the number of hairs on your head and he cares for you now with all that I have told you I want you to take my message with the correct context the love that God has for
you is great indeed however this is no excuse to continue living in sin of course God loves you and it's because of this great love that he wants you to repent God loves you and it's because of this love that he wants you to lean on him for the strength and the grace to live righteously and so with this understanding let us pray you are our savior Lord Jesus and out of love you came to this Earth You Were crucified on a cross so that we can be saved I praise you for such a deep
Supernatural love that I could never repay How Great Is Your Love God Almighty that you gave your only begotten son so that I should not perish but have everlasting life I did nothing to deserve this but yet you freely gave your son so that I should not perish your word that tells me in jerem Mah 1: 5 says before I formed you in the womb I knew you before you were born I set you apart may your name always be praised for such love I thank you for meeting my greatest need which is to be
loved unconditionally you are a God who knows all all that is done in the light and all deeds and thoughts in the darkness and regardless of knowing my most shameful secrets you still decided to offer me a perfect sacrificial everlasting love you decided to offer me grace and mercy in spite of my faults you decided to show me a powerful love though you know me inside out and I know where I fall short just as the Apostle Paul said in Romans 8: 38-39 I declare that I am convinced that neither death nor life neither angels
nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Jesus Christ Our Lord I Thank you Lord for holding me together each and every day when whenever I have needed you you have been there for me whenever I have called on your name you have heard my cry I am grateful for all of the love mercy and Grace that has been and that is shown to me though I did not deserve
it thank you for your faithfulness even through the tough times of life to you alone Be The Glory in your presence is the safest place that we can be in and so together with everyone listening right now our prayer Lord is that your presence would cover us may you walk with us every day May the Holy Spirit help us to realize and understand the magnitude of your love and may we never take it for granted may we be convicted to live lives that honor you lives that hate sin and love righteousness thank you Lord Jesus
you have loved us with an everlasting love you have proven yourself to be always faithful God we trust and hold on to your word that says in Zephaniah chapter 3:1 17 the Lord your God is with you the mighty warrior who saves he will take great Delight in you in his love he will no longer rebuke you but will rejoice over you with singing you are worthy to be exalted and I uplift your name on high father thank you for hearing this prayer all the glory be unto you in jesus' name I pray amen Lord
Jesus we are looking to you today we look to you for strength and direction we look to you for protection and preservation we look to you for provision for mercy and Direction dear Lord we are limited I have looked Within Myself for strength but I am not strong enough I have looked Within Myself for Direction but I am not wise enough I've tried to look Within Myself for motivation and happiness but Lord true Joy can only be found when we look to you our true purpose can only be found in you Psalm 119: 36-38 says
incline my heart to your testimonies and not to dishonest gain and envy turn my eyes away from vanity all those worldly meaningless things that distract let your priorities be mine and restore me with Renewed Energy in your ways establish your word and confirm your promise to your servant as that which produces all inspired reverence for you turn my eyes away from worldly things Lord turn my eyes away from worthless things God and help me to have a mind fixed on Christ and eyes fixed on Jesus because when we look to you when we focus on
you master you will turn our lives around and demonstrate that you can take us from the lowest of the low and use us For Your Glory help us Master to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus because if we stray and wander we will begin to look at what's around us instead of Jesus Christ this leads us to distractions and leads us to become preoccupied with things situations and events that don't matter things that are of this world instead of those things that are Eternal Father we are limited whereas you are Limitless we cannot look ahead
into the future with our natural eyes so we look to the one who holds the past present and the future the Bible in 2 Corinthians CH 4 verse 18 says so we look not at the things which are seen But at the things which are unseen for the things which are visible are temporal just brief and fleeting but the things which are invisible are Everlasting and imperishable Lord Lord we are choosing to focus on you not on what's around us but on you King Jesus the author and finisher of our faith I thank you Lord
Jesus for all that you do for the goodness and mercy you have shown us as your children we thank you for being so merciful and kind you are a God who is so good and so caring your word tells us that you have numbered the hairs on our heads because of your great love for us great is your mercy great is your love thank you for hearing this prayer amen I may not know who you are or what your exact situation is but one thing I do know is that the B ible in Hebrews 10:
23-2 says let us seize and hold tightly the confession of Our Hope without wavering for he who promised is reliable and trustworthy and faithful to his word and let us consider thoughtfully how we may encourage one another to love and to do good deeds not forsaking our meeting together as Believers for worship and instruction as is the habit of some but encouraging one another and all the more Faithfully as you see the day of Christ's return approaching the Bible tells us to encourage one another and that's what I would like to do today whatever it
is you are going through leave it in God's hands the Lord has the final say over your life and you need to hold on don't give up don't let go don't give in and don't be discouraged I pray that the holy spirit will block you from looking to the left and to the right so that your eyes can only look up to Jesus Christ Romans 8:37 says yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us you are more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ so keep believing that God will
see you through keep believing that God will strengthen you don't be discouraged don't be defeated but stand stand on God's word and on God's promise because he has said I will never leave you nor forsake you there are times when we simply need to remind ourselves about the promises that are found in the word of God now now I'd like to share with you some of the promises in God's word that I have found to be encouraging Psalm 34:6 this poor man cried and the Lord heard him and saved him out of all his troubles
the Bible says the Lord heard him and saved him I want you to know that the Lord hears prayers he can hear your cries he can hear the petitions of your heart he can hear your voice when you're in distress listen God still hears and answers prayers don't you allow the enemy to whisper lies to you and tell you that God is too busy for you our God neither sleeps nor Slumbers and he will hear your prayers according to his word the Amplified translation for Proverbs 3: 5-6 trust in and rely confidently on the Lord
with all your heart and do not rely on your own Insight or understanding in all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize him and he will make your paths straight and smooth removing obstacles that block your way I want you to trust that the Lord will guide you and I especially want to speak to the person who has a calling on their life you may not see how God can use you you might be thinking that there is no way forward for you well I want to tell you that God has promised in his word
to make your paths straight and smooth he will remove all of the obstacles that block your path Saints trust and believe that God will make a way for you he'll make a way for your family for your marriage for your help God Will Make A Way he will make a way for you now Psalm 9:9 says the Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed a refuge in times of trouble a refuge can be defined as a shelter or protection from danger or distress so in other words God has promised to be your shelter
when all hell breaks loose in this world God will be your shelter when there's widespread chaos and fear in this world God will be your shelter when the enemy comes in like a flood the spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him trust and believe that God will shelter you now let us pray Lord I Thank you for the wonderful promises in your word you are a God who hears and answers prayers you're a God who is a refuge for the oppressed you're a refuge in times of trouble you are a refuge
when there is danger you Lord are compassionate you're a God who offers unspeakable joy and peace Beyond understanding you're a God who never fails you are Mighty in battle and so Lord with my whole heart I safely trust in you I thank you for your love Lord Jesus I pray for each and every person under the sound of my voice may they come to the realization that they are loved by Jesus Christ may they come to the understanding that nothing can separate us from your love according to Romans 8: 35-39 in that passage your word
says who shall separate us from the love of Christ shall tribulation or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword as it is written for your sake we Face death all day long we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered no in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us for I am convinced that neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the
love of God that is in Christ Jesus our lord work words fail me as I try to express my joy and gratitude at your love in this life Lord my loved ones may betray me my loved ones may let me down they may even forsake me and leave me however I thank you because Lord I know that I can always rely on you I can count on you to be there for me I can count on you to be my cornerstone I can count on you to block the fiery darts that may be thrown by
my enemy It's Only You Jesus who can keep me truly safe and secure you alone can preserve my life my health my peace of mind even only my Lord my Defender can destroy every plan that the devil has plotted you King Jesus expose the traps that are set before me so I place my faith in you I place my trust in you I know that if I abide in you if I dwell in your house then your presence will cover me from head to toe and if God before me who can stand against me build
my faith Lord so that I may be a strong believer one who is bold and courageous one who walks in the authority of a child of God your word Lord says in 2 Corinthians 1 verses 3 and four blessed gratefully praised and adored be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of mercies and the God of All Comfort who comforts and encourages Us in every trouble so that we will be able to comfort and encourage those who are in any kind of of trouble with the comfort with which we ourselves are
comforted by God I Look to You for encouragement I Look to You For Comfort I trust and rely on you the God who hears My Cries The God Who answers the petitions of my heart The God Who listens to my voice when I am in distress the promises in your word strengthen me and offer me hope Lord I Thank you for promising never to leave me or to forsake me I thank you for promising to be my refuge and Lord I Thank you for hearing this prayer it's in the mighty name of Jesus Christ that
I pray and I give you thanks amen as you end your day I would like to share with you the word of God Psalm 103 reads bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me bless His holy name bless the Lord oh my soul and forget not all his benefits who forgives all your iniquity who heals all your diseases who redeems your life from the pit who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy who satisfies you with good so that your youth is renewed like the eagles I find this Psalm to be
very powerful because David is almost speaking to himself and encouraging himself to praise and worship the Lord with all that is within him David has come to realize that praising the Lord halfhearted isn't enough praising the Lord while distracted is not good enough David has realized that he needs to he has to he must praise God with everything David here knows that he needs to worship with every ounce of energy and emotion and passion he has he needs to give God his heart his mind his body and soul to truly worship Him Saints let me
ask you this are you praising the Lord with all that is within you are you worshiping him with all the energy faith and passion you have let me go a step further and ask is he not worthy to be praised is he not worthy to be given your all is God not worthy of your complete Adoration of all your commitment and time and energy David called on his soul to praise the Lord with all he has he called on his soul to do more should we not be doing the same and so I would like
to encourage you today and tell you that you should be praising the Lord daily you should worship Him daily we often praise and thank God halfheartedly and that is not acceptable God deserves our all he deserves our complete total and outright adoration and you'll never fail to find a reason to praise as you are listening right now you have a reason to praise him by virtue of being alive and able to hear this message you have life breath in you that's reason enough to thank the Lord you have ears that can hear that's something to
be thankful for sure you might have problems but are your problems that big that you can't find a reason to lift High the name of Jesus Christ don't withhold that which is due to our Lord Jesus Christ and that is your praise and adoration so let Psalm 103 be your your Anthem today bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me bless His holy name bless the Lord oh my soul and forget not all his benefits and now let us pray dear Lord Jesus I praise your Holy Name today with all that
is in me you are a god who is infinitely great you are greater than anything that can be found here on Earth and for that we praise you We Praise You Lord because you are a God who forgives all our iniquities your mercies are new every morning and you offer us the opportunity to repent and be cleansed by your blood We Praise You Lord because you are a God who heals you heal us physically you heal us emotionally and even in our spirits and for that you deserve all the glory We Praise You Lord because
you are a God who redeems our life from destruction you saved us God and through your son Jesus Christ we are able to choose a life of Victory and Triumph in you thank you for your loving kindness kindness and Tender Mercies thank you Lord even for the small things for strength in our bodies for sight in our eyes and for breath in our lungs father your word says in Psalm 1031 to13 for as high as the heavens are above the Earth so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear Him as far as the
East is from the West so far does he remove our transgressions from us as a father shows compassion to his children so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear Him I do not deserve such love and compassion but you still offer it to me and although I cannot repay you in any way I can and I will offer for my praise my thanks and adoration only to you King Jesus I will bless the Lord with all my soul and everything within me I will lean on you Jesus and not on my own understanding I
will sing praises only to your holy name I pray for your Mighty hand of protection to lead me to guide me and to be over me and and my family I speak the blood of Jesus upon each and every member of my family for protection for safety for preservation of life and even for restoration I decree and declare that the Gates of Hell shall not Prevail against me and my loved ones Lord I commit myself into your Loving Hands Lord Jesus only in your your arms can I find Comfort peace and hope for tomorrow I
apply the blood of Jesus each and every doorpost upon each and every window post of my home for protection in the name of Jesus Christ may your Pillar of Fire be seen where my family and I sleep every night father I pray that my soul's Focus my soul's desire would be to praise and worship you keep me from being distracted or discouraged by the devil keep me from being affected or impacted by any naysayers or negative people let my heart's Focus be you Lord Jesus father keep me even from my own carnal wants desires and
thoughts that don't bring you glory your word in John 4:24 says God is spirit and those who worship Him must Worship in spirit and Truth May the Holy Spirit Teach Me How To Worship You in spirit and in truth may the Holy Spirit Teach Me How To Worship you in such a way that I would experience the fullness of your presence let nothing separate me from you father lead me closer to you help me walk in line and in obedience to your word and not my feelings be glorified and praised forever more thank you for
hearing my prayer in Jesus name I pray amen now I don't know about you but there have been times where it looked as though I would overcome what was in front of me there have been times where the mountain was high and the sea that was before me was daunting but God is faithful God made a way for me he provided and helped me and so I want to encourage you to do as Psalm 105:2 says and sing to him sing Psalms to him talk of all his wondrous works if God has done something for
you and for each of us the Lord has certainly done something for us we ought to worship him we ought to talk about his wondrous works as children of God there are certain things that we need daily from the Lord we need his Mercy each and every day we need his grace and favor and we definitely need his protection no matter how skilled you are no matter how wealthy you are you can never protect yourself from the attacks of the devil that's why Psalm 34:1 19 says many are the afflictions of the righteous but the
Lord delivers him out of them all many will be the challenges that you face over the course of your life many will be the obstacle Les that you come up against as you grow older however here is the key thing that we need to remember the Lord delivers us out of them all and it's not your ability it's not your wealthy friends or your Ingenuity it is the Lord God Almighty who can deliver you from every Affliction it's only Jesus Christ who can effectively block every arrow sent by the enemy it's only Jesus who can
disturb the devil's plans over your life it's only Jesus who can expose the traps set before you so our attitude as we wake up go to sleep leave our homes and go about our business it must be an attitude of Thanksgiving and praise we ought to Rejoice that we are under the watchful eye of God Almighty we ought to Rejoice because as God's children we are covered by a heavenly host of angels friends I'd like to give you a few things to think about today when was the last time you walked into a doctor's office
and demanded to see their credentials before they could treat you have you ever inquired about your doctor education their training how many years of experience they have no you walk in and you begin to tell them what's wrong without so much as questioning whether they were at the top of their class or they barely had the grades and scrap through medical school or how about your car whether you've purchased a brand new car or used vehicle have you ever questioned the mechanic have you ever asked for demon rtion of their skill and asked to see
their credentials or better yet after you've had some work done on your car have you ever inspected it have you ever opened up the hood of your car to see whether everything was done correctly and all parts used were authentic well I'll guess that you've never done that well how about your son or daughter's teacher or university professor have you ever asked to see their credentials have you ever questioned their expertise I sure haven't if they sound like they know what they're talking about then I tend to believe them and you see that's the point
we often trust people without question we often trust things without question but dear friends the best doctors in the world make mistakes they get things wrong they misdiagnose they make errors of judgment and they sometimes come to a place where there's absolutely nothing they can do a car can be assembled by the most skilled mechanics in the world and still it will break down that car will have problems it will at some point have a flat tire or a warning light will come on to tell you that it needs to be fixed equally the greatest
Minds on Earth the best teachers in the world don't know everything they can't explain everything that you need to know in this life even after devoting large parts of their lives to studying their knowledge is still limited however Saints there is one who makes no mistakes there is one whose hands are so skilled that whatever he touches is made perfect there is one who is all knowing one who has unmatched wisdom god Jehovah our trust should be placed in him and him alone Jeremiah 32:17 says a sovereign Lord you have made the heavens and the
Earth by your great power and outstretched arm nothing is to too hard for you indeed nothing is too difficult for our God nothing is out of his reach there is nothing that is beyond him you see our god holds time in his hands he's Eternal and righteous and there is none like him and so I encourage you not to lean on your own understanding but submit all your ways to the Lord because God Is Bigger he's bigger than every complication you can face he's bigger than every mountain in front of you and so with this
understanding with this in mind let's go to the one in whom there is no failure let's go to the one who is omniscient omnipresent and omnipotent dear God in your word you say in Jeremiah 32:27 seven behold I am the Lord the God of All Flesh is there anything too hard for me no nothing is too hard for you Lord and that is why we praise you we give you all of the glory and honor because you're the ruler of all the universe Lord You're creator of all you are Divine in all your ways Lord
the battles we face in our lives are not too difficult for you we know that you're more than able to restore to heal to comfort and to strengthen You're The God Who is bigger than what our eyes can see on this Earth our eyes may see things that make us feel upset or discouraged but our faith our faith can see a God who can lift us up from a pit of despair and place us on high and steady ground Lord in your word you say is there anything too hard for me you say that with
man it's impossible but With God all things are possible you King Jesus you're bigger than any obstacles you're bigger than money and the riches of silver and gold on this Earth there are times when with my natural eyes I see lack but my faith it sees you my my provider God there are times when my natural eyes may see disease but my faith my faith sees the Healer there have been times in my life when my natural eyes saw the danger but my faith reminded me that you are my protector Jesus Christ so Lord today
I praise you because the Bible says you are a God who is able to do exceedingly Above All Things that I could ever ask or think and Lord you are worthy to be praised even while I stand in faith expecting believing hoping in you to work miracles in my life I'd like to praise you Lord I Want To Praise You for just being filled with love and mercy God your grace is amazing you are indeed an awesome wonder and in Psalm 150:2 it says praise him for his mighty acts Praise Him according to his excellent
greatness God you are great and greatly to be praised father we pray that you will forever be the affection of our hearts may you be the Center focus of all our desires indeed I will bless the Lord with all of my soul and I will forget not all your benefits because you have forgiven all of my iniquity you have healed all my diseases I will praise you because you Jesus have redeemed my life from the pit Lord you taken me from such a dark place you lifted me up and you crowned me with your steadfast
love and mercy God when nothing else would help it was your love that Lifted Me God you're worthy of all our thanks you're worthy of all our worship because you Lord have made us you've made us a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation A peculiar people God I thank you for calling us out of the darkness and into your marvelous glorious light father I'm strengthened by your peace and I am fueled by your joy above all I stand in faith and I stand in anticipation for a mighty move of your hand over my
life God I thank you for listening to this prayer it's in Jesus name I pray amen Romans 5 verse 8 says but God demonstrates his own love for us in this while we were still sinners Christ died for us think of that while we were sinners Christ died for us while you and I rejected him he loved us while you and I turned our backs on the Lord he loved us in fact the Bible says in John chapter 15 verse 11-13 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that
your joy may be complete my command is this love each other as I have loved you greater love has no one than this to lay down one's life for one's friends and so dear listener you may have been abandoned by someone who you thought loved you but let me tell you that Jesus Christ will never abandon you you may have been portrayed by someone who once said they loved you but Jesus Christ will never portray your trust friend you may have been rejected by someone who you expected to love you but let me tell you
Jesus Christ will never reject you the Lord knows you he knows your name he knows the number of hairs on your head and he cares for you now with all that I have told you I want you to take my message with the correct context the love that God has for you is great indeed however this is no excuse to continue living in sin of course God loves you and it's because of this great love that he wants you to repent God loves you and it's because of this love that he wants you to lean
on him for the strength and the grace to live righteously and so with this understanding let us pray you are our savior Lord Jesus and out of love you came to this Earth You Were crucified on a cross so that we can be saved I praise you for such a deep Supernatural love that I could never repay How Great Is Your Love God Almighty that you gave your only begotten son so that that I should not perish but have everlasting life I did nothing to deserve this but yet you freely gave your son so that
I should not perish your word that tells me in Jeremiah 1 verse 5 says before I formed you in the womb I knew you before you were born I set you apart may your name always be praised for such love I thank you for meeting my greatest need which is to be loved unconditionally you are a God who knows all all that is done in the light and all deeds and thoughts in the darkness and regardless of knowing my most shameful secrets you still decided to offer me a perfect sacrificial everlasting love you decided to
offer me grace and mercy in spite of my faults you decided to show me a powerful love though you know me inside out and I know where I fall short just as the Apostle Paul said in Romans 8: 38-39 I declare that I am convinced that neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither height nor depth nor anything else and all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Jesus Christ Our Lord I Thank you Lord for holding me
together each and every day whenever I have needed you you have been there for me whenever I have called on your name you have heard my cry I am grateful for all of the love mercy and Grace that has been and that is shown to me though I did not deserve it thank you for your faithfulness even through the tough times of life to you alone Be The Glory in your presence is the safest place that we can be in and so together with everyone listening right now our prayer Lord is that your presence would
cover us may you walk with us every day May the Holy Spirit help us to real realize and understand the magnitude of your love and may we never take it for granted may we be convicted to live lives that honor you lives that hate sin and love righteousness thank you Lord Jesus you have loved us with an everlasting love you have proven yourself to be always faithful God we trust and hold on to your word that says in zephani 3:1 17 the Lord your God is with you the mighty warrior who saves he will take
great Delight in you in his love he will no longer rebuke you but will rejoice over you with singing you are worthy to be exalted and I uplift your name on high father thank you for hearing this prayer all the glory be unto you in jesus' name I pray amen Lord Jesus we are looking to you today we look to you for strength and direction we look to you for protection and preservation we look to you for provision for mercy and Direction dear Lord we are limited I have looked Within Myself for strength but I
am not strong enough I have looked Within Myself for Direction but I am not wise enough I've tried to look Within Myself for motivation and happiness but Lord true Joy can only be found when we look to you our true purpose can only be found in you Psalm 119: 36-38 says incline my heart to your testimonies and not to dishonest gain and envy turn my eyes away from vanity all those worldly meaningless things that distract let your priorities be mine and restore me with Renewed Energy in your ways establish your word and confirm your promise
to your servant as that which produces all inspired reverence for you turn my eyes away from worldly things Lord turn my eyes away from worthless things God and help me to have a mind fixed on Christ and eyes fixed on Jesus because when we look to you when we focus on you master you will turn our lives around and demonstrate that you can take us from the lowest of the low and use us For Your Glory help us Master to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus because if we stray and wander we will begin to
look at what's around us instead of Jesus Christ this leads us to distractions and leads us to become preoccupied with things situations and events that don't matter things that are of this world instead of those things that are Eternal Father we are limited whereas you are Limitless we cannot look ahead into the future with our natural eyes so we look to the one who holds the past present and the future the Bible in 2 Corinthians 4: 18 says so we look not at the things which are seen But at the things which are un seen
for the things which are visible are temporal just brief and fleeting but the things which are invisible are Everlasting and imperishable Lord we are choosing to focus on you not on what's around us but on you King Jesus the author and finisher of our faith I thank you Lord Lord Jesus for all that you do for the goodness and mercy you have shown us as your children we thank you for being so merciful and kind you are a God who is so good and so caring your word tells us that you have numbered the hairs
on our heads because of your great love for us great is your mercy Great Is Your Love thank you for hearing this prayer amen I may not know who you are or what your exact situation is but one thing I do know is that the Bible in Hebrews chapter 10 verse 23-2 says let us seize and hold tightly the confession of Our Hope without wavering for he who promised is reliable and trustworthy and faithful to his word and let us consider thoughtfully how we may encourage one another to love and to do good deeds not
forsaking our meeting together as Believers for worship and instruction as is the habit of some but encouraging one another and all the more Faithfully as you see the day of Christ's return approaching the Bible tells us to encourage one another and that's what I would like to do today whatever it is you are going through leave it in God's hands the Lord has the final say over your life and you need to hold on don't give up Don't Let Go don't give in and don't be discouraged I pray that the holy spirit will block you
from looking to the left and to the right so that your eyes can only look up to Jesus Christ Romans 8:37 says yet in all these things we are more than conquerers through him who loved us you are more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ so keep believing that God will see you through keep believing that God will strengthen you don't be discouraged don't be defeated but stand stand on God's word and on God's promise because he has said I will never leave you nor forsake you there are times when we simply need to remind
ourselves about the promises that are found in the word of God now I'd like to share with you some of the promises in God's word that I have found to be encouraging Psalm 34:6 this poor man cried and the Lord heard him and saved him out of all his troubles the Bible says the Lord heard him and saved him I want you to know that the Lord hears prayers he can hear your cries he can hear the petitions of your heart he can hear your voice when you're in distress listen God still hears and answers
prayers don't you allow the enemy to whisper lies to you and tell you that God is too busy for you Our God neither sleeps nor Slumbers and he will hear your prayers according to his word the Amplified translation for Proverbs 3: 5-6 trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own Insight or understanding and all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize him and he will make your paths straight and smooth removing obstacles that block your way I want you to trust that the Lord will
guide you and I especially want to speak to the person who has a calling on their life you may not see how God can use you you might be thinking that there is no way forward for you well I want to tell you that God has promised in his word to make your paths straight and smooth he will remove all of the obstacles that block your path Saints trust and believe that God will make a way for you he'll make a way for your family for your marriage for your health God Will Make A Way
he will make a way for you now Psalm 9:9 says the Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed a refuge in times of trouble a refuge can be defined as a shelter or protection from danger or distress so in other words God has promised to be your shelter when all hell breaks loose in this world God will be your shelter when there's widespread chaos and fear in this world God will be your shelter when the enemy comes in like a flood the spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him trust
and believe that God will shelter you now let us pray Lord I Thank you for the wonderful promises in your word you are a God who hears and answers prayers you're a God who is a refuge for the oppressed you're refuge in times of trouble you are a ref Refuge when there is danger you Lord are compassionate you're a God who offers unspeakable joy and peace Beyond understanding you're a God who never fails you are Mighty in battle and so Lord with my whole heart I safely trust in you I thank you for your love
Lord Jesus I pray for each and every person under this sound of my voice may they come to the realization that they are loved by Jesus Christ may they come to the understanding that nothing can separate us from your love according to Romans 8 veres 35-39 in that passage your word says who shall separate us from the love of Christ shall tribulation or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword as it is written for your sake we Face death all day long we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered no in
all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us for I am convinced that neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our lord words fail me as I try to express my joy and gratitude at your love in this life Lord my loved ones may betray me my loved ones may let me down they may even forsake me
and leave me however I thank you because Lord I know that I can always rely on you I can count on you to be there for me I can count on you to be my cornerstone I can count on you to block the fiery darts that may be thrown by my enemy It's Only You Jesus who can keep me truly safe and secure you alone can preserve my life my health my peace of of mind even only my Lord my Defender can destroy every plan that the devil has plotted you King Jesus expose the traps
that are set before me so I place my faith in you I place my trust in you I know that if I abide in you if I dwell in your house then your presence will cover me from head to toe and if God be for me who can stand against me build my faith Lord so that I may be a strong believer one who is bold and courageous one who walks in the authority of a child of God your word Lord says in 2 Corinthians 1: 3 and 4 blessed gratefully praised and adored be the
God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of mercies and the God of All Comfort who comforts and encourages Us in every trouble so that we will be able to comfort and encourage those who are in any kind of trouble with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God I Look to You for encouragement I Look to You For Comfort I trust and rely on you the the God who hears My Cries The God Who answers the petitions of my heart The God Who listens to my voice when I am in
distress the promises in your word strengthen me and offer me hope Lord I Thank you for promising never to leave me or to forsake me I thank you for promising to be my refuge and Lord I thank you for hearing this prayer it's in the mighty name of Jesus Christ that I pray and I give you thanks [Music] amen as you end your day I would like to share with you the word of God Psalm 103 reads bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within in me bless His holy name bless the
Lord oh my soul and forget not all his benefits who forgives all your iniquity who heals all your diseases who redeems your life from the pit who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy who satisfies you with good so that your youth is renewed like the eagle [Music] I find this Psalm to be very powerful because David is almost speaking to himself and encouraging himself to praise and worship the Lord with all that is within him David has come to realize that praising the Lord half-hearted isn't enough praising the Lord while distracted is not good
enough David has realized that he needs to he has to he must praise God with everything David here knows that he needs to worship with every ounce of energy and emotion and passion he has he needs to give God his heart his mind his body and soul to truly worship Him Saints let me ask you this are you praising the Lord with all that is within you are you worshiping him with all the energy faith and passion you have let me go a step further and ask is he not worthy to be praised is he
not worthy to be given your all is God not worthy of your complete Adoration of all your commitment and time and energy David called on his soul to praise the Lord with all he has he called on his soul to to do more should we not be doing the same and so I would like to encourage you today and tell you that you should be praising the Lord daily you should worship Him daily we often praise and thank God halfheartedly and that is not acceptable God deserves our all he deserves our complete total and outright
adoration and you'll never fail to find a reason to praise as you are listening right now you have a reason to praise him by virtue of being alive and able to hear this message you have life breath in you that's reason enough to thank the Lord you have ears that can hear that's something to be thankful for sure you might have problems but are your problems that big that you can't find a reason to lift the name of Jesus Christ don't withhold that which is due to our Lord Jesus Christ and that is your praise
and adoration so let Psalm 103 be your Anthem today bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me bless His holy name bless the Lord oh my soul and forget not all his benefits and now let us pray dear Lord Jesus I praise your Holy Name today with all that is in me you are a God who is infinitely great you are greater than anything that can be found here on Earth and for that we praise you We Praise You Lord because you are a God who forgives all our iniquity I ities
your mercies are new every morning and you offer us the opportunity to repent and be cleansed by your blood We Praise You Lord because you are a God who heals you heal us physically you heal us emotionally and even in our spirits and for that you deserve all the glory We Praise You Lord because you are a God who redeems our Liv life from destruction you saved us God and through your son Jesus Christ we are able to choose a life of Victory and Triumph in you thank you for your loving kindness and Tender Mercies
thank you Lord even for the small things for strength in our bodies for sight in our eyes and for breath in our lungs father your word says in Psalm 1031 to13 for as high as the heavens are above the Earth so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear Him as far as the East is from the West so far does he remove our transgressions from us as a father shows compassion to his children so the Lord shows compassion to those those who fear Him I do not deserve such love and compassion but you
still offer it to me and although I cannot repay you in any way I can and I will offer my praise my thanks and adoration only to you King Jesus I will bless the Lord with all my soul and everything within me I will lean on you Jesus and not on my own understanding I will sing praises only to your holy name I pray for your Mighty hand of protection to lead me to guide me and to be over me and my family I speak the blood of Jesus upon each and every member of my
family for protection for safety for preservation of life and even for restoration I decree free and declare that the Gates of Hell shall not Prevail against me and my loved ones Lord I commit myself into your Loving Hands Lord Jesus only in your arms can I find Comfort peace and hope for tomorrow I apply the blood of Jesus each and every doorpost upon each and every window post of my home for protection in the name of Jesus Christ Christ may your Pillar of Fire be seen where my family and I sleep every night father I
pray that my soul's Focus my soul's desire would be to praise and worship you keep me from being distracted or discouraged by the devil keep me from being affected or impacted by any naysayers or negative people let my hearts f Focus be you Lord Jesus father keep me even from my own carnal wants desires and thoughts that don't bring you glory your word in John 4 24 says God is spirit and those who worship Him must Worship in spirit and true May the Holy Spirit Teach Me How To Worship You in spirit and in truth
may the Holy Spirit Teach Me How To Worship you in such a way that I would experience the fullness of your presence let nothing separate me from you father lead me closer to you help me walk in line and in obedience to your word and not my feelings be glorified and praised forever more thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus' name I pray amen now I don't know about you but there have been times where it looked as though I wouldn't overcome what was in front of me there have been times where the mountain
was high and the sea that was before me was daunting but God is faithful God made a way for me he provided and helped me and so I want to encourage you to do as Psalm 105 verse two says and sing to him sing Psalms to him talk of all his wondrous works if God has done something for you and for each of us the Lord has certainly done something for us we ought to worship him we ought to talk about his w wonderous works as children of God there are certain things that we need
daily from the Lord we need his Mercy each and every day we need his grace and favor and we definitely need his protection no matter how skilled you are no matter how wealthy you are you can never protect yourself from the attacks of the devil that's why Psalm 34: 19 says many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all many will be the challenges that you face over the course of your life many will be the obstacles that you come up against as you grow older however here is
the key thing that we need to remember the Lord delivers us out of them all and it's not your ability it's not your wealthy friends or your Ingenuity it is the Lord God Almighty who can deliver you from every Affliction it's only Jesus Christ who can effectively block every arrow sent by the enemy it's only Jesus who can disturb the devil's plans over your life it's only Jesus who can expose the traps set before you so our attitude as we wake up go to sleep leave our homes and go about our business it must be
an attitude of Thanksgiving and praise we ought to Rejoice that we are under the watchful eye of God Almighty we ought to Rejoice because as God's children we are covered by a heavenly host of angels friends I'd like to give you a few things to think about today when was the last time you walked into a doctor's office and demanded to see their credentials before they could treat you have you ever inquired about your doctor's education their training how many years of experience they have no you walk in and you begin to tell them what's
wrong without so much as questioning whether they were at the top of their class or they barely had the grade and scrap through medical school or how about your car whether you've purchased a brand new car or a used vehicle have you ever questioned the mechanic have you ever asked for a demonstration of their skill and asked to see their credentials or better yet after you've had some work done on your car have you ever inspected it have you ever opened up the hood of your car to see whether every everything was done correctly and
all parts used were authentic well I'll guess that you've never done that well how about your son or daughter's teacher or university Professor have you ever asked to see their credentials have you ever questioned their expertise I sure haven't if they sound like they know what they're talking about then I tend to believe them and you see that's the point we often trust people without question we often trust things without question but dear friends the best doctors in the world make mistakes they get things wrong they misdiagnose they make errors of judgment and they sometimes
come to a place where there's absolutely nothing they can do a car can be assembled by the most skilled mechanics in the world and still it will break down that car will have problems it will at some point have a flat tire or a warning light will come on to tell you that it needs to be fixed equally the greatest Minds on Earth the best teachers in the world don't know everything they can't explain everything that you need to know in this life even after devoting large parts of their lives to studying their knowledge is
still limited however Saints there is one who makes no mistakes there is one whose hands are so skilled that whatever he touches is made perfect there is one who is all knowing one who has unmatched wisdom god Jehovah our trust should be placed in him and him alone Jeremiah 32:17 says a sovereign Lord you have made the heavens and the Earth by your great power and outstretched arm nothing is too hard for you indeed nothing is too difficult for our God nothing is out of his reach there is nothing that is beyond him you see
our god holds time in his hands he's Eternal and righteous and there is none like him and so I encourage you not to lean on your own understanding but submit all your ways to the Lord because God Is Bigger he's bigger than every complication you can face he's bigger than every mountain in front of you and so with this understanding with this in mind let's go to the one in whom there is no failure let's go to the one who is omniscient omnipresent and omnipotent dear God in your word you say in Jeremiah 32:27 behold
I am the Lord the God of All Flesh is there anything too hard for me no nothing is too hard for you Lord and that is why we praise you we give you all of the glory and honor because you're the ruler of all the universe Lord You're creator of all you are Divine in all your ways Lord the battles we face in our lives are not too difficult for you we know that you're more than able to restore to heal to comfort and to strengthen You're The God Who is bigger than what our eyes
can see on this Earth our eyes may see things that make us feel upset or discouraged but our faith our faith can see a God who can lift us up from a pit of despair and place us on high and steady ground Lord in your word you say is there anything too hard for me you say that with man it's impossible but With God all things are possible you King Jesus you're bigger than any obstacle you're bigger than money and the riches of silver and gold on this Earth there are times when with my natural
eyes I see lack but my faith it sees you my provider God there are times when my natural eyes may see disease but my faith my faith sees the Healer there have been times in my life when my natural eyes saw the danger but my faith reminded me that you are my protector Jesus Christ so Lord today I praise you because the Bible says you are a God who is able to do exceedingly above all things that I could ever ask or think and Lord you are worthy to be praised even while I stand in
faith expecting believing hoping in you to work miracles in my life I'd like to praise you Lord I Want To Praise You for just being filled with love and mercy God your grace is amazing you are indeed an awesome wonder and in Psalm 150:2 it says praise him for his mighty acts Praise Him according to his excellent greatness God you are great and greatly to be praised father we pray that you will forever be the affection of our hearts may you be the Center focus of all our desires indeed I will bless the Lord with
all of my soul and I will forget not all your benefits because you have forgiven all of my iniquity you have healed all my diseases I will praise you because you Jesus have redeemed my life from the pit Lord you taken me from such a dark place you lifted me up and you crowned me with your steadfast love and mercy God when nothing else would help it was your love that Lifted Me God you're worthy of all our thanks you're worthy of all our worship because you Lord have made us you've made us a chosen
generation a royal priesthood a holy Nation A peculiar people God I thank you for calling us out of the darkness and into your marvelous glorious light father I'm strengthened by your peace and I am refueled by your joy above all I stand in faith and I stand in anticipation for a mighty move of your hand over my life God I thank you for listening to this prayer it's in Jesus name I pray amen Romans 5:8 says but God demonstrates his own love for us in this while we were still sinners Christ died for us think
of that while we were sinners Christ died for us while you and I rejected him he loved us while you and I turned our backs on the Lord he loved us in fact the Bible says in John 15 verse 11-13 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete my command is this love each other as I have loved you greater love has no one than this to lay down one's life for one's friends and so dear listener you may have been abandoned by someone
who you thought loved you but let me tell you that Jesus Christ will never abandon you you may have been portrayed by someone who once said they loved you but Jesus Christ will never portray your trust friend you may have been rejected by someone who you expected to love you but let me tell you Jesus Christ Christ will never reject you the Lord knows you he knows your name he knows the number of hairs on your head and he cares for you now with all that I have told you I want you to take my
message with the correct context the love that God has for you is great indeed however this is no excuse to continue living in sin of course God loves you and if it's because of this great love that he wants you to repent God loves you and it's because of this love that he wants you to lean on him for the strength and the grace to live righteously and so with this understanding let us pray you are our savior Lord Jesus and out of love you came to this Earth You Were crucified on a cross so
that we can be saved I praise you for such a deep Supernatural love that I could never repay How Great Is Your Love God Almighty that you gave your only begotten son so that I should not perish but have everlasting life I did nothing to deserve this but yet you freely gave your son so that I should not perish your word that tells me in Jeremiah 1: 5 says before I formed you in the womb I knew you before you were born I set you apart may your name always be praised for such love I
thank you for meeting my greatest need which is to be loved unconditionally you are a God who knows all all that is done in the light and all deeds and thoughts in the darkness and regardless of knowing my most shameful secrets you still decided to offer me a perfect sacrificial everlasting love you decided to offer me grace and mercy in spite of my faults you decided to show me a powerful love though you know me inside out and I know where I fall short just as the Apostle Paul said in Romans 8: 38-39 I declare
that I am convinced that neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Jesus Christ Our Lord I Thank you Lord for holding me together each and every day whenever I I have needed you you have been there for me whenever I have called on your name you have heard my cry I am grateful for all of the love mercy and Grace that has been
and that is shown to me though I did not deserve it thank you for your faithfulness even through the tough times of life to you alone Be The Glory in your presence is the safest place that we can being and so together with everyone listening right now our prayer Lord is that your presence would cover us may you walk with us every day May the Holy Spirit help us to realize and understand the magnitude of your love and may we never take it for granted may we be convicted to live lives that honor you lives
that hate sin and love righteousness thank you Lord Jesus you have loved us with an everlasting love you have proven yourself to be always faithful God we trust and hold on to your word that says in Zephaniah 3 verse 17 the Lord your God is with you the mighty warrior who saves he will take great Delight in you in his love he will no longer rebuke you but will rejoice over you you were singing you are worthy to be exalted and I uplift your name on high father thank you for hearing this prayer all the
glory be unto you in jesus' name I pray amen Lord Jesus we are looking to you today we look to you for strength and direction we look Look to You for protection and preservation we look to you for provision for mercy and Direction dear Lord we are limited I have looked Within Myself for strength but I am not strong enough I have looked Within Myself for Direction but I am not wise enough I've tried to look Within Myself for motivation and happiness but Lord true Joy can only only be found when we look to you
our true purpose can only be found in you Psalm 119: 36-38 says incline my heart to your testimonies and not to dishonest gain and envy turn my eyes away from vanity all those worldly meaningless things that distract let your priorities be mine mind and restore me with Renewed Energy in your ways establish your word and confirm your promise to your servant as that which produces all inspired reverence for you turn my eyes away from worldly things Lord turn my eyes away from worthless things God and help me to have a mind fixed on Christ and
eyes fixed on Jesus because when we look to you when we focus on you master you will turn our lives around and demonstrate that you can take us from the lowest of the low and use us For Your Glory help us Master to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus because if we stray and wander we will begin to look at what's around us in instead of Jesus Christ this leads us to distractions and leads us to become preoccupied with things situations and events that don't matter things that are of this world instead of those things
that are Eternal Father we are limited whereas you are Limitless we cannot look ahead into the future with our natural eyes so we look to the one who holds holds the past present and the future the Bible in 2 Corinthians 4: 18 says so we look not at the things which are seen But at the things which are unseen for the things which are visible are temporal just brief and fleeting but the things which are invisible are Everlasting and imperishable Lord we are choosing to focus on you not on what's around us but on you
King Jesus the author and finisher of our faith I thank you Lord Jesus for all that you do for the goodness and mercy you have shown us as your children we thank you for being so merciful and kind you are a God who is so so good and so caring your word tells us that you have numbered the hairs on our heads because of your great love for us great is your mercy great is your love thank you for hearing this prayer amen I may not know who you are or what your exact situation is
but one thing I do know is that the Bible and in Hebrews 10: 23-2 says let us seize and hold tightly the confession of Our Hope without wavering for he who promised is reliable and trustworthy and faithful to his word and let us consider thoughtfully how we may encourage one another to love and to do good deeds not forsaking our meeting together as Believers for worship and instruction as if is the habit of some but encouraging one another and all the more Faithfully as you see the day of Christ's return approaching the Bible tells us
to encourage one another and that's what I would like to do today whatever it is you are going through leave it in God's hands the Lord has the final say over your life and you need to hold on don't give up don't let go don't give in and don't be discouraged I pray that the holy spirit will block you from looking to the left and to the right so that your eyes can only look up to Jesus Christ Romans 8:37 says yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us
you are more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ so keep keep believing that God will see you through keep believing that God will strengthen you don't be discouraged don't be defeated but stand stand on God's word and on God's promise because he has said I will never leave you nor forsake you there are times when we simply need to remind ourselves about the promises that are found in the word of God now I'd like to share with you some of the promises in God's word that I have found to be encouraging Psalm 34:6 this poor
man cried and the Lord heard him and saved him out of all his troubles the Bible says the Lord heard him and saved him I want you to know that the Lord hears prayers he can hear your cries he can hear the petitions of your heart he can hear your voice when you're in distress listen God still hears and answers prayers don't you allow the enemy to whisper lies to you and tell you that God is too busy for you our God neither sleeps nor Slumbers and he will hear your prayers according to his word
the Amplified translation for Proverbs 3: 5-6 trust in and and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own Insight or understanding in all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize him and he will make your paths straight and smooth removing obstacles that block your way I want you to trust that the Lord will guide you and I especially want to speak to the person who has a calling on their life you may not see how God can use you you might be thinking that there is no way
forward for you well I want to tell you that God has promised in his word to make your paths straight and smooth he will remove all of the obstacles that block your path Saints trust and believe that God will make a way for you he'll make a way for your family for your marriage for your health God Will Make A Way he will make a way for you now Psalm 9:9 says the Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed a refuge in times of trouble a refuge can be defined as a shelter or
protection from danger or distress so in other words God has promised to be your shelter when all all hell breaks loose in this world God will be your shelter when there's widespread chaos and fear in this world God will be your shelter when the enemy comes in like a flood the spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him trust and believe that God will shelter you now let us pray Lord I Thank you for the wonderful promises in your word you are a God who hears and answers prayers you're a God who
is a refuge for the oppressed you're a refuge in times of trouble you are a refuge when there is danger you Lord are compassionate you're a God who offers unspeakable joy and peace Beyond understanding you're a God who never fails you are Mighty in battle and so Lord with my whole heart I safely trust in you I thank you for your love Lord Jesus I pray for each and every person under the sound of my voice may they come to the realization that they are loved by Jesus Christ may they come to the understanding that
nothing can separate us from your love according to to Romans 8: 35-39 in that passage your word says who shall separate us from the love of Christ shall tribulation or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword as it is written for your sake we Face death all day long we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered no and in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us for I am convinced that neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any
powers neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our lord words fail me as I try to express my joy and gratitude at your love in this life Lord my loved ones may betray me my loved ones may let me down they may even forsake me and leave me however I thank you because Lord I know that I can always rely on you I can count on you to be there for me I can count on you to
be my cornerstone I can count on you to block the fiery darts that may be thrown by my enemy It's Only You Jesus who can keep me truly safe and secure you alone can preserve my life my health my peace of mind even only my Lord my Defender can destroy every plan that the devil has plotted you King Jesus expose the traps that are set before me so I place my faith in you I place my trust in you I know that if I abide in you if I dwell in your house then your presence
will cover me from head to toe and if God be for me who can stand against me build my faith Lord so that I may be a strong believer one who is bold and courageous one who walks in the author authority of a child of God your word Lord says in 2 Corinthians 1: 3 and four blessed gratefully praised and adored be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of mercies and the God of All Comfort who comforts and encourages Us in every trouble so that we will be able to comfort
and encourage those who are in any kind of trouble with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God I Look to You for encouragement I Look to You For Comfort I trust and rely on you the God who hears My Cries The God Who answers the petitions of my heart The God Who listens to my voice when I am in distress the promises in your word strengthen me and offer me hope Lord I Thank you for promising never to leave me or to forsake me I thank you for promising to be my refuge
and Lord I Thank you for hearing this prayer it's in the mighty name of Jesus Christ that I pray and I give you thanks amen as you end your day I would like to share with you the word of God Psalm 103 reads bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me bless His holy name bless the Lord oh my soul and forget not all his benefits who forgives all your iniquity who heals all your disease Jesus who redeems your life from the pit who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy who
satisfies you with good so that your youth is renewed like the eagles I find this ssal to be very powerful because David is almost speaking to himself and encouraging himself to praise and worship the Lord with all that is within him David has come to realize that praising the Lord halfhearted isn't enough praising the Lord while distracted is not good enough David has realized that he needs to he has to he must praise God with everything David here knows that he needs to worship with every ounce of energy and emotion and passion he has he
needs to give God his heart his mind mind his body and soul to truly worship Him Saints let me ask you this are you praising the Lord with all that is within you are you worshiping him with all the energy faith and passion you have let me go a step further and ask is he not worthy to be praised is he not worthy to be given your all is God not worthy of your complete Adoration of all your commitment and time and energy David called on his soul to praise the Lord with all he has
he called on his soul to do more should we not be doing the same and so I would like to encourage you today and tell you that you should be praising the Lord daily you should worship Him daily we often praise and thank God half-heartedly and that is not acceptable God deserves our all he deserves our complete total and outright adoration and you'll never fail to find a reason to praise as you are listening right now you have a reason to praise him by virtue of being alive and able to hear this message you have
life breath in you that's reason enough to thank the Lord you have ears that can hear that's something to be thankful for sure you might have problems but are your problems that big that you can't find a reason to lift High the name of Jesus Christ don't withhold that which is due to our Lord Jesus Christ and that is your praise and adoration so let Psalm 103 be your answer Anthem today bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me bless His holy name bless the Lord oh my soul and forget not
all his benefits and now let us pray dear Lord Jesus I praise your Holy Name today with all that is in me you are a God who is infinitely great you are greater than anything that can be found here on Earth and for that we praise you We Praise You Lord because you are a God who forgives all our iniquities your mercies are new every morning and you offer us the opportunity to repent and be cleansed by your blood We Praise You Lord because you are a God who heals you heal us physically you heal
us emotionally and even in our spirits and for that you deserve all the glory We Praise You Lord because you are a God who redeems our life from destruction you saved us God and through your son Jesus Christ we are able to choose a life of Victory and Triumph in you thank you for your loving kindness and Tender Mercies thank you Lord even for the small things for strength in our bodies for sight in our eyes and for breath in our lungs father your word says in Psalm 103 11-13 for as high as the heavens
are above the Earth so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear Him as far as the East is from the West so far does he remove our transgressions from us as a father shows compassion to his children so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear Him I do not deserve such love and compassion but you still offer it to me and although I cannot repay you in any way I can and I will offer my Praise My thanks and adoration only to you King Jesus I will bless the Lord with all my
soul and everything within me I will lean on you Jesus and not on my own understanding I will sing praises only to your holy name I pray for your Mighty hand of protection to lead me to guide me and to be over me and my family I speak the blood of Jesus upon each and every member of my family for protection for safety for preservation of life and even for restoration I decree and declare that the Gates of Hell shall not Prevail against me and my loved ones Lord I commit myself into your Loving Hands
Lord Jesus only in your arm arms can I find Comfort peace and hope for tomorrow I apply the blood of Jesus each and every doorpost upon each and every window post of my home for protection in the name of Jesus Christ may your Pillar of Fire be seen where my family and I sleep every night father I pray that my soul's Focus my soul's desire would be to pray and worship you keep me from being distracted or discouraged by the devil keep me from being affected or impacted by any naysayers or negative people let my
heart's Focus be you Lord Jesus father keep me even from my own carnal wants desires and thoughts that don't bring you glory your word in John 4:24 says God is spirit and those who worship Him must Worship in spirit and Truth May the Holy Spirit Teach Me How To Worship You in spirit and in truth may the Holy Spirit Teach Me How To Worship you in such a way that I would experience the fullness of your presence let nothing separate me from you father lead me closer to you help me walk in line and in
obedience to your word and not my feelings be glorified and praised forever more thank you for hearing my prayer in Jesus name I pray amen now I don't know about you but there have been times where it looked as though I wouldn't over overcome what was in front of me there have been times where the mountain was high and the sea that was before me was daunting but God is faithful God made a way for me he provided and helped me and so I want to encourage you to do as Psalm 105:2 says and sing
to him sing Psalms to him talk of all his wondrous works if God has done something for you and for each of us the Lord has certainly done something for us we ought to worship him we ought to talk about his wondrous works as children of God there are certain things that we need daily from the Lord we need his Mercy each and every day we need his grace and favor and we definitely need his protection ction no matter how skilled you are no matter how wealthy you are you can never protect yourself from the
attacks of the devil that's why Psalm 34:1 19 says many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all many will be the challenges that you face over the course of your life many will be the obstacles that you come up against as you grow older however here is the key thing that we need to remember the Lord delivers us out of them all and it's not your ability it's not your wealthy friends or your Ingenuity it is the Lord God Almighty who can deliver you from every Affliction it's
only Jesus Christ who can effectively blow block every arrow sent by the enemy it's only Jesus who can disturb the devil's plans over your life it's only Jesus who can expose the traps set before you so our attitude as we wake up go to sleep leave our homes and go about our business it must be an attitude of Thanksgiving and praise we ought to Rejoice that we are under the watchful eye of God Almighty we ought to Rejoice because as God's children we are covered by a heavenly host of angels friends I'd like to give
you a few things to think about today when was the last time you walked into a doctor's office and demanded to see their credentials before they could treat you have you ever inquired about your doctor's educ a their training how many years of experience they have no you walk in and you begin to tell them what's wrong without so much as questioning whether they were at the top of their class or they barely had the grades and scrap through medical school or how about your car whether you've purchased a brand new car or a used
vehicle have you ever questioned the mechanic have you ever asked for a demonstration of their skill and asked to see their credentials or better yet after you've had some work done on your car have you ever inspected it have you ever opened up the hood of your car to see whether everything was done correctly and all parts used were authentic well I'll guess that you've never done that well how about your son or daughter's teacher or university Professor have you you ever asked to see their credentials have you ever questioned their expertise I sure haven't
if they sound like they know what they're talking about then I tend to believe them and you see that's the point we often trust people without question we often trust things without question but dear friends the best doctors in the world make mistakes they get things wrong WR they misdiagnose they make errors of judgment and they sometimes come to a place where there's absolutely nothing they can do a car can be assembled by the most skilled mechanics in the world and still it will break down that car will have problems it will at some point
have a flat tire or a warning light will come on to tell you that it needs to be fixed equally the greatest mind on Earth the best teachers in the world don't know everything they can't explain everything that you need to know in this life even after devoting large parts of their lives to studying their knowledge is still limited however Saints there is one who makes no mistakes there is one whose hands are so skilled that whatever he touches is made perfect there is one who is all knowing one who has unmatched wisdom god Jehovah
our trust should be placed in him and him alone Jeremiah 32:17 says a sovereign Lord you have made the heavens and the Earth by your great power and outstretched arm nothing is too hard for you indeed nothing is too difficult for our God nothing is out of his reach there is nothing that is beyond him you see our god holds time in his hands he's Eternal and righteous and there is none like him and so I encourage you not to lean on your own understanding but submit all your ways to the Lord because God Is
Bigger he's big bigger than every complication you can face he's bigger than every mountain in front of you and so with this understanding with this in mind let's go to the one in whom there is no failure let's go to the one who is omniscient omnipresent and omnipotent dear God in your word you say in Jeremiah 32:27 behold I am the Lord the God of All Flesh is there anything too hard for me no nothing is too hard for you Lord and that is why we praise you we give you all of the glory and
honor because you're the ruler of all the universe Lord You're creator of all you are Divine in all your ways Lord the battles we face in our lives are not too difficult for you we know that you're more than able to restore to heal to comfort and to strengthen You're The God Who is bigger than what our eyes can see on this Earth our eyes may see things that make us feel upset or discouraged but our faith our faith can see a God who can lift us up from a pit of despair and place us
on high and steady ground Lord in your word you say is there anything too hard for me you say that with man it's impossible but With God all things are possible you King Jesus you're bigger than any obstacles you're bigger than money and the riches of silver and gold on this Earth there are times when with my natural eyes I see lack but my faith it sees you my provider God there are times when my natural eyes may see disease but my faith my faith sees the Healer there have been times in my life when
my natural eyes saw the danger but my faith reminded me that you are my protector Jesus Christ so Lord today I praise you because the Bible says you are a God who is able to do exceedingly above all things that I can ever ask or think and Lord you are worthy to be praised even while I stand in faith expecting believing hoping in you to work miracles in my life I'd like to praise you Lord I Want To Praise You for just being filled with love and mercy God your grace is amazing you are indeed
an awesome wonder and in Psalm 150:2 it says praise him for his mighty acts Praise Him according to his excellent greatness God you are great and greatly to be praised father we pray that you will forever be the affection of our hearts may you be the Center focus of all our desires indeed I will bless the Lord with all of my soul and I will forget not all your benefits because you have forgiven all of my iniquity you have healed all my diseases I will praise you because you Jesus have redeemed my life from the
pit Lord you taken me from such a dark place you lifted me up and you crowned me with your steadfast love and mercy God when nothing else would help it was your love that lifted me God you're worthy of all our thanks you're worthy of all our worship because you Lord have made us you've made us a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation A peculiar people God I thank you for calling us out of the darkness and into your marvelous glorious light father I'm strengthened by your peace and I am refueled fued by
your joy above all I stand in faith and I stand in anticipation for a mighty move of your hand over my life God I thank you for listening to this prayer it's in Jesus name I pray amen Romans 5:8 says but God demonstrates his own love for us in this while while we were still sinners Christ died for us think of that while we were sinners Christ died for us while you and I rejected him he loved us while you and I turned our backs on the Lord he loved us in fact the Bible says
in John 15 verse 11-13 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete my command is this love each other as I have loved you greater love has no one than this to lay down one's life for one's friends and so dear listener you may have been abandoned by someone who you thought loved you but let me tell you that Jesus Christ will never abandon you you may have been betrayed by someone who was once said they loved you but Jesus Christ will never portray
your trust friend you may have been rejected by someone who you expected to love you but let me tell you Jesus Christ will never reject you the Lord knows you he knows your name he knows the number of hairs on your head and he cares for you now with all that I have told you I want you to take my message with the correct context the love that God has for you is great indeed however this is no excuse to continue living in sin of course God loves you and it's because of this great love
that he wants you to repent God loves you and it's because of this love that he wants you to lean on him for the strength and the grace to live righteously and so with this understanding let us pray you are our savior Lord Jesus and out of love you came to this Earth You Were crucified on a cross so that we can be saved I praise you for such a deep Supernatural love that I could never repay How Great Is Your Love God Almighty that you gave your only begotten son so that I I should
not perish but have everlasting life I did nothing to deserve this but yet you freely gave your son so that I should not perish your word that tells me in Jeremiah 1 verse5 says before I formed you in the womb I knew you before you were born I set you apart may your name always be praised for such love I thank you for meeting my greatest need which is to be loved unconditionally you are a God who knows all all that is done in the light and all deeds and thoughts in the darkness and regardless
of knowing my most shameful secrets you still decided to offer me a perfect sacrificial everlasting love you decided to offer me grace and mercy in spite of my faults you decided to show me a powerful love though you know me inside out and I know where I fall short just as the Apostle Paul said in Romans 8: 38-39 I declare that I am convinced that neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither height nor depth nor anything else in all all creation will be able to
separate us from the love of God that is in Jesus Christ Our Lord I Thank you Lord for holding me together each and every day whenever I have needed you you have been there for me whenever I have called on your name you have heard my cry I am grateful for all of the love mercy and Grace that has been and that has shown to me though I did not deserve it thank you for your faithfulness even through the tough times of life to you alone Be The Glory in your presence is the safest place
that we can be in and so together with everyone listening right now our prayer Lord is that your presence would cover us may you walk with us every day May the Holy Spirit help us to realize and understand the magnitude of your love and may we never take it for granted may we be convicted to live lives that honor you lives that hate sin and love righteousness thank you Lord Jesus you have loved us with an everlasting love you have proven yourself to be always faithful God we trust and hold on to your word that
says in Zephaniah CH 3:1 17 the Lord your God is with you the mighty warrior who saves he will take great Delight in you in his love he will no longer rebuke you but will rejoice over you with singing you are worthy to be exalted and I uplift your name on high father thank you for hearing this prayer all the glory be unto you in jesus' name I pray amen Lord Jesus we are looking to you today we look to you for strength and direction we look to you for protection and preservation we look to
you for provision for mercy and Direction dear Lord we are limited I have looked Within Myself for strength but I am not strong enough I have looked Within Myself for Direction but I am not wise enough I've tried to look Within Myself for motivation and happiness but Lord true Joy can only be found when we look to you our true purpose can only be found in you Psalm 119: 36-38 says incline my heart to your testimonies and not to dishonest gain and envy turn my eyes away from vanity all those worldly meaningless things that distract
let your priorities be mine and restore me with Renewed Energy in your ways establish your word and confirm your promise to your servant as that which produces all inspired reverence for you turn my eyes away from worldly things Lord turn my eyes away from worthless things God and help me to have a mind fixed on Christ and eyes fixed on Jesus because when we look to you when we focus on you master you will turn our lives around and demonstrate that you can take us from the lowest of the low and use us For Your
Glory help us Master to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus because if we stray and wander we will begin to look at what's around us instead of Jesus Christ this leads us to distractions and leads us to become preoccupied with things situations and events that don't matter things that are of this world instead of those things that are Eternal Father we are limited whereas you are Limitless we cannot look ahead into the future with our natural eyes so we look to the one who holds the past present and the future the Bible in 2 Corinthians
4: 18 says so we look not at the things which are seen But at the things which are unseen for the things which are visible are temporal just brief and fleeting but the things which are invisible are Everlasting and imperishable Lord we are choosing to focus on you not on what's around us but on you King Jesus the author and finisher of our faith I thank you Lord Jesus Jesus for all that you do for the goodness and mercy you have shown us as your children we thank you for being so merciful and kind you
are a God who is so good and so caring your word tells us that you have numbered the hairs on our heads because of your great love for us great is your mercy Great Is Your Love thank you for hearing this prayer amen I may not know who you are or what your exact situation is but one thing I do know is that the Bible in Hebrews chap 10 verse 23-2 says let us seize and hold tightly the confession of Our Hope without wavering for he who promised is reliable and trustworthy and faithful to his
word and let us consider thoughtfully how we may encourage one another to love and to do good deeds not forsaking our meeting together as Believers for worship and instruction as is the habit of some but encouraging one another and all the more Faithfully as you see the day of Christ's return approaching the Bible tells us to encourage one another and that's what I would like to do today whatever it is you are going through leave it in God's hands the Lord has the final say over your life and you need to hold on don't give
up Don't Let Go don't give in and don't be discouraged I pray that the holy spirit will block you from looking to the left and to the right so that your eyes can only look up to Jesus Christ Romans 8:37 says yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us you are more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ so keep believing that God will see you through keep believing that God will strengthen you don't be discouraged don't be defeated but stand stand on God's word and on God's promise because
he has said I will never leave you nor forsake you there are times when we simply need to remind ourselves about the promises that are found in the word of God now I'd like to share with you some of the promises in God's word that I have found to be encouraging Psalm 34:6 this poor man cried and the Lord heard him and saved him out of all his troubles the Bible says the Lord heard him and saved him I want you to know that the Lord hears prayers he can hear your cries he can hear
the petitions of your heart he can hear your voice when you're in distress listen God still hears and answers prayers don't you allow the enemy to whisper lies to you and tell you that God is too busy for you our God God neither sleeps nor Slumbers and he will hear your prayers according to his word the Amplified translation for Proverbs 3: 5-6 trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own Insight or understanding and all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize him and he will
make your paths straight and smooth removing obstacles that block your way I want you to trust that the Lord will guide you and I especially want to speak to the person who has a calling on their life you may not see how God can use you you might be thinking that there is no way forward for you well I want to tell you that God has promised in his word to make your paths straight and smooth he will remove all of the obstacles that block your path Saints trust and believe that God will make a
way for you he'll make a way for your family for your marriage for your health God Will Make A Way he will make a way for you now Psalm 9:9 says the Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed a refuge in time times of trouble a refuge can be defined as a shelter or protection from danger or distress so in other words God has promised to be your shelter when all hell breaks loose in this world God will be your shelter when there's widespread chaos and fear in this world God will be your
shelter when the enemy comes in like a flood the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him trust and believe that God will shelter you now let us pray Lord I Thank you for the wonderful promises in your word you are a God who hears and answers prayers you're a God who is a refuge for the oppressed you're a refuge in times of trouble you are a refuge when there is danger you Lord are compassionate you're a God who offers unspeakable joy and peace Beyond understanding you're a God who never fails you
are Mighty in battle and so Lord with my whole heart I safely trust in you I thank you for your love Lord Jesus I pray for each and every person under the sound of of my voice may they come to the realization that they are loved by Jesus Christ may they come to the understanding that nothing can separate us from your love according to Romans 8 verses 35-39 in that passage your word says who shall separate us from the love of Christ shall tribulation or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword
as it is written for your sake we Face death all day long we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered no in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us for I am convinced that neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our lord words fail me as I try to express my joy and gratitude at your
love in this life Lord my loved ones may betray me my loved ones may let me down they may even forsake me and leave me however I thank you because Lord I know that I can always rely on you I can count on you to be there for me I can count on you to be my cornerstone I can count on you to block the fiery darts that may be thrown by my enemy It's Only You Jesus who can keep me truly safe and secure you alone can preserve my life my health my peace of
mind mind even only my Lord my Defender can destroy every plan that the devil has plotted you King Jesus expose the traps that are set before me so I place my faith in you I place my trust in you I know that if I abide in you if I dwell in your house then your presence will cover me from head to toe and if God before me who can stand against me build my faith Lord so that I may be a strong believer one who is bold and courageous one who walks in the authority of
a child of God your word Lord says in 2 Corinthians 1: 3 and 4 blessed gratefully praised and adored be the God and father of our our Lord Jesus Christ the father of mercies and the God of All Comfort who comforts and encourages Us in every trouble so that we will be able to comfort and encourage those who are in any kind of trouble with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God I Look to You for encouragement I Look to You For Comfort I trust and rely on you the god God who
hears My Cries The God Who answers the petitions of my heart The God Who listens to my voice when I am in distress the promises in your word strengthen me and offer me hope Lord I Thank you for promising never to leave me or to forsake me I thank you for promising to be my refuge and Lord I thank you for hearing this prayer it's in the mighty name of Jesus Christ that I pray and I give you thanks [Music] amen as you end your day I would like to share with you the word of
God Psalm 103 reads bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me bless His holy name bless the Lord oh my soul and forget not all his benefits who forgives all your iniquity who heals all your diseases who redeems your life from the pit who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy who satisfies you with good so that your youth is renewed like the eagles I find this Psalm to be very powerful because David is almost speaking to himself and encouraging himself to praise and worship the Lord with all that is within
him David has come to realize that praising the Lord half-hearted isn't enough praising the Lord while distracted is not good enough David has realized that he needs to he has to he must praise God with everything David here knows that he needs to worship with every ounce of energy and emotion and passion he has he needs to give God his heart his mind his body and soul to truly worship Him Saints let me ask you this are you praising the Lord with all that is within you are you worshiping him with all the energy faith
and passion you have let me go a step further and ask is he not worthy to be praised is he not worthy to be given your all is God not worthy of your complete Adoration of all your commitment and time and energy David called on his soul to praise the Lord with all he has he called on his soul to do more or should we not be doing the same and so I would like to encourage you today and tell you that you should be praising the Lord daily you should worship Him daily we often
praise and thank God halfheartedly and that is not acceptable God deserves our all he deserves our complete total and outright adoration and you'll never fail to find a reason to praise as you are listening right now you have a reason to praise him by virtue of being alive and able to hear this message you have life breath in you that's reason enough to thank the Lord you have ears that can hear that's something to be thankful for sure you might have problems but are your problems that big that you can't find a reason to lift
High the name of Jesus Christ don't withhold that which is due to our Lord Jesus Christ and that is your praise and adoration so let Psalm 103 be your Anthem today bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me bless His holy name bless the Lord oh my soul and forget not all his benefits and now let us pray dear Lord Jesus I praise your Holy Name today with all that is in me you are a God who is infinitely great you are greater than anything that can be found here on Earth
and for that we praise you We Praise You Lord because you are a God who forgives all our iniquities your mercies are new every morning and you offer us the opportunity to repent and be cleansed by your blood We Praise You Lord because you are a God who heals you heal us physically you heal us emotionally and even in our spirits and for that you deserve all the glory We Praise You Lord because you are a God who redeems our life from from destruction you saved us God and through your son Jesus Christ we are
able to choose a life of Victory and Triumph in you thank you for your loving kindness and Tender Mercies thank you Lord even for the small things for strength in our bodies for sight in our eyes and for breath in our lungs father your word says in psalm 1031 to13 for as high as the heavens are above the Earth so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear Him as far as the East is from the West so far does he remove our transgressions from us as a father shows compassion to his children so
the Lord shows compassion to those who fear Him I do not deserve such love and compassion but you still offer it to me and although I cannot repay you in any way I can and I will offer my praise my thanks and adoration only to you King Jesus I will bless the Lord with all my soul and everything within me I will lean on you Jesus and not on my own understanding I will sing praises only to your holy name I pray for your Mighty hand of protection to lead me to guide me and to
be over me and my family I speak the blood of Jesus upon each and every member of my family for protection for safety for preservation of life and even for restoration I decree and declare that the Gates of Hell shall not Prevail against me and my loved ones Lord I commit myself into your Loving Hands Lord Jesus only in your arms can I find Comfort peace and hope for tomorrow I apply the blood of Jesus each and every doorpost upon each and every window post of my home for protection in the name of Jesus Christ
may your Pillar of Fire be seen where my family and I sleep every night father I pray that my soul's Focus my soul's desire would be to praise and worship you keep me from being distracted or discouraged by the devil keep me from being affected or impacted by any naysayers or negative people let my heart's Focus be you Lord Jesus father keep me even from my own carnal wants desires and thoughts that don't bring you glory your word in John 4:24 say God is spirit and those who worship Him must Worship in spirit and true
May the Holy Spirit Teach Me How To Worship You in spirit and in truth may the Holy Spirit Teach Me How To Worship you in such a way that I would experience the fullness of your presence let nothing separate me from you father lead me closer to you help me walk in line and in obedience to your word and not my feelings be glorified and praised forever more thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus' name I pray amen now I don't know about you but there have been times where it looked as though I
wouldn't overcome what was in front of me there have been times where the mountain was high and the sea that was before me was daunting but God is faithful God made a way for me he provided and helped me and so I want to encourage you to do as Psalm 105 ver2 says and sing to him sing Psalms to him talk of all his wondrous works if God has done something for you and for each of us the Lord has certainly done something for us we ought to worship him we ought to talk about his
wondrous works as children of God there are certain things that we need daily from the Lord we need his Mercy each and every day we need his grace and favor and we definitely need his protection no matter how skilled you are no matter how wealthy you are you can never protect yourself from the attacks of the devil that's why Psalm 34: 19 says many many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all many will be the challenges that you face over the course of your life many will be
the obstacles that you come up against as you grow older however here is the key thing that we need to remember the Lord delivers us out of them all and it's not your ability it's not your wealthy friends or your Ingenuity it is the Lord God Almighty who can deliver you from every Affliction it's only Jesus Christ who can effectively block every arrow sent by the enemy it's only Jesus who can disturb the devil's plans over your life it's only Jesus who can expose the traps set before you so our attitude as we wake up
go to sleep leave our homes and go about our business it must be an attitude of Thanksgiving and praise we ought to Rejoice that we are under the watchful eye of God Almighty we ought to Rejoice because as God's children we are covered by a heavenly host of angels friends I'd like to give you a few things to think about today when was the last time you walked into a doctor's office and demanded to see their credentials before they could treat you have you ever inquired about your doctor's education their training how many years of
experience they have no you walk in and you begin to tell them what's wrong without so much as questioning whether they were at the top of their class or they barely had the grades and scrap through medical school or how about your car whether you've purchased a brand new car or used vehicle have you ever questioned the mechanic have you ever asked for a demonstration of their skill and asked to see their credentials or better yet after you've had some work done on your car have you ever inspected it have you ever opened up the
hood of your car to see whether everything was done correctly and all parts used were authentic well I'll guess that you've never done that well how about your son or daughter's teacher or university Professor have you ever asked to see their credentials have you ever questioned their expertise I sure haven't if they sound like they know what they're talking about then I tend to believe them and you see that's the point we often trust people without question we often trust things without question but dear friends the best doctors in the world make mistakes they get
things wrong they misdiagnose they make errors of judgment and they sometimes come to a place where there's absolutely nothing they can do a car can be assembled by the most skilled mechanics in the world and still it will break down that car will have problems it will at some point have a flat tire or a warning light will come on to tell you that it needs to be fixed equally the greatest Minds on Earth the best teachers in the world don't know everything they can't explain everything that you need to know in this life even
after devoting large parts of their lives to studying they're knowledge is still limited however Saints there is one who makes no mistakes there is one whose hands are so skilled that whatever he touches is made perfect there is one who is all knowing one who has unmatched wisdom god Jehovah our trust should be placed in him and him alone Jeremiah 32:17 says a sovereign Lord you have made the heavens and the Earth by your great power and outstretched arm nothing is too hard for you indeed nothing is too difficult for our God nothing is out
of his reach there is nothing that is beyond him you see our god holds time in his hands he's Eternal and righteous and there is none like him and so I encourage you not to lean on your own understanding but submit all your ways to the Lord because God Is Bigger he's bigger than every complication you can face he's bigger than every mountain in front of you and so with this understanding with this in mind let's go to the one in whom there is no failure let's go to the one who is omniscient omnipresent and
omnipotent dear God in your word you say in Jeremiah 32:27 behold I am the Lord the God of All Flesh is there anything too hard for me no nothing is too hard for you Lord and that is why we praise you we give you all of the glory and honor because you're the ruler of all the universe Lord You're creator of all you are Divine in all your ways Lord the battles we face in our lives are not too difficult for you we know that you're more than able to restore to heal to comfort and
to strengthen You're The God Who is bigger than what our eyes can see see on this Earth our eyes may see things that make us feel upset or discouraged but our faith our faith can see a God who can lift us up from a pit of despair and place us on high and steady ground Lord in your word you say is there anything too hard for me you say that with man it's impossible but With God all things are possible you King Jesus you're bigger than any obstacles you're bigger than money and the riches of
silver and gold on this Earth there are times when with my natural eyes I see lack but my faith it sees you my provider God there are times when my natural eyes may see disease but my faith my faith sees the Healer there have been times in my life when my natural eyes saw the danger but my faith reminded me that you are my protector Jesus Christ so Lord today I praise you because the Bible says you are a God who is able to do exceedingly above all things that I could ever ask or think
and Lord you are worthy to be praised even while I stand in faith expecting believing hoping in you to work miracles in my life I'd like to pray you Lord I Want To Praise You for just being filled with love and mercy God your grace is amazing you are indeed an awesome wonder and in Psalm 150:2 it says praise him for his mighty acts Praise Him according to his excellent greatness God you are great and greatly to be praised father we pray that you will forever be the affection of our hearts may you be the
Center focus of all our desires indeed I will bless the Lord with all of my soul and I will forget not all your benefits because you have forgiven all of my iniquity you have healed all my diseases I will praise you because you Jesus have redeemed my life from the pit Lord you taken me from such a dark place you lifted me up and you crowned me with your steadfast love and mercy God when nothing else would help it was your love that Lifted Me God you're worthy of all our thanks you're worthy of all
our worship because you Lord have made us you've made us a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation A peculiar people God I thank you for calling us out of the darkness and into your marvelous glorious light father I'm strengthened by your peace and I am refueled by your joy above all I stand in faith and I stand in anticipation for a mighty move of your hand over my life God I thank you for listening to this prayer it's in Jesus name I pray amen Romans 5 verse 8 says but God demonstrates his own
love for us in this while we were still sinners Christ died for us think of that while we were sinners Christ died for us while you and I rejected him he loved us while you and I turned our backs on the Lord he loved us in fact the Bible says in John chap 15 verse 11-13 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete my command is this love each other as I have loved you greater love has no one than this to lay down
one's life for one's friends and so dear listener you may have been abandoned by someone who you thought loved you but let me tell you that Jesus Christ will never abandon you you may have been portrayed by someone who once said they loved you but Jesus Christ will never portray your trust friend you may have been rejected by someone who you expected to love you but let me tell you Jesus Christ will never reject you the Lord knows you he knows your name he knows the number of hairs on your head and he cares for
you now with all that I have told you I want you to take my message with the correct context the love that God has for you is great indeed however this is no excuse to continue living in sin of course God loves you and it's because of this great love that he wants you to repent God loves you and it's because of this love that he wants you to lean on him for the strength and the grace to live righteously and so with this understanding let us pray you are our savior Lord Jesus and out
of love you came to this Earth You Were crucified on a cross so that we can be saved saved I praise you for such a deep Supernatural love that I could never repay How Great Is Your Love God Almighty that you gave your only begotten son so that I should not perish but have everlasting life I did nothing to deserve this but yet you freely gave your son so that I should not perish your word that tells me in Jeremiah 1 verse 5 says before I formed you in the womb I knew you before you
were born I set you apart may your name always be praised for such love I thank you for meeting my greatest need which is to be loved unconditionally you are a God who knows all all that is done in the light and all deeds and thoughts in the darkness and regardless of knowing my most shameful secrets you still decided to offer me a perfect sacrificial everlasting love you decided to offer me grace and mercy in spite of my faults you decided to show me a powerful love though you know me inside out and I know
where I fall short just as the Apostle Paul said in Romans 8: 38-39 I I declare that I am convinced that neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Jesus Christ Our Lord I Thank you Lord for holding me together each and every day whenever I have need you you have been there for me whenever I have called on your name you have heard
my cry I am grateful for all of the love mercy and Grace that has been and that is shown to me though I did not deserve it thank you for your faithfulness even through the tough times of life to you alone Be The Glory in your presence is the safest place that we can be in and so together with everyone listening right now our prayer Lord is that your presence would cover us may you walk with us every day May the Holy Spirit help us to realize and understand the magnitude of your love and may
we never take it for granted may we be convicted to live lives that honor you lives that hate sin and love righteousness thank you Lord Jesus you have loved us with an everlasting love you have proven yourself to be always faithful God we trust and hold on to your word that says in Zephaniah 3: 17 the Lord your God is with you the mighty warrior who saves he will take great Delight in you in his love he will no longer rebuke you but will rejoice over you with singing you are worthy to be exalted and
I uplift your name on high father thank you for hearing this prayer all the glory be unto you in jesus' name I pray amen
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