Os falsos profetas - Raul Teixeira

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Video Transcript:
Life and Values False prophets The ancient structure of the Jewish people brought, in their traditions, the idea of prophets. Who were the prophets in ancient Judaism? They were the sensitives, the mediums, as we call them today, or the psychics.
In Judea, a prophet was similar to a python in Greece. The pythoness. Individuals with a certain psychic ability to record their dialogue with Spirits, to record Spirits’ information, who were known as gods, deities, in ancient myths.
Naturally, when we realize this fact, we have to agree that nowadays we also deal with many prophets. There are people that intermediate Spirits everywhere, in all places. Some of them are aware of it and some of them are not aware of it at all.
Spiritual beings act on our lives in such a way that, usually, they are the ones who direct our steps, due to the level and intensity of the influences they exert on us. We know so many prophets nowadays. When these prophets realize it, they have some ways of living.
Either they develop this faculty to serve a good purpose, in an institution that takes the trouble to educate their paranormal faculties, or they get carried away by a selfish attitude, charging for what they get, for what they do or for what they say they can do. Everywhere we go we see signs, posters, advertisements, flyers advertising people with magical powers to bring couples together, separate couples, bring a dear soul back, solve financial problems, get us out of economic problems. Curiously, we can see that these individuals, men or women, who offer such services to society do not solve their own problems, their own dramas.
Financial, economic and affective problems. Therefore, what they are preaching and proposing to others is a lie. It is fake.
It was not for nothing that Jesus Christ called our attention to be careful with false prophets, false intermediaries, false mediums, that have always existed. People who misuse their psychic ability to register the immortal world, to register the spiritual world. Duo to misuse, they end up weakening morally and making room for intrusions, the intervention of nefarious entities, unhappy souls who wish to cause all kinds of disturbances in other people’s lives.
False prophets are here in the world, among incarnated beings. People who lie, people who deceive, always taking advantage from others. We find false prophets on this other side of life.
In Immortality. In the Spirit world. These false prophets do everything they can to deceive us.
They usually give us bizarre ideas, bombastic and fake revelations, knowing that naive people with incautious minds will believe them. The world is full of naive minds, incautious and innocent people. Naivety and credulity always occur with greater intensity in those who are ignorant, who don’t know how the spiritual world works, how the Laws of God work, or from what basis God’s laws regulate our lives on Earth.
We have to be very careful with those who lie, with the false prophets. You’re watching… Life and Values It is very common to find this kind of people wherever we go. Sometimes we find them in open markets.
Men and women of the people who really want to sell their products in any way possible. How often people sell beautiful oranges, as if they were really sweet oranges but they are actually sour? How many times?
The person guarantees that they are very sweet oranges. From that, we find this kind of false prophetism that doesn’t cause a major embarrassment, except the frustration of expecting a sweet orange and having it sour. We find this kind of false prophetism during political campaigns.
How many are the candidates who approach people, especially the poor, with a fake smile on their faces. A frozen smile. They take dirty children in their arms.
They kiss beggars on the street. They eat in bars with the people until the day they are consecrated, until the day they win the election. They never return to those ghettos again, to those places.
They won’t receive, in their offices, those who voted for them. They never remember the dirty children, the old people and the beggars again. They start dealing with those who voted for them as if they were their masters.
After they win the election, they become emperors of simplicity, of people’s poverty. False prophets. They lie openly every four years, so that society gradually learns how to deal with them.
We find false prophets among health professionals, for example. Professionals who promise amazing cures, miracle cures at very low costs, affordable prices, giving preference to simple people, innocent people, who leave their hard-earned money there, their few coins and certainly, will never get a cure for their problems. They believed the people who lied.
They believed those who deceived them. We find, in the educational area, institutions that advertise the value of their courses. They say people will be able to achieve a lot of things with that course, a lot of things in society, but it’s all lies.
They are almost always establishments with terrible professional quality. Exploiters. Certainly, students or professionals who leave those places will be in disadvantage, comparted to those who took good courses, where the pedagogical truth, the educational truth, reigned.
We find an exorbitant number of false prophets in religions. Each one of them wants to ensure they have direct access to God. They speak directly to God.
They know what God wants and what He doesn’t want. Silly people from all times strongly believe that. We have learned, since always, that between the human creature and God there is only one bridge, which is Jesus.
“I am the Way. ” “The Path of Truth. The Path of Life.
” “No one comes to the Father except through Me. ” But people who are not used to the lessons of Jesus prefer to listen to those who are closer to them. The outspoken.
The religious. The mystic. The false prophet.
They sell toys saying they are religious instruments. They earn money from the mass and the more they deceive, the better they can evade, because the mass is always the same: incautious, ignorant, innocent, emotionally immature, and consequently, excessively emotional. So, we notice Jesus Christ carefully calling our attention: “Watch out for false prophets.
” The Master complements: “If it were possible, they would deceive the very elect. ” Let’s imagine that if they’re able to deceive the elects, what wouldn’t happen to us, who are just candidates for happiness?
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