The Destruction of Madinah and The Greater Israel | Ustadh Wahaj Tarin

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OnePath Network sits with Islamic teacher and speaker, Ustadh Wahaj Tarin, to discuss in detail the ...
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the people that are occupying the land of Palestine today will endeavor to recreate the temple when it is recreated they will try to move to their next Ambitions which is the greater Israel and we have a Hadith with regards to this that the building up of the B Mak will culminate in the destruction of Medina and the ruin of Medina will spell out the start of the wars of Armageddon when will Jesus come back what role and significance does Israel and Palestine play in the end of times and what do the scriptures say about Muslims
re-entering Palestine today we'll be discussing the eschatology and the significance of Israel and Palestine in Judaism Christianity and Islam with none other than it's a pleasure it's an honor to have you rejoin us on your second podcast with one PA Network how are you feeling sheum alhamdulillah pleasure to be [Music] here before we begin the podcast a quick message from our sponsor if you're a Muslim and you care about your money download this right now the Halal money app an incredibly well-designed and easy to use Financial app that allows you to open an account deposit
money and spend through a Visa debit card they give you to using your everyday transactions away from the hands of a bank that's ring in interest and even using your money in Haram places download it now let's get back to the podcast wah the last podcast we presented on this topic was one of our most viewed podcasts of all time Israel on the end of times and the red cow sacrifice wahaj that was a revelation to so many of our viewers so do we have an update on this red cow the red heer sacrifice that
a lot of the people were uh fascinated in um so I think everyone is still waiting for that uh the people that want to carry it out are still waiting for an opportunity um currently it's not obviously an opportune time cuz uh Optics wise it will not look good has it taken place i' I've heard some rumors on the ground that it already has taken place I'm not aware I'm not aware I'm not a way inshah so inshallah we'll be diving right into the conversation at hand but before we do I think it's important for
our viewers to familiarize themselves with a few key terms which I believe will be reappearing throughout this conversation so we will be speaking about the Messiah the Antichrist and potentially the m so those are three key terms so if you can basically Define and walk our viewers through who is the Messiah who is the Antichrist and who is the MDI so the Messiah literally means the anointed one mhm u in the olden days what would happen is when a person took office they would be rubbed uh Anointed with oil uh to kind of say that
this is your Ro um and seriousness of it and also the fact that you will be in this for um forever if you like until you die um so that was the anointing process of it um you also have it in the history you'll see it in certain Arab Wars before uh Islam they would bring oil which is uh scented and they would rub it on their hands or dip their hands into it and Shake an oath of Allegiance into that um because the oil in the scent would last a long time cuz oil based
perfumes last a long time uh so it was to remind that this is ongoing and it's not a short-term commitment and it is something that you are you stuck to um so in the case of the mesiah he is the one anointed into the office of prophet H in into the office um to serve God and Lead his people U so this is the Messiah when we say m um the two words denote that the Dalal part is the fake and Messi meaning the fake Messiah the fake anointed person um or the the false one
if you like um so we believe as um some of the other faiths believe that towards the end of time the fake Messiah will come they refer to him as the Antichrist the the that's why M um the as in the fake anointed person um and as with regards to Mahi uh MDI is the rightly guided uh person uh who we are promised at the end of time there are many Hadith with regards to him of which four of them areah like four of them are authentic um and the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam essentially said
um that even if one day is left before Judgment Day Allah will extend that day until someone um from my progeny um comes um into Authority and his name will be on my name as in he will his name will be Muhammad and his father 's name will be on my father's name as in it will be Muhammad abdah um and he will fill the Earth with Justice as it was filled with Injustice so that is the the Mahi the um the rightly guided one uh who we are anticipating and others are anticipate all I
would say from Christianity from Judaism and of course Islam you mentioned that the Messi is the anointed one and there is a false Messi according to the authentic M that would refer [Music] TOA if I'm correct that's right because the Quran clearly establishes that so verily the Messiah and Jesus the son of Mary soam is the awaited m that came and he will come back again as it established in the authentic at the end of time um and I think um this is probably nice place to just introduce some of the other stakeholders in this
um so all the three monotheistic or abrahamic faiths are waiting for the return of the Messiah uh in the case of our Jewish cousins um this will be his first coming to them um I pray this is okay for me to yes of course enter into so um the our Jewish cousins believe that um the Messiah hasn't come yet yes because Jesus was a f that according to them that's right so when he came as in when Jesus came they failed to to see his truth and they fa to accept him um so as such
they're in denial that he's he's the actual Messiah and they're still waiting for the real Messiah to come um and because it's been so long one of the reasons they give is because uh we are not ready to receive him so yes uh then how do you get ready to receive him so when um the people of Israel return back to their faith and they're strong enough to host him and when the temple is rebuilt and uh which goes into the whole Red Cow story um and when he comes um they believe that he will
reign not just over Israel as we know it today no greater Israel As We Know um of some of their Ambitions and not the biblical Israel which they say is from the Euphrates to the Nile but he will reign over the world uh so this is the aspirational goal uh and this is the belief with regards to the Messiah that they have um at the same time um the Evangelical Christians have a prophecy of their own with regards to the Messiah we see their posters and their placards all over the place Jesus will return Jesus
will return that's right and um it's a uh motivational driving point for for them and their faith and uh those people who follow them obviously because it's a it's a big deal that uh the Messiah comes back on Earth and their belief is that again the temple has to be built U the Temple of Solomon so they have a shared belief yeah and it seems to be a a marriage of conv venience here so the temple will be built and when the temple is built um the fake Messiah will come into the temple and U
place his Idol there as a as a point of worship so they believe that a fake Messiah will come and he will call people to worship Him mhm and it will happen in the temple so that's why the temple is a prerequisite for the evangelic Christian and the coming of Christ and that is why there's such a support from the Christians of the United States for the Zionist Nation yes cu the Temple of Solomon must be built by the Jews and it must be uh built for the Antichrist to come call himself a God and
then they believe when he does that in agony the people of faith will raise their hands to to the Heavens to say help and then the actual Messiah will come Jesus will return Jesus will return so in this there's a bit of an irony because um it seems that one is using the other forh to get their own means out of it so although our Jewish cousins believe in their Messiah it seems at at least on the surface um that their Messiah might end out being the Antichrist of of the of the Christian world and
through his coming they will get their actual Messiah mhm um the Muslims obviously have their their own and I might add um the prophecies are very vague um like they've had to do a fair bit of um imaginative reading to to come up with uh with these details yes um and then you come to the Islamic world and our prophecies are and I don't say this as a bias because I'm a Muslim um but the Islamic prophecies are very particular mhm um and they're very detailed and um little room for ambiguity yes so we also
believe that will come back um and we've got specific details with regards to it so the prophet sallallahu alai wasallam said [Music] sh Jesus the son of Mary will come uh covered in two beig gods and you see the detail here yes um to beige Gods hands on the wings of two angels near the white man on the Eastern side of Damascus a white minet on the Eastern side of Damascus and Subhan Allah his time when he uttered this there was no Min there MH and no did Islam extend to there like Islam was not
um up to up to Syria but uh as per prophecy U mosque was built there minat is there now the white minat and we believe he will he will come there so all so these two main two Prophecies of these two faiths are the driving mechanism of what is happening around there and the endless support that we see and then the Islamic U prophecy uh unlike our cousins we're not actually trying to uh persuade that into coming we're not pushing we're not pushing it yes but we also know that it that it will happen as
prophesies it will come so you've mentioned uh The Descent of Jesus Isa in the Eastern side of Damascus this is the return of Jesus we Muslims and Christians share that he will return um we also share a belief in the Antichrist who is the Antichrist in Islam and what do we know about him what features what signs did the prophet sallallah alaihi wasallam inform us of um so the Antichrist is of the major signs um of the of the end of time yes and um the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasam informed us that there is no
trial or tribulation or Calamity M um ever to have visited Humanity from the time of Adam till the day of judgment greater than the Calamity of the Dalal W [Music] [Music] um there's no Calamity no trial no tribulation um to come upon mankind greater than that of the Antichrist so with regards to him uh his features uh yes so the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam gave us certain signs so for example he said the has had his eyes blotted out so one of his eyes is not working it has been it is like you get D
when you pull your hand across door like as in it's uh like plus would you say with plaster like that and the other eye is flawed like it works but it's uh it's flawed a lazy eye perhaps I don't Allah but the give descriptions of it like um like a dried out sulan so it looks um so he seems to have ailment in both his eyes and between his eyes then on his forehead is written the word kair in in one of the Hadith the prophet spaced it out as in MH um and he made
um it's the condition to be able to read it Faith okay so he says every person of faith will be able to read it whether he can read or not um so normally in physics um you see something because light bounces on that object and then into your eyes um so in this instance the light that will help you see the cfir is the light of Faith light of IM light of IM um so you will see it and then uh he will he has um a lot of challenges that will follow in his time
when he comes M and the challenges will shake Faith to the core um and frankly we will not be able to overpower him yes um and he death and destruction is written at the hands of the actual Messiah yes Jesus jesusa um and um we believe that he will come for a specific period of time um and um the first day of his arrival will be as long as a year and then the second day will be uh as long as a month and then a week and then the rest of the day is normal
days and in those days that he's here he will will Traverse the whole planet mhm um and he will come towards uh Medina as well but we are taught to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam or we are taught through the words of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam um that angels will stand guard around Medina and they will push him away yes um so then he will make his way towards where the Muslims will be at the time mhm and this is one of the hints of where all these conflicts will end up um they will
be in yes Jerusalem Jerusalem and that is where he will meet isaam will meet him and then it will spell the end of him at that time I believe it's specified exactly where he will be K that's right so um babud um is a place in uh in Palestine and Jerusalem that's right yeah um Muslims will be uh encamped in Jerusalem U with the m that we spoke about um and um they will be surrounded by uh this Antichrist and his forces um outside and obviously they have no way of defeating them because his defeat
is written at the hand of Isa um and then it will be prayer time some say it will be F Salah and others say it will beah but irrespective it will be prayer time and the will be given for the IM to lead the m and then the Hadith mentioned that a Darkness will spread yes um so all of a sudden it will become dark and then when it lights up again they will look and he is amidst them and the prophet described him uh he will have ha as though he come out of the
bath so it will be dripping wet mhm and Beads will of liquid of water sweat droplets will will roll off him um and it has a scent in it and coincidently our Jewish cousin also believe in the scent of of the Messiah he will have a scent I think they've got the their details mixed up a little bit um so he will come and uh because obviously he was a prophet when when he in his first arrival so the IM will move as to make way for to lead the so he said so places his
hand in the details of theith between the should the blades of the im as in his back and he motions him to move forward to lead so he said that you will lead one another inah as a honor that Allah has given to this um um so then he will lead the Salah and when he the Salah finishes because they're in a state of immense anxiety they surrounded by the enemies outside um so when Salah finishes he says open the doors as in the fear is finished I'm here and when the doors open and they're
surrounded um the Hadith say that wherever he sent reaches and his sent reaches as far as his eyes sees see yes um whatever a touch of his adversities adversaries will fall dead except for for the Dalal so this will be like a miraculous victory of course Subhan Allah of course and then so he will call out to him that there's no Skype it is written that I'll strike you once um so he chases him and catches him in this babud um and um he will uh finish the story of the so just as a side
point is returning as a prophet of God as with regards to the question of whether he will be a prophet or he will come as an ordinary man um the verses of the Quran and the Hadith of the Prophet establish that there's no more prophets after our Prophet yes um so no more after his sh so will come and the de has been been perfected the de has been perfected so a perfect thing can't have any additions or delions and as such there's no need for another Prophet to come and add to it um so
will come and he will follow the latest version of the religion that he came with himself um you know you have PHS so this is the latest version of of the forms of Islam if you like uh and um the prophet has said that he will modify certain aspects of the of the Shar um as in you know with regards to zakat and things like that if I remember correctly but that is done on the tongue of the Prophet so the prophet said he will do this as in it has been given authority to to
do this so it won't be his own ad hoc uh change so it's still dictated through the prophet Alam um so yeah I think it's important to also note that there are Jews who actually oppose what Israel is doing and what the Jewish people are doing that are in charge of Israel right now to prompt the arrival of the Antichrist there are also Christians who are opposed to what's taking place now although the Evangelical Christians uh there is a section of Evangelical Christians that support the state of Israel there are many Christians that absolutely oppose
the genocide the violent occupation um and as Muslims as you've mentioned we are not doing anything to prompt the arrival of the Antichrist or the arrival of the Messiah but if I can ask you a question aad are there any I guess sequence of events that are written to prompt the arrival of the Dalal specific sequence of events youve mentioned something earlier about the the building of the temple um so not in our faith but as in amidst uh Jewish cousins and amidst the Christians um they have a belief and also an knck to try
to uh Force prophecies to eventuate um so of the things that um the Israelites are trying to do um is their belief is or at Le some of them that if they become worthy of the Messiah the Messiah will come back so part of the things that will make them Worthy is if um they rebuild the Temple of Solomon yes and you did mention something about the the people that build if you could walk us through this specific the Israelites or our Jewish cousins um are bent on rebuilding the Temple of Solomon um and we
have a Hadith with regards to this uh that mhm um that the building up of the will culminate in the destruction of Medina okay um so uh when you try to uh marry this Hadith um and the beliefs of the other faiths and also see what is happening on the ground today uh one of the possible scenarios becomes that um the zionists or the people that are occupying the land of Palestine today will endeavor to recreate the temple yes and um when um it is recreated um they will try to move to their next Ambitions
which is the greater Israel mhm um and because noticed that the Messiah to them is a global King it is not a localized kingh like he will reign over the world you've mentioned something very powerful that those that construct bdis so the construction sorry of bdis the construction within Jerusalem will prompt the destruction of Medina so this is something like very new to to many of our viewers including myself if you can walk us through this what exactly is this referring to like what is the destruction of Medina what is the destruction of the Medina
what is the construction of Jerusalem and where is this Hadith found just for our viewers as well um so the Hadith is found in the authentic uh books of Hadith um and I think if anyone even searches and the word of thei [Music] is okay um some of the from the past have declared this as a weaker yes but classified it as as Hass and then others have classified it as yes and again when you see the reality on the on the ground um there is Merit uh to it yes could you just translate that
you you've mentioned the Hadith in Arabic if you could um so the Hadith says that the building up ofd is the Temple of Jerusalem or the mosque in Jerusalem if you like uh literally the bit means house from as in the Holy House referring to Masjid ala um so the rebuilding of that or the buildup of that will culminate in the the destruction or the ruin of Medina MH and the ruin of Medina will spell out the start of the wars of Armageddon Mal the great Wars uh and the wars of Armageddon will result in
or culminate in the opening or the victory of constantina Constantinople one is Constantinople yes um there is a view that Constantine had two cities mhm one was Constantinople that he built and the other one before this was Modern Rome okay um so irrespective of how you look at it uh the city of Constantine will uh will fall open uh and then that will uh bring in the age of the deal okay um but it is linked I believe on a practical level to the story of Greater Israel because the building of the temple will mean
that they have got rid of all resistance around Jerusalem around Jerusalem and they have succeeded in building the Temple um and building up the areas around it perhaps yes and and destroying Masid AA yes and then with this will come um a new phase where they will try I I believe I this is my calculations that they will try to create this notion of Greater Israel um which to them extends far beyond its current borders MH and um as part of that Muslim cities neara and around those areas will be attacked um in Destro and
we have aith of the Prophet sallu Al where he said but the last city that they will be able to destroy will be the city of Medina um so we know that it will be harmed and it will be destroyed um and then the other Hadith gives an example of what will happen how the destruction will look like so the prophet s Al wasallam said you will leave Medina vate Medina when it is the best it has ever been mhm um so I read it as the buildings will be intact the hotels will be there
uh The Orchards will be there and right now is very beautiful to go there that's right so but but it keeps on developing like as in the works around Madina keep on going when theith says when it's like the best it has it has been so you ask yourself The Logical question that why have they left Medina because number one the love of the Muslims for the city of Medina is self-evident we travel thousands of miles to be there even for a few days so no muslim would would forsake it naturally um and then secondly
um there's no there's no problem cuz the verse says earthquake there's no no cuz the verse says whil it's on its best situation so it's not physically destroyed it's not physically destroyed infrastructure is still there orchards are there and another Hadith says you will leave it and its fruits are hanging low as in the orchards are all fine um for 40 years so why are they leaving uh um so there's another Hadith which which gives a hint of what might um happen a possible scenario and the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam um he says you will
leave Medina when it is the best it has ever been um and for and you will leave it for the beasts and the birds and then the Hadith continues that the last two to enter the city will be two Shepherds from M and he specifies the tribe M um and they will come with their flock into the City and when they come into it they will see it vacant they will see it deserted um and there's another reading of this Hadith as in it could possibly mean that when they come into it the animals will
become wild like the timed sheep will uh will become W mhm um so and by the time they leave the city of Medina and reach yes um you know the limit towards which the guests were taken to in the olden days like before they left the city they used to be walked out um this is called the place of goodbyes the point of farewell when they reach there both of them will fall down mhm dead so if you think about it and analyze it the city is vacant it is built up so much so that
the Hadith says that a uh wolf will come and urate on the member and no one will be there to stop it um and when the two people have entered it either somewhere during the time or towards the end of its time and the they walk out of it barely a few kilometers they both fall down dead so upon thought and reflection a possibility is that there will be either chemical uh Warfare used onto the city as in the air will become toxic poisonous um or you know the physical walls and all of that that
you touch it it affects you or there's a biological specific towards humans specific towards humans uh or a neurological one in which uh you know an agent is use that drives things crazy and humans to death because the animals you know our possible reading is that they become beasts so they become untimed or crazy so that is uh the culmination of you know and okay and this would obviously then trigger you mentioned the battles of Armageddon like postapocalyptic Wars and then uh the opening of Constantinople whether that is uh whichever one it whichever one it
is and then the arrival of the Antichrist that's right we've mentioned a lot about the greater Israel just to give a bit of a I guess uh information on what is the greater Israel we've seen recently Israeli soldiers in Gaza have badges with a map of the greater Israel we saw the finance Min very different from the current borders and and and they get very triggered about the quote from The River To The Sea this is far beyond the river to the Sea and and they're calling for you know potentially taking over parts of Jordan
parts of Syria we saw the Finance Minister deliver a talk with a map of the greater Israel on thisi so walk us through this what is the the fascination behind it what are they trying to do and why um I think this happens with a lot of uh Nations um they retry to create a glorious past um make America great again that's right and uh you also have for example in Russia like they there's a thought of creating greater USSR and um there's a thought of the Ottoman Empire and there's a thought of uh you
know greater Israel um so greater Israel started uh like its Inception uh in you know when the British mandate came into into effect in 1918 um and everyone knew you hear this on Churchill's actual words that they will not be kept local at that stage they will expand they like what will happen High highend weapons and uh a lot of wealth and money and international support um they will push the Arabs out uh so it's it's it's understood U at the political world level amidst the great powers that um this will eventuate um so they
are driven by not 1948 borders not 1967 borders they are driven by greater Israel borders um which comes out in the statement of some settlers which comes out in the statement of certain rabbis which comes out in the statement of politicians um so the next step of this greater Israel is the map you see um on the of the Finance Minister when he spoke and you see it on the shoulders of soldiers and it goes way beyond the river takes up pretty much all of Jordan and parts of of Syria but even that is not
the final final version mhm the final version of if they end up creating the Israel that they they Envision or that their book says they had sometime access to it will go from the Euphrates to the Nile and even that is on record even that is on record as some of their rabbis and um some of the leaders we will take everything from Euphrates including uh makah Medina and and I feel like what they are doing right now the ethnic cleansing they they are uh it's just a step towards it but what will happen is
that um this ambition this drive this uh uh desire to grow and to recreate a nostalgic past will cause a lot of destructions around and but the prophet s wasam told us that the last destruction will be that they will well I'm assuming it will be them that will inflict that will be inflicted on The Villages or Karas of Islam as in cities of Islam will be Medina yes so Medina will be the turning point and this turning point will culminate in the Great Walls mhm so what from the Hadith what I understand and there's
great Scholars um much greater than um anyone that we know in person for example Muhammad Hass he's of the same opinion um he's of the opinion of what sorry he's of the same opinion that the destruction of Medina MH um will result in The Awakening of the Muslim uh to the point where they will gather around righteous leaders mhm so the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam informed us um that this matter will not end as in Islam will not go under um this business will not finish until 12 guided have come into into existence um there's
obviously different beliefs on that that that they come uh from the time of um Abu Bakr and you just count 12 there or you look for 12 righteous people in Muslim history or will they come as a clust at the end of time my belief is that they will come as a cluster at the end of time because the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam when he mentions the had says the matter will not end as in towards the end of time this is uh this is what will happen so um when the destruction of the last
city of Islam happens is in Medina uh people will gather around the leader in the hij mhm and 12 leaders will will will come one after the other because um you look at the other Hadith of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam in which he prophesized um step by step so far as leadership or Reigns are concerned so he said prophethood will be there for as long as Allah wants it then Allah will remove the age of prophethood and then the will come yes so the the or the ks will come and um they will stay
a righteous uh prophetic Le guided um for as long as Allah chooses in another Hadith he says 30 years so Abu Bakr came and Omar came and came and Ali came and um and so on and that was collectively 30 years that was collectively 30 years so it's it's a it's a long segment of time it's not a a specific few and then he says then there will come an age um you can translate the Hadith where power will be shared within families like brother to brother shoulder to shoulder so the Banu omay and the
bides and these C and there's also an element of Injustice in the rule like there is a Calamity there and then he [Music] says then there will come an age of tyrannical rule where people uh who have no worth are and you know not worthy of the office or an office and um by the Whip and by force they keep people and subjugation and and so on and this age will continue and then the end of this then the age of will come again and they will follow the footsteps of prophethood so this is not
one Reign notice it was ages MH so an age will come ofat again that age I believe will start at the when the last city as the prophet promised because no more cities of Islam will be damaged after this and then the 12 rightly guided will come one after the other so you will understand that the um is uh in TAS so they will rebuild yes and it will take at least 40 years CU Medina will be ruined for 40 years M so at least 40 Years of that will happen and then um Medina will
become populated again and then the Dalal comes eventually and when the Dalal comes Medina is full again yes it means more than 40 years will pass and he will not be able to enter Medina Med Safe Haven so what it shows is a long time will pass and this is where the 12 can fit as in the 12 rulers the culmination of which will be the M the last of the 12 leaders that will come will be will be the M thank you very much for that and just to clarify reiterate to our viewers uh
this 12 is is is the opinion of thead and and and and it's an allowable like this is a permissible opinion to hold that's right um so with these uh um with the reading of an interpret that's right but it is interpretation that other Scholars have gone into before me it is not uh my own that's right and all the things that I have mentioned here are not my own personal ones they are of who are much much more learned than us and um you know who are stars in the skies of Islam and uh
valid opinions to have although it might differ from other people but that's I think thank you very much for that disclaimer and lastly for our viewers at home this is a lot of information to take in it's a lot of information to digest a lot of this is outside of our control you know kingdoms that come Empires that are built Empires that are uh D destroyed over times this is out of our control within our control as Muslims what should we be doing to protect ourselves during the time of Isa during the time of the
Antichrist you know one of the greatest uh fan one of the greatest trials to befall this um what should we be doing now to prepare so the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam when talking about the F of the M which is what we have talked about um he directed us towards Surah Al yes um and it's recitation and recitation by itself is not the Mad in the de cuz what is's wanted it is not the purpose that's right it's not the main main Aim so the purpose of recitation is so that you reflect and get lessons
out of it so of the lessons um you pick from Surah is the lessons that we get from the lives of the young men who were in a society uh toxic to their beliefs um who had moved far away from righteousness and goodness not only that um the righteous were not allowed to exercise their faith in in that space they were not allowed to believe in one God they were not allowed to pray as they wanted and so on um so these young individuals stood out in history as being a people that had found guidance
and not only founded but were practicing guidance in a time of great misguidance yes so in their lives or in their story is lessons for us yes of the lessons um that we need to take is number [Music] one um so uh has different meanings one is age yes second is um characteristics of the age um so we have in our country we say Jan MDI uh like yeah characteristics of young men MH um so of those characteristics so young men meaning men that are capable men that are free men that and in that these
are the characteristics they're honorable they're hospitable uh they help the weak the needy so as an institution of um is they were um people with these characteristics so we need to embody those we need to have uh courage we need to have decency we need to have K we need to have nobility we need to have goodness and then second they were people with these characteristics that believed and they're gone so we need to work on on our IM and our belief um and then Allah says mhm and we increase them in their guidance they
was they were on a good path but we increase them and guidance and the increase only comes through practice yes those who struggle in our path we increase them and guidance so it means they believed and they were hard practicing on that and then the next characteristic Allah says we tightened their hearts as in we instilled in them courage mhm because a lot of times it's very hard to be courageous it's very hard to stand up and say the right thing and do the right thing um so a characteristic we need to have is this
characteristic of of courage and that we need to instill in our children is a characteristic of Courage so that's another um of the qualities that we should aspire to have and then the next one when they stood so we need to stand um we need to stand for the h we need to stand for what is right we need to stand for Allah um we need to stand uh to advocate for what is the truth and what is right uh because this stance um is what Allah ordered his Prophet as well get up and warn
MH um so this and he ordered him twice to get up yeah M as in worship um and then the second get up and warn rise stand warn um and this standing of warning as in the standing of Da is what it culminated into yes mhm when they got up and they said our Lord the one that created heaven and earth and you know every one of us so when you stand you talk about uh the of and the greatness of Allah and the of and promote that in his teachings and his guidance and that
um that is what what the our preparation for that needs to reading every Friday to the best of your ability uh to our viewers that can't read the full Surah read the first 10 read the last 10 uh with contemplation and trying to embody the lessons and trying your best and Subhan Allah I feel like if one lesson speaks out to me it's finding that safe haven within the cave during times of trial yes and you can imagine if the theel comes and we witness his arrival you don't want to be anywhere near him you
don't even want to test your Iman you want to be as far away as possible in a safe haven yeah so another another thing that the Surah points out to so says and they [Music] say um so irrespective of which number it is um there are people who have found uh a few Brothers people whether that's three or five or seven um small community that holds their belief and strengthens one another through encouragement and getting to know one another in the rest of it so another point is that as difficulties increase we need to connect
to the righteous uh you know good families good people that we can rely on in times of need um so as difficulties increase and already you see um difficulties in life one of the ways to alleviate difficulties is by the support of good people to have around yourself uh so we shouldn't uh Overlook that as well yes so relying on Allah subhana wa tala relying on our communities having that fortification that that Fortress that base and inshallah that will be a great means of protection has been a pleasure joining us on this podcast that was
a lot unpack many of which many of us haven't heard before but it's important that we familiarize oursel with what's taking place and understand that our strength our courage our resilience in these times will only come from Allah subhah wa taala pleasure pleasure to have been here and Allah grant you all success and until next time
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