What You Feel, See And Experience Is Being SHAPED By It (BE AWARE!)

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Spiritual Dive
What You Feel, See And Experience Is Being SHAPED By It (BE AWARE!) --------------------------------...
Video Transcript:
imagine for a moment that everything you perceive around you the colors sounds shapes Is Not What It Seems and when we think about it perhaps one of the questions that comes to mind is what if the reality we believe to be solid and unquestionable is just a projection a kind of screen that reflects what is deeply rooted in our mind isn't it strange to think that the material world with all its rules and limitations could just be a construction of our Consciousness for Millennia sages philosophers and more recently scientists have explored the idea that the
reality we experience Is Not What It Seems they suggest that the universe is actually a reflection of our most intimate beliefs of our most hidden thoughts but if this is true what does it mean for us how could our everyday lives with all their challenges and obstacles be transformed if we could change the very nature of reality when everything around you seems to be falling apart when nothing seems to work have you ever wondered if the key to changing your situation is within you because if indeed the reality you perceive is merely a reflection of
what's inside maybe the problem is not the outside world but how you perceive it and more importantly how you project it this is the central point point we will explore today the idea that the reality we experience is largely shaped by our Consciousness when nothing seems to go right perhaps it's time to stop and re-evaluate the source of all things your own mind because the real power to transform your life does not lie in external circumstances but in how you choose to interpret and influence those circumstances So today we're going to unravel the mystery of
how your belief and subconscious programs may be creating invisible barriers and how by understanding and manipulating this conscious projection you can literally recreate your reality today will be a journey to discover what is truly shaping the world around you the reality you perceive is in fact a mirror of what happens inside you this is not a mystical statement but a deep understanding that unites science and spirituality in one unique idea external reality is a projection of your Consciousness what you see feel and experience is shaped Above All by your thoughts beliefs and emotional states but
how is this possible to understand this we must start with the idea that material reality as we know it is not as solid as it seems Quantum physicists have long discovered that at the most fundamental level level the universe is made of energy in constant motion the particles that form matter those that make up everything around us are actually packets of energy that behave in ways that defy traditional logic they are not in a fixed State until they are observed they exist in a field of possibilities where multiple realities coexist until an observer that is
consciousness intervenes this discovery leads us to a deeper understanding if what we perceive as solid and unchanging are actually constantly changing flows of energy so what really shapes our experience of the world well the answer as both science and spiritual tradition suggest is our Consciousness Consciousness acts like a lens filtering the vast range of possibilities in the universe to create a specific reality a particular experience that aligns with what we deeply believe and feel imagine your mind is a projector and the movie it displays is the set of your thoughts beliefs and emotions what you
see on the screen of your life is a faithful reproduction of the content of this internal movie this view of reality is supported by both quantum physics Concepts and ancient spiritual teachings in physics experiments like the famous double slit experiment demonstrate how conscious observation can influence the behavior of subatomic particles making matter manifest in specific ways this experiment reveals that mere intention and observation have the power to alter how reality presents itself from a spiritual perspective various Traditions have long taught that the external world is an illusion or Maya as it is called in Hindu
Traditions ancient sages understood that the universe is a projection of the Mind where internal thoughts and feelings shape external reality these two perspectives one scientific and the other spiritual Converge on one point Consciousness not only perceives reality it creates it now think about your own beliefs and emotions they are not simply passive reflections of reality but active forces that shape the world around you the subconscious programs you carry those thought and behavior patterns that were installed throughout your life especially in childhood are like codes that your mind's projector uses to create the reality you experience
if those codes are limiting negative or based on fear that's what you will see reflected in your reality these automatic mental programs govern much of our reactions and decisions on a daily basis often we are unaware that we are operating under the influence of deeply ingrained beliefs that shape our perception of possibilities our interactions with others and even the opportunities we believe we deserve when these programs are left unquestioned they create a reality that can seem rigid unchangeable and beyond our control but the good news is once you become aware of these programs you can
begin to change them just as you can edit a movie before projecting it you can reprogram your beliefs and emotional states to create a new reality when you recognize that external reality is a projection of your Consciousness you gain the power to change what is being projected and when we dive deeper into this understanding it becomes clear that changing internal perception can lead to a profound transformation in the external world it's not about denying reality as it is but recognizing that you play an active role in its creation reality is a dynamic and mutable field
that responds to the quality of your Consciousness so what you experience is not fixed but fluid capable of being shaped and reshaped as you alter your mind but how can this perception be applied to transform your life the answer lies in reprogramming your subconscious patterns and altering your beliefs so that they they are aligned with the results you want to see manifested because true change begins within and when you alter the internal the projected world around you changes as well this is the first step in taking conscious control of your life instead of being a
passive spectator you become the director screenwriter and protagonist of your own story and by doing so you start shaping a reality that not only reflects your desires but also resonates with the true essence of who you are if the reality we perceive is actually an internal projection then it is our Consciousness that serves as the invisible architect shaping every aspect of the world we experience at every moment your mind is interpreting filtering and projecting the world around you based on your beliefs emotions and expectations it's as if you're holding the brush that paints the canvas
of your life and the colors you choose your deepest ideas and feelings determine the landscape that emerges before your eyes this Conscious Creation is supported by discoveries in quantum physics that challenge traditional Notions of cause and effect in the material world one of the most fascinating Concepts in this area is that of the observer in the subatomic World particles do not have a fixed position or trajectory until they are observed in other words the simple Act of observing the act of directing conscious attention to something has the power to collapse countless possibilities into a single
concrete reality this suggests that by paying attention we are literally participating in the creation of what we perceive as real in other words the simple Act of observing changes the outcome reality shifts as conscious attention is applied if conscious observation can alter the behavior of particles at the quantum level then Consciousness plays a direct role in creating reality not only in the microcosm but also in our daily lives consider the impact of this idea on your own life think about times when you intensely focused on a desire or goal and somehow the universe seemed to
conspire to make it happen or on the contrary situations where fear and doubt took over your mind and the worst scenarios materialized these everyday examples illustrate how Consciousness when focused on a possibility can bring that possibility to life making it real and tangible it's important to note that creating reality through Consciousness is not magic but a natural and continuous process it is consciousness that gives meaning to what we see and experience so when we change the way we perceive the World by altering our beliefs and expectations we can literally change the reality we see reality
adapts to the way we view it confirming our expectations and reinforcing our beliefs when we recognize this we can begin to use this power more intentionally directing our attention and intention to create a reality that is in harmony with our highest desires and Val values by recognizing that Consciousness plays a central role in creating reality it becomes clear that a significant part of this process is tied to what operates below the surface of the conscious mind the subconscious it is in the subconscious that the programs and patterns silently shape much of our life experiences identifying
and reprogramming these patterns is essential to unlocking the potential to create a reality more aligned with our deepest desires the subconscious is in many ways like the operating system of a computer it runs commands automatically without questioning or analyzing based on information that has been installed throughout our lives especially during childhood when the mind is more open to absorbing external influences without critical filters these subconscious programs may include beliefs about who you are what you deserve and what is possible for you if these programs are limiting they act as invisible barriers that block the manifestation
of your desires even if consciously you are determined to achieve your goals identifying these limiting programs is the first step in reprogramming the subconscious mind often these patterns manifest as automatic negative thoughts persistent doubts or self-sabotaging behaviors if you've never caught yourself repeatedly thinking that you're not good enough or that certain things just are not meant for you these might be clues that there are deeply rooted beliefs that need to be questioned another clear sign is when you notice that you are always facing the same obstacles or challenges regardless of the changes you try to
make in your life this indicates that at some level there is a subconscious program that continues to project the same situations and outcome once these programs are identified the next step is conscious reprogramming there are several effective techniques for replacing limiting beliefs with new programming that favors Conscious Creation one of the most common approaches is the use of positive affirmations these are statements that clearly and positively Express what you want to believe and Manifest this works because the subconscious mind learns through repetition just as we learn to walk or talk as children when we repeat
affirmations that contradict our limiting beliefs we are essentially rewriting the mental code that governs our perception of reality for this to be effective however it is crucial that affirmations are formulated in the present and with conviction instead of saying one day I will be successful you should affirm I am successful Now by doing this you instruct the subconscious mind to accept this new belief as reality affirmations can be repeated consistently and in a mental state that allows absorption by the subconscious such as upon waking or before sleeping when the mind is in slower brain waves
like the alpha or Theta state which makes the subconscious mind highly susceptible to new suggestions another powerful technique is creative visualization by regularly visualizing your desires as already fulfilled you begin to reprogram your subconscious to accept this new reality as possible and even inevitable the key to effective visualization is to involve emotion feel the joy gratitude and satisfaction as if the desire is already a concrete part of your life this practice not only sends clear signals to the subconscious about what you want to manifest best but it also raises your vibration aligning your energy with
the frequencies that attract those experiences however one of the most crucial aspects of reprogramming is consistency just like any habit that takes time to establish mental reprogramming requires continuous practice and repetition the brain does not change with just one effort it takes days weeks and even months of regular practice for new neural connections to form and old beliefs to be undone it's in this process of repetition that true transformation occurs changing subconscious patterns is undoubtedly a challenge but with patience and persistence it is possible to break free from limiting beliefs and reprogram the mind to
create a reality that is fully aligned with your desires and aspirations when you finally manage to change these patterns the external reality begins to mold itself according to the new internal programming opportunities start to emerge blocks disappear and you align more deeply with the life you desire thus the subconscious mind when reprogrammed becomes a powerful Ally in manifesting your desires instead of creating invisible barriers it works in your favor projecting a reality that reflects your new beliefs a reality it of abundance love success and peace to truly Master the art of creating the desired reality
it's essential to understand what many scientists and Mystics have called the quantum field this concept although complex offers a profound vision of how reality is shaped from a field of infinite possibilities the quantum field can be described as an energetic Matrix that permeates the entire universe an invisible field where all possibilities exist simultaneously in it the past present and future coexist and everything that could happen already exists as a potentiality it is the space where pure energy transforms into matter and where Consciousness interacts with these possibilities to create the reality we experience but how can
we access this Quantum field the key lies in our ability to tune our mind and body to the frequencies of this field and this is where practices like meditation and visualization become powerful tools meditation helps slow down brain waves allowing the conscious mind to enter deeper states of relaxation such as the alpha and Theta States in these states the Mind becomes more receptive to the influences of the quantum field and the barrier between the conscious and subconscious begins to dissolve an effective technique for accessing the quantum field is mindfulness meditation by focusing completely on the
present moment and releasing thoughts and worries you begin to resonate with the pure potentiality state of the field this practice opens the door for your Consciousness to tune into the vast ocean of possibilities the field offers when you connect to the quantum field you start creating from a space of infinite possibilities instead of limiting yourself to the material world and its apparent limitations in this state of connection you are no longer reacting to the circumstances around you but actively co-creating your reality from a source of pure energy and potential it's as if you are accessing
the source code of reality and rewriting it according to your intentions and desires this approach transforms the way you interact with the world instead of seeing reality as something fixed and unchangeable you begin to understand it as something malleable which responds directly to the quality of your Consciousness and it's precisely at this point that emotions come into play playing a fundamental role in the manifestation process emotions are much more than simple reactions to events they are the driving forces that shape our personal vibration and consequently the reality we attract in quantum physics everything in the
universe is in constant vibration And the emotions we feel directly influence the vibrational frequency we emit so the emotional state you maintain has a direct impact on what you manifest in your life when we talk about emotions and manifestation it is crucial to understand the relationship between emotion and vibration high frequency emotions like love gratitude and joy raise your vibration and as a result align you with positive and desirable experiences on the other hand lowf frequency emotions such as fear anger and sadness lower your vibration attracting circumstances that resonate with these lower frequencies the heart
in particular plays a special role in this process the the electromagnetic field generated by the heart is the strongest in the human body and extends Beyond us interacting with the environment around us when you generate positive and coherent emotions such as love or gratitude the field of your heart expands and becomes more powerful this magnetic field not only influences your body but also the energy field around you attracting experiences that resonate with those emotions since the emotions you feel feed your vibrations and those vibrations in turn shape the reality you experience then by consciously cultivating
the right emotions you are constantly adjusting your vibration to align with your deepest desires but for Conscious Creation to be truly effective it is essential that there be a deep coherence between the mind and the heart when these two powerful centers are align the energy we emit becomes congruent resulting in a much more potent creative Force the mind with its ability to formulate thoughts and intentions acts as the driver of creation it is in the mind that we Define our goals visualize our desires and outline the details of the reality we want to manifest however
the power of the Mind alone is not enough to materialize these desires the mind mind can project a clear intention but if this intention is not in tune with the emotions that the heart generates the result can be a confused vibrational field where intentions are diluted by conflicting emotional frequencies the emotions that flow from the heart are the energy that fuels our intentions giving them life and vitality when the heart resonates with what the Mind desires the intention is charged with powerful energy capable of sign significantly influencing the quantum field but what exactly does this
coherence mean it's a state where your thoughts emotions and actions are perfectly aligned with your desire in other words what you think and what you feel need to be in harmony if the mind is focused on a specific desire but the heart is full of doubts fears or resentments this incoherence creates a contradictory vibrational field weakening the ability to manifest to achieve this coherence it's essential first to clarify the mind's intentions and then align those intentions with the appropriate emotions a simple exercise to help in this process is mind heart alignment start by clearly defining
what you want to manifest visualizing it in Vivid detail then bring your attention to your heart and allow positive emotions like love gratitude and joy to flood your being connect these emotions to the desire you visualized feeling as if it is already coming true this alignment creates a powerful and congruent vibration that propagates through the quantum field attracting the circumstances and opportunities necessary for your desire to manifest another crucial aspect of mental and emotional coherence is the elimination of internal blocks that may cause misalignment this involves the continuous work of identifying and releasing limiting beliefs
negative emotional patterns and any form of internal resistance by doing this you remove the barriers that prevent full manifestation and create a clear path for Creative Energy to flow without obstructions when this coherence is achieved the quantum field responds powerfully bringing out the experiences that resonate with the energy you Emit and by practicing this coherence you not only create the life you desire but you also align with the natural flow of the universe where intention and manifestation become a continuous and harmonious cycle as we come to the end of this video I'd like you to
take a message with you reality is not something that happens to us it is something we create at every moment with our conscious choices the question then is not whether we are creating our reality but what kind of reality we are choosing to create thank you for embarking on this journey with me if this video resonated with you I invite you to like And subscribe to our Channel share this video with others so they can benefit from this message and don't forget to leave a comment below sharing your thoughts Reflections and experiences thanks again for
watching and for joining me take care and see you soon
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