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all right have you ever wondered what's my purpose like how do I know what my purpose is my can you be sure about your purpose now I can remember a time in my life where this perplexed me so heavily I just didn't know what I was supposed to do because I had a lot of skills in a lot of different Arenas um I had a lot of passions in a lot of different AR Arenas but I wanted to make sure that I was doing the thing that God wanted me to do not just the thing
I wanted to do because I wanted to do it and I remember wrestling with this idea of this whole concept of being quote called to preach and I was like stuck for a long time am how do I how do you know you're called to preach and I remember talking to my good friend David Mitchell about this he's like well you know you're called to preach um more based on whether or not other people recognize the call on you than whether or not you recognize it on yourself he he said other people will recognize a
call in your life often times before you will I'm like okay that's fine but how do I know well I'm going to give you I'm going to give you some really concrete steps and David gave me some too but not I'm not throwing him under the bus because I love that dude he's one of my he is my best friend and one of my favorite humans all right right so um so I'm not throwing him under the bus but I'm going to give you today some things that I've discovered that will help you discover your
purpose so that you can live a fulfilled life I mean like completely fulfilled I'm not I'm not talking about you have a lot of money but you destroyed your family or you got a great family but you can't feed them right or um you got a great family and you got a lot of money but you hate your job like I'm I'm I'm I'm talking about completely 100% fulfilled living your life in your purpose on purpose purpose-driven all day every day let's go let's get it so that's what I'm going to share with y'all today
how to discover how to know your purpose and not only not only I going to share with you how to know your purpose I'm going to share with you today why I believe that purpose is the only key to fulfillment if you don't fulfill like if you don't fulfill your purpose you're going to be you're going to feel unfulfilled regardless of how much money you make if you don't fulfill your purpose you're going to you're going to be like like you're going to be marginally miserable your whole life I don't care how beautiful your wife
is or how handsome your husband is if you don't fulfill your purpose you are going to be Miser and and the Bible did not leave us without an answer so I'm going to read something to you but before I do I'm going to make a statement and I want y'all to finish it like most people finish it when you say the statement I'm going to make the first part of the statement you make the second part of the statement the way most people do it not the way you've learned from me okay y'all ready God
is good exactly all the time and all the time God is good so when we think God is and some people said somebody said holy somebody said something else we I mean there are so many different adjectives to describe God God is good God is holy God is Sovereign God is righteous God is just God is King God is omnipotent God is omnipresent God is omnicient God is omnip God God is God but here's what I find fascinating when God gave us his word none of those things are the first thing that God told us
about God now when I meet somebody what I'm going to tell that person about me is going to be determined by who that person is and what we're about to do right if I meet a golfer I'm not going to start talking to him about my guitar and if I meet a guitarist I'm not going to start talking to him about my golf clubs y'all picking up what I'm putting down so so context when you meet somebody determines content and the first thing you tell somebody about you is the most important thing you want them
to know about you when you first meet them does that y'all is what I'm saying making sense okay okay so check it the first thing that God tells us about God we find in Genesis chapter 1 my favorite chapter in the whole Bible and here's what it says in the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth 10 words in English seven words in Hebrew Brash barah Elohim hasham but seven words in Hebrew say the same thing in the beginning God created the heavens the Earth now I don't know how your mind works but my
mind is a Perpetual question mark well why why does that work like that why does that work like that what well why why why do you have five different positions in the pentatonic scale why is the why is the melody always in the pentatonic scale I want I want to I I want to know all the wise to all the wise and when I read in the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth and later I found out God is self EX istent self-sufficient self-satisfied needs nothing in fact he told job if I was
hungry I wouldn't tell you so why is he creating a heaven and an earth I mean I mean think about it don't you have enough to do just being God running all your angels and stuff I'm not I'm not being I'm not I'm not trying to be sacriligious or disrespectful I'm just like why would you create all of the heaven awesome Earth H why I've only been able to discover one answer and if you got a better one I'll be happy to hear it but here's here's why I believe the first thing God tells us
about God is that he created the Heaven and the Earth because he is creative and therefore it is his nature to create the first thing God tells us about God is that he's creative so if you're going to discover your purpose that's where it begins and God created everything why did he create everything well Revelation Revelation why did he why did he create everything because he's creative therefore it is his nature to create why did he create it well Revelation 4:11 tells us thou Thou Art Worthy oh Lord to receive glory and honor and power
and thou Hast created all things and for thy pleasure they are they exist and they were created God created everything to please himself it pleased him it pleased him to do so okay cool so we read on and then Genesis chapter 1 God do you realize the whole chapter could have been that one verse then he starts backing up and explaining stuff I just L something funny Genesis chapter 1 verses 1 I mean verses 2 through 31 is God explaining why he created did everything I'm I'm like why are you you created the Heaven and
the Earth that's enough then he started saying well and the Earth was without form and void and darkness upon the face of the deep and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters and God said let there be light and there was light and God saw the light it was good and God divided the light from the darkness and and God called the light day in the darkness he called night and the evening and the morning were the first day and God made a firmament and divided in water I'm like what are
we doing here now I don't know if your mind works like that but I wanted to know why are you giving me all these details well I'm going to tell you why because and I'm not even going to I'm not even going to read all of that to you right now I'm going to take this with me because I'm probably going to need it again so we know that God in the beginning when he created heaven and earth Genesis chapter 1 shows us that God created three categories categories cata c c is that it Gories
thank you I can't spell worth a quarter but I count okay so three categories in creation what are those three categories category num Uno God created creation creation is the sun the moon the stars the grass the trees the water God created stuff that's the first thing he created he created creation then he created creatures creatures who can't use a okay creatur I get excited I start pressing too hard in it want to eras okay so God created creation creation is the sun the moon the stars the grass the mountains the Rocks etc etc etc
then he created creatures the dogs the cats the chimpanzees the alligators um the giraffes and the chimp all that but you know what's really fascinating about cre creation and creatures they can't even appreciate the God who created them they can't appreciate the God who created them they can't celebrate the God who created the creation can't do it because it just it's just there the word for the creatures is Baha in Hebrew Baha you know what Baha means in it is what it is a horse is a horse is a horse of course okay so a
horse can only do what a horse could do the first day a horse got here a dog could only do what a dog could do the first day a dog got here a cat can only do what a cat could do like what a cat could do on day one of creation is all a cat can do now oh this is so good and then God created creators creators some people don't like that when I say that but that's fine creators you could say creatives but what what do you create see creation and creatures couldn't
appreciate the God who created them so God created Adam creators now we're not creators in the sense that God is because God God can create something out of nothing by the way people who say you can speak things into existence they are delusional speaking something into existence out of nothing is barah the only person in the Bible who ever barod anything is God so you can't speak things into existence you can't people think you can and I I know why they think you can but they're wrong you can't now what you can do is you
can speak words that you can speak God's words into a space in your life that has doubt and God's word can replace that doubt with faith and then you can take an action in faith that you did not take in doubt and then you accomplish a thing and that's why people think they spoke the thing into existence when all they really did was said the same thing to them that God said to them about them so now now they believe they could do the thing that God made them to do in the first place okay
just so you know so Adam so you got Olive doid me that's what a man is that's what a woman is we're Adam God called their name Adam Olive is the letter that represents God doid me spells the word blood BL and we know that the life of the flesh is in the blood so what is a man man is a Godlike creator with flesh and blood that's very different than creatures that's very different than creation how many y'all tracking and so so now something new is here so I'm I'm going you say what do
that to do with my purpose you about to see just calm down I got to do my introduction y'all know my introductions are long okay okay so the reason I believe that the first thing God tells us about himself is that he is creative is because the first thing he tells us about us we see in Genesis chapter 1 by the way when God created when God created creation he said let there be when God created land animals he said let the Earth bring forth when God created the fish and the fowl he said let
the sea bring forth but when God created man he didn't say let the Earth bring forth man he didn't say Let There Be man and he didn't say Let the Sea bring forth man what does that tell you that man is very different than everything else God ever created how many y'all tracking Genesis 1 verse I'm going to I'm going to read 25 first because this is so cool and God made the Beast of the earth after his kind and the cattle after his kind and everything that creepeth upon the Earth after his kind and
God saw that it was good and God said verse 26 let us make man in our image huh after our likeness H and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea over the fowl of the air over the cattle and over all the Earth and over every creeping thing that moveth upon the Earth huh so God created man in his own image and the image of God created him male and female created he them oh so the reason the reason the first thing God tells us about God is that he's creative is because
the first thing he tells us about us is that he created us in His image which means he created us to create stuff and he made us to make stuff that's why we're here okay now we got we got a piece of we got a piece of the purpose puzzle don't we oh man I should have named this putting together the purpose puzzle I guess I'll have to call make another video and call it putting together purpose puzzle okay so so that would have been a great thumbnail title anyway okay so so God made me
God told me he's creative then he told me he created Me In His Image he told me he created you in His image oh so that's why he went back and God explained everything in verses 2 through 31 because he didn't want us to just know that he created everything but because he created us to create stuff he wanted us to see the process for creation I got chills all over me right there say what do you mean okay I'm not going to do all of them but I'm going to show you some of them
just so you so you can have as many chills running up down your arms and back and legs like I do right now y'all ready so the first thing began with it began with I'm going to make this number two you'll see why in a minute it began with in the beginning God created the Heaven and Earth that's God's intention so the creative process begins with intention and then it says and the Earth was without form and void and darkness upon the face of the deep the word was is not the word used to be
the word was is became so he see next we see disruption follows intention by the way this is this is one of the reasons why people live on The Struggle Bus their whole life every time I try to do something good it turns into something bad no duh that's the point say what do you mean that's the point breathe my breathe do you see that disruption even followed God's intention God gave Joseph A Dream Joseph told his brothers his dream told his father and his mother his dream his brothers hated him for his dreams and
for his words so much so they wanted to kill him but one of the brothers said no let's don't kill him we can't make no money if we kill him let's throw him in the dish see if we can go find a buyer by the time they came back he was already gone God gave Joseph A Dream he he told people his dream and then disruption followed his intention he went down into the pit they sold him into slavery he was Piper he was Piper's slave Piper's wife tried to seduce him he didn't submit so
Piper's wife threw him in prison I mean Piper threw him in prison you know why potterer threw him in prison don't you cuz he knew his wife was a but he had to do something if potier would have thought that Joseph tried to seduce his wife potier would have had him killed he knew he married and he knew his mama told him not to marry that woman okay I'm sorry okay I'm GNA stay on track maybe hopefully um but Joseph had disruption follow his intention God calls Moses to deliver the children of Israel from bondage
and then he kills an Egyptian wanting to do it his way and now he has to escape he's a fugi itive disruption always follows intention King David Gets anointed to be the king of Israel and guess what happens Saul tries to kill him disruption always follows intention okay okay y'all ain't feeling me let me let me let me let me let me let me give you the ultimate disruption following intention John the Baptist baptizes Jesus in the Jordan the heavens open the spirit descends like a dove voice from Heaven this is my beloved Son in
whom I'm well pleased you know what the next word is immediately he's LED of the spirit Into the Wilderness to be tempted of the devil and 40 days and 40 nights he ate nothing and afterwards he was he was in hunger why it's a pattern learn to discern biblical patterns disruption always follows intention but then what well Genesis chapter says the spirit of God the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters what's that inspiration we have to find a source of inspiration after disruption follows Our intention what happens after that and God
said let there be light what is that that's illumination we learn something that we I mean we can see something we couldn't see because we learn something we didn't know this is the process for creation there's there's more there's allegation there's segmentation to completion there's separation there's a whole bunch of other stuff in there I'm going to let y'all go find the rest of them cuz this is not the point today but you say why did you say why did you why did you save one well because God didn't need one but we do what's
number one number one is awareness God didn't need awareness because he's already aware of everything because he already knows everything he's omnicient so he knows everything so God doesn't we don't know everything so if I want my life to change for the better I have to discover a new awareness and then I'll set a new intention and then I have to make a decision about that intention because disruption is going to follow that intention and then I have to have discipline when disruption follows the intention to keep on doing the thing I decided to do
and by the way way the word decide means to cut yourself off from any other possibility are y'all tracking track okay so now that the introduction y'all think I'm kidding I'm very serious now that the introduction is done let me say this you who everybody tap yourself on the chest say me me you were uniquely created for a purpose and your purpose was uniquely created for you how many y'all tracking wave at me if you're tracking but not only that not only that your fulfillment in life comes from your struggle to connect your or Purpose
with you and the work you do that's where your fulfillment comes from now how do I discover my purpose that's the question right how do I discover my purpose you must first realize that there are levels and layers to one's purpose you have a spiritual purpose you have a special purpose you have a social purpose and you have a sacrificial purpose all of us have all of those if you don't fulfill all of those then you are not going to feel fulfilled so what are those what are these purposes okay you have to disc how
do you discover your purpose that's what this point is discover how do I discover my purpose well I discover my purpose one by my I have I have a spiritual purpose what's my spiritual purpose to please God that is the primary number one thing I was created for everything I'm to do with my life my entire life is to please God that's why I'm here that's why you're here that's why your Nextdoor neighbor's here that's why the guy down the Street's here that's why the people who get on your nerves are here to please God
everybody's here to please God that's your spiritual purpose but you also have a social purpose what's a social purpose to create value for other people you say why do you say it Mar look not every man on his own things look every man also on the things of others Let each esteem other better than themselves I am supposed to put you first you're supposed to put me first I'm not supposed to tell you to put me first you're not supposed to tell me to put you first we're just all supposed to do that wouldn't the
world be a very different place if everybody sought to please God and create value for other people the world would be a very different place all of the social ills in the world would go away in one Fell Swoop but instead we seek to please ourselves and then find other people who can create value for us so creating value for other people is one of the primary reasons for which I was created but in order for me to do that if I'm going to create value for other people I have to Value the people that
I'm going to create value for enough to find out what they value in the first place and we are so self-absorbed and so self-consumed and so self-righteous that we negate one of the most primary purposes for our existence like I'm supposed to be looking out for you like I'm if if I'm if I'm having a bad day I'm having a bad day you know why I'm having a bad day because I'm thinking about my Freddy Golden and I'm not counting my blessings I'm thinking about what's missing in my life you know how much money thinking
about what's missing in my life makes me none you know how much fulfillment me thinking about what's missing in my life gives me none you know what gives me fulfillment thinking about what's missing in other people's lives and doing everything in my power to make make it so that to create it so they can have it for some people some people just don't have enough encouragement guess what encouragement is easy to create and it doesn't cost anything but most people can't be bothered you know why they're so they're too busy thinking about all the people
who didn't do them right and all the people who did do them wrong like Get over yourself I mean if Jesus who was perfect that's what it tells us in Hebrews chapter 9 right for such an high priest became us who was holy harmless undefiled separate from Sinners made higher than the heavens who needeth not daily as those high priest offer of sacrifice first for own sins them for the sins of the people for this he did once when he offered himself Jesus was perfect and yet he was not self-absorbed he was not self-consumed he
was not self-willed here's what it tells about Jesus let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God but made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a servant the King of Kings took upon the form of a servant what is your kingdom assignment to serve other people this is so good I love how the Bible is just so perfectly fitting [Applause] together you have to create value for other people but in order to
do that you have to Value other people enough to find out what they value by the way I can tell you I can tell you where values come from if I have time I do have time I can tell you where values come from in fact I'm going to make a little side note here values come from past perceived perceived voids past perceived voids create present perceived values what does that mean if I feel like something was missing in my past then I will value it in my present first thing that comes to my mind
is my 1968 Pontiac UT because I wanted that car when I was a kid and a friend of mine had it but he wouldn't sell it to me and I've Jones for that car for 50 something years and I finally found one and I'm like why why why do I want to it's not as comfortable as any other car I have it doesn't have air conditioning it's a convertible but it doesn't have air conditioning it doesn't have shoulder seat belts if any car ever needed an airbag that car needs an airbag with that hard steering
wheel but it doesn't have an airbag like what is it was missing in my past and maybe somebody was missing encouragement in their past and you can come by and give them some encouragement and make a difference in their life maybe they didn't know how to do something that you know how to do and you can come by and teach them how to do it and they pay you for it and they value it cuz they wanted to learn how to do it whole life and never had the opportunity to learn how do you see
how this works together okay some people just didn't have any encouragement they were made fun of their whole life and all you got to do is come along and give them encouraging man this this thing is so simple yet so powerful it'll it'll change our very existence okay past perceived Voice number two present perceived value I'm present perceived virtues virtues thank you virtues create present perceived present pursued values man this is starting to turn into a tongue twister okay present perceived virtues create present pursued values things that people believe are good right now are things
that they pursue like if if I value my health I will go to the gym get on a treadmill and run as fast as I can to nowhere I will pick up weights and move them nowhere simply for the sake of making my muscles hurt right so I can be stronger so if I whatever I like present perceive virtues when you when figure out what the people around you believe is good and create that for them they'll pay you for it okay and then last but not least future perceived Visions create present pursued values like
if somebody has a vision for the future they'd like to have an outcome in the future they don't know how to get it in the present but you know how to get that outcome for them in the present because you've gotten it for yourself maybe you've gotten it for other people if you can show them how you can help them get that that Vision that they have for their future they'll pay for it in the present are y'all picking up what I'm putting down okay so you discover your spiritual your spiritual purpose your social purpose
is to create value for other people then you have your um I'm sorry that wasn't your spiritual that was your special purpose your social purpose number three is your social purpose and that is to connect with other people I'm going to tell you something now and some of you ain't going to believe me even if you're an introvert a part of your purpose is to connect with other people even if you're shy even if you don't like how you look and you think other people are going to judge how you look because you've been judging
how you look because of all the people who grow when you were growing up who gave you your identity they didn't like how you looked even if you think you're not smart God created you to connect with other people and you can do you can be pleasing God and praying and reading the Bible and creating value for other people and maybe you have a really successful business if you don't have any real and meaningful connections with other people in your life with your family with your friends with the people you work with and the people
you work for you are going to feel unfulfilled in your life because you're missing out on a primary part of fulfilling your purpose wait till I show you this this is this about to this about to get juicy y'all don't even know y'all don't even know okay and then the last one the last subo under the first point don't be confused about it is you have a sacrificial purpose and that is to contribute to other people this is now when you create stuff for other people a lot of the stuff I create for other people
I I sell it to them I don't look confused do I just want to make sure I'm y'all looking at me so I don't look confused they pay a lot of this stuff up here I create like when I write a book oh we ain't giving those away we we we selling those we're selling those when I create courses oh yeah selling them coaching program oh yeah pay me I'm not confused but this stuff down here this contribute to other people this is the sacrificial purpose creating stuff contributing to other people in general but especially
people who have nothing to offer you if you are not contributing to a person or to people more accurately to people who can't give you anything back you you feel unfulfilled I don't care how much money you make you yeah you makeing all the money in the world you got a beautiful wife a handsome husband and uh beautiful wife or a handsome husband and and you got some friends but and you're connected with people and you're love your kids and your kids love you and you're giving nothing to no one you're miserable there's a part
of your life in which you're miserable why because this is this is the pattern of fulfillment why do I say this is the pattern for fulfillment because when God created creation and creatures he couldn't connect with them so what did he do he created some creators that he could connect with oh man I God thank you for just for this for doing this for us you made us so we can appreciate you and we can commune with you and we can talk to you and you talk to us and you us and you lead us
and thank you for that oh I forgot this part of man got the best of him and man sinned and severed the connection in Genesis chapter 3 God created all this did all this work created the creatures the creation then he creates the creature and then God's walking with man in the garden in the cool of the day and they're having fellowship and they're enjoying each other's presence and then man goes and messes up the whole thing because he was focused on what was missing instead of focusing on what was there that's how I know
that fulfillment comes from creation because we made in the image of God he created to cre stuff that's how I know that we get fulfillment from connection cuz God created us so he'd have someone to connect with and that's how how I know we get fulfillment from contribution because when man sinned what he did was he tried to cover it up by making aprons out of fig leaves and God said fig leaves don't work fig leaves are the works of your own hands from your garden but in order for you to be re reconnected to
me a sacrifice has to be made and it says God made them coats of skin which means some animals had to die and some blood had to be shed to cover man's sin why because that was a foreshadowing of the fact that the god of the universe was going to contribute his own son to reconnect God to his creators to his creatives to the man men and the women and the boys and the girls that he made and God made Me In His Image which means if God is only fulfilled if God himself is only
fulfilled through creation and connection and contribution and I'm Made In His Image how could I be delusional enough to think I'm going to be fulfilled some other way like I get it I None of I'm not pretending that this stuff is easy it's not easy because we have a sin nature and my sin nature likes being lazy it doesn't like creating stuff don't look at me like that you're the sin Nature's crazy lazy too yeah crazy and lazy okay my sin nature likes to argue just like yours does I I say I don't like to
fight and I really don't I'm I'm a very loving human being I don't like to fight but I don't mind so how do you discover your purpose you have to be using the gifts God gave you to create something to create value for somebody other than yourself you have to be con perpetually making and developing connections with other people and then you have to be willing to contribute stuff to people who have nothing to offer you so that's how you discover your purpose um I'm going to say this this cuz I don't know if I
have it in here I do have it in here okay okay so I'm going to go I'm going to go a little more quickly on the rest of these points so that's how you discover your purpose now how do you develop yourself for that purpose because if you discover your purpose and you don't develop yourself for that purpose you're still going to miss it you develop your purposeful mindset what is your purposeful mindset gratefulness you know why you're you know why you're not happy because you've forgotten that everything is a gift how do I know
everything is a gift here's what the scripture says what hast thou that thou did not receive well my and I worked really hard to build this business I know but who's the one that gave you the mind to work real hard to build that business who's the one that gave you the body to work real hard to build that business so yeah you built it but you built it with stuff that was given to you well gratefulness like people are so ungrateful do you know what you you know you know what being miserable is being
ungrateful I'm just so depressed right now I know you're ungrateful it's not I'm not saying there's I'm not saying there's no pain in your life I'm not saying there's no difficulty in your life we all have Painful stuff difficult stuff in our life my brother's in the hospital right now brother who I'm very very close to I've known him my whole life he's my only older brother I'm not saying you don't go not we don't go through things I don't I don't want anybody to feel bad for me for anything I have more blessings than
I have time to count when I get home at night especially especially night before lasto after that event's over I don't man I am unconsciously moaning while I'm taking off my shoes but guess what I can either focus on the fact that my feet hurt or focus on the fact that I'm grateful that I have shoes and feet and a place to take them off a place to sit down while I take them off I don't have to sit on the ground when I take off my shoes like if what would happen in our lives
we just practice being more aware of our gifts I'm not saying we'd never be sad I'm not saying we'd never have grief I'm not saying we'd never but I'm saying we wouldn't live there I heard a guy say said one time he said it ain't a sin for a bird to land on your head but if he builds a nest up there that's a sin why he ain't got no business being there that long gratefulness that's part of your purposeful mindset we were like God wants us to be aware of the fact he one of
the reasons he made us is so the fact we could appreciate all these gifts but not only gratefulness but faithfulness be faithful to the one who made you by doing Faithfully what he made you to do I'm so glad that I don't have to wander my way through life groping in the dark I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing you're supposed to be discovering your purpose and then developing yourself for that purpose the purposeful mindset is a grateful mindset it is a faithful mindset and it is a joyful mindset this is one of
the hardest things we as human beings as followers of Christ I'm I'm going to say it like that we as followers of Christ must learn to do we must learn to live in a state of Perpetual joyfulness to the point where we even have joy when we're in the midst of our sadness what does that even mean have joy in the midst of your sadness bro what you talking about what I'm talking about is this is for us to be aware of the presence of God more than we're aware of the absence of anything because
in his presence is fullness of joy but developing our self for our purpose is not just about developing a purposeful mindset but it's also about developing a purposeful skill set what is that the skills that we use to create value for other people and we need to be purposefully efficient what does that mean not wasteful we're not wasting opportunities we're not wasting time we're not wasting our gifts we are efficient we're getting maximum use out of every activity which doesn't mean by the way that doesn't look like working all the time people who are efficient
are not working all the time I don't have time for my kids I'm working now when you first get started maybe when you first start a business maybe you're working pretty much all the time like around the clock you'll have some days like that when you first get started but the purpose is to be efficient enough to build up enough revenue and cash flow to start hiring other people why because when you hire other people you give them an opportunity to fulfill their purpose and they're then while they're fulfilling their purpose they're helping you fulfill
your purpose and everybody's winning so per you need to be per purposefully efficient figure out a way an efficient way to create value that other people in this world would be happy to pay for that's number one number two be purposefully expressive become more hyper hyper intentional with your words can I tell you something if you're a parent listening to me right now and maybe you do this can I challenge you stop cussing at your kids that doesn't that's not helpful but you you don't know how mad I am and you don't know what they
did doesn't matter if by the way if you have children oh they going to do some stuff to disappoint you do some stuff to upset you do some stuff to irritate you do some stuff to make you wonder why I ever brought you in this world but God doesn't cuss at us even when we dis disobey stop cussing at your kids fact stop cussing at your spouse fact just stop cussing how about that I I'm we I'm Blown Away how we've normalized cussin as a society it's like oh that's just how people talk and how
I talk my daughter is 33 years old my son is 35 years old they have never heard me or my wife say a curse word to each other or to them ever not one time you know why cuz we haven't heard ourselves say one it's pretty easy for them not to hear it if I don't say it it's just not anyway become but when I'm talking about being purposefully expressive I'm talking about if you have created value that somebody else would be willing to pay you for get as good at telling them how valuable it
can be for them by talking to them about the payoff as you were about creating the thing in the first place some people have great there's so many great inventions that got lost in Neverland because the person who invented it couldn't explain to people what had invented or what she had invented become purposefully expressive become be purposefully enthusiastic I'm purposefully enthusiastic primarily because I believe that tomorrow is going to be better than today even though today is great next week is going to be better than this week even though this week is utterly fantastic next
month is going to be better than this month even though this month was over the top you say why do you believe that because God wouldn't have commanded me to be progressively productive if he didn't believe I could do it I'm enthusiastic because God said go do this which means I can God's not in the habit of frustrating his children if you being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children how much more shall your heavenly father give good things unto them that ask him I'm you say what you so excited about cuz
it's about to get better and it's already good and then be purposefully excellent operate in a place of excellence in everything you do whatsoever thy hand findeth to do do it with thy might for there's no work nor device nor service in the grave whether thou goest eventually we're going to die why do I want to operate from Excellence because when I'm dead I won't be able to operate from excellence in fact I won't be able to operate at all so you develop a purposeful mindset a purposeful skill set and a purposeful tool set how
do you develop a the purposeful tool set learn which tools to use for which tasks when I was a kid a hammer was good for just pretty pretty much everything right but learn which tools to use for which tasks learn how to use all of the tools your purpose requires people say but I don't know how to use a computer that's fine that's fine you don't know how to use a computer that's fine today but if a month from now that's still your excuse in the words of Jim Ron maybe we should come get your
family and take him to safety it doesn't take much longer than a month to learn how to use one I don't know how to use the internet that's fine today but learn how to use all the tools so much stuff I learned how to do I had no idea how to do when I started this business but guess what I learn one thing at a time and I added the next one to the last one and then the next one to that one and then the next one to that one before you knew it I
had a whole tool set and then leverage the tools of your trade and profit from your purpose do you understand God put God put your purpose in you so you could profit from it he wants you to receive the benefit that's why he said be fruitful do multiply replenish the Earth subdue it and have dominion God gave Solomon wisdom and God gave Solomon enough wisdom not to give the wisdom away Solomon sold it Solomon made people pay him for what God gave him Hallelujah leverage the tools of your trade and profit from your purpose so
develop your purp um how to discover your purpose how to develop your purpose yourself for that purpose and then how to deploy yourself in that to fulfillment of that purpose that's the last thing I'm going to say how do you deploy yourself for fulfillment of that purpose stay yielded to God's will before you know what it is how do I know God's will for my life be yielded to it before you know what it is God I'm willing to do whatever you want me to do I'm willing to go through what you want me to
go through like I hope it's not lay on my side for 370 days like Ezekiel I hope it's not lose all 10 of my children like job I hope it's not be beheaded like John the Baptist but if that's the case I stay yielded so I'm going to Y God is not interested in negotiating with you well God if you tell me what my purpose is then I'll yield to it wrong answer but we do have some nice consolation projects for you in the back actually we don't so stay yielded to God before you know
what his will is because that's really all that's the only kind of yielding there really is I love the fact this is so good this is so good are you ready for this you want to you want to listen to somebody who really got this like watch Elizabeth Elliott on YouTube this this is a person who understood being yielded to God's will before they knew what it was regardless of what it was you'll it'll change your life okay but anyway so Romans chapter 12 says I beseech you I beg you Brethren by the mercy of
God that you present your bodies a Living Sacrifice what's the word sacrifice mean let go of something of a lower nature so you can take a hold of something of a higher nature present your body's a Living Sacrifice wholly acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service watch this and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind why so that you can prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God now here's what I've heard preachers say and they are wrong God has a good will
and God God has his perfect will but if you miss his perfect will then you can have his Good Will and if you miss his good will then you can have his acceptable will God ain't you you didn't have three different Wills God has one will one will for your life say notice the order it says that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect it didn't say perfect good and acceptable it said good acceptable and perfect why does it say it not here's why it says it in that order because good
is what God knows his will for your life is acceptable is your responsibility it's your responsibility to accept God's will as good regardless of whether your assignment is John the Baptist job's ezekiel's Hosea it doesn't matter you accept God's will as perfect you accept God's will as good and when you and I accept God's Good Will as being good regardless of how it affects us then God's will is perfect or complete that's why it says you will prove what is that good God knows it's good acceptable you accept it as acceptable and now it's perfect
so stay yielded to God's will before you know what it is seek God's wisdom before you seek anything else God's wisdom is clearly stated in God's word we just had an election I didn't tell anybody who to vote for cuz voting for somebody cuz I voted for them doesn't make any sense but there's no Universe in which based on the principles of God I can vote for somebody who promotes homosexuality hates marriage hates children fights for abortion and calls it woman's Reproductive Rights that universe doesn't exist I don't care what color their skin is I
want to do the things that God's word talks about God's wisdom the wisdom that from that's from above is first pure then it's Peaceable it's not first Peaceable God's wisdom has an order the wisdom that's from above is first pure then Peaceable then easy to be entreated wow isn't it fascinating that it's Peaceable after it's pure that it's Peaceable it's easy to be intreated after it's pure and then lastly you have to stay committed to to God's work by doing your best at your work you know what's easy it's easy to get comfortable in America
it's easy to have so much good that you forgotten how good you've got it it's easy to buy the lie that you've got it so good because you're so wonderful but the reality is you've got it so good because God's been good to you I've got it so good because God's been good to me yeah I've done my work but he's the one who gave me the ability to do it so it's still a gift let's don't lose that and if we don't lose that we can discover our purpose I have gone way over time
I mean it's 11 o'clock but stay blessed by the best watch this video again and again and again until you discover your find yourself in your purpose joyfully and Faithfully fulfilling the thing for which God created you thanks for watching stay blessed by the best we'll see you in the next video so there I have a coaching call that starts in
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