hi and welcome we're going to be taking a journey together here and it's a journey that's the most important one that we ever take and that's the journey inside our own minds we want to remember that everything that happens out there begins in here and when we connect what's up here in our minds to what's down here in our hearts we actually have the power of god emanating through us this course is about relationships and spirituality now there are a lot of questions that we all have about relationships how do i do relationships that are
romantic how do i do relationships at work how do i do relationships with this or with that with this particular course we're going to be talking about the universal principles at the heart of all the great religious systems of the world and the universal principles that apply to all form of relationship now you might know that i'm a student of a course in miracles perhaps you are too and in 1992 i published a book called a return to love return to love reflections on the principles of a course in miracles so what i'm going to
be talking to you about today are those principles of a course in miracles as they are reflected in my book a return to love a course in miracles is not a religion there's no dogma there's no doctrine and the principles of the course in miracles sort of come across not with any kind of a you should but just kind of a attitude of just thought you might like to know and this whole just think you might like to know means that you might want to know what the laws of consciousness are as they apply to
relationships because just as there are objective discernible laws of our external experience there are objective discernible laws of our internal experience so what i'm going to talk to you about today are those principles as articulated in the course for you to then apply to your relationships i'm like your aerobics instructor i can't do it for you but i'm going through these moves with you and hopefully it's developing my own internal musculature we have external muscles and we have internal muscles our internal muscles are our attitudinal muscles think of yoga it's much like yoga but it's
an internal yoga you get to the right position and if you're in the correct position then everything flows from there so that's what this course is about this course is about taking ourselves to a right attitudinal position and that's what the word righteous means right use of the mind so you're going to be learning some principles here that aren't difficult but they're different that's one of the things it says in the course in miracles where he says my way is not difficult but it's different so nothing that i'm talking about here in this course is
difficult but what can be extremely difficult is our resistance to doing these things i wrote this book in 1992 and even looking at it looking over it in the last few days getting ready for this course it's like shocking to me how many things i've done wrong since writing that book about principles that i know we all know these things but wow the ego is so strong at making us forget what we already know and you're going to find that a lot in this course you're going to find oh i know that i know that
we all know that but you know the course in miracles says the principles of enlightenment begin as abstract concepts and then they took or take a journey without distance from the head to the heart a lot of these principles are common sense a lot of them are kind of different but even though they're different they're all different in a way they're different from the thinking that pervades the world because the world is dominated by a thought system that is 180 degrees away from the thinking of god so the thinking of the world is 180 degrees
away from the thinking of god because the thinking of god or the mind of god is pure unconditional love and the thinking of the world is based on lovelessness or fear love is to fear what light is to darkness but you and i living on this planet have been mentally trained to perceive without love we have an automatic and an instinctive uh temptation to move into judgment to move into attack to move into defensiveness and so it takes a training of the muscles to relinquish a thought system of fear and to accept instead a thought
system based on love so the issue is that it's not enough to just know the issue is to practice so there are going to be a lot of times in this course when you'll probably feel like stopping taking some notes writing some things down really reflecting on particular relationships that you have use that's what you should do with this course really use it really get down with it and then because you're applying these principles to your life because you're applying them in very practical ways that is what will make your relationships transform just knowing this
stuff that of itself won't do and i can tell you if just knowing it was enough i could tell you just knowing it is not enough it's practicing these principles that will make all the difference [Music] so before i read a course in miracles i had read and studied a lot of spiritual and religious material now there's only one truth with a capital t and it's spoken in many different ways of course the miracles doesn't have any kind of monopoly on truth it doesn't claim anything like that nor is it a religion there's no doctrine
there's no dogma but i'm going to use the language of a course in miracles because even though this language is no different than languages and other systems you know whether it's buddhism or judaism or christianity or mr christianity or or the kabbalah or islam or hinduism you'll see these same themes repeated over and over but i'm going to talk in terms of the principles of a particular set of books i.e a course in miracles so that it is integrated within one thought system you can apply it you can translate it however is right for you
so i read a lot of spiritual books but there was something i didn't really get until i read the course now that's not to say it wasn't written elsewhere it's just that i hadn't really gotten it and that has to do with the role of relationships in our journey to god it was almost as though i felt like i was trying so hard to find the peace of god and i likened it to a flight of stairs that was in front of a gigantic cathedral and i walked up those stairs and sometimes my knees were
bloody my elbows were bloody i wanted so much to open that door but over and over and over again i got up the flight of stairs and the door was locked and i would try so hard i couldn't unlock the door now when i realized reading the course in miracles was that the door is the person in front of me that i couldn't unlock the door until i realized that the door was the person in front of me or the person i was thinking about so what i learned from the course is that there is
no way to separate your journey to god your spiritual journey from your relationship to other people because god is love and god is love extended and the purpose of our lives is to learn to love as god loves now as i already said the thinking of the world is 180 degrees away from the thinking of god so the thinking of god is pure extension of love that there is love coming into our minds at every moment and at every moment we make a choice sometimes we make a conscious choice and sometimes we make an unconscious
choice but we are always making a choice and the choice we make is the level of cause and then for every cause there is an effect cause and effect action reaction every moment in every relationship your heart is open or your heart is closed the course in miracle says there are only two forms two kinds of emotion there is love and there is fear now that right there think about what discipline it takes what musculature what attitude no musculature it takes once again not that that's so difficult but it's very different to say in every
moment it's really very simple am i open in this generous space of affirmation possibility generosity kindness to the person right in front of me because that that's part of it it they're it in a universe that totally knows what it's doing it's not an accident who's in front of you and it's not an accident who you're thinking about because the mind of god being the mind of infinite love is always on the move and it's always on the move in the direction of promoting the actualization the spiritual self-actualization of all things and all beings so
think of the mind of god like a giant computer and it's infinitely powerful and infinitely perfect so this computer is always at work matching people matching circumstances in such a way that all aspects which means all people are given in every moment the maximal growth opportunity the maximal soul growth opportunity the universe is literally invested in your enlightenment to say the universe is invested in your enlightenment it's the same thing as saying the universe is invested in your self-actualization light means understanding so to say that the universe is invested in your enlightenment means it's invested
in your total understanding of who you are who you are is an idea in the mind of god who you are is an idea in the mind of god the mind of god is love therefore you are literally a thought of love and being on this planet is moment by moment by moment an opportunity and often a challenge to remember who we are to express on earth as it is in heaven you are the thought of love in the mind of god what god creates is changeless and unalterable so that truth about you never changes
the issue in life is not whether or not you are a perfect loving creation of god that's set the issue is whether or not that's what you're going to express in the world so think of the truth of who you are like a file in a computer and it is an undeletable file that's who you are and that's who everyone is the issue is that we've been so confused living in this world and we've been so trained to think that we are who we aren't and to think that we aren't who we are that often
instead of being conscious instead of consciously choosing to express our love we move into a tightened place we move into a constricted place and we move into judgment we move into attack and we move into defensiveness that is because living on this earth we are taught that we are bodies rather than spirits we have a problem with self-identification and the course in miracles says that enlightenment is a shift from body identification to spirit identification now we're talking about the relationship with yourself here because when you get cool and when you get clear about your relationship
to god and your relationship to yourself which is very very intimately connected then and only then are you ready to have relationships with people that are unfractured because to the extent to which our relationship with god is fractured to that extent our relationship with our self is fractured to the extent that my relationship with myself is fractured my relationship with you will be fractured that's why we're talking about god before we're talking about your husband or your wife or your lover your friend or employer employee we're talking about base camp god is base camp and
when we're grounded in that knowledge and that recognition recognition and that's the same thing like i was talking about before about yoga get into the right position when we get into the right position in terms of how we see ourselves in relationship to god and how we see ourselves in relationship to ourselves then we're ready to face the world and our relationships with other people [Music] now with what we were just last talking about stop right now and go right into application we take everything that is an idea and we want to talk about how
we apply it your morning is extremely important if you wake up in the morning and go directly for the newspaper go directly for the phone go directly for the computer you're downloading the thought system based on fear that dominates this world if instead in the morning you make sure that you spend even five minutes grounding yourself in the deeper truth make your connection with god make your connection with your true self yourself with a capital s then you are ready to face the day so this is the idea god is love and not only is
god love but love is all there is what is all-encompassing can have no opposite so when you are thinking with love you are literally being yourself when you are in any way forgetting who you are because the thinking of the world has taught you you're in danger when you're not has taught you you're separate when you're not has taught you that you have some other function other than to love even though you don't you get confused you get thrown out of the kingdom that's really you know we say in the lord's prayer vine is the
power and thine is the kingdom and thine is the glory love is the power love is the kingdom and love is the glory but boy living on this earth we think oh no no no this isn't about love this isn't about forgiveness this is about something else that's the temptation of the false world and it'll knock you out of your center it'll knock you out of your wisdom and you're going to blow it in relationships every single time only love is real what is all-encompassing can have no opposite so that means that when we are
thinking without love we're actually not thinking we're hallucinating and that's what the ego is the ego is a false belief about who we are and a false belief about who other people are when you realize who you really are you also realize who other people are all you are is love inside the mind of god and that's all who other people are as well so you've heard the line there is only one begotten son from an esoteric metaphysical perspective to say there is only one begotten son means we're all lit so the course in miracles
says you're like waves in the ocean thinking you're separate from other waves you're like sunbeams to the sun thinking you're separate from other sunbeams but really there is no place where one wave stops and another starts there really is no place where one sunbeam stops and another starts but think about the psychological and emotional difference produced by those two differing ways of looking at the world if i think of myself as one wave and there's an ocean and i'm surrounded by all these other waves from which i am disconnected how can i not feel terrified
of those other waves how can i not be afraid that in any given moment my being will be obliterated my being will be annihilated because of the power of the ocean that's going to come over me but if on the other hand i think i'm connected with every other wave this is one of us here i'm connected with every other wave i'm part of the ocean then i feel at home in this universe this is extremely important when i think of myself as one with everyone i can feel at home here when i think of
myself as separate from other people i cannot feel at home and then i really am tempted to mess up relationships because i'm trying to get other people to either like me or other people to act a certain way so i can feel at home but my even wanting them to do that is based on the idea that i don't realize i am home that's where those five minutes come in [Music] in the course in miracles which uses christ-centered language although it's not the christian religion the idea of god christ holy spirit is this god is
love christ is a word that describes the essence of who we are which is love millions of years ago in time as we know it although in reality it never happened at all because only love is real so any loveless thought was actually hallucination humanity i don't know was it one person i don't know how that works doesn't explain had a thought that was separate from love why because we can because free will means you can think whatever you want to think you can think with love but you don't have to think with love and
so in that moment that i thought a thought that was separate from love thought is so powerful that that literally created the world you know it really matches up with the whole big bang theory the moment we had a thought that we were separate from god in that moment the course in miracles says materialization was made and all of a sudden i have a body that makes it appear as though i'm separate from you but the truth of the matter is i can't be separate from you because what god created is changeless and unalterable now
in that moment you had it's as though this psychic split occurred between two universes one's ultimately real one's a hallucination but they both feel real the world of the hallucination or the illusion feels very real while we're in it in fact feels even more real because it's the world of the body and it is fortified that illusion is fortified by our bodily senses that's where suffering begins when we are disconnected from the truth of who we are because if i'm disconnected from the truth of who i am i'm definitely inevitably going going to be disconnected
from the truth of who you are now what happened in that moment millions of years ago in time as we know it although in reality it never happened at all what happened in that moment when the son of god separated itself it's a it's referred to in the moment as in the course of miracles as the separation and one of the ways it's described is the moment when the son of god forgot to laugh we took what the course calls a detour into fear so what was god or total love going to do in that
instant well what would love do would love force us back to loving thought no because love doesn't force but the course in miracles says that in that moment god created within our consciousness a link it is an eternal link it says the the link between god and his separated sons so what does that mean that means that there is within my mind if at any moment i separate myself from love and then because all thought creates form on some level remember every cause has an effect so i have a loveless thought guess what's going to
happen marianne's going to have a loveless experience the path of spirituality and enlightenment is to say i'm not at peace i must be crazy right now i must be having an illusion right now i must be having a hallucination right now but i am willing to see this differently i am judging my brother i'm attacking my brother i'm defending i got some stuff going on about another person that is not loving as a consequence i'm behaving in a way that is not loving so i thought that they were doing something that i was judging and
i thought they were deserving of my attack or they're deserving of my defense whatever it is now i feel awful i'm an anxious anxiety i'm intention i'm in depression i'm in anger i'm in whatever i am willing to see this differently and that's where the holy spirit comes in the holy spirit which is the connecting link the eternal connection between you and god is not going to force you back to love that would be a violation of your free will but if we ask for it we can be taken back i'll give you an example
it was many many years ago and i know how many years ago it was because at the time i was having porcelain fingernails put on which i think means the 1980s and i was having this done at the home of a woman who went to my lectures on a course in miracles there was a woman in the room who was her friend and the friend of another couple people who were there i didn't know these people they were friends of hers and they were talking and one of the women had a way of talking that
made me wildly judgmental there was a grandiosity to it there was an oddness to it and it just felt to me like fingernails on a blackboard and i was just wildly judgmental about this woman now i'm not saying anything but the irony isn't lost on me that this woman who is holding my hands at the moment working on my fingernails thinks of me as this course in miracles teacher she's thinking i would assume that i try to practice what i preach well in that moment i'm in wild judgment so i'm trying to practice what i
preach and i say within myself what the course in miracles says we are always supposed to say and that is i am willing to see this differently because the course in miracle says if you're not at peace you chose a non-loving thought and you can choose again so i said a little prayer and i said i am willing to see this differently definitely within five minutes the conversation among these other people began to change and this woman who was speaking in such odd speech patterns and in a way that felt so grandiose to me i
heard one of the other women say to her hey i heard they they let your father out of jail and i'm listening to them now remember i'm just listening i've i'm over here with my fingernails and i don't know these people i'm just listening and what i hear is the story and this story was like one of the worst type of things you might have seen on television on a crime show or oprah or something about terrible things that have happened and this was one of the terrible ones where this woman and i think it
was her little brother were kept basically in a dungeon for many years like in the basement of their house or something by their father no contact with anyone and she literally when they were rescued after years did not know how to talk now she's out and she's trying to learn to talk and how people are supposed to talk now as soon as i hear that story i'm listening to her and everything about the way she talks that five minutes before had made me just like who is she why does she talk like that my heart
is now flooded with admiration compassion her bravery the way she's obviously trying to do it right i thought and that was the miracle the miracle wasn't she changed the miracle was that i changed i based all his judgments in my head based on what my ego senses my ears what i saw on her face what i heard with my ears and i made all these judgments so the course in miracles says projection creates perception and not the other way around i perceived what i decided beforehand to see as soon as i said i'm willing to
see it differently now this is another amazing thing about that giant computer that we were talking about a couple minutes ago from a course in miracles perspective the moment i said that at the moment i said i am willing to see this differently it was like the universe went and made sure that that story was then revealed to me because that is what i needed to hear to help me change my mind and that's how life works that's how relationships work we are we see what we choose to see so we go out into the
world and we say well i wonder how people are going to be today power in relationships comes from spending at least five minutes every morning putting your love before you before you go into a meeting before you go on to a date before you see your lover friend spouse employer employee wherever you're going blast the room with love before you get there and that instructs the mind you know i was reading an article one day about how the physical eye works there are so many places where my eye could land and that's how every situation
is there are so many things we could focus on and sometimes people get it right and sometimes people get it wrong but the attitudinal musculature that gives you miraculous relationships is where you instruct your subconscious mind before you even go into a room i want to focus on the love i want to focus on what people do right i want to focus on what people can do that i can appreciate them for i want to focus on what my job is my job isn't to sit back and figure out how other people behave and whether
they do it right my job is to go into the space wherever it is declaring with my own internal being that this encounter shall be a holy encounter because that's always possible and the ego will always be trying to lure me away from that who are you and why are you hearing are you doing it right and do you matter no no no no power spiritual power in relationships is that you honor remember there's only one of us here so all of the perfection that's in you is within them there's nobody better worse than anyone
else the course in miracle says all of the children of god are special and none of the children of god are special the issue in relationships is for every encounter to be a holy encounter what it means for any encounter to be a holy encounter means a kind of namaste consciousness that we develop that we take with us into a situation we don't sit back and audition people and wait to see how they perform we go into a situation requesting that we be an instrument of love and that's why you want to spend that five
minutes in the morning whether it's the workbook of the course in miracles or any other path of meditation and prayerfulness that you have that you last like you think in the morning who do i know that i'm going to see today and you send them your love who who do i not even know i'm going to meet today send them your love you know when you go into a room and you can just feel the bad energy people subconsciously know everything you want to walk into a room and have people feel the good energy because
they know on some subconscious level they've been blessed by you on some subconscious level they feel loved by you it may or may not have anything to do with what you actually say but even if it has to do with what you say will have to do with the consciousness with which you say it everything you do is infused with the consciousness with which you do it so the course in miracle says everyone we meet will be our crucifier or our savior depending on what we choose to be to them so because there's only one
of us here the course in miracle says when you're about to attack a person think of yourself as holding a sword over their head and that's who it's going to drop on them because actually however since there's only one of us here it's not going to fall in their head it's going to fall on yours so if i judge you i will feel judged if i attack you i will feel attacked on the other hand if i bless you and there's genuine love coming from me towards you then i will feel more loving that's why
the course in miracles says we become generous out of self-interest listen none of us are expressing ourselves perfectly all the time but we want to be people whose energy is a space where people feel invited to be their best the course in miracles says people hear you on the level that you speak from so if we have practiced it's all about practice it's all about a very practical way of being that not only did you spend five minutes in the morning because the course in miracles has five minutes spent with the holy spirit in the
morning is enough to guarantee he will be in charge of your thought forms throughout the day because if you just walk out into the day especially if you've read the newspaper turn it on tv the radio phone whatever you will have downloaded the consciousness of fear that dominates the world and you will have left your mind open now you don't go out into the day without taking a shower or a bath or brushing your teeth because you want yesterday's impurities off your body so we want to get yesterday's impurities the stress and all the craziness
out of our minds and then you face the world and then you bless everybody that you're going to see that day but you you keep it up constantly that before you even walk into a room before you walk into a meeting this has nothing to do with what you say verbally this is the work of the miracle worker is all in here that's where your your greatest power lies your greatest power does not lie particularly in relationships in any of your external tools it lies in the power of your mind that is what a miracle
is it is a shift from fear to love and the only way you can have miraculous relationships is if you think miraculously we all have situations where we fall off the spiritual wagon where something happened it wasn't cool and any given moment no i can choose again of course the miracle says you are not asked to have no impure thoughts you're only asked to have no impure thoughts that you would keep we all go into craziness we all go into judgment we all go into neediness we all go into criticism we all go into control
we all go into anger we're all going to attack we're all going to judgment we're all go into a defense we're human but we heal through we heal spiritually just like we heal in a physical detox the stuff has got to come out in order to be released so you say wow that was just a real judgmental thought i had or that was a really angry moment i just had and you surrender it to the holy spirit you asked it to be taken from you that's what it means to atone for your error and the
universe is going to come around again in some amazing way and give you the opportunity to even be better now we're talking about these universal principles universal in the sense that they are to be applied to every relationship because when these form the basis of our relationship problem-solving repertoire as the course in miracles says then we are so much further ahead then when we talk about romance or we talk about work or we talk about any specific area of relationship we've got so much power going on because we have the basic foundation of what it
means to in our own minds be at one with god which is the key to being at one with other people okay so this is where it starts to get gnarly starts to get gnarly because this stuff is a lot easier said than done why is that it's easy enough to say okay here's the universe of love here's the universe of fear the universe of love is real the universe of fear is unreal the world that's fearful though feels more real because it's the illusion we live under but all we have to do is go
from the world of fear to the world of love and then that's a miracle and voila yeah and then there's real life as we live it this is the deal your mental power is so great that whatever choice you make it literally has huge force behind it so the ego mind the course in miracles is not just the choice to perceive without love it is the vigilance temptation and lure and proactive messing with your mind that would lead you to perceive without love the course in miracles says that the ego is like a scavenger dog
and it is always looking for any scratch of evidence of your brother's guilt remember earlier i talked about how in any given situation there's so many places where my eyes could light well in any situation there are so many ways that you could judge a brother so many ways you could say that's not quite good enough or that's not really what i asked for or whatever and the vision of one world the course of a miracle says costs you the vision of the other so if i'm concentrating on your guilt i can't see your innocence
but if i'm concentrating on your innocence your your error won't be that big a deal to me so in every moment not only are we making a choice but it's like we're being pushed from behind choose this or choose that the holy spirit is always offering you the opportunity not forcing you though because love doesn't force so remember the ego is that scavenger dog looking for any any shred of evidence of your brother's guilt it is your own mind turned against you it is your own self-hatred masquerading as self-love the ego mind is your voice
just like the holy spirit is your voice so the ego mind i know when i think of the biggest mistakes i've made in my life in relationships and the course in miracles says everything is a relationship i didn't wake up that morning and go i'm going to be a jerk today that's my intention to be a jerk today it is my intention to say the one thing that will make him so pissed off it is my intention to undermine this circumstance and undermine that relationship and undercut that professional opportunity because of the way i behave
or the things that i say of course i didn't but that's the importance of that five minutes because if you didn't fill your house with with love you know the fear is going to set in if you don't proactively dedicate your thinking to the purposes of love the same mental power will be used for the purposes of your neurosis and your neurosis is your separation from self the things you say and the things you do that began with the things you thought that were insane that were not the truth about who you are and who
other people are in relation to you so if you do not ground yourself in the morning in those correct positions once again yoga if you don't align yourself with that correct position attitudinally you're going to be off to the races running and this is particularly important today because man we are living in some mean-spirited times and social media has exacerbated all this and there's so much that has all of us just attacking people because they didn't say it the way we thought they should say they did you know these days it's not even that somebody
doesn't agree with you they have to not only agree with you but say it the way you would have said it and it's just like everybody's like like this we all have to return to love here give general amnesty emotional amnesty towards everybody you know one of the important issues in relationships is other people really do not owe it to you to see it the way you see it and other people do not owe it to you to act the way you think that they should act the the person whose life you're here to monitor
[Music] is your own the person whose mind you need to be monitoring is your own remember only what you are not giving can be lacking in any situation so just the word disciple and the word discipline come from the same root we we discipline our minds we discipline our attitudinal muscle just like you go to the gym and it's the same it's the same principle once you get to a certain age if you're not working to hold these muscles up they're headed down and so you have to do accumulated repetitions of holding up right because
otherwise gravity will pull you down well there's attitudinal gravity there's spiritual gravity there's emotional gravity there's psychological gravity gravity pulls you into the anger gravity pulls you into the defensiveness gravity turns you into the selfishness gravity pulls you into the critical thought gravity pulls you into all those negative thoughts and feelings which then sabotage your relationships so we practice because it goes against we we are trained in this world of fear the course says to the point where at a very young age natural or loving thinking actually feels unnatural to us and unnatural or non
you know real thinking actually feels more natural it act and that's why sometimes people say well i i was just expressing my real feelings and always being my authentic self when i'm experiencing or expressing my anger and then i say well that was just my authentic self no it actually wasn't your authentic self your authentic self is that undeletable file in the computer which is your love but we all get triggered we all had childhoods we all have those places where in any given moment we don't know how to express our love and get our
needs met but that's what working a spiritual path is because we're responsible for those places you know these days it's so big i know a woman and she's in a relationship with a guy and everything everything everything he does the excuse it's something he went through in his childhood we've got to stop with that it doesn't really matter where you got it it's yours now so i could say well i'm needy because of something with my father and my mother that might be true but once you're grown up once you're a mature adult it's like
dear god take my neediness from me it's not enough to say i am needy because this happened when i was five and now i will analyze it you can't analyze away the darkness you only get rid of the darkness by turning on the light so in order to have good relationships and we have to realize that our loveless patterns could be your anger your neediness your controllingness your whining whatever it is you do we all have the stuff we do it's not about what form our obstruction and the walls before our hearts take the issue
is to identify them and realize that that's all they are there's a quote from the course in miracles that i know you've probably seen on the internet attributed to rumi but it's not a roomy quote it's a course in miracles quote and that is your job is not to seek for love your seat your job is to seek all the barriers you hold against its coming you are already perfect love the issue is that we've built up these walls in front of it and the walls take the form of these character defects or these mental
and emotional habit patterns that lead to behavior that keep love at bay which is just another way of saying make people don't like you make people not want to be with you not want to hire you not want to work for you not want to marry you not want to love you not want to be your friend i mean it's like a big deal that's all that relationships are about and we're responsible for paving the way of easy access to the flow easy so we have to declutter it because god created us in such a
way that you are me and i am you i don't have to create intimacy i just have to put my mind in the place where what could be more intimate than that we are each other so when i'm in my natural state not only do i naturally feel my love for you but you know what it feels good to you too time and space are part of the illusion they're part of the three-dimensional miasma buddha called it an illusion the course in miracles calls it an illusion einstein said that time and space are part of
the illusion albeit a persistent one so once again we're in this world but the truth the ultimate truth of who we are lies beyond this world this world is like a veil in front of the world we want one of the exercises in the course is beyond this world there is a world i want and that does go back to what is actually a quote from rumi where he says beyond all ideas of good and bad and right and wrong there is a field i'll meet you there so the veil the walls that keep us
separate from each other are the thoughts of judgment you're wrong you're right good bad so on the other side of that is the truth where we are one and actually there is no time or space so it's not like you're even over there with my body's eyes you appear to be over there and i'm over here but in ultimate reality there is no space any more than there's time so the idea is that kind of like if you imagine the spokes of a wheel and usually when we identify each other we think where is your
position on the rim of the wheel but actually if you take each spoke to its central starting point there's only one point from which every spoke emanates you know the swiss psychologist carl jung said if you go deep enough into your mind and deep enough into my mind there are mental images or archetypes that we all share but the idea of the christ mind is one step lower go deeper which is if you go deep enough into your mind and deep enough into my mind we're the same mind that's the meaning of there's only one
begotten son so how much more intimate could we be than that we are each other you don't have to create intimacy you have to recognize recognize the world in which we are one once again not your job to seek for love but to seek all the barriers you hold against its coming and those barriers are in the form of our own judgments our own thoughts that's where the problem is and that's where the solution lies