Kill Them with Your Silence.

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Video Transcript:
you ever wonder why the world keeps screwing you over you ever sit there and think what did I do wrong why can't they see me why can't they hear me it's simple they don't care they never did and they never will and you you've been running around screaming at the top of your lungs trying to get them to notice trying to get them understand but here's the kicker the louder you get the less they listen you keep banging your head against that same wall over and over expecting something to change but nothing's going to change
kid not until you change not until you figure out the one thing nobody ever tells you the secret to surviving to winning to coming out on top you want want to know what it is silence yeah silence sounds crazy right you're thinking how's silence supposed to help me how's keeping my mouth shut going to stop people from walking all over me but that's where you're wrong see people they expect you to scream they expect you to fight back they expect you to lose your cool to blow up to break down and when you do they
win every single time they get a rise out of you they feed off your anger your frustration your pain that's what they want they want you to show them that they've got power over you that they've got you under their thumb but when you go quiet when you stop giving them what they want that's when they start to squirm that's when they start to lose it because they don't know what to do with silence they don't know how to handle it and that's when you take control you ever notice how people freak out when they
don't get a reaction you ever see how uneasy they get when you don't give them the satisfaction of knowing they got to you they need your response they need your attention It's Like Oxygen to them and when you snatch it away when you just sit there calm collected silent oh that drives them insane it eats away at them it makes them question everything did they push too hard did they go too far are you planning something are you going to snap they start to wonder they start to panic and in that Panic they fall apart
here's the thing about silence it's not just about keeping your mouth shut it's about taking back your power it's about refusing to let anyone else dictate how you feel how you act how you react you see they want to control you they want to push your buttons pull your strings watch you dance to their tune but when you stop dancing when you stop playing their game that's when they lose that's when they realize they've got nothing because without your reaction without your energy they're just empty Hollow they've got nothing to hold over you you want
to know the real reason people treat you like crap it's not because you're weak it's not because you're not good enough it's because you've been too generous with your words with your emotions with your time you've been giving too much of yourself to people who don't deserve it you've been trying too hard to make them understand to make them see things from your perspective but let me tell you something they don't want to understand they don't care about your perspective all they care about is what they can take from you and the more you give
the more they'll take until there's nothing left of you but a shell you ever notice how The Quiet Ones always seem to have the upper hand how they're always a step ahead always in control that's because they've figured it out they've learned that silence is power silence is control when you're quiet people don't know what you're thinking they don't know how to get to you they can't predict your next move and that terrifies them it throws them off balance it makes them vulnerable because silence it's a mirror it forces people to look at the eles
it forces them to face their own insecurities their own flaws their own weaknesses and most people they can't handle that they'd rather keep you talking keep you distracted keep you focused on their nonsense so they don't have to deal with their own demons so what do you do you stop talking you stop explaining yourself yourself you stop defending yourself you stop giving them your time your energy your words you let your silence do the talking you let it speak louder than anything you could ever say you let it haunt them you let it creep into
their thoughts into their nightmares and trust me it will because silence it's deafening it's suffocating it's the one thing they can't handle the one thing they can't control you think being nice is going to get you somewhere in this world you think if you just keep bending over backwards keep being the bigger person keep swallowing your pride they'll finally give you the respect you deserve ha being nice gets you walked all over being nice gets you used people see your kindness and they take advantage of it they take and take and take until you've got
nothing left to give and then they toss you aside like yesterday's trash they don't care about you they don't care about your feelings they don't care about your struggles they only care about what they can get from you and the moment you stop being useful to them they're gone so what do you do you stop caring you stop bending over backwards for people who wouldn't lift a finger for you you stop giving your time your energy your words to people who don't deserve them you go silent you let them wonder you let them second guess
themselves you let them drown in their own guilt their own insecurities their own failures and you you just keep walking you keep your head high your mouth shut and your eyes forward you don't owe anyone an explanation you don't owe anyone your time you don't owe anyone your energy they didn't earn it and they sure as hell don't deserve it you think silence makes you weak you think it makes you look like a pushover nah silence is strength silence is power silence is the Ultimate Weapon because when you're silent you're in control you're the one
calling the shots you're the one holding all the cards and they they're left scrambling trying to figure out what the hell just happened trying to figure out how they lost control trying to figure out how you slipped through their fingers and let me tell you something there's nothing more satisfying than watching someone who thought they had power over you fall apart when you go quiet when you give them nothing no reaction no emotion just cold calculated silence it drives them crazy it makes them feel small it makes them feel powerless and that that's the Sweet
Taste of Victory people are terrified of Silence they're terrified of being left alone with their thoughts they're terrified of having to face themselves and when you go silent when you leave them with nothing but their own insecurities their own doubts their own fears they crumble every single time so stop talking stop explaining yourself stop trying to make people understand they don't want to understand they don't care about you they only care about themselves so let them have their noise let them scream and shout and make a scene you you just stand there calm quiet unbothered
because silence that's your weapon that's your Shield that's your power and when they come crawling back when they start begging for your attention for your words for your time you don't give it to them you keep walking you keep your mouth shut you let your silence speak for itself because that's when you've won that's when you've taken control people want to play games they want to mess with your head fine let them but you you don't play by their rules you don't let them see you sweat you don't give them the satisfaction of a reaction
you kill them with your silence you make them feel small insignificant powerless and in the end you walk away with your head high while they're left choking on The Emptiness you leave behind and don't get me wrong they're going to call you cold they're going to say you've changed they're going to say you're heartless good let them let them think whatever they want because the truth is they were never worth your warmth they were never worth your kindness they were never worth your energy all they were ever worth was your silence be silent it's not
just about keeping your mouth shut it's about holding back your power every word you give away is a piece of you they don't deserve when you speak you offer them Insight an opening a chance to manipulate your your emotions but when you remain silent they get nothing silence is the ultimate Shield the impenetrable Fortress no one can break through it makes people uneasy makes them question their own actions makes them wonder what you're really thinking in silence you hold all the cards and they're left scrambling searching for answers that will never come you see Silence
has a way of making people confront their own fears their own insecurities they'll try to provoke you try to get a rise out of you but the more you refuse to respond the more they unravel they'll wonder why you're not reacting why you're not playing their game that's when the tables turn that's that's when you hold the power your silence speaks louder than anything you could ever say it's a constant reminder that they no longer control you that their words and actions mean nothing and that that terrifies them so let them scream let them talk
let them make noise you stay silent unbothered untouchable your silence isn't just a lack of words it's a declaration a statement that you're above their games above their Petty attempts to tear you down it's not surrender it's strength it's power and in a world that thrives on chaos and noise silence is the rarest most lethal weapon you can wield and that's what you give them silence cold hard unforgiving silence you let them feel the weight of it you let it wrap around them like a chain squeezing Tighter and Tighter until they can't breathe you let
it crush them because that's what they deserve that's what they've earned people are parasites they latch on to you suck you dry and then move on to the next victim but when you stop feeding them when you go silent when you refuse to give them what they crave they starve they wither they die and you you're free so stop wasting your breath on people who don't care stop giving your time your energy your words to people who don't deserve them you want to survive in this world you want to stop getting hurt you want to
stop feeling like everyone's punching bag then shut your mouth go silent watch how they crumble when you give them nothing kill them with your silence because in this world that's the only way to survive [Music]
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