one her to constantly think about you here's why you're getting it all wrong you're trying too hard texting too much and ending up looking desperate but guess what there's a smarter way to get her obsessed with you even when you're not around I'll teach you that [Music] today welcome back Jessica o is here so I'm going to give you the blueprint and I promise you after this she won't just think about you she'll need you but first let's get one thing straight if you're going for quick fixes shallow tricks Etc this ain't for you this
is for men who want to play the long game and win big in her mind and in her heart the first thing you need to do is to make her invest in you now here's a secret that not enough men understand if you want her to constantly think about you she has to invest in you most guys think that they should be doing all the work planning all the dates making all the moves you know trying to impress her every single second but if she's not putting anything into the relationship guess what she's not going
to feel as attached as you'd hope for think of it this way people value what they invest in the more energy eff for emotion that she puts into you the more she'll value the relationship and that's exactly what you want if you're always the one investing in giving she'll take it for granted but when she starts investing in you that's when things change I'll break it down a little bit more when you ask her to contribute whether it's planning a date making a decision or just putting in effort to keep things going it does two
powerful things first it shows her that you're worth the effort you're not just some guy who's trying to impress her you're a man who knows his value and expects a woman to step up as well and second it creates emotional involvement okay when she's the one investing in you she's going to feel a deeper connection and that's just how the human brain works you see when a woman invests her time and energy into you it's no longer just about you impressing her it's about both of you building something together and guess what she's not going
to let that go easily when she's actively contributing she'll start thinking about you more because now she's emotionally invested in the outcome she wants it to work so how do you get her to invest start small instead of planning every single date you want to ask her what's something you love for us to do this weekend or why don't you pick a spot for dinner tonight by giving her the opportunity to take the Reign occasionally she's investing in the relationship and here's the thing when she puts effort into planning she's also thinking about you while
she does that she's imagining how much fun you'll have together how much you'll enjoy the experience Etc and this will build anticipation which will keep you on her mind but it doesn't stop there ask for her opinions her advice from time to time get her to open up and share her thoughts on things that matter to you whether it's asking her about something work rated or getting her perspective on a personal decision you're making her feel like she's a valuable part of your life and when a woman feels valued she's hooked it's all about balance
right you're not handing over all your power to her but you're letting her feel like she's contributing it's a subtle shift that creates a powerful psychological connection and believe me once she's emotionally invested in you it's hard for her to walk away second thing you want to do is don't always be available right you need to make her miss you so let me ask you one question what happens when something is too easy to get you stop valuing it right it's exactly what happens when you're always available to her you text her back the moment
she messages you you're there at the snap of her fingers and you think that's showing how much you care but in reality you're actually killing the attraction you see attraction thrives on tension it's built on mystery on anticipation when you're constantly available you're giving away your power of mystery she needs time to think about you to wonder what you're up to if she knows exactly where you are and that you're just waiting for a call she'll lose the excitement here's what you should do instead when she texts you don't drop everything and respond immediately take
your time don't always be the first to text her in the morning either let her Reach Out occasionally what you're doing is creating a space for her to miss you and believe me when she starts missing you she'll start thinking about you even more by not always being available you're making every interaction with you more meaningful the fewer texts you send the more valuable they become you see if she doesn't hear from you for a while and then bam out of nowhere you send her a wellth out intriguing message she'll be hanging on to every
word and guess what now she's thinking about you you're occupying her mind filling the gaps with curiosity and desire remember the goal isn't to make her anxious or unsure of your feelings it's to shift the power Dynamic so you're not the one who's always at her disposal and you need to remember that okay you you're creating value through scarcity so focus on your own life invest in your own goals your hobbies do your thing with your boys or your girls I mean when you're out there being the best version of yourself and not constantly chasing
her she'll start chasing you you know and that's when you've really won the game game number three leave a mark make an emotional impression so if you want her to think about you constantly you've got to make her feel something deep and I'm not talking about just making her laugh or have a good time on a date I'm talking about creating emotional experiences that will leave her thinking about you long after the moment is over you see attraction Fades when it's built on surface level stuff looks charm a good sense of humor they'll only get
you so far what sticks how you make her feel if you can tap into her emotions whether it's by making her feel safe seen or understood you're going to leave that Lasting Impression how do you do it it's by being thoughtful creating moments that show her that you truly care the kind of moments that are so unique and so personal that no one else can easily replicate them that's what makes you Unforgettable so you want to think about like the things that matter to her right maybe she's mentioned a memory from her childhood or a
passion that she has for instance that you can tie into your time together when you take take the time to do something personal and meaningful you're not just any guy you're the guy who made her feel deeply and let me tell you emotions have a way of staying with us long after the moment has passed I mean it doesn't have to be a grand gesture sometimes it's the little things that hit the hardest so focus on those when you show her that you're emotionally invested and that you've actually been paying attention when she speaks she'll
start to see you in a completely different light so it's not no longer this guy who's just surface level wants to get into her pants but you're legit concerned right the goal here is to build that emotional intimacy when you connect with her on a deeper level she'll think about you not just when you're around but when she's alone as well she'll think about how you made her feel understood valued special and that's the feeling that she's going to chase here's a tip find out what's important to her emotionally right is it her career is
it her family her passions show her that you care about what she cares about don't just hear her listen to her when she realizes that you're the guy who actually listens you become someone she emotionally relies on and that's powerful you don't need to be the most Charming guy in the world but if you can make her feel deeply she won't just think about you she'll need to be around you she'll associate you with those positive powerful emotions and that's where the real attraction lies number four surprise her but don't be predictable so let me
tell you something predictability is the enemy of excitement right if she knows exactly what you're going to do where you're going to take her what you're going to say she'll lose interest somewhere along the line cuz there's no surprise there so you want to stop doing the same old thing if you're always texting good morning or sending her the same how was your day well you're becoming predictable and predictability doesn't get you noticed it gets you forgotten and of course taken for granted as well right so how do you keep her on her toes constantly
thinking about you it's simple surprise her when she least expects it not with a grand gesture or over the toop display but the little moments that show you're paying attention it's about catching her off guard in a way that makes her think wow I didn't see that coming but it's so him right let me give you an example imagine this she told you about a rough week at work right instead of sending the same old oh I hope it gets better message you drop by a place with a favorite meal or send her a voice
note saying hey I know it's tough right now but I'm here if you need a laugh and just like that you've just disrupted her day in the best way possible you've shown her that you thought ful you're unpredictable as well and this is happening all at once now let me be clear okay you don't want to be unpredictable in a way that's unsettling or inconsistent this isn't about being flaky or unreliable it's about creating excitement in a relationship that makes her wonder what's he going to do next and when you can get her thinking about
what you might do next you've already won you're taking up mental real estate in her mind be intentional with your surprises a random voice note during the day an unexpected thoughtful message or planning a spontaneous low-key date based on something you know she loves these are the kinds of surprises that make her feel special and keep you in her thoughts but don't overdo it if you're constantly surprising her you become predictable okay so you want to strike that balance and keep in mind that it's the thought behind the surprise that counts and not necessarily the
price tag number five you want to be a little mysterious don't reveal everything now one of the biggest mistakes men make when they like a woman is basically just laying all their cards on the table too soon they spill everything everything about themselves what they do what they like what they want thinking that full transparency is actually the way to win her over but the mystery is what actually keeps people intrigued right mystery so if you want her to constantly think about you you've got to leave some things unsaid right here's the thing when she
knows everything about you right away there's no room for that Curiosity I I talk about a lot in my videos and let me tell you curi is powerful curiosity keeps her thinking what's going on in his head what's he doing when he's not with me what's his story you know and that curiosity is exactly what you want it keeps you on her mind even when you're not around you don't have to be Shady or secretive but you also don't need to give her the full rundown of your life story on day one keep the conversation
interesting but leave certain parts of your life a little vague let her ask the questions and when she does don't be afraid to playfully Dodge them every now and again it's about creating a dynamic where she feels like there's always more to learn about you right you're not being evasive you're just being a little elusive in a way that builds her curiosity when she's curious she'll want to dig deeper and when she wants to dig deeper guess what she's thinking about you your occupying space in her mind and that's where you want to be if
she feels like she has access to you 24/7 the mystery will start to fade so you want to mix it up don't respond to every text instantly don't always be the one to initiate plans let her wander what you're up to the more she wanders the more she thinks about you so there you have it want her to constantly think about you follow these steps I just shared in this video and trust me she'll be obsessed but remember this only works if you're genuinely interested in her and if she's genuinely interested in you manipulation is
not the game here it's about creating real connections and making yourself someone she can't forget if you want to learn more subscribe to this Channel and uh smash that like button so I know that you enjoy this kind of content and share it with another brother who needs to hear this my name is Jessica I'll catch you in the next video