No Days off.

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Hey there 😊 This video is for anyone who needs that extra boost to keep pushing forward. I’ve pulle...
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we don't rise to the standards we have when others are watching we fall to the standards we have when no one is watching the only work that really matters is the work that no one sees it shows you who you really are rather than who you say you are this conversation with this guy the other day and he was he was making a lot of good points it seemed he was saying that you don't need to get up early in the morning and that working out early in the morning isn't that big of a deal
and it's better to do it later in the day and you know I said well what if what if I something comes up and I missed the workout that day and he's like told me that it's not that it's it's nothing major you don't need to worry about it and he cited some scientific sources and whatnot the guy was making a lot of good points and I was almost going to listen to him but then I realized the guy that I was talking with was myself and he was a liar don't let your weak voice
run things Step Up do what you got to do and here's the reality when you the hardest thing in life is figuring out who you are and what you want to do for the rest of your life it's a big decision I'm very blessed and lucky I always knew who I was and exactly what I wanted to do and once you figure that out you wake up every day and you work toward it that's what you do it's impossible for you to fail if you know who you are what you want to do and you
wake up every day and work toward it so a strong mind is not just one that can do calculus a strong mind is not just one that can write books a strong mind is one that controls the body and all of its inherent weaknesses and all of its urges to be lazy and sedentary and self-destructive that's a strong mind this quote hit me in my chest Usain Bol said I trained 4 years to run 9 seconds and people give up when they don't see results in 2 months is that what you want to do you
come all the this way have one bad day and you're ready to back down waiting to begin never got anyone anywhere it's time to stay focused it's time to decide clubs partying trying to fit in and socialize rub elbows with everybody so people can stop calling you weird why are you so antisocial because I'm trying to get it why are you staying on the basketball court so much because I'm trying to get it why are you out there practicing in the hot sun when ain't nobody else out there because I'm trying to get it why
are you not clubbing like every time I text you and invite you to go do something fun and cool you always studying because I'm trying to get it so everything that you do is habit forming and that includes hitting the snooze button that includes sitting on the couch that includes eating Donuts it's all habit forming you know what else is habit forming discipline setting the alarm and getting up going and working out eating steak that stuff is all habit forming too I recommend you form some discipline habits you got to fight shit's hard you're going
to have days where you don't want to do anything you're going to have days where getting out of bed is the hardest mother thing you ever did in your life you got to get the up and you got to get in the fight that's reality the minute you lay down is the minute that all those demons and all that anxiety and all that stress and all that fear f get you you have to keep fighting you have to wake up and do your job if even if you have to crawl through it you've got to
get up and do it because the minute you lay down that [ __ ] got you forever bro and you can't get out of it you're out running on a track working out and you start talking to yourself saying man my my knee is really sore right now maybe I'm maybe I'm doing too much maybe I need to back off you know man my lungs are burning and I maybe I can just slow down here I'll do like an extra two sets tomorrow you know it'll be okay yeah right that sort of stuff yes like
that stuff's dangerous and that's you just got to say you know what I'm not negotiating with myself yeah the deal was already made deal was made when I set out at the beginning of the summer and said this is the training plan I'm doing I sign that contract with myself I'm doing it you know throughout the that process you'll start talking to yourself like man I got to I think I need to maybe if we nope no this is nonnegotiable everyone does a few reps when the burn starts and they stop no one goes the
extra mile and keeps going like no one's in here right now why cuz it's Saturday evening everyone's going to party no one's in here just me you talk about talent and hard working yeah you know most of the talent people they lazy most of them I met a lot of talent people but they all like I don't want to say 100 but 99% they lazy when you don't have talent you have to work so hard when you work so hard and sacrifice your time dedicate like sacrifice you become more disciplined I don't drink I don't
smoke I don't have around I don't party I don't go out am I lame for that absolutely to be lame in the eyes of somebody I would never want to be like is nothing but an absolute success you see it's only an uncertain person that needs company and what they do to feel like it's the right thing but real confidence stems from doing what's best for you even if that means doing it alone my biggest confidence comes from consistently pushing myself and leaving no gap between between what needs to be done and what I do
on day 1962 in a row of running every morning look who's out here with me not a soul that's just fine there's some internal drive that you either have or you don't have and if you have it you won't quit and if you don't have it you're going to quit there's no such thing as a free lunch there's no magic pill and there are no three easy payments of $9.99 if you want something if you want to be good at something you want to accomplish something you've got to put in the time and the minimum
amount of time that you can put in is an hour a day of dedicated practice for six straight months if you want to be good at something you've got to do it every day like we look at people like LeBron James why is he good at basketball because he does it every day you look at Wayne grexi and hockey why was Wayne so good in hockey arguably the greatest of all time because he did it every day and so my number one piece of advice to people if you want to be good at something whatever
that thing that you desire is whatever your passion is do it every single day that's the real secret to success you are one decision away from changing your life and you have to accept that you're one new meeting one new relationship one new contact one new action one new decision away from from shifting your life from where it is right now to a totally different place there's something you've been hesitating on there's a contact you need to make isn't there there's a job you need to quit I don't know what it is but I know
there's a decision that you need to make to take you to the next level just like I know that's true for me because decisions shape our destiny when they're backed up by some Massive Action Reggie Jackson struck out 2600 times in his career the most in the history of baseball but you don't hear about the strikeouts people remember the home runs Thomas Edison conducted 1,000 failed experiments did you know that I didn't know that because the 1,000 first was the light bulb every failed experiment is one step closer to success you've got to take risks
and I'm sure you've probably heard that before so I had to be here I had to come even though I was afraid I might make a fool of myself in fact if you really want know the truth I had to come exactly because I might make a fool of myself life is a a crazy roller coaster especially this life you know so we've UPS we've downs but um I find I'm at my best when when I must do something and I know I must do it and I do it I execute it and that's what
I'm doing right now that's what I have doing but people who are running toward their dreams life has a special kind of meaning and here's what I will share with you that in the process of working on your dreams you are going to incur incur a lot of disappointment a lot of failure a lot of pain a lot of setbacks a lot of defeats but in the process of doing that you will discover some things about yourself that you don't know right now what you will realize is that you have greatness within you what you'll
realize is that you're more powerful than you can ever begin to imagine what you will realize is that you're are greater than your circumstances that you don't have to go through life being a victim okay why not me I've already overcome this why can't I go and start a company why can't I build something that's meaningful because if I looked at it the other way and started to take you know um the count of okay well I can't do this because of where I come from I can't do this because of how I look I
can't do this I wouldn't start anything everybody would wake up each day doing subtraction I look at my life as ADD if I want to change my life it starts my action it starts with me waking up every day having a plan and not just moving off emotion problems are a feature of life not a bug there will never come a time when you have no problems what did you think that you would just wake up one day and you're going to cease having problems like completing a video game and leveling up to a map
where there's nothing there that is never going to happen what are you going to do with what you have I'm not talking about how much you have some of you are business majors some of you are theologians nurses sociologists some of you have money some of you have patience some of you have kindness some of you have love some of you have the gift of longsuffering whatever it is whatever your gift is what are you going to do with what you have you're going to have thoughts come to your mind of why you can't get
it you have the ability in your conscious mind to reject that idea kick it out of your mind thinking why you can't do something is never going to do you any good and keep thinking until you start to think of thoughts of how you can do it anybody is capable of achieving anything I actually believe that because I think human beings are designed to change you're capable of breaking any pattern you are capable of getting control of your health you're capable of launching a business you are capable of making millions of dollars you are capable
of healing your trauma of finding love of doing absolutely anything that you put your mind to as long as you are willing to do the work for it and as long as you give up your timeline because I do believe that people who put in the work get rewarded but you just might not get rewarded when you think you're going to be and it might not be the reward that you thought you were going to get nobody's coming to save you there's no night and Shining Armor and the people that say they will they don't
really stick around for long the reality is this this whole life thing is never really meant to be about anyone else you're kind of supposed to be the hero of this story even if you feel weak right now even if you feel alone you feel down you feel like you can't do it you can and you will all you have to do show up so show up today don't be scared to bet on yourself um you're going to be scared anyway cuz it is scary but at the same time betting on yourself isn't always leaving
betting on yourself is believing in you knowing who you are what you're worth having an idea about it anyway and willing to work towards that to validate that reality that's betting on yourself right whatever decision emanates from that is based off of you looking at you and saying I'm going for it yeah be uncomfortable get yourself in a situation where you feel a little bit about a challenge you're feeling something about being challenge you understanding that challenges are good for you challenges are going to make you better going to make you stronger going to push
you through any adversity that you made face and life but no but in in the final analysis it's all also an additive issue if I'm smart and hardworking and I can crank out for 70 hours a week and you do it for 30 it's like in 2 years I'm so far ahead of you you will never ever catch up two forms of pain pain that breaks you and the pain that changes you that's the pain of the change right there that's a pain of progress the pain that destroys you isn't this it's later in life
knowing you could have been more and all that's left is you and the Mir and tears of a possibility left that you allow to die own your life guys you have every opportunity there's no excuse not to be the hardest mother worker in the room it's like I love the um I love thinking about the quote every guy essentially has two lives right and the second one starts once you realize you only have one that's uh I like that a lot because it's so true man you know you've only got one shot at this so
you may as well at least make it kind of cool what if I told you this was the last Monday morning of your life how do you stay driven I'm going to ask you a question how don't you stay driven let me get this right you won the lotto of the universe which is is you are a human being on Earth and you're not driven and you're not fired up and you're not going for it and you're willing to sit like a lump and just wait till you die you suck mental toughness isn't something that
you sample it's something that you live in every day so when something hard would happen to these kids like in hell week it would draw on something that made them very insecure and they look for comfort whenever hardness comes and you don't know what it is it may be different for you than it is for me but you go back to your insecurities and then when you go back to insecurities you then look for Comfort within those insecurities and we all look for that cookie that your mom used to give you when you were sad
when you were sick we look for our wife or our husband we look for Comfort it's in those moments you must retrain your mind to think different you don't know where you're going you're lost you know what I mean you have no Direction so for me I feel like both of them together when you when you really when you have the vision and you're able to manifest then you also put the work in Magic happens man magic that's where the magic is but a lot of people never get there unfortunately a lot of people we're
blessed that we can dream then there's the athletes who train to win they train every day every session so they win on Match Night and then there are just those very few players who train to dominate they train so hard that winning is inevitable on Race night where they reach Rock Bottom when the excuses all go away and people can actually confront the fact that this is all because of me it hurts but is also unbelievably empowering because if these problems are because of me then I'm capable of fixing these problems my whole thing is
a mentality thing like I told you in the last time I was on the show I viewed myself as the weakest person on the planet Earth my goal in life was to in my mind believe I'm the hardest man alive that's what it's about it's about whatever you think you are you have to make that dream a reality but that's where the hard part is is making that dream reality that's where the hard work comes that's where people want know how do you keep grinding every day you have to make those insecurities those fears like
when I was 300 lb I didn't have any Drive unchosen suffering is going to happen in life mhm your parents are going to pass away loved ones are going to die your relationships are going to break down your body is going to fail you you're going to become ill or sick or destitute things are going to happen that you have no control over and the only way that you can prepare yourself for unchosen suffering is with chosen suffering right you can elect to put yourself into a position to become a stronger alloy of whatever the
metal is that you're made of and by purposefully choosing difficult things you will armor yourself against that situation it's still going to suck mhm but think about how much more fragile you would be if you hadn't overcome all of this stuff at the end of the day you've got to feel some way so why not feel unbeatable why not feel untouchable why not feel like the best to ever do it this is what you believe is possible is your mindset it is what you believe you are capable of it is what you believe you deserve
tell yourself that you deserve to be happy and you deserve to be fulfilled you will start to see reasons for it so many of us come from these small places in our mind that we're not willing to think outside of only what we've seen our mind works in such a small compartment and one thing I was able to do was to dream many people but don't make dreams your F Master but I was able to dream outside those four walls of that small town and until you're able to really put yourself into that dream but
don't make dreams your master that's where you truly become what you're destined to become now fear is going to be a player in your life but you get to decide how much you can spend your whole life imagining ghosts worrying about the pathway to the future but all there will ever be is what's happening here so many of us choose our path out of fear disguised as practicality what we really want seems impossibly Out Of Reach and ridiculous to expect so we never dare to ask the universe for it I'm saying I'm the proof that
you can ask the universe for it I had to look in my insecurities and in my fear and find drive in that we're all looking for passion passion is all around you you have a whole a whole sack of it all around you it's your insecurities all that [ __ ] all the energy and fuel You Need Is Right In Yourself it's all there you got a lot of stuff to do to overcome and you know that's where I found it I found it right there on in Securities I found Drive in my own insecurities
and that's that's the most powerful thing in the world when you can find Drive in your own doubt fear insecurities you become very Unstoppable ask the question when you're thinking big why not you and answer it I'm not just doing this motivational video why not you why shouldn't you win no no forget motivational let's get logical why not you actually answer that why can't you be some body that can do something in your business that's never been done before why not you answer it Nelson Mandela said there is no passion to be found playing small
and settling for a life that's less than the one you're capable of living you have the power to do more than you can ever begin to imagine don't underestimate yourself you don't know enough about yourself to become a cynic and so you've got to challenge yourself to access that power that you have within you you're more than a conqueror if you want to attract what you actually want you've got to see yourself now already with it and know it's only a period of time until you moving toward it and it moving toward you and you
become one with it stop analyzing stop criticizing both yourself and others and Go fail at some go give someone a good job for sucking at something because at least they're trying maybe will even give yourself permission to do the same we find meaning and trying difficult things not just in succeeding at them imagine you're on your deathbed and standing around your death bed are the ghosts representing your unfulfilled potential the ghost of the ideas you never acted on the ghost of the talents you didn't use and they're standing around your bed angry disappointed and upset
they say we we came to you because you could have brought us to life they say and now we have to go to the grave together so I ask you today how many ghosts are going to be around your bed when your time comes I want to talk about this thing called Improvement right I came across a quote it says if you think you have room to grow you do and you will if you think you're as good as you can be you right you won't get any better everybody has room to improve so I
want to say this if I could put a term on it the term will be humility because when you humble you always feel as if you can become better at whatever it is that you're doing right no matter how great you are no matter how good things have went when you're humble you always feel as if I can do this a little bit better or you show up with the mentality that you're open to doing things in a better way you don't never show up and speak in terms of oh we did that already right
already accomplished that right day one mentality and energy when I show up I'm trying to improve every single day that does doesn't mean errors that doesn't mean opposition advert that doesn't mean Perfection right that means every single day I'm showing up and I'm trying to pursue the quest of becoming better the easiest thing I've done was to get out from under the labels and to live the life that I live the most difficult thing I've ever done was to believe that I can do it you are not going to get anywhere in this world you're
not going to get anywhere finan Al spiritually socially or otherwise until you get to that point where you don't give a damn about what other people think about you in this lifetime you don't have to prove nothing to nobody except yourself and after what you've gone through if you haven't done that by now it ain't going to never happen the hardest things are usually the best if it's easy leave it to somebody else you'll find the strength to do what needs to be done kill the boy and let the man be born hustle is putting
it all on the line hustle is waking up one day the day before you die and realizing you gave it your all into the parenting of your children the building of your businesses the phany that you wanted to do whatever you define it's just you know all in wake up to reality nothing ever goes as planned in this accursed world the longer you live the more you will realize that the only things that truly exist in this reality are merely pain suffering and futility listen everywhere you look in this world wherever there is light there
will always be shadows to be found as well
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