Hey there Welcome to another video, in today's video we're going to talk about the power of intention the video is going to be very short. I am not gonna talk much, even because there is no way to keep on rambling over a subject that is simple to understand only what needs to be said, needs to be talked about. One of the coolest things in personal development, is that sometimes man, you start comparing yourself with a super hero not due to fantasy, but because you are discovering that you have some powers and these powers are simple things that everyone have, such as the power of intention today I'm going to talk about the power of intention but I'll give you a heads, man, that I'm gonna say very little because this is something simple but it´s essential to give sequence to the upcoming videos, in the next episodes remembering that your understanding as always, I will always repeat this, your understanding about this video about this serie is limited, in case have not watched the previous episodes If you did not see it, didn´t see any, or saw some and did not see all of them, go to the pilot episode the power of presence, and watch it in order until you get to this one here in case you have already watched it, leave your LIKE here and lets continue on the video If you knew the importance of having things well defined in your life You would never again set goals and objectives without doing this before the power of intention says that, all is in you simply to have mental clarity of what you want It's simple, the question is why do you need it, where do you want to be five years from now?
Where do you want to be ten years from now? if you are doing something today that is bringing you success, a personal reward even financially Will this thing you're doing today last 10 years? Will it last 20 years?
how far are you willing to go to build the life of your dreams and say, what is the life of your dreams? What exactly do you want? Our body already has its own intelligence all instances of our being have an intelligence of their own, for example, the intelligence of our body an instinctive intelligence makes all the functions of our body work in an automatic manner When we cut ourselves, we hurt, our body.
. . it takes responsibility for curing this cut, for making the heart beat, for bringing oxygen to all cells this is an intelligence, and this is automatic, and just as our body has this intelligence our mind has the intelligence which is the logical intelligence that you already know and all that you have learned in school it's there and you call it logical intelligence but there is another intelligence There are many actually, but I'll limit myself and talk about this one today.
the unconscious intelligence This unconscious intelligence is as if it were a force stored, ready to be used when we want to get somewhere, for example, let's say I have a well-defined goal and I know, I know myself, I have enough self knowledge to know that I really want it and I have mental clarity to know that's what I want, as how I'm going to get there this goal takes care of my being, and not only my logical mind, will be responsible for this but also my unconscious intelligence that will make everything happen in my favor, and no, it's nothing esoteric and nothing magical about it this intelligence will allow all of my instances, my body, my mind, my subconscious my soul, to work to reach this goal, for example, I tell you that carbohydrates and concentration are two things that do not go together but what does this have to do with anything, Copini? You have to see that I need my logical mind to get at this result perhaps to study, perhaps to assimilate some information to run after this thing, I need physical and mental energy to pursue my goal, more determined than ever, but where will I get this motivation from? From the unconscious, it is there deep within there in the depths of your being, you just need to access, speaking in another way to try to be clearer my being kinda takes care of all other intelligences, both body and mind, and when it knows, when it is aware of what I want of the goal I want, whether it´s at the micro or macro level it will put, direct all other instances of my being to achieve this goal, my unconscious will be responsible for plotting sub goals so that I may reach the main goal for example, I, Matheus, I have some goals related to my work and one of these goals that were achieved a short time ago was to execute The COPINI SERIES, to begin recording The COPINI SERIES, for that I had to learn a lot For that, I had to have the courage to make it happen.
to leave a channel with 600,000 subscribers behind and start another from scratch To buy expensive video equipment, I had to have a knowledge to achieve this goal and over a long period of time my unconscious was projecting at a non-rational level things I had to do until getting here and when it got here when I sit on the wet ground of this bush and begin to talk about intent, without even having read anything before about it It's like it was magic. but who knows three months ago my subconscious mind, had directed me to a book in which I happened to read something about it that made me absorb that content, retain that content and use that content now in episode number 5 Very probably it was my subconscious that yesterday made me sleep well in order to get here willing, my unconscious that made me not eat anything before leaving home, to get on with an empty stomach and the clearer mind, with more mental clarity, placing all energy in the mind and not in my digestion you understand how things go together and when you look outside everything seems magical everything seems like it´s destiny or everything seems like Karma, when in fact it is just our unconsciousness working on our behalf, your unconsciousness, man, will always work in your favor but it only works if it has a direction, put it in your head unconsciousness is powerful, but it needs a direction, an intention and coz of that, we have to have clarity in our goals mental clarity, and then mental clarity is not in the unconsciousness is in the consciousness, in the rational mind when you know what you want, you decide what you want, without the ego and with clarity then you define a goal and you intend that goal and let your unconsciousness take responsibility for it will handle the mission This is the power of intention, the power of desire that esoterically many people call it, the law of attraction, man, it is not law of attraction, it is the power of the unconsciousness, it is its inner power and there's nothing magical about it, it's simply your ability very well directed very well executed clarity in your ideas, mental clarity What can I do for you, in the long run is to take away this thing that obscures its clarity, which gives more insight into the world another world view another life style that collaborates with your mental clarity and it is you who will activate your power, everyone has this power, I have it, you have it It´s giant, it´s powerful. I hope you have understood, this subject is very simple, but it needs to be understood, needs to be talked about see you in the next episode, hit the LIKE button, there will be an episode about intention in a Premium version within Alphalife Premium, and thank you very much for following me, and see you next Monday in the next episode Today´s episode was about the power of intention, and as incredible as it may seem the next episode will be the power of unintention and one thing does not contradict the other, I'll see you in the next episode.
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