Illuminati Caused World War 2? Abhijit Chavda Explains

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happiness through curiosity on the runway show welcome to trs clips i feel that the point of podcast is what your history books don't teach you anywhere in the world uh two questions and we've brought this up in our previous podcast as well do you think that secret society slash illuminati slash a small group of powerful individuals who are actually responsible for these decisions because when you read about this in retrospect where one guy getting killed sparked off an entire war it can't be as simple as that and they have to have been other motivations for
people to go to war and often when countries go to war it does boost the economy like we've seen in the case of russia and ukraine uh so were the actual underlying economic angles to this that do you think according to you as a geopolitical observer as someone who's very well read about history what were the underlying intentions that we don't read about in history books so the first question is about illuminati the second question is um about this whole uh britain angle do you think even they wanted the war back then do you think
that uh keeping all this whole imperialistic world in mind the colonies of the world uh what was britain's kind of game plan back then so let's come to britain first britain was playing a defensive game they had a big empire to manage they did not want to lose access to the empire and they needed access to certain choke points like sways the persian gulf and things like that they also were dependent on on oil from mesopotamia from kuwait from present-day iraq that region so they had a big network they they administered about one-fourth of the
world's geography and they it was a defensive game for that if things spiral out of control they will lose access to certain territories which will be a disaster for them because empire is what matters so britain was they did not want war okay they were trying to i mean they were actually isolated they did not care much but then they were trying to kind of stop war if possible right so that was their stance now illuminati and all that see the europe was a tinderbox at the time it was a tinderbox because of all these
old rivalries and and uh ethnic enmities and feuds the ottoman empire had has had uh converted certain populations in bosnia to a different religion with islamic religion you had christians you had muslims in a certain region and you also had old rivalries between these families between these dynasties so they all so looked at each other with suspicion with jealousy with with with enmity and all it needed was a spark to set the whole thing aflame kind of where the world stands right now with china possibly on the verge of invading this is why we discuss
these matters because there are certain uh patterns which happen in a cyclic manner like you say and we may be seeing something very similar today also you know you know this is why when young students say why should i study history what's the point of history one it teaches you the art of storytelling two it teaches you how to predict the future of your own race yes so it is very important that's why even i want to revise this world war two and world war one kind of history okay i'll let you continue so what
happened right so the the archduke franz ferdinand was was assassinated in sarajevo what happens is that the austro-hungarian empire blames uh serbia for that russia says we are allies with serbia austro-hungary asks germany is it okay if you go to war with serbia i say go ahead go ahead so they declared war on serbia in july end of july 1914 they tried to attack serbia they bombard serbia but doesn't work the serbs resist totally fiercely and that goes nowhere but now what happens is that germany takes the opportunity they they declare war i mean kind
of declare war on two sides on russia and on france now the germany france region there's a whole old history there the germans had annexed some part of france in the last war in the 19th century so the french had some some debts to pay there but the german france border was very well fortified there were very strong french fortifications so the germans went through luxembourg and belgium the moment they entered belgium the british said we have assured belgium's neutrality you have broken that so we need to get involved in this so the british got
involved they send troops to france and all that so that's what happens now the germans there's something called the schlieffen plan the the schlieffen plan was that germany would advance through luxembourg through belgium from the north and then invade france and take paris so that happens they go through belgium there's a very strong belgian resistance then the british also get involved then these guys come all the way into france and there is this the battle of the man river there's a river called the man terrible terrible battle and then they try to take paris it
doesn't work out and then over time what happens is that there is strange warfare that happens so both sides dig in they create trenches and these trenches they go from the north sea all the way to switzerland you you gotta give a little context on trenches so trench warfare so what happens is that both sides they dig trenches against each other maybe they are 50 meters apart maybe 100 meters apart you can hear the other side talking but you are dung into your trenches and then you can fight each other for months at a time
it's terrible it's oppressive there are rats there are dead bodies it's you can't remove them it's horrific disease disease of all kinds of typhus and cholera and whatnot so this is what happened in the western front the line was frozen for for a very long time on the eastern front what happens is that the ottoman empire allies with germany with austro-hungary and they declare war on russia so in the caucasus region they try to invade russia doesn't work it's a disaster their troops freeze to death in the thousands tens of thousands ottoman troops that doesn't
work they try to bomb odessa sevastopol these places which are currently at war right now so the ottoman empire tries to do that doesn't work then the british land an indian expeditionary force in kuwait to take to try and take mesopotamia present-day iraq that kind of ends in a disaster our people die in that uh fighting the ottoman empire fighting the ottoman empire on on the side of the british mr mr mundus gandhi was actively involved in recruiting millions of indian soldiers for this i think about a million and a half indian soldiers fought for
the british in this war right so what happens is that there is internationalization of the conflict yeah um you know that's actually what's not spoken about yes even in indian textbooks i remember studying world war one and world war two once in the fifth grade once in about i think the eighth or ninth grade and nowhere was it mentioned that there was a lot of indian troops i won't say india i call it brown troops subcontinental troops involved in these battles and how when they say british took part it was heavily actually uh subcontinental troops
there was a lot of subcontinental involvement with this british india about a million and a half indian troops british raj troops fought for the british died for the british then there was a british attempt to uh reinforce the russian position to do that they had to go through the turkish traits this was a plan hatched by winston churchill so there are two narrow choke points in turkey the dardanelles and the bosphorus the boss forest trades in the dardanelle street so the british tried to land an expeditionary force at the dardanelles that ended in complete disaster
because of a turkish uh general called mustafa kamal who became the eventually the dictator and the father of modern turkey so this guy stopped the british when he defeated the defeated them over many months of horrific fighting terrible fighting so the ottoman empire is involved they try to invade egypt and take sways that again is defended by the british because they need that to for access to india and the ottoman empire fails there so there's a lot happening then germany and france are still fighting italy gets involved because they are on the side of the
allies not on side of germany and they start fighting the auto or the austro-hungarian empire there is a certain river whose name i forget they fought like 12 15 500 800 battles there never moved so that went on for a very long time all kinds of sides are involved in this uh so like in the same way that the british used uh subcontinental troops i'm dead sure they must have used all uh like troops from other colonies as well yes yes uh and similarly did the other european powers also bring all their colonies into play
indeed that's why they now call it the first world war because the germans they had possessions in africa uh togoland cameroon german south west africa which is now called namibia there was eastern uh there was an eastern territory as well so all of this got involved the french had many many possessions colonies in africa they recruited about a million soldiers black african soldiers from there and made them fight in the european war so everything got involved the germans had possessions in the pacific islands that they possessed the japanese got involved the japanese were on the
side of the british at this time in world war one the japanese took over various german islands and possessions and a german position in china as well australia and new zealand took over some other german territories in in the asia pacific region so everything got involved here the whole world is kind of involved in others in south america other than south america yes there was action near south america also german warships they fought the british navy near the falkland islands and there was a battle naval battle there also so everywhere there is something or other
happening some action happening then what happens is even bulgaria got involved in this on the side of the germans and austro-hungary and then austria-hungary and bulgaria together invades in 1915 they invade serbia and they defeat serbia serbia the serbians have to escape through albania and get out of the country so serbia was destroyed defeated and lot is happening over here the germans had a very powerful navy they had pioneered undersea warfare they had submarines called u-boats they used to operate in wolf packs and they the british imposed a naval blockade on germany the germans used
submarines to fight the british navy wow yeah the americans were supplying britain with all kinds of materials all kinds of foods because there was a war going on there was no means to produce all of that in europe so the americans were supplying britain with this the germans went into the atlantic and they started sinking the american ships so america gets pulled into the war now so america protested then they the germans toned it down for some time but then they saw that the british are being reinforced constantly by the americans so by 1960 1917
the germans again went all out and started attacking all these supply ships now what happened here is that the americans they were helping the the allied powers through uh sending them arms ammunition and food because of this the allied powers especially britain became heavily indebted to the americans because they were buying all this on credit and they would eventually have to pay it back so eventually the americans got fed up of the german thing and they also got involved in the war then the americans got involved they slowly entered the fray in europe and slowly
the whole thing was shattered the ottomans surrendered the austria-hungary empire also surrendered and eventually the germans had were made to surrender there was a revolution in russia in 1917 two revolutions the in the first revolution the tsar was forced to abdicate and a provisional government came to power they continued the war then there was a second revolution a bolshevik revolution which eventually gave rise to the ussr and after the bolshevik revolution happened the the they said we will not fight so the lines were frozen on the eastern side the the germans and the russians they
they signed an agreement no more fighting the russians were able to concentrate on the west but eventually they were defeated there so then there was this uh armistice the treaty of versailles in which the russians were not involved the germans were not involved the ottoman empire was destroyed divided into small pieces yeah and there was a turkish turkish war of independence that mustafa kamala ataturk fought and won because of which turkey is one single country otherwise it would have been broken into pieces the austro-hungarian empire was was dismantled austria came out of it hungary came
out of it various other states check czech republic slovak republic and so much more was carved out of this austro-hungarian empire germany lost lots of territory the country of poland was created out of this and including some russian possessions the russia germans were blamed solely for the entire war they were made to pay very very heavy reparations to the other powers which they had fought with and this was a complete humiliation and a young austrian soldier fought on the side of germany yes and that's where the seeds of world war ii were planted yes so
the treaty of versailles was a disastrous thing for germany big humiliation this man adolf hitler fought in the world war one he carried that humiliation with him the german army was reduced to 100 000 soldiers maximum or no more air force and and all kinds of restrictions were placed in germany right and and the billionaire for germans was big daddy britain back then i'm assuming yeah britain was the one that's uh that gained a lot out of this yeah and uh yeah so there were a number of powers britain france etc who all were part
of the treaty of versailles and then something came out of this which was the league of nations which was kind of the precursor to the u.n but the us was not part of it because the u.s congress did not ratify the treaty of versailles or something now what happens is that our in the post-war era germany is not destroyed because none of the fighting has happened on german soil so they are able to restart their industries which are already going on but because of the enormous reparations they have to pay every year the economy is
stuttering the german mark becomes deeply devalued like it becomes like one trillionth of its original value hyperinflation yeah then the americans even send loans to germany to repay the reparations what was uh in store for america back then when world war one was happening i'm sure there must have been some motivation to even take part in the war or to help britain it can't be as simple as oh you know whatever you we were allies once upon a time there's got to be some economic angle there was a china back then in some ways so
the americans are the original capitalists everything is money they saw a great opportunity to make money right so they sent they had this limitless land in which they produced all these crops like wheat and all that so they sent lots of that to europe to sustain the allied forces and lots of arms and emulation weapons and all that they sent to britain and france and these countries right so uh they benefited a lot from this they became the major economic power in the world after the end of world war one by the time the world
war ended there were the major economic power in the world and they had limitless resources right then you had the german economy went down there was hyperinflation then there was a wall street crash of 1929 in new york you know in wall street that caused ripples all over the world and the german economy suffered a lot again because of that in the 1920s there was a rise of fascism in italy benito mussolini came to power he quickly became a one-party dictator that sort of thing so there was this event happening here in the 1930s uh
the national socialist party came to power in germany because the the government the weimar republic government was blamed for all the ills of the economy so adolf hitler became the undisputed boss very rapidly he started he broke the treaty of versailles he started re-militarization conscription uh starting the production of new arms and air force and all that and he went on this uh campaign against the jews yeah i have to once again mention the iconic trs line which i think you had mentioned and joe rogans also mentioned it we actually learned it from joe rogan
tough times create hard men hard men create easy times easy times create soft men soft men create tough times it's a cycle never ending cycle and within a span of 20 years i'm guessing from world war one to world war two there was this cycle that happened in germany a dolphin hitler as evil as he is and you know as bad as um history tells us that he is uh he was a tough man to rise as the single dictator in germany and i'd say the same probably for mussolini yes so italy felt humiliated italy
felt it got nothing out of world war one it had territorial emotions it wanted part of the balkans uh it wanted the territories in africa it had some it wanted more it it the italians felt they got nothing out of the war even though they bled so much against austria so there was this great discontent which gave rise to nationalism and the fascist party of the muslim came to power similarly germany was deeply humiliated the people were hurt their pride was wounded nationalism again and the strongman comes to power adolf hitler who promises that we
will regain the world and we will regain our lost prestige and all that and hitler wanted territories he wanted what he called lebanese rome which is extra land for the german people right so he wanted an expansion of germany so he restarted the conscription of the army he restarted the military industries he stopped payment of reparations and britain and france only protested weakly they had weak governments so he was further emboldened by this yes i'm gonna do it so then the preparations again begin so the treaty of versailles was nothing but a ceasefire a temporary
ceasefire 20 years is so germany then becomes more and more powerful the nazi party also exists in austria so they come to power and they re unify austria and germany so germany is now expanded now the germans want czech territory student student in land or something they called it in which you had a german majority population so they had designs on that the british and the french kind of allowed the tk you go and do that but please don't do more so the germans take that over then within no time they go and take over
half of czechoslovakia and the slovak republic becomes a wasall state or a satellite state of germany then the germans sign a no aggression play pact with stalin hitler and stalin it was called the molotov ribbon through pact i think it was in 38 or 39 and the secret clause is that we will divide up poland so poland was an independent country at the time then the germans uh attack poland they take over half of it the rest half is taken by the ussr and then that is the declaration of war once they invade poland the
british and the french declare war thanks for watching make sure you check out the entire episode and also check out this playlist that we've curated just for you
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