Bible Sleep Abide Meditations to Clear Anxiety to Renew Your Mind in Jesus - Ultimate Calm Sleep

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hello and welcome to this sleep story i'm tyler boss this sleep meditation will help you relax de-stress and let go of any worries that are preventing you from getting a good night's sleep if you've been struggling with anxiety unable to calm your nerves this bible meditation will help you find relief as you listen to the comforting words of the scriptures you'll be reminded of god's unfailing love in the midst of every trial tonight we'll be focusing on verses from psalm 94 verses that assure us of god's unfailing love and support we'll be encouraged to let
go of fear and anxiety we'll experience the freedom god offers as we lean on him through every circumstance but before we begin please take a few moments to settle into bed make yourself comfortable and take a few deep breaths to help you relax whisper a quiet prayer inviting the holy spirit to be with you ask for his presence in jesus name inhale and exhale feel every muscle relax as you center your thoughts on god's word in his presence tonight now let me pray over you heavenly father thank you for being with this listener tonight i
pray that you will cover them with an amazing amount of peace the peace that surpasses all understanding and comes from your spirit i pray that no matter where they are in the world and no matter what they're feeling that you will be with them and free them from all anxiousness lord please help this person release every ounce of worry and stress to you right here in the stillness of the room lead them to extend their arms as a symbol of letting go of all the things that are troubling them please help them help them to
know that you are with them and that you love them deeply lord i ask that you help this listener experience the freedom you offer when they look to you for answers and guidance instead of looking to the world please help them remain in step with your spirit letting you guide them in every decision help them to abide in the true vine allowing you to prune away all the things that don't belong and help them to rest and the protective shelter of your wings in the precious name of jesus i pray amen now take one more
slow breath in and exhale out listen to these comforting words from psalm 94 verses 18 and 19. when i said my foot is slipping your unfailing love lord supported me when anxiety was great within me your consolation brought me joy rest in those words for a few moments each of us at different times in our lives has felt as though our feet were slipping either by our own choices or habits or by life's circumstances of which we have no control we've found ourselves slipping away and even falling a time or two if this describes you
please know that you're not alone other brothers and sisters in christ have slipped as well and many have found themselves living a life of imbalance and struggling to remain steady on their feet but please remember this god's unfailing love is always there to support you you are not left to figure out things for yourself he is there to uphold you to help you get back on your feet and then to lead you in the way you should go you can trust him lean on him and rest in him there is great peace and knowing that
god's unfailing love never leaves you he supports you every step of the way steady strong unchanging unfailing that's what god's love is rest in the stillness of the room and feel god's unfailing love surrounding you supporting you and setting you free let's pray precious god holy god as the remnants of worry and anxiety decrease we feel your love increase more and more thank you we praise you we rest in your presence and find freedom in your spirit for where your spirit is there is freedom tonight lord break every stronghold of anxiety in the life of
this listener cut the chains of fretfulness and unrest open wide the window of your piece and usher in the sweet fragrance of joy it is in the name of jesus we pray these things amen listen again to our bible passage of comfort and joy when i said my foot is slipping your unfailing love lord supported me when anxiety was great within me your consolation brought me joy rest on the word consolation for a moment consolation means comfort compassion relief and strength your consolation comes from the unfailing love of god through jesus christ his son i'm
reminded of a beautiful passage of scripture that tells of a man named simeon who was led by the spirit to the temple on the same day that mary and joseph brought the baby jesus to be dedicated you see simeon had long awaited the birth of the messiah the consolation of israel and by the divine providence of god his eyes beheld the newborn king this is what simeon said when he took jesus in his arms lord now you're letting your servant depart in peace according to your word from my eyes have seen your salvation which you
have prepared before the face of all peoples a light to bring revelation to the gentiles in the glory of your people israel according to the word of the lord jesus came to be the consolation of israel a light to the gentiles and the glory of his people he is your consolation your light and your glory through comfort compassion relief and strength jesus casts all anxiety away and replaces it with perfect peace there is no need to be anxious anymore every need you have is covered in jesus he comforts you he offers compassion and relief from
every worry he strengthens you and leads you into the assurance that he has everything under control release everything to him when anxiety was great within me your consolation brought me joy rest in the joy of the lord feel his peace wash over you like a healing balm in him you have received healing and renewal the old things are gone and the new has come all anxieties are taken away and replaced by god's consolation of peace in psalm 119 we hear these words remember your promise to me it is my only hope your promise revives me
it comforts me in all my troubles remember god's promises they are your hope they comfort you in every trouble he promises to uphold you with his righteous right hand he promises to love you with an everlasting love he promises to be with you always never leaving you or forsaking you rest deeply in the promises of god tonight doubt cannot remain where god's truth abides fear is cast out where god's peace resides anxiety runs dry as god's presence fills worries are calmed as the holy spirit stills gracious god please remember this beloved listener tonight as they
sleep soundly in your presence and in your grace bless them as they rest in you keep them in the fold of your unfailing love and guard them through every hour of the night thank you lord for freeing this person of all anxiety right here right now we trust you to cast out all traces of fretfulness and unrest as this child sleeps tonight i ask that you fill their dreams with reminders of your promises promises of your unfailing love and goodness i pray for restorative sleep that will help them wake up in the morning refreshed and
renewed thank you god for your comfort and peace in jesus name when i said my foot is slipping your unfailing love lord supported me anxiety was great within me your consolation brought me joy sleep now and the peaceful consolation of joy and be free free to live in unity with the lord safe secure and surrounded by his unfailing love amen welcome to this abide bedtime story i'm tyler boss tonight you will be lulled into a peaceful calming sleep with several different translations of psalm 23. from the traditional king james version to the fiery passion translation
you will hear this beloved psalm brought to life as you prepare to fall asleep quickly to the word of god make yourself comfortable in your bed relax your muscles take deep steadying breaths let the distractions flit like dragonflies through your mind without landing that the peace of christ guard your heart and your mind so that you can rest deeply tonight father god we are grateful for your love and your care for us i pray over this listener tonight that they would hear these words not only with their ears but with their very soul lead them
beside still waters make them lie down in green pastures restore their soul guide them in paths of righteousness for your name's sake in the mighty name of jesus amen king james version the lord is my shepherd i shall not want he maketh me lie down in green pastures he leadeth me beside the still waters he restoreth my soul he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for thou art with me thyroid and thy staff they
comfort me thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies thou anointest my head with oil my cup runeth over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i will dwell in the house of the lord forever esv the lord is my shepherd i shall not want he makes me lie down in green pastures he leads me beside still waters he restores my soul he leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake even though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i
will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i shall dwell in the house of the lord forever eb the lord is my shepherd i lack nothing he lets me rest in grassy meadows he leads me to restful waters he guides me in proper paths for the sake of his good name even when i
walk through the darkest valley i fear no danger because you are with me your rod and your staff they protect me you set a table for me right in front of my enemies you bathe my head in oil my cup is so full it spills over yes goodness and faithful love will pursue me all the days of my life and i will live in the lord's house as long as i live the message god my shepherd i don't need a thing you have bedded me down in lush meadows you find me quiet pools to drink
from true to your word you let me catch my breath and send me in the right direction even when the way goes through death valley i'm not afraid when you walk at my side your trusty shepherd's crook makes me feel secure you serve me a six-course dinner right in front of my enemies you revive my drooping head my cup brims with blessing your beauty and love chase after me every day of my life i'm back home in the house of god for the rest of my life niv the lord is my shepherd i lack nothing
he makes me lie down in green pastures he leads me beside quiet waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his namesake even though i walk through the darkest valley i will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and i will dwell in the house of the lord forever
good news translation the lord is my shepherd i have everything i need he lets me rest in fields of green grass and leads me to quiet pools of fresh water he gives me new strength he guides me in the right paths as he has promised even if i go through the deepest darkness i will not be afraid for you are with me lord your shepherd's rod and staff protect me you prepare a banquet for me where all my enemies can see me you welcome me as an honored guest and fill my cup to the brim
i know that your goodness and love will be with me all my life in your house will be my home as long as i live nlt the lord is my shepherd i have all that i need he lets me rest in green meadows he leads me beside peaceful streams he renews my strength he guides me along right paths bringing honor to his name even when i walk through the darkest valley i will not be afraid for you are close beside me your rod and your staff protect and comfort me you prepare a feast for me
and the presence of my enemies you honor me by anointing my head with oil my cup overflows with blessings surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life and i will live in the house of the lord forever the voice the eternal is my shepherd he cares for me always he provides me rest in rich green fields besides streams of refreshing water he soothes my fears he makes me whole again steering me off worn hard paths to roads where truth and righteousness echo his name even in the unending shadows
of death's darkness i am not overcome by fear because you are with me in those dark moments near with your protection and guidance i am comforted you spread out a table before me provisions in the midst of attack from my enemies you care for all my needs anointing my head with soothing fragrant oil filling my cup again and again with your grace certainly your faithful protection and loving provision will pursue me where i go always everywhere i will always be with the eternal in your house forever the passion translation the lord is my best friend
and my shepherd i always have more than enough he offers a resting place for me in his luxurious love his tracks take me to an oasis of peace the quiet brook of bliss that's where he restores and revives my life he opens before me pathways to god's pleasure and leads me along in his footsteps of righteousness so that i can bring honor to his name lord even when your path takes me through the valley of deepest darkness fear will never conquer me for you already have you remain close to me and lead me through it
all the way your authority my strength and my peace the comfort of your love takes away my fear i'll never be lonely for you are near you become my delicious feast even when my enemies dare to fight you anoint me with the fragrance of your holy spirit you give me all i can drink of you until my heart overflows so why would i fear the future for your goodness and love pursue me all the days of my life then afterward when my life is through i'll return to your glorious presence to be forever with you
lord god lover of your people protector shepherd savior we praise you and worship you for your goodness and your kindness i pray over your beloved child tonight that they would rest in your presence sleep in your arms trust you with their whole being may your goodness and mercy abound in them forever and ever as they abide in you in the precious name of jesus i pray amen often when you lay down to sleep your mind kicks into high gear and it can be so hard to slow it down while there are so many things that
fight for your attention bedtime is a time of rest so choose to say good night to stress and to the things that beg you to notice them as you rest in the peace of god with your eyes closed take a slow deep breath breathing in through your nose let your lungs fill with air feeling your abdomen expand pause for a moment before slowly exhaling through your mouth letting your stomach deflate as you do relax your shoulders into your bed feeling the tension dissolve adjust your neck and head as they rest on your pillow point and
flex your toes feeling that stretch all the way through your legs do this once more letting the stress of your day release take another deep breath remembering that your day is done all that is set before you now is to rest in peace that is the gift of god me pray for you father god we give you thanks for who you are thank you for your kindness and grace thank you for your everlasting peace thank you that in you this beloved child can find rest lord as they lie down to sleep tonight let them feel
your presence and know that you are near there are so many things that are begging for their attention but what you know they need is rest not just for their body but deep within their soul only you can bring the deep rest that they need and i ask you to do so now as they lie down their heart is restless until it rests in you so be near to them now jesus in your precious name i pray amen dear one the day is through the night is here now so you can rest at ease what's
said is said and what's done is done your heart can rest in peace say good night to all your stress and all the turmoil it brings so you can rest most peacefully in the arms of the king of kings in that great mind of yours there are many things to do there are finances and relationships and work that is new there's the past and the future and today to distract there's to do's and what ifs and change at your back say good night one by one they will not delay so rest in your lord at
the end of this day 2 thessalonians 3 verse 16 in the new international version says now may the lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way the lord be with all of you the lord is peace allow the holy spirit to bring you peace and allow you to say good night to all those distractions acknowledge them each and then set them aside in that great mind of yours there are many things begging for your attention think about me instead they say think about your finances you may be thinking about
upcoming bills wondering if you will have enough or a potential new job wondering if it's worth the pay cut you may be thinking about debt wondering if you'll ever get out you may be running numbers adding and subtracting searching your mind for transactions and upcoming expenses it begs for your attention but this is not the time say good night finances and rest in the peace of god and that great mind of yours there are many things begging for your attention think about me instead they say think about your relationships you may be worried about your
marriage wondering if you'll make it through a hard season you may be worried about your children wondering how they'll weather this storm you may be longing for a relationship wondering if it will ever come you may be in need of reconciliation wishing you hadn't said that thing it begs for your attention but this is not the time say good night relationships and rest in the peace of god in that great mind of yours there are many things begging for your attention think about me instead they say think about your work you may be thinking about
your vocation wondering if it's the right thing you may be considering a change wondering if you've waited too long you may be hung up on a project wishing you had made more progress you may be mourning the loss of work desperate to find something new you may be wishing this year had been different imagining where you'd be if you hadn't lost work it begs for your attention but this is not the time say good night work and rest in the peace of god remember god's word from 2 thessalonians 3 verse 16 now may the lord
of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way the lord be with all of you may the lord give you peace in that great mind of yours there are many things begging for your attention think about me instead they say think about your past you may be caught up in regret wishing you had done things differently you may be replaying conversations thinking maybe you should have said it another way you may be caught up in nostalgia wishing you could turn back time it begs for your attention but this is not the
time say good night past and rest in the peace of god in that great mind of yours there are many things begging for your attention think about me instead they say think about your future there may be an important decision you need to make and you're debating the many potential outcomes in your mind you may be excited about upcoming plans hopeful nothing will keep them from happening you may be playing out future scenarios wondering how you can see them come to pass oh it begs for your attention but this is not the time say good
night future and rest in the peace of god in that great mind of yours there are many things begging for your attention think about me instead they say think about the present there are so many things that can beg for your attention as your day comes to a close you are likely managing a myriad of relationships and situations with plenty of space for your mind to wander it begs for your attention but this is not the time say good night present and rest in the peace of god remember god's word from 2 thessalonians 3 verse
16 now may the lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way the lord be with all of you let the lord give you peace that great mind of yours there are so many things begging for your attention think about me instead they say think about your to-do list you may be lying in bed thinking of all the things you need to do tomorrow errands you need to run deals you need to seal phone calls you need to make there are people who need you tasks that are waiting on you
details that will not be noticed by anyone but you you may be planning out your morning wondering if you have coffee or anything for breakfast you may be remembering a forgotten appointment or realizing you double booked it begs for your attention but this is not the time say good night to do list and rest in the peace of god and that great mind of yours there are many things begging for your attention think about me instead they say think about what if like your own little daydream when you really ought to be dreaming your mind
may beckon you into scenarios that could have been what if you had gone there what if you had done that what if this were different what if that were the same oh there are so many possibilities of where your mind might wander instead of sleep it begs for your attention but this is not the time say good night what ifs and rest in the peace of god in that great mind of yours there are many things begging for your attention think about me instead they say think about change you may feel like life is just
too static and you're longing for things to change you find yourself running through various scenarios and situations imagining the ways in which you might make a change in life with an unknown conclusion your mind could wander endlessly yes it begs for your attention but this is not the time say good night change and rest in the peace of god again we look to the word of god in 2 thessalonians 3 verse 16. now may the lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way the lord be with all of you
the lord gives you peace though many things beg for your attention this is not the time this is not the time to wonder this is not the time for endless scenarios and mindless wanderings this is the time for rest it is the time for peace for the lord of peace himself will give you peace at all times and in every way especially right now god indeed invites you into his all-consuming peace inviting you to lay down the things that cause you stress fear or concern even the menial things that gather in your mind as the
day draws to a close remember the lord is peace and he draws you near to rest in him as saint augustine once said our hearts are restless until they rest in you rest in god your father tonight as you lay down for sleep feel his peace deeply as you dream dreams of heaven now let's unwrap the gift of sleep tonight imagine a beautifully wrapped package handed to you by your loving creator he encourages you to untie the ribbon and just let it fall away he guides you to remove the wrapping and set it aside he
waits patiently as you open the box to discover a beautiful gift the gift of sleep spend a few quiet moments embracing this gift with a heart of thankfulness to the one who loves you and cares about you please let me pray over you tonight thank you good father for the gift of sleep thank you for knowing just what your beloved child needs at the end of a long day help them release every worry and concern to you tonight please cover them with your peace and protection so they can fully relax and find true rest in
your presence i pray this in the precious name of your son jesus amen sleep is the cessation of labor it is the time of day that we let go of every unfinished task we surrender it to the hands of the father he will take care of it he will guard what we have committed to him take a moment to commit everything to god whatever remains undone it's okay let it go rest peacefully in the savior tonight don't worry about a thing he's got this he's got you often when sleep eludes us it's because we're holding
on to the cares of this life we struggle to let go of them because we struggle to trust god we forget that god is the head of our households he is sovereign over us as the psalmist says in psalm 127 unless the lord builds the house those who build it labor in vain unless the lord watches over the city the watchman stays awake in vain dear one the lord is watching over you tonight there is no need to stay awake with your worries or concerns for the lord does not slumber nor sleep he will keep
watch over you rest in that comforting thought for several moments the psalmist goes on to say that it is useless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night anxiously working for food to eat for god gives rest to his loved ones god gives rest to his loved ones you are loved by god he has given you the gift of sleep it overtakes you from head to toe you feel your whole body relax you close your eyes and take a deep breath in and slowly let it out what beautiful gifts our
father gives to those he loves assurance peace relaxation security and sleep embrace his gift of sleep tonight as i pray let it become the prayer of your heart heavenly father thank you for your gift of sleep what a precious gift it is i am so thankful for your presence tonight your love comforts me your gift of sleep restores me thank you lord i believe you are sovereign over all things over my life my work and my rest i release all of my anxieties to you thank you so much for gifting me with peace and rest
tonight in jesus name amen now sink your head deeper into the pillow and pull the covers around you allow your breathing to fall into a steady rhythm in and out in and out feel the gift of sleep envelop you like a soft cocoon gently it wraps around you securing you in the loving arms of the father like the cocoon of a butterfly sleep begins to encase you in soft silky warmth the strands of god's peace enclose you in the gentlest way possible for he is a gentle father kind and good from the top of your
head to the bottom of your feet you feel safe guarded and secure rest in the security of god's love for several moments sleep is a gift for our bodies for it allows processing restoring and strengthening to take place as we drift through sleep cycles our minds are able to process the day's events we are able to organize information file it away and remember what is most important each cell in our body benefits from sleep it rejuvenates us repairs our tissues and restores us from a long day of hard work oh what a beautiful gift from
our heavenly father he knows just what our bodies need he created us he created sleep rest in that assurance for a few moments not only do our physical bodies need sleep our spirits need god's true rest in the book of hebrews chapter 4 we read about god's promise of rest which comes through faith in jesus christ for we who have believed do enter that rest we who believe we who trust we who put our faith in the savior of our souls we enter god's promise of rest settle your heart on that promise for a few
moments now please allow me to pray over you again lord thank you for restoring your beloved one tonight every night as they sleep thank you for rejuvenating them you know just what they need you are good you are sovereign you are holy please allow true rest to come to your child tonight as they trust in you settle their minds repair their bodies and restore their hearts unto you thank you lord in jesus name amen breathe softly in and out inhale the sweet presence of the lord he is with you exhale the remnants of a long
day release it all to him hear the words of the psalmist again from psalm 127 a psalm of solomon it is useless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night anxiously working for food to eat for god gives rest to his loved ones now be assured that rising early at the start of a new day ready to work with willing hands is a good thing however starting the day with an anxious heart isn't beneficial at all there is no need to be anxious there is no need to fret god is
with you instead of rising early with burdens on your heart consider starting your morning with a quiet meditation let god's word be the first words you hear each day for his mercies are new every morning let his mercies flow over you now for several moments then as you move through your day no matter what comes you can recall the sweet words of wisdom you heard that morning in the quiet hour before anyone else was awake you heard from the god of all creation you can carry his word with you as a guide a comfort in
a peaceful meditation at the end of the day resist the temptation to keep working and toiling into the night listen to the wise words of solomon who said the lord gives sleep to his beloved the lord gives sleep to his beloved you are his beloved each evening carve out some time to be still before the lord make room in your schedule to thank him for guiding you through the day invite his presence into your household ask him to cover you as you sleep then as you lay your head down for the night and pull the
warm covers around you begin to unwrap god's gift of sleep untie the ribbon of divine rest open the box and embrace the gift of true rest in the lord his gift of sleep to you feel his peace in the room feel his presence surrounding you hear his words of comfort flow through you part mind and soul inhale and exhale continue to breathe softly in and out as i say a prayer over you heavenly father in the name of your son jesus i pray over this beloved one tonight i ask that you help them surrender their
lives to you and receive the gift of true rest i pray that they find comfort and peace in your presence please help them let go of anything that is on their mind or heart tonight thank you for loving them thank you for watching over them and thank you for the gift of sleep amen hello and welcome to this sleep story i'm taller boss this sleep meditation will help you relax de-stress and let go of any worries that are preventing you from getting a good night's sleep if you've been struggling with anxiety unable to calm your
nerves this bible meditation will help you find relief as you listen to the comforting words of the scriptures you'll be reminded of god's unfailing love in the midst of every trial tonight we'll be focusing on verses from psalm 94 verses that assure us of god's unfailing love and support we'll be encouraged to let go of fear and anxiety we'll experience the freedom god offers as we lean on him through every circumstance but before we begin please take a few moments to settle into bed make yourself comfortable and take a few deep breaths to help you
relax whisper a quiet prayer inviting the holy spirit to be with you ask for his presence in jesus name inhale and exhale feel every muscle relax as you center your thoughts on god's word in his presence tonight now let me pray over you heavenly father thank you for being with this listener tonight i pray that you will cover them with an amazing amount of peace the peace that surpasses all understanding and comes from your spirit i pray that no matter where they are in the world and no matter what they're feeling that you will be
with them and free them from all anxiousness lord please help this person release every ounce of worry and stress to you right here in the stillness of the room lead them to extend their arms as a symbol of letting go of all the things that are troubling them please help them help them to know that you are with them that you love them deeply lord i ask that you help this listener experience the freedom you offer when they look to you for answers and guidance instead of looking to the world please help them remain in
step with your spirit letting you guide them in every decision help them to abide in the true vine allowing you to prune away all the things that don't belong and help them to rest in the protective shelter of your wings in the precious name of jesus i pray amen now take one more slow breath in and exhale out listen to these comforting words from psalm 94 verses 18 and 19. when i said my foot is slipping your unfailing love lord supported me when anxiety was great within me your consolation brought me joy rest in those
words for a few moments each of us at different times in our lives has felt as though our feet were slipping either by our own choices or habits or by life circumstances of which we have no control we found ourselves slipping away and even falling a time or two if this describes you please know that you're not alone other brothers and sisters in christ have slipped as well and many have found themselves living a life of imbalance and struggling to remain steady on their feet but please remember this god's unfailing love is always there to
support you you are not left to figure out things for yourself he is there to uphold you to help you get back on your feet and then to lead you in the way you should go you can trust him lean on him and rest in him there is great peace and knowing that god's unfailing love never leaves you he supports you every step of the way steady strong unchanging unfailing that's what god's love is rest in the stillness of the room and feel god's unfailing love surrounding you supporting you and setting you free let's pray
precious god holy god as the remnants of worry and anxiety decrease we feel your love increase more and more thank you we praise you we rest in your presence and find freedom in your spirit for where your spirit is there is freedom tonight lord break every stronghold of anxiety in the life of this listener cut the chains of fretfulness and unrest open wide the window of your peace and usher in the sweet fragrance of joy it is in the name of jesus we pray these things amen listen again to our bible passage of comfort and
joy when i said my foot is slipping your unfailing love lord supported me when anxiety was great within me your consolation brought me joy rest on the word consolation for a moment consolation means comfort compassion relief and strength your consolation comes from the unfailing love of god through jesus christ his son i'm reminded of a beautiful passage of scripture that tells of a man named simeon who was led by the spirit to the temple on the same day that mary and joseph brought the baby jesus to be dedicated you see simeon had long awaited the
birth of the messiah the consolation of israel and by the divine providence of god his eyes beheld the newborn king this is what simeon said when he took jesus in his arms lord now you're letting your servant depart in peace according to your word from my eyes have seen your salvation which you have prepared before the face of all peoples a light to bring revelation to the gentiles in the glory of your people israel according to the word of the lord jesus came to be the consolation of israel a light to the gentiles and the
glory of his people he is your consolation your light and your glory through comfort compassion relief and strength jesus casts all anxiety away and replaces it with perfect peace there is no need to be anxious anymore every need you have is covered in jesus he comforts you he offers compassion and relief from every worry he strengthens you and leads you into the assurance that he has everything under control release everything to him when anxiety was great within me your consolation brought me joy rest in the joy of the lord feel his peace wash over you
like a healing balm in him you have received healing and renewal the old things are gone and the new has come all anxieties are taken away and replaced by god's consolation of peace in psalm 119 we hear these words remember your promise to me it is my only hope your promise revives me it comforts me in all my troubles remember god's promises they are your hope they comfort you in every trouble he promises to uphold you with his righteous right hand he promises to love you with an everlasting love he promises to be with you
always never leaving you or forsaking you rest deeply in the promises of god tonight doubt cannot remain where god's truth abides fear is cast out where god's peace resides anxiety runs dry as god's presence fills worries are calmed as the holy spirit stills gracious god please remember this beloved listener tonight as they sleep soundly in your presence and in your grace bless them as they rest in you keep them in the fold of your unfailing love and guard them through every hour of the night thank you lord for freeing this person of all anxiety right
here right now we trust you to cast out all traces of fretfulness and unrest as this child sleeps tonight i ask that you fill their dreams with reminders of your promises promises of your unfailing love and goodness pray for restorative sleep that will help them wake up in the morning refreshed and renewed thank you god for your comfort and peace in jesus name when i said my foot is slipping your unfailing love lord supported me when anxiety was great within me your consolation brought me joy sleep now and a peaceful consolation of joy and be
free free to live in unity with the lord safe secure and surrounded by his unfailing love amen welcome to this abide bedtime story i'm tyler boss tonight you will be lulled into a peaceful calming sleep with several different translations of psalm 23 from the traditional king james version to the fiery passion translation you will hear this beloved psalm brought to life as you prepare to fall asleep quickly to the word of god make yourself comfortable in your bed relax your muscles deep steadying breaths let the distractions flip like dragonflies through your mind without landing let
the peace of christ guard your heart and your mind so that you can rest deeply tonight father god we are grateful for your love and your care for us i pray over this listener tonight that they would hear these words not only with their ears but with their very soul lead them besides still waters make them lie down in green pastures restore their soul guide them in paths of righteousness for your namesake in the mighty name of jesus amen king james version the lord is my shepherd i shall not want he maketh me lie down
in green pastures he leadeth me beside the still waters he restoreth my soul he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies thou anointest my head with oil my cup runneth over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i will dwell in the house of the
lord forever esv the lord is my shepherd i shall not want he makes me lie down in green pastures he leads me beside still waters he restores my soul he leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake even though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all
the days of my life and i shall dwell in the house of the lord forever see eb the lord is my shepherd i lack nothing he lets me rest in grassy meadows he leads me to restful waters he guides me in proper paths for the sake of his good name even when i walk through the darkest valley i fear no danger because you are with me your rod and your staff they protect me you set a table for me right in front of my enemies you bathe my head in oil my cup is so full
it spills over yes goodness and faithful love will pursue me all the days of my life and i will live in the lord's house as long as i live the message god my shepherd i don't need a thing you have bedded me down in lush meadows you find me quiet pools to drink from true to your word you let me catch my breath and send me in the right direction even when the way goes through death valley i'm not afraid when you walk at my side your trusty shepherd's crook makes me feel secure you serve
me a six course dinner right in front of my enemies you revive my drooping head my cup brims with blessing your beauty and love chase after me every day of my life i'm back home in the house of god for the rest of my life niv the lord is my shepherd i lack nothing he makes me lie down in green pastures he leads me beside quiet waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though i walk through the darkest valley i will fear no evil for you
are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and i will dwell in the house of the lord forever good news translation the lord is my shepherd i have everything i need he lets me rest in fields of green grass and leads me to quiet pools of fresh water he gives me new strength he guides me in the right paths
as he has promised even if i go through the deepest darkness i will not be afraid for you are with me lord your shepherds rod and staff protect me you prepare a banquet for me where all my enemies can see me you welcome me as an honored guest and fill my cup to the brim i know that your goodness and love will be with me all my life in your house will be my home as long as i live nlt the lord is my shepherd i have all that i need he lets me rest in
green meadows he leads me beside peaceful streams he renews my strength he guides me along right paths bringing honor to his name even when i walk through the darkest valley i will not be afraid for you are close beside me your rod and your staff protect and comfort me you prepare a feast for me and the presence of my enemies you honor me by anointing my head with oil my cup overflows with blessings your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life and i will live in the house of the
lord forever the voice the eternal is my shepherd he cares for me always he provides me rest in rich green fields besides streams of refreshing water he soothes my fears he makes me whole again steering me off worn hard paths to roads where truth and righteousness echo his name even in the unending shadows of death's darkness i am not overcome by fear because you are with me in those dark moments near with your protection and guidance i am comforted you spread out a table before me provisions in the midst of attack from my enemies you
care for all my needs anointing my head with soothing fragrant oil filling my cup again and again with your grace certainly your faithful protection and loving provision will pursue me where i go always everywhere i will always be with the eternal in your house forever the passion translation the lord is my best friend and my shepherd i always have more than enough he offers a resting place for me and his luxurious love his tracks take me to an oasis of peace the quiet brook of bliss that's where he restores and revives my life he opens
before me pathways to god's pleasure and leads me along in his footsteps of righteousness so that i can bring honor to his name lord even when your path takes me through the valley of deepest darkness fear will never conquer me for you already have you remain close to me and lead me through it all the way your authority is my strength and my peace the comfort of your love takes away my fear i'll never be lonely for you are near you become my delicious feast even when my enemies dare to fight you anoint me with
the fragrance of your holy spirit you give me all i can drink of you until my heart overflows so why would i fear the future for your goodness and love pursue me all the days of my life then afterward when my life is through i'll return to your glorious presence to be forever with you lord god lover of your people protector shepherd savior we praise you and worship you for your goodness and your kindness i pray over your beloved child tonight that they would rest in your presence sleep in your arms trust you with their
whole being may your goodness and mercy abound in them forever and ever as they abide in you in the precious name of jesus i pray amen often when you lay down to sleep your mind kicks into high gear and it can be so hard to slow it down while there are so many things that fight for your attention bedtime is a time of rest so choose to say good night to stress and to the things that beg you to notice them as you rest in the peace of god with your eyes closed take a slow
deep breath breathing in through your nose let your lungs fill with air feeling your abdomen expand pause for a moment before slowly exhaling through your mouth letting your stomach deflate as you do relax your shoulders into your bed feeling the tension dissolve adjust your neck and head as they rest on your pillow point and flex your toes feeling that stretch all the way through your legs do this once more letting the stress of your day release take another deep breath remembering that your day is done all that is set before you now is to rest
in peace that is the gift of god let me pray for you father god we give you thanks for who you are thank you for your kindness and grace thank you for your everlasting peace thank you that in you this beloved child can find rest lord as they lie down to sleep tonight let them feel your presence and know that you are near there are so many things that are begging for their attention but what you know they need is rest not just for their body but deep within their soul only you can bring the
deep rest that they need and i ask you to do so now as they lie down their heart is restless until it rests in you so be near to them now jesus in your precious name i pray amen dear one the day is through the night is here now so you can rest at ease what's said is said and what's done is done your heart can rest in peace say good night to all your stress and all the turmoil it brings so you can rest most peacefully in the arms of the king of kings in
that great mind of yours there are many things to do there are finances and relationships and work that is new there's the past and the future and today to distract there's to do's and what ifs and change at your back say good night one by one they will not delay so rest in your lord at the end of this day 2 thessalonians 3 verse 16 in the new international version says now may the lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way the lord be with all of you the lord
is peace allow the holy spirit to bring you peace and allow you to say good night to all those distractions acknowledge them each and then set them aside in that great mind of yours there are many things begging for your attention think about me instead they say think about your finances you may be thinking about upcoming bills wondering if you will have enough or a potential new job wondering if it's worth the pay cut you may be thinking about debt wondering if you'll ever get out you may be running numbers adding and subtracting searching your
mind for transactions and upcoming expenses it begs for your attention but this is not the time say good night finances and rest in the peace of god and that great mind of yours there are many things begging for your attention think about me instead they say think about your relationships you may be worried about your marriage wondering if you'll make it through a hard season you may be worried about your children wondering how they'll weather this storm you may be longing for a relationship wondering if it will ever come you may be in need of
reconciliation wishing you hadn't said that thing it begs for your attention but this is not the time say good night relationships and rest in the peace of god in that great mind of yours there are many things begging for your attention think about me instead they say think about your work you may be thinking about your vocation wondering if it's the right thing you may be considering a change wondering if you've waited too long you may be hung up on a project wishing you had made more progress you may be mourning the loss of work
desperate to find something new you may be wishing this year had been different imagining where you'd be if you hadn't lost work it begs for your attention but this is not the time say good night work and rest in the peace of god remember god's word from 2 thessalonians 3 verse 16 now may the lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way the lord be with all of you may the lord give you peace in that great mind of yours there are many things begging for your attention think about
me instead they say think about your past you may be caught up in regret wishing you had done things differently you may be replaying conversations thinking maybe you should have said it another way you may be caught up in nostalgia wishing you could turn back time it begs for your attention but this is not the time say good night past and rest in the peace of god in that great mind of yours there are many things begging for your attention think about me instead they say think about your future there may be an important decision
you need to make and you're debating the many potential outcomes in your mind you may be excited about upcoming plans hopeful nothing will keep them from happening you may be playing out future scenarios wondering how you can see them come to pass oh it begs for your attention but this is not the time say good night future and rest in the peace of god in that great mind of yours there are many things begging for your attention think about me instead they say think about the present there are so many things that can beg for
your attention as your day comes to a close you are likely managing a myriad of relationships and situations with plenty of space for your mind to wander it begs for your attention but this is not a time say good night present and rest in the peace of god remember god's word from 2 thessalonians 3 verse 16 now may the lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way the lord be with all of you let the lord give you peace that great mind of yours there are so many things begging
for your attention think about me instead they say think about your to-do list you may be lying in bed thinking of all the things you need to do tomorrow errands you need to run deals you need to seal phone calls you need to make there are people who need you tasks that are waiting on you details that will not be noticed by anyone but you you may be planning out your morning wondering if you have coffee or anything for breakfast you may be remembering a forgotten appointment or realizing you double booked it begs for your
attention but this is not the time say good night to do list and rest in the peace of god and that great mind of yours there are many things begging for your attention think about me instead they say think about what if like your own little daydream when you really ought to be dreaming your mind may beckon you into scenarios that could have been what if you had gone there what if you had done that what if this were different what if that were the same oh there are so many possibilities of where your mind
might wander instead of sleep it begs for your attention but this is not the time say good night what ifs and rest in the peace of god in that great mind of yours there are many things begging for your attention think about me instead they say think about change you may feel like life is just too static and you're longing for things to change you find yourself running through various scenarios and situations imagining the ways in which you might make a change in life with an unknown conclusion your mind could wander endlessly yes it begs
for your attention but this is not the time say good night change and rest in the peace of god and again we look to the word of god in 2 thessalonians 3 verse 16. now may the lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way the lord be with all of you the lord gives you peace though many things beg for your attention this is not the time this is not the time to wonder this is not the time for endless scenarios and mindless wanderings this is the time for rest
it is the time for peace for the lord of peace himself will give you peace at all times and in every way especially right now god indeed invites you into his all-consuming peace inviting you to lay down the things that cause you stress fear or concern even the menial things that gather in your mind as the day draws to a close remember the lord is peace and he draws you near to rest in him as saint augustine once said our hearts are restless until they rest in you rest in god your father tonight as you
lay down for sleep feel his peace deeply as you dream dreams of heaven now let's unwrap the gift of sleep tonight imagine a beautifully wrapped package handed to you by your loving creator he encourages you to untie the ribbon and just let it fall away he guides you to remove the wrapping and set it aside he waits patiently as you open the box to discover a beautiful gift the gift of sleep spend a few quiet moments embracing this gift with a heart of thankfulness to the one who loves you and cares about you please let
me pray over you tonight thank you good father for the gift of sleep thank you for knowing just what your beloved child needs at the end of a long day help them release every worry and concern to you tonight please cover them with your peace and protection so they can fully relax and find true rest in your presence i pray this in the precious name of your son jesus amen sleep is the cessation of labor it is the time of day that we let go of every unfinished task we surrender it to the hands of
the father he will take care of it he will guard what we have committed to him take a moment to commit everything to god whatever remains undone it's okay let it go rest peacefully in the savior tonight don't worry about a thing he's got this he's got you often when sleep eludes us it's because we're holding on to the cares of this life we struggle to let go of them because we struggle to trust god we forget that god is the head of our households he is sovereign over us as the psalmist says in psalm
127 unless the lord builds the house those who build it labor in vain unless the lord watches over the city the watchman stays awake in vain dear one the lord is watching over you tonight there is no need to stay awake with your worries or concerns for the lord does not slumber nor sleep he will keep watch over you rest in that comforting thought for several moments the psalmist goes on to say that it is useless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night anxiously working for food to eat for
god gives rest to his loved ones god gives rest to his loved ones you are loved by god he has given you the gift of sleep it overtakes you from head to toe you feel your whole body relax you close your eyes and take a deep breath in and slowly let it out what beautiful gifts our father gives to those he loves assurance peace relaxation security and sleep embrace his gift of sleep tonight as i pray let it become the prayer of your heart heavenly father thank you for your gift of sleep what a precious
gift it is i am so thankful for your presence tonight your love comforts me your gift of sleep restores me thank you lord i believe you are sovereign over all things over my life my work and my rest i release all of my anxieties to you thank you so much for gifting me with peace and rest tonight in jesus name amen now sink your head deeper into the pillow and pull the covers around you allow your breathing to fall into a steady rhythm in and out in and out feel the gift of sleep envelope you
like a soft cocoon gently it wraps around you securing you in the loving arms of the father like the cocoon of a butterfly sleep begins to encase you in soft silky warmth the strands of god's peace enclose you in the gentlest way possible for he is a gentle father kind and good from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet you feel safe guarded and secure rest in the security of god's love for several moments sleep is a gift for our bodies for it allows processing restoring and strengthening to take place as
we drift through sleep cycles our minds are able to process the day's events we are able to organize information file it away and remember what is most important each cell in our body benefits from sleep it rejuvenates us repairs our tissues and restores us from a long day of hard work oh what a beautiful gift from our heavenly father he knows just what our bodies need he created us he created sleep rest in that assurance for a few moments not only do our physical bodies need sleep our spirits need god's true rest in the book
of hebrews chapter 4 we read about god's promise of rest which comes through faith in jesus christ for we who have believed do enter that rest we who believe we who trust we who put our faith in the savior of our souls we enter god's promise of rest settle your heart on that promise for a few moments now please allow me to pray over you again lord thank you for restoring your beloved one tonight every night as they sleep thank you for rejuvenating them you know just what they need you are good you are sovereign
you are holy please allow true rest to come to your child tonight as they trust in you settle their minds repair their bodies and restore their hearts unto you thank you lord in jesus name amen breathe softly in and out inhale the sweet presence of the lord he is with you exhale the remnants of a long day release it all to him hear the words of the psalmist again from psalm 127 a psalm of solomon it is useless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night anxiously working for food to
eat for god gives rest to his loved ones now be assured that rising early at the start of a new day ready to work with willing hands is a good thing however starting the day with an anxious heart isn't beneficial at all there is no need to be anxious there is no need to fret god is with you instead of rising early with burdens on your heart consider starting your morning with a quiet meditation let god's word be the first words you hear each day for his mercies are new every morning let his mercies flow
over you now for several moments then as you move through your day no matter what comes you can recall the sweet words of wisdom you heard that morning in the quiet hour before anyone else was awake you heard from the god of all creation you can carry his word with you as a guide a comfort in a peaceful meditation at the end of the day resist the temptation to keep working and toiling into the night listen to the wise words of solomon who said the lord gives sleep to his beloved the lord gives sleep to
his beloved you are his beloved each evening carve out some time to be still before the lord make room in your schedule to thank him for guiding you through the day invite his presence into your household ask him to cover you as you sleep then as you lay your head down for the night and pull the warm covers around you begin to unwrap god's gift of sleep untie the ribbon of divine rest open the box and embrace the gift of true rest in the lord his gift of sleep to you feel his peace in the
room feel his presence surrounding you hear his words of comfort flow through you heart mind and soul inhale and exhale continue to breathe softly in and out as i say a prayer over you heavenly father in the name of your son jesus i pray over this beloved one tonight i ask that you help them surrender their lives to you and receive the gift of true rest i pray that they find comfort and peace in your presence please help them let go of anything that is on their mind or heart tonight thank you for loving them
thank you for watching over them and thank you for the gift of sleep amen hello and welcome to this sleep story i'm taller boss this sleep meditation will help you relax de-stress and let go of any worries that are preventing you from getting a good night's sleep if you've been struggling with anxiety unable to calm your nerves this bible meditation will help you find relief as you listen to the comforting words of the scriptures you'll be reminded of god's unfailing love in the midst of every trial tonight we'll be focusing on verses from psalm 94.
verses that assure us of god's unfailing love and support we'll be encouraged to let go of fear and anxiety and we'll experience the freedom god offers as we lean on him through every circumstance but before we begin please take a few moments to settle into bed make yourself comfortable and take a few deep breaths to help you relax whisper a quiet prayer inviting the holy spirit to be with you ask for his presence in jesus name inhale and exhale feel every muscle relax as you center your thoughts on god's word in his presence tonight now
let me pray over you heavenly father thank you for being with this listener tonight i pray that you will cover them with an amazing amount of peace the peace that surpasses all understanding and comes from your spirit i pray that no matter where they are in the world and no matter what they're feeling that you will be with them and free them from all anxiousness lord please help this person release every ounce of worry and stress to you right here in the stillness of the room lead them to extend their arms as a symbol of
letting go of all the things that are troubling them please help them help them to know that you are with them and that you love them deeply lord i ask that you help this listener experience the freedom you offer when they look to you for answers and guidance instead of looking to the world please help them remain in step with your spirit letting you guide them in every decision help them to abide in the true vine allowing you to prune away all the things that don't belong and help them to rest in the protective shelter
of your wings in the precious name of jesus i pray amen now take one more slow breath in and exhale out listen to these comforting words from psalm 94 verses 18 and 19. when i said my foot is slipping your unfailing love lord supported me when anxiety was great within me your consolation brought me joy rest in those words for a few moments each of us at different times in our lives has felt as though our feet were slipping either by our own choices or habits or by life circumstances of which we have no control
we've found ourselves slipping away and even falling a time or two if this describes you please know that you're not alone other brothers and sisters in christ have slipped as well and many have found themselves living a life of imbalance and struggling to remain steady on their feet but please remember this god's unfailing love is always there to support you you are not left to figure out things for yourself he is there to uphold you to help you get back on your feet and then to lead you in the way you should go you can
trust him lean on him and rest in him there's great peace and knowing that god's unfailing love never leaves you he supports you every step of the way steady strong unchanging unfailing that's what god's love is rest in the stillness of the room and feel god's unfailing love surrounding you supporting you and setting you free let's pray precious god holy god as the remnants of worry and anxiety decrease we feel your love increase more and more thank you we praise you we rest in your presence and find freedom in your spirit for where your spirit
is there is freedom tonight lord break every stronghold of anxiety in the life of this listener cut the chains of fretfulness and unrest open wide the window of your piece and usher in the sweet fragrance of joy it is in the name of jesus we pray these things amen listen again to our bible passage of comfort and joy when i said my foot is slipping your unfailing love lord supported me when anxiety was great within me your consolation brought me joy rest on the word consolation for a moment consolation means comfort compassion relief and strength
your consolation comes from the unfailing love of god through jesus christ his son i'm reminded of a beautiful passage of scripture that tells of a man named simeon who was led by the spirit to the temple on the same day that mary and joseph brought the baby jesus to be dedicated you see simeon had long awaited the birth of the messiah the consolation of israel and by the divine providence of god his eyes beheld the newborn king this is what simeon said when he took jesus in his arms lord now you're letting your servant depart
in peace according to your word from my eyes have seen your salvation which you have prepared before the face of all peoples a light to bring revelation to the gentiles in the glory of your people israel according to the word of the lord jesus came to be the consolation of israel a light to the gentiles and the glory of his people he is your consolation your light and your glory through comfort compassion relief and strength jesus casts all anxiety away and replaces it with perfect peace there is no need to be anxious anymore every need
you have is covered in jesus he comforts you he offers compassion and relief from every worry he strengthens you and leads you into the assurance that he has everything under control release everything to him when anxiety was great within me your consolation brought me joy rest in the joy of the lord feel his peace wash over you like a healing bomb in him you have received healing and renewal the old things are gone and the new has come all anxieties are taken away and replaced by god's consolation of peace in psalm 119 we hear these
words remember your promise to me it is my only hope your promise revives me it comforts me in all my troubles remember god's promises they are your hope they comfort you in every trouble he promises to uphold you with his righteous right hand he promises to love you with an everlasting love he promises to be with you always never leaving you or forsaking you rest deeply in the promises of god tonight doubt cannot remain where god's truth abides fear is cast out where god's peace resides anxiety runs dry as god's presence fills worries are calmed
as the holy spirit stills gracious god please remember this beloved listener tonight as they sleep soundly in your presence and in your grace bless them as they rest in you keep them in the fold of your unfailing love and guard them through every hour of the night thank you lord for freeing this person of all anxiety right here right now we trust you to cast out all traces of fretfulness and unrest as this child sleeps tonight i ask that you fill their dreams with reminders of your promises promises of your unfailing love and goodness i
pray for restorative sleep that will help them wake up in the morning refreshed and renewed thank you god for your comfort and peace in jesus name when i said my foot is slipping your unfailing love lord supported me when anxiety was great within me your consolation brought me joy sleep now in a peaceful consolation of joy and be free free to live in unity with the lord safe secure and surrounded by his unfailing love amen welcome to this abide bedtime story i'm tyler boss tonight you will be lulled into a peaceful calming sleep with several
different translations of psalm 23 from the traditional king james version to the fiery passion translation you will hear this beloved psalm brought to life as you prepare to fall asleep quickly to the word of god make yourself comfortable in your bed relax your muscles take deep steadying breaths let the distractions flit like dragonflies through your mind without landing let the peace of christ guard your heart and your mind so that you can rest deeply tonight father god we are grateful for your love and your care for us i pray over this listener tonight that they
would hear these words not only with their ears but with their very soul lead them beside still waters make them lie down in green pastures restore their soul guide them in paths of righteousness for your name's sake in the mighty name of jesus amen king james version the lord is my shepherd i shall not want he maketh me lie down in green pastures he leadeth me beside the still waters he restoreth my soul he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of
death i will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies thou anointest my head with oil my cup runeth over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i will dwell in the house of the lord forever esv the lord is my shepherd i shall not want he makes me lie down in green pastures he leads me beside still waters he restores my soul he leads me in paths of righteousness
for his name's sake even though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i shall dwell in the house of the lord forever see eb the lord is my shepherd i lack nothing he lets me rest in grassy meadows he leads me to
restful waters he guides me in proper paths for the sake of his good name even when i walk through the darkest valley i fear no danger because you are with me your rod and your staff they protect me you set a table for me right in front of my enemies you bathe my head in oil my cup is so full it spills over yes goodness and faithful love will pursue me all the days of my life and i will live in the lord's house as long as i live the message god my shepherd i don't
need a thing you have bedded me down in lush meadows you find me quiet pools to drink from true to your word you let me catch my breath and send me in the right direction even when the way goes through death valley i'm not afraid when you walk at my side your trusty shepherd's crook makes me feel secure you serve me a six course dinner right in front of my enemies you revive my drooping head my cup brims with blessing your beauty and love chase after me every day of my life i'm back home in
the house of god for the rest of my life niv the lord is my shepherd i lack nothing he makes me lie down in green pastures he leads me beside quiet waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his namesake even though i walk through the darkest valley i will fear no evil you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow
me all the days of my life and i will dwell in the house of the lord forever good news translation the lord is my shepherd i have everything i need he lets me rest in fields of green grass and leads me to quiet pools of fresh water he gives me new strength he guides me in the right paths as he has promised even if i go through the deepest darkness i will not be afraid for you are with me lord your shepherds rod and staff protect me you prepare a banquet for me where all my
enemies can see me you welcome me as an honored guest and fill my cup to the brim i know that your goodness and love will be with me all my life in your house will be my home as long as i live nlt the lord is my shepherd i have all that i need he lets me rest in green meadows he leads me beside peaceful streams he renews my strength he guides me along right paths bringing honor to his name even when i walk through the darkest valley i will not be afraid for you are
close beside me your rod and your staff protect and comfort me you prepare a feast for me and the presence of my enemies you honor me by anointing my head with oil my cup overflows with blessings surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life and i will live in the house of the lord forever the voice the eternal is my shepherd he cares for me always he provides me rest in rich green fields besides streams of refreshing water he soothes my fears he makes me whole again steering me
off worn hard paths to roads where truth and righteousness echo his name even in the unending shadows of death's darkness i am not overcome by fear because you are with me in those dark moments near with your protection and guidance i am comforted you spread out a table before me provisions in the midst of attack from my enemies you care for all my needs anointing my head with soothing fragrant oil filling my cup again and again with your grace certainly your faithful protection and loving provision will pursue me where i go always everywhere i will
always be with the eternal in your house forever the passion translation the lord is my best friend and my shepherd i always have more than enough he offers a resting place for me and his luxurious love his tracks take me to an oasis of peace the quiet brook of bliss that's where he restores and revives my life he opens before me pathways to god's pleasure and leads me along in his footsteps of righteousness so that i can bring honor to his name lord even when your path takes me through the valley of deepest darkness fear
will never conquer me for you already have you remain close to me and lead me through it all the way your authority is my strength and my peace the comfort of your love takes away my fear i'll never be lonely for you are near you become my delicious feast even when my enemies dare to fight you anoint me with the fragrance of your holy spirit you give me all i can drink of you until my heart overflows so why would i fear the future for your goodness and love pursue me all the days of my
life then afterward when my life is through i'll return to your glorious presence to be forever with you lord god lover of your people protector shepherd savior we praise you and worship you for your goodness and your kindness i pray over your beloved child tonight that they would rest in your presence sleep in your arms trust you with their whole being may your goodness and mercy abound in them forever and ever as they abide in you in the precious name of jesus i pray amen often when you lay down to sleep your mind kicks into
high gear and it can be so hard to slow it down while there are so many things that fight for your attention bedtime is a time of rest so choose to say good night to stress and to the things that beg you to notice them as you rest in the peace of god with your eyes closed take a slow deep breath breathing in through your nose let your lungs fill with air feeling your abdomen expand pause for a moment before slowly exhaling through your mouth letting your stomach deflate as you do relax your shoulders into
your bed feeling the tension dissolve adjust your neck and head as they rest on your pillow point and flex your toes feeling that stretch all the way through your legs do this once more letting the stress of your day release take another deep breath remembering that your day is done all that is set before you now is to rest in peace that is the gift of god let me pray for you father god we give you thanks for who you are thank you for your kindness and grace thank you for your everlasting peace thank you
that in you this beloved child can find rest lord as they lie down to sleep tonight let them feel your presence and know that you are near there are so many things that are begging for their attention but what you know they need is rest not just for their body but deep within their soul only you can bring the deep rest that they need and i ask you to do so now as they lie down their heart is restless until it rests in you so be near to them now jesus in your precious name i
pray amen dear one the day is through the night is here now so you can rest at ease what's said is said and what's done is done your heart can rest in peace say good night to all your stress and all the turmoil it brings so you can rest most peacefully in the arms of the king of kings in that great mind of yours there are many things to do there are finances and relationships and work that is new there's the past and the future and today to distract there's to do's and what ifs and
change at your back say good night one by one they will not delay so rest in your lord at the end of this day 2 thessalonians 3 verse 16 in the new international version says now may the lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way the lord be with all of you the lord is peace allow the holy spirit to bring you peace and allow you to say good night to all those distractions acknowledge them each and then set them aside in that great mind of yours there are many
things begging for your attention think about me instead they say think about your finances you may be thinking about upcoming bills wondering if you will have enough or a potential new job wondering if it's worth the pay cut you may be thinking about debt wondering if you'll ever get out you may be running numbers adding and subtracting searching your mind for transactions and upcoming expenses it begs for your attention but this is not the time say good night finances and rest in the peace of god and that great mind of yours there are many things
begging for your attention think about me instead they say think about your relationships you may be worried about your marriage wondering if you'll make it through a hard season you may be worried about your children wondering how they'll weather this storm you may be longing for a relationship wondering if it will ever come you may be in need of reconciliation wishing you hadn't said that thing it begs for your attention but this is not the time say good night relationships and rest in the peace of god in that great mind of yours there are many
things begging for your attention think about me instead they say think about your work you may be thinking about your vocation wondering if it's the right thing you may be considering a change wondering if you've waited too long you may be hung up on a project wishing you had made more progress you may be mourning the loss of work desperate to find something new you may be wishing this year had been different imagining where you'd be if you hadn't lost work it begs for your attention but this is not the time say good night work
and rest in the peace of god remember god's word from 2 thessalonians 3 16 now may the lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way the lord be with all of you may the lord give you peace in that great mind of yours there are many things begging for your attention think about me instead they say think about your past you may be caught up in regret wishing you had done things differently you may be replaying conversations thinking maybe you should have said it another way you may be caught
up in nostalgia wishing you could turn back time it begs for your attention but this is not the time say good night past and rest in the peace of god in that great mind of yours there are many things begging for your attention think about me instead they say think about your future there may be an important decision you need to make and you're debating the many potential outcomes in your mind you may be excited about upcoming plans hopeful nothing will keep them from happening you may be playing out future scenarios wondering how you can
see them come to pass oh it begs for your attention but this is not a time say good night future and rest in the peace of god in that great mind of yours there are many things begging for your attention think about me instead they say think about the present there are so many things that can beg for your attention as your day comes to a close you are likely managing a myriad of relationships and situations with plenty of space for your mind to wander it begs for your attention but this is not the time
say good night present and rest in the peace of god remember god's word from 2 thessalonians 3 verse 16 now may the lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way the lord be with all of you let the lord give you peace that great mind of yours there are so many things begging for your attention think about me instead they say think about your to-do list you may be lying in bed thinking of all the things you need to do tomorrow errands you need to run deals you need to
seal phone calls you need to make there are people who need you tasks that are waiting on you details that will not be noticed by anyone but you you may be planning out your morning wondering if you have coffee or anything for breakfast you may be remembering a forgotten appointment or realizing you double booked it begs for your attention but this is not the time say good night to do list and rest in the peace of god and that great mind of yours there are many things begging for your think about me instead they say
think about what if like your own little daydream when you really ought to be dreaming your mind may beckon you into scenarios that could have been what if you had gone there what if you had done that what if this were different what if that were the same oh there are so many possibilities of where your mind might wander instead of sleep it begs for your attention but this is not the time say good night what ifs and rest in the peace of god in that great mind of yours there are many things begging for
your attention think about me instead they say think about change you may feel like life is just too static and you're longing for things to change you find yourself running through various scenarios and situations imagining the ways in which you might make a change in life with an unknown conclusion your mind could wander endlessly yes it begs for your attention but this is not the time say good night change and rest in the peace of god and again we look to the word of god in 2 thessalonians 3 verse 16. now may the lord of
peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way the lord be with all of you the lord gives you peace though many things beg for your attention this is not the time this is not the time to wonder this is not the time for endless scenarios and mindless wanderings this is the time for rest it is the time for peace for the lord of peace himself will give you peace at all times and in every way especially right now god indeed invites you into his all-consuming peace inviting you to lay down the
things that cause you stress fear or concern even the menial things that gather in your mind as the day draws to a close remember the lord is peace and he draws you near to rest in him as saint augustine once said our hearts are restless until they rest in you rest in god your father tonight as you lay down for sleep feel his peace deeply as you dream dreams of heaven now let's unwrap the gift of sleep tonight imagine a beautifully wrapped package handed to you by your loving creator he encourages you to untie the
ribbon and just let it fall away he guides you to remove the wrapping and set it aside he waits patiently as you open the box to discover a beautiful gift the gift of sleep spend a few quiet moments embracing this gift with a heart of thankfulness to the one who loves you and cares about you please let me pray over you tonight thank you good father for the gift of sleep thank you for knowing just what your beloved child needs at the end of a long day help them release every worry and concern to you
tonight please cover them with your peace and protection so they can fully relax and find true rest in your presence i pray this in the precious name of your son jesus amen sleep is the cessation of labor it is the time of day that we let go of every unfinished task we surrender it to the hands of the father he will take care of it he will guard what we have committed to him take a moment to commit everything to god whatever remains undone it's okay let it go rest peacefully in the savior tonight don't
worry about a thing he's got this he's got you often when sleep eludes us it's because we're holding on to the cares of this life we struggle to let go of them because we struggle to trust god we forget that god is the head of our households he is sovereign over us as the psalmist says in psalm 127 unless the lord builds the house those who build it labor in vain unless the lord watches over the city the watchman stays awake in vain dear one the lord is watching over you tonight there is no need
to stay awake with your worries or concerns for the lord does not slumber nor sleep he will keep watch over you rest in that comforting thought for several moments the psalmist goes on to say that it is useless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night anxiously working for food to eat for god gives rest to his loved ones god gives rest to his loved ones you are loved by god he has given you the gift of sleep it overtakes you from head to toe you feel your whole body relax
you close your eyes and take a deep breath in and slowly let it out what beautiful gifts our father gives to those he loves assurance peace relaxation security and sleep embrace his gift of sleep tonight as i pray let it become the prayer of your heart heavenly father thank you for your gift of sleep what a precious gift it is i am so thankful for your presence tonight your love comforts me your gift of sleep restores me thank you lord i believe you are sovereign over all things over my life my work and my rest
i release all of my anxieties to you thank you so much for gifting me with peace and rest tonight in jesus name amen now sink your head deeper into the pillow and pull the covers around you allow your breathing to fall into a steady rhythm in and out in and out feel the gift of sleep envelop you like a soft cocoon gently it wraps around you securing you in the loving arms of the father like the cocoon of a butterfly sleep begins to encase you in soft silky warmth the strands of god's peace enclose you
in the gentlest way possible for he is a gentle father kind and good from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet you feel safe guarded and secure rest in the security of god's love for several moments sleep is a gift for our bodies for it allows processing restoring and strengthening to take place as we drift through sleep cycles our minds are able to process the day's events we are able to organize information file it away and remember what is most important each cell in our body benefits from sleep it rejuvenates us
repairs our tissues and restores us from a long day of hard work oh what a beautiful gift from our heavenly father he knows just what our bodies need he created us he created sleep rest in that assurance for a few moments not only do our physical bodies need sleep our spirits need god's true rest in the book of hebrews chapter 4 we read about god's promise of rest which comes through faith in jesus christ for we who have believed do enter that rest we who believe we who trust we who put our faith in the
savior of our souls we enter god's promise of rest settle your heart on that promise for a few moments now please allow me to pray over you again lord thank you for restoring your beloved one tonight every night as they sleep thank you for rejuvenating them you know just what they need you are good you are sovereign you are holy allow true rest to come to your child tonight as they trust in you settle their minds repair their bodies and restore their hearts unto you thank you lord in jesus name amen breathe softly in and
out inhale the sweet presence of the lord he is with you exhale the remnants of a long day release it all to him hear the words of the psalmist again from psalm 127 a psalm of solomon it is useless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night anxiously working for food to eat for god gives rest to his loved ones now be assured that rising early at the start of a new day ready to work with willing hands is a good thing however starting the day with an anxious heart isn't
beneficial at all there is no need to be anxious there is no need to fret god is with you instead of rising early with burdens on your heart consider starting your morning with a quiet meditation let god's word be the first words you hear each day for his mercies are new every morning let his mercies flow over you now for several moments then as you move through your day no matter what comes you can recall the sweet words of wisdom you heard that morning in the quiet hour before anyone else was awake you heard from
the god of all creation you can carry his word with you as a guide a comfort in a peaceful meditation at the end of the day resist the temptation to keep working and toiling into the night listen to the wise words of solomon who said the lord gives sleep to his beloved the lord gives sleep to his beloved you are his beloved each evening carve out some time to be still before the lord make room in your schedule to thank him for guiding you through the day invite his presence into your household ask him to
cover you as you sleep then as you lay your head down for the night and pull the warm covers around you begin to unwrap god's gift of sleep untie the ribbon of divine rest open the box and embrace the gift of true rest in the lord his gift of sleep to you feel his peace in the room feel his presence surrounding you hear his words of comfort flow through you heart mind and soul inhale and exhale continue to breathe softly in and out as i say a prayer over you heavenly father in the name of
your son jesus i pray over this beloved one tonight i ask that you help them surrender their lives to you and receive the gift of true rest i pray that they find comfort and peace in your presence please help them let go of anything that is on their mind or heart tonight thank you for loving them thank you for watching over them and thank you for the gift of sleep amen i feel like when i listen to the sleep meditations that i have a friend next to me
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