The Cosmic Hierarchy of DC COMICS Explained | Cosmic Entities By POWER LEVEL

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hierarchy of the DC Cosmic what is a cosmic entity a being of immense power capable of altering reality one with a direct connection to the Supreme DC God the creator of all things what is the true definition of a cosmic entity beings fundamental to the life or anti-life of the Universe DC does not have a well-defined hierarchy of entities so you will see some conflicts such as various enti ities responsible for creating universes or entities representing time and so on all of this is still very confusing in comics whether from Marvel or DC Comics these
Concepts vary greatly from writer to writer today I attempted to gather the main and most powerful Cosmic entities of DC Comics that I have knowledge of and I'll rank them from the most common to the most powerful and important for the functionality or destruction of the DC multivers I made a video about this for Marvel explaining all the entities and how the Marvel Universe was created and Modified by each of these entities and I also explained their roles within it check it out here on the card now the idea is to do the same here
today we'll explore the cosmic hierarchy of DC Comics who commands who obeys and who are the most powerful remember that in addition to the facts presented here much of it is my opinion as I see this entire hierarchical structure let's get started Guardians of the universe the Guardians of the universe unlike most on this list are not entities but Cosmic beings the difference is subtle they are not inherently part of the cosmic balance of the universe and they are not representations of something however their race the malthusians is one of the oldest in the universe
they divided into three different types the Guardians the zamarons and the controllers all three had impacts on the universe such as the direct and indirect creation of all emotional Spectrum core they are part of the ancient creation of the anti monitor the creation of the sun eaters the destruction of sector 666 and much more they are one of the most powerful races and thanks to them the universe can have something resembling order despite everything they are not as powerful as others on this list I would say their potential for Destruction is galactic while the next
ones are multiversal level but if they are not entities why are they in the video simple I would say that below the entities are the Guardians in the hierarchical order of the universe they are highly respected and command the largest police force in the universe practically everywhere in the universe they are known for guarding the planets and it would not be fair not to mention them Gods here are the ancient and New Gods as there is not a significant difference between them in terms of hierarchy or power within both classes there are weaker and more
powerful Gods led by Zeus and the celestial father respectively there are also the new gods of Apocalypse but dark side in particular will rank a bit higher on the list the gods are so powerful that even the Guardians were afraid to get involved in a fight involving Aris and Mr mcyo showing that both are superior to the group of cosmic beings the celestial father controls the equation of life and has direct contact with the source itself Hercules was once able to instill fear in Aries and even knockout Superman and so on they are extremely powerful
beings and there is only one unique version of each outside the Multiverse but the next beings on the list are more powerful and hierarchically above the ancient and New Gods so this position in the list Demons of course not all demons are in this position on the list despite the infernal Dimension being outside the Multiverse on the old map published by DC not all demons have a multiversal level most of them are quite weak but I would like to highlight the demon Trion he is often underestimated by DC Comic fans during the crisis on infinite
Earths he was shown on the mon monitor as being on an equal level with the Spectre he has fought against Mr mcook and their fight was distorting reality around them he is a universe conqueror a god killer strong enough to threaten the Phantom stranger the Phantom stranger had to be careful when entering troyan's reality to avoid falling into one of its cracks trian's demon Sons claimed that not even presence could take him away from there he has a refined control of Soul Man ulation resurrecting an angel and claimed that if it weren't for the army
of Heaven he would attack the Creator himself so don't be misled by DC animations this guy is ridiculously powerful some demons with more prominence but less power are etrian and the first of the Fallen often confused with Lucifer but they are two different characters Lords of Order and Chaos two groups of characters that have undergone significant Chang es in their origin story are the Lords of Chaos and Order they are powerful magical beings who view magic as opposites and in some Origins are as old as the malthusians the Lords of order can materialize a physical
body on Earth to act or more commonly create artifacts with portions of their powers the most famous is the helmet of Nabu which contains a portion of the power of the most powerful Lord Nabu order Magic Advocates respect for the magical environment as if asking the universe for permission to use magic in chaos they seize this power without thinking about the consequences not adhering to dogmas or rules when the price of magic reaches them the Lords simply use more magic to neutralize the consequences and endlessly repeat the process creating a Snowball Effect Nabu has been
shown capable of restoring part of the multiv and some Lords of chaos have shown the ability to walk between the pages of comics they are extremely powerful and far above beings like Gods even though in their most recent origin they are merely human emotional specters emotional specters are as the name suggests physical forms of abstract emotions they are ion of willpower Adara of Hope Butcher of Rage Parallax of fear predator of love aidian of greed proelite of compassion omra of ultraviolet light necron of black and the entity of white all are extremely powerful and important
in the universe born when the first life emerged and felt emotion Eon alongside Sodom yach was able to stand up against Super Boy Prime Parallax is one of the few beings capable of facing off against the Spectre nekron was responsible for bringing death to the entire universe during the Blackest Night without the entity there would be no life and so on each with its own importance and function in reality there are still more Cosmic entities for us to get to know but first grab your DC Super Fan friend or Marvel Fanboy and send them this
video to help them understand more about the DC Universe it's a very comprehensive video and don't forget to like And subscribe to the channel to help us surpass Mr Beast in subscribers let's continue with the video Barbados this is an ancient Cosmic God belonging to the dark Multiverse who alongside the world forger was supposed to destroy unstable universes so that their energy would return to the forge barbatos then betrayed the world forger and according to the story killed him as these universes were not being destroyed they came into reality and became the dark Multiverse back
Batman while fighting dark side in the final crisis was sent to the past and Barbados decided to use him as a portal to the Multiverse of light he gathered his best warriors and invaded the main reality generating the dark Knight's metal Saga but thanks to the heroes and the monitor he was trapped in the creation metal known as tenth metal and remains there to this day reversed man and eclipso eclipso received a retcon in his or origin and now his function is intertwined with the story of hecy and the Reversed man so both will be
in the same position the Reversed man was born alongside hecy in the origin of the Multiverse and was imprisoned outside of Reality by hecy herself he is one of the most powerful magical beings perhaps only surpassed by hecy in terms of magic as for him magic has no consequences and he can use it at will with the absence of the reverse first man to balance magic with hecy eclipso was created to serve the same role this changes the character's origin which was previously just a spirit of divine wrath before the Spectre the Reversed man is
stronger than beings like Constantine zatana Swamp Thing and even fate himself upon entering reality the Reversed man destroyed all existing Dimensions even invading Heaven and Hell forcing angels and demons to leave their home both are multiversal threats and fortunately for the heroes they are imprisoned and not currently a threat Spectre and Phantom stranger Spectre and Phantom stranger are two beings commanded by the presence so they will also be in the same position even the power level between them is equal since they have fought more than once and there was no winner in fact the presence
had to intervene in the battle since the Power released by both was destroying all of creation Spectre is divine wrath an agent of the presence itself who has the ability to destroy the Multiverse and has only one weakness the Spear of Destiny the Phantom stranger is Judas es scariot who was judged by the Council of Eternity and condemned to wander the world fulfilling duties assigned by the presence to repay his debt hecy although hecy is the goddess of man magic I will leave her out of the classification of gods because she is the very personification
of magic born alongside the Multiverse she was responsible for creating the sphere of gods and only joined the Greek gods by insistence she taught the first humans to use magic and they became the Lords of Order and Chaos ciri with a portion of her powers could create entire Realms and Magic was able to trap the reversed man outside of reality despite her brief appearance after the DC rebirth she is one of the most powerful beings in creation Dr Manhattan Dr Manhattan much like the Guardians is not an entity but a cosmic being he doesn't have
a defined role in the universe but is as powerful as the strongest entities he can see past present and future simultaneously for himself and others he can observe OB ve how small changes modify the timeline he was responsible for the reboot of the new 52 and due to his influence over Superman the Legion of Superheroes ceased to exist simultaneously defeated almost all the league Heroes including the most powerful Earth magicians a reality manipulator three Green Lanterns speedsters and Captain Atom at full power destroyed a power ring effortlessly and instantly learned how to use magic also
responsible for killing Professor Zoom by time traveling a night owl sitting in Metron chair held the existence of the flasho reality which should have been erased after the rebirth with his powers with his powers the Batman who laughs faced perpetua and modified the Multiverse but as I said it's still uncertain if the Saga is canonical empty hand we don't have much information about empty hand but we know he is one of the avatars of the great Darkness powerful enough to erase an entire universe with just a gesture and confront the most powerful Dark Side Avatar
he can edit narratives and fictions of DC Comics even bringing heroes from Earth 42 back to life to serve him there are indications that he is the personification of DC readers He commands the nobility capable of defeating beings from Universe 7 corrupting what one of the monitors and is present within the bleed the glue that binds the universes Fifth Dimension imps Mr MIP talk is the most famous imp from The Fifth Dimension due to his obsession with Superman but he is not the only one there's also batm might quisp and recently an imp obsessed with
Nightwing but it's so recent that it's hard to comment on they are beyond the concept of time and see Comics as they truly are being able ble to manipulate the story like an author they are beyond the Multiverse but still within the source wall and all a reality warpers capable of rewriting everything as they please batm might and Mr mpok are the most powerful in this Dimension and act as Protectors of Batman and Superman respectively we were recently introduced to Mickey maxy tlk Mr mxy tok's son but I really doubt this character will appear again
they are above three-dimensional beings like Batman Superman and the heroes we follow and only a layer below the creators of the Multiverse alus Monitor and antim monitor these are three brothers and children of perpetua each with a different origin but I'll focus on the last one that was told perpetua was tasked with creating the Multiverse and brought to life three beings the world forger to create new universes the Monitor to Monitor them and the antim monitor to keep multiverses away from perpetuous Multiverse the world forger was killed by barbatos but managed to reform in the
sixth Dimension the antim monitor Lost His function with the creation of the source wall and in Revenge promised to destroy the entire matter Multiverse the monitor went through various phases with several counterparts with one even being corrupted thanks to the bleed the three can merge into an extremely powerful being and did so to fight against perpetua but the forger and the monitor were betrayed by the anti-monitor the three are above the Fifth Dimension and are at the top of existence far above beings like fifth-dimensional imps Spectre and everyone Below on the list perpetuals the perpetuals
are seven siblings who personify fundamental forces of EX existence namely Destiny death dream destruction delirium desire despair each has their role in the Multiverse and they will be the last existing beings when creation comes to an end they cannot die if something happens to their bodies they will reincarnate into a new one and continue their work Destiny is the oldest knowing the entire future and understanding that nothing can be changed he is changed AED to a book containing everything that has happened or will happen and he is the only one who can read it death
is present when we are born and when we die she is the second oldest and has various aspects within DC such as black flash black racer nekron and any other entity that proclaims itself death dream is the Lord of Dreams responsible for shaping Dreams and Nightmares he cannot be defeated in his own realm and has even demonstrated superiority over Mr maipo destruction is the gentlest of the siblings abandoning his role after realizing it was unnecessary and the universe would continue to function without him he is the embodiment of change itself desire and despair are twins
always side by side as when a desire is unfulfilled despair is born some narratives attribute the destruction of Krypton and the emerging of Superman to despair finally the youngest delirium formerly known as Delight something involving Lucifer led to her change to delirium this change was so radical and unexpected that it's unclear if it was foreseen in the book of Destiny which in theory contains everything dark s side True Form many people underestimate dark side due to his battles with the Justice League but the most powerful avatars of the entity and his True Form are on
another level starting with the fact that he is completely Immortal when killed the source will bring him back to maintain Cosmic balance in a weaker version he was able to defeat Zeus in hand-to-hand combat one of his most powerful avatars faced the anti- monitor a being from the sixth Dimension the union of his avatars was able to confront empty hand and kill the entire quintessence with a single blow the quintessence includes beings like a guardian of the universe Phantom stranger shazam's Wizard and Spectre but his true form surpasses all of this since dark seed is
he transcends the understanding of space and time casting a Giant Shadow over the entire Multiverse he is the platonic conceptual evil that applies to all scales in all instances his true form is omnipresent abstract the end of everything the Supreme evil only surpassed by beings above this list so dark side is anything but weak as animations might suggest perpetua it's not certain whether perpetua remains a canonical character in DC the last Mega Saga stated that the multiversal crises were the work of the great Darkness refuting perpetuous Saga however for the sake of completeness let's include
her perpetua is part of a group of celestial beings known as the hands directly coming from the Omniverse sent by the source to create her own Multiverse and return to the source she refused to relinquish her power and planned a rebellion against the source beings she created the world forger the Monitor and the anti-monitor each with a role as mentioned before they realized perpetuous plans and opposed her calling the source to Res resolve the issue as a result she was imprisoned and the source wall emerged upon her release she demonstrated the power to confront the
Batman who laughs empowered by Dr Manhattan and the energy from multiversal crises she only lost because she was weakened even weakened she can destroy universes as if they were nothing and like her children she is in the sixth Dimension the highest layer of the Multiverse Cosmic Raptor and judges of The Source we don't have much information about these two characters since they appeared very quickly in only one Saga each the cosmic Raptor was responsible for imprisoning perpetua and creating the source wall after her Rebellion attempt so we know he is above her one of the
judges of The Source was shown during the perpetual and Batman who laughs crisis evaluating the Multiverse and how it reached that State his only accomplishment was invading the minds of beings to discover what happened and resurrecting Metron from his skeleton hierarchy wise both are above perpetua and that's why they are here primordial monitor the primordial monitor also known as overvoid is nothing less than DC's blank canvas you know the blank space between comic panels that's the primordial monitor without it there would be no DC Comics let alone all the characters within it it's as if
it were a blank canvas waiting for authors to draw and create the entire universe on it it's a cosmic Consciousness above the monitors and the Multiverse and from it the monitors who watched over the Multiverse originated it's a realm of Passage between the Multiverse and the Omniverse archangels I considered including only Michael demuros and Lucifer Morning Star here but it would be unfair to mention only two when there are two other extremely powerful archangels Gabriel and the sarap Metatron Lucifer defeated a corrupted version of The Presence affected the overvoid itself is completely Immortal as death
cannot claim his soul tore the book of Perpetual Destiny and has half the power of the presence Michael on the other hand has been said more than once to be stronger than Lucifer and that he could have stopped the entire rebellion in heaven with a mere thought later when Lucifer returned to Paradise Michael threatened to expel him again even treating the Spectre as if he were nothing and possesses the other half of the power of the presence Gabriel was alongside the two at the beginning of creation being the third strongest he has defeated a weakened
Lucifer and an aspect of the presence Metatron is the fourth most powerful of the Heavenly hosts and the leader of the saraphi he is so powerful that at one point he was second in command in heaven behind the presence and even assumed his position when they believed the presence had died many times he is even called an archangel due to his power but as far as I know he is officially a serap presence Elaine belloc and great Darkness the three will remain in the same position because in my view there is no difference in their
power level starting with Elaine she is the daughter of Michael demuros and was trained by Lucifer Morningstar inheriting the power of both she defended creation against the presence itself and took its place when God abandoned reality she was even able to create a second Multiverse after Michael's death essentially she became the new Presence at the end of the Lucifer comic series The Presence is the creator of both Lucifer and Michael indirectly created the Multiverse he held all existence space and time in his hands as if it were a small sphere defeated Trion eclipso and other
powerful villains who came against him all at once he is the closest to omnipotent omnipresent and omniscient in DC Comics and is responsible for creating the Spectre and commanding the Phantom stranger on the other hand the great darkness is the only thing in existence not created by the presence it is so powerful that the two made an agreement not to attack each other the Spectre in comparison to its physical form is nothing more than an ant after a retcon it was said to be responsible for influencing multiversal crises throughout the years in DC it's as
if one is the counterpart of the other light and darkness goodness and evil two sides of the same coin praya yes prola by mention is more powerful than the presence and its counterparts I say by mention because she doesn't have significant appearances in comics but she claims to be of an extremely high level she hasn't even appeared in her true form because anyone who looked at her would die instantly she is the personification of nothingness emptiness the very non-existence to which the entire Multiverse goes with each rebirth she was able to erase all all existence
leaving only a few members of the dark Justice League who restored everything that exists she claims that in the end times the presence would fall into her Darkness so by Deeds she ranks below but if we consider her claim to be above the presence she is second in the cosmic hierarchy retcon Corporation eus these folks here are not well known they only appeared in one issue of the 2016 Doom Patrol yet they surpass everyone on this list the redcon corporation is responsible for maintaining the entire DC Comics in a place called the final Heaven a
location outside the primordial monitor itself they can reach any universe or reality take the stories and generate entertainment with them ruling the place is the god of superheroes the master of everything real and imaginary there they have a button that can cancel the entire DC continuity and create something completely new which would be the metaphysical explanation for the new 52 or any DC reboot it is revealed that all created characters are representations of Dreams fears and ideas of the writers with the goal of generating content for beings known as eous these are small beings in
front of a television watching the stories and if they lose interest everything would be cancelled and it would be the end of all DC it represents us the readers and the writers script writers and artists of the comics and this undoubtedly is the greatest power of all they dictate everything even how the versions of the presence itself will be if you enjoyed this video help me reach at least onethird of Mr BEAST's subscriber count I know we can do it there are many Nerds around here so subscribe to the channel and hit the like button
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