Manifestation Masterclass - 47 minutes 💫 Darryl Anka / Bashar Channeling

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Bashar Channeling 1 Page Cheat Sheet;
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many of you have now begun to understand the concept that you have called parallel reality we've often used the analogy of your own television sets to illustrate the point that many many many an infinite number of parallel realities coexist in a sense side by side with yours universes in what you call a collective Multiverse Each of which is discreet distinct its own reality but operates on a different frequency so that you do not necessarily perceive it directly from your reality and vice versa the television analogy holds up in the sense that you know that when
you're watching one of your programs at any given moment there are any number of other programs you could be watching that all exist at the same time but the only reason you do not see them is because they are not on the frequency that you are watching but when you change the channel you get a different program which is representative of a different frequency and representative of a different reality the one that you were watching a moment ago hasn't ceased to exist you know it's still there it still exists at the same time as the
program you're watching now but because it exists now on a channel you're no longer on because it exists in a different frequency domain you no longer perceive it your senses are attuned to the channel that you have tuned to so it is with the idea of what you call the experience of physical reality it is really just an issue of different frequencies in your Consciousness different vibrations that create what it is you perceive reality to be because that all is going on in your Consciousness and that is all reality actually is is your perceptions in
your Consciousness there is no real physical reality in a sense outside of you in fact there actually is no outside at all that's an illusion what is real is the experience of the reality that's what's real the reality itself is just a reflection within your Consciousness that gives you an opportunity to have a relationship with creation from a specific point of view now the idea is again that there are obviously an infinite number of specific points of view and you call each and every one of these specific points of view an entirely different parallel reality
and they are distinctly in the same way you consider your reality to be real they are just as real or more importantly and more precisely they are just as experiential just as experientially real as the reality you are experiencing right now in fact what you think of as a reality that you are experiencing right now in fact is an infinite number of parallel realities actually all going on at the same time that you experience in or from the perspective you call success Cession or linearity or continuity this is also an illusion but speaking from a
linear perspective to use your linear terminology you are experiencing every single moment you are shifting every single moment from parallel reality to parallel reality in fact the very experience of motion itself what you call the experience of movement in SpaceTime is actually the experience of shifting from parallel reality to parallel reality because each and every distinct and discret parallel reality is actually motionless like a frame of film there is no motion going on in any singular frame of film in order to create the continuity or the illus of motion you have to run the frames
past the projector past the lens past the light and project them in sequence on a screen at a certain rate to create the illusion of motion again physical reality is structured that way so the idea is that when you make any movement at all even this or this that involves literally shifting through billions yes billions of parallel realities because this is one this is one this is one this is one this is one this is one this is one this is one this is one this is one this is one this is one this is
one and there are actually billions in between you shift through billions of parallel realities every second so rapidly so smoothly you actually think you're experiencing one continuously smooth flowing single reality and you're not so the idea to understand from this is that you are very much like a movie you are literally living your own movie frame by frame by frame by frame and the only reason you don't know the only reason you can't tell that easily that you're actually shifting from one parallel reality to another billions of times a second is because the parallel realities
you choose to shift to are so similar to the one you were just in you barely noticed that you've actually shifted to an entirely different universe so the point is you don't have to learn how to shift to another parallel reality you're already doing it the point is is that you don't have to in any way shape or form learn how to shift immediately or faster than you're already shifting because you're already shifting as fast as you can the point is if you want to be able to tell that you're shifting all you need to
do since you're already shifting as fast as you can since you're already shifting totally from one Universe to the other all you have to do is create a greater degree of difference between this parallel reality and the next one so that you will notice that you're Shifting the greater degree of difference you create in the next parallel reality moment the more it will be revealed to you the more obvious it will be to you that you are shifting instantaneously and totally all the time so what we are talking about working on here today with the
concept of flipping the switch and using the concept of your shifting through parallel realities to get a better bead on the idea a more precise understanding of the idea of manifesting the parallel reality you prefer is to focus on the idea of creating a greater degree of difference than you normally do so that you will be able to feel the shift to see the shift to perceive the shift more viscerally more concretely and the idea thus then is to allow yourself the opportunity to let go of the definitions that you have been brought up to
believe are necessary for the labeling and defining and designing of the parallel realities that you do already automatically experience so that you can design in a sense the parallel reality that is more in alignment with the parallel realities or sequence of parallel realities that you prefer that are more representative of your true nature your true core frequency your true natural self your true vibration so the idea and one way to do this is to create which we will do now with you a particular kind of permission slip and for those that are not familiar with
that idea all we are saying is any tool any tool any ritual any ritual any technique any technique is simply a permission slip designed to match the frequency of your specific belief system in such a manner as to allow you to allow yourself to give yourself permission to be more of who you are it's simply in a sense a trigger that allows you to shift in the way you you prefer to the shifting is never actually done by the ritual by the tool or by the technique it's simply something that matches your belief system so
well that you think it's actually changing you all it's doing is allowing you to relax your stronghold on one particular set of beliefs and relax them enough so that you're finally willing to give yourself permission to change in ways you say are more representative of your true natural self so that's why we call any such technique including the one we are about to deliver simply a permission slip and it doesn't matter for you in a sense whatever the permission slip is every permission slip that you believe will work for you will work for you the
IDE is that you have an imagination which is the conduit of communication between your physical mind and your higher mind and through that conduit comes the communication from higher Mind through the brain to the physical mind and from the physical mind back through the brain to the higher mind the imagination is the conduit of that communication and by using that imagination and specifically in this technique through the idea you call visualization will we thus then design together here today A specific permission slip that takes advantage of your visualization capab cap abilities your imagination capabilities your
communication with higher self capabilities to create a permission slip that you can use anywhere any time and at the same time allow you to remember the most important thing which is if at any time your imagination decides to change the way in which you use this or any other permission slip any other tool technique or ritual then trust your own imagination because your own imagination is keyed to your specific vibration so be flexible enough when you allow yourself to use any tool technique ritual permission slip to be flexible enough to allow your imagination to alter
it change it and adapt it in whatever way shape or form feels correct for you because it is Leed to your vibration and it's taking its cue from your vibration and as you change your vibration change your frequency different permission slips different rituals different techniques different tools will work better for you than the ones you used to use so go with the flow that's the natural thing to do and trust that your imagination will automatically provide exactly what kind of alteration or adaptation is correct for you and trust that the synchronicity in your life will
lead you to whatever information you need and when you find yourself attracted to it you are attracted to it for the reason that at that moment it will work best for you and if you change your mind in the next moment that's all right too so with that cavat in place allow us to begin to explain before we actually do the exercise what is going on in this flipping the switch visualization technique what we are doing here is taking advantage of the fact that your physical mind has a great capacity and yes I know some
of you say I can't visualize I believe you have a perfect word in your language as a response to that statement hogwash you all visualize you just may not think you visualize in the way you are supposed to but the way you visualize is fine and when you stop trying too hard to visualize you find that you will visualize just fine so again in whatever way shape or form your own imagination chooses to alter what it is we are about to suggest just go with the flow let it happen what is whatever the natural way
is for you don't think that you're doing something wrong because you're not doing it exactly as we describe it you are immersed in this frequency you are immersed in this communication with us you are immersed in this exchange with us you are immersed in our vibration and yours as well and the vibration of your own higher self that's the most important thing let it come to you in the way that works best for you don't be too insistent that it must happen in the way we're describing it the way we are describing it is just
a structure just a framework just a tool just a symbol just a representation deal all right so nevertheless your physical mind has great capacity to visualize to imagine to see pictures to imagine scenarios the idea is here's the first thing to remember we understand this may seem a little bit contrad ictory to what will follow but this is the most important thing to remember whatever it is that your physical mind is capable of conjuring up as a visualization or an image of what to you represents an ideal life an ideal circumstance an ideal situation is
just a symbol just a representation very often many humans on your planet are raised with the idea that and especially nowadays in what you call your new age metaphysical awareness you become fixated on the idea that what you picture has to become literally manifested exactly as you pictured it no the idea is this the thing you visualize that is your representation your symbol of that ideal reality serves one basic function to get you in the proper state that is represented by that picture because circumstances and physical reality situations are just illusionary and don't really carry
substance it is the state of being that is the real reality that is the real experience and it is the state of being that really matters it is the state of being that really matters that manifests materiality a material experience the circumstances of how that manifests in that sense are not to be insisted upon as being just one way why I'll tell you thank you your physical mind while capable of having this visualization is not fully capable of knowing how things could actually best happen it's not designed to know how things will happen the physical
mind is only designed to know what's happening experientially it is not designed to know how things will happen now you may say but I can conceive of how things might happen I can conceive in my imagination of images of things happening that haven't happened yet no not really what you are experiencing when you conceive or imagine that idea is actually coming from the higher mind that's part of the communication from the higher mind the higher mind conceives the physical brain receives the physical mind perceives that's how it worked the physical mind has never had an
idea never it is not the place where ideas are born ideas Concepts imaginings come from the higher mind but you see the idea is is that the physical mind and the higher mind must work together in concert in a balanced way for you to actually be considered a whole person when you just think that the physical mind is supposed to do all the work and think of everything you're actually only functioning as half a mind perhaps what some of you on your Planet Call a half wit the idea thus then is that you want to
be whole witted and so you must allow for communication to occur balance to occur and sharing to occur with the higher mind in order to be functional as a whole person so when we talk in this exercise about the idea of you visualizing an ideal reality understand what's happening is the higher mind is conceiving that sending it to the physical brain which is then allowing the physical mind to perceive an image but it isn't conceiving of the image it's only perceiving an image and more importantly it's only perceiving an image that the physical mind is
capable of interpreting as relevant there may actually be more information in that image than you're actually capable of perceiving with the physical mind that is coming from the higher mind and that's why it's so important that when you get that picture and you visualize something that you prefer or desire that you not insist that it must come to truth the way you have exactly seen it because you may only as a physical mind be seeing half the picture there may be far greater ways the higher mind can actually bring you the reality in a different
format that is actually representative of the state of being of that reality of the vibration you prefer in that reality that you may not be capable as a physical mind of conceiving of but can experience in physical reality when it's brought to you when you manifest it because you can only experience it through the manifestation in physical reality you cannot experience the totality of what that image represents when it's simply raw data coming from the higher mind so that's why you need to relax the idea and relax your insistence that what you picture must come
true literally specifically as you have pictured it thus then when you relax that insistence while it may be possible and maybe even highly probable that exactly what you saw is exactly what will happen maybe if you actually limit it to that picture you could actually be preventing it from manifesting in a way that is even greater than you imagined with your physical mind and why would you want to do that why would you want to limit it to Simply what your physical mind is capable of thinking of or perceiving per se allow the higher mind
to bring it to you in the way that is truly most joyful truly most loving truly most exciting truly most creative while at the same time simply using the visualization capabilities of your physical mind to get into the proper State represented by the picture the proper state that will allow you the capability of being open enough to receive the actual fullness of the manifestation that your higher mind is sending you does this make sense to you does this make sense to you yes all right now here's the idea keep in mind everything we have said
about specificity and about adaptation and allowance at the same time recognizing this is simply a permission slip but can be a very strong technique because it Keys into some very fundamental Collective Consciousness agreements you have all made about how you relate to the idea of physical reality so what we're doing here is we're plucking the cords and shall we say rewiring the neurolog olical Pathways in your brain to take advantage of some very Core Concepts you've all agreed to abide by in physical reality and here we go allow yourselves to relax take a deep breath
in and let it out take a deep breath in again and let it out and one more time take a deep breath in and let it out now again there's no right or wrong way to this you can do this with your eyes closed your eyes open you can be standing you can be sitting you can be lying down you can be floating on the ceiling for All We Care here's what you can begin to do just have an overall image an overall representation of your life as it is in whatever way that comes to
you just paint a picture like you're looking at a movie screen if you wish and just see up on that screen see yourself see an image of you going about the things that you are already doing in life nothing different than what you're already doing it can be anything on a day-to-day basis this and that big or small doesn't matter just see yourself as you are now when you are ready blank the screen wipe the screen now replace it with an image of yourself going about your day-to-day business in what you consider to be for
now your preferred desired ideal reality your ideal life fill that movie screen with your image and look at all the things create all the things in it that are representative of what the things are you would be going about doing in your ideal life your ideal reality some of them may be the same some of them may be different whatever it is just take a look at it now in your mind's eye put those two screens Side by side or one above the other look at one screen that represents your life as it is look
at the other image on the other screen that represents your life as you would prefer it to be notice the differences notice the differences notice the similarities but notice the differences all right now stop blank everything open your eyes take a deep breath and let it out all right now whatever differences you noticed from small to large are the things that represent vibrationally symbolically representationally that ideal life whatever symbol you conjured up represents vibrationally that preferred parallel reality because that is a real already existing parallel reality and that version of you in that reality already
exists as a real person in that Universe in that reality which is a completely different reality than the screen that represents your life as it is right now again allow yourself to remember the differences but understand that these two realities coexist right now simultaneously interpenetrated overlapping only separated by the slightest difference in vibrational energy now it may be a slight difference but if the picture looks very different then it is a difference that is enough of a difference in vibration that you are noticing the difference and that's the key different enough that you notice the
difference different enough so that it's not in your mind as you are used to experiencing a smooth continuity from one second to the next but would be representative of some time time passing in between in other words some of you might see the image of the life as it is now see the image of the life that you prefer and you might automatically find yourself assuming that it would require some span of time in order for one to change to the other did this happen for some of you all right the thing to understand is
that it actually in a sense requires less time than you think and in fact actually uses no time at all when you decide when you choose to actually be that person in that reality it will happen instantaneously as a shift from whatever parallel reality you were experiencing a moment before that but you can create the illusion of process the illusion of time lag the illusion of of linear continuity to make it seem as if it's taking time to become or experience that reality but that reality exists right now so manifestation in this context is simply
the degree to which you are willing to allow the definition no matter how different it looks to actually be real right now to know that it exists right now and most importantly in this particular permission slip to be willing to actually be that person in that representation right now because when you saw if you go back now close your eyes if you wish when you go back now and look at the two images you created and if you see differences in them one of the differences you will probably see is a difference in how you
behave in the two realities many people on your planet when they imagine themselves going through their day-to-day existence as it is now and then imagine themselves going through their day-to-day existence in the reality they prefer will suddenly realize there is a great degree of difference in your behavior in your body language in what you're wearing in your attitude in your energy look at the difference in you in those two images it is important important to understand the following this principle is Paramount here you can not experience what you are not already the vibration of so
the idea is if you see that version of you in that preferred ideal reality doing certain things the you you are now cannot is not capable of experiencing those things unless you actually start being the person in that image if you don't behave like that person dress like that person talk like that person walk like that person think like that person feel like that person you will not experience the things that person is experiencing because that is not just a different version of you it is a different person literally entirely and you the you the
greater you as a Consciousness can shift between the person you're experiencing yourself to be now and the person that is represented in that ideal scenario that you the bigger you the Consciousness that you are will be the same but the person the physical construct the temporary personality that you consider yourself to be as a physical being will not will literally not not be the same person because you are not the same person from moment to moment to moment to moment as we already said billions and billions of times a second you're actually becoming literally quite
literally not metaphorically quite literally a new person billions of times a second the idea again here is to pay attention consciously to the fact that you can design the person design the reality to be different enough so that you can actually tell the difference that it is really a different reality a different you a different universe and that's what this exercise is designed to do is look at the differences so that you can know that when you shift you're shifting totally utterly totally and instantaneously there is no real time lag at all between becoming one
reality and another between experiencing yourself as one person and another none whatsoever but you can create this continuity this illusion that there is or you can start to let that go now it will not let go entirely of course as long as you still have a reason to experience the physical reality idea at all we are not talking about eliminating it completely although from time to time as you do these kinds of exercises as you gain this kind of insight and this kind of knowledge you may find Space and Time becoming a little more slippery
you may find things happening very rapidly Maybe sometimes even instantaneously here and there this will be somewhat sporadic but it can accelerate nevertheless you will still retain some sense of SpaceTime in order to have a context in which to experience the idea you call physical reality but you can allow your experience of it to become something far more different than what you're experiencing now accelerate it far more rapidly than what you're experiencing now again not literally accelerating it when I say accelerate I mean experience as if you were accelerating because you're already shifting as fast
as you can you're already shifting totally so you can't shift more than you do you can't shift faster than you do what you can change is your perception your experience of the idea so that you can become aware of the fact that you are shifting totally shifting instantaneously that's the whole idea to this exercise to become aware of the fact that you're already shifting totally already shifting instantaneously and you can't go any faster the way as we said to recognize that is to create a parallel reality that is different enough that you notice that you're
shifting immediately and totally so going back to this flipping the switch exercise when you now create for yourself again open your eyes close your eyes doesn't matter but visualize visualize visualize again this ideal reality and everything in it to the best of your ability again understand that if you actually see this reality as your preferred reality and you see yourself in it a version of you in it we're going to assume that if it's your ideal reality that version of you is going to be behaving in a very energetic and excited and effortless way creatively
lovingly all the things you prefer to be if that's what you prefer to be of course if you prefer to act like a sour kudin you may if that's your ideal reality we're not telling you what your ideal reality ought to be nevertheless for the most part because this is an exercise keying into your Collective Consciousness most of you when expressing positive energy when aligned with the idea of integrating energy will usually express yourself in a very loving effortless creative way so the idea is as you see that image and you see that version of
you there start From This Moment forward from this day forward start being start behaving start mimicking that version of you because that's what your imagination that's what your visualization is for is to create the state because if you really really are having an image in your mind that's representative of your ideal reality not only will the you the version of you in that picture look excited you'll start to feel excited about that reality you'll feel that energy now it will start to leak into you from that image that's what it's for that's its job to
put you in the proper state that is representative of the ideal reality no matter how that reality actually will appear physically that's not the issue so the idea is that while you may use a very specific image to get you into the proper State you must drop all expectation that that particular image must come to fruition exactly as you've imagined it because your physical mind may be missing half the picture let once you get into the excited state brought on by the symbol or the representation of that image let that energy go back to your
higher mind and let the higher mind bring you the actual image the actual manifestation that will actually be representative of the energy state that you want to be in in your ideal preferred reality and you can keep on doing this and keep on doing this always Reinventing always redesigning always redefining that ideal reality but the key the key the key is always to truly unlock that reality as a manifestation the key is you must actually act like the person like the version you see in that reality because if you don't then you're actually saying I'm
not that person I'm not that vibration I'm not that frequency and therefore that is not my true reality this is so if you want a reality where the image of you is this then be this because you cannot have this if you're this this reality is this reality oh well this reality is this reality and it is not this reality this reality is this reality and it is not this reality it simply is not in the same way to go back to our original analogy if you wish to watch a program on your television on
Channel 4 you don't turn it to channel two you turn it to channel 4 otherwise what would be the point so the idea is in flipping the switch to use this technique to allow yourself to truly see truly use your visualization capabilities to not only see but to feel feel that reality feel what it would be like to be in that reality get excited about it now during that experience while you're doing that some of this may come up you may find that while you're doing that the little nagging Voice May creep in but I
don't really know if usually how it starts I don't really know if I deserve it I can really manifest it what if I do and then I'm ostracized by being too different all these things that come with a little voice that says I don't really know if that's all right that's all right because that's what needs to happen why because your excitement by itself as a toolkit is a holistic toolkit comes with everything it needs every tool it needs to help you become more of who you are excitement is completely a self-contained kit it is
the dve driving engine and it is the organizing principle of your experience of life so when you do move in the direction of your highest Joy it will automatically pull up to the surface anything that is not representative of that vibration it will call it out it will amplify magnify and throw a very bright Spotlight on what does not fit with that energy so that you can deal with it so that you can understand it so that you can own it so that you can identify it so that you can allow it to change so
that you can turn that energy into more excitement so if that little voice comes up invite it up fully because it's there to show you that you have a vibration you have a definition you have a belief that is out of alignment with that picture and you want to know what that is because you don't want to hold on to something that doesn't belong in that picture and in fact the beliefs the negative ideas really that are out of alignment with your true self out of alignment with your true vibration don't actually belong to you
they were probably in a sense borrowed from your parents borrowed from your Society borrowed from your friends borrowed borrowed for a variety of reasons but they don't belong to you if you're carrying around a belief that doesn't belong to you that's called stealing do not be a belief Thief give back all the beliefs that don't belong to you you you you when you're simply carrying the belief belief that belong to you will feel light free effortless the only time you feel weighed down is when you're carrying things that aren't [Music] yours because they don't fit
they're too much for you too different for you not right for you out of alignment for you drop that baggage and allow your excitement to reveal to you where that baggage exists that's why excitement is such a complete kit because as you move forward in your excitement it will always bring your attention to exactly what your attention needs to be brought to to deal with it to show you if it's out of alignment so that you can bring it into alignment by dealing with what the belief is why it's there and recognizing that if it's
out of alignment with you it doesn't belong it's illogical nonsensical it has no business being part of your belief structure so don't hold on to it let it go drop it run away but you must deal with it first you must change it you must own it in order to change it you can't change what you don't own so you can't just gloss it over we're not saying ignore it we're not saying oh yes there's something I don't want to look at and look the other way no you must fully face it fully amplify it
fully magnify it you must really understand what it is you must truly identify what the definition is that's out of alignment with your true self because only by true identification will that belief actually appear illogical and nonsensical and when it finally appears nonsensical and you recognize that it doesn't belong to you it will simply automatically dissolve you don't have to do anything so don't fear it don't run from it let your excitement reveal these things to you and the more you become that person in your ideal scenario the more these things will come up and
amplify the things that don't belong there but that's an exciting thing because to the person you see in the that image how would they behave if something like this came up that's the issue you must behave you must respond the way they would positively respond to this kind of revelation of having a belief that's out of alignment with your truth not the way you used to respond otherwise if you just react the way you used to you are simply reinforcing that you're not really yet that person in that ideal scenario and then you will only
have the experience of the person that you are being and not the experience of the person you say you would prefer to be so if that really is a person you would prefer to be then in thought word and deed in all things be that person and experience life and encounter life and encounter others in the way that person would because that is the person you are saying you prefer to be simple enough that is flipping the switch do this for yourself anytime you wish have these comparative images have no expectation that the image you
have in your mind must come to fruition exactly as you have seen it notice the differences and notice more specifically the differences in you and be that person and the greater degree of difference the more you will start to actually experience your physical reality accelerating the more you will actually be able to perceive the actual changes that are going on and how instantaneous and total the shifts really are bit by bit every day or at whatever rate you're comfortable experiencing more perception of the shifting that's already going on billions of times a second that's the
rate at which you will experience that that is your natural your natural ability to perceive the idea that you are the creator of your reality so some very odd and unusual things may begin to happen in space and time for you but that's all right they are just symptoms of your ability to become more aware of the fact that everything exists right here right now and that you can decide who you are and that deciding who and what you are however you define yourself to be will utterly determine the way you experience the parallel reality
that you choose to be at any given moment and how you choose to experience any so-called continuity linearity or succession of those realities as well but you'll become more aware of that and doesn't that sound like fun all right e e
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