Best Prayers To Fall Asleep Blessed | Peaceful Bedtime Bible Sleep Talk Down

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Grace For Purpose
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[Music] the bible says in matthew chapter 6 verse 5 to 6 and when you pray you shall not be like the hypocrites for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets that they may be seen by men [Music] assuredly i say to you they have their reward but you when you pray go into your room and when you have shut your door pray to your father who is in the secret place and your father who sees in secret will reward you openly saints of god i encourage you to
find a quiet place to pray that is your own find a prayer closet find a quiet place where you can be alone with the lord a place to meet with your heavenly father in secret away from the constant notifications of a cell phone away from the endless chatter of the television and away from the interruptions of friends and family members the bible says when you pray go into your room and when you have shut your door pray to your father who is in the secret place and your father who sees in secret will reward you
openly i believe that the bible tells us to pray in this manner because we need to respect our time with god we need to give him his due reverence our prayer time ought to be sacred we need to give god honor by shutting off the world and focusing purely on him i change my own prayer life by treating it as a divine appointment with the lord no interruptions no distractions just time alone with jesus so here's what i would like to encourage you to do after finding a quiet place to pray begin by repenting begin
by confessing your sins and asking for the lord to have mercy on you because none of us are perfect as humans we sin knowingly and sometimes unknowingly so be mindful of that and then move to ask the lord to show you if there is anything in your heart in your life that is hindering your walk with him pray from psalms 139 verse 23 to 24 which says search me o god and know my heart try me and know my thoughts and see if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in the way
everlasting jesus spoke of a precious promise belonging to those who have a pure heart in matthew 5 verse 8 which says blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see god don't you desire to see god don't you desire to see his hand move and work in your life don't you desire to see his goodness his protection and favor all at work in your life so i encourage you to begin treating your prayer time as a divine appointment with the lord now let us pray lord there is no greater privilege than being loved by
you there is no greater privilege than your mercy and goodness [Music] my prayer today lord is that i may be conscious and sensitive about giving you my full undivided attention may the holy ghost tug at my heart and remind me that my prayer time with you is sacred my prayer time is important and worth me finding a place far away from distractions so that i can be fully immersed in your love and in your presence your word in psalms 24 verse 3 to 4 says who shall ascend the hill of the lord and who shall
stand in his holy place he who has clean hands and a pure heart who does not lift up his soul to what is false and does not swear deceitfully help me holy spirit to always go before the lord and ask for his mercy and forgiveness so that i can pray with clean hands and a pure heart let my soul not be attached or linked to anything that is false in jesus name lord you are my shield and defense your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path do not let me
stumble o lord overthrow the plans and the plots of my enemies and help me to overcome in the name of jesus fight my battles lord as you have promised in your word you said in exodus 14 14 that the lord shall fight for you and you shall hold your peace i pray that you defend me and my family and let us hold your peace i pray that we are going to stand still to see the hand of god move in our lives in the name of jesus christ that we will stand and testify and say
had it not been of the lord we would have been consumed i come to you seeking refuge and protection i come to you in recognition of your great might and power i worship your holy name lord i adore you lord jesus i thank you father god for clothing me in a robe of righteousness that covers me head to toe because of the blood of jesus christ which was shed for me and i know that it is you that i live it's in you that i move and have my existence i surrender my life my children
and my loved ones into your caring hands you are a god full of compassion i pray for your hand of protection upon me and my family encompass us lord god almighty with your holy presence surround me and my family with your hedge of protection i thank you for your protection today i am grateful for your provision in my life forgive me for all of my sins have mercy on me and my family i thank you for being a god who has been faithful through the ages i ask that you put my mind at ease with
everything i am facing open my eyes and help me to see your hand in every situation i'm facing let me not be unstable in my emotions father remove all stress and give me peace take all of my burdens and set me free you are the rock of all ages my strong tower and fortress lord just as you are on the throne we know everything is going to be all right you've promised to meet every need according to your glorious riches christ jesus thank you for the overcoming power and victory that comes through prayer may you
continue to strengthen when i am down continue to strengthen me through the tough times i remain amazed by your love and care for me therefore i bless your name with joy and thanksgiving may your presence be felt continuously in my heart i remain confident that you are a faithful god and you will be my light in the darkest of hours be glorified in jesus name i pray amen first thessalonians 5 verse 6 so then let us not sleep as others do but let us keep awake and be sober so often we just coast through life
forgetting about god until we realize that we need him but it shouldn't take a struggle for god to get your attention a trial shouldn't be the only thing that brings you to your knees a problem shouldn't be the only way god will ever hear from you we are meant to seek and obey him every single day of our lives our greatest defense against the schemes of the devil is to be grounded in god's word make his word and his way a priority in your life each day saturate your mind with the gospel paul sums it
up perfectly in colossians 3 verse 16. let the word of christ dwell in you richly teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to god if we do these things then we are on our way to a vibrant and healthy spiritual life ask god to bring every flaw every failure and every area of weakness under his sovereign rule so that when the wind howls and the storm blows your house will stand firm in him let us pray heavenly father forgive me forgive me for
all the times i've neglected my walk with you and for all the times that i've pushed you aside for my own selfish ambitions in your kindness you have given me the gift of eternal life and all you ask in return is my full and complete surrender yet still i fail i fail to give you the priority and the attention that you deserve so father i'm asking you to help me help me to take my walk with you seriously and intentionally help me to get my spiritual house in order if there is any part of my
faith that needs attention lord give me the urgency and the desire to fix it open my eyes to the things i should be doing that will cultivate and grow my faith so often i treat you as optional to my life when you are absolutely essential lord i need you i need you in my career in my family in my home and in all my hopes and dreams [Music] without you my whole life means nothing everything i have is from you even the air i breathe is a gift from you so lord fill my heart with
gratitude and by your grace let me earnestly seek to become a better servant and follower of christ help me to dwell in your word help me to be a person of prayer help me to be active in my church and in my community for the sake of the gospel help me to sacrifice my time and my gifts for the things that matter and father as i go about my life protect me from anyone and anything that might lead me astray lord cleanse me from all unrighteousness help me to be vigilant over my spiritual life and
not leave any opportunity for the devil father i ask that you would help me to maintain this house with all diligence and care show me the areas in my life that are in dire need of maintenance whether it's my prayer life my scripture reading habits or my unforgiveness towards others motivate me to address these areas before they collapse inwardly and cause serious damage father help me to ultimately rely on your grace i can't fix everything myself i can't keep everything functioning as it should but you you lord are the one who is able to heal
and mend every area of brokenness in my life you are the one who creates order out of chaos father i thank you i thank you that even though my life can be a mess you still love me and you're willing to help me get back on track with you [Music] in jesus name i pray and i give you thanks amen lord we bless your holy name because you are the god of the impossible you are able to do all things and we trust in you because you can do anything you are a god with no
limitations together with everyone listening we pray and bring before you every challenge and every difficulty that we face lord we bring before you everything that is troubling us everything that is worrying us father we have faith and we believe that there is absolutely nothing for us to fear with you on our side because of this we will be strong and courageous even in hard times we will not be terrified we will not be discouraged because you are our rock our shield our strength and our hope we place our faith in you and we believe that
you will see us through our valley experience god we trust in your ability and not in our own teach us to see the challenges the difficulties in our lives through the lens of faith even as we go through our valley experiences help us to grow and mature as christians help us to develop our faith and even if our emotions try and get the best of us we will remain steadfast knowing that you will never leave us nor forsake us and lord please help us to focus on you and your power instead of the problems that
we face give us the strength to focus on you even in hard circumstances may the holy ghost guide us to carefully read trust and be obedient to your word your word tells us not to be anxious and not to be troubled in our hearts meaning that we do not need to figure everything out you already know the best plan for us we ask that you move in our lives lord show us your supernatural power teach us how to walk by faith and pray fervently because your word says the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous avails
much we choose to have faith in your ability to break through every obstacle we face in agreement with everyone listening to this prayer we declare deuteronomy 31 verse 6 be strong and courageous do not fear or be in dread of them for it is the lord your god who goes with you he will not leave you or forsake you in you lord we trust in you we have courage and strength even in our weakness we will boast in your strength and praise your name forever because you are with us lord jesus we will not be
shaken by any valley any problem or obstacle our hearts are made glad because we know that you are on our side our hearts rejoice because we know you as savior our souls are at peace and we are secure because we believe that you lord jesus you will not abandon us so lord we will praise your name today and forevermore continue to fill us with joy continue to bless us with your presence lord i pray that you will give us strength not to fear but that you will help us to trust you in each and every
situation we face we confess that our trust and our faith is in your word and in your ability to fulfill your promises be with us lord regardless of what we are going through fight for us stand beside us stand with us as we face the trials of this life i bless your name for listening to this prayer you are mighty you are powerful you are righteous and true and i thank you for hearing this prayer in jesus name amen father god thank you for your faithfulness throughout every part of my life though the seasons change
though people change and even though relationships come and go you king jesus you remain the same there has never been a day when you did not know me and love me and work all things for my good your word in isaiah 43 verses 18 through 19 say remember not the former things nor consider the things of old behold i am doing a new thing now it springs forth do you not perceive it i will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert lord do a new thing in my life do a new
thing in our lives as your children you are a god who can make rivers in the desert and so you can speak life into any situation and father i thank you for bringing me out of my sinful past and giving me a better future thank you for helping me to move forward past every struggle and every mountain in my way god i thank you for all the miracles that you have performed to get me to where i am today lord i'm so grateful for all that you've done in my past and i thank you for
keeping me for protecting me even before i knew you thank you for loving me lord god forgive me if ever i have longed for the past in my heart give me the wisdom to know that these thoughts are not from you lord you have broken sin's curse on me not so that i can go back to the way i was before but so that i can now walk in freedom i pray lord that whenever my mind wanders and begins to reminisce about a past where i was living in sin give me the strength to run
from such thoughts lord give me the courage to walk away from the things that try to entice me may i never turn back i don't want to turn back like lot's wife did but god i want to keep pressing on with my eyes and my desires fixed on jesus lord give me the grace i need to move forward in my walk with you and to step into the calling that you've placed on my life all my efforts used to be in vain but now god you have equipped me for every good work and for amazing
things in your kingdom jesus may your precious blood destroy any remaining ties that i have with my former life sever every court of sin let not even a memory of those days remain in my mind instead help me to strive for holiness help me to strive for continual growth help me to become more like you enduring all things for the joy that is set before me lord i can't comprehend all that you've done from beginning to end but already i can see the progress that you've made in my life and i am excited for all
that you will continue to do father give me the freedom to develop and grow as a follower of christ help me to run the race that is set before me keeping my eyes on the prize i ask all these things in jesus name amen [Music] now let us pray [Music] father you alone are worthy of my adoration each and every day give me a passion to seek you lord give me a passion to hunt for your presence the last thought in my mind before i sleep should be you and let my first thoughts each and
every morning be you [Music] i submit to you and align my spirit to your will and purpose for my life open my ears so that they will be sensitive and receptive to your voice lord i pray that your word would not depart from my mouth but instead i will read and meditate on it day and night so that i may be careful to do everything in accordance to your will may the holy spirit help me to keep seeking things that are above where christ is seated at the right hand of god help me holy spirit
to set my mind above and to keep focused on everything related to the kingdom of god help me not to conform to the things of this world help me not to be distracted by things that are on the earth which only have temporal value and for me to even do this lord i need your supernatural strength and so i declare that you lord jesus you are my source of strength that leads me to overcome the devil you lord jesus are my source of strength that leads me to walk in victory you are my source of
strength that leads me to defeat sin you have said in your word that in the last days you will pour out your spirit on all flesh and so i welcome you holy spirit i invite your presence to encamp around me and to fill me help me to realize the promises of god promises for peace that surpass human understanding promises of a sound mind promises of protection i pray that you would move with me holy spirit walk with me and speak to me be the still small voice that guides me and leads me lord jesus you
are ever faithful you are my hiding place at this present time i ask for your protection and covering over my life and over my family's life so lord help me to guard my heart help me to fill my heart with your word help me to be vigilant against every force of evil and every cunning lie of man help me to be in the world but not of it help me to be in this world but not to love it empower me to be a strong godly influence in this world rather than for me to be
influenced by this world help me to be salt in this earth help me to be a light in the darkness guiding my friends and my family and neighbors and strangers alike to the glorious cross your word calls me in philippians 4 verse 8 to say finally brothers whatever is true whatever is honorable whatever is just whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is commendable if there is any excellence if there is anything worthy of praise think about these things lord i pray that i would not be a sponge that absorbs all the filth of this
world no instead let me be like a mirror reflecting your goodness for all to see let me be like a mirror that reflects your love lord like david wrote in the psalms create in me a clean heart renew in me a right spirit i know that such a heart is pleasing to you more than sacrifices or good works you desire a heart that is broken over sin and one that humbly seeks your forgiveness i pray that the holy spirit would continuously be tugging at my heart and soul teaching me how to be obedient to the
lord teaching me how to stand in faith and to fully trust in god [Music] i praise your holy name king jesus be glorified i thank you for hearing my prayer in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray amen holy father thank you for giving me the capacity to see and appreciate the beauty of the gospel lord thank you for opening my eyes thank you for removing the scales from my eyes so that i can truly see the wonders of your glory and your grace open my eyes so that i can really see your amazing
grace indeed i once was lost but now i'm found i was blind but now i see and i am only able to see your goodness because you have opened my eyes and given me understanding father only you can see the realities of this world as they truly are only you are able to tell right from wrong with perfect judgment lord jesus open my eyes and give me wisdom forgive me if my focus is on the wrong things help me not to waste my time and quarrel over minor things i pray that you would help me
to see the greater picture lord help us shift our focus to the glorious and true gospel of jesus christ the gospel in which there is no room for misinterpretation or debate as your word says there is one god and one mediator the person of jesus christ help us all to grasp that reality and to stand amazed in all lord you are all powerful and all-knowing you see far beyond what i am humanly able to perceive you see every dimension every point in time all at once so help me not to question what you have spoken
to be true help me not to let doubts creep in and cloud my vision lord remove the scales from my eyes help me to see clearly help me not to cloud reality with my own interpretation or my own vision of the world let my world view be completely grounded in your word help me to walk by faith and not by sight expand my view from the earthly to the heavenly give me the ability to be able to see and recognize those who are wolves in sheep's clothing these people may appear trustworthy on the outside but
they are only out to deceive father don't let me fall for any of their clever words give me the ability to see the devil's true colors even as he masquerades like an angel of light temptation is strong but god you are stronger help me to fasten tightly the belt of truth so that none of satan's lies make it into my heart god help me to see the spiritual realities that aren't apparent to me help me to see things the way you want me to and not just what my sinful heart wants to believe make the
gospel beautiful in my sight and make sin appear to me as the abomination that it is i want to perceive this world in the same way you do lord jesus and so father rid me of my own desires my own lenses my own preconceived biases and like paul on the road to damascus awaken in my heart a greater love for you in jesus name i pray amen the bible says in matthew chapter 6 verse 5 to 6 and when you pray you shall not be like the hypocrites for they love to pray standing in the
synagogues and on the corners of the streets that they may be seen by men assuredly i say to you they have their reward but you when you pray go into your room and when you have shut your door pray to your father who is in the secret place and your father who sees in secret will reward you openly saints of god i encourage you to find a quiet place to pray that is your own find a prayer closet find a quiet place where you can be alone with the lord a place to meet with your
heavenly father in secret away from the constant notifications of a cell phone away from the endless chatter of the television and away from the interruptions of friends and family members the bible says when you pray go into your room and when you have shut your door pray to your father who is in the secret place and your father who sees in secret will reward you openly i believe that the bible tells us to pray in this manner because we need to respect our time with god we need to give him his due reverence our prayer
time ought to be sacred we need to give god honor by shutting off the world and focusing purely on him i change my own prayer life by treating it as a divine appointment with the lord no interruptions no distractions just time alone with jesus so here's what i would like to encourage you to do after finding a quiet place to pray begin by repenting begin by confessing your sins and asking for the lord to have mercy on you because none of us are perfect as humans we sin knowingly and sometimes unknowingly so be mindful of
that and then move to ask the lord to show you if there is anything in your heart in your life that is hindering your walk with him pray from psalms 139 verse 23 to 24 which says search me o god and know my heart try me and know my thoughts and see if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting jesus spoke of a precious promise belonging to those who have a pure heart in matthew 5 verse 8 which says blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see
god don't you desire to see god don't you desire to see his hand move and work in your life don't you desire to see his goodness his protection and favor all at work in your life so i encourage you to begin treating your prayer time as a divine appointment with the lord now let us pray lord there is no greater privilege than being loved by you there is no greater privilege than your mercy and goodness my prayer today lord is that i may be conscious and sensitive about giving you my full undivided attention may the
holy ghost tug at my heart and remind me that my prayer time with you is sacred my prayer time is important and worth me finding a place far away from distractions so that i can be fully immersed in your love and in your presence your word in psalms 24 3 to 4 says who shall ascend the hill of the lord and who shall stand in his holy place he who has clean hands and a pure heart who does not lift up his soul to what is false and does not swear deceitfully help me holy spirit
to always go before the lord and ask for his mercy and forgiveness so that i can pray with clean hands and a pure heart let my soul not be attached or linked to anything that is false in jesus name lord you are my shield and defense your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path [Music] do not let me stumble o lord overthrow the plans and the plots of my enemies and help me to overcome in the name of jesus fight my battles lord as you have promised in your word
you said in exodus 14 14 that the lord shall fight for you and you shall hold your peace i pray that you defend me and my family and let us hold your peace i pray that we are going to stand still to see the hand of god move in our lives in the name of jesus christ that we will stand and testify and say had it not been of the lord we would have been consumed i come to you seeking refuge and protection i come to you in recognition of your great might and i worship
your holy name lord i adore you lord jesus i thank you father god for clothing me in a robe of righteousness that covers me head to toe because of the blood of jesus christ which was shed for me and i know that it is you that i live it's in you that i move and have my existence surrender my life my children and my loved ones into your caring hands you are a god full of compassion i pray for your hand of protection upon me and my family encompass us lord god almighty with your holy
presence surround me and my family with your hedge of protection i thank you for your protection today [Music] i am grateful for your provision in my life forgive me for all of my sins have mercy on me and my family i thank you for being a god who has been faithful through the ages i ask that you put my mind at ease with everything i am facing open my eyes and help me to see your hand in every situation i'm facing let me not be unstable in my emotions father remove all stress and give me
peace take all of my burdens and set me free you are the rock of all ages my strong tower and fortress [Music] lord just as you are on the throne we know everything is going to be all right you've promised to meet every need according to your glorious riches christ jesus thank you for the overcoming power and victory that comes through prayer may you continue to strengthen when i am down continue to strengthen me through the tough times i remain amazed by your love and care for me therefore i bless your name with joy and
thanksgiving may your presence be felt continuously in my heart i remain confident that you are a faithful god and you will be my light in the darkest of hours be glorified in jesus name i pray amen [Music] first thessalonians 5 verse 6 so then let us not sleep as others do but let us keep awake and be sober so often we just coast through life forgetting about god until we realize that we need him but it shouldn't take a struggle for god to get your attention a trial shouldn't be the only thing that brings you
to your knees a problem shouldn't be the only way god will ever hear from you we are meant to seek and obey him every single day of our lives our greatest defense against the schemes of the devil is to be grounded in god's word make his word and his way a priority in your life each day saturate your mind with the gospel paul sums it up perfectly in colossians 3 verse 16. let the word of christ dwell in you richly teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with
thankfulness in your hearts to god if we do these things then we are on our way to a vibrant and healthy spiritual life ask god to bring every flaw every failure and every area of weakness under his sovereign rule so that when the wind howls and the storm blows your house will stand firm in him let us pray heavenly father forgive me forgive me for all the times i've neglected my walk with you and for all the times that i've pushed you aside for my own selfish ambitions in your kindness you have given me the
gift of eternal life and all you ask in return is my full and complete surrender yet still i fail i fail to give you the priority and the attention that you deserve so father i'm asking you to help me help me to take my walk with you seriously and intentionally help me to get my spiritual house in order if there is any part of my faith that needs attention lord give me the urgency and the desire to fix it open my eyes to the things i should be doing that will cultivate and grow my faith
so often i treat you as optional to my life when you are absolutely essential lord i need you i need you in my career in my family in my home and in all my hopes and dreams without you my whole life means nothing everything i have is from you even the air i breathe is a gift from you [Music] so lord fill my heart with gratitude and by your grace let me earnestly seek to become a better servant and follower of christ help me to dwell in your word help me to be a person of
prayer help me to be active in my church and in my community for the sake of the gospel help me to sacrifice my time and my gifts for the things that matter and father as i go about my life protect me from anyone and anything that might lead me astray lord cleanse me from all unrighteousness help me to be vigilant over my spiritual life and not leave any opportunity for the devil father i ask that you would help me to maintain this house with all diligence and care show me the areas in my life that
are in dire need of maintenance whether it's my prayer life my scripture reading habits or my unforgiveness towards others motivate me to address these areas before they collapse inwardly and cause serious damage father help me to ultimately rely on your grace i can't fix everything myself i can't keep everything functioning as it should but you you lord are the one who is able to heal and mend every area of brokenness in my life you are the one who creates order out of chaos father i thank you i thank you that even though my life can
be a mess you still love me and you're willing to help me get back on track with you in jesus name i pray and i give you thanks amen lord we bless your holy name because you are the god of the impossible you are able to do all things and we trust in you because you can do anything you are a god with no limitations together with everyone listening we pray and bring before you every challenge and every difficulty that we face lord we bring before you everything that is troubling us everything that is worrying
us we have faith and we believe that there is absolutely nothing for us to fear with you on our side because of this we will be strong and courageous even in hard times we will not be terrified we will not be discouraged because you are our rock our shield our strength and our hope we place our faith in you and we believe that you will see us through our valley experience god we trust in your ability and not in our own teach us to see the challenges the difficulties in our lives through the lens of
faith even as we go through our valley experiences help us to grow and mature as christians help us to develop our faith and even if our emotions try and get the best of us we will remain steadfast knowing that you will never leave us nor forsake us and lord please help us to focus on you and your power instead of the problems that we face give us the strength to focus on you even in hard circumstances may the holy ghost guide us to carefully read trust and be obedient to your word [Music] your word tells
us not to be anxious and not to be troubled in our hearts meaning that we do not need to figure everything out you already know the best plan for us we ask that you move in our lives lord show us your supernatural power teach us how to walk by faith and pray fervently because your word says the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous avails much we choose to have faith in your ability to break through every obstacle we face in agreement with everyone listening to this prayer we declare deuteronomy 31 verse 6 be strong and
courageous do not fear or be in dread of them for it is the lord your god who goes with you he will not leave you or forsake you in you lord we trust in you we have courage and strength even in our weakness we will boast in your strength and praise your name forever because you are with us lord jesus we will not be shaken by any valley any problem or obstacle our hearts are made glad because we know that you are on our side our hearts rejoice because we know you as savior our souls
are at peace and we are secure because we believe that you lord jesus you will not abandon us so lord we will praise your name today and forevermore continue to fill us with joy continue to bless us with your presence lord i pray that you will give us strength not to fear but that you will help us to trust you in each and every situation we face we confess that our trust and our faith is in your word and in your ability to fulfill your promises be with us lord regardless of what we are going
through fight for us stand beside us stand with us as we face the trials of this life i bless your name for listening to this prayer you are mighty you are powerful you are righteous and true and i thank you for hearing this prayer in jesus name amen father god thank you for your faithfulness throughout every part of my life though the seasons change though people change and even though relationships come and go you king jesus you remain the same there has never been a day when you did not know me and love me and
work all things for my good your word in isaiah 43 verses 18 through 19 say remember not the former things nor consider the things of old behold i am doing a new thing now it springs forth do you not perceive it i will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert lord do a new thing in my life do a new thing in our lives as your children you are a god who can make rivers in the desert and so you can speak life into any situation and father i thank you for
bringing me out of my sinful past and giving me a better future thank you for helping me to move forward past every struggle and every mountain in my way [Music] god i thank you for all the miracles that you have performed to get me to where i am today lord i'm so grateful for all that you've done in my past and i thank you for keeping me for protecting me even before i knew you thank you for loving me lord god forgive me if ever i have longed for the past in my heart give me
the wisdom to know that these thoughts are not from you lord you have broken sin's curse on me not so that i can go back to the way i was before but so that i can now walk in freedom i pray lord that whenever my mind wanders and begins to reminisce about a past where i was living in sin give me the strength to run from such thoughts lord give me the courage to walk away from the things that try to entice me may i never turn back i don't want to turn back like lot's
wife did but god i want to keep pressing on with my eyes and my desires fixed on jesus lord give me the grace i need to move forward in my walk with you and to step into the calling that you've placed on my life all my efforts used to be in vain but now god you have equipped me for every good work and for amazing things in your kingdom jesus may your precious blood destroy any remaining ties that i have with my former life sever every court of sin let not even a memory of those
days remain in my mind instead help me to strive for holiness help me to strive for continual growth help me to become more like you enduring all things for the joy that is set before me lord i can't comprehend all that you've done from beginning to end but already i can see the progress that you've made in my life and i am excited for all that you will continue to do father give me the freedom to develop and grow as a follower of christ help me to run the race that is set before me keeping
my eyes on the prize i ask all these things in jesus name amen [Music] now let us pray father you alone are worthy of my adoration each and every day give me a passion to seek you lord give me a passion to hunt for your presence the last thought in my mind before i sleep should be you and let my first thoughts each and every morning be you i submit to you and align my spirit to your will and purpose for my life open my ears so that they will be sensitive and receptive to your
voice lord i pray that your word would not depart from my mouth but instead i will read and meditate on it day and night so that i may be careful to do everything in accordance to your will may the holy spirit help me to keep seeking things that are above where christ is seated at the right hand of god help me holy spirit to set my mind above and to keep focused on everything related to the kingdom of god help me not to conform to the things of this world help me not to be distracted
by things that are on the earth which only have temporal value and for me to even do this lord i need your supernatural strength and so i declare that you lord jesus you are my source of strength that leads me to overcome the devil you lord jesus are my source of strength that leads me to walk in victory you are my source of strength that leads me to defeat sin you have said in your word that in the last days you will pour out your spirit on all flesh and so i welcome you holy spirit
i invite your presence to encamp around me and to fill me help me to realize the promises of god promises for peace that surpass human understanding promises of a sound mind promises of protection i pray that you would move with me holy spirit walk with me and speak to me be the still small voice that guides me and leads me lord jesus you are ever faithful you are my hiding place at this present time i ask for your protection and covering over my life and over my family's life so lord help me to guard my
arm help me to fill my heart with your word help me to be vigilant against every force of evil and every cunning lie of man help me to be in the world but not of it help me to be in this world but not to love it empowered me to be a strong godly influence in this world rather than for me to be influenced by this world help me to be salt in this earth help me to be a light in the darkness guiding my friends and my family and neighbors and strangers alike to the
glorious cross your word calls me in philippians 4 verse 8 to say finally brothers whatever is true whatever is honorable whatever is just whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is commendable if there is any excellence if there is anything worthy of praise think about these things lord i pray that i would not be a sponge that absorbs all the filth of this world no instead let me be like a mirror reflecting your goodness for all to see let me be like a mirror that reflects your love lord like david wrote in the psalms create
in me a clean heart renew in me a right spirit i know that such a heart is pleasing to you more than sacrifices or good works you desire a heart that is broken over sin and one that humbly seeks your forgiveness i pray that the holy spirit would continuously be tugging at my heart and soul teaching me how to be obedient to the lord teaching me how to stand in faith and to fully trust in god i praise your holy name king jesus be glorified i thank you for hearing my prayer in the mighty name
of jesus christ i pray amen [Music] holy father thank you for giving me the capacity to see and appreciate the beauty of the gospel lord thank you for opening my eyes thank you for removing the scales from my eyes so that i can truly see the wonders of your glory and your grace open my eyes so that i can really see your amazing grace indeed i once was lost but now i'm found i was blind but now i see and i am only able to see your goodness because you have opened my eyes and given
me understanding father only you can see the realities of this world as they truly are only you are able to tell right from wrong with perfect judgment lord jesus open my eyes and give me wisdom forgive me if my focus is on the wrong things help me not to waste my time and quarrel over minor things i pray that you would help me to see the greater picture lord help us shift our focus to the glorious and true gospel of jesus christ the gospel in which there is no room for misinterpretation or debate as your
word says there is one god and one mediator the person of jesus christ help us all to grasp that reality and to stand amazed in all lord you are all powerful and all-knowing you see far beyond what i am humanly able to perceive you see every dimension every point in time all at once so help me not to question what you have spoken to be true help me not to let doubts creep in and cloud my vision lord remove the scales from my eyes help me to see clearly help me not to cloud reality with
my own interpretation or my own vision of the world let my world view be completely grounded in your word help me to walk by faith and not by sight expand my view from the earthly to the heavenly give me the ability to be able to see and recognize those who are wolves in sheep's clothing these people may appear trustworthy on the outside but they are only out to deceive father don't let me fall for any of their clever words give me the ability to see the devil's true colors even as he masquerades like an angel
of light temptation is strong but god you are stronger help me to fasten tightly the belt of truth so that none of satan's lies make it into my heart god help me to see the spiritual realities that aren't apparent to me help me to see things the way you want me to and not just what my sinful heart wants to believe make the gospel beautiful in my sight and make sin appear to me as the abomination that it is i want to perceive this world in the same way you do lord jesus and so father
rid me of my own desires my own lenses my own preconceived biases and like paul on the road to damascus awaken in my heart a greater love for you in jesus name i pray amen the bible says in matthew chapter 6 verse 5 to 6 and when you pray you shall not be like the hypocrites for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets that they may be seen by men assuredly i say to you they have their reward but you when you pray go into your room and
when you have shut your door pray to your father who is in the secret place and your father who sees in secret will reward you openly saints of god i encourage you to find a quiet place to pray that is your own find a prayer closet find a quiet place where you can be alone with the lord a place to meet with your heavenly father in secret away from the constant notifications of a cell phone away from the endless chatter of the television and away from the interruptions of friends and family members the bible says
when you pray go into your room and when you have shut your door pray to your father who is in the secret place and your father who sees in secret will reward you openly i believe that the bible tells us to pray in this manner because we need to respect our time with god we need to give him his due reverence our prayer time ought to be sacred we need to give god honor by shutting off the world and focusing purely on him i changed my own prayer life by treating it as a divine appointment
with the lord no interruptions no distractions just time alone with jesus so here's what i would like to encourage you to do after finding a quiet place to pray begin by repenting begin by confessing your sins and asking for the lord to have mercy on you because none of us are perfect as humans we sin knowingly and sometimes unknowingly so be mindful of that and then move to ask the lord to show you if there is anything in your heart in your life that is hindering your walk with him pray from psalms 139 verse 23
to 24 which says search me oh god and know my heart try me and know my thoughts and see if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting jesus spoke of a precious promise belonging to those who have a pure heart in matthew 5 verse 8 which says blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see god don't you desire to see god don't you desire to see his hand move and work in your life don't you desire to see his goodness his protection and favor all at work
in your life so i encourage you to begin treating your prayer time as a divine appointment with the lord now let us pray lord there is no greater privilege than being loved by you there is no greater privilege than your mercy and goodness my prayer today lord is that i may be conscious and sensitive about giving you my full undivided attention may the holy ghost tug at my heart and remind me that my prayer time with you is sacred my prayer time is important and worth me finding a place far away from distractions so that
i can be fully immersed in your love and in your presence your word in psalms 24 verse 3 to 4 says who shall ascend the hill of the lord and who shall stand in his holy place he who has clean hands and a pure heart who does not lift up his soul to what is false and does not swear deceitfully help me holy spirit to always go before the lord and ask for his mercy and forgiveness so that i can pray with clean hands and a pure heart let my soul not be attached or linked
to anything that is false in jesus name lord you are my shield and defense your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path do not let me stumble o lord overthrow the plans and the plots of my enemies and help me to overcome in the name of jesus fight my battles lord as you have promised in your word you said in exodus 14 14 that the lord shall fight for you and you shall hold your peace i pray that you defend me and my family and let us hold your peace
i pray that we are going to stand still to see the hand of god move in our lives in the name of jesus christ that we will stand and testify and say had it not been of the lord we would have been consumed i come to you seeking refuge and protection i come to you in recognition of your great might and power i worship your holy name lord i adore you lord jesus i thank you father god for clothing me in a robe of righteousness that covers me head to toe because of the blood of
jesus christ which was shed for me and i know that it is you that i live it's in you that i move and have my existence i surrender my life my children and my loved ones into your caring hands you are a god full of compassion i pray for your hand of protection upon me and my family encompass us lord god almighty with your holy presence surround me and my family with your hedge of protection i thank you for your protection today i am grateful for your provision in my life forgive me for all of
my sins have mercy on me and my family i thank you for being a god who has been faithful through the ages i ask that you put my mind at ease with everything i am facing open my eyes and help me to see your hand in every situation i'm facing let me not be unstable in my emotions father remove all stress and give me peace take all of my burdens and set me free you are the rock of all ages my strong tower and fortress lord just as you are on the throne we know everything
is going to be all right you've promised to meet every need according to your glorious riches christ jesus thank you for the overcoming power and victory that comes through prayer may you continue to strengthen when i am down continue to strengthen me through the tough times i remain amazed by your love and care for me therefore i bless your name with joy and thanksgiving may your presence be felt continuously in my heart i remain confident that you are a faithful god and you will be my light in the darkest of hours be glorified in jesus
name i pray amen first thessalonians 5 verse 6 so then let us not sleep as others do but let us keep awake and be sober so often we just coast through life forgetting about god until we realize that we need him but it shouldn't take a struggle for god to get your attention a trial shouldn't be the only thing that brings you to your knees a problem shouldn't be the only way god will ever hear from you we are meant to seek and obey him every single day of our lives our greatest defense against the
schemes of the devil is to be grounded in god's word make his word and his way a priority in your life each day saturate your mind with the gospel paul sums it up perfectly in colossians 3 verse 16. let the word of christ dwell in you richly teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to god if we do these things then we are on our way to a vibrant and healthy spiritual life ask god to bring every flaw every failure and every area
of weakness under his sovereign rule so that when the wind howls and the storm blows your house will stand firm in him let us pray heavenly father forgive me forgive me for all the times i've neglected my walk with you and for all the times that i've pushed you aside for my own selfish ambitions in your kindness you have given me the gift of eternal life and all you ask in return is my full and complete surrender yet still i fail i fail to give you the priority and the attention that you deserve so father
i'm asking you to help me help me to take my walk with you seriously and intentionally help me to get my spiritual house in order if there is any part of my faith that needs attention lord give me the urgency and the desire to fix it open my eyes to the things i should be doing that will cultivate and grow my faith so often i treat you as optional to my life when you are absolutely essential lord i need you i need you in my career in my family in my home and in all my
hopes and dreams without you my whole life means nothing everything i have is from you even the air i breathe is a gift from you so lord fill my heart with gratitude and by your grace let me earnestly seek to become a better servant and follower of christ help me to dwell in your word help me to be a person of prayer help me to be active in my church and in my community for the sake of the gospel help me to sacrifice my time and my gifts for the things that matter and father as
i go about my life protect me from anyone and anything that might lead me astray lord cleanse me from all unrighteousness help me to be vigilant over my spiritual life and not leave any opportunity for the devil father i ask that you would help me to maintain this house with all diligence and care show me the areas in my life that are in dire need of maintenance whether it's my prayer life my scripture reading habits or my unforgiveness towards others motivate me to address these areas before they collapse inwardly and cause serious damage father help
me to ultimately rely on your grace i can't fix everything myself i can't keep everything functioning as it should but you you lord are the one who is able to heal and mend every area of brokenness in my life you are the one who creates order out of chaos father i thank you i thank you that even though my life can be a mess you still love me and you're willing to help me get back on track with you in jesus name i pray and i give you thanks amen [Music] lord we bless your holy
name because you are the god of the impossible you are able to do all things and we trust in you because you can do anything you are a god with no limitations together with everyone listening we pray and bring before you every challenge and every difficulty that we face lord we bring before you everything that is troubling us everything that is worrying us father we have faith and we believe that there is absolutely nothing for us to fear with you on our side because of this we will be strong and courageous even in hard times
we will not be terrified we will not be discouraged because you are our rock our shield our strength and our hope we place our faith in you and we believe that you will see us through our valley experience god we trust in your ability and not in our own teach us to see the challenges the difficulties in our lives through the lens of faith even as we go through our valley experiences help us to grow and mature as christians help us to develop our faith and even if our emotions try and get the best of
us we will remain steadfast knowing that you will never leave us nor forsake us and lord please help us to focus on you and your power instead of the problems that we face give us the strength to focus on you even in hard circumstances may the holy ghost guide us to carefully read trust and be obedient to your word your word tells us not to be anxious and not to be troubled in our hearts meaning that we do not need to figure everything out you already know the best plan for us we ask that you
move in our lives lord show us your supernatural power teach us how to walk by faith and pray fervently because your word says the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous avails much we choose to have faith in your ability to break through every obstacle we face in agreement with everyone listening to this prayer we declare deuteronomy 31 verse 6. be strong and courageous do not fear or be in dread of them for it is the lord your god who goes with you he will not leave you or forsake you in you lord we trust in
you we have courage and strength even in our weakness we will boast in your strength and praise your name forever because you are with us lord jesus we will not be shaken by any valley any problem or obstacle our hearts are made glad because we know that you are on our side our hearts rejoice because we know you as savior our souls are at peace and we are secure because we believe that you lord jesus you will not abandon us so lord we will praise your name today and forevermore continue to fill us with joy
continue to bless us with your presence lord i pray that you will give us strength not to fear but that you will help us to trust you in each and every situation we face we confess that our trust and our faith is in your word and in your ability to fulfill your promises be with us lord regardless of what we are going through fight for us stand beside us stand with us as we face the trials of this life [Music] i bless your name for listening to this prayer you are mighty you are powerful you
are righteous and true and i thank you for hearing this prayer in jesus name amen father god thank you for your faithfulness throughout every part of my life though the seasons change though people change and even though relationships come and go you king jesus you remain the same there has never been a day when you did not know me and love me and work all things for my good your word in isaiah 43 verses 18 through 19 say remember not the former things nor consider the things of old behold i am doing a new thing
now it springs forth do you not perceive it i will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert lord do a new thing in my life do a new thing in our lives as your children you are a god who can make rivers in the desert and so you can speak life into any situation and father i thank you for bringing me out of my sinful past and giving me a better future thank you for helping me to move forward past every struggle and every mountain in my way god i thank you
for all the miracles that you have performed to get me to where i am today lord i'm so grateful for all that you've done in my past and i thank you for keeping me for protecting me even before i knew you thank you for loving me lord god forgive me if ever i have longed for the past in my heart give me the wisdom to know that these thoughts are not from you lord you have broken sin's curse on me not so that i can go back to the way i was before but so that
i can now walk in freedom i pray lord that whenever my mind wanders and begins to reminisce about a past where i was living in sin give me the strength to run from such thoughts lord give me the courage to walk away from the things that try to entice me may i never turn back i don't want to turn back like lot's wife did but god i want to keep pressing on with my eyes and my desires fixed on jesus lord give me the grace i need to move forward in my walk with you and
to step into the calling that you've placed on my life all my efforts used to be in vain but now god you have equipped me for every good work and for amazing things in your kingdom jesus may your precious blood destroy any remaining ties that i have with my former life sever every court of sin let not even a memory of those days remain in my mind instead help me to strive for holiness help me to strive for continual growth help me to become more like you enduring all things for the joy that is set
before me lord i can't comprehend all that you've done from beginning to end but already i can see the progress that you've made in my life and i am excited for all that you will continue to do father give me the freedom to develop and grow as a follower of christ help me to run the race that is set before me keeping my eyes on the prize i ask all these things in jesus name amen [Music] now let us pray father you alone are worthy of my adoration each and every day give me a passion
to seek you lord give me a passion to hunt for your presence the last thought in my mind before i sleep should be you and let my first thoughts each and every morning be you i submit to you and align my spirit to your will and purpose for my life open my ears so that they will be sensitive and receptive to your voice lord i pray that your word would not depart from my mouth but instead i will read and meditate on it day and night so that i may be careful to do everything in
accordance to your will may the holy spirit help me to keep seeking things that are above where christ is seated at the right hand of god help me holy spirit to set my mind above and to keep focused on everything related to the kingdom of god help me not to conform to the things of this world help me not to be distracted by things that are on the earth which only have temporal value and for me to even do this lord i need your supernatural strength and so i declare that you lord jesus you are
my source of strength that leads me to overcome the devil you lord jesus are my source of strength that leads me to walk in victory you are my source of strength that leads me to defeat sin [Music] you have said in your word that in the last days you will pour out your spirit on all flesh and so i welcome you holy spirit i invite your presence to encamp around me and to fill me help me to realize the promises of god promises for peace that surpass human understanding promises of a sound mind promises of
protection i pray that you would move with me holy spirit walk with me and speak to me be the still small voice that guides me and leads me lord jesus you are ever faithful you are my hiding place at this present time i ask for your protection and covering over my life and over my family's life so lord help me to guard my heart help me to fill my heart with your word help me to be vigilant against every force of evil and every cunning lie of man help me to be in the world but
not of it help me to be in this world but not to love it empower me to be a strong godly influence in this world rather than for me to be influenced by this world help me to be salt in this earth help me to be a light in the darkness guiding my friends and my family and neighbors and strangers alike to the glorious cross your word calls me in philippians 4 verse 8 to say finally brothers whatever is true whatever is honorable whatever is just whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is commendable if
there is any excellence if there is anything worthy of praise think about these things lord i pray that i would not be a sponge that absorbs all the filth of this world no instead let me be like a mirror reflecting your goodness for all to see let me be like a mirror that reflects your love lord like david wrote in the psalms create in me a clean heart renew in me a right spirit i know that such a heart is pleasing to you more than sacrifices or good works you desire a heart that is broken
over sin and one that humbly seeks your forgiveness i pray that the holy spirit would continuously be tugging at my heart and soul teaching me how to be obedient to the lord teaching me how to stand in faith and to fully trust in god i praise your holy name king jesus be glorified i thank you for hearing my prayer in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray amen [Music] holy father thank you for giving me the capacity to see and appreciate the beauty of the gospel lord thank you for opening my eyes thank you
for removing the scales from my eyes so that i can truly see the wonders of your glory and your grace open my eyes so that i can really see your amazing grace [Music] indeed i once was lost but now i'm found i was blind but now i see and i am only able to see your goodness because you have opened my eyes and given me understanding father only you can see the realities of this world as they truly are only you are able to tell right from wrong with perfect judgment lord jesus open my eyes
and give me wisdom forgive me if my focus is on the wrong things help me not to waste my time and quarrel over minor things i pray that you would help me to see the greater picture lord help us shift our focus to the glorious and true gospel of jesus christ the gospel in which there is no room for misinterpretation debate as your word says there is one god and one mediator the person of jesus christ help us all to grasp that reality and to stand amazed in all lord you are all powerful and all-knowing
you see far beyond what i am humanly able to perceive you see every dimension every point in time all at once so help me not to question what you have spoken to be true help me not to let doubts creep in and cloud my vision lord remove the scales from my eyes help me to see clearly help me not to cloud reality with my own interpretation or my own vision of the world let my world view be completely grounded in your word help me to walk by faith and not by sight expand my view from
the earthly to the heavenly give me the ability to be able to see and recognize those who are wolves in sheep's clothing these people may appear trustworthy on the outside but they are only out to deceive father don't let me fall for any of their clever words give me the ability to see the devil's true colors even as he masquerades like an angel of light temptation is strong but god you are stronger help me to fasten tightly the belt of truth so that none of satan's lies make it into my heart god help me to
see the spiritual realities that aren't apparent to me help me to see things the way you want me to and not just what my sinful heart wants to believe make the gospel beautiful in my sight and make sin appear to me as the abomination that it is i want to perceive this world in the same way you do lord jesus and so father rid me of my own desires my own lenses my own preconceived biases and like paul on the road to damascus awaken in my heart a greater love for you in jesus name i
pray amen the bible says in matthew chapter 6 verse 5 to 6 and when you pray you shall not be like the hypocrites for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets that they may be seen by men assuredly i say to you they have their reward but you when you pray go into your room and when you have shut your door pray to your father who is in the secret place and your father who sees in secret will reward you openly saints of god i encourage you to
find a quiet place to pray that is your own find a prayer closet find a quiet place where you can be alone with the lord a place to meet with your heavenly father in secret away from the constant notifications of a cell phone away from the endless chatter of the television and away from the interruptions of friends and family members the bible says when you pray go into your room and when you have shut your door pray to your father who is in the secret place and your father who sees in secret will reward you
openly i believe that the bible tells us to pray in this manner because we need to respect our time with god we need to give him his due reverence our prayer time ought to be sacred we need to give god honor by shutting off the world and focusing purely on him i changed my own prayer life by treating it as a divine appointment with the lord no interruptions no distractions just time alone with jesus so here's what i would like to encourage you to do after finding a quiet place to pray begin by repenting begin
by confessing your sins and asking for the lord to have mercy on you because none of us are perfect as humans we sin knowingly and sometimes unknowingly so be mindful of that and then move to ask the lord to show you if there is anything in your heart in your life that is hindering your walk with him pray from psalms 139 verse 23-24 which says search me o god and know my heart try me and know my thoughts and see if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting jesus
spoke of a precious promise belonging to those who have a pure heart in matthew 5 verse 8 which says blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see god don't you desire to see god don't you desire to see his hand move and work in your life don't you desire to see his goodness his protection and favor all at work in your life [Music] so i encourage you to begin treating your prayer time as a divine appointment with the lord now let us pray lord there is no greater privilege than being loved by you
there is no greater privilege than your mercy and goodness my prayer today lord is that i may be conscious and sensitive about giving you my full undivided attention may the holy ghost tug at my heart and remind me that my prayer time with you is sacred my prayer time is important and worth me finding a place far away from distractions so that i can be fully immersed in your love and in your presence your word in psalms 24 verse 3 to 4 says who shall ascend the hill of the lord and who shall stand in
his holy place he who has clean hands and a pure heart who does not lift up his soul to what is false and does not swear deceitfully help me holy spirit to always go before the lord and ask for his mercy and forgiveness so that i can pray with clean hands and a pure heart let my soul not be attached or linked to anything that is false in jesus name lord you are my shield and defense your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path do not let me stumble o
lord overthrow the plans and the plots of my enemies and help me to overcome in the name of jesus fight my battles lord as you have promised in your word you said in exodus 14 14 that the lord shall fight for you and you shall hold your peace i pray that you defend me and my family and let us hold your peace i pray that we are going to stand still to see the hand of god move in our lives in the name of jesus christ that we will stand and testify and say had it
not been of the lord we would have been consumed [Music] i come to you seeking refuge and protection i come to you in recognition of your great might and power i worship your holy name lord i adore you lord jesus i thank you father god for clothing me in a robe of righteousness that covers me head to toe because of the blood of jesus christ which was shed for me and i know that it is you that i live it's in you that i move and have my existence i surrender my life my children and
my loved ones into your caring hands you are a god full of compassion i pray for your hand of protection upon me and my family encompass us lord god almighty with your holy presence surround me and my family with your hedge of protection i thank you for your protection today [Music] i am grateful for your provision in my life forgive me for all of my sins have mercy on me and my family i thank you for being a god who has been faithful through the ages i ask that you put my mind at ease with
everything i am facing open my eyes and help me to see your hand in every situation i'm facing let me not be unstable in my emotions father remove all stress and give me peace take all of my burdens and set me free you are the rock of all ages my strong tower and fortress lord just as you are on the throne we know everything is going to be all right you've promised to meet every need according to your glorious riches christ jesus thank you for the overcoming power and victory that comes through prayer may you
continue to strengthen when i am down continue to strengthen me through the tough times i remain amazed by your love and care for me therefore i bless your name with joy and thanksgiving may your presence be felt continuously in my heart i remain confident that you are a faithful god and you will be my light in the darkest of hours be glorified in jesus name i pray amen first thessalonians 5 verse 6 so then let us not sleep as others do but let us keep awake and be sober so often we just coast through life
forgetting about god until we realize that we need him but it shouldn't take a struggle for god to get your attention a trial shouldn't be the only thing that brings you to your knees a problem shouldn't be the only way god will ever hear from you we are meant to seek and obey him every single day of our lives our greatest defense against the schemes of the devil is to be grounded in god's word make his word and his way a priority in your life each day saturate your mind with the gospel paul sums it
up perfectly in colossians 3 verse 16. let the word of christ dwell in you richly teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to god if we do these things then we are on our way to a vibrant and healthy spiritual life ask god to bring every flaw every failure and every area of weakness under his sovereign rule so that when the wind howls and the storm blows your house will stand firm in him let us pray heavenly father forgive me forgive me for
all the times i've neglected my walk with you and for all the times that i've pushed you aside for my own selfish ambitions in your kindness you have given me the gift of eternal life and all you ask in return is my full and complete surrender yet still i fail i fail to give you the priority and the attention that you deserve so father i'm asking you to help me help me to take my walk with you seriously and intentionally help me to get my spiritual house in order if there is any part of my
faith that needs attention lord give me the urgency and the desire to fix it open my eyes to the things i should be doing that will cultivate and grow my faith so often i treat you as optional to my life when you are absolutely essential lord i need you i need you in my career in my family in my home and in all my hopes and dreams without you my whole life means nothing everything i have is from you even the air i breathe is a gift from you so lord fill my heart with gratitude
and by your grace let me earnestly seek to become a better servant and follower of christ help me to dwell in your word help me to be a person of prayer help me to be active in my church and in my community for the sake of the gospel [Music] help me to sacrifice my time and my gifts for the things that matter and father as i go about my life protect me from anyone and anything that might lead me astray lord cleanse me from all unrighteousness help me to be vigilant over my spiritual life and
not leave any opportunity for the devil father i ask that you would help me to maintain this house with all diligence and care show me the areas in my life that are in dire need of maintenance whether it's my prayer life my scripture reading habits or my unforgiveness towards others motivate me to address these areas before they collapse inwardly and cause serious damage father help me to ultimately rely on your grace i can't fix everything myself i can't keep everything functioning as it should but you you lord are the one who is able to heal
and mend every area of brokenness in my life you are the one who creates order out of chaos father i thank you i thank you that even though my life can be a mess you still love me and you're willing to help me get back on track with you in jesus name i pray and i give you thanks amen lord we bless your holy name because you are the god of the impossible you are able to do all things and we trust in you because you can do anything you are a god with no limitations
together with everyone listening we pray and bring before you every challenge and every difficulty that we face lord we bring before you everything that is troubling us everything that is worrying us father we have faith and we believe that there is absolutely nothing for us to fear with you on our side because of this we will be strong and courageous even in hard times we will not be terrified we will not be discouraged because you are our rock our shield our strength and our hope we place our faith in you and we believe that you
will see us through our valley experience god we trust in your ability and not in our own teach us to see the challenges the difficulties in our lives through the lens of faith even as we go through our valley experiences help us to grow and mature as christians help us to develop our faith and even if our emotions try and get the best of us we will remain steadfast knowing that you will never leave us nor forsake us and lord please help us to focus on you and your power instead of the problems that we
face give us the strength to focus on you even in hard circumstances may the holy ghost guide us to carefully read trust and be obedient to your word word tells us not to be anxious and not to be troubled in our hearts meaning that we do not need to figure everything out you already know the best plan for us we ask that you move in our lives lord show us your supernatural power teach us how to walk by faith and pray fervently because your word says the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous avails much we
choose to have faith in your ability to break through every obstacle we face in agreement with everyone listening to this prayer we declare deuteronomy 31 verse 6 be strong and courageous do not fear or be in dread of them for it is the lord your god who goes with you he will not leave you or forsake you in you lord we trust in you we have courage and strength even in our weakness we will boast in your strength and praise your name forever because you are with us lord jesus we will not be shaken by
any valley any problem or obstacle our hearts are made glad because we know that you are on our side our hearts rejoice because we know you as savior our souls are at peace and we are secure because we believe that you lord jesus you will not abandon us [Music] so lord we will praise your name today and forevermore continue to fill us with joy continue to bless us with your presence lord i pray that you will give us strength not to fear but that you will help us to trust you in each and every situation
we face we confess that our trust and our faith is in your word and in your ability to fulfill your promises be with us lord regardless of what we are going through fight for us stand beside us stand with us as we face the trials of this life i bless your name for listening to this prayer you are mighty you are powerful you are righteous and true and i thank you for hearing this prayer in jesus name amen father god thank you for your faithfulness throughout every part of my life though the seasons change though
people change and even though relationships come and go you king jesus you remain the same there has never been a day when you did not know me and love me and work all things for my good your word in isaiah 43 verses 18 through 19 say remember not the former things nor consider the things of old behold i am doing a new thing now it springs forth do you not perceive it i will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert lord do a new thing in my life do a new thing
in our lives as your children you are a god who can make rivers in the desert and so you can speak life into any situation and father i thank you for bringing me out of my sinful past and giving me a better future thank you for helping me to move forward past every struggle and every mountain in my way god i thank you for all the miracles that you have performed to get me to where i am today lord i'm so grateful for all that you've done in my past and i thank you for keeping
me for protecting me even before i knew you thank you for loving me lord god forgive me if ever i have longed for the past in my heart give me the wisdom to know that these thoughts are not from you lord you have broken sin's curse on me not so that i can go back to the way i was before but so that i can now walk in freedom i pray lord that whenever my mind wanders and begins to reminisce about a past where i was living in sin give me the strength to run from
such thoughts lord give me the courage to walk away from the things that try to entice me may i never turn back i don't want to turn back like lot's wife did but god i want to keep pressing on with my eyes and my desires fixed on jesus lord give me the grace i need to move forward in my walk with you and to step into the calling that you've placed on my life all my efforts used to be in vain but now god you have equipped me for every good work and for amazing things
in your kingdom jesus may your precious blood destroy any remaining ties that i have with my former life sever every court of sin let not even a memory of those days remain in my mind instead help me to strive for holiness help me to strive for continual growth help me to become more like you enduring all things for the joy that is set before me lord i can't comprehend all that you've done from beginning to end but already i can see the progress that you've made in my life and i am excited for all that
you will continue to do father give me the freedom to develop and grow as a follower of christ help me to run the race that is set before me keeping my eyes on the prize i ask all these things in jesus name amen [Music] now let us pray father you alone are worthy of my adoration each and every day give me a passion to seek you lord give me a passion to hunt for your presence the last thought in my mind before i sleep should be you and let my first thoughts each and every morning
be you i submit to you and align my spirit to your will and purpose for my life open my ears so that they will be sensitive and receptive to your voice lord i pray that your word would not depart from my mouth but instead i will read and meditate on it day and night so that i may be careful to do everything in accordance to your will may the holy spirit help me to keep seeking things that are above where christ is seated at the right hand of god help me holy spirit to set my
mind above and to keep focused on everything related to the kingdom of god help me not to conform to the things of this world help me not to be distracted by things that are on the earth which only have temporal value and for me to even do this lord i need your supernatural strength and so i declare that you lord jesus you are my source of strength that leads me to overcome the devil you lord jesus are my source of strength that leads me to walk in victory you are my source of strength that leads
me to defeat sin you have said in your word that in the last days you will pour out your spirit on all flesh and so i welcome you holy spirit i invite your presence to encamp around me and to fill me help me to realize the promises of god promises for peace that surpass human understanding promises of a sound mind promises of protection i pray that you would move with me holy spirit walk with me and speak to me be the still small voice that guides me and leads me lord jesus you are ever faithful
you are my hiding place at this present time i ask for your protection and covering over my life and over my family's life so lord help me to guard my heart help me to fill my heart with your word help me to be vigilant against every force of evil and every cunning lie of man help me to be in the world but not of it help me to be in this world but not to love it empower me to be a strong godly influence in this world rather than for me to be influenced by this
world help me to be salt in this earth help me to be a light in the darkness guiding my friends and my family and neighbors and strangers alike to the glorious cross your word calls me in philippians 4 verse 8 to say finally brothers whatever is true whatever is honorable whatever is just whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is commendable if there is any excellence if there is anything worthy of praise think about these things lord i pray that i would not be a sponge that absorbs all the filth of this world no instead
let me be like a mirror reflecting your goodness for all to see let me be like a mirror that reflects your love lord like david wrote in the psalms create in me a clean heart renew in me a right spirit i know that such a heart is pleasing to you more than sacrifices or good works you desire a heart that is broken over sin and one that humbly seeks your forgiveness i pray that the holy spirit would continuously be tugging at my heart and soul teaching me how to be obedient to the lord teaching me
how to stand in faith and to fully trust in god i praise your holy name king jesus be glorified i thank you for hearing my prayer in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray [Music] amen [Music] holy father thank you for giving me the capacity to see and appreciate the beauty of the gospel lord thank you for opening my eyes thank you for removing the scales from my eyes so that i can truly see the wonders of your glory and your grace open my eyes so that i can really see your amazing grace indeed
i once was lost but now i'm found i was blind but now i see and i am only able to see your goodness because you have opened my eyes and given me understanding father only you can see the realities of this world as they truly are only you are able to tell right from wrong with perfect judgment lord jesus open my eyes and give me wisdom forgive me if my focus is on the wrong things help me not to waste my time and quarrel over minor things i pray that you would help me to see
the greater picture lord help us shift our focus to the glorious and true gospel of jesus christ the gospel in which there is no room for misinterpretation or debate as your word says there is one god and one mediator the person of jesus christ help us all to grasp that reality and to stand amazed in all lord you are all powerful and all-knowing you see far beyond what i am humanly able to perceive you see every dimension every point in time all at once so help me not to question what you have spoken to be
true help me not to let doubts creep in and cloud my vision lord remove the scales from my eyes help me to see clearly help me not to cloud reality with my own interpretation or my own vision of the world let my world view be completely grounded in your word help me to walk by faith and not by sight expand my view from the earthly to the heavenly give me the ability to be able to see and recognize those who are wolves and sheep's clothing these people may appear trustworthy on the outside but they are
only out to deceive father don't let me fall for any of their clever words give me the ability to see the devil's true colors even as he masquerades like an angel of light temptation is strong but god you are stronger help me to fasten tightly the belt of truth so that none of satan's lies make it into my heart god help me to see the spiritual realities that aren't apparent to me help me to see things the way you want me to and not just what my sinful heart wants to believe make the gospel beautiful
in my sight and make sin appear to me as the abomination that it is i want to perceive this world in the same way you do lord jesus and so father rid me of my own desires my own lenses my own preconceived biases and like paul on the road to damascus awaken in my heart a greater love for you in jesus name i pray amen [Music] the bible says in matthew chapter 6 verse 5 to 6 and when you pray you shall not be like the hypocrites for they love to pray standing in the synagogues
and on the corners of the streets that they may be seen by men assuredly i say to you they have their reward but you when you pray go into your room and when you have shut your door pray to your father who is in the secret place and your father who sees in secret will reward you openly saints of god i encourage you to find a quiet place to pray that is your own find a prayer closet find a quiet place where you can be alone with the lord a place to meet with your heavenly
father in secret away from the constant notifications of a cell phone away from the endless chatter of the television and away from the interruptions of friends and family members the bible says when you pray go into your room and when you have shut your door pray to your father who is in the secret place and your father who sees in secret will reward you openly i believe that the bible tells us to pray in this manner because we need to respect our time with god we need to give him his due reverence our prayer time
ought to be sacred we need to give god honor by shutting off the world and focusing purely on him i change my own prayer life by treating it as a divine appointment with the lord no interruptions no distractions just time alone with jesus so here's what i would like to encourage you to do after finding a quiet place to pray begin by repenting begin by confessing your sins and asking for the lord to have mercy on you because none of us are perfect as humans we sin knowingly and sometimes unknowingly so be mindful of that
and then move to ask the lord to show you if there is anything in your heart in your life that is hindering your walk with him pray from psalms 139 verse 23 to 24 which says search me o god and know my heart try me and know my thoughts and see if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting jesus spoke of a precious promise belonging to those who have a pure heart in matthew 5 verse 8 which says blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see god
don't you desire to see god don't you desire to see his hand move and work in your life don't you desire to see his goodness his protection and favor all at work in your life so i encourage you to begin treating your prayer time as a divine appointment with the lord now let us pray lord there is no greater privilege than being loved by you there is no greater privilege than your mercy and goodness my prayer today lord is that i may be conscious and sensitive about giving you my full undivided attention may the holy
ghost tug at my heart and remind me that my prayer time with you is sacred my prayer time is important and worth me finding a place far away from distractions so that i can be fully immersed in your love and in your presence your word in psalms 24 3 to 4 says who shall ascend the hill of the lord and who shall stand in his holy place he who has clean hands and a pure heart who does not lift up his soul to what is false and does not swear deceitfully help me holy spirit to
always go before the lord and ask for his mercy and forgiveness so that i can pray with clean hands and a pure heart let my soul not be attached or linked to anything that is false in jesus name [Music] lord you are my shield and defense word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path do not let me stumble o lord overthrow the plans and the plots of my enemies and help me to overcome in the name of jesus fight my battles lord as you have promised in your word you said
in exodus 14 14 that the lord shall fight for you and you shall hold your peace i pray that you defend me and my family and let us hold your peace i pray that we are going to stand still to see the hand of god move in our lives in the name of jesus christ that we will stand and testify and say had it not been of the lord we would have been consumed i come to you seeking refuge and protection i come to you in recognition of your great might and power i worship your
holy name lord i adore you lord jesus i thank you father god for clothing me in a robe of righteousness that covers me head to toe because of the blood of jesus christ which was shed for me and i know that it is you that i live it's in you that i move and have my existence i surrender my life my children and my loved ones into your caring hands you are a god full of compassion i pray for your hand of protection upon me and my family encompass us lord god almighty with your holy
presence surround me and my family with your hedge of protection i thank you for your protection today [Music] i am grateful for your provision in my life forgive me for all of my sins have mercy on me and my family i thank you for being a god who has been faithful through the ages i ask that you put my mind at ease with everything i am facing open my eyes and help me to see your hand in every situation i'm facing let me not be unstable in my emotions father remove all stress and give me
peace take all of my burdens and set me free you are the rock of all ages my strong tower and fortress lord just as you are on the throne we know everything is going to be all right you've promised to meet every need according to your glorious riches christ jesus thank you for the overcoming power and victory that comes through prayer may you continue to strengthen when i am down continue to strengthen me through the tough times i remain amazed by your love and care for me therefore i bless your name with joy and thanksgiving
may your presence be felt continuously in my heart i remain confident that you are a faithful god and you will be my light in the darkest of hours be glorified in jesus name i pray amen first thessalonians 5 verse 6 so then let us not sleep as others do but let us keep awake and be sober so often we just coast through life forgetting about god until we realize that we need him but it shouldn't take a struggle for god to get your attention a trial shouldn't be the only thing that brings you to your
knees a problem shouldn't be the only way god will ever hear from you we are meant to seek and obey him every single day of our lives our greatest defense against the schemes of the devil is to be grounded in god's word make his word and his way a priority in your life each day saturate your mind with the gospel paul sums it up perfectly in colossians 3 verse 16 let the word of christ dwell in you richly teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in
your hearts to god if we do these things then we are on our way to a vibrant and healthy spiritual life ask god to bring every flaw every failure and every area of weakness under his sovereign rule so that when the wind howls and the storm blows your house will stand firm in him let us pray heavenly father forgive me forgive me for all the times i've neglected my walk with you and for all the times that i've pushed you aside for my own selfish ambitions in your kindness you have given me the gift of
eternal life and all you ask in return is my full and complete surrender yet still i fail i fail to give you the priority and the attention that you deserve so father i'm asking you to help me help me to take my walk with you seriously and intentionally help me to get my spiritual house in order if there is any part of my faith that needs attention lord give me the urgency and the desire to fix it open my eyes to the things i should be doing that will cultivate and grow my faith so often
i treat you as optional to my life when you are absolutely essential lord i need you i need you in my career in my family in my home and in all my hopes and dreams without you my whole life means nothing everything i have is from you even the air i breathe is a gift from you so lord fill my heart with gratitude and by your grace let me earnestly seek to become a better servant and follower of christ help me to dwell in your word help me to be a person of prayer help me
to be active in my church and in my community for the sake of the gospel help me to sacrifice my time and my gifts for the things that matter and father as i go about my life protect me from anyone and anything that might lead me astray lord cleanse me from all unrighteousness help me to be vigilant over my spiritual life and not leave any opportunity for the devil father i ask that you would help me to maintain this house with all diligence and care show me the areas in my life that are in dire
need of maintenance whether it's my prayer life my scripture reading habits or my unforgiveness towards others motivate me to address these areas before they collapse inwardly and cause serious damage father help me to ultimately rely on your grace i can't fix everything myself i can't keep everything functioning as it should but you you lord are the one who is able to heal and mend every area of brokenness in my life you are the one who creates order out of chaos father i thank you i thank you that even though my life can be a mess
you still love me and you're willing to help me get back on track with you in jesus name i pray and i give you thanks amen lord we bless your holy name because you are the god of the impossible you are able to do all things and we trust in you because you can do anything you are a god with no limitations together with everyone listening we pray and bring before you every challenge and every difficulty that we face lord we bring before you everything that is troubling us everything that is worrying us father we
have faith and we believe that there is absolutely nothing for us to fear with you on our side because of this we will be strong and courageous even in hard times we will not be terrified we will not be discouraged because you are our rock our shield our strength and our hope we place our faith in you and we believe that you will see us through our valley experience god we trust in your ability and not in our own teach us to see the challenges the difficulties in our lives through the lens of faith even
as we go through our valley experiences help us to grow and mature as christians help us to develop our faith and even if our emotions try and get the best of us we will remain steadfast knowing that you will never leave us nor forsake us and lord please help us to focus on you and your power instead of the problems that we face give us the strength to focus on you even in hard circumstances [Music] may the holy ghost guide us to carefully read trust and be obedient to your word your word tells us not
to be anxious and not to be troubled in our hearts meaning that we do not need to figure everything out you already know the best plan for us [Music] we ask that you move in our lives lord show us your supernatural power [Music] teach us how to walk by faith and pray fervently because your word says the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous avails much we choose to have faith in your ability to break through every obstacle we face in agreement with everyone listening to this prayer we declare deuteronomy 31 verse 6 be strong and
courageous do not fear or be in dread of them for it is the lord your god who goes with you he will not leave you or forsake you in you lord we trust in you we have courage and strength even in our weakness we will boast in your strength and praise your name forever because you are with us lord jesus we will not be shaken by any valley any problem or obstacle hearts are made glad because we know that you are on our side our hearts rejoice because we know you as savior our souls are
at peace and we are secure because we believe that you lord jesus you will not abandon us so lord we will praise your name today and forevermore continue to fill us with joy continue to bless us with your presence lord i pray that you will give us strength not to fear but that you will help us to trust you in each and every situation we face we confess that our trust and our faith is in your word and in your ability to fulfill your promises be with us lord regardless of what we are going through
fight for us stand beside us stand with us as we face the trials of this life i bless your name for listening to this prayer you are mighty you are powerful you are righteous and true and i thank you for hearing this prayer in jesus name amen father god thank you for your faithfulness throughout every part of my life though the seasons change though people change and even though relationships come and go you king jesus you remain the same there has never been a day when you did not know me and love me and work
all things for my good your word in isaiah 43 verses 18 through 19 say remember not the former things nor consider the things of old behold i am doing a new thing now it springs forth do you not perceive it i will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert [Music] lord do a new thing in my life do a new thing in our lives as your children you are a god who can make rivers in the desert and so you can speak life into any situation and father i thank you for
bringing me out of my sinful past and giving me a better future thank you for helping me to move forward past every struggle and every mountain in my way [Music] god i thank you for all the miracles that you have performed to get me to where i am today lord i'm so grateful for all that you've done in my past and i thank you for keeping me for protecting me even before i knew you thank you for loving me lord god forgive me if ever i have longed for the past in my heart give me
the wisdom to know that these thoughts are not from you lord you have broken sin's curse on me not so that i can go back to the way i was before but so that i can now walk in freedom i pray lord that whenever my mind wanders and begins to reminisce about a past where i was living in sin give me the strength to run from such thoughts lord give me the courage to walk away from the things that try to entice me may i never turn back i don't want to turn back like lot's
wife did but god i want to keep pressing on with my eyes and my desires fixed on jesus lord give me the grace i need to move forward in my walk with you and to step into the calling that you've placed on my life all my efforts used to be in vain but now god you have equipped me for every good work and for amazing things in your kingdom jesus may your precious blood destroy any remaining ties that i have with my former life sever every court of sin let not even a memory of those
days remain in my mind instead help me to strive for holiness help me to strive for continual growth help me to become more like you enduring all things for the joy that is set before me lord i can't comprehend all that you've done from beginning to end but already i can see the progress that you've made in my life and i am excited for all that you will continue to do father give me the freedom to develop and grow as a follower of christ help me to run the race that is set before me keeping
my eyes on the prize i ask all these things in jesus name amen [Music] now let us pray father you alone are worthy of my adoration each and every day give me a passion to seek you lord give me a passion to hunt for your presence the last thought in my mind before i sleep should be you and let my first thoughts each and every morning be you i submit to you and align my spirit to your will and purpose for my life open my ears so that they will be sensitive and receptive to your
voice lord i pray that your word would not depart from my mouth but instead i will read and meditate on it day and night so that i may be careful to do everything in accordance to your will may the holy spirit help me to keep seeking things that are above where christ is seated at the right hand of god help me holy spirit to set my mind above and to keep focused on everything related to the kingdom of god help me not to conform to the things of this world help me not to be distracted
by things that are on the earth which only have temporal value and for me to even do this lord i need your supernatural strength and so i declare that you lord jesus you are my source of strength that leads me to overcome the devil you lord jesus are my source of strength that leads me to walk in victory you are my source of strength that leads me to defeat sin you have said in your word that in the last days you will pour out your spirit on all flesh and so i welcome you holy spirit
i invite your presence to encamp around me and to fill me help me to realize the promises of god promises for peace that surpass human understanding promises of a sound mind promises of protection i pray that you would move with me holy spirit walk with me and speak to me be the still small voice that guides me and leads me lord jesus you are ever faithful you are my hiding place at this present time i ask for your protection and covering over my life and over my family's life so lord help me to guard my
heart help me to fill my heart with your word help me to be vigilant against every force of evil and every cunning lie of man help me to be in the world but not of it help me to be in this world but not to love it empower me to be a strong godly influence in this world rather than for me to be influenced by this world help me to be salt in this earth help me to be a light in the darkness guiding my friends and my family and neighbors and strangers alike to the
glorious cross your word calls me in philippians 4 verse 8 to say finally brothers whatever is true whatever is honorable whatever is just whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is commendable if there is any excellence if there is anything worthy of praise think about these things lord i pray that i would not be a sponge that absorbs all the filth of this world no instead let me be like a mirror reflecting your goodness for all to see let me be like a mirror that reflects your love lord like david wrote in the psalms create
in me a clean heart renew in me a right spirit i know that such a heart is pleasing to you more than sacrifices or good works you desire a heart that is broken over sin and one that humbly seeks your forgiveness i pray that the holy spirit would continuously be tugging at my heart and soul teaching me how to be obedient to the lord teaching me how to stand in faith and to fully trust in god i praise your holy name king jesus be glorified i thank you for hearing my prayer in the mighty name
of jesus christ i pray amen [Music] holy father thank you for giving me the capacity to see and appreciate the beauty of the gospel lord thank you for opening my eyes thank you for removing the scales from my eyes so that i can truly see the wonders of your glory and your grace open my eyes so that i can really see your amazing grace indeed i once was lost but now i'm found i was blind but now i see and i am only able to see your goodness because you have opened my eyes and given
me understanding father only you can see the realities of this world as they truly are only you are able to tell right from wrong with perfect judgment lord jesus open my eyes and give me wisdom forgive me if my focus is on the wrong things help me not to waste my time and quarrel over minor things i pray that you would help me to see the greater picture lord help us shift our focus to the glorious and true gospel of jesus christ the gospel in which there is no room for misinterpretation or debate as your
word says there is one god and one mediator the person of jesus christ help us all to grasp that reality and to stand amazed in all lord you are all powerful and all-knowing you see far beyond what i am humanly able to perceive you see every dimension every point in time all at once so help me not to question what you have spoken to be true help me not to let doubts creep in and cloud my vision lord remove the scales from my eyes help me to see clearly help me not to cloud reality with
my own interpretation or my own vision of the world let my worldview be completely grounded in your word help me to walk by faith and not by sight expand my view from the earthly to the heavenly give me the ability to be able to see and recognize those who are wolves in sheep's clothing these people may appear trustworthy on the outside but they are only out to deceive father don't let me fall for any of their clever words give me the ability to see the devil's true colors even as he masquerades like an angel of
light temptation is strong but god you are stronger help me to fasten tightly the belt of truth so that none of satan's lies make it into my heart god help me to see the spiritual realities that aren't apparent to me help me to see things the way you want me to and not just what my sinful heart wants to believe make the gospel beautiful in my sight and make sin appear to me as the abomination that it is i want to perceive this world in the same way you do lord jesus and so father rid
me of my own desires my own lenses my own preconceived biases and like paul on the road to damascus awaken in my heart a greater love for you in jesus name i pray amen the bible says in matthew chapter 6 verse 5 to 6 and when you pray you shall not be like the hypocrites for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets that they may be seen by men assuredly i say to you they have their reward but you when you pray go into your room and when
you have shut your door pray to your father who is in the secret place and your father who sees in secret will reward you [Music] openly of god i encourage you to find a quiet place to pray that is your own find a prayer closet find a quiet place where you can be alone with the lord a place to meet with your heavenly father in secret away from the constant notifications of a cell phone away from the endless chatter of the television and away from the interruptions of friends and family members the bible says when
you pray go into your room and when you have shut your door pray to your father who is in the secret place and your father who sees in secret will reward you openly i believe that the bible tells us to pray in this manner because we need to respect our time with god we need to give him his due reverence our prayer time ought to be sacred we need to give god honor by shutting off the world and focusing purely on him i change my own prayer life by treating it as a divine appointment with
the lord no interruptions no distractions just time alone with jesus so here's what i would like to encourage you to do after finding a quiet place to pray begin by repenting begin by confessing your sins and asking for the lord to have mercy on you because none of us are perfect as humans we sin knowingly and sometimes unknowingly so be mindful of that and then move to ask the lord to show you if there is anything in your heart in your life that is hindering your walk with him pray from psalms 139 verse 23 to
24 which says search me o god and know my heart try me and know my thoughts and see if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting jesus spoke of a precious promise belonging to those who have a pure heart in matthew 5 verse 8 which says blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see god don't you desire to see god don't you desire to see his hand move and work in your life don't you desire to see his goodness his protection and favor all at work in
your life so i encourage you to begin treating your prayer time as a divine appointment with the lord now let us pray lord there is no greater privilege than being loved by you there is no greater privilege than your mercy and goodness my prayer today lord is that i may be conscious and sensitive about giving you my full undivided attention may the holy ghost tug at my heart and remind me that my prayer time with you is sacred my prayer time is important and worth me finding a place far away from distractions so that i
can be fully immersed in your love and in your presence your word in psalms 24 3-4 says who shall ascend the hill of the lord and who shall stand in his holy place he who has clean hands and a pure heart who does not lift up his soul to what is false and does not swear deceitfully help me holy spirit to always go before the lord and ask for his mercy and forgiveness so that i can pray with clean hands and a pure heart let my soul not be attached or linked to anything that is
false in jesus name lord you are my shield and defense your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path do not let me stumble o lord overthrow the plans and the plots of my enemies and help me to overcome in the name of jesus fight my battles lord as you have promised in your word you said in exodus 14 14 that the lord shall fight for you and you shall hold your peace i pray that you defend me and my family and let us hold your peace i pray that we
are going to stand still to see the hand of god move in our lives in the name of jesus christ that we will stand and testify and say had it not been of the lord we would have been consumed i come to you seeking refuge and protection i come to you in recognition of your great might and power i worship your holy name lord i adore you lord jesus i thank you father god for clothing me in a robe of righteousness that covers me head to toe because of the blood of jesus christ which was
shed for me and i know that it is you that i live it's in you that i move and have my existence i surrender my life my children and my loved ones into your caring hands you are a god full of compassion i pray for your hand of protection upon me and my family encompass us lord god almighty with your holy presence surround me and my family with your hedge of protection i thank you for your protection today i am grateful for your provision in my life forgive me for all of my sins have mercy
on me and my family i thank you for being a god who has been faithful through the ages i ask that you put my mind at ease with everything i am facing open my eyes and help me to see your hand in every situation i'm facing let me not be unstable in my emotions father remove all stress and give me peace take all of my burdens and set me free you are the rock of all ages my strong tower and fortress lord just as you are on the throne we know everything is going to be
all right you've promised to meet every need according to your glorious riches christ jesus thank you for the overcoming power and victory that comes through prayer may you continue to strengthen when i am down continue to strengthen me through the tough times i remain amazed by your love and care for me therefore i bless your name with joy and thanksgiving may your presence be felt continuously in my heart i remain confident that you are a faithful god and you will be my light in the darkest of hours be glorified in jesus name i pray amen
first thessalonians 5 verse 6 so then let us not sleep as others do but let us keep awake and be sober so often we just coast through life forgetting about god until we realize that we need him but it shouldn't take a struggle for god to get your attention a trial shouldn't be the only thing that brings you to your knees a problem shouldn't be the only way god will ever hear from you we are meant to seek and obey him every single day of our lives our greatest defense against the schemes of the devil
is to be grounded in god's word make his word and his way a priority in your life each day saturate your mind with the gospel paul sums it up perfectly in colossians 3 verse 16. let the word of christ dwell in you richly teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to god if we do these things then we are on our way to a vibrant and healthy spiritual life ask god to bring every flaw every failure and every area of weakness under his
sovereign rule so that when the wind howls and the storm blows your house will stand firm in him let us pray heavenly father forgive me forgive me for all the times i've neglected my walk with you and for all the times that i've pushed you aside for my own selfish ambitions in your kindness you have given me the gift of eternal life and all you ask in return is my full and complete surrender yet still i fail i fail to give you the priority and the attention that you deserve so father i'm asking you to
help me help me to take my walk with you seriously and intentionally help me to get my spiritual house in order if there is any part of my faith that needs attention lord give me the urgency and the desire to fix it open my eyes to the things i should be doing that will cultivate and grow my faith so often i treat you as optional to my life when you are absolutely essential lord i need you i need you in my career in my family in my home and in all my hopes and dreams without
you my whole life means nothing everything i have is from you even the air i breathe is a gift from you so lord fill my heart with gratitude and by your grace let me earnestly seek to become a better servant and follower of christ help me to dwell in your word help me to be a person of prayer help me to be active in my church and in my community for the sake of the gospel help me to sacrifice my time and my gifts for the things that matter and father as i go about my
life protect me from anyone and anything that might lead me astray lord cleanse me from all unrighteousness help me to be vigilant over my spiritual life and not leave any opportunity for the devil father i ask that you would help me to maintain this house with all diligence and care show me the areas in my life that are in dire need of maintenance whether it's my prayer life my scripture reading habits or my unforgiveness towards others motivate me to address these areas before they collapse inwardly and cause serious damage father help me to ultimately rely
on your grace i can't fix everything myself i can't keep everything functioning as it should but you you lord are the one who is able to heal and mend every area of brokenness in my life you are the one who creates order out of chaos [Music] father i thank you i thank you that even though my life can be a mess you still love me and you're willing to help me get back on track with you in jesus name i pray and i give you thanks amen lord we bless your holy name because you are
the god of the impossible you are able to do all things and we trust in you because you can do anything you are a god with no limitations together with everyone listening we pray and bring before you every challenge and every difficulty that we face lord we bring before you everything that is troubling us everything that is worrying us father we have faith and we believe that there is absolutely nothing for us to fear with you on our side because of this we will be strong and courageous even in hard times we will not be
terrified we will not be discouraged because you are our rock our shield our strength and our hope we place our faith in you and we believe that you will see us through our valley experience god we trust in your ability and not in our own teach us to see the challenges the difficulties in our lives through the lens of faith even as we go through our valley experiences help us to grow and mature as christians help us to develop our faith and even if our emotions try and get the best of us we will remain
steadfast knowing that you will never leave us nor forsake us and lord please help us to focus on you and your power instead of the problems that we face give us the strength to focus on you even in hard circumstances may the holy ghost guide us to carefully read trust and be obedient to your word your word tells us not to be anxious and not to be troubled in our hearts meaning that we do not need to figure everything out you already know the best plan for us we ask that you move in our lives
lord show us your supernatural power teach us how to walk by faith and pray fervently because your word says the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous avails much we choose to have faith in your ability to break through every obstacle we face in agreement with everyone listening to this prayer we declare deuteronomy 31 verse 6 be strong and courageous do not fear or be in dread of them for it is the lord your god who goes with you he will not leave you or forsake you in you lord we trust in you we have courage
and strength even in our weakness we will boast in your strength and praise your name forever because you are with us lord jesus we will not be shaken by any valley any problem or obstacle our hearts are made glad because we know that you are on our side our hearts rejoice because we know you as savior [Music] our souls are at peace and we are secure because we believe that you lord jesus you will not abandon us so lord we will praise your name today and forevermore continue to fill us with joy continue to bless
us with your presence lord i pray that you will give us strength not to fear but that you will help us to trust you in each and every situation we face we confess that our trust and our faith is in your word and in your ability to fulfill your promises be with us lord regardless of what we are going through fight for us stand beside us stand with us as we face the trials of this life i bless your name for listening to this prayer you are mighty you are powerful you are righteous and true
and i thank you for hearing this prayer in jesus name amen [Music] father god thank you for your faithfulness throughout every part of my life though the seasons change though people change and even though relationships come and go [Music] you king jesus you remain the same there has never been a day when you did not know me and love me and work all things for my good your word in isaiah 43 verses 18 through 19 say remember not the former things nor consider the things of old behold i am doing a new thing now it
springs forth do you not perceive it i will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert lord do a new thing in my life do a new thing in our lives as your children you are a god who can make rivers in the desert and so you can speak life into any situation and father i thank you for bringing me out of my sinful past and giving me a better future thank you for helping me to move forward past every struggle and every mountain in my way god i thank you for all
the miracles that you have performed to get me to where i am today lord i'm so grateful for all that you've done in my past and i thank you for keeping me for protecting me even before i knew you thank you for loving me lord god forgive me if ever i have longed for the past in my heart give me the wisdom to know that these thoughts are not from you [Music] lord you have broken sin's curse on me not so that i can go back to the way i was before but so that i
can now walk in freedom i pray lord that whenever my mind wanders and begins to reminisce about a past where i was living in sin give me the strength to run from such thoughts lord give me the courage to walk away from the things that try to entice me may i never turn back i don't want to turn back like lot's wife did but god i want to keep pressing on with my eyes and my desires fixed on jesus lord give me the grace i need to move forward in my walk with you and to
step into the calling that you've placed on my life all my efforts used to be in vain but now god you have equipped me for every good work and for amazing things in your kingdom jesus may your precious blood destroy any remaining ties that i have with my former life sever every court of sin let not even a memory of those days remain in my mind instead help me to strive for holiness help me to strive for continual growth help me to become more like you enduring all things for the joy that is set before
me [Music] lord i can't comprehend all that you've done from beginning to end but already i can see the progress that you've made in my life and i am excited for all that you will continue to do father give me the freedom to develop and grow as a follower of christ help me to run the race that is set before me keeping my eyes on the prize i ask all these things in jesus name amen [Music] now let us pray [Music] father you alone are worthy of my adoration each and every day give me a
passion to seek you lord give me a passion to hunt for your presence the last thought in my mind before i sleep should be you and let my first thoughts each and every morning be you i submit to you and align my spirit to your will and purpose for my life open my ears so that they will be sensitive and receptive to your voice lord i pray that your word would not depart from my mouth but instead i will read and meditate on it day and night so that i may be careful to do everything
in accordance to your will may the holy spirit help me to keep seeking things that are above where christ is seated at the right hand of god help me holy spirit to set my mind above and to keep focused on everything related to the kingdom of god help me not to conform to the things of this world help me not to be distracted by things that are on the earth which only have temporal value and for me to even do this lord i need your supernatural strength and so i declare that you lord jesus you
are my source of strength that leads me to overcome the devil you lord jesus are my source of strength that leads me to walk in victory you are my source of strength that leads me to defeat sin you have said in your word that in the last days you will pour out your spirit on all flesh and so i welcome you holy spirit i invite your presence to encamp around me and to fill me help me to realize the promises of god promises for peace that surpass human understanding promises of a sound mind promises of
protection i pray that you would move with me holy spirit walk with me and speak to me be the still small voice that guides me and leads me lord jesus you are ever faithful you are my hiding place at this present time i ask for your protection and covering over my life and over my family's life [Music] so lord help me to guard my heart help me to fill my heart with your word help me to be vigilant against every force of evil and every cunning lie of man help me to be in the world
but not of it help me to be in this world but not to love it empower me to be a strong godly influence in this world rather than for me to be influenced by this world help me to be salt in this earth help me to be a light in the darkness guiding my friends and my family and neighbors and strangers alike to the glorious cross your word calls me in philippians 4 verse 8 to say finally brothers whatever is true whatever is honorable whatever is just whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is commendable
if there is any excellence if there is anything worthy of praise think about these things lord i pray that i would not be a sponge that absorbs all the filth of this world no instead let me be like a mirror reflecting your goodness for all to see let me be like a mirror that reflects your love lord like david wrote in the psalms create in me a clean heart renew in me a right spirit i know that such a heart is pleasing to you more than sacrifices or good works you desire a heart that is
broken over sin and one that humbly seeks your forgiveness i pray that the holy spirit would continuously be tugging at my heart and soul teaching me how to be obedient to the lord teaching me how to stand in faith and to fully trust in god i praise your holy name king jesus [Music] be glorified i thank you for hearing my prayer in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray amen holy father thank you for giving me the capacity to see and appreciate the beauty of the gospel lord thank you for opening my eyes thank
you for removing the scales from my eyes so that i can truly see the wonders of your glory and your grace open my eyes so that i can really see your amazing grace indeed i once was lost but now i'm found i was blind but now i see and i am only able to see your goodness because you have opened my eyes and given me understanding father only you can see the realities of this world as they truly are only you are able to tell right from wrong with perfect judgment lord jesus open my eyes
and give me wisdom forgive me if my focus is on the wrong things help me not to waste my time and quarrel over minor things i pray that you would help me to see the greater picture lord help us shift our focus to the glorious and true gospel of jesus christ the gospel in which there is no room for misinterpretation or debate as your word says there is one god and one mediator the person of jesus christ help us all to grasp that reality and to stand amazed in awe lord you are all powerful and
all-knowing you see far beyond what i am humanly able to perceive you see every dimension every point in time all at once so help me not to question what you have spoken to be true help me not to let doubts creep in and cloud my vision lord remove the scales from my eyes help me to see clearly help me not to cloud reality with my own interpretation or my own vision of the world let my world view be completely grounded in your word help me to walk by faith and not by sight expand my view
from the earthly to the heavenly give me the ability to be able to see and recognize those who are wolves in sheep's clothing these people may appear trustworthy on the outside but they are only out to deceive father don't let me fall for any of their clever words give me the ability to see the devil's true colors even as he masquerades like an angel of light temptation is strong but god you are stronger help me to fasten tightly the belt of truth so that none of satan's lies make it into my heart god help me
to see the spiritual realities that aren't apparent to me help me to see things the way you want me to and not just what my sinful heart wants to believe make the gospel beautiful in my sight and make sin appear to me as the abomination that it is i want to perceive this world in the same way you do lord jesus and so father rid me of my own desires my own lenses my own preconceived biases and like paul on the road to damascus awaken in my heart a greater love for you in jesus name
i pray amen [Music] the bible says in matthew chapter 6 verse 5 to 6 and when you pray you shall not be like the hypocrites for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets that they may be seen by men assuredly i say to you they have their reward but you when you pray go into your room and when you have shut your door pray to your father who is in the secret place and your father who sees in secret will reward you openly saints of god i encourage
you to find a quiet place to pray that is your own find a prayer closet find a quiet place where you can be alone with the lord a place to meet with your heavenly father in secret away from the constant notifications of a cell phone away from the endless chatter of the television and away from the interruptions of friends and family members the bible says when you pray go into your room and when you have shut your door pray to your father who is in the secret place and your father who sees in secret will
reward you openly i believe that the bible tells us to pray in this manner because we need to respect our time with god we need to give him his due reverence our prayer time ought to be sacred we need to give god honor by shutting off the world and focusing purely on him i changed my own prayer life by treating it as a divine appointment with the lord no interruptions no distractions just time alone with jesus so here's what i would like to encourage you to do after finding a quiet place to pray begin by
repenting begin by confessing your sins and asking for the lord to have mercy on you because none of us are perfect as humans we sin knowingly and sometimes unknowingly so be mindful of that and then move to ask the lord to show you if there is anything in your heart in your life that is hindering your walk with him pray from psalms 139 verse 23 to 24 which says search me o god and know my heart try me and know my thoughts and see if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in
the way everlasting jesus spoke of a precious promise belonging to those who have a pure heart in matthew 5 verse 8 which says blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see god don't you desire to see god don't you desire to see his hand move and work in your life don't you desire to see his goodness his protection and favor all at work in your life so i encourage you to begin treating your prayer time as a divine appointment with the lord now let us pray lord there is no greater privilege than being
loved by you there is no greater privilege than your mercy and goodness [Music] my prayer today lord is that i may be conscious and sensitive about giving you my full undivided attention may the holy ghost tug at my heart and remind me that my prayer time with you is sacred my prayer time is important and worth me finding a place far away from distractions so that i can be fully immersed in your love and in your presence your word in psalms 24 verse 3 to 4 says who shall ascend the hill of the lord and
who shall stand in his holy place he who has clean hands and a pure heart who does not lift up his soul to what is false and does not swear deceitfully help me holy spirit to always go before the lord and ask for his mercy and forgiveness so that i can pray with clean hands and a pure heart let my soul not be attached or linked to anything that is false in jesus name lord you are my shield and defense your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path do not
let me stumble o lord overthrow the plans and the plots of my enemies and help me to overcome in the name of jesus fight my battles lord as you have promised in your word you said in exodus 14 14 that the lord shall fight for you and you shall hold your peace i pray that you defend me and my family and let us hold your peace i pray that we are going to stand still to see the hand of god move in our lives in the name of jesus christ that we will stand and testify
and say had it not been of the lord we would have been consumed i come to you seeking refuge and protection i come to you in recognition of your great might and power i worship your holy name lord i adore you lord jesus i thank you father god for clothing me in a robe of righteousness that covers me head to toe because of the blood of jesus christ which was shed for me and i know that it is you that i live it's in you that i move and have my existence i surrender my life
my children and my loved ones into your caring hands you are a god full of compassion i pray for your hand of protection upon me and my family encompass us lord god almighty with your holy presence surround me and my family with your hedge of protection i thank you for your protection today i am grateful for your provision in my life forgive me for all of my sins have mercy on me and my family i thank you for being a god who has been faithful through the ages i ask that you put my mind at
ease with everything i am facing open my eyes and help me to see your hand in every situation i'm facing let me not be unstable in my emotions father remove all stress and give me peace take all of my burdens and set me free you are the rock of all ages my strong tower and fortress [Music] lord just as you are on the throne we know everything is going to be all right you've promised to meet every need according to your glorious riches christ jesus thank you for the overcoming power and victory that comes through
prayer may you continue to strengthen when i am down continue to strengthen me through the tough times [Music] i remain amazed by your love and care for me therefore i bless your name with joy and thanksgiving [Music] may your presence be felt continuously in my heart i remain confident that you are a faithful god and you will be my light in the darkest of hours be glorified in jesus name i pray amen first thessalonians 5 verse 6 so then let us not sleep as others do but let us keep awake and be sober so often
we just coast through life forgetting about god until we realize that we need him but it shouldn't take a struggle for god to get your attention a trial shouldn't be the only thing that brings you to your knees a problem shouldn't be the only way god will ever hear from you we are meant to seek and obey him every single day of our lives our greatest defense against the schemes of the devil is to be grounded in god's word make his word and his way a priority in your life each day saturate your mind with
the gospel paul sums it up perfectly in colossians 3 verse 16. let the word of christ dwell in you richly teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to god if we do these things then we are on our way to a vibrant and healthy spiritual life ask god to bring every flaw every failure and every area of weakness under his sovereign rule so that when the wind howls and the storm blows your house will stand firm in him let us pray heavenly father
forgive me forgive me for all the times i've neglected my walk with you and for all the times that i've pushed you aside for my own selfish ambitions in your kindness you have given me the gift of eternal life and all you ask in return is my full and complete surrender yet still i fail i fail to give you the priority and the attention that you deserve so father i'm asking you to help me help me to take my walk with you seriously and intentionally help me to get my spiritual house in order if there
is any part of my faith that needs attention lord give me the urgency and the desire to fix it open my eyes to the things i should be doing that will cultivate and grow my faith so often i treat you as optional to my life when you are absolutely essential lord i need you i need you in my career in my family in my home and in all my hopes and dreams without you my whole life means nothing everything i have is from you even the air i breathe is a gift from you so lord
fill my heart with gratitude and by your grace let me earnestly seek to become a better servant and follower of christ help me to dwell in your word help me to be a person of prayer help me to be active in my church and in my community for the sake of the gospel help me to sacrifice my time and my gifts for the things that matter and father as i go about my life protect me from anyone and anything that might lead me astray lord cleanse me from all unrighteousness help me to be vigilant over
my spiritual life and not leave any opportunity for the devil father i ask that you would help me to maintain this house with all diligence and care show me the areas in my life that are in dire need of maintenance whether it's my prayer life my scripture reading habits or my unforgiveness towards others motivate me to address these areas before they collapse inwardly and cause serious damage father help me to ultimately rely on your grace i can't fix everything myself i can't keep everything functioning as it should but you you lord are the one who
is able to heal and mend every area of brokenness in my life you are the one who creates order out of chaos father i thank you i thank you that even though my life can be a mess you still love me and you're willing to help me get back on track with you in jesus name i pray and i give you thanks amen lord we bless your holy name because you are the god of the impossible you are able to do all things and we trust in you because you can do anything you are a
god with no limitations together with everyone listening we pray and bring before you every challenge and every difficulty that we face lord we bring before you everything that is troubling us everything that is worrying us [Music] father we have faith and we believe that there is absolutely nothing for us to fear with you on our side because of this we will be strong and courageous even in hard times we will not be terrified we will not be discouraged because you are our rock our shield our strength and our hope we place our faith in you
and we believe that you will see us through our valley experience god we trust in your ability and not in our own teach us to see the challenges the difficulties in our lives through the lens of faith even as we go through our valley experiences help us to grow and mature as christians help us to develop our faith and even if our emotions try and get the best of us we will remain steadfast knowing that you will never leave us nor forsake us and lord please help us to focus on you and your power instead
of the problems that we face give us the strength to focus on you even in hard circumstances may the holy ghost guide us to carefully read trust and be obedient to your word your word tells us not to be anxious and not to be troubled in our hearts meaning that we do not need to figure everything out you already know the best plan for us [Music] we ask that you move in our lives lord show us your supernatural power teach us how to walk by faith and pray fervently because your word says the effectual fervent
prayer of the righteous avails much we choose to have faith in your ability to break through every obstacle we face in agreement with everyone listening to this prayer we declare deuteronomy 31 verse 6 [Music] be strong and courageous do not fear or be in dread of them for it is the lord your god who goes with you he will not leave you or forsake you in you lord we trust in you we have courage and strength even in our weakness we will boast in your strength and praise your name forever because you are with us
lord jesus we will not be shaken by any valley any problem or obstacle our hearts are made glad because we know that you are on our side our hearts rejoice because we know you as savior our souls are at peace and we are secure because we believe that you lord jesus you will not abandon us so lord we will praise your name today and forevermore continue to fill us with joy continue to bless us with your presence lord i pray that you will give us strength not to fear but that you will help us to
trust you in each and every situation we face we confess that our trust and our faith is in your word and in your ability to fulfill your promises be with us lord regardless of what we are going through fight for us stand beside us stand with us as we face the trials of this life i bless your name for listening to this prayer you are mighty you are powerful you are righteous and true and i thank you for hearing this prayer in jesus name amen father god thank you for your faithfulness throughout every part of
my life though the seasons change though people change and even though relationships come and go you king jesus you remain the same [Music] there has never been a day when you did not know me and love me and work all things for my good your word in isaiah 43 verses 18 through 19 say remember not the former things nor consider the things of old behold i am doing a new thing now it springs forth do you not perceive it i will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert lord do a new
thing in my life do a new thing in our lives as your children [Music] you are a god who can make rivers in the desert and so you can speak life into any situation and father i thank you for bringing me out of my sinful past and giving me a better future thank you for helping me to move forward past every struggle and every mountain in my way god i thank you for all the miracles that you have performed to get me to where i am today lord i'm so grateful for all that you've done
in my past and i thank you for keeping me for protecting me even before i knew you [Music] thank you for loving me lord god forgive me if ever i have longed for the past in my heart give me the wisdom to know that these thoughts are not from you lord you have broken sin's curse on me not so that i can go back to the way i was before but so that i can now walk in freedom i pray lord that whenever my mind wanders and begins to reminisce about a past where i was
living in sin give me the strength to run from such thoughts lord give me the courage to walk away from the things that try to entice me may i never turn back i don't want to turn back like lot's wife did but god i want to keep pressing on with my eyes and my desires fixed on jesus lord give me the grace i need to move forward in my walk with you and to step into the calling that you've placed on my life all my efforts used to be in vain but now god you have
equipped me for every good work and for amazing things in your kingdom jesus may your precious blood destroy any remaining ties that i have with my former life sever every court of sin let not even a memory of those days remain in my mind instead help me to strive for holiness help me to strive for continual growth help me to become more like you enduring all things for the joy that is set before me [Music] lord i can't comprehend all that you've done from beginning to end but already i can see the progress that you've
made in my life and i am excited for all that you will continue to do father give me the freedom to develop and grow as a follower of christ help me to run the race that is set before me keeping my eyes on the prize i ask all these things in jesus name amen now let us pray father you alone are worthy of my adoration each and every day give me a passion to seek you lord give me a passion to hunt for your presence the last thought in my mind before i sleep should be
you and let my first thoughts each and every morning be you i submit to you and align my spirit to your will and purpose for my life open my ears so that they will be sensitive and receptive to your voice lord i pray that your word would not depart from my mouth but instead i will read and meditate on it day and night so that i may be careful to do everything in accordance to your will [Music] may the holy spirit help me to keep seeking things that are above where christ is seated at the
right hand of god help me holy spirit to set my mind above and to keep focused on everything related to the kingdom of god help me not to conform to the things of this world help me not to be distracted by things that are on the earth which only have temporal value and for me to even do this lord i need your supernatural strength and so i declare that you lord jesus you are my source of strength that leads me to overcome the devil you lord jesus are my source of strength that leads me to
walk in victory you are my source of strength that leads me to defeat sin you have said in your word that in the last days you will pour out your spirit on all flesh and so i welcome you holy spirit i invite your presence to encamp around me and to fill me help me to realize the promises of god promises for peace that surpass human understanding promises of a sound mind promises of protection i pray that you would move with me holy spirit walk with me and speak to me be the still small voice that
guides me and leads me lord jesus you are ever faithful you are my hiding place at this present time i ask for your protection and covering over my life and over my family's life so lord help me to guard my heart help me to fill my heart with your word help me to be vigilant against every force of evil and every cunning lie of man help me to be in the world but not of it help me to be in this world but not to love it empower me to be a strong godly influence in
this world rather than for me to be influenced by this world help me to be salt in this earth help me to be a light in the darkness guiding my friends and my family and neighbors and strangers alike to the glorious cross your word calls me in philippians 4 verse 8 to say finally brothers whatever is true whatever is honorable whatever is just whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is commendable if there is any excellence if there is anything worthy of praise think about these things lord i pray that i would not be a
sponge that absorbs all the filth of this world no instead let me be like a mirror reflecting your goodness for all to see let me be like a mirror that reflects your love lord like david wrote in the psalms create in me a clean heart renew in me a right spirit i know that such a heart is pleasing to you more than sacrifices or good works you desire a heart that is broken over sin and one that humbly seeks your forgiveness i pray that the holy spirit would continuously be tugging at my heart and soul
teaching me how to be obedient to the lord teaching me how to stand in faith and to fully trust in god i praise your holy name king jesus be glorified i thank you for hearing my prayer in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray amen holy father thank you for giving me the capacity to see and appreciate the beauty of the gospel lord thank you for opening my eyes thank you for removing the scales from my eyes so that i can truly see the wonders of your glory and your grace [Music] open my eyes
so that i can really see your amazing grace indeed i once was lost but now i'm found i was blind but now i see and i am only able to see your goodness because you have opened my eyes and given me understanding father only you can see the realities of this world as they truly are only you are able to tell right from wrong with perfect judgment lord jesus open my eyes and give me wisdom forgive me if my focus is on the wrong things help me not to waste my time and quarrel over minor
things i pray that you would help me to see the greater picture lord help us shift our focus to the glorious and true gospel of jesus christ the gospel in which there is no room for misinterpretation or debate as your word says there is one god and one mediator the person of jesus christ help us all to grasp that reality and to stand amazed in all lord you are all powerful and all-knowing you see far beyond what i am humanly able to perceive you see every dimension every point in time all at once so help
me not to question what you have spoken to be true help me not to let doubts creep in and cloud my vision lord remove the scales from my eyes help me to see clearly help me not to cloud reality with my own interpretation or my own vision of the world let my world view be completely grounded in your word help me to walk by faith and not by sight expand my view from the earthly to the heavenly give me the ability to be able to see and recognize those who are wolves and sheep's clothing these
people may appear trustworthy on the outside but they are only out to deceive father don't let me fall for any of their clever words give me the ability to see the devil's true colors even as he masquerades like an angel of light temptation is strong but god you are stronger help me to fasten tightly the belt of truth so that none of satan's lies make it into my heart god help me to see the spiritual realities that aren't apparent to me help me to see things the way you want me to and not just what
my sinful heart wants to believe make the gospel beautiful in my sight and make sin appear to me as the abomination that it is i want to perceive this world in the same way you do lord jesus and so father rid me of my own desires my own lenses my own preconceived biases and like paul on the road to damascus awaken in my heart a greater love for you in jesus name i pray amen [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] you
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