Hi guys. Welcome. This is a guided breathing session.
Relax to the deepest. Lay or sit down. Whatever it takes… Relax.
Are you ready? Here we go. Round number one.
Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in.
Breathe out. Just go with the flow of the breath. In.
Out. In. Out.
In. Out. In.
Out. Into the belly Into the chest. And let go.
Like a wave. Make it circular. Fully in.
Letting go. Just keep on going. No pause between inhalation and exhalation.
Ten more. Fully in. Letting go.
Five more. Let's give it all we got. Last one.
Fully in. And let go. All right.
30 seconds breath hold from now on. Be in this moment. Let the body do what the body is capable of doing.
Be aware of your heartbeat. . Slow it down, and just be in this moment.
Ok Recovery breath in. . .
Five. Four. Three.
Two. One. Take a deep breath in and hold for 15 seconds.
Exhale in three. . .
Two. One. Let it go.
Round number two. Breathe in. Breathe out.
Breathe in. Breathe out. In.
Out. In. Out.
In. Out. Into the belly, Into the chest, and let go.
Like a wave. Make it circular. .
Fully in. Letting go. Just keep on going.
No pause between inhalation and exhalation. Ten more. Fully in.
Letting go. Nice deep circular breaths. Five more.
Let's give it all we got. Last one, fully in. .
. and on the exhale. .
. Stop. One minute breath hold from now on.
Feel. Become aware of your body. If your hands and feet are tingling or you feel your body temperature is changing, that's ok.
You're doing fantastic. If you need to breathe before I give the cue, that's ok. You are almost there.
Do you want to prolong your breath hold? Pause the video now and continue when you feel the urge to breathe. When you are ready.
. . Fully in, and hold for 15 seconds.
Exhale in three. . .
Two. One. Let it go.
Round number three. Back into that rhythm. Breathe in.
Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out.
In. Out. In.
Out. Into the belly, into the chest, and let go. Like a wave.
Make it circular. Fully in. Letting go Just keep on going.
No pause between inhalation and exhalation. Ten more. Fully in.
Letting go. Nice deep circular breaths. Five more.
Let's give it all we got. Last one. Fully in.
And on the exhale. . .
Stop. One and half minute breath hold from now on. Become aware of the blood running through your veins, your heart beating.
Feel. Thirty seconds left. You are almost there.
Do you want to prolong your breath hold? Pause the video now and continue when you feel the urge to breathe. Alright.
Breathe in. And hold for 15 seconds. Exhale in three.
. . Two.
One. Let it go. Let your breathing return to normal as you finish up the round.
Move your body bit by bit, starting with your fingers and your toes. Let your breathing normalise. If you liked this guided breathing session, we’ve got more for you.
. . We have a free app on our website Download it.
It’s good stuff. Thanks for your time. And I wish you a good night, or a good day, and a good life.
All the love. All the power.