1 Daily Dose of this homemade drink to Say Goodbye to Fat in the Liver! | Shoo Hepatic Steatosis Imagine a liver working non-stop, filtering toxins, processing food, and suddenly. .
. it's covered in fat. Millions of people live like this without knowing it.
And you could be one of them. . .
And I ask you: do you have fat in your liver? Hepatic steatosis is a global and worrying epidemic. This silent problem can develop into serious complications, such as cirrhosis and even liver cancer.
But if we catch it early, we can take action and help the liver recover. In today's video, I will reveal the best and worst drinks for those with fatty liver. Which drinks really cleanse and help your liver eliminate fat, and which are the most harmful?
Stay with me until the end, because you will learn how to choose what to put in the cup to protect your liver and your health. And tell me: do you have fat in your liver? What part of Brazil or the world are you from?
Write below! Let's go Do you have to take good care of your liver, or is it an unnecessary organ that regenerates? Take good care of it, because the liver is the real powerhouse of our cup.
It helps digest food, produces hormones, proteins and bile, converts nutrients into energy, helps blood clot, strengthens our immune system and even filters toxins. When this vital organ starts to accumulate fat — what we call hepatic steatosis — everything becomes compromised. And look, this problem is much more common than you might think.
According to the American Liver Foundation, in the United States, between 20% and 40% of the population has fatty liver, that is, almost 100 million Americans. And here in Brazil, we are not far behind. Data from the Brazilian Society of Hepatology indicate around 20% of the general population have this problem.
And see how shocking: when diabetic patients are evaluated by ultrasound, 70% have steatosis. 70%. And it's not just adults - if you have a grandchild or young child, obesity, a sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits have also caused children and adolescents to develop steatosis.
In other words, it affects people of all ages. And see how important: in around 20% to 30% of cases the disease can progress to an inflammatory stage, steatohepatitis, and over time this can lead to fibrosis, cirrhosis and even liver cancer. But it's worth remembering that the liver has an incredible capacity for regeneration when you invest in good habits.
Are you worried about your liver health? (I'm going to generate a survey - answer below - yes or no - I hope you say yes! And look, before I talk about how to reverse steatosis, it's essential to identify what prevents it.
Some drinks can literally sabotage your progress, overloading the liver with sugar, empty calories, chemical additives and even toxins. Reducing or eliminating these drinks is an essential step: 1. Soft drinks, sugary processed juices and energy drinks Here we have an interesting parallel: think about “foie” gras”, that French delicacy — the fatty liver of ducks and geese — obtained by overfeeding them to inflame their livers.
It's cruel and sad, but it serves as a warning. similar to our own liver: we clog the liver cells with fat. 2.
Isotonic Drnks Full of Sugar: Despite seeming “healthy” or “necessary” for sports, many have enormous amounts of sugar, favoring the accumulation of fat. 3. Sweetened Industrialized Teas: Tea, in essence, is an ally, but sweetened industrial versions are traps full of sugar.
4. Excessive Alcohol: Excessive alcohol consumption greatly aggravates the liver. Even people with non-alcoholic steatosis can worsen the condition if they abuse alcohol.
5. Very Sweetened and Fatty Milk and Smoothies: Although milk is not prohibited, mixing it with chocolate drinks, syrups and excessive sugar can “fatten” the liver. Now, let's get to the drinks that can help your liver recover!
Of course, in addition to exercise, good nutrition and weight control, they offer extra support to reverse steatosis. 1. Pure Water: Let's start with the basics: good old water.
It seems too simple, but that's exactly the beauty of it. Water helps the liver filter toxins and metabolize fats, keeping the entire system running more fluidly — literally. Furthermore, drinking a glass before meals can control that false hunger that sometimes appears.
* And how much do you need to drink? It depends on your day-to-day life, but try to start the morning with a glass or two—I'll leave a final card of water on an empty stomach. If you haven't watched it, it's worth it.
2. Black Coffee Without Sugar: Do you love a cup of coffee? Keep it up!
Drnking coffee regularly is associated with a significantly reduced risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and liver fibrosis. All thanks to the special compounds in coffee: caffeine, which helps to “brake” the activation of star cells (responsible for the formation of scars in the liver), chlorogenic acid, which reduces the accumulation of fat inside, and cafestol, a ally against oxidative stress and liver inflammation. And how much do you need to drink?
The magic dose appears to be two to three cups of coffee a day. More than that may not be necessary. The good news is that it doesn't matter the type: filtered, espresso, strained — they all provide benefits.
Ah, but it's not worth adding sugar. If you still use it, gradually reduce it until you cut it out altogether. I did this a few years ago and, since then, I've learned to appreciate the true flavor of coffee — and I can guarantee: there are incredible beans out there, with notes ranging from chocolate to caramel, without needing a spoonful of sugar.
3. Natural Green Tea: If you've heard about the wonders of green tea, now understand why: rich in catechins, which help with fat metabolism, improve insulin sensitivity and fight inflammation. But I remind you that green tea supplements are not worth it, please.
It can seriously damage your liver. How to take it? Try it hot or iced, without sweetening.
If the bitterness bothers you at first, add a few mint leaves. In my case, it took me a little while to get used to it, but now I even miss it when I don't take it. 4.
Milk Thistle Tea (Silymarin): Silymarin, its main compound, is known to support liver repair and enhance recovery. Want to test? A cup after lunch is a good start.
A daily dose of this homemade drink, with the other actions I'll talk about in a moment, can make you say goodbye to fatty liver! 5. Water with Lemon: No, it's not an instant miracle, but water with lemon can give you a boost.
Lemon stimulates the production of bile, helping with the digestion of fats. No need to exaggerate; half a lemon squeezed into a glass of water does the job. And look, in this hot season, it's very refreshing.
6. Turmeric Tea: Turmeric tea helps against inflammation. It stimulates liver metabolism and fights free radicals, helping the liver to work with less stress.
Not to mention that the flavor is striking and brings an exotic touch to your drinking routine. But again, don't use supplements. If you are going to use it, never overdo it.
Although turmeric and curumin supplements are popular, I made a video that shows that many people make mistakes, exaggerate the dose, which can cause fulminant hepatitis. Drnking a cup of turmeric tea is very unlikely to happen. 7.
Kefir or Kombucha (Sugar Free): Your gut and liver are best friends. When one is out of balance, the other suffers the consequences. That's where kefir and kombucha come in: probiotics that balance the intestinal flora, reducing the impact of toxins that could overload the liver.
If you're not used to acidic flavors, take it easy. A small glass in the morning is a good start. Which of these 7 drinks do you usually drink?
In addition to drinks, other attitudes help to reverse fat in the liver: * Regular Physical Exercise: Moving is not just for losing pounds on the scale — exercise improves insulin sensitivity, reduces fat in the liver and makes the body more efficient in general. You don't need to become an athlete overnight. A 20-minute walk after dinner makes a difference.
When I started going for a walk after eating, I noticed that I slept better and woke up lighter. * Balanced diet: A rich diet Fiber, vegetables, lean proteins and good fats are key to giving your liver what it needs. The Mediterranean diet is a champion in this regard.
Today, try to prepare dinner with half a plate of vegetables, a quarter of lean proteins (a fish or grilled chicken, for example) and a quarter of whole grain carbohydrates (brown rice, quinoa). It's a simple but powerful step. * Weight Loss: According to the new Brazilian guidelines from 2023, the good news is that you don't need to reach the magazine's “ideal” weight to see results in your liver.
Losing at least 7% of body weight can resolve liver inflammation in almost 9 out of 10 cases. It's a lot! * Sleep Well: Sleep is the body's time to repair itself, and the liver is not left out.
Sleeping well balances hormones, helps metabolism and makes the body stronger against toxin overload. * Stress Reduction: Chronic stress affects hormonal balance and liver health. Diabetes and Cholesterol Control: If you have diabetes or pre-diabetes, following your doctor's instructions and keeping your blood sugar under control is essential.
The same goes for cholesterol and triglycerides: taking care of your diet and, if necessary, taking medication, helps prevent new fat deposits in the liver. And, an important tip - If you are overweight or obese, having an abdominal ultrasound can help identify the presence of fat in the liver early. More advanced methods, such as liver elastography or magnetic resonance imaging, may be recommended in more complex cases.
And of course, in more advanced cases or for people with severe obesity, medications such as GLP-1 agonists - such as saxenda, wegovy, ozempic. . .
or bariatric surgery can be effective options to reverse fatty liver and prevent complications. Now- what's YOUR best tip for taking care of your liver? Share in the comments As you have seen, it is possible to reverse fat in the liver with simple and consistent changes.
And we see this in practice. Last week I saw a 45-year-old woman who had discovered grade 2 fatty liver in a routine ultrasound. No apparent symptoms, just constant tiredness.
Following what I just said, she replaced her lunch soda with unsweetened green tea, included a daily 40- minute walk, and reduced ultra-processed foods. After 8 months, the doctor who repeated the ultrasound said: are you sure she had steatosis, because I'm not seeing anything here. .
. And as a bonus, her liver tests (TGO AND TGP were normal) and she was more willing. And she didn't need miracle medicines, ozempic, monjaro, which yes, both improve liver fat.
She just had dedication and small daily changes. This story could be yours! And look, treating fat in the liver also reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
So, take the first step today and, over time, you will see concrete results. Share this video with 3 friends who need to take care of their health, let's see if they make a move! And if you liked the video, like it!
And I recommend my video about coffee AND my video about fasting water! Thank you very much!