Begin by getting into a comfortable position whatever that is for you in just this moment lovingly close your eyes whenever you feel ready and begin by taking three deep breaths moving at your own pace feeling your belly and lungs extending fully as you breathe in feeling a sense of empty as you breathe out notice how rich and rewarding the breath [Music] feels and at the bottom of your third deep exhalation whenever that is for you just allow the breath to begin to flow nice and freely however it wishes [Music] begin to invite yourself to relax
more with the weight of [Music] gravity letting any muscles you do not need to use right now become soft and Slack [Music] say to your body thank you for being here I love [Music] you let the physical human form you experience life through know that it's appreciated by you thank the body for letting you be here affirm to yourself I am here now letting all of your awareness Center in [Music] pulling all of it in dropping into the center now of your [Music] heart letting all your awareness rest there continuing to feel the breath flowing
smoothly and naturally [Music] observing your breath and body letting everything be as it is nothing to judge or [Music] change accepting and allowing yourself to be as you are in this moment and if only for this moment letting go of judging yourself as either good or bad or right or wrong in this moment you just are [Music] you may begin to feel as though all labels start to lift away like a Mist rising from your skin lifting up into the space into the air around [Music] you dissipating and transmuting back to [Music] nothing you may
even feel like taking a big deep breath in and exhaling with a sigh as you feel this [Music] release you may say to your labels as you feel them floating away anything you've ever labeled your yourself as brother sister mother father even the label of human just for this moment let the mole float [Music] away as you drop in more and more [Music] to a feeling of just being there's an immense Freedom here for you here in the just being [Music] you may sense the energy of it feeling it as fresh Rich rewarding you may
feel called to take a deep breath in now into how good this feels holding your breath at the top letting this Good Feeling build and when you're ready exhale with a [Music] sigh and as you do discover Sensations that feel Pleasant in the body to avoid continuing Judgment of labeling them as good as pleasant perhaps just notic it with appreciation perhaps when you notice these Sensations you'd typically label as pleasant you could say ah that feeling is here thank you I allow this lets go of any need for the feeling or any Judgment of the
feeling you can just appreciate and [Music] allow continue to stay centered with your awareness in the middle of your heart gently focusing on breath and body and you just are you are just here being [Music] [Music] continue to stay present with the feeling of just [Music] being stay with this feeling as long as you wish and when you're ready to come out of this do do so by taking your time slowly rolling shoulders wiggling fingers and toes moving however feels right to you keeping that centered feeling of just being keeping that feeling with you as
you slowly open your eyes back to the world around around you and as you do so see if you can continue to extend that gift of just being with everything you encounter as often as you can letting everything else just be without labels or judgments just as you let yourself be today [Music]