Millionaire CEO Explains: 8 Steps to Get Your Sh*t Together

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Dan Martell
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I'm going to share with you how you can actually get rich and even run a multi-million dollar business with a complete normal schedule without sacrificing your health sleep or time with family and friends these are what the top 0. 1% of people use to do more in a day than most people do in a complete week and they're what I use every single day as a multi-million dollar CEO despite having crippling ADHD I'm going to show you everything you should and shouldn't be spending time on and even go over my complete calendar so you can immediately implement this process into your life the first time rule is spend money to save time see most people spend time to save money they mow their own lawn they get their own groceries they drive to Costco to save on gas they're offering their time to anybody strangers then they have no time to actually invest in themselves rich people spend money to save time delivery services lawn care I mean I don't even put gas in my own car I didn't start there but I got to that place cuz what I learned a long time ago is the difference between a broke person and a rich person is a broke person prioritizes things differently they prioritize their money over their time they value their money way more than they value their time but rich people value their time more than they value money only spend time on activities that are going to make you money either they make you better they teach you new skills they give you more time the key is to reinvest that time into other money making activities if you're CEO you got to protect your time cuz if you don't people won't value it right so you literally have to say no to the current activity sometimes to say yes to the Big Drams and goals but it starts with first valuing your time you'll never get a penny more than you think you deserve and some of you the biggest opportunity for being more productive is just putting a dollar amount on your hour call it $100 call it $500 just give it a dollar amount so that when you're looking at things you can say is this worth it will I get that return if not you can be polite just politely say no to create the space to become more the second time rule is Big Rocks first now I know you've probably heard people talk about eat that frog or productivity hacks but I'm going to share something that most people get wrong about all that when I was in my 20s I used to just sit there and write a list of things I wanted to get done and I just kind of run through it if I felt like doing something I'd do it and if I didn't I wouldn't and that list just kept kind of snowballing forward every day and it never actually get done what I changed that absolutely not only affected my ability to get stuff done but it fected my energy affected my ability to be effective is I started with the big rocks the challenge was is I was doing it completely wrong then one of my mentors explained the jar analogy to me see most people their day is like a jar it's a glass jar and if you look at it and you start and you put the sand in there you know the little things that you got those little micro hey got a second minutes those slack messages those distractions and then you put the Pebbles those could be like some errands you got to run you put that in the jar then you put the bigger rocks these could be projects you're trying to move forward and then you got like these Boulders which are kind of like the big goals for the year the vision for your life and you try to stuff those in the jar by the time you put everything else in and you stack it up Nothing fits because all this space is taken up and there's a lot of white space all around it what he shared with me is like you take that same jar and you start with the big rocks so you put those big massive rocks in Your Vision your goals you put those in then you put the Pebbles you know the projects the meaningful things that you have to create then you can pour the sand in on top of it and then said let see this glass of water this is just even more stuff and he just pours the water in it it just kind of goes into the jar when you start with the big rocks first you will get all of it done if you start with the little things none of it will get done it's death by a th000 paper cuts it affects your energy your emotions your ability to drive towards outcomes because you're doing it in the wrong order so for example I've got this document called the pre-loaded year and it's essentially a one page document with each month as a line item and each day as a little square and what I do is I use this to put all the big rocks on the calendar the vacations the birthdays the big events the money moving activities I like schedule it into my calendar and I look at the energy I used to make this mistake all the time where I would organize a 3-day event and then go on vacation right before it well I was not present on vacation with my family because I knew coming back I had this massive event that probably had a lot of loose ends I was getting pulled into while I was on vacation so this one little tweak of moving the vacation after the event changed my whole family 's experience around us going away so when I look at my life I take all these big rocks all these Boulders all these Pebbles and I put them into the calendar and then all the other little things the wake surfing with friends vents here the concerts etc those go there because then I know the big important things are going to get done the birthdays won't get missed there's all these things that if you don't make them a priority they create emotional shrapnel emotional shrapnel is like reaction people upset at you you got to deal with that and you don't understand how much time that sucks up going in proactively looking at my year and here's the coolest part about doing it this way is that when the year's done I've got this one pager document that I can evaluate all the things I said yes to all the things I wanted to do and ask myself do I want to do those again this year do I want to do that snowboard trip again with those guys do I want to do that mountain bike trip do I want to take that much time off with the family and those are real questions that you can evaluate and pull forward into the current year I've been doing this process for over a decade and every year is like a work of art I'm just designing sculpting tweaking editing removing adding stuff it's the most energy giving activity because it's my life and it's not by default it's by Design and right off the bat if you had more intentionality into your calendar into your time you will live a more fulfilled life and by the way you'll get way more done the other benefit is it also makes it easier to say no because I know what everything's going on I can just say yes or no in real time somebody text me like hey do you want to come keynote this event I'm like sorry already got got a commitment which brings us to time rule number three which is no white space I once was working with a client and he was a very successful entrepreneur and I remember he said to me he goes man I'm like dying right now I've got way too many meetings and I just don't know how to get my head above water and I said well just show me your calendar and he shows me his calendar and did he have a lot of meetings yep was there a lot of white space all over the place uh-huh could he take those five 10 minute white spaces and batch a bunch of stuff together so that he got similar meetings done in a shorter period of time absolutely when I saw it I was like that's a big no no so here's my strategy to compress your calendar I need to recharge like everybody else so you schedule your breaks you schedule your meals you schedule your workouts you have to actually scheduled the decompression time so that you have the energy to show up better more focused on point if you don't do that then you're always playing catchup or you have this thing called bleed time where you go for lunch with a friend and you just like you're and you're having a blast and next thing you know a 60-minute lunch turns into a 2hour catchup and then you're playing ketchup in the afternoon trying to get all your work done so I'm a big fan of batching and blocking my time so it creates a forcing function for me to not allow bleed time I know a lot of people right now you're thinking well scheduling is going to restrict me I don't like that I like the freedom I started a business cuz I want freedom I've heard Freedom's the thing the truth is is that scheduling will actually set you free to be in in the moment because I know that everything I need for the next meeting and it's scheduled and I've reviewed it is in the calendar I can be with the person I'm with I can literally sit here no worries no concern and no open loops and I'm just present the value of that is immeasurable cuz people feel it and people don't buy from you for what you know they buy from you for how they feel when they spend time with you and for me the ability to be here now because my calendar is dedicated and committed to is priceless which brings us to time Rule Number Four which is optimize for energy everyone has different energy flows you know I've learned a long time some people have morning energy some people they prefer to stay up late it actually doesn't matter which type of person you are I think when you have what I call human alarm clocks your life might change and all of a sudden those late nights to 2: 3 in the morning and those sleep inss till 8:00 or 9:00 a. m.
kind of go away because you have these little people that wake up and they're going to come get you but when you understand how your mind works in what parts of the day you get certain types of work done and you optimize for that that's where the productivity comes from there's no person no high level person that you've ever met that doesn't understand this and use it at the fullest degree possible so a few things that I believe in you don't manage your time you manage your energy a lot of people think about time as this constant but the truth is is like art class for me felt like time was in warp speed math class for me felt like time Stood Still so if you even think about the energy of the type of work you do time doesn't feel the same because the type of work you do in that time matters so if you know that some of the most critical creative work is best done in the morning when your mind is fresh and your ideas are ready to go then you have to bring those creative ideas to the morning if you know that your favorite time to have collaboration and conversation with other people is in the afternoon then schedule those meetings in the afternoon but the problem is is most people they just put it all wherever it goes you know the morning has 30 minutes of creative work and then 30 minutes of a meeting and then 30 minutes of a sales call and 30 minutes of a conversation with my team and it's it's just all wacky on the energy side so for me I'm always looking at the energy throughout the day the type of work I'm doing how it makes me feel and I'll even go as far as saying okay this type of work feels best after I work out let's batch that after I work out this type of work feels best you know right before the end of the day when everybody's kind of done and we're doing just creative brainstorming so they're not trying to worry about work planning best to do it on a Friday for the Monday versus Monday morning because Monday morning people are ready to get the work done they're not thinking strategically and wanting to plan that level of awareness on your energy will change the game for you to be way more productive which brings us to time rule number five which is batch workor one of my favorite exercises to show clients when I'm working with them around productivity is the idea of counting to 1 to 26 and also saying out the alphabet so if I ask you to count 1 to 26 and you do that and then I say okay now say out loud a BC all the way to Z and you do that and I measured you to do those two things as fast as possible in order most people could get them done in about 45 seconds to a minute as soon as I ask you to go 1 a 2 B 3 C and onward all of a sudden the time takes two to three times more time most people are contact switching all day long versus what I teach people is to dump all the activities all the projects just dump it down on a piece of paper in a Note file on your phone and then group similar activities together then we sequence them by locking them into your calendar so the best way to do this that most people are never taught is to dump chunk and sequence so what we do in Step One is we dump everything on our minds when you're feeling overwhelmed there's a lot of loose ends just get it out of your brain on pieces of paper your brain is not meant to be a storage place for information then what I want to do is I want to chunk those similar activities together so that I can look at if it's phone calls I'll put those together if it's meetings I can to have with other people I put those together if it's creating content I put that together if it's saying no to things I'll put all those phone calls together what I'm doing is I'm grouping them to similar type energy and putting them together now this is where sequence comes into play where I take all those activities and I block them into my calendar in a sequence that respects my energy and has the highest probability of being absolutely awesome if I'm shooting content you're better off shooting three videos not one today one tomorrow the one the day after if you're already in the zone for creating content you've already ramped up shoot the content same thing for like project management same thing for like creative work look for things that are similar heads space and energy example would be writing drawing content creation planning being creative strategic work Vision work put those pieces of work together so you can be in the energy and bring it to completion which brings us to time rule number six which is net time easily one of my favorite things I'm like a nerd when it comes to net time net time stands for no extra time so what you do is once you've got all the stuff laid out and your energies match into your calendar you want to start asking yourself is there opportunities for me to merge these things together for example a lot of my phone calls I make them when I'm in commute in transit because I'm in the car and I can do them so my team has this little notes file called at calls a little Google doc puts all the calls in there adds it to my calendar with a link before I start driving I open it up it's got the numbers in there and I just with the details of why I've got a call and I just click them and I call the person and the cool part is because I'm driving they know that I don't got 30 minutes to just catch up so it's like almost like a trick to just do it now let the person know you're busy we just got this really quick conversation to have and then we move on so that way I'm not taking up extra time when I'm at my desk being creative or meetings with other people I'm doing it when I'm doing something else other fun ways I do this to give you some inspiration a lot of my in-person meetings my one-on ones I do them on scooters I know it's kind of weird electric scooters I just love it we have this great path we get on the scooters I have a list in my mind of things I need to talk to them about we scoot around for 30 minutes we come back it's fun it's disarming and it just makes everything better I mean I don't feel like I'm working when I'm on an electric scooter I also use Founders hikes so I have a Founders hike I do every Tuesday the whole world is invited we meet at Knox Mountain Park in Colona BC at 6:25 a. m.
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