Man Discovers a Portal in His Basement That Leads to an Alien Planet

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While dealing with relationship trouble, an old couple finds a mysterious door under their shed that...
Video Transcript:
In Illinois, Irene and Franklin have been happily  married for around fifty years. One night, Franklin notices she isn’t eating much and worries  about her health. Irene dodges his questions and asks to see the stars.
The couple goes to their  shed and move a bunch of stuff to reveal a hidden door. They go downstairs and walk through a tunnel  to find another door, which takes them into a strange room. Mysterious lights glow around them  as they’re teleported away, causing Franklin to throw up.
They arrive at an observation deck on  another planet with a gorgeous view of the sky. Moments later Franklin wants to go back, but Irene  wants to stay longer. Franklin points out that since her fall the last year, Irene has wanted to  come more often.
They’ve been here 865 times since they found the door and nothing has ever happened,  so Franklin is tired of it. He thinks it’s time they tell someone else about the door, but Irene  is convinced they must be the ones to solve the mystery. When the couple heads back, they don’t  notice their neighbor Byron watching them from afar.
The next day Franklin sees that Byron is  mowing their lawn and he complains, seeing it as trespassing instead of helping. The couple leaves  after some obligatory chitchat and Byron rushes back to his house to look at Franklin’s garden  through the window, pointing out he lied about his planer being broken. Byron’s wife Jeanine is  tired of his obsession with the neighbors but he insists they’re hiding something in the shed.
He  also wants to run for councilman, which Jeanine is unsure about. Downtown, Franklin drops Irene at  the hospital for some routine tests. The doctor asks Irene if she’s eating, exercising, and doing  physical therapy, but Irene avoids answering.
This only makes the doctor more worried since Irene’s  symptoms are getting worse and suggests she should get in-home care because Franklin can’t do this  alone anymore. Meanwhile Franklin goes for lunch with his granddaughter Denise. She’s worried  about them because a neighbor contacted her on social medial to tell her that the couple goes  out for strolls in the middle of the night.
She thinks they should move out of that old house,  but Franklin refuses. After the tests are over, Irene visits the care home. She catches up with  the nurse Chandra and visits an old friend who has severe memory problems.
Irene uses the  chance to tell her about the teleporter, which her friend forgets in seconds. Franklin  arrives home in the evening and realizes he forgot to pick up Irene, so he drives back and finds  her waiting outside alone. On their way home, the truck runs out of gas because Franklin also  forgot to fill up the tank.
Since the house is empty Byron takes the chance to enter the shed  to investigate. He accidentally drops his phone on some light bulbs when he gets a text from  Jeanine and has no choice but to leave. Later that evening Irene tells Franklin that after  she dies, he should sell the house and keep on living.
After Franklin falls asleep, Irene writes  a note apologizing for what she’s about to do. She explains she’s done waiting and that she must make  her own choice while she still can. Then she takes the tunnel to the observation deck and gets ready  to open the last door, determined to go outside.
But at the moment a person appears behind her  wheezing and asking for help. In the morning, Franklin finds Irene crawling on the garden. She  tells him about the mysterious person, so Franklin grabs a hammer and goes downstairs, only to find  the man in the middle of the tunnel.
When he tries moving him, Franklin finds blood on his hand. The  man is taken to the living room, but the couple can’t find any wounds. Franklin is convinced the  guy is just a junkie that got lost and doesn’t believe Irene when she says she found him in  the observation deck, so he calls the police.
Irene panics and convinces the stranger is part  of the mystery, so they hide him upstairs. By the time Officer Thomas arrives, Franklin tells  him the intruder ran away. Thomas still wants to take a look just in case so Irene talks to him in  private.
She tells him that Franklin hasn’t been mentally well and lately he’s been seeing things,  so Thomas leaves. Meanwhile in Argentina, Toni finishes having dinner with her mother Estela and  pretends she’s going to bed, but in reality she’s sneaking out through the window to meet with a  classmate. She shows him her house but he insists on entering the chapel next to it.
Toni sits next  to the boy and tries to kiss him, but he pulls back and admits he’s only here because of a dare.  Everyone thinks Toni’s grandfather was part of a cult and her house is supposedly haunted. At that  moment Estela finds them and kicks them both out.
Then she opens a secret door on the wall and goes  into a corridor that takes her to a teleporter like Franklin’s. She pulls out a tile and checks  on a strange glowing object. The next day Estela can’t find Toni anywhere and goes out in her truck  to find her trying to run away from home.
Estela brings her back and they have breakfast at a cafe,  where Toni says she’s tired of not making friends. Estela agrees it’s hard to live in the middle of  nowhere, but it’s the family duty to guard the chapel and that duty will be passed to Toni when  she grows up. The conversation is interrupted when Estela’s phone alerts her of an intruder in  the house.
In the chapel, the secret door has been opened. Moments later Estela comes back and  gets her gun ready to find the intruder, but it’s her friend Cornelius saying things in Latin and  asking if she’s training Toni. Back to Franklin and Irene, they check the stranger’s possessions  and find a book, a weird tablet, and some gold coins.
Suddenly they hear a noise and discover the  man is trying to leave the bed, but they push him back when they realize he has a fever. Irene is  convinced that this is similar to a virus she had in the past but they don’t have the right medicine  anymore, so Franklin leaves for the pharmacy. When he gets there, the clerk calls the doctor to get  authorization first.
The doctor asks to talk to Franklin, and he receives the bad news about his  wife. On his way out he’s approached by Byron, who wants support for his campaign. Franklin says  he doesn’t like him and leaves, so Byron forges his signature.
Later Jeanine tells Byron that she  saw the police visiting their neighbors. At home, Irene finds a picture inside the book showing the  man with a baby and the name “Gabriel” underneath. She hears the guy coughing non-stop, so she makes  a special brew for him and reads the book to him.
Eventually the stranger wakes up and introduces  himself as Jude. He doesn’t know where he’s from, he only remembers some cold mountains and rain.  Somehow he fell and everything went black, then someone was carrying him.
When Franklin  comes back, he confronts Irene about her health. To calm him down, she eats more and promises  to do everything the doctor says as long as Franklin supports her search for answers. They  feed Jude and lock his room before going to bed.
In the middle of the night, Jude picks the lock  to escape and steals a knife from the kitchen. He sneaks into the bathroom, where there he  removes a small glowing object from his leg, which he then destroys. After throwing it into  the sink, he leaves the house.
The next morning Cornelius insists that Toni needs something  called “perdisco” because she’s next in line, but Estela disagrees. Then Cornelius gives  Estela a special assignment, explaining she must find the son of someone important they  know. She must also bring Toni along if she doesn’t want Cornelius to take her away.
After  Cornelius leaves, Toni asks what a perdisco is, so Estela tells her it’s a rite of passage and  asks to pack a bag because they’re going on a trip. Then they enter the secret corridor in the  church and using a hidden panel, Estela chooses their destination. They get in the teleporter and  after just a few seconds, they come out to find themselves in the USA.
Back to Franklin, he takes  the mysterious coins to a pawn shop. The trader says they’re Spanish doubloons from the 1700s but  he can’t tell where they were minted. At home, the lights are mysteriously flickering.
When the  couple checks on Jude, he’s still in his room. They take him to have breakfast and he ends up  puking in the car. After taking a bath, Jude grabs the clothes Irene left him.
Touching them makes  him remember being chased and attacked by another man. Afterward Judes goes to town with Franklin to  supposedly do some errands. However Franklin stops the car at the bus station and offers Jude $5000  to leave.
When Jude is about to board the bus, Franklin has second thoughts and makes him return.  At home Irene looks around Jude’s room and finds a jar with a strange glowing sphere. She puts the  orb on a table and it immediately disappears, leaving only the things that were on top of  it.
At that moment Denise arrives for a visit and Irene rushes to hide the sphere. Denise finds  the book with the picture inside so Irene pretends she bought the book used and the picture was  already there. Then the guys come back so Irene tells Denise that Jude is their caretaker. 
Denise is still suspicious and after dinner, instead of going home she stays with a friend in  town. Meanwhile Irene tells Jude about her son, who self-deleted when Denise was only five.  In return Jude explains the man on the picture is his father Gabriel, who left him when he was  young.
Jude thinks he was sent here to find him, and Irene agrees to help him. In the bathroom,  Franklin finds the bloodied knife. When he turns on the sink tap, he notices the fragments of the  strange trinket resurfacing, but before he can take a closer look the water takes them away.
At  the park, Byron is hanging up more signs for his campaign when he gets a call from the committee.  They’ve discovered that he forged some signatures, so they force him to quit the campaign or  he’ll face legal consequences. That night, he decides to get into Franklin’s shed again and  this time he finds the secret door, so he goes into the corridor and discovers the teleporter  too.
In the morning Jude takes the jar with the glowing sphere and buries it in the garden. At  that moment he’s found by Byron, who asks too many questions. Jude says he’s just a caretaker and  leaves.
Later after Jude has some coffee, Franklin steals the mug and takes it to Thomas, asking him  to check for fingerprints while explaining what he saw in the bathroom. However Thomas says that the  story sounds crazy and thinks Irene was right when she said Franklin isn’t mentally well. At the  same time Jude and Irene go to the library and ask for helping to find the man on the photo.
The  librarian gets a match online from a newspaper. It turns out Jude’s father was arrested many years  ago and he also had amnesia. When the couple gets home, Franklin calls Irene out for the lie she  told Thomas and reminds her that Jude isn’t a replacement for their dead son.
Irene doesn’t  listen so a furious Franklin goes for a ride to clear his mind and sees Byron burning all his  campaign signs. Meanwhile Toni and Estela meet their contact Nick, who takes them inside an  old warehouse where a machine calculates a few numbers to narrow down their search area. However  it’s still a big zone to find one person, so Nick will have to go with them.
By using his equipped  van, they can narrow the signal even further. The trio leaves together and during the ride, Toni  discovers a chest with guns. At the care home, Chandra is fired because she’s been caught  stealing from the patients.
She decides to visit Irene and is disappointed to hear Jude is already  their caretaker, but she leaves her business card anyway. Before leaving, she pretends to go to  the bathroom and looks around for something to steal. Sometime later Irene asks Jude to pick up  the ringing phone because she’s showering.
It’s the clerk from the pawn shop, who found a buyer  for the coins. Jude pretends to be Franklin’s son and gets the buyer’s number. Then Jude calls the  number and asks for Gabriel, but the man says he’s mistaken.
He also says a few words in Latin that  match what Cornelius told Estela. Getting scared, Jude hangs up and tells Irene the call was a  telemarketer. Before going to bed, Irene gives Jude some money for all the work he’s been doing  around the house.
Afterward Jude realizes his tablet is missing and suspects Chandra. He grabs  her business card to go looking for her, but he gets lost and enters a bar to ask for directions.  Denise is in the same bar with her friend, so they end up hanging out with Jude.
He’s having  so much fun that he agrees to get on the stage for karaoke, only to sing something slow in Latin.  Everyone stares at him as if he was a weirdo, so when Denise is distracted Jude leaves the bar.  In the pool hall, Franklin is playing alone until Byron arrives and accuses him of calling the  authorities over the signature, but Franklin swears he didn’t.
The men end up playing pool  together and bonding over their wives. Franklin isn’t sure if Irene loves him anymore, and Byron  explains Jeanine was a widow when he met her, so to this day he feels like a “consolation  prize”. They get too drunk and Byron confesses he saw the secret room in the shed, so Franklin  agrees to show him more.
In the middle of the night Irene wakes up and realizes Jude and  Franklin haven’t come back yet, so she goes out on her old car to look for them. Shortly after she  leaves, Byron and Franklin arrive and immediately enter the teleporter. However nothing happens and  now Byron thinks this place was a naughty dungeon all along.
Back to Jude, he’s walking down the  road and gets scared when he sees a police car, so he tries to run. The cop goes after him and  grabs him, which makes Jude think of his attacker. It’s revealed he had stabbed the man multiple  times, explaining the blood on his clothes.
The officer arrests Jude at the same time Irene drives  by that area. At the police station Irene is disappointed by Jude running away and demands the  truth. Jude explains all his life he was kept in an isolated compound in the middle of nowhere to  protect the mysterious doorway.
There are many of them and nobody knows who built them or why, but  they’re very old. The planet Irene sees it’s just a wasteland where things go to die. The guy Jude  killed had been a guard who tried to stop him from escaping, and if the members of his organization  find him they’ll kill him too.
Jude thinks Gabriel went through the door and that’s why he used it  for his search. Then Irene sweet talks the officer into letting Jude go. In the meantime Estela's  group makes it to a transmission tower and Nick starts climbing it to hack it.
Toni tries  taking a picture and Estela forbids her from posting anything on social media. As Nick gets  a ping from the tower, a utility worker arrives, so Estela has to quickly knock him out and lock  him up in his van. Afterward the trio leaves while Nick announces they’re going to Illinois.
A few  hours later Estela asks Nick to take a different road and to stop near the forest. She walks among  the trees, remembering coming here with her father when she was young for a mission. Estela was  supposed to stay in the car with the radar, but she followed him and watched him fight with  a teenage girl that didn’t want to go with him.
The girl stabbed him and ran away, so the man  shot his gun to stop her. Then Estela helped her father threw the body in the car into a  lake. That day he taught her this was their duty.
In the van Nick teaches Toni how to shoot  a gun and accidentally says he knew her dad, who Toni knows nothing about. The next day  Franklin takes Irene to the hospital and the doctor is happy to see she’s doing much better.  At the same time Denise visits the house again and asks Jude about the picture in the book.
Jude says  his family was in a cult and she thinks it’s just a joke. When the couple comes back, Franklin  grabs an old camera and gives it to Byron, telling him to get the photos developed to see  the truth. Later Irene visits Chandra and keeps her distracted while Jude breaks in to retrieve  his tablet.
However he also finds a necklace with the same object he used to have in his leg, so  he rushes to confront Chandra. An argument ensues and Jude reveals Chandra has lots of stuff she  stole from her patients. Irene promises to keep the secret if she tells them where she got the  necklace.
After they leave Jude explains that the tablet is a key and that the little capsules are  trackers, that’s why he removed his. He thinks the necklace used to belong to his father. Meanwhile  Byron gets the photos developed and sees Irene and Franklin in the observation deck.
He rushes home  to search for information online and comes across thousands of conspiracy theories. Eventually he  finds one called “The Impossible Door” which has art by an Argentine missionary from 1723. When  Franklin comes home, he finds the shed and the secret door open.
It turns out Byron is working on  the mysterious doorway, but he hasn’t been able to make it work. Franklin notices bloody fingerprints  by the side of the doorway and he pulls the slate, revealing a control panel. Unlike Estela’s, it’s  missing its sphere and Franklin suspects Jude.
On his way home, Byron notices some leaves floating  and begins digging on that spot to find the jar with the missing orb. That night when Franklin  takes out the trash, he finds Irene’s letter and is devastated to read its content. He goes back  into the house and tells Jude they used to be fine, but now he’s here he’s causing lots of pain. 
Jude asks him if he’s sure, causing Franklin to leave and spend the night at Byron’s. Meanwhile  Toni’s group makes it to Illinois and stays in a motel for the night. When Estela goes to the  bending machine, she hears weird noises coming from Nick’s room and discovers he’s doing tricks  with one of the orbs to impress a night worker.
Estela pays the woman to make her leave and  scolds Nick for doing dangerous things, reminding his brother died because he misbehaved. Nick says  Estela isn’t much better since she’s keeping Toni in the dark about everything. The next morning  during breakfast, Nick tells Toni that Estela used to be wild as a teenager and calls her out for not  talking about his brother.
When he tries to point out Toni looks like his brother, Estela smashes  his face on the table. Then she drags Toni to the van and they leave without Nick. During the ride,  Estela explains the person they’re looking for is part of their organization and they must stop him  before he puts people in danger.
Toni agrees to use Nick’s machine to figure out where to go next.  Back to Jude, he and Denis visit the necklace's previous owner that Chandra told them about. They  meet with a man who explains the necklace used to belong to his father.
He was a truck driver and  one day he picked up a hitchhiker who appeared to be running from something. His suspicious were  proven right when he realized the truck was being followed, so the hitchhiker took a knife from the  glove box and removed the tracker from his ankle. Then he gave it to the driver and ran away. 
In the meantime Byron shows Franklin the orb, but he isn’t interested and tells Byron to try  it alone. Franklin then goes home and confronts Irene about the letter. She tries to apologize  saying she made a mistake, but Franklin believes something is seriously wrong with their marriage  and feels he isn’t enough for her to want to stay.
In the shed, Byron puts the sphere in the control  panel, but nothing happens. At the police station, Thomas learns that Jude was arrested the other  night and begins having seconds thoughts about the mug. Moments later he visits Irene and  shows her all the things he found about Jude thanks to the fingerprints.
There’s a history  of violent incidents and psychiatric holds, so Thomas wants to take Jude into custody. To  protect him, Irene pretends she’s already fired him for getting drunk. Moments later Denise  and Jude come back with information of where his father had been seen a few years ago.
Jude  wants to follow his dad’s trail and Irene and Denise agree to go with him, but Franklin stays.  In private, Irene shows Thomas’ report to Jude, who says it was all made up by his organization  so the police would capture him. After the group leaves, Franklin gets a call from the potential  doubloon buyer and learns about Jude’s lie.
The buyer explains they’re very rare and wants to know  where he found them, but Franklin gets nervous and hangs up. At that moment Byron calls him to the  shed and reveals he connected a generator to the teleporter. He guessed the orb was the machine’s  charger and it lost power when it was removed, so now he wants to recharge it.
As soon as they  plug it in the entire tunnel starts shaking and the orb sends out a strong shockwave that makes  lights in the neighborhood flicker, triggers all cars’ alarms, makes dogs bark, and even kills  birds. In the van, Nick’s machine short-circuits and almost makes Estela crash. She and Toni notice  they’ve arrived at a neighborhood with no power.
Once the orb stops, Franklin and Byron use the  teleporter. Byron throws up before stepping into the observation deck, amazed by the beauty of the  planet. Franklin admits he was never brave enough to go outside but now he’s finally ready, and  he reveals he’s been working on spacesuits for years.
They need to be finished and Byron agrees  to help, so he goes shopping for diving equipment. He also stops by his house to get some tools and  has to lie to Jeanine about his project. She gets frustrated because he’s never home lately and  starts complaining about the shame he brought to the family with that forged signature.
This makes  him realize it was her who reported him to the council. In the park, Estela is hanging missing  signs with Jude’s face. She’s found by Thomas, who points out the van is parked on the wrong spot  and is suspicious of two foreigners vacationing in their little town.
Suddenly Toni starts yelling  random things in Spanish and Estela fights with her on purpose. Since Thomas doesn’t understand  what they’re saying, he gets uncomfortable and leaves. Later at a hotel Toni checks social media  and finds a video of Jude at the karaoke bar, but Estela announces she’ll investigate this  alone.
After she leaves, Toni calls Nick for help. Estela makes it to the bar and an employee  gives her Chandra’s business card, which Jude accidentally left behind. Next she visits Chandra,  who refuses to talk unless she gets paid.
Since she has no money, Estela returns to the hotel and  finds Cornelius waiting for an update. Later that day Cornelius and the girls go to see Chandra  again. He tries to pay her with doubloons, but Chandra doesn’t believe it’s real gold and demands  cash.
Cornelius responds by hurting her until she gives them Jude’s location. Then he kills her and  burns down her body in her car. Meanwhile Irene, Jude, and Denise arrive at the place where the  truck diver supposedly dropped Gabriel.
They meet Hannah, who explains she used to date Gabriel but  he left fifteen years ago without a warning. When she hears for how long the group had been driving,  she invites them to stay the night. Irene calls home but Franklin won’t answer, so she leaves  a message.
She also keeps hearing weird noises around the house and Hannah swears it’s just the  wind. However while the others are distracted, Hannah sneaks into a hidden room where Paul is  watching everyone with hidden cameras. He tracked Irene’s call and confirms it’s the same number  as the guy with the coins, meaning Paul was the mysterious buyer.
Afterward Hannah lets Jude sleep  in Gabriel’s room and he’s surprised to find the same book he was reading. There are many notes on  the margins and a piece of paper with some runes. In the other room Irene apologizes to Denise for  the death of her father, blaming herself for it.
A flashback reveals that Irene’s son had been deeply  depressed but Irene pushed him to take care of his family. That was the final push that made him end  things. In the morning the trio leaves and Paul follows them in his car.
In the meantime, Byron  and Franklin finally finish the spacesuits and go to the observation deck. However Franklin decides  not to go out because he wants to share the moment with Irene. Byron goes out alone and describes on  the radio how amazing it feels.
Franklin reminds him not to go too far, but Byron claims he can see  some furniture and disappears around the corner, losing all communication and causing Franklin  to assume the worst. When the family comes back, he tells them everything is fine but  it’s clear he’s drowning in guilt. Jude goes to his room and reveals he stole the  book from Hannah's house.
Using its notes and the tablet, he starts translating the message.  Meanwhile Irene takes Denise to the teleporter, explaining she found it after her son died so  she’s always thought they were connected. She tells her about the other planet, how it helped  her deal with her grief, and how she found Jude here.
Denise isn’t happy to learn they’ve been  lying so much to her and leaves. The next day Jude looks for the orb and only finds the hole in the  ground. Franklin returns to the observatory deck, but Byron still won’t answer.
On his way back,  Jeanine comes by to ask if he’s seen her husband and Franklin pretends he knows nothing. Then  Jude confronts Irene and Franklin about the orb, warning them that it’s dangerous. He announces  he’ll be leaving soon to follow the clues about his father and Franklin asks him about the planet. 
Jude confirms it’s an empty wasteland. Meanwhile Cornelius stops the van to go relieve himself  and finds the dead birds in the area. In the van Estela explains to Toni that she’ll have to  kill Jude when she finds him.
If she doesn’t, the organization will take Toni away. Their  conversation is interrupted by Cornelius, who tells them about the birds as he sees Jude leave  in a car. Estela will follow him in the van while Cornelius and Toni spy on the family.
While they  watch the house from the woods, Cornelius tells Toni that Nick’s brother is her father and he  can introduce him to her after this is over. Then Toni walks toward the house and Franklin comes  out to meet her, only for Cornelius to appear behind him with a gun. Back to Jude, he meets with  Denise and tries to convince her he never lied to her.
Suddenly Estela shows up and opens fire, so  the duo hides behind a car. Jude tells Denise to return to her grandparents’ house before he starts  running into the woods so Estela will follow him. Denise drives back to Franklin’s home and finds  her grandparents being held hostage by Cornelius.
He captures her too and threatens to kill her  until Irene finally tells him that the teleporter is in the shed. Cornelius gives the gun to Toni  and tells her to keep the family inside while he goes searching for the special door. As soon as  he’s gone Irene tries to make Toni see reason.
After some hesitation Toni grabs a knife to free  them, but she’s stopped by a returning Cornelius. While they argue over what is right to do for the  greater good, Denise tries using her keys to cut Franklin’s bindings. Then Cornelius calls Estela  and shares a new plan.
She yells into the woods that they’ve captured Denise and her family, so  if Jude wants to save them he must come out. Jude surrenders and while Estela drags him into the  van, he says he remembers her from his childhood. He saw her kneeling in front of his mother during  a special ceremony.
When they arrive at the house, Cornelius hits Jude with the gun and says “she”  sent him. Jude doesn’t believe him, so Cornelius kicks him and blames him for putting the family  in danger. It’s time for Estela to kill him, but she can’t bring herself to do it so Cornelius  says he will.
At that moment Franklin tackles hm, only for Cornelius to easily overpower him and  throw him off. Next Cornelius tries to kill Estela for her betrayal, however Jude tackles him too.  This leaves an opening for Franklin to knock him down with Irene’s cane.
Estela gets the gun and  announces there won’t be any more killing before tasing Cornelius unconscious. Afterward a gagged  and bound Cornelius is thrown in the back of the van and Estela says she and Toni will travel far  away. She isn’t worried about anyone following her because Cornelius is her bargaining chip now. 
Moments later on the road, a car hits the van from behind and Estella tries going faster, but the  car moves to hit the van on the side until it goes off the road. It rolls down a hill for a while  until finally lands at the bottom. A bunch of men immediately surround it and arrest the women while  Hannah and Paul say hello to Cordelius.
In the house, Denise tells Jude she’ll go with him. They  enter the shed and Jude puts his tablet on the control panel, revealing it’s a keyboard. Now they  can choose where to go so he enters the address he saw on the paper from the book, but Jude also  points out the location resets after every trip.
After some emotional goodbyes, the duo disappears  in the teleporter and comes out in a fancy building in Bangkok. Back to Franklin, he finally  tells Irene about Byron and the suits. He thinks Jeanine deserves closure, so he’ll go looking for  Byron.
Irene shows her support and a few words of love before letting him go. Once outside Franklin  is surprised to find their coffee table. As he keeps going, he loses the radio connection. 
Eventually Franklin finds a body with a knife in the chest, unaware it’s the guy Jude killed.  Suddenly he notices the suit is running out of air and it’s very hard to breathe. The radio works  for a second and he manages to report to Irene before collapsing.
He thinks his time is over,  but at that moment Irene shows up and removes his helmet. It turns out the air here is human  friendly and there’s even an actually city nearby.
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