How to Automate Social Media Posts with AI | Save Time & Boost Engagement!
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managing social media can take up a lot of your time but what if I told you you could effortlessly automate all your social media posts with just a single click in today's video I'm going to show you how to automate your social media posts like this when I click on run once this automation is writing and posting for me on LinkedIn Instagram and Facebook so you don't need to write content from stats and you don't need to log into each platform to post manually every single time also this automation not only generates the content for your posts but also creates stunning AI generated images for each post impressive right this will save you a lot of time and help you be consistent with your posts and improve your social media presence I'll guide you through a step-by-step process to automate your social media posts from start to finish so without any delay let's Dive Right In I'm BR from upite Learners and let's get [Music] started now before we start let me show you a quick demo of how we you're going to automate a social media post so here's the Google sheet that we'll be using in this video you can see we have three different types of inputs which are text link and an image URL you can either give it a single input like just a text link to an article or an image or just give different combinations of inputs like an image along with a text text with a link to an article or adding all these three whatever combinations you give it it'll analyze it and generate the content for your post automatically using AI for example I'm going to enter the link to an article then if you click on Create and post AI will automatically analyze that article and generate unique content for all these three different platforms such as Facebook Instagram and Linkedin now just take a look at this content and make sure everything is good so if you want any changes you can easily do that here once you're satisfied with the post just click publish you can see that it has automatically publish the post and we have got the links to the post right here in the Google sheet if you click on it you'll see the post on your page that's amazing right all of this is possible with the automation that we are going to use in this video first we'll get a new Google sheet then we are going to connect it with the automation this modu will read the input that we gave in the Google sheet and then start creating the post once that is done here you can see we have three different group of modules the first group of modules is used to add analyze the input data that we enter in the Google sheet after that the data is analyzed using the second group of modules which will summarize the data and then generate the content for your posts and the last group will publish the post on social media accounts amazing right that's how the automation works but if you're looking for an even faster way to automate your social media posts without setting up an entire automation yourself then there's an exciting tool on the week gra is about to launch a tool called AI social media post creator that does this EX exact automation but makes it much simpler and easier to use all you have to do is enter any content you want be a text a link or an image and then within a single click your post will be ready along with a unique AI generated image now just select the variation you want click continue and it will be added here now you can select the social media account and click post now and it will instantly go live on all your social media Pages you can also schedule your post to be published at later time pretty cool right once the tool is ready you will find it by clicking the link in the description below all right for now let's see how to set up this automation to automated social media posts to do that we're going to do six parts the first part is to create an account on make. com this is the tool that we are going to use to automate our social media posts to create an account just click the link below this video and it'll take you to this page now click get started for free and you'll be taken to this page okay once you have created the account on make. com we can now go to the second part which is to import the pre-built automation now if we build the automation from scatch it'll take a long time because it's going to involve a lot of steps So to avoid this we can directly import the pre-built automation that we showed in the beginning and just set it up to import it just click the link below this video now just click here and download it to your computer once that is downloaded go back to this tab click on create new scenario and you will get this page now to import the blueprint click on these three dots click import blueprint then click on choose file now upload the blueprint which you just downloaded and click save as you can see we have successfully imported the Automation and once you're done we can start setting it up before we start first we need to get the Google Sheets which I showed you in the beginning of this video we are going to use Google Sheets to input the data for the AI to generate the posts and also act as a trigger to publish the posts on our social media accounts so to get the Google sheet just click the link in the description below and you will get this sheet to make a copy of it just go to file then click here and click make a copy once you have your Google sheet you can set up the automation so let's go to the third part of this video which is to set up the Google Sheets module to set up the Google Sheets modules we are going to do five steps the first step is to install the make extension on the Google sheet so to install it click on extensions then go to add-ons and click get add-ons here search for make and you will get this extension just click on it click install and click continue now sign in with your Google account click allow and click done okay we have now successfully installed the make extension once you have done that close this then click on extension go to make for Google Sheets click settings and here you'll find a web hooked field where you need to add a URL to get the URL we need to create a web hook so let's go to the next step which is to create a web hook in make.
com so to create a web hook go to this tab click on the module then click create a web hook click save and you will get the URL here once you have the URL let's go to the next step which is to add the URL to the Google sheet so to add the URL to the sheet just copy it then go to the Google sheet and paste the URL here click save click okay and it's done just go back to this tab and click okay and now we have successfully created the web hook and added the URL to the Google sheet once you have done that we can go to the next step which is to connect your Google account to this module so to do that let's click this module click create a connection then sign in with your Google account click allow then click okay and it's done we have now successfully connected our Google account to this module now to complete setting up the Google Sheets module we can now go to the final step which is to select your Google account in all the Google Sheets module to do that click on the module then click here and you can see we have a Google account here just click on it click okay and it's done in the same way you can set up all the remaining Google Sheets module okay we have now successfully completed setting up the Google Sheets module and once you've done that we can now go to the next part which is to get the API keys for these three AI modules these are the three main AI modules that we will be using for the automation which are chat GPT perplexity Ai and finally Le order AI first we have to get the API key for chat GPD so you get the API key just click the link below this video and it'll take you to this page to get the API key first we have to purchase the credits from chat GPD to do that just click add payment details just go here then enter your car details and address once you're done click continue now enter the amount of credits that you want to purchase the minimum amount that you can enter here is $5 which will give you 2 million tokens to generate the content so I'm going to change it to $5 then click continue and click confirm payment you can see that we have purchased the credits now to get the API key just go here and click create new secret key you will get this box just enter the name here click on create secret key and once you got the API key just copy it and paste it in the notepad like this so now we've got the API key from chpd similarly we will get the API keys for the other AI modules next let's get the API key from perplexity AI with perplexity AI you can extract information from various sources like articles blogs and websites making it much easier to create the posts based on the content to get the API key from perplexity AI just click the link below this video and it will take you to this page now click sign up and sign up with your Google account to get the API key just go here then go to API click on setup enter your card details and click submit then click buy credits and enter the amount of credits that you want to purchase the minimum amount that you can enter here is $3 I'm going to enter $3 and click buy now then click yes and as you can see that we have purchased the credits once you have done that just click on generate and you can see that we have got the API key now let's copy it and paste it onto the notepad okay we have now got the API key from perplexity AI finally we will get the API key from Leonardo AI as you all know Leon AI is an image generation tool and we are going to use it to create stunning images for our posts just like this to get the API key from Le AI just click the link below this video and you will be taken to this page now click get started and sign up with your Google account once you've done that go to API access click subscribe to API plan and you will get different plans to choose from you can purchase the plan you want and get the API key once you have the API key from RE AI make sure you save it to our notepad Okay so now we have successfully got the API keys for all these three AI modules we can now go to the fifth part which is to add the API keys to the modules first let's add the API key to the chat jpd module to add it just click on the module and click a connection here we need to add the API key that we got from CH GPD just copy it and paste it here then click save click okay and it's done okay we have now added the API key to the chat GPD module and once you have done that next let's connect our open AI account to the other chat GPD module to do that just click on it then click here choose my open AI connection click okay and it's done in the same way you can connect your open AI account to all the other Char APD modules and once you're done next let's add the API key to the purplex city AI module just click on it click create a connection then add the API key here click save click okay and it's done okay we have not added the API key to perplexity AI finally let's add the API key to Leon AI module and to do that just like we did before just click on it click create connection and add the API key that you got from neon AI then click save click okay and it's done okay so now we have added the API keys for all the AI modules and successfully set them up now let's go to the final part of setting up this automation which is to connect our social media accounts to these modules and once we connect them the automation will be able to directly publish the post to our social media accounts okay so first we will connect a Facebook account to this module now before you do that make sure you have a business page for your Facebook account and if you don't have a business page you can create one by watching this video once you have created it you can now connect a Facebook account to this module just click on it then click create a collection click save and here you'll find your Facebook account so just click continue click okay and it's done once you have connected your Facebook account for the next module you just have to select it and then it'll be done to do that just click on the module choose your Facebook account and click okay and that's it we have now successfully CED our Facebook account in this same way let's connect other social media accounts to the remaining modules next we have the Instagram module to connect your Instagram account to this module first make sure you have a business account on Instagram and it is connected to your Facebook business account if you want to know how to connect it you can check out this video and once you've ensure it's connected to gu your Instagram account just click on the module then click here and choose your Facebook connection click continue again click continue now click okay and it's done for the next module just click on it then choose your Facebook connection click okay and it's done so now we have connected our Instagram account finally let's connect a LinkedIn account to this module to do that just click on it then click create a connection and click save now it will ask you to sign in to your LinkedIn account just enter your email ID and password and click sign in you will see your LinkedIn profile to connect it to this module just click allow then click okay with that we have now completed setting up the final LinkedIn module which means we have not successfully caner our social media accounts to all these modules now to save all the settings that we've done click save once you have saved the automation next you need to activate the automation so to activated just click here and enable this button okay so now we successfully completed setting up the automation next Let's test and see how the automation works so to check it let's go to our Google sheet and test the automation for each input type first we will add a link to an article so this is the article for which I want to generate a post it's about what jobs AI will replace so let's copy this URL go back to the Google sheet and paste the URL here then go here and click create and post as you can see it has created the content for our post now you can review it and if you want you can even make changes to the content also you can see that our image has been generated for this post by Leonardo AI once you're ready to publish it click here and click publish you can see that it has been successfully posted on our social media accounts it has given the links to the posts on Facebook LinkedIn and Instagram so if we click on this link you can see the post on Facebook the AI has extracted the information from this article and generated the content on our post along with relevant images amazing right you can also check out the posts on Instagram and Linkedin as well now we have tested the automation by adding a link to the article next Let's test it by adding an image URL this is the image which I'm going to use so let's copy the image URL then go back to the sheet paste the URL here then click here and choose create and post you can see it has analyzed the image and generated the content based on it if we click publish it will automatically publish the post on all our social media accounts and we can check them out by clicking on these links okay so now we have tested the automation for creating the post based on image URL finally Let's test it for a plain text input I pred a Content about a topic so let's copy it then paste it here and click create and post you can see it has generated the content and just like we did before we can just go ahead and publish the content to our social media accounts amazing right so that's it guys this is how you can effortlessly set up automation on make. com to automate your social media posts now as I said earlier if you want an even faster way to automate your posts keep an eye out for Gravity rights AI social media post tool which will be launch ing soon before we move on let me show you a tool that will be a huge time saer if you're looking to write blogs it's called gravity WR just enter your title cck create outline and you've got an outline hit generate all and in seconds you've got a complete blog with stuning images visit b.