🤯 This 1-Click Claude Perplexity AI SEO Tool Is Unreal!

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Julian Goldie SEO
🤯 This 1-Click Claude Perplexity AI SEO Tool Is Unreal! 🚀 Get a FREE SEO strategy Session 👉 ht...
Video Transcript:
today I'm going to show you an insane oneclick aiso tool using Claude 3. 5 Sonic and perplexity to basically scrap the web create content automate all your social media posts I'm going to give you the whole template for free today along with my best saps templates the workflow and even the transcripts from today I've never shown this before this is a brand new automation you can basically use this to create a oneclick Content Empire build a it's a extremely powerful for SEO it's basically a 24/7 content fact let me show you exactly how to use it let's get it cracker lack in then so basically first place you want to start is with make. com then I'm going to log in and you can just create a free account on there and there's so much crazy stuff you can do so what you're going to do from here is you're going to go to scenarios and start setting up a new automation now if you just want to steal the template from me I'm actually going to give that to you at the end of the video and then we're going to go into our new scenario we can just call that Claude and perplexity Automation and what you can do from here is you can create a new Google sheet and link your Google sheet to make.
com so we can say watch new row basically every time a new row is added it triggers this automation we can set that to just run once but you could run it for all of your blogs if you really wanted to then we're going to open up a new spreadsheet you can just type in sheets. new if you're logged into Google Drve and and you want to link this spreadsheet to your scenario which will show you exactly how to do so what's pretty cool about this if you're using perplexity with the API is you can take a URL like so drop it into your spreadsheet as you can see and perplexity can actually read the URL and the content from the URL using the API which chat GPT and Claude cannot do so this is very unique to perplexity that's why I recommend using perplexity in the first stage of the process so for example if I plug this into perp Plexi and I say summarize the page you can see that actually reads a page and explains what it is so now we can take this spreadsheet which I've labeled clae and perplexity automation we can go on a new scenario and inside the spreadsheet ID section we can search for that spreadsheet to link it directly to make there we go we'll click that there's only one sheet inside the spreadsheet as you can see right there so we will click sheet one now at this point you might be wondering okay why would you use this automation right here well the thing is there's many different use cases for this you could use it to repurpose your content into different platforms or even take a website that you own or let's say you have one website in the same Niche but you want to create like three of them you could actually get clawed using the automation I'm about to show you to take that content that's already ranking rewrite it and then plug it into multiple different websites I'll show you how to do that in a second the other thing that some people might do is they might take their competitor's URL and then rewrite the content based on their competitors URL I'm not advising that but that's probably something some people would do with something like mate. com this is also really good for news related articles so you can drop in a news related article and then you could create all your social media content and SEO content using that process so let me show you exactly how this works so we're going to click on add another module over here we will type perplexity and we are going to create chat completion using blexi now I have to link this directly to my pxi account so we'll click on create a connection then we're going to plug in the API key from Plexi now if you're not sure how to do this let me show you exactly how you can do it so if you go to your settings in the bottom left on the pr mode go to API make sure you've got some credits in your account and then once you've got those in you can click on generate an API key right here and then just plug it in right here so you can copy it from pxi and paste in your API key directly into make now when you select the role select user as you can see right here and then we're going to take the content from Step number one which you can see right here so the URL that we want to scrape with our tool and you can do multiple things here right so for example you could say summarize the content from this page plug in the max number of tokens obviously the more tokens you use the more API credit is going to cost hit okay and you should be good to go and now what you want to do is just run it once just to have a quick check that it's actually working now when we look at this automation you can choose to run it right and for example we can choose where to start choose manually and just run the Automation and actually check it works I think it's always good to do this early because if you do it once a whole automation has been set up then you're going to waste a lot of credits testing it and additionally it's going to take more time to figure out okay where is the actual problem right and it's never a right first time round so you can see right here it's run with Google Sheets and it's R run with plexity and you can see the outputs here so you can see all the activity so for example it's taken the IRL from my spreadsheet which is correct and then if we look at the perplexity automation you can see the input here so the input is summarize the content from this page and then it's got the actual page that we want to scrap right there now inside the choices section if we click on the plus sign click plus one hit message you can see the output the actual response and result of using perplexity and so it said the content on this page provides a free tool and then it summarizes the details from that page so it's actually scrape the URL then what we can do from here is add a new module which we will call router and this is going to root the information and the results from perplexity to m multiple new automations if you look at this make.
com automation basically it's going in chronological order so it's starting with the Google sheet then it's going to run the perplexity automation once it's got the response from perplexity it's then going to plug that into multiple different platforms now this is pretty cool because now you could run that cont CU you can tailor all the responses automatically from perplexity that use the scrape URL in the first place right so for example if we type in Claude right here we'll click on create a prompt if you haven't already linked it linked it using your API then we're going to put in Max tokens 4,000 over here and we're going to add a message so again we'll select user then we'll select content we'll type in text and then we can plug in our prompt right here and we can say right use this take the choices from perplexity as you can see so we'll click on that then we're going to take a prompt that's worked for me previously when ranking SEO content then we'll put write an SEO optimized article on the same topic but it's basically going to rewrite the content better than the regional right and we say write an SEO optimize article on the same topic word count equals 1,000 words number one I would actually recommend usually reverse engineering your competitors to find out the actual word count you should use number two it doesn't really matter about the word count it's more about the quality and AI doesn't always stick to that but we're going to use that as a Rough Guide so I've said use this and it's taking the choices from perplexity then it's going to say write an optimize article on the same topic word count equals and then we'll hit okay like so and then you can send that wherever you want right so for example you could send that to social media if we actually search for apps or modules you can see right here we could link Facebook we could link Twitter we can even link LinkedIn right so you can basically create social media posts using this process the other thing that you can do is you could link this directly to your WordPress right so you could actually create a blog post using the information scrap from perplexity and then plug that into your website for example click on create a post over here we can set up the connection and the Automation and then just post a Content as a draft inside WordPress before we actually post it cuz obiously we need to like quality control it and edit it before it goes live now once you've got the set up you can actually just click on clone and that will set up a whole new stream based on what's already worked and we could again send that to a different WordPress website we could send to social media Etc so for example if we click on Facebook Facebook pages create a post and then you can link that directly in there right and you can do this for all your social media now if we click choose where to start and we'll run this manually again just to see what happens we'll select choose manually obviously I haven't set up the WordPress and Facebook pages 100% you just need to fill in all the details right there now I'll just delete that for now because I've not set out properly but just as an example what this looks like if we hit choose where to start choose manually we'll select that URL and then we're going to run this and just see what happens right and you can see basically it's progressing from each stage now it's writing the article that we want to generate and I'll show you once that's done exactly what it looks like so if we click on the one over here and then we'll go to the output click on content text and if you look at this content it's actually half decent right there's a few things I would change in the prompt but if you actually look at the content it's quite interest it's not like spammy AI trash as an example of that right if we just go on to say p and we say write an article about a Tik Tok tool just to show you how powerful this prompt is and what the difference is you can see how boring and fluffy this response is versus the actual article generated by Claude right here so for example but here's the thing there's a secret weapon that can change the game for you it's called the Tik Tok SEO tool and it's completely free like the actual copyrighting inside that content is nice it inserts some relevant titles it's nicely formatted even gives a step-by-step tutorial and if we check the output of the content it's about 720 words right now you can actually clone that response right there and then get clawed inside this section and say like for example write an SEO optimized article on the same topic but only answer the relevant FAQs and questions and that would basically fill out the gaps that stage one actually missed and then finally you could actually link that to Wordpress like so so if we type in WordPress over here we'll click on show more create a post select your website we'll just call the title example one and we can rename these parts of the content so we could put right here main article hit okay and then rename this section FAQs plus relevant subheadings hit okay right and then if we go to Wordpress over here we'll select content we'll take the text response from part one as you can see and then we'll take the text response from part two as well in the type section we can select posts excert we can ignore hit okay and that is ready to go now so if we just run a manual completion on this like so hit okay hit run once you can see it's running the whole automation rooting the information creating the content over here as you can see and then now that it's run it we can actually just change that and say right insert the content from this output too and now if we go to our WordPress article as you can see right here 1,500 words the content still needs a bit of editing but it's a lot better than it would be previously for example I trust me your future Tik Tok famous well thank you as you can see you scroll through the content it's nicely formatted it's got the headings subheadings bullet points Etc all good go that was incredibly simple so now there's many use cases for doing this right number one you're scraping a live URL the only API that you can actually do that with is perplexity on made. com as far as I'm aware so chat GPT and Claude they're not going to do it for you you can root that information to multiple different websites or even to multiple different social media accounts right so for example if I click on Claude over here then we'll hit message user content text select the text so we'll say use this we'll take the plexy output again and we'll just say something like create a short fun social media post every sentence on a new line no hashtags and make it a practical howto tutorial right we'll hit okay and by the way if you're wondering if that actually works you can see for example my social media account on Twitter we're getting an average of about 57,000 Impressions using Ai and a similar process and the same on LinkedIn as well you can see yesterday for example we got 10 a half th000 Impressions nearly 400,000 Impressions per month just on LinkedIn alone using a very similar process right and so now we can add for example like Facebook or LinkedIn or Twitter whatever you want to link this to the other thing that you might want to do first is actually prove it before you publish the content right because thing is if this is for your brand you don't want to just post something that AI could easily mess up right AI is very temperamental we all know that and so what you can actually do is just slip Gmail for example send an email and take the content from this and plug it into an email we'll put the subject line as next social media post then you can take the content from this chat right here approve it and then publish it onto your website or get you virtual assistant to do that for you and also one thing to note with all of this right so for example if you're putting content from Claude that you haven't manually checked before publishing then make sure it's draft on WordPress and then Additionally you can use something like this manual review checklist which I'll link to in the sap where you can just do all the quality control checks before you actually publish a content to your website so that it's not just spammy fluff but that's basically it now you can automate everything with a live URL very powerful process for syndicating the existing content they have repurpose in it Additionally you could create new blogs from your existing posts you could even plug in your old URL over here rewrite it using Claude and then plug that into WordPress for the newly edited post Additionally you can use this for social media you could use it for news some people probably even use this for competitor research I'm pretty sure and you could even take live URLs from your top ranking competitors and then create content outlines in a very similar process and then get clawed to write the content as well if you want to see more on that just let me know in the comments I've created this tutorial because I know more people wanted to see more content around make.
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