love you all laughs you guys now would you be so kind as to double up that shout for the one who gave his all for us [Applause] hallelujah he's the one all together lovely amen you know when Jesus is tough he doesn't hurt when he is kind he's not soft he's steel and velvet servant and King he's all together lovely even close you may be seated [Applause] love you back I want to introduce the one that loves me all the time when I'm good and when I'm bad sometimes when I'm bad I'm kind of good
she's blessed my lovely wife is here Wendy my beautiful daughter Jessica you know it's a real honor and privilege for me to be here I don't say that lightly because I know there is no lack of great ministers of the word in America so for Joel and Victoria to invite me is no small thing to me I honor that I take the sense of humility and responsibility I'll make sure I do do you know Joel and I we share a lot of similarities we have ministries of grace and hope we have beautiful wives lovely daughters
he has a handsome boy and the doctors tell us that seventy percent my next child might be a boy but the most striking similarity between us both is that we are both darn good-looking at least we think so so much for humility are you all ready for the word luck okay never mind John chapter 1 verse 17 my favorite scripture verse John chapter 1 verse 17 for the law was given through Moses but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ the law was given you can give from a distance I could send a DVD of
myself from Singapore but I came grace and truth came through Jesus Christ the law was given to his servant grace came through the son the law talks about what men ought to be grace reveals who God is in the first miracle of Moses he turned the water into blood resulting in death in the first miracle of grace Jesus turned the water into wine resulting in life and celebration and the law God demands righteousness from sinfully bankrupt men but under grace God provides righteousness as a gift now which one you're gonna be under I thought you
would and yet today we have so confused we mixed up law and grace we have some law in some grace jesus said you cannot put new wine grace into the old wineskin because the new one would ferment and you will lose both now under law God said by no means pass by your transgressions but I'll visit your sins to the third and fourth generation but under grace God says I will be merciful to your unrighteousness and your sins I will remember there's been a change that's been a change Church and it's all because of Jesus
and yet we are still preaching the law we are still preaching if you obey God God will bless you if you disobey God God will curse you and I sounds so right but it's so dangerous because today many of us we don't have it all together but we are so blessed I mean joy and I will testify to that it is called unearned undeserved unmerited favor amen you know when Jesus preached the Sermon on the Mount he said love your enemies we've got problems loving our neighbor let alone our enemies he said if your right
eye offend you pluck it out throw it away from you if your hand or fan you cut it off have you seen any any church anyone doing that the church would look like a huge amputation ward so what did Jesus mean Jesus brought the law to its pristine standard where the Pharisees has brought the law in a way that's manageable Jesus says it gives the woman the eye you have sin the Pharisee says unless you do it physically you have sinned so Jesus is an expert at using the law to bring you to the end
of yourself so that you'll see your need for Jesus amen he didn't mean for you to pluck out your eye and cut off your hand a pastor Prince you should have come earlier clap your stops all together at least you still got your eyeball so what did Jesus mean now if Jesus preached the Sermon on the Mount and he stayed up there on the mound there'll be no hope for us but you know the king of the sermon of the mount the king came down the mountain he came down to where there was sighing crying
dying humanity and somehow there was a leper that made his way by stealth in the midst of the crowd and Jesus found that leper and he said a lot of you are willing you can make me clean there's no way the standards of the sermon of the mount could save him Jesus came down to where we were and Jesus touch him he's not been touched all these years he's not embraced his children he cannot even be in a public place for a leper is someone unclean and when he's in a public place he must shout
I'm clean and clean and here he is before Jesus and he says a lot of you are willing you can make me clean he didn't doubt Jesus could he doubt he would and Jesus stretched out his hand and says I am willing be tranced now watch this on the law the leper the unclean will make the clean and clean but under grace Jesus made the unclean clean and the law sin is contagious and the grace righteousness and God's goodness is contagious we need not fear that being under grace will cost license license justice because the
Bible says clearly in Romans 6:14 if you looked up here for sin shall not have dominion over you for or because you are not under law but under grace but what we have belief is that when you are under grace sin will have dominion over you we've been hoodwinked by the devil the Word of God is so clear when you are under grace and not under law sin shall not have dominion over you though what's in there is a noun you can put Satan shall not have dominion over you sickness shall not have dominion over
you poverty should not have dominion over you when when you are not under law but under grace this idea that when people are under grace it will cost licentiousness it's not the pit of hell you cannot be under water and not be wet anymore than you can be under grace and not be holy you see Joe's ministry he preaches people right into the grace of God you never knew you got slapped right into the grace of God with God's goodness that Smile is dangerous to the devil [Applause] and then there's always some people who will
say well pastor please you need to preach more on repentance it tells Joel Joel you need to fish more on repentance we know something and the law you have to repent first before God can bless you but under grace God blesses you first and he received the blessing and His goodness the goodness of God will lead you to repentance that's been a change so why don't we just open up the people's hearts and let them receive God's goodness anyway when they receive God's goodness they will change not because of their willpower but because of his
goodness amen you know every Sunday from this pulpit repentance is going on in the church because as Joel preaches the Greek word for repentance metanoia changing of minds is taking place all the time all the time repentance is not beating your breasts shouting chili sauce in the altar call you understand you can do all that and go away unchanged because you have not not heard something that would change your life but every time you hear the word of God you hear the good news you hear how wonderful God is and his plans towards you a
plans of good and not evil how God is for you your minds begin to change because the natural man they have hard thoughts about God they are thoughts about God are legalistic and hard you see Joe's preaching is dangerous to the kingdom of darkness so it's my preaching amen God is raising ministers of righteousness in these last days in the past the church has had many ministers and we have great revivals no doubt no doubt all right and those revivals have been characterized by preaching against sin and they are revivals nonetheless I'm not saying that
people not safe I'm not saying they were not revivals but if you look at 2nd Corinthians 3 verse 9 it tells us up here look up is the minute if the Ministry of condemnation had glory God calls those ministry Ministry of condemnation those revivals that emphasize sin preaching against sin God calls them Ministry of condemnation and God said they were glorious but look what is the Ministry of righteousness exceeds exceeds much more glory you ain't seen nothing yet God is raising ministers of righteousness all over the world there is a grace revolution or harm and
we are so glad we are part of it amen gone are those days of ministries of condemnation its Ministry of righteousness you know I remember many years ago in my living room God spoke to me while I was doing my study I was sitting on the floor and with all my Bibles and my study aids and God spoke to me very clearly on the inside he's his son study the journey of the children of Israel from Egypt to Mount Sinai for this is a picture of pure grace although they murmured and complained during this time
not a single one died now I've never heard anyone preach this at a time I've never read any books on it so I spiritually went to my Bible check that portion as if the proof got wrong have you done that before her you can never win God and I found not a single one died from Egypt to Sinai although they murmured they complain now how many no memory and complaining is sin all right before the Red Sea when the armies of Pharaoh were charging against them from behind and the Red Sea was in front of
them they shouted Moses did you bring us out here to die they're not enough grace in Egypt they murmured and complain no one died God open up the sea next three days we're doing okay and then there was no water they complain and God made the bitter waters sweet they were okay for a few days and then they complained there was no food and got rain not judgment but bread from heaven it seems like every fresh murmuring brought forth fresh demonstrations of God's goodness they complain again there was no water and God brought forth water
out of the flinty rock and then they came to the foot of Mount Sinai in Exodus 19 and then they said to God all that the LORD hath said we will do now in the Hebrew is a strong word now I said then Ashima which means all that God can command us we can do it even before they heard the Ten Commandments in chapter 20 they boasted even before they have heard now that is men presuming on his own strength on his own righteousness which he had none and all this while God has blessed them
not because they are good but because he is good he has made a way and provided for them not because of the a playfulness but because of his faithfulness that came out by the Abrahamic covenant of grace and now at the foot of the mountain in essence they are saying to God God don't treat us don't judge us don't assess us base don't bless us based on your goodness bless us based on our obedience the moment men presume on his own strength notice God change his stone in Exodus 19 gossiped Moses tell them don't come
near all of a sudden God was a distance between him and men if you want me to bless you based on your obedience based on your goodness then don't come near the mountain is holy less you die now he never had that tone before before this he wasn't a pillar of cloud by day in the pillar of fire by night he was close to them and yet all of a sudden because men presume on his holiness on his own righteousness we see at none goes is this the deal if you want me to bless you
based on your obedience don't come near not even a beast can come here unless it dies the next chapter God gives them the big 10 and listen God did not say if you break one you're guilty of the one you break God says if you break one you're guilty of all in other words if you don't commit adultery but you steal God sees you as an adulterer that's what it means in other words the Ten Commandments stands as a composite whole and you know what happened after there right after Sinai when the moment and complained
the same scene that committed before cyanide you know what happened they died when they complain they died when they complained they died that tells us they should never have exchanged covenants and God put Israel for 1,500 years God put Israel under the law and the best of them still even David failed see the law condemns the best of us grace saves the worst of us hallelujah for his amazing grace the scriptures are clear that the Ministry of death if you look up here in 2nd Corinthians 3 it tells you clearly clearly in verse 7 in
the Ministry of death written and engraved on stones noticed Ministry of death God calls the Ten Commandments the Ministry of death written and engraved on stones now you cannot tell me pastor Prince we are not under law in the sense we are not under killing of sacrificial animals we are not under the feasts of Israel because those laws were never engraved on stones the Ministry of death God is talking about the only ones and grave on stones and what are they the Ten Commandments God calls it the Ministry of death and sometimes we have a
series of Sunday meetings where we teach the Ten Commandments killing people softly every single week God calls it the Ministry of death look at the verse before this God has made us ministers sufficient as ministers of the New Covenant now if you want to be a minister of the Old Covenant there's no power there's most efficiency there there's no provision there is no favor there's no charisma and no charisma tah alright God only makes efficient those who are ministers of the New Covenant and it tells us clearly not of the letter but of the spirit
for the letter kills but the Spirit gives life do you know that the first Pentecost 50 days after passed over the first pass over was the tune of Israel with a blood of the lamb on the doorposts there was the first pass over fifty days after that they were at the foot of Mount Sinai and what he got gave God gave the law and 3,000 people died in the New Covenant when the day of Pentecost was fully come God gave not the law but the spirit on Mount Zion and 3,000 will say the letter kills
but grace the spirit is life hallelujah let's move our puppets from Mount Sinai to Mount Zion we are on the wrong mountain god of the move mountains can we are still came at Mount Sinai no wonder we are being shaken because those that trust in the Lord shall be as Mount Zion the New Covenant you should not be shaken forever don't misunderstand me the law is holy the law is righteous but they cannot make you righteous the law is unbending therein lies its problem it is like a mirror when you look at a mirror it
is unbending Lee and inflexibly true if you see ugly which I never do if you see ugly don't blame the mirror don't break the mirror don't punch the mirror sometimes you look at it it breaks the law just reveals who you are but he has no power to cleanse away your blemishes the law is holy but I cannot make you holy if the law of Bend slightly is no more the law you see the deal is this if you can keep God's law god bless you yes but by the same token if you break one
God has to curse you can you understand that sometimes we we think that by preaching the law people become lawful but the Bible says clearly the string of sin is the law you hardly hear that preach in 1st Corinthians 5 verse 56 the sting of death is sin the strength of sin is the law Wow the witch train des Dunamis in the Greek the strength of sin is the law guess what who is trying to bring the string of sin back to the church and he uses the pulpit and no marvel because his ministers that
check transform into ministers of righteousness righteousness according to works his name in Hebrew is hasta thong which means prosecutor at law the devil long before I can still kill or destroy he's the accuser you must receive his accusation before he can steal from you you must receive his accusation before he can kill before he can destroy he's not called the destroyer he's called the accuser accuser not the murderer but the accuser of our brethren you need to know his devices in Colossians chapter 2 he tells us Jesus nailed the handwriting of Ordinances to his cross
now what is the handwriting of Ordinances someone says no one can obliterate handwriting yeah but got him got nailed the law to the cross you know was getting next verse having disarmed principalities and powers that tells you the armory the weapon of the devil is the law the devil uses the law to knock you under here it tells you have not done this enough you have not done that enough even when you do right it's not enough when you do wrong it tells you you've done wrong when you do right it tells you is not
enough is that user the accuser pastor Prince I'm married to one no that's not that's your wife's voice of conscience speaking to you brother you heard about the guy who boasted to his friends you know last night I had my wife begging begging me on her knees his friends were you know so by the NSA what did she say what did she say come out from under the bed and fight like a man no he didn't happen to me okay peace there was a minister at a cemetery once and he heard someone crying so he
made his way over to place where he had a crying and was this man hugging the tombstone crying why did you leave me why did you leave me the pastor went to in the safe can I pray for you and he says yeah who is there that passed away my wife's first husband [Applause] all right let's get back to what sherry [Applause] we have so trade when people are not under law they become lawless that's the fleshly fear the devil puts in the hearts and the minds of the people the devil tells you without the
law you become lawless but how come God called Abraham his friend Abraham lived more than 400 years before the Ten Commandments was given and he was tight with God man he was called my friend God causing my friend I'm a friend of God I'm a friend of guy you like that move slow motion you and I must make a plan we must bring salvation bad just call his name he'll be dead I believe he's in heaven well how do you know that pastor friends now I'm not a universalist but I tell you this there'll be
more people safe than you reckon all right because of God's mercy God says believe on the Lord Jesus you shall be safe in your house you never know between that stage of unconsciousness and the place where one departs got in just visit someone say yo I'm Jesus because my Bible tells me that John saw in the book of Revelation a multitude no manhood number of every tongue of every nation of every tribe which no man could number but nothing is said of that in terms of those who go to hell it seems like they are
more going to heaven and I think this church this ministry has a lot to do with them unveiling the goodness of God Amen when Peter first met Jesus Jesus said let's go fishing alright and Peter caught the whole night he caught nothing and he said to the Lord at your word I'll let down the net cuffed enter fisherman well if you say so I'll let down the net he let down one net and his neck broke it was a boat sinking lord of fishes and then he realized who Jesus was he fell at Jesus feet
and says depart from me I'm a sinful man now question which one came first the goodness of God or Peters repentance is the goodness of God that leads us to repentance so ministry is like Joel God's so good it's powerful ass often breaks bones poor man UFC oh sorry excuse me [Applause] forgot I was in liquid you know look eighteen and nineteen the Holy Spirit put these two scriptures together look 18 and 19 I don't believe these two events happen chronologically but the Holy Spirit put them together in divine order in Luke 18 is the
rich young ruler in Luke 19 is Zacchaeus in Luke 18 the rich young ruler came to Jesus and said what must I do what shall I do to inherit eternal life he was emphasizing his doing now Jesus should have given the evangelical answer believe on me and you shall be saved but he did not what did Jesus give him the law honor your father and mother thou shalt not steal don't commit adultery you know what the young man did he was quite smart he says all these I've kept whenever you both in the law Jesus
always comes back to you and say one thing you left because by the law is the knowledge of sin God never gave the law to justify men by God gave the law so the every mouth may be stopped and all the world become guilty before God so they always see their need for grace Jesus said one thing you like sell all that you have and give to the poor and come and follow me that's the first commandment you must have no other gods not even Mammon not even money the Bible tells us that young man
went away sorrowful next chapter Zacchaeus Jesus came into Jericho and the Bible tells us Zacchaeus was short so he climb a tree for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God and the answer is always the tree so he looked down and Jesus looked up in geodes accus come down I must eat at your house Wow and all the people saw that whispering because Zacchaeus was a tax collector let's lie betraying your own nation and the scandal of grace began he's gone to eat with someone who's a sinner he's gone on this
TV show he's gone on that TV show I'm sorry he's gone to Zacchaeus house [Applause] no loss given just brace at the end of that meal Zacchaeus stood up and said you know who all that I've cheated I'll repay for for half my goods I gave to the poor Jesus my land says salvation has come to this house now watch this in Luke 18 Jesus gave the rich young ruler the law and he could hardly give up a dollar and the grace Jesus gave no loss but grace and his wallet was open his house was
open everything about Zacchaeus was open you know I always say I gotta watch it when my wife comes under grace she gives everything away I'm afraid that one of these days she'll give me away grace makes you generous grace opens up your heart and some leaders and some pastors are so afraid of grace because if I preach praise the people stop giving nothing could be further from the truth they will give and give all the right reasons not out of fear of the curse but the gift because the grace of God is upon them in
abundance oh man you know we have added to the gospel folks it's said Jesus Christ died on the cross to give us the gift of righteousness he became our sin that we might become his righteousness he was cursed that we might be blessed he was made poor at the cross that we might be rich he wore the crown of thorns so that we can have the crown of peace and yet with a de to the gospel is always Jesus plus something Jesus plus restitution you have that teaching here not here in this church this is
a Grace Church I'm talking about in America restitution it's not enough to be saved you must repay back everything that you've taken if you're a tip you must restore everything you have stolen it's virtually impossible to imagine the teeth at the cross when Jesus was nailed there and the teeth turns to Jesus and says Lord remember me when you come into your kingdom and Jesus says to him I would save you if only you were make restitution the thief says I would Lord but I'm kind of stuck no that wasn't the way works he did
not remember me today you shall be with me in paradise his wonderful name hallelujah this is our God he's our King he came a long way for us he came a long way for us Jesus is amazing you know we tend to get into human reasoning but in the economy of God he loves for you to take from him just like mater and Mary when Jesus came to Martha's house Martha went into the kitchen and she was busy preparing food but Mary said at Jesus feet now in the Asian custom or the middle-eastern custom what
Mary did was rude what Martha did was right socially but in God's cause God's economy he wanted Mary right where she was drawing from him hearing his word and mater came out and she was stressed out and she was grumpy and she was angry and Lord don't you care my sister has left me alone to serve she blamed to it one go don't you care my sister blame the Lord and the sister you know when you're under stress you blame everybody but yourself and Jesus look at her sis Martha Martha you are troubled and worried
about many things but one thing say one thing you know why Martha was trouble about many things because she didn't do the one thing that Mary did no you don't believe that many of you believe a few things are necessary not only one thing but Jesus says one thing is necessary and mary has chosen the good part which shall not be taken away from her amen which sister make Jesus feel like God mother who saw him in his natural tiredness wanting to give to him or Mary put two and two and took from him to
an inexhaustible fullness that is still there beneath that veneer of tightness for he came not to be served but to serve when he was tired at the well in psyche are a sinner woman King the Bible tells us she came in the afternoon because she want to avoid all the lady folks you know and they are gossiping in the in the morning so she came in the afternoon when Jesus was there and the Bible tells us the disciples have gone to buy some McDonald's and she took from Jesus and she went away she took from
Jesus and took from him and she went away and this time she was no longer self-conscious but Christ conscious telling that everyone in the city of Samara come see a man who told me everything about myself notice she was delivered from self because she took from Jesus when disciples came back with the McDonald's on a hip Jesus put obviously they saw Jesus was reinvigorated he looked different than when he when they left him he looked up he looked fresh and they asked one another has someone given him food you see with the Lord when you
take from him you reinvigorate him when you take from him is as if you make him stronger David said it this way what shall i render to the Lord for all his benefits to me you know how God feels appreciated David gave us the answer what shall I give back to God for all his benefits to me I will take the cup of salvation the answer all right is to take some more from God amen God loves for you to take from him take your healing take your provision that his goodness take take take take
and then and then you're given given give but unless you take you have nothing to give with men horizontally is more blessed to give than to receive with God is more blessed to receive and he wants you to receive you know sometimes we come to Jesus for a sermon we come to Jesus to have something to give some to somebody else we come to draw water instead of drinking you can draw water and still die of Tears but Jesus says if you come to me and drink drink is a personal consumption come to me and
drink out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water for others amen let me bring this to a close blessed are the shot winded for they shall be invited back close pays a great man of God my mama didn't raise no fool you know one time they brought a woman caught in adultery and Jesus so rudely threw her right in front of Jesus while he was teaching in the temple and they said the Pharisees said master we have caught this woman in the act of adultery now Moses according to the law says that such
should be stoned what's theirs there caught in the act she was not properly clothed now from what I understand about adultery he takes - is it the same in Houston I mean in Singapore it takes two so where is the man it was probably one of the Pharisees master is what Moses says what do you say now if Jesus says don't stone her oh you're breaking Moses law if he had said stone her everyone around there would be wondering they're confused because he preached about grace and love so they thought either way they caught Jesus
he said nothing you know what he did he bend down with his finger he wrote on the ground now what is that a picture of by the way the precincts of the temple is not earth and ground it is cobblestones look up here we have a picture here is cobblestones so God is writing on stone he's saying you presume to talk to me about the law I am the one who gave the law now since you brought up the law is almost as if Jesus unleashed the full light of the law upon all of them
by saying he that is without sin among you cast the first stone now he didn't break the law he upheld the law but only one who is sinless can throw the first stone and one by one they dropped your rocks Jesus stooped down again and the second time he wrote on the ground now God gave the Ten Commandments twice God wouldn't storm twice the first time never made it to the bottom Moses broke it off and gauzy small come back here so he went up for another 40 days and God gave another two sets right
but this time God said put it under the mercy seat in the Ark of the Covenant mercy rejoices of a judgment that is the reason why the Bible says when you fall from grace notice grace is higher than the law fall from grace in a second time heap after he said those without sin cast the first stone he knelt down in a second time again he won on the ground by the symbolic action testifying he is the one who gave the law now there was one who was sinless who could cast the stone that day
his name is a know something when it comes to stoning that lady that girl the Pharisees would if they could but they could not Jesus on the other hand could but he would not [Applause] the Bible tells us one by one they left convicted by their own conscience conscience from the oldest you know the intrigues me that the oldest one left first I always thought when you grow older you have less of a problem with you with your sin consciousness it gets worse when you get older so the oldest one left unto the youngest until
there's no one left but Jesus and the girl and Jesus went to her she was probably crying and Jesus says woman where are those accusers and for the first time she looked up with tear-filled eyes and says no man Lord then he says neither do i condemn you go and sin no more now listen listen the church has it backwards the church says go and sin no more first then we won't condemn you but Jesus gave her the gift of no condemnation which empowered her to go and sin no more condemnation people will be empowered
to go and sin no more hallelujah what a failure you know I believe as that lady left with all the burnouts in row away from her shoulders Jesus my Linh says father another one said to my account which he'll pay at the cross because you see the reason why there is no condemnation for you and I today wonderful as that truth is it's not because God has gone soft on sin God is holy his Trice holy he's a wonderful God but he's the holy God but every sin was born in the body of Jesus and
when he hung there on the cross he took your sins and my sins and God's holiness holiness unleash his fury and holy indignation and wrath against all lawlessness against all sins and shake at the strength of the curse of lawlessness fell on Jesus he exhausted all of God's judgment and try [Applause] ha [Applause] now I'll go on help yourself and now the reason why there is present tense now no condemnation for you and I even when we sin it's not because God has gone soft it is because God's holiness cannot punish the same sin twice
the law of double jeopardy when you sinned look to the cross and say Lord thank you is paid for if you don't do that something inside you your DNA is very smart when you condemn yourself is simply the cells of your body say he wants to condemn himself he wants to hurt himself let's create a disease doctors call a psychosomatic auto immune disorders when your body fights the gains it served people are sick today not because of sin sin is taken care of people are sick because of condemnation condemnation kills so when you sin what
you do look away from self to the cross and say father thank you there is my judgment there is my beating and all the cells in your body go pee boys relax the price is paid as well and you are on your way to wholeness recovery life and health what a savior the dying teeth rejoice to see that fountain in his day and there may I doe file s he wash all my sins away wash all my sins away wash all my sins away and then I don't let see wash all my sins away there
is a fountain filled with blood drawn from in my new Wells veins and sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains [Music] Oh Oh the guilty stains and sinners if you are blessed by this video please feel free to comment on what spoke to you hit the like button or share this with a friend who needs encouragement don't forget to subscribe if you don't want to miss out on any of my latest videos thanks for watching and I'll see you again soon